#I need a Moondrop fizzyfaz
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bilolli · 2 years ago
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side effects: restlessness and shakiness, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, fast heart rate, dehydration, anxiety, dependency. It’s raccommended to not drink more than one can every 48 hours.
(now avaiable on InPrint with Moondrop)
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glambots · 2 years ago
Can you write some romantic headcanons for a stressed reader with insomnia? For Freddy, Monty, Sundrop and Moondrop
Shocked I haven't done HCs of these before with Moon! (But I have done a scenario...Which reminds me that I still gotta fix the Scenario part of my Masterlist rip...)
🎩Glamrock Freddy + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🎩
⭐He is very sorry to hear that you are dealing with these issues, Superstar. This must be why you seem so tired all of the time. Is there anything he can do to help? Would you like a blanket, or a pillow? You may rest on his green room's couch, if you would like.
⭐Speaking of, his green room is a very relaxing environment. Freddy likes to spend most of his nights answering fanmail, so you can spend as much time as you'd like either helping him organize things, or relaxing on the couch. Either way, it's warm, cozy, and quiet.
⭐During the rare times that you have fallen asleep there, you'll often wake up with a blanket draped over your body, a pillow tucked beneath your head, and a Freddy bear snuggled into your arms. He just wants to make sure you're comfortable while you're resting.
🐊Montgomery Gator + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🐊
⭐Damn, that sucks. Why didn't you tell him you had so much trouble with eating? (No, Monty, that's not...well, he's got the spirit.) After he figures out what Insomnia actually is, it all clicks into place. Oh, shit! No wonder you look like that! (Like That, he says...)
⭐Seriously! He thought the dark circles under your eyes were a "style" thing. Now that he knows, he's curious about what he can do to help. Well, uh...if you're ever feelin' tired enough, you can crash in his pad. He's got a spare couch. Just...don't ask about the claw marks.
⭐Yeah, Monty's couch might not be the most comfortable place to sleep, but he does his best to keep it comfy for you. He's got a blanket. Like...one good pillow. And a Monty plush! So. Yeah. He's doing his best with what he's got. (Which isn't much, really.)
☀️Sunnydrop + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:☀️
⭐Ohhh, that's no fun! But you know what that means? It means you can have a Slumber Party! And you can stay up allll night! Don't worry, he's got so many games you can play, you won't be sleepy at all! Just trust him, this is gonna be the funnest night of your whole life!!!
⭐Every time he sees you starting to droop or get increasingly drowsy, he does his best to try and get your energy back up. Sundrops, FizzyFaz, sudden unexpected loud noises...don't fall asleep yet! You've still got...a bunch more hours to go till morning!!!
⭐He knows it's not good for you, but he still can't help but feel a little happy. Because it means he gets to spend more time with you! It's--it's nice. To have this time all by yourselves. He wishes you could do it more often. (N-Not all the time, of course! Just...every now and then...)
🌙Moondrop + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🌙
⭐Of course, it bothers Moon the most out of everyone. Mostly because of his programming, but also because he can see the toll it's taking on your health. You need to sleep. And when he's around, he's going to make sure that you will. In one way or another.
⭐You will be wrapped up in a soft blanket, surrounded by pillows and plushies, and lulled into a relaxed state by his internal music box and you will like it. If he's got to force-feed you Moondrops, he'll do it. He's trying to help but...sometimes it's a little much.
⭐He knows it's not good for you to be sleeping "on-the-clock," nor is it good for him to be messing with your sleep schedule like this, but...it's also very hard for him to control. He just wants to help. And, thanks to his programming, it's the only way he really knows how to.
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glambots · 3 years ago
Rating: SFW
Wordcount: 1.8k
In which Moon is a bully and forces you to take a nap.
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You were so fucking tired it wasn’t even funny.
After another sleepless night of tossing and turning, you’d resigned yourself to your slogging your way through your eight-hour shift of chasing down hyperactive, sugar-addled toddlers. Which was already a hard enough task on your best days. And a form of torture on your worst.
Today happened to be one of the latter.
Which was why, after four solid hours of helping Sunny wrangle the children, you were more than ready for “nap time.”
Nap time, of course, wasn’t nap time for you. But it was your lunch break. Which meant that while the kids slept, you would have a solid hour of peace and quiet in the break room.
Moon, however, seemed to have other plans.
He usually let you be when you went on your lunch breaks. You saw him sometimes, and even spoke to him occasionally, but compared to the time you spent with Sun, you weren’t particularly close.
So, it was a surprise when he approached you out the blue, after the two of you had helped the kids organize their sleeping spaces.
“And where do you think you’re going?” He’d asked, head cocked to the side as he leaned against the exit of the daycare, effectively blocking you in.
“Uh, to lunch?” Your words were slightly slurred from how tired you were. God, you needed a FizzyFaz stat. The stuff tasted like battery acid, but it was packed with enough caffeine that it’d keep you from passing out in a pile of your own drool.
Moon held up a finger, wagging it back and forth with a teasing giggle. “Ah-ah-ah. Didn’t you hear? It’s nap time.”
He rolled his eyes, the little red beads gleaming in the dimmed lights of the daycare. “Your energy levels have been low all day.”
After a pause, his gaze narrowed. “Did you stay up past your bedtime again? Oh, naughty-naughty!”
“Not of my own volition.” You sighed in exasperation, but Moon just giggled again.
There was something about the way he chided you like that, that made your whole face go hot. He just had a way of getting under your skin, and you both knew it.
Moon tsked, shaking his head. “You’re helpless, you know that?”
“It’s not like I don’t try!” You hissed, throwing your hands up in the air. Your voice came out louder than you meant for it to, and you threw a glance over your shoulder to make sure you hadn’t woken any of the kids.
They were still asleep, thank god.
“Listen, I don’t have a lot of time, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to go to lunch now and—"
When you turned back around, he was right in your face.
You squeaked in shock, stumbling back and nearly falling flat on your ass. Moon caught your wrist at the last second, yanking you back to safety with another maniacal giggle and saving your poor tailbone from a potential bruising.
“You’re trying to lecture me and look at you! Hardly able to stand up straight.” He tsked again, his cold grip tightening slightly on your arm. “You need to sleep.”
“I can’t—”
“You can.” He stated simply. “Come here.”
Before you could comprehend what he was doing, Moon had thrown you over his shoulder and was carrying you to the innermost circle of the center, where the kids were sleeping.
“What are you doing?” You hissed, trying to wriggle free. “Put me down, dammit!”
“Shhh, you’ll wake the children!” He whispered with a snicker, tip-toeing his way gracefully through the maze of little bodies until the two of you were on the other side of the makeshift “mine field.” Only then did he drop you—directly onto your back. “And watch your language.”
“You—” You wheezed, struggling to catch your breath after it had been knocked out of you so suddenly. “You can’t just manhandle me like that—!”
Something hit you in the face, cutting off your curse with a soft “Oof!” You scrambled to yank the thing away, fearful that he’d just snapped and decided to attack you out of the blue—only to realize that the projectile you were clawing so desperately at was a pillow.
Moon giggled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “Always so stubborn! Be glad I’m being lenient with you, I’m not usually so patient.”
You huffed, leaning back on the thing he’d dropped you onto. It was soft beneath your hands.
“Is this a cot?”
You thought you’d used all the ones you had to set up for the kids. Apparently, there was a spare, and Moon had saved it specifically for you. It was a…shockingly kind gesture.
Before you could even think of mustering up a thanks, he was pushing at your shoulders, easing you onto your back.
“Relax. I can help.”
His tone was soft, coaxing even. Not even a hint of humor glimmering beneath. You hated the way your body immediately reacted, allowing him to maneuver you until you were practically lying underneath him, the pillow clutched to your chest like some sort of flimsy shield.
“Um.” You felt like your whole body was on fire. “You’re too close.”
“Hm?” Moon’s head cocked to the side. “Your temperature has risen considerably.”
“Are you…blushing?” His tone was mocking, and it made you bristle.
“No!” You quickly rolled onto your side, trying to ignore the way your face was burning. “Are you planning on watching me sleep or something? You got me here, now leave me alone.”
“Ungrateful little brat.” He flicked your ear, and you swatted at his hand in retaliation. “You’re lucky I like you.”
It took you both a moment to just comprehend what he’d said.
“What did you—Ack!”
Without warning, he threw a blanket over your head.
“Stop doing that!”
After a moment of squirming, you finally got yourself into a comfortable position. Pillow beneath your head, blanket tucked around your body, eyes closed, and lying on your side…
Totally unable to sleep.
Which was about what you had expected. This was no different from when you were in your own bed, only now there was a creepy animatronic hovering over you, watching you. Waiting. Staring.
“…Stop staring at me.” You mumbled. Even with your eyes squeezed closed, you could feel his gaze burning holes into your back.
“You’re supposed to be asleep.”
“I told you. I can’t.” With a sigh, you rolled over to face him.
Moon sat on his podium, legs swinging over the edge as he overlooked the sea of sleeping kids…and you.
“It’s always been like this.” You whispered, sitting up as he dropped back down to the floor, as silent and graceful as a cat. “I’ll probably pass out once I get home. But right now, I just…”
You shrugged. Despite how exhausted you were, and how comfortable you felt, it was like your brain just wouldn’t shut off. Your thoughts kept coming and going, like a constant, endless waterfall. For hours, you’d lie there, begging your subconscious to shut up, for just a minute, a second, for any semblance of peace from your own mind.
It never came.
“You’re thinking too much.” He crisscrossed his legs as he sat down next to you. “You need to relax.”
“It’s easier said than done.” You sighed.
Moon tapped his fingers along his knee, his eyes moving over your face for a moment before he rolled them, heaving a dramatic sigh of his own.
“So difficult.”
That was all the warning you got before you felt him lifting you up like you weighed nothing. His arms moved with a frightening speed, wrapping the blanket around you until you were effectively burritoed inside of it. You blinked, unable to even wriggle without feeling like a fly in a spider’s web.
“Moon, what the hell—”
“Watch your language.” He replied, pulling you into his lap. “You’ve left me no choice.”
“You are so lucky my arms aren’t free right now, or I’d hit you.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
You wouldn’t. Mostly because it wouldn’t do anything, but also because—while you hated to admit it—this was very comfortable.
Sure, you’d been hugged by Sunny before. Enough to know that beneath his clothes was mostly soft, plushy covering coating the endoskeleton and internal wiring. Like a life-sized Squishmallow. And you probably should have assumed Moon was the same, considering they were essentially the same animatronic, just with two different “modes.”
And yet, being curled up against him like this, it still somehow came as a shock to you.
Moon was softer than any pillow you’d ever slept on, and without even realizing it, you found yourself sinking into his embrace. His arms curled around you, cupping your back and beneath your knees, your cheek resting on his shoulder with your head tucked beneath his chin.
You were used to his touch being cold, compared to Sun’s heat. But right now, he felt like a space-heater.
Or maybe that was just you.
Either way, this was the most comfortable you’d ever been in your entire life.
“What is your outfit made of?” You mumbled, fighting to keep your eyes open. “It’s like velvet but…softer. Fleece?”
He shrugged, swaying from side-to-side slowly. It took you a second to realize that he was rocking you.
“You better hope none of the kids wake up and see this…cause if they do, I’ll personally decommission you.”
Even as you said it, you yawned.
“Sleepy?” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No.” You lied.
Beneath the fabric of his outfit, you could hear Moon’s internal systems clicking and whirring. But it wasn’t nearly as noisy as you’d expected it to be. It was more like…clockwork.
Slow, methodical, and oddly soothing.
And then he started to sing.
Not full-on sing, like Sun often did, but hum. He was humming a lullaby, one that you couldn’t place, but still sounded oddly familiar. All those things, combined, was slowly drawing you into a state of peace that you’d never known before.
As your head lolled, you could feel his thumb rubbing circles into the small of your back. It was such a gentle, almost tender gesture that you wanted to comment on it, maybe tease him a bit, but you were just too tired to get the words out.
“You’re lucky I like you.”
His earlier words echoed in your head. You’d taken it as teasing.
Now you couldn’t help but wonder if there was some truth to what he’d said.
“Moon?” You whispered.
“Did you…mean it?”
“Mean what, starlight?”
Starlight. He’d never called you that before. Sunny sometimes called you “sunshine,” but you’d chalked it up to just being a friendly banter thing. Now it felt…
The way he said it…
There was a tenderness there that was undeniable.
You smiled to yourself. “Nevermind. Jus’…thanks. For this.”
As sleep finally began to creep in, you felt his fingertips brush against your cheek.
Sweetly. Gently. Lovingly.
“…You’re welcome.”
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