#I missed my boys we went out on the beach today suckering folks into giving us silver for shells
livefromsummerview · 3 months
Persie ?? a person?? bit you??? why did they do that, do i need to fight them??
Haha no Crab’s one of my boys! I still don’t fully know why they bit me but hey. What can you do?
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agentredfort · 7 years
ruby redfort fic masterlist
What is this- geek central?
welcome to the Ruby Redfort fic masterlist, where I do my very best to collect every single bit of fic that’s out there on the internet for your convenience!
I’m not listing these based on quality (and besides, there’s not exactly a lot out there so i can’t pick and choose) so there’s going to be a wide range of fics in this list. any fics that I especially like will be marked as [PERSONAL FAVORITE]. any fics that I’ve added in recently will be marked as [*NEW*]. ships will be tagged!
if there’s any fics that you’ve noticed I’ve missed- or if you’ve written something yourself!- either shoot me an ask or a message via Tumblr and I’ll add it straight away. 
A Guide To Love For A Bozo [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] Ruby/Clancy
This is a cluby fan-fic written by Agent Baker. Take a look to find out what happens.
despite the sparse description, this is actually pretty good.
Always [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Oneshot, complete!]
Ruby is suffering from nightmares, but Clancy will always be there to make her feel better.
hella sweet. ruby needs a hug
Aren’t We All a Bit of a Bozo? [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [oneshot, complete!] Hitch/OC 
Heather looked across at Lydia as they ate their morning toast. “LB reckons there is going to be a new coding agent today, some kid. You know, the one Hitch is looking after.”
interesting concept!! 
Bozo [wattpad] by Kaya_Tano [multichapter, ongoing] Clancy/Ruby
Ruby Redfort, a thirteen year old Spectrum Agent, is facing more than just trouble at work. Her hormones are raging and her best friend Clancy Crew has fallen for her, hard. But Ruby doesn't notice because she is too busy trying to solve her latest case at Spectrum, and how will she cope when one of her closest friends is killed by the notorious murderer The Count, who is supposed to be in a high security prison? And who is the mole at Spectrum who is leaking information to him?
 not bad. i’m not a big fan of the ‘spectrum pairs ruby up with a cute boy her age’ plot, but this seems to be decently-written.
Changed at Birth [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Twoshot, now complete!] Background Hitch/Blacker 
“They said mum should have killed me with iron,” whispers Ruby.
the folk tale au i never knew i wanted tbh. only halfway done at the moment but it’s such a cool concept and it fits really well??
Convincing LB [wattpad] by Jasmine3103 [Oneshot, complete!]
I really wanted to know what Hitch said in CYD to convince LB to give Ruby another chance. So here is my version.
this was a really good missing scene sorta fic! give it some love if you’ve got a chance, the author seems really lonely to me
Family Ain't Just Blood [ao3] [tumblr] by celestialskies [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*]
Ruby looked up, aware that she probably looked like someone had tried to rock her to sleep by dragging her through a hedge backwards several times. Six hours of sleep over three days can do that to a person.
"Couldn't sleep," she muttered. In her tired state, she barely noticed Hitch's expression shift from one of surprise surprise and mild amusement to one of concern.
Ruby can't sleep, and Hitch steps in.
goddamn, i’m always a sucker for unconventional family stories. i actually squealed when I saw this one, which should give you  a pretty good idea of how much i enjoyed it
Five times Clancy Crew chained his bikes to Ruby Redfort’s and one time he didn’t [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
The first time it was a mistake- honestly the chain accidentally went through the frame and well, it only held Ruby up temporarily.
this is really hecking cute and is just generally really great. it made me smile a lot. please check it out
Grains of Sand and Love [tumblr] by  blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Ruby/Clancy
Being sixteen suddenly brought the barbecues on the beach, adolescent drinking and all the drama that it comes with.
it’s no secret by now that I love this author, this is soft and lovely and good and you should really read it
High School Sweethearts [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Ruby/Del, Hitch/Blacker
There was no way you could look between Blacker and Hitch and think ‘brothers’.
short and oh so very sweet. i think i’m crying. this one is so good, my gay little heart is appeased
hold on tight [wattpad] by w0nderland-writing [multichapter, ongoing]
Ruby Redfort never gets a break, and in this story Ruby goes on an epic adventure in the Grand Canyon.
pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. a bit scattered but mostly coherent.
In which Ruby was right to worry [ao3] by Wolfiethepretzel [oneshot, Complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Froghorn was a constant nuisance in Ruby's life. But as soon as he disappeared she realized she'd rather him be about.
perfect Ruby characterization and some really hecking good bonding/character development. if you read nothing else on this list, at least check this one out.
Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last Breath [wattpad] by WARNINGwhovian [very long, complete!] Clancy/Ruby, background LB/Baker [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Meet Ruby Redfort, a super cool teenage wannabe spy. She's been through thick and thin and survived things from a giant sand timer to a legendary sea monster to invisible thieves to mythical wolves. She's already one of the most experienced agents in her agency, Spectrum, without even being an official one yet. She thinks she seen it all. But Ruby's entering a dangerous stage of life where she is vulnerable to many things, lots of things she knows nothing about. But Ruby is unduly worried about the years to come. She's a dauntless girl. But when things start to go wrong in her social life, her agent training in Spectrum and the return of an old foe start kicking off and suddenly, everything happens at once. And Ruby is faced with a choice. A dream job at a top secret spy agency with an astronomical pay, or a scrawny boy who doesn't believe in a dangerous life. Ruby Redfort, the choice is yours.
to my knowledge, the only completed longfic in the fandom so far. although it could do with a bit of editing, the quality is overall excellent and there’s some twists in there that even i wasn’t expecting. I especially loved the Ruby-Hitch dynamic and interactions in this one. If you’ve got a spare hour or two, I definitely recommend that you check it out!
Riding the Rails [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Crossover with Railhead 
“The Guardians want you, Ms Redfort,” says a station worker as Ruby stops her game of Rock paper scissors with Zen.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard of Railhead before, but was super cool nonetheless. it feels super surreal and the details were a+++- go check it out
Rosetta Redfort: Freefall [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] background Clancy/Ruby
Ruby's daughter, Rosetta, discovers her secret-Spectrum.  A conspiracy to steal a gem that will lead to a collapsing mountain and a giant flood.  Will Rosetta crack like a diamond under pressure or will she stand strong?
an interesting take on a future-fic. might not be everyone’s cup of tea but i kind of liked it.
Love is blind, well Ruby is. [ao3]  [tumblr] by Neondragon54 [Oneshot, complete!] Blacker/Hitch
It's well known to the entirety of Spectrum not to go into the coding room after Hitch had returned from a mission. Everyone (Blacker) is distracted and more than once has an important agent (LB) walked in on two agents kissing.
Ruby doesn't know this rule.
Goddamnit, now I’m invested in this ship. this is also super good, read it.
Movie Night [tumblr] by goldstarsforall [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] Blacker/Hitch
They got to the cinema a lot earlier than either of the men expected. It was a clear night, the air felt crisp and clean and if they hadn’t booked Hitch would have just wanted to sit in the park and talk.
heckin’ cute lil’ oneshot. a Good Ship. a Good Fic.
Ruby Redfort: Don't Look Around [wattpad] by maybeitsdella [multichapter, ongoing]
Welcome back Ruby Redfort: every smart kid's smart kid. 
After making Larva, Ruby Redfort's career in espionage is sending her off the ground running. There's no time to sit at home, with Clancy (who might just have a crush on her), sipping on banana milk, watching Crazy Cops. Not when the Count is still out there, and not when the Silent G is just sitting there waiting for her to fail (or die).
A promising start, this fic looks quite interesting. It’s only got a few chapters so far but I’m definitely going to be following it closely
Ruby's Rule 6 [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Multi-chapter, ongoing!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Ruby and Clancy have each other's backs - no matter what. So what will they do when they realise that sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our biggest weaknesses?
hell yeah, multi-chapter!! i really love how Ruby and Clancy bounce off each other so far, it feels super real. I’m honestly looking forward to reading more from this author. i haven’t felt this excited for a fic in a while
Silence Is Golden [tumblr] by blackers-donuts  [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ruby was finally going to bury the hatchet with Froghorn by asking him for help. 
this is possibly the softest thing i’ve read in my entire hecking life. basically just the code team chilling around and bonding and honestly it’s just so sweet and good
Some kinda death wish [ff.net] by Bubbly Washing Machine [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
They stood at the bottom of the stairs, in the dark, and argued. "Rube, don't go up there," said Clancy desperately, "just wait for the rest of the team." "Look bozo, someone's gotta take her out before she catches on and splits the scene." Clancy looked her in the eye, pleading. "Please. Wait for backup."
Beautiful little character study- cute and poignant.
Sweating Is Totally (not) Necessary [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Blacker/Hitch, Ruby/Del
The phone finally picked up, Ruby knew it was still Clancy’s first few weeks at the desk of Buzz and he was getting a grip with the phone system but it really should be quicker.
This wonderful person wrote this for my birthday, so of course I freaking love it. it’s a great character study and just generally all-round a Good Thing- there was a coding segment midway through that I particularly enjoyed!!
Other Things
The TeamSpectrum Collection on Wattpad- an assortment of short fics, competitions and discussions that’s been put together by a whole lot of users, including me! Definitely worth checking out. 
My own wide very small assortment of fanfiction, located over on this page! it’s not included here on the masterlist because- well, posting my own stuff is a tiny bit awkward- but i hope you read and enjoy my work all the same
My ongoing Social Media AU can be found here. 
LAST UPDATED: 14/08/2017
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