#I miss u blaseball
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whales-are-gay · 7 months ago
blaseball has been dead for too long. it took me a minute to remember what maximum blaseball was today
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veilk · 6 months ago
[said with longing] The Breath Mints.
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limelocked · 11 months ago
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thought blaseball was trending because i cant read n now im the big sad
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sol-sketches · 2 years ago
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legends say that she was a skater boy............
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echoequinox · 1 year ago
I miss blaseball but not for any of the reasons anyone else misses blaseball
Like I did love Jaylen and Mike, don't get me wrong (Hotdogsend 4ever) but more than the characters I missed picking a team, getting attached, and wanting every other team to BURN. I wish they would've encouraged that competitive spirit more. It became a collaborate effort so quickly that the sport of it all kind of faded away
Which I get, it was a story about community and all that jazz, blah blah etc, but like. Man. I miss being like "Fuck yeah send the Tigers our shittiest pitcher, fuck those guys they've had it too good for too long", and the competitiveness of trying to drag other people down to our level was so funny and cool. I loved that
Also I loved the random murder which everyone else didn't seem super keen on which booooo lame
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basaltbutch · 9 months ago
hi give me propaganda about your #1 favorite blaseball team (or top 3 if top 1 is hard). this is your invitation to go absolutely fucking ham <- he needs help deciding which team to give a big role in his selfship isekai fic (posting this ask publicly is totally fine btw :3)
HI THIS IS. NOT A HARD QUESTION AT ALL I AM A HELLMOUTH SUNBEAMS FAN FOR LIFE!!! the sun tattoo over my collarbone may or may not be in honor of them, even.
we are just some guys in what was previously moab, swallowed up by the hellmouth when the forbidden book was opened. anyone who enters the town is irreversibly changed and can no longer leave the hellmouth/can leave but will always feel a drive to return . which is why we have an anti-tourism board <3
we were one of the larger teams if i remember correctly, and the solarium discord server is still going strong!! we were also featured on quite a few of the garages songs— the tug, the asphodel, and adaptations (body horror warning for that one) are my personal favorites.
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fabledivine · 2 years ago
ok more options do as many or as few as you want. hiroto 06. selfishly? aaliyah 48. landry in 61. paula 80. phones (any or all of them) in 38 or 49
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(aaliyah belongs to cedar!)
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miketownsends · 1 year ago
anyway today im listening to old Garages albums and crying bc i miss blaseball
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whimsyfreak · 2 years ago
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year ago
12. actually also one more thing, blaseball was CHOCK FULL of perfect storm scenarios. they were super common while still all genuinely being impressive and exceedingly unlikely because there were enough mechanics in play that tons of really different ones could manifest at any given time
13. despite only running for under 3 years, there is so much about blaseball to learn and know and experience that you could learn new things about it forever. but a lot of its lost to time im afraid
14. blaseball gave me friends :) the fourth strike server and my blaseball mutuals and especially the fridays <3 teams were such lovely little communities and i love mine so so much. the fridays my best friends the fridays <3
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[ID: reply from @seveneyesoup: "okay i'll bite what the hell is blaseball (i looked it up on wikipedia i have a general idea of if but it doesn't like, tell me what it was like following the game at all) /end ID]
this is such a good question that the answer gets its own entire post!!!!! im gonna try to distill it for u as best i can here goes
very much colored by what team u were a fan of if u were like me and in maincord. because a) teams had different cultures / lore / players / etc and b) they also had different stuff happen to them. however everyone did experience the same plot
it was something you could open any hour of the day :) like if i was bored at 3am i could just open blaseball (provided games were running)
you ALWAYS had questions. there were not answers for 75% of them. sometimes it was because the question was never designed to be answered in the first place. other times it was because we just LITERALLY did not know. also, out of the 25% of the questions we DID have answers for, 10 of those percents required you to make a spreadsheet to answer it, and 5 of those percents required you to seek out a specific guy who can answer it for u. the rest could mostly be answered by going into maincord and asking. but crucially the only way to determine which of these a question was was asking anyway.
it was basically like if fantasy football was both. an arg and massively multiplayer and also fucking insane. we were making choices having no idea what anything did and i cannot tell you how many monkeys paw situations there were. we were straight guessing up in that bitch
bits were everything in the discord. goku got incinerated once. there was a bee wedding. my team (the fridays) suckered the mods into giving us a second emoji once. bits got beaten like winnie hess after season 24 day 3 (a dead horse). it was incredible
so many fucking spreadsheets. awesome
THE FAN MUSIC SCENE WAS THE BEST THING EVER. like i think blaseball was probably the SINGLE best fan culture in terms of fan music ever created. it was really, really, really absurdly popular, moreso i would say than fanfic
loring players was so fun everyones ideas were so different and cool. most players were queer it was super fun. VERY VERY queer space and very awesome. it was fantastic in that regard
anything you could imagine probably happened in blaseball.
when in doubt, its a pun. or some kind of wordplay (chances were if u were theorizing, if it was a pun then you were at least close)
the discourse was so bad sometimes though (like. necromancy discourse sucked so bad. like please stop taking it so seriously necromancy is inherently funny!!! also oh GOD yorkcourse that was the WORST. basically ppl were mad that the fridays lored our favorite player as an 8 year old boy considering players die in this game)
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cryinginblaseball · 4 days ago
ok so like.. what actually goes on in blaseball. i know it was like a gambling ish game? like u could bet on teams ??? thats like.. all i know though
You're correct! The idea was that you'd bet on games (at first it was just who would win), and then you'd take your coins that you won and buy votes with them. Here's a game I actually bet on in Season 2:
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The votes would go towards Blessings, which would make individual players or teams better, or Decrees, which would change how the game was played. In Season 1, we had three choices for Decrees: Redistribute Wealth ("The top five players from the Internet Series champion will be distributed to five other random teams in the league."), Relegation ("The last place team in the league will be eliminated from the league, and replaced with a new team."), Open the Forbidden Book ("It is Forbidden.") The fans dropped 566 votes to Open the Forbidden Book.
The Book Opens.
Solar Eclipse.
Umpires' eyes turn white.
Star player Jaylen Hotdogfingers is incinerated. They were replaced on the Garages rotation by Derrick Krueger.
Hellmouth swallows the Moab Desert.
Which is how we learned that Blaseball was a horror game. One of the big points of Blaseball is that the players could die. They could be incinerated, where they literally burn to death. They could be Shelled (trapped in a giant peanut shell). They could be Alternated, swapped out for a version of themselves from an alternate dimension. Eventually, we found out that death in Blaseball wasn't the way out we thought it was, that death was not the worst thing that could happen to a player.
A lot of us point people to the People Make Games video about Blaseball, which covers the game through around season 8 to 9 (of 24+).
Off the top of my head, things mentioned in this video:
Canada Moist Talkers (Tumblr Tag)(wiki)
Jaylen Hotdogfingers (Tumblr Tag)(wiki)
PolkaDot Patterson (Tumblr Tag)(wiki)
Necromancy (wiki)
The Snackrifice (wiki)
Pitching Machine (Tumblr Tag)(wiki)
The video was well liked with the fans and the Game Band, so much so that Quins was hired to be the Anchor, host of the Blaseball Roundup, an in-universe recap show about the game.
There's so much! And I know that can be A Lot. Blaseball was A Lot. But what we got out of it was an incredible community, some of the best fan art I've ever seen, a mountain of fan fiction, some of my favorite music of all time (have you heard of the Garages? You should listen to the Garages).
My suggestion if you want to know more: all of us on Blaseballblr (no one calls it this lol) want to talk about it. We all miss it, and we all have stories to tell about it. There's people here who want to talk about PolkaDot Patterson or Jessica Telephone or Tillman Henderson or Mike Townsend or Kiki Familia or Eugenia Garbage, or or or! I could tell you where I was when I found out York Silk died, and what For York meant to me. I still get emotional thinking about the Hall Stars walking out onto the field to fight a god, and their thanks for destroying a god and saving the other players was to be Released.
There's so many stories, and we want to talk about all of them.
My other suggestion: find a guy (gn) you vibe with and love them unconditionally. Follow their thread and see where it goes.
And hit me up if you have more questions!
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whales-are-gay · 9 months ago
one of my few college friends who knew me in 2020/2021 jokingly asked me a blaseball q and i answered but i was too sad to infodump BLASEBALL I MISS U....
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theunsubtleknife · 1 year ago
Blaseball, babygirl, I miss u so much
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lycanthian · 2 years ago
hi. blaseball ocs? 👁👁
i have FOUR major sectors of blaseball ocs. and by that i mean i have THREE teams and ONE standalone oc. :3 Today I will talk about one(1) of them. because theyre my favorite. maybe ill talk abt others sometime else if u really want :3
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[ IMAGE ID: The roster of a team titled the Louisville Crash Course. In the Pitching rotation is Devious Denim, a 2.5 star pitcher, Ranchez Drumsolo, a 3 star pitcher, and Levi Massimo, another 2.5 star pitcher. In the Batting lineup is Riot Emily, 2.5 stars, Eclaire Redacted (with physical redaction bars substituted for a last name), a 4 star batter, Stacatto C. Daisy, a 3.5 star batter, Rad Bromeliad, a 3.5 star batter, Jacob Fuzzy, a 4.5 star batter, Miss Chili, a 3.5 star batter, 2X4 (pronounced Two By Four) Girlish, a 3.5 star batter, Hallmark Fortification, a 3 star batter, Lunkhead En Rose, a 2 star batter, Hamsworth Johannes, a 2.5 star batter, Deleted Ibon, a 2.5 star batter, and Dern Becktabular, a 4.5 star batter. The team's icon is a stop sign emoji, and the note at the bottom reads, "HOW DO I DRIVE THIS THING?" End ID. ]
The Louisville Crash Course is a wild team. They debuted in my friend @callibones fan league that I still think about constantly, and swept the competition actually pretty hard! They ended up losing in the finals, if memory serves. Anyways, they're crazy. I change their origin story up every once in a while because I can never find the exact right starting point for them to feel cohesive.
Devious Denim (real name Levi Denim) is a cowboy and a bit of a fashion enthusiast. He comes from way out in the sticks and thinks it's really fun to keep his western gear up to trends with weird colors and patterns. He is, notably, the team's first ever pitcher, and is generally pretty stoic towards most. He has a little brother on a different team named Mal Jean, and when the two are together, they're practically inseperable.
Ranchez Drumsolo is, ironically, the bass player for a small garage band. They do everything in their power to avoid conventionalism and are generally a very chill guy.
Levi Massimo is a theater school dropout with a passion for the stage. He just got roped into this "blaseball" stuff for a fun side gig and got in too deep. He styles his outfits extravagantly off of the field, with a particular knack for costume design.
One thing that these three pitchers have in common is that they are absolutely all dating each other, although they won't admit it to the presses. They are commonly spotted out together, whether that be going to a fancy restaurant or hitting some local stores together. Pitcher polycule.
Riot Emily is a butch lesbian and also the best friend of Ranchez Drumsolo. She is the real drummer in their shared band. She's also generally a nostalgic person, and enjoys revisiting old places from her childhood with Drumsolo frequently.
Eclaire ████████ is a hardcore emo with a propensity for being difficult to pin down. He enjoys being disagreeable and flaky. Identity struggle central.
Staccato C. Daisy is a robot woman made from old junk and, most notably, has a head made from an old FM radio. Xe is happily married to Miss Chili.
Rad Bromeliad is a skater and general gym-goer. He usually travels the country constantly for skating competitions, but he's taken up the sport for a social media spotlight.
Jacob Fuzzy is both a gymnast and a werewolf. While he started in gymnastics and cross-country, Blaseball was his true dream. He has a troubled medical history as a result of his lycanthropy.
Miss Chili is being made of seemingly gelatinized soup, given human form. She is a teacher and a mother of two, and generally the most "adult" person on the team. She is happily married to Staccato C. Daisy.
2X4 Girlish is a mystery. They are four girls that seem to play as one player. Outside of the game, the girls still stick very close to one another and can only be seen talking to one another in a tongue unrecognizable to the rest of the team. When asked for comment by the media, they deliberated before one girl took the mic and flippantly said, "You know, just girl things," before taking the microphone and running. When the camera crew reached their location, they were nowhere to be seen.
Hallmark Fortification is a middle aged man with a hobby of doomsday prepping. He plays to keep his physique up in preparation for any weird supernatural shenanigans he has to face.
Lunkhead En Rose is a shark guy. A smooth boy, if you will. He takes pride in his appearance and general self care, and makes sure his teammates do the same.
Hamsworth Johannes is a particularly non-notable woman. She prefers a quiet life mostly, having worked boring office jobs for most of her days, but took up blaseball full time after retiring in search for friendship.
Deleted Ibon is a creature of void and static with a tendency to fade in between timelines and jump between realities accidentally. It has no control over this power. Despite this, it's generally kind, just a little confused.
Dern Becktabular is a professional blaseball player and has a hobby of being an arcade-goer. They played blaseball briefly in high school, but took a break for college to focus on their studies. They came back to the sport afterwards, and are generally a big brother kind of person to as many people as they can manage.
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polkadotzavala · 2 years ago
omg caz @solphy pings momence
Last song: Are You A Hypnotist?? by The Flaming Lips on spotify and Last Kisses by Daisy The Great on apple music, i fell asleep sunday night to daisy the great and then yesterday i got fight test stuck in my head when i was looking through my concert footage from seeing the flaming lips in person two weeks ago and went to listen to yoshimi again while driving al home
Currently watching: The Mentalist :) hes like really observant of people and facts and shit so he helps the california state fbi solve murders because when he was a tv psychic he pissed off a serial killer who murdered his wife and daughter and now he's on a mission to find the killer
Currently reading: a mentalist fic thats about miss congeniality, and also im rereading and editing my own fic about winnie hess
Current obsession: the mentalist, knitting, my wife, getting a little back into blaseball but not much
idk who id really want to tag @baggedfish @ravenmcqueen1 elya if u wanna ik caz already tagged u
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idonthaveanyurlideas · 11 months ago
oh amazing i mean i always think everything ive written is Peak and awesome and everyone should check it out but ummm if it had to choose
starting with my single twine that ive made about precog trio, Vision of Things To Come which was my final blaseball project to date about my favourite set of events allllllllll the way back in discipline era. It was really really fun and im very proud of it
other blaseball fic i really enjoyed was Mystery Presents which is kind of about passenger in coronation era but also really about passenger just. missing gomi so bad.
and of course Mutualism my blaseball fic of all time. if u want just. all of blaseball (not including coronation era) u got it
and for a non-blaseball, ive been getting back into d20 lately soooo my favourite d20 project is The Assassination Of Princess Sapphria Rocks which is part of my epic acoc au where i decided sapphria just didnt die actually but this story is about the time she nearly did
and my longer fic in that AU Finding Family, which is about saccharina :) the end
i think all my faves have already been tagged so consider it a double tag or anyone else who'd like to join in!!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Luckily, I have written at least five things! <sigh of relief>
In no particular order:
Once Was Lost - The start of it all. I still “enjoy” the feeling that the inevitable approach to the gallows gives.
To Tame A Tiger - We are all miss Blaseball, RIV, and all that. I wasn’t as active as I would’ve liked, but I’m still proud of this piece, and how it gives a bit of character to an underrepresented player.
Future Past - While Once Was Lost is the start of things, this is where a little of the meat of the story starts coming into play.
Pulling Loose The Threads - Escalation is the name of the game here, and shows a solid link to the established canon, which I’m always wary about doing.
Holiday In Eorzea - Not just a Dead Kennedys reference! This is easily the most ambitious thing I’ve written to date, and it’s far from over. The sad thing in my mind is that it comes after a lot of other parts that are yet to be written. But sometimes, stories have their time and demand it.
Thanks for the ask, @brasideios! I’ll leave the floor open for anyone else who would like, but I’d like to hear from @kosmosxipo , @mossy-kit, and @cyndakip - Talk some Spit!
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