#I miss my old top 4 so bad 😞
cnka · 3 months
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Last one I swear (lie)
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bigbumder96 · 1 month
offtopic but can we agree that hand foot and mouth disease is the worst thing ever.
my siblings had it and i saw how much school they were missing, so i let my brother drink out my straw on purpose and i had the worst and only fever i ever had in my life for the next 4 days. i was shivering in the middle of july it was so bad🙁 one day it was pouring with rain and i VIVIDLY remembering walking to the school canteen not even being able to talk cuz i was shivering and chattering so badly.. (it was still humid that day)
then i got a small itchy spot on my hand in the middle of history, then i got smaller spots on my wrist, and then i had a couple on my fingertips which werent that bad tbh thankfully😭
yk those little sores u get on ur tounge sometimes? well i had like 50 of them everywhere in my mouth, including my throat, and i literally could not eat for 2 weeks straight🙁 i gained sm weight from eating nothing but potato waffles and ice lollies😞
and then, finally, i got them on the bottom of my feet.🙁 i couldnt even walk. it felt like i was walking with plastic surgery boob packs tied to my feet it was so gross...
i jumped for joy when it was over, although now my hands and feet are STILL shedding so much skin, it literally looks like i have athletes foot. plus your nails sometimes fall off, and i am incredibly unlucky to have lost half a toenail and the top part of my fingernail !!!
10/10, would definitely recommend trying to catch a random illness off ur 2 year old brother !🥰
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