#I miss my airhead bimbo who only wanted to go back home
spaceofentropy · 2 years
Characters I have played in the past couple of years of roleplay:
A reformed cut-throat bandit.
The security officer of the equivalent of a space-16-wheeler, dumped in a "Event Horizon" kind of mess.
A winter witch who escaped slavery and now gets antsy if she stays in the same place for too long.
A spacefaring telepath who is very done with this shit and fries people's brains or has monsters gnawing at their own flesh.
The middle kobold in a three-kobolds-in-a-trenchcoat kind of set up.
A female musketeer with very little sword skills but a penchant for alchemy and explosions (and very little eyebrows left).
A bounty hunter hunting for a guy in a 1990s Shanghai that is infested by monsters and where the Triads are the least of your problems.
A fishman scout working on a submarine for a minimum wage.
A 1930s airhead bimbo actress set to play the main character of a female-Tarzan kind of flick, who first ends up in the Hollow Earth, and then has to pretend to be a goddess on Barsoom.
There's so much good stuff out there, in terms of settings and rules! We truly live in blessed RPG times, if you look at it the right way.
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Companion concept art for my collab with @professorcalculusstanaccount (which you can see here)! They needed reference for Marlene Katz's apartment, and then I tried my hand drawing some moments from their concept - her disguise, the finale, and helping give Tintin a makeover.
Extended notes below the cut:
With her apartment, I've always envisioned Marlene living with very kitschy decor. As I said to ProfCal, she's someone who decorates based on sentimentality, rather than keeping to a uniform style, so I tried to make her apartment have little bits and pieces of furniture and decor she's picked up throughout her travels. That doll on the mantle is based on a real Cuban doll I have in my home!
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The placement of the evil eye wall ornament was also deliberate. When ProfCal described what they wanted to do with the shootout gif, I thought it would be cool to put in something that's both a sentimental piece of art and symbolic of Marlene's Jewish heritage. The evil eye took the hit for her in that scene.
Story planning assistance was also fun to do, since it ties into a lot of stuff I was planning for The Shattered Emblem...after the events of The Blue Lotus, Rastapopoulos goes to jail, but gets a lighter sentence after making a few bribes. He begins to worm his way into the more criminally-inclined celebrity class, mainly to rebuild connections, especially ones who can help him bend the law better this time. He even crosses paths with Castafiore thanks to his new links to the elites, but the one thing tethering him to his "old" life pre-arrest is Marlene. She's never given up hope on him, even after he got tried for running an actual fucking mob, but Rastapopoulos has only seen her as an air-headed bimbo, a product of being rich and famous and not someone who can actively make him money, so he unceremoniously dumps her.
Marlene is shattered. She goes back to America and she starts teaching ballet to kids in the Bronx, since dance was what she first got into stage productions for. Things actually go really well, and Marlene realizes she likes her new life and being self-sustaining. However, she still misses being in films, even though she's scared to really get back into the industry in case she sees him again. But then he comes to Marlene, now sporting different, ridiculous facial hair and claiming to be a businessman from Gorgonzola, like a character in a bad screenplay. Every nerve in Marlene refuses to trust Rastapopoulos now...it's not because he looks different, but something seems to have warped inside him. This isn't her "Robbie" anymore. She breathes a sigh of relief when all the newspapers declare the Marquis drowned during a standoff in the Red Sea.
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(This is a way sillier version of this scene versus the one in my drafts)
And then, leading up to The Golden Palm - Marlene begins to realize she saw a lot of suspicious faces and activities during her time at Cosmos Pictures. It was all so mundane and inconspicuous that she never brought it up, and Rastapopoulos never seemed to hide anything from her, since he assumed - again - that she was an airhead and not to worry about her noticing. But Marlene was witness to a lot of connections that the people involved would kill to keep hidden...
For people new to my blog, this is the character Marlene is adapted from! She is super minor to the plot, but back in 2020 I kept getting ideas for what this random woman's story was, and the ball kept rolling from there:
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Once again, huge thanks to ProfCal for inviting me to collab with them! It was a ton of fun, and also super humbling to know how helpful my blog has been for others over the years. To think that all of this started after a few shitposts about mobsters! Tintin belongs to the fans, and I'm so glad to have been part of a fan project like this!
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nutbanana · 4 years
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haha whewwwwwww sis slap zimzalabim gays hello laid ease ! name is yuno title is local ghosting legend pronouns r she/her nd we are stuck with nutbanana until i come up w a sexie url <3 this is gna be new for those of u who know me but i’m gna be putting everything into a read more for now instead of slapping 3 links nd calling it a day so hold my hand 😳😳 and for those of u who don’t know me i have two hands for a Reason haha,, nd my disco is @ daddy yankee#7776 ! add me let’s go feral nd if u wna plot send me ur favorite heart emoji here or on disco <3
*   //   𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴 …   /𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙼𝙰𝙽/𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 : umeko saito, also known as hermes, is wanted for grand larceny. she is a twenty two year old female who has ties to the mastermind because of a charity event she was the face of.   𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  : expensive fancy dresses, flirty stares from across the room, signing with red lipstick, a glass of champagne with diamonds in it. 𝙳𝙾 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙵𝙾𝚁  : minatozaki sana.
01.    background info.
pinterest board ─── umeko saito, twenty two, up-and-coming actress, doesn’t like to label her orientation, would definitely be part of cherry twitter
full list of aesthetics so far ( core to what shaped her ) : eating fruit on a balcony in your silk pyjamas, signing with red lipstick, strap of your dress snapping, flirty stares from across the room, a glass of champagne with diamonds in it, cherries seductively held between lips, expensive fancy dresses
umeko was born and raised into one of the most expensive neighborhoods in manhattan, daughter to a magnate and a socialité nobody thought would get too far together. luxury was the norm from the get go, and the low profile kept by her parents didn’t quite make their name go unnoticed among the elite of new york. summers were spent in the hamptons and on expensive trips, walk-in wardrobe stranger to everything below high-end and glasses of champagne coming in early
stardom was always in the back of her head. she loves being the center of attention, all eyes on her for as long as she can attrack them, and so the hunger only grew bigger the older she got. in her young, twisted mind, there wasn’t anything more eternal than the ineradicable link between character and actor, and she loves playing the role. the first real taste of fame came only a few years ago, and it became insatiable almost insantly. she’s been on the rise ever since and has scored quite a few big roles to be proud of
j came into the picture at a point in umeko’s life where she was having fun, but it wasn’t enough. something more exciting, more thrilling was missing. and so they met at a charity event where rich people feel like they’re contributing something to society by bidding big money for famous paintings where umeko was one of the faces of said event. she did not hesitate to join him. after all, it makes her feel like she’s playing an even bigger, more dangerous role
her code name has a lot to do with her as a person ! as a lil taste before getting to it, initially, it was going to be loki, the most infamous trickster, but she felt it gave too much away too fast, and although she felt it was the perfect code name, she opted for someone whose trickster label got overshadowed by more important duties, and so it came to be hermes, who, in a way, is also perfect for her
02.    personality breakdown.
umeko is........ an experience. she may be fun she may be chaotic
umeko saito’s biggest role is life itself, and she will die a legend or risk becoming a fraud. she was born yearning for attention, and she was born a trickster. she has always been manipulative, loved fooling and playing with people and twisting the narrative of herself, enamouring ( trapping ) others, a strange desire to be the dream girl. and she took it upon herself to make the world her personal stage. and maybe she has played the role for so long she has lost a bit of herself on the way, who knows !
everybody’s sweetheart, looks like a saint ─── yet is the devil holding a halo above their head. she loves to stir shit up, always up to something. won’t hesitate to create a scene if it’s needed, asked of her or solely because she’s bored. a lot of her boils down to being, getting bored. she’s a bit batshit, a bit unhinged <3
umeko is flirty. she likes to flirt, it’s fun, it’s another way to fool people, it’s entertaining, it feeds onto this being the girl of people’s dreams thing. it gets her things and opens ways for her, and she thrives off getting people hooked on her, specially men who think they got a chance with her ( they don’t )
she acts like a bimbo and surely looks like it but may not be one. or maybe she is. she could be a baby bimbo. an oblivious bimbo who plays the role of bimbo in real life. you decide because i can’t JKDGVDS
she’s dramatic to the v bone in more ways than one, loves bringing attention to herself and playing dumb, playing clumsy, an airhead, and she’s a bit of everything ( dumb, clumsy, airhead ), but she knows how to exaggerate it to her gain. u won’t catch her calling herself any of that tho
there really isn’t a big scheme, a big story, a trauma behind umeko’s behavior, some people are simply born certain way and she thrives off being this antagonistic, trickster being just because
03.    headcanons.
she lives by herself in a duplex penthouse located on the top floor somewhere in manhattan, she bought it with her first big paycheck. she also has a smaller ( to...... her standards ) apartment she got for her 18th birthday from her parents, and it’s where she takes flings or people who aren’t that close to her as not to disclose her real home
she’s the type to break the strap of her dress before walking out of a store with paparazzis waiting outside for her and pose like she’s marilyn monroe fighting against a burst of air with her white dress, and she’s like “omg no ! the strap of my snapped ! what to do ! don’t take pics or maybe do aha x”
most definitely checks tabloids and stuff after she pulls one of those numbers to grab attention so she can see the reactions And the pics. also probably has a neat instagram feed
she’s the epitome of “all girls do is 🥺🥺🥺🥺” and “girls always trynna ‘🥺🥺🥺‘ their way out of everything”. that’s her
loves cute two pieces pyjamas. silk ones, velvet ones, lace ones, and especially the see-through robes with fur you pair up with cute lingerie and pieces. when at home she’s usually in those, long robe big fur glass of wine in hand, and if not she’s wearing an expensive baddie dress she has no business wearing for no reason
she enjoys dating on and off, having flings, random sex. usually nothing too serious and without too many strings to get tangled in. would she be able to commit ? yes, probably, she daydreams about it sometimes, but it wouldn’t be so easy
despite umeko’s passion for creating a scene and stirring up the pot, she isn’t mean, nor is she someone who is found in conflicts or fights often, if at all. she tends to get along well with everyone ─── she’s playful, a bit crazy, and fairly outgoing. she’s nice despite all her antics. but there is one person that brings out the worst of her, though: nandy freda richardson, fellow new york city socialité with a shared feud going twenty years strong ! they have known each other since they were little and it has kept escalating ever since 💔 it ranges from petty, insignificant antics to more serious, real shit stuff. the catalyst ? nandy somehow managing to make umeko lose a minor role on a small movie she was really anticipating. umeko’s response ? selling her out to aspen when he came asking for more intel on rich people he could rob: she gave him all the information he needed, carefully crafted a foolproof plan then gifted aspen an all - expenses luxury vacation to a destination of his choice <3 umeko was like yeah ? ok i lose my role and you lose your safety money and that one of a kind dress i wanted aha x
when she was sixteen her then boyfriend cheated on her with some chick. the lad pulled the infamous move of playing single and messing with the girl’s heart, so she was unaware of their relationship and was left as mortified as umeko. umeko, though, felt humiliated and, above everything, disrespected, and she also felt for the other girl who was just as much a victim as herself. so umeko made sure he regretted even thinking of disgracing their worth and set for revenge: over the span of a few years she snatched five consecutive girlfriends, one after the other <3 she also kept a good relationship with the girl he cheated on her with
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smallmarvel · 6 years
Tiny Town
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Summary: While on a hunt, you meet Sam Winchester in a bar. You’d figured it’d be the last you saw of him. You were wrong.
WC: 1.6k
A/N: First Sam fic! I was debating on whether or not to make it smut, but for some reason, I just couldn’t. Oops. Here’s some little season 1 Sam for you!
Warnings: swearing, death, driving while intoxicated (don’t drink and drive kids!!!!!!)
Knocking back another shot, you cursed yourself for having such a high alcohol tolerance. 5 shots in and you still felt nothing. All you wanted to do was take the edge off from today’s hunt. This time, a little girl was killed. You were too late to get the creature that did it. Even though in the back of your mind, you knew that you had ultimately saved more people, you hated yourself for not being able to save her.
All of the sudden, you felt a cold splash that soaked through your clothes immediately. If you weren’t sober before, you sure as hell were now. Turning around, prepared to curse whoever just wasted you 20 bucks, you were cut off by an attractive young man who was apologizing profusely.
“I’m so so sorry, I tripped and I’m sorry,” he stuttered. Damn, were you really that scary?
“I guess it’s alright,” you sighed. You only let him off the hook because he actually seemed sorry. It also helped that he was cute. He had shaggy brown hair that fell just above his brow bone. You took in how tall he was, about 6′4″, and how broad. 
“Please, let me buy you a drink,” he said. You shrugged and turned back towards the bar as he sat down. He flagged down the bartender to order the drink. “So, what’re you doing in town?” he smiled, showing perfectly white teeth. 
“Just a little family business, I’m only staying a few days,” you sipped your drink. He smiled again. “What’re you doing in town? Do you live here?”
“Oh, my brother and I are doing a few odd jobs around town,” he explained. “We don’t stay in one place for too long, sort of like drifters.” You nodded. You understood all too well. You noticed he was drinking just water.
“It’s Friday night, why aren’t you drinking?” You asked. At least your back wouldn’t be sticky later. You didn’t have too many clothes to change into. He pointed to his brother, who was busy getting cosy in the corner with a blonde airhead. He was a bit shorter than Sam, although that wasn’t saying much. He still stood above 6′0″ with a sharp jawline. Their parents must have been gods, you decided. Their genes were too good to be true.
“My brother Dean over there and I flipped a coin like we always do,” he explained. “Loser is designated driver.” After a few more minutes of conversation, you looked at the clock above the bar wall. 11 pm. You had to get up early to flush the nest of the creatures you were in town to kill, and they slept in the early morning. The perfect time to attack and get the rest of the bastards who’d been terrorizing a small family on the outskirts of town. 
“It’s been fun, but I have to get up early tomorrow,” you stood and grabbed your jacket. “Thanks for the drink...” you trailed off, asking for a name. 
“Sam,” he smiled and stood up with you. “What’s your name?” You don’t know why, but you don’t lie and give him one of your many aliases as usual.
“(Y/N),” you smiled back. “Thanks for tonight, Sam.”
“Let me walk you out?” you nodded and he followed you out the door, cursing when he realized that Dean had left him there, no doubt to hook up with the blonde bimbo he’d cornered. He got out his phone. “My damn brother left me again. So much for being designated driver, huh.” 
“I could take you home? It’s really not a big deal, although I’m not sure I’ll have space,” you laughed. “Where are you staying?”
“The motel on fifth,” he answered, typing on his phone.
“Hey, me too!” you said as you opened your saddlebag and pulled out two helmets.
“But you’ve been drinking,” he pointed out, putting his phone away.
“Don’t worry, a couple shots and a martini don’t affect me at all, plus this town is tiny,” you threw him your extra helmet and strapped yours on. “The motel isn’t that far,” His eyes widened.
“Wait, this is yours?” he nodded to your 1968 Triumph Bonneville. You smiled proudly and hopped on.
“Yep, restored her myself,” he buckled on his own helmet and you patted the space behind you. You started the engine and he sat down. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you pulled out of the parking lot, and you blushed. His entire body pressed to yours as you wound through the streets of the small town. He laughed when you drove 30 over the speed limit. His chest rumbled with the laughter and you smiled. When the ride was over, you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. 
“Thanks for the ride,” he handed you the helmet, then reached for his motel key. “Shit, Dean has the key, and there’s no way he’s going to answer the door.” he rolled his eyes. You kicked up the parking stand and laughed, putting the helmets back in your saddlebag.
“Do you want to come back to my room for a drink?” you asked. He smiled and nodded, following you to your room. You opened the door, revealing the severely outdated carpeting and appliances. Your one bag lie on the ground. You kicked off your shoes, encouraged Sam to do the same, then flopped face first on the bed. 
The rest of the night, you both just laid on the bed, watched old sitcoms, drank the free booze in your room, and talked. Still, you knew you weren’t drunk, and you knew Sam was no lightweight. You both maintained intellectual conversations about the future, your hopes and dreams, even some of your favourite memories in the past. He was like the best friend you never had. You were incredibly attracted to him, though. It was kind of hard not to be. He had infectious laughter, the kind that boomed and resonated through the room. It was warm and hearty. One that crinkled his eyes and made his head go back. 
Eventually, you both wound down, tired and content. You lie next to each other. You were very aware of the fact that you were touching. He radiated warmth and smelled so damn good. You never could resist a man that wore good smelling cologne. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this warm and satisfied inside. With the sounds of the tube TV and Sam’s breathing in your ears, you drifted to sleep. 
The sunlight peeking in through the bottom of the blinds woke you up. You were aware of the weight that you bore around your middle. Sam was curled up behind you, spooning you. You closed your eyes blissfully before you remembered the hunt. The only reason you were in town. Your eyes frantically searched for the alarm clock. You read it as 6:30, thanking your lucky stars. 
You slipped out of Sam’s grasp, heading for the door. You looked back at him once more, smiling at how peaceful and cute he looked. You closed the door behind you and walked to your bike. Starting the engine, you pulled out of the parking lot and made your way to the nest. You rehearsed how it would go in your head. You wanted to make them pay after what they’d done to this sleepy town.
You crouched behind the doorframe, watching the creatures as they slept. Your gun was in your hand and your breathing was shaky. No matter how many hunts you would go on, how many creatures you would kill, right before it was go time, you’d choke. Just a little. Just enough to make you hesitate for a few seconds. Nothing major. Nothing that would screw up the mission for you. You were prepared for this. 
What you weren’t prepared for was the movement out of the corner of your eyes and the rustling to your right. Immediately, you pointed your gun at the noise. Sam and Dean walked out with fingers to their lips. “What the hell are you doing here?” you whispered at Sam. 
“What are you doing here?” he whispered back. Dean hit him on the back of the head and held up a finger to his lips once more. They moved so that they had a good look at the nest, right next to you. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but we’ve got this,” Sam said. You rolled your eyes.
“It’s obvious what I’m doing,” you retorted. “And I’m not just leaving. I have some business to finish with these assholes.” Dean looked at Sam.
“Ohhh, that’s where the lot of them went,” he said. “We were wondering where they’d gone. Good on ya.” You just nodded and turned back to the nest. 
“On three,” Dean said. 
Needless to say, you obliterated the nest. They didn’t even know what hit them. Afterwards, you and Sam and Dean went for breakfast at the only restaurant in town. 
“So you’re a hunter,” Sam asked. He sat across from you, next to Dean who was shoving his face full of eggs. 
“Yeah, what did you think the family business was in this tiny town?” you laughed. “I suppose there aren’t many odd jobs here either, though,” Sam laughed this time.
“Usually I say the family business line, so I panicked,” he took a sip of his coffee. You marvelled at how large his hand was compared to the coffee cup. 
“So where are you going next?” you asked. You’d forgotten how lonely it’s been hunting by yourself. You didn’t expect them to just accept you as a partner, but you hoped you’d at least be invited to one more. You’d all kicked ass together today. It felt pretty damn good. Plus, you’d definitely miss Sam.
“Oklahoma, how about you?” you shrugged. Sam looked at Dean who narrowed his eyes. “Do you want to come along? I don’t know if you have plans or anything, I just figured since we did so well back there-” you laughed, cutting off his rant.
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
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