#I miiight delete this if it totally flops. not *that* confident at all
nikolai-jpeg · 12 days
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(Uh. Hi. Misc Au doodles I’m finally posting. The au is called Memory Reboot, I’ll give a brief explanation of the premise below the cut :)
(Psst, click for better quality)
Okay, so the au centers around Fyodor, who wakes up right after the Dragon’s Head Conflict with no idea where he is or how he got there, and only a vague idea of who he is supposed to be. He knows three things for sure: His last name starts with a D, he has a skill of some kind, and he’s completely fresh out of luck. As it turns out, Gifted individuals were instructed to turn themselves in to authorities all over Japan in hopes of regulating Gifted related violence, by filtering out which are allowed to lead normal lives and keeping tabs on all of them.
Fyodor thinks that's dumb, so he doesn’t, and therefore pretty much agrees to the terms and conditions of being on the run for the foreseeable future.
On the round up day (for gifted individuals the government was aware of and couldn’t convince to come willingly), Fyodor does his best to stay low – since really, do they even know he’s there – and slips into a seemingly closed antique store to avoid a storm. Lo and behold, there is another hiding in there; an individual named Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, who formerly worked with the government and was aware of the round up before it was announced and had time to fake his death and hide out.
Fyodor stays with him for a little while, until a knock on the door scares the daylights out of them both. It’s none other than Ranpo, who is doing his best to get to the last of the gifted before the authorities do and accurately predicted their location. They run off, but Shibusawa gets separated from them, and Fyodor ditches Ranpo and the escape plan to go find him. From there, the duo run into Dazai, and the story takes off from there. Part One is all about the dysfunctional trio trying to make it out of the city both alive and in one piece with a tense truce.
Fortunately, they do! Yay. As some of the only remaining on the run Gifteds, they and some of the other Yokohama residents stick together and create a little group to watch each other’s backs and maybe try to liberate some of the captured Gifted who’s abilities were deemed too dangerous or useful.
Part Two is modern day, and I have some ideas for that, but I’ll keep it secret so if this ever does happen, it’s a little bit of a surprise. I will say, I have this hilarious idea of Aya being their little ‘public school spy’ who is keeping a keen eye on her 5th grade teacher, suspecting he was also gifted (it’s Kunikida) and other goofy shenanigans with her involved. But I’ll keep a lid on that for now. Lots of interesting character dynamics I can explore, and writing Fyodor would be SO much fun. I have so much in store for him.
Anyway, if this au seems like something y’all would be interested in, feel free to let me know. I have half of Part One already written, so who knows. Maybe I’ll yap more.
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