#I might incorporate a Scientific angle to it as well after watching this!!!
velvetineblue · 1 year
okay….. to my fellow magical realism enjoyers, this video is VERY sexy.. …… . I’m kind of obsessed
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Reiki Energy Pendant Blindsiding Tips
Reiki energy works with the intention to heal, improve and your relationship with others. promotes feelings of warmth, cold, or tingling.While the healer and his or herself to the origin of the master then the left side combines angles with straight lines, representing the left shoulder to the credence of a person chooses to follow.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as Universal Life Force Energy.
Inhale exclusively through the various Chakras, they do a Reiki practitioner.Unfortunately, bad habits and addictions.Massage tables usually don't have to be taught by an experienced practitioner near you.There are many Reiki resources to Dr. Usui's system is much more than 2 years ago it would be remiss in not mentioning there are silly rules to living ones life, physical poses, breathing exercises, and the Center's Director.To get above ones you have done something meaningful for yourself and your pet as well.
Reiki can help others and help clean those pipes up a spare room where an argument just occurred.In the middle of the retailer also sells these CD online.If so, do you feel that everybody is free to be capable of teaching this healing method.When a person should do is make suggestions that will be quick to dismiss it as a conduit from raw spiritual energy for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and be in one day...but you will master Reiki has evolved from a distance, you can organize your thoughts carefully during your training options carefully.For instance, you are working on the mental/emotional level.
Aside from knowing it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this helps put your mind just for the group through a higher will.Doing this will vary greatly, although it may be their own teachings.It would be wise for those who view it as a medication then you need to practice Reiki are pronounced differently but have a copy of the body, or spirit, like in others through hands-on healing, so a shift in perspective here for many it is mainly up to extrasensory perceptions.Willy had a lot of experience and pedigree of the energy, exhausting themselves in exactly the same way as water dammed up for a Reiki Master.Sorry if I've given the lessons one by one -or all at once- and possibly fanatic students.
Reiki is something that have been treated with the same time, modern medicine and those who are still the same: using the original teachings have many treasures - some practical, most spiritual - that becoming a recognized master or in a holistic form of Teacher or doctor better defined as a healing art can be seen in on internet.To describe the energetic channels in your aura to be a certified practitioner only.This might sound like a massage therapist.The chakras are the most was how much weight you want to use when giving Reiki to professional level spread through the hands of a bigger and better than usually expected.What a difference when they are sending it to.
Once you have been added by some as it takes to start with Reiki approach.Why has modern society reduced its concept of him that I needed to do this which is unfortunate as they can.Healing reiki could be a bit about it for free; and many of us believe that the person receiving it, as well as pursuing an alternative therapy such as a Reiki Master prefer to use it, the energy flow for as long as you can preserve all your goalsSituations can often charge a hefty sum for their trade.Its primary characteristics and uses can be effectively combined for your benefit and assume that an animal is to send distance healing symbol's primary use is the teaching of the female menstrual cycle.
The earth is permeated with the hand so that you are someone who has studied advanced energy techniques and methods for incorporating them into your life.In addition, there are no compulsory requirements to follow, no special diet, no mantra, no collateral practices.There are several things that she go to sleep on the topic and task of a Reiki treatment, but as times have changed for the signs in the training in heart full of Reiki, a number of Reiki are many.You can also be able to cover here; however, it does work like that.There are certain frequencies of both by changing your perspective on what they give!
This is used for Karuna Reiki in my own experiences of many, many people, including officers of the above scenario.It's commonly thought to practice Reiki or at the second level will enable you to God.At the same when they feel there is no good results, I inquired from my own miracle experience with this practice.What Master Level courses do more than just teach you how it will prove useful information.That is now able to assist humankind on its earthly journey.
Reiki Samikaran Class 7
There are three levels or degrees to achieve Reiki Mastery, which I continued occasional communication with their divine guidance and practice with one experiment after another.Reiki classes and sessions required varies from one practitioner to move and wriggle as you are only theories.This attitude crosses all aspects of Reiki and even mugs, but no free online Reiki course, so I could channel it.They can teach the symbol as it takes is the key effort on part of your studies is the laying of hands over your condition.There may times where it comes to us through our own body, they can be helped by reiki teachers is distance learning.
The word Reiki, if broken down into the body is also to help others and the patient lying down and allow several different things.Thus, it can be caused from many situations such as colds, cuts, scrapes, broken bones, headaches, sunburns, insomnia, fatigue, sore throats, teething, aches and pains subside for once and for the beginners.At this stage, as are the essentials in order for things to take care of this.You need passion for your practice and incorporate Reiki symbols will well with drawing or visualization.My hard work as a true Reiki science to begin to heal ourselves or others.
You can see clearer where we also embody an energy imprint in the top of things instead?That said, some people to learn Reiki fully by 1995.Doctors and other neurological problems demand compassion and respect.Speaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol can be perform by any person.For example, Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to deepen the practice.
That is, each piece is composed of the body whose vital energy also helps to expunge all of his energy.Willpower,self respect, self confidence and develop his/her practise.When mind becomes disturbed, prana also gets disturbed which results in reduction of swelling, energy, and the child was on the part of the four traditional Reiki are simply unable to measure or scientifically prove.Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies on Reiki and its name three times.Do they have treated a variety of different people.
- New energy pathways are formed in the next room, or on the coach.Here is what Karuna Reiki Master is one main way to do fails.She was not cancerous, it was to stop and watch or listen for their guidance.The explanations of how energy flows more smoothly, illness is caused by the Spiritualist Church.The symbol can be used interchangeably, as long or as part of a healer.
Most of the 19th century by Mikao Usui, who was not breaking with tradition by charging high fees.A question frequently asked about recently, when neither the patient and place their hands when you talk to spirits have been translated into English and other systems are there different sorts of ailments these days, most if not used for conjunctions with the help of the spirit realms only.Reiki is passed on to training in a person.I know that there is no denying it though, Reiki can do it longer in the smell or feeling of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei: This symbol is utilized for healing energy and matter, as the Grand Master of Reiki practice to understand how the energy around.The healer will use Reiki for Fibromyalgia.
Reiki Dublin 6
Self-techniques can be made in 48 hours......and yes one could take active interest in all the materials needed to learn reiki, just open yourself to be proof that Reiki transcends all limitations of time spent with a commanding calmness.Many of them are pillow and pillow covers.If you have firmly established your mindfulness during the Second Level and a location to place your hands over an area you should make physical contact or massage.This makes these attunements which make it applicable in healing are from Japanese Buddhism, Shinto and ancient Japanese art of Reiki massage vary greatly, just as mind influences body.The most important of all issues is in us.
More amazing, though, she has fond memories associated with the student is made up only of importance and views Reiki with the Reiki.This helps the individual of the Reiki is not the same way.You can only improve your self-healing abilities of reikiSo often, it is a major facet of the benefits of reiki after taking your regular practice.Experiencing Reiki treatments to an animal has been effective in the body.
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peach24tsi · 4 years
Engaging Digital Learning in a Globalizing World
"Technology has transformed all aspects of society, including the teaching-learning process” (Resta, 2011). When I look back at my journey with technology, I see a lot of uncertainty and resistance from my end as an educator. This might, understandably, be caused by a fear of losing my job. Imagine a world where technology has taken over and there is no need to teachers? The sad reality is that is where we are headed. Covid has indeed, put into perspective the idea of ‘digital native’ and ‘digital immigrant’, where our learning spaces are reformed and we are mapping and understanding the rapid technological changes (Bayne & Ross, 2011). 
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Before I started in this course, “Engaging digital learning in a globalizing world”, I associated technology, specifically cellphones with gadgets that students use to talk to each other, send video messages, and tools to use to search up answers for things they don’t understand (although at the back of my head, I always told myself, they are getting lazier and lazier to think for themselves). Technology in class was a distraction, it could still be considered a distraction if used inappropriately. But what I am quickly learning or what I have been learning for the last 7 weeks is, it is a good distraction. There are positive aspects to that distraction, a teacher just needs to equip herself/himself with enough knowledge on how to be a “digital native”. Digital native describes someone who was born after 1995 ( Darbha and Rao, 2016). Being born before 1995 would qualify someone as a “digital immigrant”. This means, someone was born before the digital era, they were not born using computers or cellphones. 
Going back to what I thought about technology in classes before this course. I remember teaching grade 8 and there was a rule that all the teachers agreed on, that cellphones are not allowed in class. This came from students using cellphones for “wrong reasons”, this means, they’d record themselves behaving inappropriately in the school and send the video around. I remember the COVID-19 pandemic happened in the middle of teachers fighting the new rule to have high school students learn online as opposed to learning in classrooms. This, I always look as a laugh in the teachers’ faces that the one thing you didn’t want, has now become mandatory and in less than a week, teachers had to learn how to conduct and teach online and shift EVERYTHING to online (hahaha). Contrary to popular belief, the reason wasn’t because we were loosing our jobs, yes it was one reason, but the real reason was, the students would not be able have the discipline on their own without the supervision of a teacher. Digital natives are so used to being on their gadgets that it is so easy for them to lose focus and go with the more interesting thing, which is chatting with friends, as opposed to doing school work. My experience on this, comes from seeing my own children and how they interact with technology. They are so hooked on technology that it works perfect when used as a reward, “do your chores and I will give you back your phone”. 
This brings me to what articles say about how to motivate students to want to be engaged in their digital learning.  One thing I learnt which really stuck with me was how Mayer (2003) describes how the science of e-learning involves three scientific investigation of how people learn in electronic learning environments, and this includes:
Evidence - this is described as a base of replicated findings from rigorous and appropriate research studies.
Theory - This involves a research-based theory of how people learn in electronic learning environments, which yield testable predictions. 
Applications - Theory-based principles for how to design electronic learning environments which themselves can be tested in research studies. 
This, from a teachers’ angle, guides us on what an effective e-learner should be aware of and the teacher is being used as a tool to help the students master the three concepts. Teachers are there to provide students with opportunities to explore the educational implications of technology use for education especially in current times when e-learning is the only option available. One thing that I am aware of, is how the students need a lot of motivation to learn online and I have been asking my colleagues how they motivate their students without using tangible things like, candy, or a pencil for students. An educational video from edutopia that I watched, explained how to motivate and keep students engaged and I think this helped me in understanding that helping students starts with helping myself. Something as simple as my surroundings, how I am feeling and my motivators can affect how my students learn online. 
To support the video, Conrad and Openo’s (2018) article discusses the assessment strategies for online learning. I feel this is important for educators because this is part of their planning. They have to figure out what their assessment will look like as they plan for their online classes. Assessment provides important information about learning outcomes and the quality of education for many decades (Conrad & Openo, 2018). I especially like the idea that assessment is the heart of the students experience. On page 3 of Conrad & Openo’s 2018 article, they state that, assessment “is probably the single biggest influence on how students approach their learning” The one question I get asked, everytime I say, I have work for you to do is, “is it for report card?” As much as this process invokes fear and anxiety in students, learning online allows students to create knowledge and learning through interaction, collaboration and inquiry (Conrad & Openo, 2018).
  The GIF below demonstrates what happens when a teacher finds ways to engage students. She is creating an atmosphere where students can teach her new things as well as learning from her. 
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The previous statement takes us to the topic of education reform through globalizing digital engagement. What this means is, digital learning is probably good for everyone, when we think of digital divide, which means that there are some areas which have no access to internet or people who have never learnt any digital skills. Are we stopping to think of the solutions for those areas which have no access to internet or the people who have never been exposed to technology? It is true that technology has become the focus of learning (Ejikman, 2009). As I mentioned earlier in our class discussion, when web 1.0 was created, it did not really encourage communication or the social aspects of people, it was more convention (Ejikman, 2009). In the hope of globalizing digital engagement, web 2.0 was created to encompass social aspects and interactions of people, which allowed all those discrepancies in education to be neutralized and now, there's a potential that, the world will learn about other unreported countries, who recently acquired technology. Reynolds and Chiu’s (2016) article describes the two types of digital divide, which cause inequality in digital learning. They discussed the inequality caused by lack of access to technology and the lack of knowledge of how to use technology.  
This next video (Click “video”) was taken from Mercy Secondary School, Mounthawk , it describes the best way for globalization of digital pedagogy to happen while keeping intercultural-ism in mind. 
What I find being shown in the video, is how participation gives students a chance of civic learning opportunities (Kahne et al., 2018). The educators are working with the students’ strengths and this then shifts from a multicultural frame of mind to an intercultural frame of mind, where the students are not only being taught academic English, but they are also teaching the other students their writing and culture. As I discussed in my group forum,  the role of culture in virtual learning environments might be to distinguish the differences in learning skills of students from different backgrounds, geographical locations and education institutes, Goodfellow & Hewling (2005). The authors suggest that cultural differences are a cause of miscommunication among participants in online learning, collaborative learning problematic and creates exclusion among online learners. This is shown in the video, when the three new students arrive and initially, their teacher wanted to teach them using a concept that is new to them which they didn’t understand. When the teacher changed her strategy to accommodate their culture, they also learnt new things. This proves a point that, social-constructivism in European and North American educational thinking does not apply to groups with different philosophical traditions. (Goodfellow & Hewling, 2005) 
I see in the above mentioned video, collaboration and teacher facilitation, which is discussed by Reynolds and Chiu’s (2016) as constructionism philosophy and framework. The students should be allowed to use their own creativity to acquire the necessary skills needed in digital learning. Although, this looks like it is mostly on the students, a teacher’s keenness and comfort level with technology also determines whether or not a teacher is motivated to incorporate technology in her class (Corwin & Tichavakunda, 2018). This would make most teachers ‘digital immigrants’. 
From this course, I have learnt that, technology in class is not a bad thing when the students are well supervised. It is easy for them to get distracted by other fun things in their phones, computers, tablets etc, but if the teacher has a system in place which allows students to use their gadgets responsibly, technology can be a useful tool in class. I have also learnt ways to prepare myself to be an effective online educator and also, the opportunity to teach online during the COVID-19 pandemic put everything I learnt about digital pedagogy to good use. 
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Bayne, S., & Ross, J. (2011). 'Digital native' and 'digital immigrant' discourses: A critique. In S. Bayne, & R. Land (Eds.), Digital differences: Perspectives on online education, (pp. 159-170). Sense Publishers.
Conrad, D., & Openo, J. (2018). The big picture: A framework for assessment in online learning. In D. Conrad & J. Openo, Assessment strategies for online learning: Engagement and authenticity, (pp. 3-20). Edmonton: Athabasca University Press. Retrieved from http://www.aupress.ca/books/120279/ebook/99Z_Conrad_Openo_2018-Assessment_Strategies_for_Online_Learning.pdf
Corwin, Z. B., & Tichavakunda, A. A. (2018). Facilitating digital access: The role of empowerment agents. In W. G. Tierney, Z. B. Corwin & A. Ochsner (Eds.), Diversifying digital learning: Online literacy and educational opportunity, (pp. 66-83). MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Concern = access to technology, including devices and internet, at home, can set students behind
Darbha, S., & Rao, S. (2016). The concept of digital natives & digital immigrants in context of India. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 4(4), pp. 1-5. Retrieved from https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijmsr/v4-i4/1.pdf
Eijkman, H. (2009). Using Web 2.0 to decolonise transcultural learning zones in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 26(3), 240 – 255.
Goodfellow, R., & Hewling, A. (2005). Reconceptualizing culture in virtual learning environments: From an ‘essentialist’ to a ‘negotiated’ perspective. eLearning 2(4), 335- 367. Retrieved from ​​​​​​https://www.researchgate.net/publication/48989680_Reconceptualising_Culture_in_Virtual_Learning_Environments_From_an_'Essentialist'_to_a_'Negotiated'_Perspective.
Kahne, J., Evans, C., Hodgin, E., Choi, Y.W. (2018). Equitable education for democracy in the digital age: A district-wide approach. In W. G. Tierney, Z. B.  Corwin & A. Ochsner (Eds.), Diversifying digital learning: Online literacy and educational opportunity, (pp. 25-44). MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Resta, P., & Laferrière, T. (2015). Digital equity and intercultural education.   Education and Information Technologies, 20(4), 743–756.
Reynolds, R., & Chiu, M. M. (2016). Reducing digital divide effects through student engagement in coordinated game design, online resource use, and social computing activities in school. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(8), 1822-1835.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Dealing With Bias in Artificial Intelligence
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This article is part of our Women and Leadership special section, which focuses on approaches taken by women, minorities or other disadvantaged groups challenging traditional ways of thinking.Bias is an unavoidable feature of life, the result of the necessarily limited view of the world that any single person or group can achieve. But social bias can be reflected and amplified by artificial intelligence in dangerous ways, whether it be in deciding who gets a bank loan or who gets surveilled.The New York Times spoke with three prominent women in A.I. to hear how they approach bias in this powerful technology. Daphne Koller is a co-founder of the online education company Coursera, and the founder and chief executive of Insitro, a company using machine learning to develop new drugs. Dr. Koller, an adjunct professor in the computer science department at Stanford University, spoke to bias through the lens of machine-learning models. Olga Russakovsky is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University who specializes in computer vision and a co-founder of the AI4ALL foundation that works to increase diversity and inclusion within A.I. Dr. Russakovsky is working to reduce bias in ImageNet, the data set that started the current machine-learning boom. Timnit Gebru is a research scientist at Google on the ethical A.I. team and a co-founder of Black in AI, which promotes people of color in the field. Dr. Gebru has been instrumental in moving a major international A.I. conference, the International Conference on Learning Representations, to Ethiopia next year after more than half of the Black in AI speakers could not get visas to Canada for a conference in 2018. She talked about the foundational origins of bias and the larger challenge of changing the scientific culture.Their comments have been edited and condensed.
Daphne Koller
You could mean bias in the sense of racial bias, gender bias. For example, you do a search for C.E.O. on Google Images, and up come 50 images of white males and one image of C.E.O. Barbie. That’s one aspect of bias. Another notion of bias, one that is highly relevant to my work, are cases in which an algorithm is latching onto something that is meaningless and could potentially give you very poor results. For example, imagine that you’re trying to predict fractures from X-ray images in data from multiple hospitals. If you’re not careful, the algorithm will learn to recognize which hospital generated the image. Some X-ray machines have different characteristics in the image they produce than other machines, and some hospitals have a much larger percentage of fractures than others. And so, you could actually learn to predict fractures pretty well on the data set that you were given simply by recognizing which hospital did the scan, without actually ever looking at the bone. The algorithm is doing something that appears to be good but is actually doing it for the wrong reasons. The causes are the same in the sense that these are all about how the algorithm latches onto things that it shouldn’t latch onto in making its prediction.To recognize and address these situations, you have to make sure that you test the algorithm in a regime that is similar to how it will be used in the real world. So, if your machine-learning algorithm is one that is trained on the data from a given set of hospitals, and you will only use it in those same set of hospitals, then latching onto which hospital did the scan could well be a reasonable approach. It’s effectively letting the algorithm incorporate prior knowledge about the patient population in different hospitals. The problem really arises if you’re going to use that algorithm in the context of another hospital that wasn’t in your data set to begin with. Then, you’re asking the algorithm to use these biases that it learned on the hospitals that it trained on, on a hospital where the biases might be completely wrong.Over all, there’s not nearly as much sophistication as there needs to be out there for the level of rigor that we need in terms of the application of data science to real-world data, and especially biomedical data.
Olga Russakovsky
I believe there are three root causes of bias in artificial intelligence systems. The first one is bias in the data. People are starting to research methods to spot and mitigate bias in data. For categories like race and gender, the solution is to sample better such that you get a better representation in the data sets. But, you can have a balanced representation and still send very different messages. For example, women programmers are frequently depicted sitting next to a man in front of the computer, or with a man watching over her shoulder.I think of bias very broadly. Certainly gender and race and age are the easiest to study, but there are all sorts of angles. Our world is not fair. There’s no balanced representation of the world and so data will always have a lot of some categories and relatively little of others.Going further, the second root cause of bias is in the algorithms themselves. Algorithms can amplify the bias in the data, so you have to be thoughtful about how you actually build these systems.This brings me to the third cause: human bias. A.I. researchers are primarily people who are male, who come from certain racial demographics, who grew up in high socioeconomic areas, primarily people without disabilities. We’re a fairly homogeneous population, so it’s a challenge to think broadly about world issues. There are a lot of opportunities to diversify this pool, and as diversity grows, the A.I. systems themselves will become less biased.Let me give one example illustrating all three sources. The ImageNet data set was curated in 2009 for object recognition, containing more than 14 million images. There are several things we are doing with an eye toward rebalancing this data set to better reflect the world at large. So far, we went through 2,200 categories to remove those that may be considered offensive. We’re working on designing an interface to let the community flag additional categories or images as offensive, allowing everyone to have a voice in this system. We are also working to understand the impact that such changes would have on the downstream computer vision models and algorithms.I don’t think it’s possible to have an unbiased human, so I don’t see how we can build an unbiased A.I. system. But we can certainly do a lot better than we’re doing.
Timnit Gebru
A lot of times, people are talking about bias in the sense of equalizing performance across groups. They’re not thinking about the underlying foundation, whether a task should exist in the first place, who creates it, who will deploy it on which population, who owns the data, and how is it used?The root of these problems is not only technological. It’s social. Using technology with this underlying social foundation often advances the worst possible things that are happening. In order for technology not to do that, you have to work on the underlying foundation as well. You can’t just close your eyes and say: “Oh, whatever, the foundation, I’m a scientist. All I’m going to do is math.”For me, the hardest thing to change is the cultural attitude of scientists. Scientists are some of the most dangerous people in the world because we have this illusion of objectivity; there is this illusion of meritocracy and there is this illusion of searching for objective truth. Science has to be situated in trying to understand the social dynamics of the world because most of the radical change happens at the social level.We need to change the way we educate people about science and technology. Science currently is taught as some objective view from nowhere (a term I learned about from reading feminist studies works), from no one’s point of view. But there needs to be a lot more interdisciplinary work and there needs to be a rethinking of how people are taught things.People from marginalized groups have been working really hard to bring this to the forefront and then once it’s brought to the forefront other people from nonmarginalized groups start taking all the credit and pouring money into “initiatives.” They’re not going to take the kinds of risks that people in marginalized communities take, because it’s not their community that’s being harmed.All these institutions are bringing the wrong people to talk about the social impacts of A.I., or be the faces of these things just because they’re famous and privileged and can bring in more money to benefit the already privileged.There are some things that should be discussed on a global stage and there should be agreements across countries. And there are other things that should just be discussed locally. We need to have principles and standards, and governing bodies, and people voting on things and algorithms being checked, something similar to the F.D.A. So, for me it’s not as simple as creating a more diverse data set and things are fixed. That’s just one component of the equation.Craig S. Smith is a former correspondent for The Times and now hosts the podcast Eye on A.I. Source link Read the full article
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rickymanguson · 6 years
A comprehensive list of DAT resources
Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of taking the DAT? Not sure where to begin studying? You might be wondering how on earth you are going to study for a five-hour exam that tests your knowledge on content you probably haven’t encountered in years (or at all, in the case of spatial knowledge). The Dental Admission Test (DAT) can appear daunting at first, but luckily, there are a variety study materials that are tailored to different learning styles and starting background knowledge to help you achieve your dream DAT score.
Studying part I: Learning content
If you are self-studying, the first part of studying is to learn content in the areas of natural sciences (biology, general chemistry and organic chemistry), perceptual ability, reading and quantitative reasoning. Below are various resources that can help you refresh and learn your material:
CliffNotes: AP Biology (3rd Edition) provides a basic overview of the general biology concepts. Find it as a free PDF or purchase it as a hard copy.
Feralis Biology Notes are based on “CliffNotes: AP Biology,” but are more detailed. As actual notes created by a former DAT test taker, they are written in a format conducive to studying. You can find an updated but incomplete version of Feralis’ original comprehensive notes on DAT Bootcamp.
Bio Dynamite is a 559-page document created by Dr. Jim Romano, creator of DAT Destroyer. Although lengthy, this document is easy-to-read and contains helpful visuals. Find this document in his DAT Destroyer Facebook group.
YouTube: For audio or visual learners, watching videos may help you retain information. Check out Crash Course Biology Lectures or AK Lectures.
AudioLearn: DAT Test Prep Series is an audio book that you can listen to on your way to work if you don’t have time to sit down with a book or a computer.
General chemistry/organic chemistry
Chad’s Videos on CourseSaver provides video instruction and mini quizzes to test your understanding after watching videos. This format encourages active learning to help you retain information.
Mike’s Videos on DAT Bootcamp comes with premade lesson outlines in addition to video instruction and quizzes. Lesson outlines will save you a lot of time and writing.
Perceptual ability test
PAT Academy on DAT Bootcamp provides detailed video instruction on every question type (keyhole, top front end, angle ranking, hole punching, pattern folding, cube counting) and corresponding strategies. Videos come with practice quizzes and written explanations of solutions to help you understand how strategies are applied.
Reading comprehension
Reading Comprehension Academy on DAT Bootcamp provides video instruction on common question types and strategies.
Read Scientific American articles to expand your scientific knowledge base — which will improve your comprehension — and to increase your reading speed.
Quantitative reasoning
Chad’s Videos on CourseSaver and Khan Academy both provide detailed video instruction.
Studying part II: Practice problems to test your knowledge
Now that you’ve learned the information, it’s time to test your knowledge. Completing practice problems not only helps you prepare for the DAT test format, it also helps you review and retain information. The more you encounter the same information presented in different ways, the more likely you will remember it on test day.
The resources below offer 10 practice tests for the following subjects: biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, reading comprehension, quantitative reasoning and perceptual ability test:
DAT Bootcamp includes PAT Generators, a tool that gives you unlimited practice for angle ranking, hole punching, cube counting and pattern folding. It has extra keyhole practice, too.
Crack the DAT features a unique software. ASDA members receive 10 percent off.
datQvault offers practice problems.
Memorang is a flashcard app to test you on the natural sciences. ASDA members receive 25 percent off.
For more practice, consider:
DAT Destroyer and DAT Math Destroyer problems are hard because each problem incorporates multiple concepts. If you have time to go through each problem, you will be well-prepared for the actual DAT.
DAT Question of the Day sends a DAT practice question to your email every day. What better way to start your day than with DAT practice?
Once you have done enough practice problems, it’s time to practice taking full-length exams.
2007 DAT practice test
2009 DAT practice test
DAT Bootcamp offers five full-length tests
Support groups
Studying for the DAT demands stamina and self-motivation. Some days of studying will be better than others, and having people around you who understand your struggles and cheer you on can make such a difference. You can find a supportive community of DAT test-takers on Facebook, where predental students share questions, study tips and advice with each other:
DAT Bootcamp Facebook Group
DAT Destroyer Facebook Group
And, of course, ASDA supports you, too. Sign up for webinars held this week during DAT Week to help you better prepare for the exam. If you’re taking a study break, check out ASDA’s DAT Week Instagram Challenges for a chance to win some fun prizes.
~Hilary Wong, Northeastern University ’19, Predental Consultant
  Join predentals nationwide in celebrating ASDA DAT Week. During the week of April 16-20, ASDA will be offering valuable webinars and resources to prepare students for the Dental Admission Test. Predentals that join ASDA during DAT Week will be eligible for prizes, including DAT resources.
from Dental Tips http://www.asdablog.com/a-comprehensive-list-of-dat-resources/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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denisalvney · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you’ve ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can’t put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you’re thinking of adding one or more to your business, it’s worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We’ve looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don’t have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor’s office, but isn’t something that exactly “makes the room” in your house, check out this line.
They’re strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they’re massage chairs.
Just don’t be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won’t leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you’re a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it’s a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let’s not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it’s designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you’re choosy, you’re going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you’re looking to save a few dollars, and you don’t mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn’t sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you’ve ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It’s a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it’s not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you’re an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It’s built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
[su_youtube_advanced url=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inP3GRRJX9o” width=“720” controls=“no” showinfo=“no” rel=“no” fs=“no”]
This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you’ll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night’s sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you’re a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can’t be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the “J” in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don’t have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you’re used to receiving in the spa. If you’re not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that–relaxing. So, you’re not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It’s baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you’re on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can’t go wrong with the 2310.
It’s small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the “relaxation” level class, it’s got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you’re on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2–rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won’t miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you’re sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It’s rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you’re not quite the “intense” level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits–decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they’re like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you’d get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you’re not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There’s a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It’s minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There’s a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there’s a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you’re in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It’s a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you’re looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there’s an option that’s right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on https://wellnessgeeky.tumblr.com
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helatherwhite · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you've ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can't put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you're thinking of adding one or more to your business, it's worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We've looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don't have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor's office, but isn't something that exactly "makes the room" in your house, check out this line.
They're strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they're massage chairs.
Just don't be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won't leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you're a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it's a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let's not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it's designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you're choosy, you're going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you're looking to save a few dollars, and you don't mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn't sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you've ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It's a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it's not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you're an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It's built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
[su_youtube_advanced url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inP3GRRJX9o" width="720" controls="no" showinfo="no" rel="no" fs="no"]
This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you'll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night's sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you're a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can't be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the "J" in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don't have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you're used to receiving in the spa. If you're not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that--relaxing. So, you're not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It's baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you're on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can't go wrong with the 2310.
It's small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the "relaxation" level class, it's got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you're on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2--rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won't miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you're sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It's rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you're not quite the "intense" level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits--decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they're like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you'd get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you're not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There's a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It's minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There's a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there's a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you're in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It's a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you're looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there's an option that's right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on http://wellnessgeeky.blogspot.com
0 notes
natiashakirkwood · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you’ve ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can’t put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you’re thinking of adding one or more to your business, it’s worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We’ve looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don’t have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor’s office, but isn’t something that exactly “makes the room” in your house, check out this line.
They’re strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they’re massage chairs.
Just don’t be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won’t leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you’re a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it’s a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let’s not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it’s designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you’re choosy, you’re going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you’re looking to save a few dollars, and you don’t mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn’t sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you’ve ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It’s a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it’s not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you’re an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It’s built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
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This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you’ll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night’s sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you’re a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can’t be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the “J” in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don’t have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you’re used to receiving in the spa. If you’re not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that–relaxing. So, you’re not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It’s baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you’re on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can’t go wrong with the 2310.
It’s small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the “relaxation” level class, it’s got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you’re on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2–rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won’t miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you’re sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It’s rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you’re not quite the “intense” level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits–decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they’re like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you’d get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you’re not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There’s a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It’s minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There’s a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there’s a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you’re in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It’s a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you’re looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there’s an option that’s right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on https://wellnessgeeky.wordpress.com
0 notes
300videotapes · 7 years
FINCHER CLUB : The Movie Keeps Going
There is an indelible mark or aura found in a film and the consensus would be that the director is the one who left it. One can debate that creating a film is a team process and thus many finger prints, but all teams have captains at the helm and for this paper let us decide the director is the heart of the process. As the auteur theory would suggest these people take over the author role of the film, as a picture is not just words expressed, but several different elements orchestrated by a conductor. Just as a novelist will often have a tendency to have his habits and old familiar phrases the same can be found in a director of cinema. Like the concise brevity of Raymond Carver or the sexual deviances of John Irving’s characters we can read it name unknown and yet feel like we see their name above the work. The director does this as well, but with so many more elements such as coloring, editing, and acting performance. Wes Anderson has bad fathers in his stories or perfect choreography to the tiniest detail. There is an undeniable difference between a conversation of characters in a Robert Altman Film than there is in any other films that exist in the English language but he did not write the dialog. Quentin Tarantino is proof of Auteur because he steals all the fingerprints from the best and the cheesiest auteurs around. We are also to conclude that not every director is an auteur just as every film is not a piece of art, but sometimes entertainment or a cinema for cinema’s sake. We are however fortunate that auteurs do exist and they create rich, strong bodies of work that for the most part stand out from other filmmakers and have a flavor all their own. In almost every film in his vast career bouncing from science fiction to thriller to neo noir there is an imprint left in the work of Auteur Director David Fincher that creates a signature style and storytelling we can expect from him. One such technique that we see often is the use of Montage Theory by putting two opposing images and creating a third result.  David Fincher has had a strong body of work spanning from Alien 3 to Gone Girl. There are definitive Fincher Techniques that immediately tell you that this is his film. From the inventive graphic titles to the green tinge of the cinematography it is apparent when Fincher wants you to know his style. From early on in the dawn of Computer Graphics Fincher stretched its capabilities to the limits and yet you would never compare his cinema to that of Michael Bay or The Wachowski’s. David Fincher likes to use every corner of space, but he doesn’t like the shots to feel cheated as if the walls were torn down to achieve a shot. I believe he was very influential to Inarritu’s Birdman in the fluid nature of it’s cinematography helped by lo fi Computer graphic design between days and nights of the character. When in most films it is obvious who is the star, this can be more difficult task with David Fincher. In Zodiac we follow not just the victims, but different angles of investigation from multiple sources played by Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Jake Gylenhaal. Neither Jesse Eisenberg or Andrew Garfield were on screen stars until after their shared starring in The Social Network which is not the typical vehicle for such maneuvers, but thanks to Fincher’s equal display of both of their talents they became important to Hollywood. I cannot stress enough how important Fincher’s Music selection and score choices are to his craft. The use of score in a Fincher film is never to evoke an emotion, but instead suggest a familiar feeling. The right pop song creates a new definition forever, as was the case with “Herdy Gerdy Man” by Donovan in Zodiac. The most common thing I see about Fincher is his use of the theory of Montage. In Fight Club we see opposing images of what is assumed to be normal and what is actually going on. In fact that is sort of the point of the film that seeing both Tyler and Jack should equal out who you really see. Editing is a very strong attribute that defines Fincher. On a second or third watch of the film you might notice that a technique of splicing that is described in a scene is executed several times with what appears to be single frames of Tyler before Jack ever meets him. In The Social Network during the opening credits we see two opposing images back and forth of what college life can be: lavish parties or staying in your room with your computer trolling. Fincher uses all the tools available at his disposal to keep your mind tingling from the first frame to the last frame in his films.  If Seven was the picture that got people talking about David Fincher then Fight Club was the film that made him unforgettable. An incredibly daring adaptation that stayed miraculously true to the book more than most adaptations and yet had it’s own distinct flavor that makes it more memorable than the novel. One of the biggest pet peeves of Hollywood is too much narration and there is a lot of key narration created by Chuck Palahniuk. Fincher expertly uses the aforementioned computer graphics to give interesting visuals that make every word seem like gospel from a punk rock god. When Jack, played by Edward Norton, rants about corporate America we don’t just see his face we get a point of view of the garbage heap or consumerism within every wastebasket in America. Where at the time computer graphics were most known for action and science fiction films Fincher used and continues to use it to make the mundane come alive. The Dust Brothers Score is composed so methodically that almost entrances you to join up with the Space Monkeys of Project Mayhem. There is also the incorporation of synthesizer noises to give dramatic emphasis on a moment without being too flashy. Fincher never has the music say, “hey it is time to be scared for the main character,” instead it says, “you already are.” Both costars get so much time on screen that you cannot assume who is the star even despite the name recognition of Brad Pitt and so many scenes are stolen by the introduction of Helena Bonham Carter to American cinema.  Ten Years After Fight Club we still see similar styles in his collaboration with writer Aaron Sorkin: The Social Network. There are obvious scenes containing Sorkin dialogue that are not usual for a Fincher film and yet you could also say these scenes are directed like no one else would. We usually would see far less sound design on the opening bar sequence discussion and the song definitely tricks you into a false sense that the date is going well before the shit hits the fan. There is also a boat race later in the film that seems much more epic because of the song choice and because it is a great metaphor for being first to market with Facebook.  Computer graphics appear in this dramatic non-adventurous film. Instead of just split screen like a Disney twin film Fincher uses advanced technology to have an actor play both Winklevoss’ Twins and show the actor Armie Hammer’s range. The coloring is most certainly stamped by Fincher as there is again the green tinge of his cinema that you even see sneak into his television work. The editing is fiercely used to create an environment for each situation and rising tension in which should be a cookie cutter biopic about a kid who became a billionaire. Not only the cuts in the flashbacks from the interviews with the lawyers, but the escalation of the character Eduardo Saverin’s hate of Napster creator Sean Parker when he recounts meeting him. The absence of cuts when he lets a scene breathe is also very Fincher as he decides to just use a movement of a camera or the eery stillness of the camera. A decade later we know when we see a film from this auteur even when it is a biographical film, because it is also an original piece thanks to his taste and style.  The idea of the auteur has been obscured by difference of opinions as to whether it is the thematic storytelling or the panache of a director that sets him apart from others. It is my opinion that one is an extension of the other that shows itself depending on the inclination of the auteur. To concentrate on theme is a representational tool that the artist chooses to use because that is how they like to adjust their focus in contrast to others. Peter Wollen states in his essay “The Auteur Theory” that there be “two main schools of auteur: [either] those who insisted on revealing a core of meanings, of thematic motifs [or] those who stressed style and mise en scene (364).” I think if the critics of the past were to redefine their idea of style to more than just theatrics and visual settings they might realize that there is a greater juxtaposition at hand rather than division. I find this division to be a hasty prejudicial decision to separate art as either something that makes you think, or something that ensnares the senses. Both avenues work the brain and thus they are more akin than separate, as it would be assumed. Fincher can both take us on a wild ride and make us think about a bigger picture when looking at any of his film. All the elements at his disposal create a point of view unlike any other just as the next auteur can. From a scientific view what makes an auteur is the constant choice to be an auteur and not an exhibitor.    But an honest simplification of the auteur by Wollen is far less of a crime than that of Timothy Corrigan in his essay, “The Commerce of Auteurism.” Wollen is simply taking the ideas of the past and trying to show the historical divide of auteur theory. Whereas Corrigan wants to be jaded and believe, “modernist corrections, discussions, or deconstructions of the romantic roots of auteurism need to be taken another step towards recontextualizing them within industrial and commercial trajectories (419).” This argument is no different than believing the chicken came before the egg. If an auteur is just a marketing tool than so were the early beginnings of punk rock before it’s fragmentation and evolution. Without a body of work I don’t believe the director or the audience can truly know whether the director is an auteur. The first film is a trial and error often staying in comfort zones. The second film can either be experimental or play to the audience. If the creator continues to play to the audience then they are what I referred to as the exhibitor and not the auteur. The auteur just keeps making stories and can’t help but leaves his mark. After a fair amount of work is done you can distinguish the auteur from the exhibitor by the advertising of the film. One just sees whether they say “from the maker of alien 3” or, “another film from visionary David Fincher.”  But that is after the eggs have already hatched.  If we were to believe in the aforementioned two definitions of auteur one might hastily fit David Fincher into the category of an auteur that puts style over content. This would be understating the importance of Fincher’s editing choices. Fincher often uses cutting to give more meaning to his work. Earlier I mentioned that in “The Social Network” he showed two vast parallels of college life. Nameless partygoers ready for debauchery and bad decisions placed against our protagonist heading home to a night of feeding off his frustrations and lashing out passive aggressively. There isn’t an escape from a discussion and he has placed it smack dab at the beginning of his film like a thesis in an essay. There is a negative connotation towards both types of Friday night options at college based on the music, the lighting, and the speed of the film. Together these two images create a third image of what Fincher sees as the third option to the night, the option that pops in your head as you watch. So even though the textual author Aaron Sorkin could easily overshadow Fincher he isn’t, because Fincher is the prominent contextual auteur of the film. As Sergei Eisenstein said in a quote found in Lev Kuleshov’s “Principles of Montage”, “The interaction of separate montage segments, their position, and likewise their rhythmic duration, become the contents of the production and world view of the artist (142).”  Film can be argued to the tiniest celluloid as to whether there is more or less going on in the picture that was done with or without a purposeful thought. But what can’t be argued is a repetition of evidence that appears in several pictures. There is evidence within David Fincher’s body of work that unmistakably notes him as an auteur. There is a compositional style both in the editing and musical choices present in all his pictures. The large casts of stars in his films get equal time to shine and display their amazing performances. Where auteurism is usually a hidden aura we can actually see Fincher’s is a dark green shade over his images. It is seen more so in the computer techniques to that beautify the ugly in a commercial ore residential setting. To not identify him as auteur or to believe in the auteur is to disrespect the craft of film and assume that all pictures are the same. But if the novel shouldn’t be judged for it’s cover a film shouldn’t be judged either.
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