#I might delete this late I just get so irrationally angry when I see this shit
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ask-artsy-oncie · 2 years ago
We have shrunk the millenial generation so much now that there are people claiming anyone born in 1995 is a zoomer. Please kill me now before it gets even worse.
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months ago
Today's (10/4/2024) Episode: Paparazzi Problems
Luigi could have ordered a Winterfest present for his boy online, but really wasn’t sure what might go over well.
He decided to swing by a big box toy store on Magnolia Promenade that was open 24/7/28. He was sure something would catch his eye there.
Skye happened to be aging up on Winterfest, so the present would be serving double duty. He really wanted to pick up something that would make his newly child-aged son happy and was willing to go so far as to beg advice from the staff to make that happen, if needed.
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The first thing Luigi stumbled upon was some fully stocked art tables. He remembered how much he’d enjoyed painting back in High School and thought maybe that could be a good gift. Then again, he reasoned, Skye already had the ability to make crafts in his beloved play kitchen.
Maybe a piggy bank or a cute blue bunny to put on his bookshelf? Luigi knew he could surely have benefited from learning a bit more about fiscal responsibility as a child, but that sort of thing seemed like a lame present. Especially since they couldn’t afford to give Skye very many gifts just then.
Whatever he got his boy, it needed to be memorable and fun!
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Eventually he found his way over to the gaming section, which featured a large display of voidcritter gaming cards and play stations. Luigi remembered how much he’d loved playing voidcritters as a child, even if the game had shown he hadn’t had the best control over his temper even back then.
However, Luigi wasn’t sure he could bear getting Skye a station and then not be able to join in the fun. He didn’t game for pleasure much anymore, avoiding unnecessary activities that aggravated his carpel tunnel.
He was still staring wistfully at the gaming devices when he saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. Turning, he was confronted by someone he’d very much hoped he would never have to see again.
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“Well look who it is!” the pap who’d refused to delete the embarrassing photos of his family at the market said, “I’m sure this little late night toy store run of yours will make a great addition to Fame’s “Stars, they’re just like us” holiday edition!”
Rationally Luigi knew there was nothing truly problematic about ending up in the gossip rags for some last-minute Winterfest shopping, but he nonetheless felt himself getting irrationally angry as he looked at the other sims smug grin.
He tried to stay calm in front of her two recording friends as he said “Maybe it will, and I honestly don’t care if it does, but that doesn’t change the fact that you and your ilk are bottom feeders who just love to insert yourself into others private business for profit. You should be ashamed!”
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“Oh, woe is you” the pap mocked “celebs like you do everything you can to get attention, but the minute you don’t like the looks you’re getting you play the victim. You all need to grow up and grow a pair, and honestly that goes double for you, Mr. 47 going on 17.”
She eyed Luigi’s body piercings and carefully cultivated “hip” pre-worn shabby-chic ensemble with true disdain.
Luigi refrained from screaming that he was NOT 47 (yet), closing his eyes and bringing every ounce of his anger management therapy to bear on the situation. “Lashing out is never a winning strategy” he remembered Dr. Valasquez saying “Whenever possible absent yourself from the situation.”
Heeding her advice Luigi didn’t say another word, turning instead and sprinting out of the store empty handed.
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Arriving back home out of breath, but without further PR incident, Luigi found Noemi still asleep and helped her quietly to bed.
Heading into their study he got her surprise present all setup then hopped online to look for a gift for his son. In the end he stumbled across what he thought would be the perfect present for his little man. As he stretched and made his own way to bed, he hoped he still felt the same in the morning.
Luigi couldn’t wait to give the gift to his boy and, if everything worked out, see his face light up with glee in just a few short hours.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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purpleandsilver · 4 years ago
Just A Quick Thought
I have to say something. At first, when the announcement went live about the end of campaign 2 I was irrationally angry. I even posted about it. That post has been deleted so you don't have to look for it. I'm ashamed of it.
After I took several hours off my phone, took a day to say "calm the fuck down, it's not the end of the goddamn world", I've found a new perspective:
Yes, there will be storyline unexplored. I'm sure there were with campaign 1. That's great! That's what makes this amazing! You, yes you, can take those storylines and mold them however you see fit. Yes, it's sad x or y might not happen in canon. Yes, we might not get to Caleb and Essek totally make out in the tower. But you know what we do get? We get NEW characters, a new world to explore, new backstories to explore and fuck with. Maybe Laura will get to play a warlock! It's exciting! Yes, I'll miss Caleb Widogast and the bumbling assholes of the Mighty Nein. I'll miss Jester's sending. I'll miss Veth being horny AF for anything that's decently handsome. I'll miss Beauregard not taking any shit from anyone. I'll miss Yasha's rage. I'll Miss Caduceus and his quiet understanding and sympathy. And I'll miss the shenanigans that make you ask the question, "how the fuck do they do anything?"
And with this new perspective I've gained an understanding. We often hear of the "toxic fan". More than likely, they're the ones still bitching about Jester not having x or Yasha not doing y or how there was an entire episode dedicated to a lesiban date. They're the ones still so irrationally upset about campaign 2 ending that they forget what's going to come. I understand why perhaps, they're upset. I've come to love these characters, which is weird for me to say because I'm not the type to have feel strongly about fictional beings. But Caleb and Essek's teasing this oddball group of fictional people has changed that for me and I'm happy for it. So I get why people get upset at things they imagine happening not happening. But I don't understand their actions. I don't understand the hate. I don't understand the bitching in chat or the insistence on continuing to watch something you don't like.
I love Critical Role. I love Dungeons & Dragons. Recently I've joined TWO D&D groups! It's pretty cool. Last year, I played a one shot as part of an online convention. It went well, I think. I can't help but thank Critical Role for helping to nudge me to stay up late and go to work with two hours of sleep on Fridays into D&D.
Thank you Critical Role. Here's to what's next. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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cityescape4 · 7 years ago
Kinda late to the party but for the Pokemon ask: Ghooooost?
oooh spooky~
can’t be late to the party when you’re the only one to show up c’:
Ok so Ghost types~ Not a particular favorite type of mine in general; not because i dislike them or anything, there’s just like, not that many, yeah? I think with the sun/moon games that ghost types are the second rarest type? Also, I’m a sentimental piece of shit and i have nicknames for all my pokémon bear with me i’m so sorry 
btw its all under the cut cuz its kinda long i’m bad with making things short (also spoilers for the ending of sun/moon and Pokémon dungeon explorers of time/darkness/sky i guess???)
1: Gengar (Grim)         – ok so this is probably a like, stereotypical answer cuz “bleh genwunners every other pokemon is bad bleh” but Gengar was a big accomplishment for me when I first got one. I did play the first games when they came out (I had blue), and did catch a Gastly which evolved into Haunter. But because my only friend who had the game  at the time was kinda an asshat, and my brothers didn’t play Pokémon games at the time, I never got the chance to evolve Grim. He stayed a Haunter all the way to like, level 89, and then my game deleted itself after like 10 years so :/ I didn’t get a chance to play the gen 2 or 3 games when they came out, so when I got to Diamond and you could catch a Gastly in the old Chateau I caught one, named it Grim in honor of my old Haunter, and then played with that one. By that point, my younger brother had been old enough to be able to properly read and play Pokémon, and with wireless trading being a thing, I was finally able to evolve Grim and get a Gengar after so. damn. long. I loved that lil smirky asshole and I was glad I kept the name Grim because everytime I looked at Gengar’s sprite I couldn’t help but think of that song “Grim Grinning Ghosts” and just, it made me so happy i’m a dork     – also gengar was fucking robbed in sun/moon with the sudden ability change and loss of ground immunity and i just??? my son?!?! gamefreak!!!!  let him float!!!!
2: The Litwick Line (Manson)    – this is probably a dumb reason but I ran into a shiny litwick once in Black 2 and it was so pretty??? (i accidentlly killed it and nearly just rage quit Black 2 entirely but thats besides the point shhh)  it and Lampent’s shinys look like they’d be super iridescent and they matched with non-shiny Chandlure and I loved it. I feel like they should have switched Chandelure’s forms because its shiny matches with non-shiny Litwick and Lampent, and vice-versa. But regardless, The entire line is just adorable to look at (too bad they kill people according to the pokédex entries, rip)
3: Froslass (Merag)   – Ok so after Zexal ended I felt realy sad inside because I fucking loved that series (and if it wasn’t for the nostalgia glasses i wear everytime i see something DM related, I would be able to say i like Zexal more than DM but thats story for another time) and I decided to make a Zexal based team in my Alpha Sapphire game. So I had Nasch (Garchomp), Mach(Shiny Rapidash), Yuma(Victini), Ryoga (Shiny Sharpedo), Durbe(Meowstic) and I needed one more Pokémon to round out a full team. A friend of mine said Blaziken for Alit, but I ended up trying to raise a Snorunt to evolve into Froslass for Merag (cuz ice for her deck theme and ghost cuz heyheyhey barians are dead rip) and Merag was just so much fun to use in battle??? I’d never used a Froslass before because Glalie kinda scared me and just sorta pushed me away from touching Snorunts but Merag was a definite surprise. All the other Pokemon I’d used before so I knew what I was getting into, and finding a new Pokémon that I hadn’t expected to really like took me by surprise.
Least Favorites:
1: Spiritomb (Raider)    -- Ok so, I played gen 4 before I played gen 3, so I encountered Spiritomb before I ever encountered Sableye and jesus christ with the team I had in my Diamond game was not prepared for this weakness-less tank of a pokémon. And when Cynthia had one at the end of the Elite Four it wiped my team. ;A; I’d taken so long to get past Lucian and his Bronzong, only for Cynthia to crush my confidence all over again. I get this sense of anger everytime I see a Spiritomb because of it. And then the one you can get at Sea Mauville in ORAS scared the shit out of me when it randomly appeared behind you after reading a thing so >> Spiritomb and I got beef.
2: Dhelmise    -- listen this was a confusing ass pokémon and i’m pretty sure it only exists to make me question everything. i first saw one while fishing at the last island in Moon, and thought it was Water/Steel, because i fished it from the water, and it looked like an anchor. But then it knew grass moves??? so I thought it was water/grass cuz ehhh it does kinda look like mossy seaweed??? and then it used steel moves???? so maybe it was grass/steel, a mossy seaweed covered sucken anchor??? but then fire wasn’t effective against it?!?!? so maybe it was water/steel??? and then i made it faint before i could catch it to find out what types it was, and then forgot it existed until the E4, and then Acerola had one in her party which meANT IT WAS GHOST TYPE and HOW the FUCK was that a possibility???? And then come to find out that its special ability basically means it gets STAB on steel type moves so it might as well be a steel/ghost/grass Pokémon on you know what fuck dhelmise jsut fuck it
3: Dusknoir (Whimsly)   -- this one is a childish reason, but i played Pokémon Dungeon Explorers of Darkness and Dusknoir is a villain character of this game and as a kid he made me irrationally angry. He came off as a good guy, only to betray you and backstab you, your partner, and the Grovyle that you’d thought was a bad guy but had been your friend all along. And then right when you think you’ve beaten him, he surprise attacks you and that Grovyle basically sacrifices itself to stop Dusknoir from hurting you, and they both basically die and i was so angry for the longest time as a kid. I ended up getting Explorers of the Sky some time afterwards, and if i remember correctly in that game they don’t die and eventuallly Dusknoir gets redeemed, but i still had to relive through the  backstabbing betrayal and the loss of a friend so yeah that messed with me as a kid.
holy shit this was longer than i expected i’m so sorry
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paolopallegient · 6 years ago
Just some thoughts, been awhile - February 7th, 2019
Hello! I’m going to write about a lot of things today. I’m in the library in college and i’m currently sitting across Isaac, he’s that guy that looks like Angelo Robles, if not then her reminds me of him. Anyways, Today schedule was my english class with Justin and Cat at 9:30am, I just got out of that class actually. I have biological anthropology at 1:15 with Daisy Talavera and the old man as our professor. I also have an astronomy lab at 8:00 with justin. I’m just going to be answering questions for a long time just to see where this goes. I also have a meeting at 10:00pm and i might go to therapy at 6:00pm idk yet, it depends if i’ve eaten or not. ANyways, to the questions
- Am i living in a state of overcritical friends, or am i living in security consciousness?
I might be over-extending the situation, but I feel like I walk around eggshells with justin. He’s came from private school and he’s always heavily emphasized school. We have this astronomy assignment due tonight, and we split the work to where he does 1 wksh, in a packet, and then i do the other wksh. My wksh was super confusing to me, but I don’t know if he’s being overcritical to me, or if he’s just not understanding my point of view. He was pestering me about not finishing my part of the assignment and it was in the sarcastic tone i created for both of us. I guess it’s weird, i don’t know if i created a sarcastic monster. He’s just so mean sometimes and i can’t tell if i’m being irrationally sensitive, or if he’s really just being a dick. I always usually rely on the fact that my emotions aren’t irrational, therefore he’s being a dick. Although i’m the only person who can recognize him being “this way”. So i’m the one who has to make a “move” when it comes to my mental health. It’s so weird because i’ll tell myself a lot to “just let it go”, but i end up bottling. Bottling is such a weird experience because i didn’t realize how much i bottled up. I don’t like hanging with justin when he gets sarcastic or puts up this front because it prevents me from feeling like my authentic self is accepted. Although, after typing this, i’m not going to allow fuckass to make me feel this way lol. I know we’ll resolve our problems eventually, I just need to stand my gaurd.
- I wrote a few words on my private instagram and i want to address or kinda expand on it, i expressed, “I beat myself up, I don’t eat, I stay stuck on situations, I overly frustrate myself, i allow pressure to follow on me, i resist.”
+ I beat myself up because i stoped allowing myself to grow further. I think i’m going to delete social media for the next week, idk. I need a break and it could provide me with some solace. I beat myself because i stopped allowing myself to care for ME. LIKE WHY DO I physically hate myself. Like, physically. Mentally, emotionally, i love myself, but when it comes to physical love, I don’t eat as much, I don’t meditate, I don’t take care of my body, I always emphasize my emotions over my body and it saddens me. My friend sydney made me food one time, i don’t know if she made me food or she just didn’t eat her own food but i choose to believe she made it for me because that’s what she told me. She made me rice and bulgogi? it was some type of meat if i remember. she gave it to me and walked away and i looked at it and started crying. I was sitting in a cubicle in the library a long time ago and i was excluding myself from the pasa tables because my ading and i were weird at that time. I took my first bite and stopped the show i was watching on my laptop and i ate it very slowly. I swallow, put the food down aside and put my head down on the desk and i just start crying. That was the realization where i don’t care for myself.
+ I stay stuck on situations a lot, in terms of arguments lately. I’ve just been unable to accept and let go. I just get so upset that i allow the situation to exist in my head. There was a big argument with my parents lately that i don’t wish to remember, but the argument was based on a situation i was stuck on, an argument based on a situation we all were stuck on. I think the bigger arguments or big feeling of anger or upsets, are what i stay stuck on. I’ll be okay, but i’m going to allow myself to physically take conscious breathes in terms of situations that anger me.
+ I overly frustrate myself. OKay wtf man, like i allow some cancerous people to enact shitty deeds into my life, like. no. don’t do that. Whem i say “don’t do that”, there were just moments were i just hold myself to a high standard, so i choose to live up to it somehow. Like, i over frustrate myself in 2 ways, I haven’t been studying, and i’ve been playing fortnite often. I think i’m going to stop being on my phone as much and just try to exercise the zeitgeist/moment as much as i can as i used to be able to before.
+ i allow pressure to fall on me, I think there was a moment where dallas felt very pressured about the “elders” of pasa, and i was tryna convince her that they have no effect on who we are as a core because of the fact that: they do not go to this school anymore lol. If they cared a lot, then they should come back to run things, we got it. Although, dallas and i had a civil disagreement, i started to feel upset because i began to think about the current alumni of pasa who judge and hurt our core. let our core be a corepamilya, fuck outta here homie, i just dont enjoy the amount of pressure im allowing onto myself and im consciously changing it soon.
+ i resist, i don’t understand this at all. Lately, i’ve been irritable and i’ve just been so angry and just so etc. I haven’t been necessarily accepting of others or etc, not even myself. I’ve been resisting a lot of things that come to my mind lately and it’s pissing me off. Why don’t i accept that justin is the way he is, why do i doubt that sydney just made me a meal out of love, why don’t i try to understand the pressure dallas feels. Why am i resisting to accept the people in my life.
okay, that;s all, i believed i had more time than i really did. Dezzy came to the pasa tables, hugged me and sat next to me. she’s writing meeting minutes. i wrote this whole message for you sydney, thank u for reading this, i’m going to therapy today, i love you for being very helpful lately.
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