#I mean. I feel bad for my mom but she's sorta taking it out on us at times
opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
#its seems we really may be at the end of vanity#i missed a call from my dad and thought we might be in a connors birthday situation but no. not yet#he did say that it feels like this is it bc my mom's situation is complicated bc she has so much wrong at this point#its like a h0use md episode. the doctors dont seem to kno what to do and shes not very coherent#so my dad was saying that i should look at flights and by tonight hell let me kno if i should pull the trigger and buy a one way ticket home#it sucks. he sounds rough. i feel so bad for him. his wife of 29 years is dying#its not fair. shes only 53#i wanna be there but im stuck here across the country. i wanna go home. thats a bit frighting tho bc itll take me at least 10 hrs to travel#and i dont want her to die while im in the air but i also dont want her to suffer#i hope she gets better but if she doenst i hope its fast. there dont seem to do any good options. shes so tried and its so complicated#and if she does get better than this then what would that even mean? my sister says it doesnt feel like there will b a better anymore after#this. and bless her to the ends of the earth she reached out this morning and was giving me updates#comforting to kno im not just being dramatic. its actually just really bleak#its kinda funny tho. my sister was like meh it doesnt seem so bad and then like 10min later she was like yeah no i was wrong its sorta#horrible apprently shes been deterorating#god. if i go back home do i take clothes for a funeral? do i keep up to date with my genomics class? will i become offset from my graduate#cohort? will i get my wish to play with legos at home? all questions worth considering#well. ill deal with whatever comes. so it goes. itll b fine. i mean ill b fine#just sad ya kno?#three weeks ago she was alright and saying she could fly out to take care of me after oral surgery#now shes dying#unrelated
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maudlin-scribbler · 2 months
trying to explain my parents' (mess of a) relationship would be really hard but anyway it's starting to be even more dysfunctional than usual and it's affecting ME (and my sister)
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ginax0916 · 7 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
Opinions on this??
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pocketgalaxies · 10 months
fcg: i enjoy eating silver more than copper
imogen: i am genuinely scared to meet my mom again
chet: it is well known that wood is better than metal
laudna: deep down inside, both delilah and i kind of want the shard
laudna: i don't want [the shard], fearne should have it, but i don't know anymore what's my opinion or desires or feelings or [delilah's]
imogen: i love laudna deeply, but i'm disgusted at the thought of delilah looking at us all the time
orym: i'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. doesn't matter if i'm bunking with one of you guys
fcg: sometimes i pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don't do enough with them
fcg: chetney you have so much love to give and it doesn't seem like you're interested in anything, in ANYTHING, other than wood. there's people out there who you could love and experiences you could share with someone else, but all you care about is wood
orym: i've always laughed it off but i guess i do kinda wonder if chetney is my dad
ashton: i am the reason that the jiana hexum robbery went fucking wrong and the reason why i got thrown out of a fucking window
ashton: (laudna: is that why you feel like you deserved to have the nobodies leave you?) yeah.
fearne: i feel like we are very ill-equipped for this job and we're gonna fail at saving the world
chet: while wood may be the superior material to metal, i do fear that with the dwindling interest in it that children will find my toys and thereby myself obsolete every year that i grow older
fcg: i think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time i hurt or kill something, it feels really good. it makes me sorta relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away
imogen: i know we're supposed to save the gods but i've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them will ever respond. i think i'm tainted. i don't know if i want to save gods that don't love me
laudna: you know we could all ripcord out of this at any moment, and i don't mean this scavenger hunt, i mean saving the world, right? andsometimesifantasizeaboutitallthetime
fearne: sometimes i do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping. not weird stuff, i just like to look at you closely and...you know, just look at you. you look so content and comfortable and i can get up and look at you really well. and maybe twiddle your hair and like braid it. nothing bad! nothing bad!!
ashton: any time it's too quiet, i start worrying that one of us, most of us, are gonna end up killing another one of us accidentally. all of us. orym...very gently, but probably–orym may be the only one i worry about the least, but genuinely everybody else. i have panicked thinking about what happens when one of you kills another one of us
orym: (laudna: do you have any strong feelings one way or another kind of being the normal guy in a group of freaks who are all ticking time bombs? are you okay with that, do you have any strong feelings?) i have all the faith in the world in you guys, all of you. and i have also spent time thinking how to neutralize each of you
fcg: i kinda worry that i put all my eggs in the changebringer basket and she might betray us all, i had a really weird conversation with her and i think she's just out for herself and she might not really care about me
imogen: fearne, i was really disappointed in you for running away from your power, you should take the shard (laudna: you should take the shard)
orym: i really miss dorian, and sometimes i think that's okay and sometimes i think it isn't
pate: [laudna] is my creator, i don't have feelings, i'm a construction
ashton: i feel fucking worse that i just fucked up fearne's life way more than mine, and i should've died instead of that happening
chet: i grew up in the bramblewood outside of westruun, and when i was a kid, i came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. all they left behind were toys. and they ran when errevon the rimelord was running across the plains so i'm kinda afraid of dragons. and i had five siblings, alabaster, pepper, sugarplum, hermey, and chad, and i was so mad that they left, i never looked for any of them. and now i'm pretty sure they're dead, so i think that any family i have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me, that's why i don't get attached to anybody
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stardewrotsession · 4 months
Note: I have a few new drafts in the works right now but it’s taking longer than expected to get them out. So for now, here’s my takes on our favorite bachelors. Some controversial, some not.
Personal Headcanons (and Opinions) I have about the Bachelors
- So before I threw him under the “golden retriever” skater boy trope and moved on. Yeah he definitely comes off as it at first, HOWEVER.
- I like to think Sam’s hella observant when he wants to be. Sorta like a “selective observer” if you will.
- I mean, his mom seems to wish to run away from the family at times, and his dad’s off at war. Taking care of Vincent and trying his best to be there when his dad wasn’t makes you pick up a bunch of stuff along the way.
- And I think he’s observant enough to notice that Jodi doesn’t really like where’s she’s at in her life.
- He’s a very caring person, I think to the point where he wouldn’t really mind if he gets hurt from it.
- You have to do something really bad for him to hate you or for him to not care, honestly.
- He loves his family, so he’ll take care of Vincent when his dad’s away, or he’ll begrudgingly get a job because his mom told him to.
- That’s not to say he’s grown though. I full on believe his mom baby’s the hell outta him.
- She seems like a very controlling mom with how she acted after Sam dropped the egg on the floor, but she seems like she needs to done her way. Can you tell I don’t like Jodi very much?
- I think once Sam gets married to you and moves out, he takes on a lot more responsibility and learns how to take care of himself more. While still having that “kid at heart” mindset with his hobbies.
- So, I’m not gonna lie, I was one of the girlies that dismissed Sebastian as the resident emo boy at first.
- But now, I think he’s, shocker, more complicated than that.
- So I think Demetrius definitely has a whole favoritism complex going on between Maru and Sebastian, which is nothing new.
- I think it leads Demetrius to spit out verbal abuse, and heavy on verbal cause I don’t think Demetrius is the type to physically abuse, to Sebastian whenever he doesn’t like what he’s doing.
- But, I actually think Sebastian and Maru find ways to be friendly or decent with each other, despite everything that’s happened.
- And I really don’t think Robin’s being dismissive about the whole situation either, I really do think she’s trying her best to get the two to ease up with each other.
- I mean, there’s books in her room about stepdads and second families, I think she’s making an attempt.
- But for Sebastian sometimes it isn’t good enough, making him feel like he’s trapped and that he wants to leave this town.
- I think when you marry him, and he ends up staying in Pelican Town, that’s not crushing his dream.
- I truly believe he just wanted to get away from his family, from Demetrius’ constant complaining and comparisons and favoritism.
- But he still has friends here, Sam and Abigail. And you.
- I think now that he’s moved out, he feels more at peace, spending time with someone he loves and still being able to hang out with friends.
- So, we know Harvey’s hobbies, his job as a doctor, and that he comes off as really shy.
- But he actually comes off as really closed off when you first meet him.
- It’s almost as if he’s straight away drawing a boundary saying, “Oh this is the new farmer. Okay, strictly doctor, patient relationship.”
- But as you start hanging out with him more, his facade starts to break a little.
- He opens up more, about experiences, hobbies, his past.
- And personally? I think he has a huge past with mental health issues.
- Like he relates to Shane when he talks about mental health and getting him a therapist. That could be just a doctor thing, but I think Harvey’s had his own struggles. Even if they were different.
- Out of everyone in Pelican Town (other than Shane) I think Harvey definitely has a therapist.
- Although he still mentions having patients’ lives in his hand, I’m sure he was completely broken about it the first time it happened.
- Not to mention that he had to overcome the fact that he wasn’t going to get his dream job.
- He had to settle, and I think talking to a therapist helps tremendously with not only acknowledging that, but full on accepting it, both the good and bad.
- Harvey is a caring guy, and even if he still has extreme fears and insecurities, he’s willing to overcome them if he thinks it’ll make him a better person. If it’ll give him a better life.
- So the fact that he overcomes his fear of heights for you means he cares a lot about you, and his life with you.
- So, my opinion of Alex changes as his heart events go on.
- So for zero hearts, I full on believe he’s an ass to girls. Like that cliche popular sporty guy that has a big ego.
- If he doesn’t know you and he sees you doing something weird, I bet you he’ll judge super hard.
- I think he’s the type to talk first, think later.
- And not in a sense like Sam where he just kinda… keeps talking. But he’ll say stupid remarks like “Wanna go to the beach? Do you have a bikini?” Or “Did you get new pants?”
- Why are you looking at the farmer’s pants Alex?
- Anyways towards guys I don’t think he’d be that different, only he’d talk about girls to you.
- I wholeheartedly believe George is kinda homophobic, but Evelyn’s like “Love who you love, you don’t live long enough to not.”
- So Alex at first would have George’s beliefs. Cause the guy kinda raised Alex, he’s the only father figure he really knew and liked.
- But as time goes on Alex would realize “Hey I’m spending a lot more time with the farmer now.”
- Like he looks forward to seeing you everyday.
- And I think you influence him, whether you’re a girl or a guy.
- You open his eyes, making him think along the lines of “Maybe I shouldn’t judge so much. Something just feels right when I’m with them.”
- So I think we’ve been knowing how shitty he was in the beginning, before having any hearts with him.
- He’s closed off, depressed, doubting his life choices.
- The farmer literally has to push their way into his heart for him to actually notice and be nice to you.
- So I’ll spend more time focusing on after his heart events, since a lot of people are on the same page about his struggles with alcoholism.
- So like a lotta other people, I think Shane has a great friendship arc, but as a marriage candidate all of that development gets kinda nerfed.
- After everything that happens, he becomes VERY dependent on the farmer.
- Probably to the point where it’s unhealthy
- Like if he heard that you’ve passed out in there mines or something he’d start freaking out, not knowing what else to do if you were suddenly gone.
- But, he’s also one of the only bachelors confirmed to be seeing a therapist, so even if the farmer slowly stops talking to him, he will still be in a better spot than he was in his 6 heart event.
- In the end, he’s very thankful for you coming into his life.
- Just, try not to let him depend on you too much, okay?
- Same with Alex, my opinion and my headcanons of Elliot change depending on how many hearts I have with him.
- But low key I find him very out there when below 4 hearts.
- He has a different kind of ego than Alex, but it does still come off as “I’m better than you” kind of ego.
- For example, when he says he wishes he could “Throw it all away and become a farmer like you”.
- What’s that supposed to mean Elliot?
- Only I don’t think he realizes it, I think at this time he’s more closed minded and never really thought of people being content and success in different ways.
- He does give Wattpad vibes…
- By the way he treats Gus too in his 2 heart event?? Yeah I’m not sure if that seems to change that much lol.
- However as you get to know him more, he realizes how much time and work you put into your farm, and then, starts thinking about how everyone else lives their life.
- I think even as a writer, the dude doesn’t really understand people think differently until you show him.
- Which is why I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s had writer’s block for a while.
- Yeah give him a pencil and paper and he’ll go at it, he’ll write some beautiful poetry and short stories.
- But throw in a consistent protagonist that isn’t like him, and I think he’d struggle big time before he met you.
- After you two become friends, or even after you start dating, he’ll definitely have a different perspective on his art and on other people.
- It’s like you change his perspective on life. And it may not happen overnight, but I truly believe it does happen, and you make him a better person because of it.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
If you need incentive to write the 04 scene of Steve’s mom meeting Eddie, Moe, and Robbie, this is it. The image of Steve stepping in front of them??????? Astounding and I am all but begging you to share what was said — if, of course, you feel the inspiration and need that extra push to write it :)
truly anything for you
tbh this is basically an extension of the last part of this
“–Also, my mom is here.”
“What?” Eddie yelps, which, yeah, fair enough, all things considered. Steve’s been estranged from his parents for over a decade now, so it’s only natural for Eddie to be completely shocked finding out that his mom is here, in their home. 
“Well…y’know, I invited them,” Steve replies as he shifts the way he’s holding their eight-month-old daughter Robbie. 
It’s true – he had invited his parents to the party that he and Eddie are throwing today to celebrate…they’re celebrating a lot of shit, actually, because they’d had a pretty wild few months, but he’s invited them to all the important things over the years.
Before Eddie can respond, Moe wanders over and tugs on the hem of Eddie’s shirt as she says, “Daddy, look at ‘dis, Auntie Robin put a flower in my hair.”
“I mean yeah, duh, Steve,” Eddie finally says as he absently picks up Moe (being mindful of the daisy tucked behind her ear, of course), “I mean, you always…Steve, she’s here?”
“Yeah, she-uh, I dunno. She showed up. We – I sorta yelled at her, I think…”
Steve trails off as his eye catches on a familiar figure hovering by the front door – his mom, he knows, even with her back to him. She must feel his eyes on her, because she turns in their direction, and by then Eddie had realized that something was pulling Steve’s attention so he’s turning too, and then Steve’s mom and Eddie are standing face to face, and alarm bells are going off inside Steve’s head that he can’t really explain, but before he can dwell on it, he finds himself slipping into an old tendency to just blindly act, to protect the people he loves before all else. 
Steve takes a step forward.
Where before he’d been standing in line with Eddie, Steve steps forward, meets his mother with a steady gaze as he puts himself between her and his family.
His mother isn’t blind to this. Steve can see on her face the way she recognizes that step forward for what it was, because he’s got one foot planted firmly between Eddie’s own, and his shoulder is blocking Moe from view completely, and he’s angling himself in a way directs Robbie away too even if doing so hadn’t been a conscious decision, because it all makes crystal clear the kind of threat that Steve perceives his mom to be.
She blinks at him, lips slightly parted, and for a moment Steve finds himself feeling a little bad for her – but only for a moment, because she made her choices just like Steve’s father did, and now they all have to live with them.
Steve lives with those choices every day by being the parent he had needed as a child, and right now that means standing between the parents he did have and the family he has now
“Steve, I–” his mom starts, “I need to be going, but…I’d like to be introduced to your…if you’ll let me.”
She’s looking at Robbie (trying to, anyway), and it makes Steve wonder if she’d even be here today if he hadn’t sent his mother a card back in the spring of ‘02 announcing the adoption of Moe, if he hadn’t spent the years since then sending her updates about his kids. She wonders if she would have shown up at all if it was just him and Eddie.
Steve loves his kids with a kind of love he had never experienced before, but the same is true for Eddie. Sure, it’s a different kind of love, but no less big and no less important. There’s no way in hell Steve will be allowing his mother to pick and choose which parts of his life she gets to participate in. If she wants to know the girls, she goes through Eddie first. Non-negotiable.
Before Steve can say as much, Eddie adjusts his hold on Moe (still keeping her behind Steve, he notices) to free up a hand and hold it outstretched.
“Ed,” he says, and he follows it with, “Steve’s husband,” and Steve can hear the shit-eating grin on Eddie’s face without even needing to look, and he knows that he’s smiling too because he always does when Eddie calls himself Steve’s husband. Then he adds, “Can’t believe we’ve gone this long without an introduction.”
Steve’s mother introduces herself and shakes his hand (though she doesn’t seem to have anything to say to his second comment, Steve notes).
Satisfied (because, frankly, Steve couldn’t really have asked for anything more, all things considered), he finally shifts to the side to introduce his daughters.
“This is Moe,” he says, “Wanna say hi, Moe?”
But Moe has suddenly gone uncharacteristically shy (or maybe she senses the tension and is wisely choosing the side that’s kept her snuggled and fed her entire life – she’s smart like that), tucking her face away in the safety of Eddie’s shoulder. 
Steve watches as Eddie murmurs something in her ear, watches Moe nod even as her little arms twine a little tighter around his neck.
She raises her head and gives a cautious, “Hi,” (with maybe a bit more side-eye than necessary, but…whatever. Moe is who she is).
“Hello,” his mom replies, with a kind of smile on her face that Steve doesn’t think he’s ever seen before (a real smile, maybe, but he won’t dwell on that). She gives Robbie a little wave, “And who’s this?”
“This is Robbie,” Steve says, running a hand over her curls, “Can you say hi, Beans?”
Robbie only blinks her big blue eyes, one of her little hands clenched around a bit of Steve’s hair at the nape of his neck.
“How ‘bout a wave?” he suggests, mimicking a wave for his youngest daughter, who parrots the motion in his mom’s direction.
“How old is she, again?” she asks as Steve presses a kiss onto Robbie’s chubby cheek. He knows he already told his mother this but, in fairness, it certainly wasn’t the most memorable part of their contentious conversation not too long earlier.
“Eight months last week,” Eddie answers proudly. He looks at Moe again, “And how old are you, bug? Are you…” he pauses, pretending to think. He looks at Steve, “I think she’s only two, right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Steve nods, pretending to be serious, “Definitely two more than anything else.”
“No-o, I’m more three!” she argues, her little brow furrowing (Steve knew it would – with Moe’s third birthday only a few weeks away, they’ve had many a conversation about how Moe thinks she deserves three-year-old privileges because she’s “more three than two”).
“That’s right, you turn three soon,” Eddie nods, “And we’re gonna throw a…what kind of party?”
“A butterfly party,” Moe finishes.
Steve looks back at his mom.
“You’re welcome to come, you know,” he says, and beside him, Eddie shifts a bit closer, his shoe nudging up against Steve’s, “Y’know, if you’re around. I can send you the info.”
He already sent it. He knows he already sent it, but if this is his mom’s way of extending her own olive branch, of taking the first steps in restoring the relationship with her son, he’ll send it again.
“Sure,” she replies, running a manicured hand through her hair, “We’ll…well, you know your father and his schedule – I’d thought he would have considered retiring by now but…” she pauses, then shakes her head, “Yes, I’d like the details.”
Steve nods, makes a mental note to send his mom the information (because, despite his defensiveness, he really does want her to be a part of his life, his kids’ and husband’s lives too).
She takes her leave only a minute or two later, and when she does, Eddie turns to face him.
“Holy shit, Steve,” he says, wide-eyed.
“I know,” he replies, slowly shaking his head.
“Dude, that was crazy, and we’re definitely gonna have to debrief on whatever the hell you guys talked about earlier, but can I just say you got so fuckin’ lucky that Robin didn’t realize she was here.”
Before Steve can respond, he hears an ominous voice behind him say, “Robin didn’t realize who was here?"
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babybluebex · 1 year
please share with the class your thoughts on best friend's dad cillian? the world deserves to know what goes down in our DMs
oh my god where to start
ok so like you've known his daughter since you were in diapers, you've been best friends for probably like 18 years, grew up together, all that mess, and you live together once you go to college
and her dad has always been super cool with you, and you've always liked mr murphy, he's super nerdy and cool, one of those dads that wears suits to the office but lounges around the house in old band tees and sweatpants (with reading glasses), has his little Man Cave mojo dojo casa house in the basement with his small collection of favorite books and vintage records, tousled salt and pepper hair, scruffy facial hair, like he is the textbook definition of a dilf
and you come home from college for like a long weekend or something and Daughter Murphy (name pending) sees her dad's car in the garage and is like "oh shit, i thought dad went with mom out of town, you'll be fine with him for the week, right? he'll probably just stay in the basement and read his stupid world war II books all day anyway"
and you come in the house and there he is at the island in the kitchen, drinking black coffee and thumbing through a thick as hell book, and he brightens when he sees you two "oh my days, you two didn't say you'd be coming home" and he hugs you extra tight and ruffles your hair and he generally seems excited to see you two, "how's university?" and you smile "we call it college in america, mr murphy" and his eyes soften as he says "now, i thought i told you to call me cillian"
takes you both out to dinner that night to celebrate, and its when you're in the bathroom at the restaurant, fixing your lipstick, that Daughter Murphy is like "i figured dad would go with mom and try to fix their relationship or whatever" and you're like "Say More Right Now??" "yeah, they're getting divorced and it's really bad, i think they're separated"
and that night, you can't sleep and you wander down to the Man Cave mojo dojo casa house and you're skimming through all the books and the records that mr murphy has, and the light flicks on and he looks SO good, ratty old shirt and plaid pajama pants that are hanging so low on his slutty hips, glasses and extra messy hair and he's like "what're you doing, love, it's past two"
and you can't say anything other than "i'm sorry to hear about you and mrs murphy..."
and he's sorta like "eh it's ok, it was bound to happen, we've been having problems for years"
"doesn't mean it doesn't still suck" and you thumb out a yoko ono record and look at it for a minute before looking back up at him, and he's leaned up against the wall, watching you
"it does" he sighs "she has a boyfriend, i guess you can call it... it just reminds me of how people don't like me"
"i like you" you shrugged "will you play this for me?"
"that's not what i meant, love," he says, but he steps forward and takes the record from you and sets it up and you're like. mhm. ok.
"i know what you meant" you tell him boldly "and i like you a lot"
and he sorta laughs "you're doing something dangerous here, love"
"what if i like that?" and he turns to you and carefully steps up in front of you, resting warm hands on your waist as he tilts his head to examine you
"well" he says, measured "we certainly can't do anything when [Daughter] is in the house" and then, because he knows that you'll whine and complain, presses his soft lips to your neck and draws you into him, he can feel your rapid pulse under his lips, and he whispers "as much as i want to, i can't. not now, at least"
you reach down and cup him through his pants, your breath catching in your throat "you're so hard, mr murphy"
"you know what i'd do to be buried in your little cunt right now?" he asks on gritted teeth "but we just can't. you have to wait"
"mr murphy—"
"i've told you for years to call me cillian" he says "why won't you?"
"b-because..." you start "because i don't want to a cross a line i can't go back on"
and he separates himself from you, going back to his record player like nothing ever happened "which is why we can't do anything" he says evenly. "i think fucking my daughter's best friend is a line that's a little dubious to cross. go upstairs, go to bed... i'll see you in the morning"
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callmissrogers · 7 months
There For His Girl | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short
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Summary: Y/n has reached her limit. Work has been difficult. People have been short, and some just mean. It all brings her back to her childhood, and right now, she just wants to pretend to be ok. So determined to pretend she tries to push her concerned husband away.
WARNINGS ⚠️ This contains mentions of a toxic relationship with the reader's mother and quotes some of their arguments. If this is a trigger for you, please DO NOT proceed. It also contains angst, fluff, and comfort. Also, very little editing and wrote on my phone.
Steve Rogers x wife reader
Word count: 1,370
Notes: The next part in the That's My Girl series will be going up today or tomorrow. I was feeling the need for some comfort myself, so this is what I wrote. Hope you like it!
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Y/n slammed the door, tears streaming down her face she pressed her back into the wall and slid down until she was a small ball on the floor.
"Why do I do this?" She sobbed hating herself.
Y/n had had a rough few days. It seemed like no matter what she did or said, people were short with her. Everything was going wrong, and after one mistake, which led to a snarky backhanded compliment from Tony Stark himself, well, Y/n was done. Usually, it didn't get to her like this anymore, but her emotions frayed to a breaking point.
Her dad always told her she wore her heart on her sleeve but she just thought her mom was right and that instead of enduring this made her a nuisance.
Why should she be so bothered when people utter unkind things to her?
Why can't she pull herself together?
"You're always start crying! Stop trying to make me feel bad"
"You're stabbing me in the back by trying to do something different"
"Don't you know I need you here? Stop thinking about yourself and making everything harder on me"
This and many other instances where y/n would be belittled, ridiculed, screamed at, lectured for two hours at 1 in the morning, and reduced to making herself as small and as unseen as possible while being a sobbing mess, had made her what she is today.
Too sensitive. At least that's what she told herself at times like this.
And why couldn't she just talk about it like a normal person instead of blowing something trivial out of proportion?
Literally five minutes ago....
Steve had come home the night before. Poor guy had been so tired that he fell asleep in uniform on the couch.
Y/n had been carefully tiptoeing around the kitchen so as not to accidentally wake him up. Intending to surprise him before heading to work.
She was supposed to be going over mission plans with Vision today. This was the kind of work that excited her. None of the agents would bother them while they were working, which meant that she could just disappear for the day.
She platted up breakfast and carried it over to set it on the coffee table in front of the sleep soilder.
Tho he didn't actually wake up until she set down his mug of coffee.
Eyes fluttering open he peered up at her groggyily. "Hi" He mumbled, pushing himself upright. "Hey sleepy head." Y/n said, trying to make her voice sound chipper.
Steve sighed contentedly as he stretched out his muscles before standing up.
"Mind if I go change clothes before I enjoy this masterpiece?" He asked. Y/n turned to face him, attempting to smooth down his wild bedhead and then said, "Go ahead"
He was back a matter of moments, settling down next to her and drinking deeply from his coffee.
"Thank you for this," He sighed leaning over and gently kissing her on the cheek. Y/n just nodded, trying to keep her mind on a healthy track she focused on eating.
"Did you sleep well?" Steve asked. Taking another bite, she thought about lying and telling him that she had had the best night sleep.
"Sorta" She said trying to stiffle a yawn. "What does sorta mean?" Steve asked turning to look at her. "Nothing really. I'm good! Nothing some strong coffee won't fix."
Steve placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him. He studied the dark circles, the faint tint of bloodshot in her eyes, how she held herself and her fiddling hands.
"Hm," He said, his voice low in his chest.
Y/n knew exactly what he was doing, shaking his hands off her shoulders and standing up she said, "I should probably get ready for work."
Steve stood up, grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Y/n, you look exhausted." "I'm fine" "You're twirling your hair, which means you're not telling the truth." "Steve, c'mon I don't have time for this" "Y/n, it looks like you've been crying" She pulled his hand off her wrist and started to walk away from him, "I'm going to work." "Sweetheart, please just tell me what's - " "Steve! Please just listen to me and leave me alone!" She yelled, cutting him off. She ran off to the bedroom, and that's when the door slammed.
Steve stood there a moment, thinking about honoring her request and leaving her be. But his protective nature overtook him and he decided that the best thing to do would be to be there for his girl.
In the bedroom.
Y/n sat against the wall still crying into her hands, body trembling, thinking hateful thoughts about herself.
She heard Steve knock on the door, saying "Sweetheart, can I come in?"
When she didn't answer him, he slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
She could feel him kneeling down in front of her, "Sweetheart," He whispered, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear to which she only buried her face further.
The next thing that happened, was Steve scooping her up into his arms and settling down in the arm chair that sat in the room.
Somehow this just made her cry more.
"Oh honey, come on now. Take a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth." He soothed.
After about ten minutes of this, her crying settled down, breath becoming rhythmic.
Once he was sure that she had calmed down enough to be able to communicate with him, he asked his voice low and rumbling through his chest, "Do you wanna talk about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
She nodded against his shirt. "Everything" she gasped. "Everything?" He asked, pulling her back so he could look her in the face. Dabbing away the leftover tears.
"I'm too emotional. Everything the last few days just hurts. I let everything get under my skin... I just. . Lately, people and Stark are just mean, or maybe I'm just too sensitive.. and now I've yelled at you, too." She said, trying to get up.
"Now hold on a minute, " He cooed, keeping her in place.
"What did Tony say?" "Nothing. I messed up and he was being sarcastic, but I'm such a mess that it hurt" she said her voice breaking. "Alright. Listen to me. One, you are not too emotional. The world tells everyone to button up and be cynical. You, my dear, are a light in all that mess. You do care and that's a very good thing -- I don't want you to listen to anyone that would belittle that, ok?" He asked getting a slow, uncertain nod in response. "Ok. Secondly, people can be mean, especially Stark. People also have power trips and want to pull people down to make themselves feel stronger or better. This means there's one thing you can always be certain of: Do you know what that is?" "What?" "They're wrong. Anyone who would belittle you to make a point or to win an argument or for any other reason, is just a bully." "But what if-" "ah. No what ifs. Thirdly, and this one is the one that's most important of the three." "Then why'd it come last?" She asked clearly beginning to feel a little bit better if she could tease him now. Steve simply rolled his eyes and continued,
"I want you to remember that when you're upset, you can always talk to me. No matter how silly it might make you feel, your feelings are safe with me." "Steve I just yelled at you for no rea-" "No. You had a reason. You were upset. I can see that and you know what that means? It means I can take it too. When I put this ring on your finger," He said taking her hand in his and running a finger across her knuckles. "I signed up for this. I'd rather have you get emotional than bottle things up and hide them from me."
Y/n looked down at their still intertwined hands and then back up at him. Nodding again and breathed out an "ok"
"Ok." Steve replied, giving her his usual comforting smile and kissing her forehead.
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letmesleep8 · 2 months
even if I die screaming // elliexreader
CHAPTER 3: Cassiopeia
AO3 | chapter 2 | chapter 4
content warnings/tags: cheating (not on/by ellie); mentions and use of drugs; subtle homophobia; slight discomfort.
notes: hello loves! i'm back with chapter three and it's a bit longer than usual, hope you like it. also, there is a minor OC mention in this one. nothing too much, it's actually such a quick role that i didn't want to waste a character in it, not going to happen often.
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"With my back to the shoreline, I dreamt that he drowned"
 — Georgia, Phoebe Bridgers
January 22, 2039 Winter
Dear diary, 
I've been avoiding Ellie for the last couple weeks since Christmas. The last time I saw her was during New Year's Eve, tried to come talk to me but my mom was there and she had had a couple drinks. I realized it was better for me to not cause any type of scene.
After what she saw on Christmas mama said it'd be better for me if I got closer to Dina since we "have much more in common", of course what she really means is that I should not go anywhere near Ellie. She's also been really trying to set me up with one of Seth's boys, Mike. The older one, I think he's like 18 or 19. I really don't give a shit, I've only been seeing him so she would stop coming to my door late at night to pray for me while I'm asleep. 
Tonight there's gonna be a community get-together at Tipsy and I know for a fact Ellie is gonna be there. And so will Mike, I guess. God, he's so fucking annoying. I mean, he doesn't actually do anything bad, he's just boring and... shallow.
Anyways, I'm going right now 'cause Cat promised to give me bangs. I bet it's going to look awful and mama's gonna kill me. If it does happen I'll make sure Dina burns this journal. 
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
The sun had just set, the sky was not too dark. I grabbed the cake I baked for the community party and filled up Stevie's water bowl before leaving out of the door. As I turned to lock the door behind me, I got scared by a voice.
"What are you doing? Were you leaving?" Mike said, making me jump and almost drop the cake. "I said I was going to pick you up, why were you going by yourself?" He smirked, realizing I got spooked. 
"I completely forgot, I'm so sorry", I smiled while trying to hide the fact that I wanted to throw the vanilla cake into his face, I absolutely hate getting spooked.  I could see his smirk getting wider, he probably realized how distressed I was. And I think he liked it.
"Where 'ma hug at?", Mike tilted his head. I could feel my face twitch as I walked down the steps to my front porch. I looked up and put one arm on his shoulder, hugging him. He was quick to put both his arms around my waist, making me furrow my brows. I'm usually really not a fan of physical touch and Mike was always really touchy. After about two  seconds, I pulled away and started walking. 
The walk to the bar was quick and sorta quiet. He asked to hold hands, saying my hands must feel cold. I said I'm fine and stuffed them in my pocket. The lights on the street were beautiful, taking away my attention from him completely. We then got to my mom, sitting beside Seth. He got up, with a smile. 
I smiled back, wide and polite, as always. "I baked a vanilla cake, I hope people like it", I uncovered the cake and handed it to Seth, who seemed impressed. "Well, at least I know ma' boy won't be starving anytime in the future", he said with a grin. I could feel my smile getting smaller by the minute. The boy laughed with his dad.
On the other side of the room I could see my friends, all sitting together on the same table. Ellie included. I think Jesse saw me staring because he waved at us, calling us over. I thought if I should wave back but before I could even come to a decision Mike was headed towards them, dragging me along. 
"Look who's here! I thought you got kidnapped by Santa or something." Dina laughed, elbowing me. 
"Nah, was just doing an internship as a reindeer, but I'm back in town", I scoffed. Ellie was quiet, sitting on the corner chair. "Hi", I waved to her, reluctant. 
"Hey", she replied, her voice low. With the slightest of smiles, she points at my fresh bangs and says: "I like the new cut, suits ya' good." 
I smile and I can see her cheeks get fairly flushed. I open my mouth to respond to the compliment, but get rudely interrupted by Mike: "no shit, you cut your hair?", he's surprised. 
"You didn't notice the whole walk here?" I knew Mike wasn't exactly the brightest but I never took him for being blind too. He shrugs his shoulders and opens his mouth, trying to find an excuse for his lack of attention. Luckily, Seth calls him over to the kitchen for help, sparring us both with this useless talk. "I'll see ya' ", he says as he walks to his dad. I sat with my friends.
"Not noticing a haircut is a man's worst flaw", Jesse jokes. I roll my eyes and reply: "I really don't give a fuck. Anyone got a beer? Any alcohol? Anything?"
Dina whistles and laughs. "For you?! I'm impressed, look who decided she likes beer now!" Dina always liked to mess with me, especially about the fact that I don't usually drink with them. 
"Well, I can't always babysit you all", I mock Dina. "Time to return the favor." Dina lifts her hands in the air, so does Jesse. I turn to look at Ellie.
The auburn haired girl sighed and got closer, whispering: "s'okay, I do have something on me but y'all can't tell anyone otherwise we'll all be in trouble!" She gets up and all three of us follow after her. 
We sneaked out to go Ellie's house, she unlocked her door. "It's a mess, I wasn't expecting to have guests. You wait outside." I leaned against the front door, Dina leaned against Jesse, whispering something in his ear that made him chuckle. Soon after, there she was with a 6 pack of beer. We all walked together, deciding to stop by a creek, as usual. 
Ellie sat on a rock and I sat by her side, she handed me a beer. Jesse and Dina got a beer each and went to sit further, guess they needed some privacy. I took a sip, trying my best not to make a face. I'm really not used to alcohol. I try to break the cold silence. 
"So..." I looked up to the sky. "Do you really just keep a 6 pack hidden in your room?"
She chuckled, not saying anything else. Maybe she is mad at me. I would be. But her being mad would mean that it actually meant something, I don't think it did for her. Did it? Do I? Do I mean something for Ellie? Well, maybe now she sees me as a heartless bitch. I take another sip of the beer, thinking about how Ellie completely despises me. 
"Are you sure you wanna drink it? I know you hate beer." I looked to the side to see Ellie looking at me, smiling sweetly. "I could give ya' something else, if you want, of course." She laughs. 
"What? Oh, sure" I try to brush it off, as she reaches for something inside her jacket. I watch as she takes a joint and a lighter off her pocket and try to play it cool, even though I've never smoked a cigarette before. She lights it up, gives it a puff and passes it to me. I try to mimic her and end up coughing really hard while she laughs at me. 
"You've never smoked weed?", she laughs. "I've never smoked anything!", I reply, still coughing like an old man. "Aw shit, if I knew I wouldn't have done this, you should have told me!". She took it off my hand and smoked it again. 
Ellie blows out the smoke into the sky as I recover. "I can help you if you want", she says with a smirk. I raise an eyebrow, pretending to be innocent. I think I know what she's gonna do, I've seen guys do it in movies. I nod my head yes, "go ahead".
She puts the cigarette between her lips and takes another drag, but holds the smoke this time. She gently cups my face with her hand and slowly gets closer, I open my lips, not sure if I'm just going on with the bit or actually trying to say something. Lightly brushing her lips against mine, she blows out the smoke in my mouth. I closed my eyes and took it, breathing it in, and for a moment I could feel her smile against my lips. She backs away. I can see her rosy cheeks, they match the state of her eyes. She takes another drag to herself, looking the other way. As she turns around I can see the freckles on the back of her shoulder. I look to the sky and back to her, until she notices.
"All good?" Ellie smiles, looking a bit embarrassed. I shake my head.
"Toss your hair to the side", I say. She does so without asking a single question. "Now turn back around."
I take my index finger to meet her back, making her skin shiver. Move it to one side then another, tracing patterns, connecting dots. Constellations. 
"Cassiopeia." I moved my finger again. "Big Dipper." I moved it once more. "Cepheus". I whispered under my breath, by her neck.
Ellie chuckled. "Are you tracing stars on my back?" She got the weed back to her lips, dragging on it once more. Afterwards, Ellie looked into my eyes, close to her neck. She got close and brushed her freckled nose against mine, shamelessly touching lips and blew out the smoke into my mouth again. Our gazes intertwined and our faces closer than ever when I heard Dina approaching. We both backed away.
"Sorry for bothering you two. Mike's looking for ya'." Dina grinned, shaking her head and walking away. I quickly got up, adjusted my hair and walked away too, without looking back.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ok so now im stuck on the whole stepdad!james maybe dark ask i jsut send in, but obviously this james is the tried and true, big beefy rugby lad, gentle giant, that type.
but you just know that the lads take the PISS outta him, like he doesn’t introduce ur mom as “the missus”, or anything endearing, but once the boys find out that ur sorta kinda his step daughter?? ohh the porn jokes come flooding in.
want her to call u daddy james? oh stepdad im stuck over the couch again!!
and james can’t help but flush red cus he doesn’t really like ur mom like that, but he wants to be around you cus ur pretty and nice (not to mention ur a lot closer in age), and then. oh then. u get an almost-boyfriend.
a guy who sorta tries asking you on a date so u sorta try and go, but james is a fuckin baby about it once he finds out. all petulant and flushed cheeks bc he CANT say anything to u bc he’s not an official authority figure in ur life, or a potential romantic interest cus he hasn’t said so, so he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place so he tries to put issues in place like forgetting to dry ur date dress, or making ur favourite meal bc oh bug im so sorry i totally forgot ur going out tonight!! :((
i just want beefy james potter and his big fat fucking tits at this point that’s so cringe but MY GOD 🙏🙏
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters) and dark, minors dni.
THIS IS SO SPECIAL TO ME :')) james is already a certified lover boy but when he can't express that whenever he wants to?? totally whipped!! he's constantly calling you honey or love or sweetheart and when his friends realize that he doesn't call your mom any of that shit they lay into him so hard </33 sirius sends him porn links that he passes on his way to whatever he's looking for that are labeled stepdad or stepdaughter something along those lines, along with teasing remarks like 'this kinda looks like your kitchen. been up to anything fun with y/n?' or 'if you're looking for any ideas ;)'
when.. when you tell him you're going out. oh my god. he doesn't know what to say!! he can't stop you, and if he tattles on you to your mom she won't stop you, because what reason would she have? so he just nods all stiff and tells you he's happy for you. he bolts from the room as soon as he can, and you think it's kinda weird/mean but he seems fine later so you brush it off!! but the reason that he's fine is that he's just schemed with sirius and remus to get you to stay home for the date and he's confident now that you won't go </3
you're so right he does bait you with your favorite meal.. he calls you downstairs to ask you to taste the sauce for him and you come down in a full face of makeup!! he tells you that you look so pretty, but asks what it's for. you're like james.. my date?? and he goes ohhh, honey i forgot! i made your favorite :( i thought we could have a movie night!! your mom's at work :') and you feel sosososo bad bc he seems so hopeful about it and you don't want him to think that you don't like him!! but you're still planning on this date, so you tell him you'll eat light and come home early.
not good enough for him!! he just smiles and nods and tells you your dress is fresh out of the dryer, but ohhh it shrunk :( it's too tight now!! he's so sorry for ruining it, he must have put it on the wrong setting :( he'll take you to the mall tomorrow to replace it!! and you're pretty discouraged now, your outfit is ruined, you feel guilty for leaving, so you just raincheck the guy :( you feel super bad, especially because he thinks you're just getting cold feet, and snaps at you that he wouldn't have enjoyed your company anyways. this means you're sad and feeling guilty, and james gets to croon over how mean he was and how sweet you are for still feeling bad and he wraps you up in his big strong arms beside the stove and lets you bury your face in his big broad chest and he coddles you for as long as you’ll let him :’) he shovels your comfort meal into your mouth and puts on your favorite movie and snuggles up under blankets with you and at the end of the night you end up snoozing on his shoulder while the credits roll :’) he carries you up to your bed and tucks you all snug under your covers and he can’t stop himself from kissing your forehead :’)) your face is warm and flushed and he yearns to kiss your lips but he tears himself away and leaves you there with a promise to himself that he’ll treat you better than anyone else because it’s what you deserve :’)
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Ight so you mentioned about getting high with Enid, and it got me thinking...
Imagine Sophia didn't die. Lydia and Henry are there. And ofc, Carl.
Cept' they're all the same age right. And it's just all TWD teens getting to experience (sorta) typical teenage shit, ykwim?
Just playing silly games together, getting high, getting drunk, teasing Enid and reader, telling eachother some of their secrets, telling ghost stories, etc.
I hope this makes sense lol :)
i’m so in love with this request. Sophia held such a place in my heart :’)) i hope you enjoy! i’m definitely gonna try and do this request justice bc i have a vision in my head that i really wanna adapt into this story. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings: weed & alcohol. one sexual joke. (please smoke and drink responsibly !!!)
A/N: hope you all enjoy! and as always, requests are open! just read pinned to see all rules if you want to request 🫶🏻🫶🏻
“alright!” you shouted, the biggest smile on your face. you held up a case of beer, “guess who managed to sneak into Daryl’s stash?”
everyone cheered, making you laugh. Lydia ran up to you, “how did you manage to do that?!” she asked, looking at you with disbelief. “i have my ways,” you smirked.
you brought the case over to your small circle of friends. Carl, Enid, Sophia, Lydia and Henry. they were all here with you.
you sat next to Enid, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you handed her a bottle. “you practically risked your life for us,” she joked lightly. you shrugged, “i’ll find a new one for him.”
Lydia sat back down next to Henry. you watched with a soft smile as he wrapped his arms over her, kissing her head.
it was rare to have a night like this. so rare in fact that this is the first night you guys were able to finally all be together, acting like nothing bad was just right outside the gates of your home.
Enid tapped your shoulder, when you turned around she held out a handful of joints. your smile grew wider. “you’re the best girlfriend ever, do you know that?”
“i do.” she smiled cheekily. you pushed her shoulder. “guys! Enid brought some joints as well, we all get one each.” you announced. everyone gasped and reached to grab their own.
“this is seriously like, the best night ever.” Carl said, taking a sip of the beer. “i mean, we’ve never gotten to hang out like this together. if you think about it, it’s really the first time we’ve been able to act like… what we actually are. just teens.”
that’s all you guys were. teens who were forced into this broken world at such an early age. none of you got to grow up the way you were supposed to.
everyone was silent for a moment, taking in Carl’s words. “then let’s make the best of tonight.” Henry smiled, holding up his bottle of beer. you all agreed, clinking your bottles together. it felt like a cliche, but that’s what made it even better.
after everyone’s third beer, Carl sighed. “god, i remember the day this shit started.” he sighed. “my… mom rushing to pack my clothes, all of our pictures. before i really knew it, we have a camp by the quarry.”
“that’s where the three of us met.” Sophia said, pointing between you, her and Carl. “you guys met that long ago?” Lydia asked.
you all nodded, “yeah uh, Sophia was with her mom, Carl had his, i uh… lost mine already at that point, but Glenn found me in the woods. brought me back with him to their camp.”
“wow. so you guys have been through like… everything together.” Lydia said. “pretty much. yeah.” Carl chuckled.
at this point, everyone had started to feel the effects of the beer kick in. “okay, let’s play a game.” Enid said, clapping her hands. “if we want to get a true teen experience, we need to play something. like Never Have I Ever.” she said.
“that sounds fun.” you told her, “yeah! lets do it.”
“okay, rules, if you’ve done what someone asks you have to drink. for example, if i asked everyone if you ever fell into a pile of dead walkers and proceeded to stay there for five minutes because you were… comfortable… Y/N would take a drink.”
you stared at her, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back your laugh as everyone roared in laughter around you. “now why would you say that.”
“because you quite literally did that.” she responded. you pushed her shoulder again and took a sip of the beer. “okay, i have one.” you spoke up.
“uh oh.” Carl mumbled.
“never have i ever had a sex dream in front of half our group and proceeded to moan my name for three minutes straight.” Enid’s eyes widened as her face flushed red. “you did what?!” Sophia laughed.
“you are evil.” Enid told you. you smirked and shrugged, “take a sip, sweetheart.”
“okay, okay.” Carl said. you lit your joint, gesturing the lighter towards Enid to silently ask if she wanted hers lit too. she nodded and held out her joint for you to light it.
Carl’s mouth formed into a smirk, “never have i ever been late to a community meeting because i was too busy having sex with my girlfriend at eight in the morning.”
it was silent between the six of you, and then you and Enid slowly took a sip of your beers. “there’s no way.” Lydia said, staring at both of you with shock.
“i’m not appreciating the fact that we’re being targeted.” you said. “you guys started it.” Carl said. “okay, we need to think of something else before they expose everything about us.” Enid laughed, taking a hit from her joint.
“oh, i know what we could do.” Sophia said almost mischievously. “classic sleepover activity. ghost stories.” she proposed.
“oh yes. lets do it!” Lydia said. “i have one. i have literally never stopped thinking about it since it happened. you were there, Henry.” she started.
“remember the abandoned asylum we found?” she asked him. he thought for a moment before his mouth dropped open slightly. “oh yeah! that was so scary.”
everyone had started to light their joints as well, getting prepared for the stories. “it was a few months ago. me and Henry snuck out of Hilltop to just walk around. like how you and Enid do. we ended up at this really scary looking building that turned out to be an asylum.”
“where was it?” you questioned before she continued the story. “i think it was by the Target we used to go to for runs.” she answered.
“but anyways- we walked inside and this place instantly had a vibe to it that clearly was not welcoming. but we went further in anyways. there was this one room that we walked into, and Henry decided he wanted to try and summon something,”
Lydia gave Henry a look as she said that, and he put his hands up in defense, making you all laugh. “tell them what you did.” she told him.
“i uh,” he laughed. “i started to throw insults in the air. like ‘dumbass ghost’ and shit like that. and to be fair, i was pissing it off a lot. but um, after around five minutes i said something along the lines of ‘you’re too scared to face us” or some shit, and precisely two seconds after that, there was a vase that was behind us, it fell over and shattered completely.”
“famous last words.” you joked. “you forgot the other part.” Lydia told him. “the other..? OH!” Henry pulled his sleeve up, showcasing two scratch marks. “that also happened.”
all of your eyes widened, “what?!” Sophia yelled. “it scratched you?!” he nodded, laughing. “yeah, we got the hell out of there after that obviously. but yeah. do not go into that asylum. i can already see Y/N and Enid planning it.”
“oh fuck no. we are not going there.” Enid said, despite your whine. “but it sounds cool!” Enid shook her head, “you’re actually insane.”
everyone started talking amongst themselves, but you couldn’t help but take in all of your surroundings. your best friends sitting in yours and Enid’s house. the one that you owned together, which was something you never thought would ever be possible again.
you’d never thought you’d make it this far, and if you did, you figured you’d be miserable. but you’re not. everything was coming into place so perfectly. having a girlfriend you knew you couldn’t wait to marry, still having Carl and Sophia by your side throughout all of those years in the apocalypse, taking in Henry and saving Lydia. you finally had what you lost so many years ago.
there was no better feeling than the one you felt right now. maybe it was because you were drunk or high, but you wished this sense of euphoria would stay forever. you hoped you could all still be together like this years from now.
“hey,” Enid said softly, nudging your shoulder. “you’re out of it. what’s wrong?” she asked.
you smiled and shook your head. “nothings wrong. i’m just… really happy.” you admitted. “and god i love you. so fucking much.”
Enid giggled, leaning in to kiss your lips. “i love you too, pretty. so, so much.” you hummed against her lips, “wish we can stay like this with everyone forever.”
“then let’s do it.” she said. “it will always be us. forever.”
“forever.” you repeated. “yeah. that sounds good.” you smiled, leaning in to kiss her once more, ignoring everyone’s fake gags and groans.
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richeeduvie · 5 months
thinking about logan jr making mothers day gifts for baby in school and then being told he needs to make one for his actual mom and he just half-asses that one. how is baby/shiv feeling if they notice? also how is baby feeling about getting one just in general, after all he is her first baby🥰
His teacher is going on about Mother's Day. Logan Jr's thinking about how Baby Jr's at her own home. Not at school cause Aunty and Uncle allowed it - she gets a tutor and they want her there.
"Can we-"
"Logan. You need to raise your hand first."
His brows make their own little pout. He raises his hand.
"Yes, Logan?"
"Is there an Aunty's Day?"
"...I'll check."
He nods. He'll make one for his mommy, but she probably won't even want to see it. Aunty will want to see hers. Apparently, there's no Aunty's or Uncle's day. Not one that really matters. That's stupid.
But he makes these little paper flowers - for a bouquet. He wraps them up in thin, pink paper and puts little stickers on them. He tries really hard to make them perfect.
"Damn it!"
Roman's sorta noticed the...you know, photos of his wife and soulmate gone from a couple of photo frames in his house? But Logan Jr needed those too. He got some photos of Uncle Roman too. And Baby Jr.
"...Who's that, Logan?"
"...I wanted to make something before I make a card for Mommy. It's none of your business, but I'll tell you anyway cause you've been helping me. It's my aunty."
"Oh. Okay."
Logan Jr then forgets he actually has to make one for his Mommy.
She won't even see it anyway. So he just makes a card with a smiley face. He draws some flowers too.
Logan Jr gets nervous that it's just stupid. Baby Jr will make something and it'll be better cause that's her baby. Even though she is just a baby. She can't even write properly.
He's dropped off to their place on mother's day - a car that usually drops him off on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Monday and Tuesdays are boring.
"What's this, sweetheart?"
He smiles when Baby smiles. Baby Jr comes toddling over, making happy noises at all the colors. Yeah, he's super good at making stuff.
"Is this for your mommy for Mother's Day? Shiv is gonna love this."
"Love! Is color!"
His smile drops.
"Oh. Who is this for?"
She's bending down.
He looks down. It's not wrong to just make things.
"It's for you. I had time to make something, that's why. You-do you like it, Aunty?"
Baby Jr squeals because it means his little bouquet will be in their home. She waves her hands around.
"Oh. Logan. I love it! It's just...what's the special occasion? I didn't know Aunty's Day was also on Mother's Day."
"It's not. But look! I got these batman stickers! I placed it on angles."
"At an angle?"
"Yeah! They're super cool! And I-"
"What did you make for Mommy?"
Logan Jr blinks.
"...A card."
Baby smiles. She wonders where her little nephew's thought process went.
"A card. How nice. She'll love it. Does that have super cool batman stickers too?"
"...Should I put some on?"
Baby keeps her smile on. Baby Jr comes to hug Logan Jr.
"Tank you!"
"They're not even for you."
He takes the hug, though.
"You're welcome."
Logan Jr pulls out the card, smiling bright when he shows it to his Aunty.
Baby keeps her smile on.
"Wow, Logan. She'll love this so much. Shiv is gonna smile as big as this smiley face you made."
"Yeah. You're such a sweet boy. Come here."
They squish a giggling Baby Jr in the hug. Baby thinks - no wonder why her nephew had time to make her gift. But maybe he knows it'll be enough for Shiv. She doesn't want to think anything bad.
Maybe she shouldn't be so bold to show her bouquet, though.
Logan Jr's smiling up at her.
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nintendonut1 · 2 days
so i
wrote ship fic of my OCs
if you guys are into that sorta thing LOL
Swee/Willow slowburn fic, where they discuss Swee's favorite television program growing up. Includes swearing, small injury, and telenovela-esque drama (thanks to LassDaisy for double-checking my Spanish!)
“What the—dude. What is this lady’s problem??”
Swee freezes mid-slice, the carrot on his cutting board half-diced, and takes a moment to find his center. Were it anyone else, any other time, he wouldn’t hesitate to throw someone who’d dare slander his girl right out of his kitchen. Shutting his eyes, he, oddly enough, finds inner peace in her shrieking voice blaring at full volume from the mounted television.
It’s okay. He dropped in at the season finale of a show that’s in a language he cannot understand. He has no knowledge of her struggles. Go easy on him.
Without a word, he lifts the remote and pauses the DVD, turning to face his guest with his hands clasped in front of his face. “...okay. Do you want the whole list, or just the top ten?”
Willow gives proper pause, blinking, a cracker drenched in cheese sauce hovering just near his open mouth in mid-bite. After the pause, he pops it in, growing nervous.
Swee puffs out a sigh. “Sorry. I get melodramatic about my shows sometimes.” He saunters away from the counter and plops into a chair, joining Willow at the kitchen island and dipping his own cracker in the sauce. He needed a break from dinner prep anyways.
“I can, uh. See why,” Willow ventures with an uneasy grin, one that Swee wants to make go away and turn more genuine as soon as he can. 
“Yeah, heh. This one especially gets me bad. But I can’t help but feel for her, y’know?”
“Swee, she just pulled a gun on these two.” Willow points a chip at her frozen close-up of righteous fury, said gun pointed in front of her. “Like, is she dating one of them? Is that why?” (oh stars, he doesn’t know how painfully heterosexual this show is, that’s so cute holy shit) “Still seems like an overreaction, I dunno.”
“I mean…fair. But,” Swee turns to fully face him, swallowing a cracker. “This is the finale of season ten. There’s been a shitton of build-up to this.”
“So, tell me about it.”
Swee looks straight into those crooked eyes, fresh green and glittering, and finds nothing but sincerity in them.
So, he does.
It’s a bit of a long-winded summary of Hayce T. con Amor, a show near and dear to his heart. He followed its initial airing alongside his mom, and as he traveled around he’d spend hours on the phone with her sharing their impressions of the latest episode, up to its dramatic ending years ago. It follows the tumultuous journey of Hayce T., in her constant pursuit of true love in a sea of liars and cheaters. The first episode opens on her finding her high-school boyfriend making out with another girl under the bleachers, and her luck never, ever seems to lift up from there. The theme was that she’d always throw everything she had into a new relationship, naively hoping that this would be the one, and the boyfriend of the week would always find something wrong with that, each reason more outlandish than the last.
“Hell, last season, Pet T. tried to spin it in a way where she was ‘gaslighting and manipulating’ him by putting on some front?? Bess T., that’s her friend, remember, talked some sense into her, but like, damn, man?”
Willow is absorbing this, taking a thoughtful bite of a small stack of crackers as he considers it all. “So, like.” Oh he’s gonna say it, isn’t he. “When are Hayce and Bess gonna kiss?” 
There it is. Oh god Willow you beautiful soul. I could kiss you right now.
Swee doesn’t, and swallows a blush this time, taking a moment to recalibrate at that interruption to his whole spiel. “...okay, well, I’m not gonna spoil anything later on, just lemme get to right now—”
The star-doll looks almost smug as he chomps another stack. “Hellllll yeah they kiss later, don’t they.”
“Shoosh-shush. Yer throwin’ me off.” Swee shakes himself back on track as Willow chuckles. “So that guy, the one she’s pointing the gun at? That’s Gill T. He treated her like a queen, said he’d never do all the crap she went through, it looked like this was it, ‘tu eres mi unico amor,’ y’know?”
Willow nods, leaning in with interest. He doesn’t even point out how little Spanish he knows this time. “Uh-huh? But then she found him with that other lady anyways?”
“Worse than that, dude. That other lady was sent by him to kill her.”
He slumps back. Poor thing looks defeated, as if he was beginning to understand and it was all thrown off kilter. “Swee. Swee, what.”
“Look, just—I’ll go back to the beginning of the season,” the toad scrambles back to the counter, fiddling with the DVD menu. “And I’ll hit the subtitles, just. I can’t just tell you everything, you gotta watch it unfold, it’s fuckin’ crazy.”
“Aaaallright, okay.” Willow acquiesces, watching the opening credits play out as Swee frantically returns to his prep work, oops, oops, oops—
“Yeah?” Chop chop chop.
“You said you feel for Hayce T., yeah?”
“...are you looking for true love, too?”
In a whirling blur, the toad chef is back at the kitchen island, his hand nestled in a bloodied cloth. Spanish voices fade into the background as he watches Willow tend to the lengthy cut along the top, releasing a sappy healing salve from a digit in his finger and dragging it along the wound. 
Swee’s head is positively buzzing. He almost misses when Willow sighs, “There. Geez. Not as bad as it looked, but still.”
“Thanks. Ugh.”
Aw hell. Now Willow looks away, ashamed, like this whole thing was his fault. Because of course he thinks that. “...Sorry.”
“Shush.” Swee clears his throat, and answers his question. “...yeah, kinda. I mean, I’ve been looking.”
Willow pensively watches him as he continues, “I thought I found it, a few times. A relationship here, a fling or two there…or five.” He cringes at himself. “...when you’re traveling a lot, there’s not any time for much else.”
He feels the gaze of the resplendent star in front of him, and he laughs mirthlessly. “Guess I’ve got that Hayce T. run of luck.”
The silence that follows is thick as molasses, and Swee wants to sink into the earth and vanish— “Well…” Willow’s voice, weedy with nerves, cuts through that spiraling thought, and Swee is greeted with a lopsided grin. “If anyone sends their assassin affair partner to kill you, you at least got me to protect you?”
Oh my god. Willow ventures a small shrug. Oh my god.
A thousand emotions crash into Swee and smash through his walls, and he breaks down laughing. Willow joins him shortly, and they both slump on the table in actual mirth as the telenovela plays above them, the tormented lovers onscreen ignorant of the actual goddamn romance happening here in Swee’s goddamn kitchen.
“Then my luck’s already better.”
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littlemywashere · 5 months
Headcanons to the lovechild au (I finally came up with a name) part 2!
TW/CW brief mentions of trans pregnancy
If this makes you uncomfortable please block the tag 🌿🌼
In the au Max is a trans male, I try not to draw attention to it due to harassment I faced before and doxxing so if I ever stop posting about them please know it's not anything you did it's trauma
With the disclaimer out of the way here is my headcanons
Sam is the one that cooks for the family, he doesn't trust Max near a stovetop let alone chopping veggies, I feel like he'd wear a simple apron tied around his waist, and always holding his dad mug, which is broken but he glued back to together piece by piece, he has a sense of dad humor and will not hesitate to participate in tea parties with his family, though that doesn't mean he can't be stern, he knows how to handle the kids, and Max since he's used to it.
Whilst being the freelance police, he often has to put items up that might be deemed dangerous,
When Susan was first born, he was a total sap, listening to her first cry 'Hey there sweetpea I'm your dad..' etc mimicking her facial expressions, sticking his tongue at her, rocking her (just the basic stuff) he cried when holding her, and the same with all the kids
Of course he had self doubt, he didn't know if he'd be a good father- despite raising John, The geek and Sam jr
Now for Max I'd like to say there wasn't really a big change, he still acted the same he just had motherly instincts, nesting behavior to Sam this was regular Max- no need to be alarmed, that's until Sybil is the one that noticed the changes since she had experienced it and she herself is a mom Max definitely was overwhelmed by the changes, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows Max dealt with wicked morning sickness, but Sam made it comfortable for him.
he just sorta lays down randomly on blankets and pillows. During the trimesters
The first trimester was difficult
The second trimester was a bit more easier
And lastly the third trimester was a breeze he mainly just kept them hidden in his fluff since they were the sizes of balloons, and being newborns he just had that protective instinct, not even Sam could go near without having his tie chewed off.
Max takes the kids to the park/beach teaching them to swim, he cheers on his little babies for the littlest things even waking up
Max doesn’t mind the kids calling him mama.
so in summary, Sam and Max are your average family going for vacations taking the kids along to see them in action fighting bad guys and mischief, which definitely backfired since half of the pups have Impulsive tendencies but then again when you mix Sam and Max together your just bound to get chaos.
(Edited) part 3 will be tomorrow! (Geek John Sam jr)
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emb-bbg445 · 1 year
The game
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Black!fem y/n
Summary: you and miles go to a game with some of your friends and you come across an ex guy bsf who had secretly had a crush on you.
Warning:some fluff, lil make out,cussing, a bit of the n word
The black Toyota then stops at the front entrance of the school. "Bye mom, thanks for dropping me off." You said as you then stepped out the car gently with you're phone in your other hand. "No prolem. Stay safe, and call me if you need anything." She said. You then close the door and start walking up to the gate, looking for your close friend, Miles. You two had been hanging out for quite some time, y'all would flirt from time to time, and you sorta started to catch feelings. But you didn't want to ruin yalls friendship.
You then pay for your football ticket and cross through the gate and see Miles waiting for you. Your eyes light up and you then walk up to him. And give him a hug. "Hey Miles."You said wrapping you arms around him. "Cmon, you gotta mean some of my friends. They'll really like you!" You said with excitement. You then take his hand and start rushing towards the bleachers to where a bunch of other people were. Him slightly tripping on how fast you were rushing. "Hold up Ma, slow down." He said forming a smile. 
You then look around for your group. "Y/N!" A voice shouts on the opposite direction of you. You then turn your head to see your best friend and your other friends waiting for you. You then smile and rush over to her and hug her as you two squeal from being reunited. Mile's watched in the distance. He smiled at how happy you were. He then slowly walked over and stood beside you. "Oh I'd like you guys to meet someone. This is my friend, Miles." You say stepping aside for him.
He then waves at then slightly and you all head over to the bleachers and start talking. Y'all catch up on some of your stories of how Highschool was going. After all some of these friends you hadn't seen since middle school, so you were really happy to reunite and catch up.
You all spend the next 2 hours sharing stories about some people in the past and how things are going with them as the night starts to settle in. "Oh yea y/n, remember Dominic?"ybsf/n asks. You then roll your eyes in realization and remembrance of him. "I heard he tried joining the football team, and he couldn't even deadlift 60lbs!"  And and your best friend laughed at the random boy she brought up. Miles eyes widen at your guys sudden conversation. "Who the fuck is Dominic?" Miles asked curiously.
"Oh it was just this guy I used to be friends with. I used to have a crush on him, but that nigga then started acting weird as shit." You said rolling your eyes. "What do you mean weird as shit?" Miles asked once more. "He was always staring at me, he got me something on Valentine's Day, but then again he would always treat me a certain way, and he was such a fucking bitch. He was such a hypocrite, he was extremely selfish, and he was just overall a bad person." You continued.
"I just disliked him because not only did he act like he liked me-which he most likely did- but he would also say he didn't, and then go off and start caring about the people I had crushes on!" You yelled angrily. Just the thought of that boy made you so pissed off. "Wouldn't he also make fun of you for having Dark skin??" One of your friends asked. "OH YEA! That nigga was so fucking racist! Like how are you that disloyal to your people??" 
Miles then stared at you listening to you rant about this extremely horrible friend you had in the past. "Oh Hermosa, he shouldn't have treated you like that. Your skin is perfect just how it is." Miles said concerned. You then smile at his comment. "Thanks Miles." Suddenly, a voice then shouted out your name. "YO Y/N!" 
You then turned your head to see the one and only. Dominic. Him and his friend group were down at the bottom standing watching you, some of them giggling on the side. 
You then suck your teeth and walk down to him and his friend group backs up. "The hell you want Dominic?" You asked, annoyed at his sudden appearance. 
"Damn you just gon come after to me like that? Not no Hi or Hello??"
"Just get to the point please." You roll your eyes. 
He then looks you up and down and smiles. You then scrunch your nose disgusted at his sudden gesture. "You look great tonight" he says flirtatiously. "What are you tryna say?" You ask as your eyes widen. He sighs. 
"Look the truth is..I've liked you for so long. And I can't take it any longer. I wish I said somethin' sooner, but I honestly thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on." His friends then start Ooooing in the back getting hyped at him. You then sigh and take a deep breath. 
"Look man imma keep it a buck but... I don't like you like that. First off you're extremely immature, your very toxic, you don't give a shit about your appearance, or hygiene. Uhh not to mention you couldn't even describe you're own personality like nigga you literally didn't fucking have one. You don't care about your grades whatsoever ever- you basically don't give a shit about yourself whatsoever, and you damn sure didn't give one about mine when we were friends from the way you treated me. So what makes me think you're gonna treat me better in a relationship?" 
The way his friends faces dropped in shock from your reasoning was outrageous. "Woww okay you dirty fuckin monkey bitch! You just not finna get wit me??!" He yells. He then backs down when you then feel a sudden hand on your waist.
"Do we have a problem nigga?"
It was Miles. He  then stared at your ex guy best friend with dead, narrow eyes. The then looks down in defeat. "N-no.. no we don't" he says walking away back to his friend group.Miles then noticed your face still full of emotion. "Cmon, let's leave." He says still holding onto your waist. You guys then walk out and walk around the school building, and he just hears you rant non stop about the whole situation and how much of a horrible person your ex guy best friend still was. "Y/n stop." Miles kept repeating, but you couldn't stop rambling about the guy. 
"Ma please, stop." He says now assertively and taking you by the shoulders turning you to face him. "Oh...I-I'm sorry Miles, I didn't mean to-"Stop apologizing as well." 
"Oh..okay, what's wrong?" You ask surprised. Your heart starts to slowly accelerate as you two were now face to face. You could feel his breath near your neck. "Because the second I heard and saw that man, and the way he treated you, I wanted to punch him so hard he gets a dislocated and broken nose, throw you over my shoulder, and take you home."
Your heart quickens in pace. "What?" You say faintly. "I'm saying I want to be more than friends Princesa." You two then stare at each other, him at this point pinning you against the dry brick walls. He then moves his hands to your waist and pushes you against him pressing his lips onto yours. You then slowly melt into the kiss returning it. You then wrap your arms around his neck as he then roams his hands around your body as if it's something new to explore. 
He then goes lower to your hips and down to your thighs lifting you up. Feeling the fabric of your cargos. You then wrap your legs around his waist as he slightly grips your legs to not let you go. He then pulls away to look at you again. "I like you too." You say to reply to his comment earlier. He then starts kissing you around your jawline and down your neck. Tickling your neck slightly as you then hold your hands on his head. He then goes back to your lips and continues to kiss you. 
All of a sudden, somebody yells your full government name. You and Miles stop kissing and turn to see your friend group catching you two in the act. "Called it!" Your best friend yelled. Miles then lets you down gently. "Sorry. I forgot to tell y'all I left" you say in embarrassment. "Girl it's nothin. But the game just ended Fr, so erybody kinda leavin. Yall wanna go get sum to eat wit us?" She asked. 
You then turned to Miles and gave him a look. He approved and took your hand. You and your friends now walking to the car to head off as you text your mom on where you were soon to be.
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Hello and welcome to An Unconscious Effort!
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What is An Unconscious Effort?
At its heart, AUE is a story I wrote to one day be a webcomic about 4 kids being forced to navigate through the depths of the dream world, who all have their own attempts and ideas on how to establish a balance between their dreams and the real world, all while learning how to rely on others and be kinder to themselves.
The story follows 4 different POV’s.
The first quarter of the story will follow Abigail, a 14 year old girl who’s better at talking to plants than she is to people, and trying to figure out this whole ‘growing into the adult she wants to be’ thing, or whatever her mom says. Less and less people in the world have been able to report having dreams as of late, with many speculating if this could mean the start of something much bigger than themselves. So, when a mysterious entity from the dream world offers the opportunity of a lifetime for Abigail to help in reestablishing a balance between the dream world and the waking world and being apart of something that could change the lives of billions for the better, how could Abi even reject this offer?
Current status?
At the moment, the outline for this story is still being workshopped. I have 1/2 of the outline written, but still would like to go over it again once I reach the ending to probably rearrange and tweak some things before properly and officially starting to post the comic for-realsies.
There is already some beta chapters I posted to webtoon and tapas that I made while trying to get a feel for making webcomics in the first place, and while I am still proud of having made those, their quality and story is not representative of what I will be trying to create when I officially start the comic again. They were mainly made to be a learning experience at the time and I guess I did learn a lot.
Main Characters?
I’m glad you asked!! (you didn’t).
Abigail (Abi) - 14 y/o, she/her - Friendly neighborhood girlfailure who takes care of the plants.
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(For anyone who remembers my utdr fanart, she was the oc I turned into patience)
Prawn - 15 y/o, he/him - If he sees you sitting on a bench all alone he will sit down next to you and strike up a conversation. This is not a possibility, it is a threat. He knows your location.
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(Oc turned into kindness)
Marzipan (Marzi) - 16 y/o, she/her - Girlbossing her way through life, but at what cost.
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(Oc i hid under the cut that I had turned into justice)
Meadow - 13-15 y/o?, she/they - What a cute little deer guy! Sure hope they’re not hiding any horrors in them!
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(Oc that I turned into perserverance)
Whats this blog for?
Fuck if i know im bored lmao. I doubt this blog or comic will even be seen by anybody but I still sorta want to post some oc work on here and just…have some fun? Maybe organize some stuff about the comic here and post about characters sometimes. Idk I’ll figure it out I suppose
And if you’d rather see my art blog where I usually just post utdr fanart and be cringe then its @squidpedia while @squidpedias-reblogs is my rb account
If you read this far, you have bad taste but thank you
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