#I mean she’s DEFINITLY in the group that’s like the whole thing she does now
scawch · 2 years
hate when people say “love unconditionally” like mfer if someone does you wrong and they hurt you, you shouldn’t have to owe them a single fucking thing. if someone is a bad person that are not owed any kind of fucking love whatsoever. no one should ever be told to love unconditionally and have to follow through with that to people who have abused them. the only reason UR saying this is because you are borderline abusive to your children and now that some of them are old enough to refuse to deal with you being a terrible person and these new cultish beliefs you’ve gotten. of fucking course it’s the people who constantly will hurt other people in some way or other who always end up saying” you should love everyone no matter whaaaat” like
this fucking lady is talking about how people would say “hey maybe you should not take ur kids ACTUAL BEDS AND DOORS away, because it’s an awful way to treat children and it’s a good way to get these children to end up resenting you big time for treating them so terribly and they won’t trust you and will end up trying to get away from you as soon as possible” and she’s like “well that’s their fault for not loving unconditionally” WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? yeah yeah sure whatever hey, quick question- does your unconditional loving include murders and people who cause mass genocide or just you and other parents who abuse their children?
shove ur conditional love up ur fucking ass
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pontsalin · 5 years
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Aaa I’ve finally finished them! The sides as Tarot card from the Major Arcana! I’m really happy how it turned out,,
The meaning of the cards and explaination are under the cut.
(All the meaning of the cards are the Golden Thread Tarot app)
Imma describe the cards meaning, and why I’ve chosen them, but there are also little details that are up to interpretation/ add more meaning!
Roman: The Fool
Meaning: The major aracna tells the story of an individual’s path towards completion. Being the first card, the fool therefore is a blank slate, a representation of purity and innocence of a child that knows nothing of the world. New journeys are signaled here, and the fool is full of exuberance and energy. He does not know the dangers that beset him during the travels, and thus he stumbles forward with complete optimism, never suspecting that he may be walking on a thin tight rope.
Why? ‘Innocence and purity? Shouldn’t it be Patton? I hear you say.
Well, travel and optimism sounds more like Roman, fearless Prince that fights the horror of the Imagination, unknowingly destroying himself as he tries to be someone else.
This card implies growth and development, which is something that Roman is slowly but surely going through.
Deceit: The Magician
Meaning: The Magician is the representation of pure willpower. She takes all that is available to her and molds and transforms it to her desires. With her hand pointing to the ground and her wand pointing to the sky, she is the manifestation of the ancient phrase “as above so below” - meaning that earth reflects heaven, what is within also without, the microcosm is the macroscom. Naturally, this phrase is the origin of what is commonly understood as ‘magic’.
Why? Honestly Deceit was the hardest side to chose a card for. 
This card means willpower and desire, things that Deceit has and wants to protect. He cares for Thomas, and wants him to do the things he wants. Also, I thought the whole ‘reflects’ and opposite was something very fitting to him...
Note: His four ‘bonus’ arms are all spelling something in ASL.
Logan: The Emperor
Meaning: While the Empress represents the archetypal mother, the Emperor represents the father. He exudes authority - and though he is stern, he is also filled with wisdom and understanding from his years. He signals structure, stability and the rule of thought over the heart.
Why? You might have thought this card was for Patton because the of fatherly meaning because we all know Logan is the mother of the group, but the rule of thought over the heart is definitly something more... logical. Honestly I don’t have much to explain for that one since it’s pretty transparent.
Patton: The Hierophant
Meaning: Following the bounds of tradition. What is tried and true is valued, and it is not the time to stray from the path. This card can also represent the pursuit of knowledge, or a spiritual guide.
Why? As Thomas’ morality, Patton would rather not have him stray from his path, and do things another way.
Note: The duality of the card being cute and domestic, and the meaning being ‘darker’ (not really the word I’d use but I can’t find something else rip) is absolutly intentional.
Virgil: The Devil
Meaning: Represents the fears, obsessions and insecurities that hold humanity back from reaching their true potential. Two souls are enslaved by the beast, a mirror image to “The Lovers”, but their bonds are not those that are physicalor real.
Why? I know, I know, Virgil had a redemption arc, but anxiety is still something that stops you from getting out of your comfort zone, making mistakes and therefore learning new things.
Note: I did not work much on the ‘two souls’ thing, but it’s actually something interesting to think about...
Remus: The Tower
Meaning: Ineviatble destruction and the breakdown something in our lives which we consider foundational. Reminiscent of the tower of babel, which was built upon far-reaching human ambition, creating an artifical comfort in our lives. But there is always an upside - when the tower levels, not only to we uncover our own hidden resilience, but we can also rebuild anew with greater inner insight.
Why? Because of the entire episode. In DWIT, Remus came in, fucked shit up, made Thomas, Patton and Virgi rethink of their action/ themselves. Now let’s just see what they will build from that...
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Yona’s tagging in for Soo-won XD
So I noticed something interesting about Yona’s behavior in there recent chapter. At first I was thinking it was odd that Yona was being so composed and taking charge so easily. after all these are foreign leaders. She hasn’t really had experience with a official situation like this and there is only so much she could have learned in the three days stuck in soo-won’s office reading.
But the one thing Yona has always had is confidence. Yona is used to getting her way as a princess even if she hasn’t been living as a princess for a while. Hak always reminded her that she is a princess and to never lower herself and told her to order him to teach her the sword. telling him to give himself to her without a hint of shame or why that wasn't the natural course of things. Sure yona asked the dragons for help but she still never hesitated to ask in the first place.
Yona has also experienced witnessing her father being murdered. getting thrown off a cliff. getting stuck in a cave in with people who don’t want her there. proving herself to pirates with climbing across a cliff and going undercover in a slave ring. She’s killed multiple people. acted as a dancer. pretended to be a bandit running a gang. been slashed by a sword. dealt with getting kidnapped into a drug ring. and yona dealt withthe political issues of the two princesses and dealingwith interacting with soo-won in public and keepng her composure so she wouldn’t be instantly killed. smar enough to use that they didn’t want people to know she was alive and what soo-won had did to the king to get out and her connections to her advantage. not to mention the whole kidnapping and kul-bo thing and the nuances and the advisor gave yona and the group to tackle.
With all that in mind its suddenly makes sense that some officials from the super strong country aren’t going to scare her. If she could stand up and talk to soo-won and look him in the eye while she is surrounded by soldiers I’m pretty sure shecan handle keeping her composure. Its definitly a tense situation that could go sour quickly if she isn’t careful but this actually does feel pretty incharacter for her. Her dad Il’s best trait as king was his serenity and dignity. not to mention Yona has personal experience with being on the ground and directly involved with multiple incidents that are directly involved with what this country had planned to visit about.
Yona has leaned that she has to keep her dignity and composure to win this. As long as yona doesn’t give them the wiggle room than she can keep the upper hand which is something I forgot because mister advisor has been feeling like he has been winning lately but when yona didn’t hesitate to shoot down the guys telling her to call soo-won your majesty or to tell her what to do you could tell yona fell back into her zone.
Yona also has some personal anger to be invested in since she was personally invested in these incidents and it simultaneously wasa power move to show she has actually knowledge that is relivant so they can’t keep complaining about soo-won not being there. 
we know yona wasn’t involved with the political side abd was very spoiled but it doesn’t mean yona didn’t learn how to properly conduct herself when she wanted to.
and honestly I feel 100% that yona is channeling certain teachers to get her through this like how she channeled Captain Gigan when she was pretending to be a bandit or mid battle. More than even the Captain I 100% believe Yona is channeling a bit of her father but even more than him Soo-won. you can’t tell me Yona ISN’T doing a bit of a soo-won impression or thinking what Soo-won or what her father would do in that situation.
Just look her that bubbly serene smile on her face! We have seen even Hak channel Soo-won before in battle thinking about what Soo-won would do. As soon as I realized that this...it feels very incharacter for Yona and perfectly plausible for Yona to be able to do what she’s doing. Its not lika Yona’s actual strand suit is battle. Yona is good at talking and we’ve seen her come up with plans like when he figured out that plan to stall soo-won to stall for time. and  how she took charge when running away with lili.
Its really interesting because as much as Soo-won has the strongest chops when it comes to being a good king and is talented and knowledgeable in many areas and he is the king right now. Technically Yona is still the true heir to the throne that everyone instinctually wants to dismiss. Even the advisour who has been so focused about the dragons lately might have forgotten that YONA was the one who actually rung all of the alarm bells with how she influenced and put together pieces to stop that war.
I’m weirdly excited to see jou-dou and mister advisor to see the amazing lady that is yona cuz its very easy to under estimate her. like...I care about yona ripping these people a new one...but I’m pretty sure after soo-won rests up for a while he will be prepared to give the main course smack down. and considering soo-won has mentioned preparing to fight them before I do think that yona swooping in to take some spot light here makes some sense so we get a feel for who soo-won is up against. though I wish we saw Yona maybe watch or obverse them for a bit.
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1/5/10/13/22/25/34/33/46 :3 I rlly love your thoughts, advice n blog. Thank you 🤗
Awh thank you! I’m glad I can help in any way! I’ve reblogged a few ask things recently, I’m assuming you’re asking for the most recent one, but if not let me now and I’l do the one you meant!Lesbian Asks!
1.Femme or butch? As in myself - I’m definitly femme, though I tend to dress more athletic/’tomboy’ if you could call it that, being a dancer I live for my nike and adidas! Regards to a partner, I deffo love a girly girl!
5.Describe your aesthetic As I said above I tend to wear a lot of athletic wear, and I have a deep love for my denim jacket, and I love a shirt, but I also love getting dressed up in pretty dresses and spending hours on my make up/hair etc. I have a deep obsession with trainers, i love me a smart pair of nikes! I think I’m one of those people who changes between looking a compleate stereotype and the most girly princess ever! 
10.Describe the best date you’ve been on Gosh I’ve been on so many good ones! My girl knows how to spoil me! I don’t have a favourite but can I do top 3? Both this year and last year for my birthday my girl took me to London for a couple days, to see a show and explore, last year was Les Mis and this year was Dreamgirls and god they we’re brilliant! We went to the museums (which I absolutely love because I’m actually he bigest nerd ever!) this year we went for afternoon tea which was so lovely, she always finds such nice hotels as well and it was just so nice to explore London hand in hand with my love! So yeah those two for sure, and last spring we went to the beach one eve - I’m a student in brighton - and had chips and hot chocolate with a blanket and talked the hours away whlst the sun set, and it was so simple but god it was so perfect!
13.If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife! I am indeed taken, by my beautiful girlfriend Ashleigh! We’ve been together just over 1year 8months and it’s been the best time of my life! We matched on good ole tinder, but turned out we had a mutual friend and the rest they say is history. She’s the love of my life and I know at 21 people might think I’m too young to know, but I do, and I’m gonna marry her one day! She’s got the most gorgeous blue eyes, they’re the first thing I noticed about her, and everytime she looks at me I swear she can see into my soul. She’s the kindest most thoughtful person, always looking out for others and is so beautiful inside and out. She makes me a better person, I don’t care how cliche it sounds! I have a hard time with feelings and opening up about things, but she’s always there, patiently waiting for when I’m ready and I couldn’t be more grateful! It’s just like she gets me, I have all these different sides to my personality, as everyone does, my childish side, my vunerable side, the student, etc, and she always knows exactly how to deal with them, she just gets me. (her tumblr is http://ashleighgrey-blog.tumblr.com but please ignore the hideous picture of me!)
22.What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any? I’d say I dress quite stereotypically, as I’ve said above, I love a shirt and I dress quite athleticy. I’m also very into sport, I used to be captain of the football team in both junior and senior school, I used to swim a lot, I did running and athletics and danced ridiculous amounts, which is something I now do profesionally. Not sure if it’s still considered a stereotype these days but yeah! 
25.Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian? I mean, girls are just so gorgeous arent they?! Honeslty, I don’t now, that’s a tough one, I struggled for a long long time to accept myself, its only a recent thing that I have, so it’s not something I’ve ever really thought about. I’d say it’s nice that the person you’re with understands what it’s like to be a female! It’s nice to have someone who understands when you’re having super bad cramps or you’re having a bad hair day, all those things that (in the nicest way) most males just don’t get! I don’t know if that sounds weird, I’m not sure, it’s just nice to be with somehtine that gets it fully!
34.Ever fallen for your best-friend? Oh boy, fallen, I wouldn’t say fallen, at the time I thought I had yeah, but it was definitly more of a first crush situation and nothing more. There was a girl in my friendship group in school that I was crushing on, hard, and she knew about it. It might seem like a silly comparison, but pre season 1 PLL Emily crushing on Ali, yeah that was me. In short, because it’ s a story I could write thousands of words telling, I was crushing, she found out, and played with my heart in every way, slowly breaking it more that I ever thought possible. And this was a time I was still coming to terms with who I was, so it fucked me over for a long long time. I spent from year 9 until about halfway through AS levels, letting my heart be screwed over by her, it took me a long time to pluck up the courage to say no more. Looking back I can see that I was definitly an experiment, but I made my peace with it a long time ago, and I’m more than over it now. And it’s kinda weird, because our friendship group still is, and we’re both very much a part of it, and honestly it’s something that we’re both very aware that happened, but I think it’s a kind of mutal silent understanding that it’s somehting that happened but will never be brought up. 
33/43, not sure if you meant 33 or 43 but either way! 33 Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone? I pretty much answered this in an ask I did yesterday, in short yes, but once I’ve fallen I’ve fallen hard! 43 Can you drive? I mean, I know how to, I had lessons, I’m just very very bad at it and failed my test monumentally and kinda just never went back to it! 
46 At what age did you come out (if you have)? I have indeed, I’ve been out for a long time, and tbh I came out to various people at various times. The first time I admitted it to myself was kinda early year 9, so age 13 and not long after I told a couple of people, end of year 9 was when my above mentioned crush found out so I’d have been 14. That was it for a while, then I told my parents the summer before AS so like 16, although it was out of nowhere and I fully wasn’t planning on it (in the middle of Epcot in Disneyworld, but that’s a story for another time). I told the rest of my friendship group not that long after, so still 16, and then one of the boys took it upon himself to go tell an ex boyfriend, thus rumour spread around college and everyone found out. However, and I think it’s important to say, throughout all of this, I still hadn’t accepted myself, I was still struggling with who I was and yeah it made it easier on me that people knew and were okay with it, however, the most important person to me, my mum, wasn’t okay with it and that destroyed me. Even then, it wasn’t something I was open about, I wouldn’t willingly tell anyone. It took me starting stage school/uni (so 18) to feel comfortable enough about it to be open about it, and even then I wasn’t straight away. I told, a couple of friends a few weeks in, and then about a week later I told a guy on my course, who then drunkenly told the whole college at a party i wasnt at, which left a rumour for me to confirm when I went to college on the Monday. Since then I’ve been pretty open about it, but even then my fmily didn’t know. Started talking to my girl at the end of first year (June) and we became a couple that august. I moved to Brighton when I started second year that same summer, (literally 3 days later) and that’s when I told my mum I was with someone, (and that kinda screwed some things up but it’s all chill now) and a few days later I plucked up the courage to make it facebook official as they say, thus coming out to my family, my dance friends, everyone else that I knew. Now, I’m compleatly accepting of who I am, and so is everyone around me, my mum had a hard time with it but it’s all good now, but yeah! It was a very long and slow coming out, and honestly in a way a lot of it was done for me, which as much as it hurt, and sucked majorly, it took a lot of pressure off me, and I kinda wouldn’t change it. This has a been like an essya in an answer, so sorry about that, but, like a lot of people, my coming out wasn’t as simple as just doing it, it was a very slow and long, painful process. 
Thank you for asking, and like I said at the beginning,  assumed this was the post you meant, but if not hit me up and I’ll answer the questions you meant! PLus, if you ever have any questions you wanna ask or need advice, I’m always here, just ask away!Luce :)
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