#I mean he wasn't wrong originally tbh he is like 20/21 at this point
As for their children, the younger ones had been mewling babes for most of his years at Winterfell. Only Robb and his baseborn half brother Jon Snow had been old enough to be worth his notice. The bastard was a sullen boy, quick to sense a slight, jealous of Theon's high birth and Robb's regard for him. For Robb himself, Theon did have a certain affection, as for a younger brother. - Theon I ACOK
"These are your foster brothers we seek." "No Stark but Robb was ever brotherly toward me, but Bran and Rickon have more value to me living than dead." - Theon IV ACOK
Theon reframing the narrative already before his big trauma hits is so interesting to me actually.
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misiwrites · 2 years
today turned into more of a fic editing night because all of these chapters were a little trashy. but hey. better fix them now than never
Chapter 18: max makes a bet with rei that's "going to be an easy win", then proceeds to lose the bet 50 chapters later
i've always enjoyed including the detail that giancarlo has taught max to sneak out of the house. because gianni does it in canon. it's just perfect and i can't believe these two prob don't even talk to each other once in canon
and now max is starting to roast ralf too but also, nice foreshadowing there
“It’s just not right,” he said, “for a royal knight to not be by his master’s side at all times.” “You’re starting to sound like Ralf!” I congratulated him. “Incredible.”
holy shit max being like "idk what rick dislikes me for. maybe he's mad i'm cuter than him"
he also just flat out calls takao obsessed with kai. already
i forgot about this thing of them betting about kai's visit to cherrywood
max says he's jealous of takao! takao just said some chapter back that he's jealous of max! funny how that works
hmm. this was very cheesy
Chapter 19: takao-sensei teaches us world geography
thank you takao. i didn't remember some of the worldbuilding stuff in here so like. good to know. actually the thing he's saying about the east believing there to be three mountains that holy beasts originate from, i found those three things from wikipedia the other day and was like ah. did i intend to use these for something or.
i also forgot takao here talks about mao like oh she's so pretty. she so curvy. NFDBGHSDGSD
Whatever, I'd show them later - then they'd admit they were wrong and I was right, and they’d apologise for having been so silly and prejudiced. Yeah. “Sorry, Takao! You were right all along!” and so on. “We’re sorry for ever doubting you! You were steps ahead of us with your thinking!” Like that. […] I’d show them, I’d make Kai my new best buddy, and then we’d have so much fun together every day.
i may have kind of forgotten this subplot about all the mentions of kai's absence in southern media, i mean it's still gonna be relevant but i forgot this was. one part of it. yeah
this chapter wasn't very well written tbh so i spent like an hour fixing it just now. where were we again
Chapter 20: just a stinky pile of reimax fluff
the one where they stand on water holding hands. this is some aladdin&jasmine shit. these two got intense very fast
As soon as he was back on the veranda, he let out a sigh of relief. Then he immediately recollected himself, straightening his back and trying to look brave. “That was fun,” he said without a hint of fun is his voice.
rei you are so pathetic
oh this is a drop that i enjoy:
I shook my head and turned my attention back to Rei. “Doesn’t matter. I was just thinking that you could end up such a powerful magic-user. And yours seems like the offensive type. You could become a real fighter!” “A fighter?” Rei repeated the word as if sampling its taste. “Like the knights? Do you think magic could be used with a weapon?”
i know i had the major points of this story planned beforehand but i'm still all LOOKKK I KNEW TO FORESHADOW THIS AND THAT! OH HOORAY! like i had no faith in myself that it was in there. IT'S JUST LIKE MAX SAYS TO REI IN THIS CHAPTER have faith in yourself!!
i very much love the robot koi fish of rei's pond
Chapter 21: kai arrives at takao's house and it's. not so fluffy
the plot moved a lot faster back then, now kai is already coming to cherrywood! i could just do a time jump in my current chapters too tbh
so like, about the first 1-on-1 interaction in person between takao and kai that they ever have, is this:
Kai slid it open a few inches, just enough to glare at me through the narrow gap like I was a cockroach that he couldn’t quite reach. Or didn’t want to. “Hey,” I whispered. “I wanna talk. Could you let me in?” “Why?” Kai bellowed, not lowering his voice at all.
i am great at writing romance yes.
takao realises that kai has probably never had a single friend……… /plays the world's smallest violin (and, any extremely handsome and sexy person who has read my other tales oneshots, knows that kai literally asked johnny what a "friend" is)
Chapter 22: takao gets nothing out of kai, surprise
yeah this is the point with double takao chapters! this is my own story where i'm the one who did the decisions yet i keep imagining this being like a wrestling match between rei and takao where they fight which one is the protag---
this chapter is really just description of cherrywood and the garden. the highlight is takao deciding he needs to try if the triangles on kai's face are paint or not
i wasn't very good at describing things in these chapters, i remember struggling with that and rewriting things a hundred times actually. well, the good news is that it comes easier to me now so clearly something has improved.
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