#I mean Mickey knows him best outside his family btw. his siblings and Mandy know him and he can be himself with them
mickeym4ndy · 26 days
Even if Mickey had never come back, none of Ian’s relationships in the show or even after would’ve worked out long term because Mickey is the only person that truly knows Ian and he’s the only one that Ian could ever truly be himself around.
Ian changed himself to fit into a mold of what he felt Caleb & Trevor wanted. He wanted to hide the ugly parts of his life from them. To Ian, these shiny new relationships that were separated from the South Side and his past, were a way to hide those ugly parts of his life from himself. He wanted to move on from his past and every thing that happened in seasons 4 and 5. And he also wanted a better life for himself than what he’d had, because Ian’s always been ambitious and always wanted a way out from where he was. To Ian, a relationship with a “normal” guy who didn’t grow up like him was a way to do that.
But because of this he was never his full true self around them. He was always just playing a part for them (and himself) and keeping the things he wanted hidden, hidden. Through that he was able to hide things from himself too.
But Mickey grew up with him. Mickey’s life was just as messy, if not more so, than Ian’s. He understands Ian better than anyone. He saw first hand all the messy parts of Ian and still loved him. Even with all his insecurities that stemmed from his diagnosis, Ian never felt like he had to hide himself or change himself around Mickey. He was always just himself.
Even though it’s Mickey who says “I don’t do normal, Gallagher,” the truth is - neither does Ian. A “normal” relationship never would’ve satisfied Ian long term.
If Mickey had never come back Ian would’ve continued to do this with every new guy he dated and they all eventually would’ve ended because of this. Mickey is the only person that he doesn’t have to act with. He’s always able to just be himself.
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