#I may not be a momma but damn did I wanna hug the kid so bad cuz he seemed like he was tired and needed comfort
bootyful-seventeen · 2 years
Gotta love seeing adults displaying the absolute worst parenting techniques when I’m at work
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hello everynyan :3 /ref
4 the redacted match-ups ! not sure if you're still doing these or not bc i'll be damned i'd give up after the first 3 🙌🙌🙌 power 2 ya ! (if you ARE, in fact, not doing these anymore pls ignore this. this never happened. kay.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
this was the hardest question bc i LOVEEMUSIC so bad i can never really pick ONE fav bc it changes every 2 seconds but !!! gun to my head as of rn i'd say -- "but not kiss" - faye webster
'i want to see you in my dreams,
but then forget.
we're meant to be,
but not yet.
you're all that i have,
but can't get.'
i chose this song primarily because of the aesthetics & instrumental,, + the feels - i love how the piano carries and portrays every feeling (dread? maybe?) alongside the vocalist ugh sick to my stomach /pos
as for the verses i've chosen i just. really like the way she sings them HA i guess depending on my current mood i might relate to the lyrics for .5 seconds due to a past relationship of mine that had me fuckedd anyway.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i WISH i could enjoy these as much as others but i have the attention spam of a fucking goldfish i need to be stimulated 24/7. i cannot stare at the same face and occasional photo/clip for over 10 mins.
i might watch more of em if they had like a satisfying slime video in the corner or smth. i find i only watch ones that have a topic/interest of mine that i am actively curious about/into????if that makes sense??
for instance, the only one that comes to mind rn is "in defense of chat noir" by toon ruins UGH ITS SO GOOD i used to be a huge fan of miraculous so that defffinitely takes part in why i rewatch it every few months.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
on my stomach. arms under pillows. one leg up. yo i bought these headphones made specifically for sleeping while listening to relaxing noises or smth & i kid you not i use them shits to listen to asmr/rp audios. sometimes it puts me to sleep other times i'm up all night tryna figure out what position the listener and 'character' are in. anyway!!!
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
first thing that comes 2 mindd for whatever reason is 'may' ?? possibly bc i really like my birth name already and 'may' is somewhat close to it already? also because i'd love writing it over and over in my handwriting . probably just an excuse to write the letter 'y' actually.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
fav character changes ALLL THE TIMEE for no reason my fav is all of them rlly i just wanna love and be loved BUT when i reaaaally think about it ?? hudson. even though he's like. an easter egg. i cant have anything. wanna "D D D D DDDJJJ ANXIETY" into his pants. what. who said that. just got hacked wtff
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
a know a LOTT of ppl love david but i am sorry i just cannot. angel better than me idk how they do it. srry. my momma raised a bitch. i've never ever gotten to finishing any of his videos so maybe im the problem but from the get-go THIS BITCH IS SCARY BRO he's so damn intimidating . the fact that his voice is rlly deep doesn't help either :C ..& don't even get me started on early david.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
this is such a good question rlly makin me think . hmm . OK I FEEL LIKE A BASIC BlTCH BC PPL HAVE BEEN SAYIN THIS ALREADY BUT . hux. we like this 🤞 . as for why?? i feel like i need and would . honestly really appreciate more,, warmth and positivity in my life - and i def get that sorta 'aura' from him. & i know damn well he'd give the best hugs. and we could go to the gym together. it'd be so fun. so precious.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
ok first of all #relationshipgoals that is so sweet awe :((
i wouldn't say i really 'ramble' per say -- i just talk. to myself. like a normal person. mhm. i struggle with sleep in general, so i'm usually up till like 5am. typically endlessly scrolling through my phone, or talking to the abyss about something personal that's been on my mind for a while. if it's really bad, i cry in my voice memos. if i just need to - refresh? get smth off my mind so i can sleep? i write songs.
...and then i record them on my $15 wireless headphones. onto that very same voice memos app.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
if im being honest,, depends on my mood . but god could i fuck up some strawberry milk and mini oreos right about now. . mind you i've had strawberry milk like once but it changed my life u dont understand
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
i mean i don't listen to it 24/7 but man i outdid myself w this one. it's called "insanity" and every single song matches the vibe of . just straight up 'otherworldly' ?? if u catching what im throwin?? all songs r pretty 'out-there' - in terms of the vibes - at least i like to think so. for reference it has songs like "goth - sidewalks and skeletons" and "eternal youth - růde" . IDK i guess it makes me happy when songs from a playlist actually match up with one other
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
i listen to this japanese-kawaii-metal-based group called BABYMETAL and i loveee them soso much. a few "metal enthusiasts" go out and call their work 'not real metal' , which is why i guess you can technically call their music a pleasure media -- as well as the fact that whenever i put on one of their songs mfs r like ... what is this - cause its three young japanese girls talking abt bubblegum with the the most insane guitar riff in the back. their newer stuff is incredible. womanhood at it's finest. give them a shot plspls /nf
ALL DONE !! ty 4 reading & have a lovely day/night, wherever you may be <3
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Oh, this one is perfect and required, like, no thought. Vibes-wise? Given your energy? It’s just gotta be Guy.
Building on that, I love that you write songs and he writes screenplays(?). I think it’s so cute to pair writers together so that you might inspire one another and be each other's biggest fans. I also like Guy for you because he strikes me as one of those people who calls themselves “polyjamorous”, listening to basically anything and everything. He loves all your songs and all your playlists, vibing along to all of it even if there’s no words or words in another language. He doesn’t care: he’s with you, so he’s having a good time.
I would predict a fun, artistic life for the two of you like parallel-playing co-writing sessions with the two of you having individual headphones on, making funny faces at one another when you catch the other staring. You take turns showing each what you’ve created and hyping each other up, offering critique. When the writer's clock keeps y’all up till 3 AM, he’s got leftover pizza and any snacks you could possibly want. (He strikes me as the sort of guy who always has junk food caches.)
It was just two lovers/ Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde/ Fallin' for each other/ Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish/ No Donald Glover/ Missed call from my mother/ Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi/ I was all alone with the love of my life
Given your passion for music, I tried to pick a love song for y’all that was emotionally evocative to the mind and the ear. I chose this one because I thought the piano instrumental and how it evokes that mental imagery of sitting with someone during the golden hour might resonate with you. I also like it for y’all because this song got really popular on tiktok, and Guy would probably know it from there.
Obviously, we have to have Hudson as a runner-up. As a DJ, he’d be so loving and so supportive of your craft, hyping you up on air all the time and playing your work whenever he can. He’d also make you really bomb-ass playlists. A less obvious runner-up would be Anton, but I really like this one. You’d be more of an opposites attract sort of pair, but I think it’d be cute, and listening to music would remind Anton of you while he’s away~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Life goes on.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2900.
Turns out, you are not fine.
Lena is back home. That sentence alone should bring you immense joy. You should be out there doing cartwheels. It’s all you wanted, it’s what you’ve been incessantly working for. Lena is home, her memories are back, your family has been through the worst and came back from it.
So when you lay on your bed you should be able to sleep and rest. You should be able to think about anything else. About your own life. But no-
Not you.
Not this time.
You fall asleep on your bed but wake up at your mom's bed. So tangled up in Lena you don’t even know how and when you got there. She can’t get up because there’s a freaking kryptonian keeping her in place.
“Baby, are you up?” Lena asks softly in your ear, and you shuffle letting her out of your strong embrace.
“Did Kara bring me here?”
“No, my love. I’m pretty sure you were sleepwalking.” She strokes your hair, gently. “You can go back to sleep if you want, I’ll go make breakfast before Kara burns down the kitchen.”
“No, I’ll-I’ll go with you.” You wake up, still feeling like you could sleep at least another three hours, but if Lena is up, then you should be with her.
And that’s how you spend your weekend. Following Lena around like a lost puppy dog begging for extra care. Always there, Kara barely has time to kiss your mom, without you showing up to interrupt. You don’t care. You know she missed Lena too, but this is different. You need Lena’s undivided attention.
But Monday comes. And you’re not ready for Mondays. You’re not ready for school, and for the kids asking where you were and how the hell you’re still not dead. But most importantly, you’re not ready for being physically far away from Lena again.
“Do you have to go to work?” You ask, while watching Lena picking up her stuff in a hurry and throwing everything on her bag.
“I-What?” Lena glances up to you, trying to understand where that question is coming from. You give her a sheepish smile. “Yes, baby. I have to go to work.”
“But-” You look at Kara for back-up, but she doesn’t seem to be in the same state of codependence as you feel yourself right now, as she keeps devouring the food before her. “Do you actually have to, or is it more like a ‘I have to go to work ‘cause everyone goes to work’ kind of thing?”
“Baby, what are you asking?” Lena stops organizing her stuff, and she goes to where you’re sitting. She pulls the chair next to yours, and sits down, forgetting she was ever in a hurry. “It’s Monday. On Mondays I go to work, you go to school, and Kara-” She looks back at Kara for a second, who is still eating waffles, and not joining the conversation. “Does her usual Kara’ stuff.”
You bite your lower lip. “You almost died.”
“No, I didn’t. You saved me, remember?” She smiles at you, and you raise your hand touching her scar on the side of her face. “This is just a scar, baby.”
“I just think we should be resting.” You breathe out, and Kara snaps her head up at the sound of that.
“You don’t have to go to school today, little one.” Kara says, and you realize you said ‘we’ instead of ‘you’. Well, that means something. It means that you also think you deserve a rest from the world. “I can work from home today, and I’ll only leave if there’s an emergency.”
“Can’t you work from home too?” You look at Lena.
“I can’t, babygirl.” Lena looks sad about it, and you think that maybe if you push just a little more, she’ll stay.
“Then can I go with you?” You pout, making Lena reach for your face. “I would stay on the couch and not make a peep.”
“Why would you want to do that?” Lena asks like she doesn’t know the damn reason why you want to be with her all the time, after she simply forgot you existed for a few days.
“So I can be with you.” You’re not even done with your sentence and Lena pulls you in for a hug, holding your head so strongly against her chest you almost forget everything while listening to her heartbeat.
“What if you stay in with Kara and I’ll go to work and do what I have to do, but come back as soon as I’m done?”
“That could be in three hours or thirteen, mom.” You sigh, dropping your head low. “Who am I kidding? Knowing you, it will certainly be thirteen.”
“It won’t.” She kisses your forehead and gives you a soft smile. “I’ll be here before you even have a chance to miss me.”
“Then you won’t leave at all.” It’s out of your mouth before you even process what you’re saying.
“Baby.” Lena holds your face. “Life goes on.”
You look at her, trying not to show any emotion while you think about it. Life goes on. That easy. It beats you down, knocks you unconscious, makes you lose your will to live, but still goes on. No matter how gut-wrenching going on may be.
“Right.” You blink at her, unable to do more than that. “It goes on.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Lena kisses your cheek, picks her stuff and gets out. You lower your glasses watching her when she’s out the door. You watch her get in the car and drive away. You bite your lower lip holding the tears back.
“Life goes on.” You repeat to yourself, and you feel Kara’s hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “It shouldn’t. It should give us time to recover before throwing more pain on our backs and asking us to handle it whether we want to or not.”
You get up from the kitchen table and go to the living room. Why does this feel so hard for you? Kara dusted herself off, she was even willing to figure out her life with Lena even if she never got her memories back. Lena also wrapped her mind around all the trials and tribulations she went through awfully quick. And here you are.
“Hey.” Kara follows you, throwing herself on the couch with you. You make more space for her. She wraps her arms around you, and hums content. “Let’s have our time to recover. Whatcha wanna do?”
“I thought we could train a little.” She asks, taking a lock of hair from your face.
“I don’t want to train. All I do is fight-fight-fight. I’m tired of fighting and getting beat up. And having wins that mostly feels like losses. I’m tired of almost dying or seeing the people I love in danger. I’m tired of doing almost enough and I’m-”
“I think you should see a therapist.” Kara blurts out, and you sigh. “Because all of these feelings you’re having are valid, and I can try to help you with so much, but this feels out of my reach.”
“I just need my mom.”
“Your mom is safe.”
“That’s not enough anymore.” You grunt, annoyed. “Right now, the idea that she’s safe, that she remembers us, that she’ll be back home is not enough for me, momma. I need her here.”
“I know, baby.” Kara agrees softly.
“You remember when I almost died and you-you wouldn’t let me leave the house without you, and you would only wear sweatpants, and you didn’t show your face at work for a month?” You ask and Kara agrees weakly with her head. “That’s what I need. I need sweatpants and disgusting meals and not existing in the world for a while and I need mom with me all the time, so I know she’s safe and sound.”
“And you need therapy.” Kara adds and you agree with your head. “Like I needed when that happened.”
“Yeah.” You lay on the couch, putting your head under the cushions and then mumbling. “And that too.”
Turns out, staying on the couch all morning is not as healing as you thought it would be. Having Kara with you, also doesn’t withdraw the need of constantly using your super hearing to check on Lena. It seems that Kara might be right after all. It seems that this time, shaking off the image of Kara’s bloody face, and Lena’s empty look towards you, it’s going to take a bit more work.
“Wanna have your favorite food for lunch?” Kara asks, and you growl your answer at her. “Donuts?”
“I don’t think that donuts can fix this.”
“Ok, then what do you wanna eat?”
“I didn’t say no.” You look at Kara. “I said that I don’t think it can fix me, but I would love to see it try.”
She smiles fondly at you. “I love you so much.” It’s her answer before disappearing somewhere to order said donuts.
It’s about twenty minutes later when you hear the doorbell, and Kara rushes to answer it.
“Maya!” You hear Kara’s shocked welcome, and you snap your head up at the sound of your girlfriend’s name. You don’t look injured anymore, but you also don’t look the best you’ve ever looked.
“Hi Mrs. Danvers. I’m sorry to show up without a warning, but I’m just a little worried, and I thought I would come and check on-wow, now that I say that out loud, I sound like a total stalker.” Maya says, and you get up looking for your glasses.
“You don’t, sweetheart.” Kara says reassuringly. “Why don’t you come in?”
You get a glimpse of yourself on the TV screen. You look terrible, but that will have to do. You have no strength to make yourself more presentable.
“Hey.” You say, going to the front door, and Maya’s expression warms your heart entirely. Just seeing you makes her so happy.
“Oh, thank God!” She throws herself in your arms and you hold her tight, hearing her heart beating fast. “You’re ok. God! I was so worried!”
“I’m ok.” You assure her, running your fingers through her hair and breathing in her smell. You missed her. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s ok.” She lets go of you, and looks at your face, with a soft smile and you smile too when you look at her dimples. “I’m just glad you’re ok.”
“I’m gonna go buy some… Food.” Kara says, disappearing. You breathe relieved that she’s giving you and Maya some time.
“Come on.” You hold her hand, taking her to the couch. “I think I have some explaining to do.”
“Jamie told me it was a family thing, and I-I saw the attack to L Corp on the news.” Maya fills you in on what she knows, making your job a lot easier, because now you just have to fill in the gaps. “Is everyone there ok?”
“Yeah. Now.” You push a smile out, but it comes out empty and sad. “But, um, when they attacked it, they-they took Lena.”
“What?” Maya yells, looking scared and shocked.
“It’s ok. She’s ok now.” You rush to reassure her. “It took a while, but she’s-she’s safe and totally fine.”
“So, what happened? Why did Jamie’s mom go to pick you and then her?”
“She thought we could be in danger too. Apparently, they wanted to attack to the entire family, so-”
“Were you? In danger?” You smile a little thinking you literally died and was brought back to life.
“Maybe, but-” You see her expression switch to worry immediately. “The entire family was in a safe place just waiting.”
It’s not lying. Whatever you’re doing here can’t be called lying, right? You’re leaving all important -maybe too important- information, but you haven’t lied at all. The family was in a safe place, she doesn’t have to know you weren’t there too.
“Oh, I-” Maya reaches for her backpack and gives you your phone. You raise your eyebrow, confused. “Jamie put it on your locker, and I sorta forgot and have been calling you non-stop for the past week.”
“Thank you.” You pick the phone in her hand and toss it behind you without even a glance at it. “So, um, this thing that happened.” You breathe deep trying to get your words out. “It’s more common than it should in our family.”
“Because you’re Luthors?”
“Um…” No? Yes? Maybe? You breathe again. “I guess that’s also one of the reasons. You know how people hate us. I mean, even your family hates us.”
“But they wouldn’t-”
“No! Of course not! That’s not what I meant.” This is harder than you could imagine. “But some other people would, you know. So, we’re sort of always in danger somehow. I mean, last year they tried to kill Lena, and you remember when I had that cast on.”
“That was all because of your family name?”
“It was certainly because of my family.” But she doesn’t need to know what side of the family, right? Really, it doesn’t feel fair blaming all on the Luthor side when being a Super has caused a lot more problems to you, but you can’t exactly tell her that. As long as you don’t straight up lie, you can somehow forgive yourself. “I just-I’ll understand if you want to run away and pretend that we’ve never met.”
“What? Babe, I don’t want that!” Maya holds your face and kisses you gently. “I wanted the opposite, I-I wanted to be there for you, and hold your hand when all of this was happening.”
“You did?”
“I do.” Maya says, pulling you into a hug, and you melt into her arms.
“I think I’m gonna need it, cause I’m not in a very good place right now.” You say and she kisses your cheek.
“I’m here for you.” She whispers next to your ear, and you smile.
Kara comes back a while later, with the donuts in hands, and you share them with Maya. Definitely, donuts could not fix you. Kara’s attention was nice but could not fix you. Maya’s kisses made you feel better, but no, they also couldn’t fix you. Lena’s hug as soon as she walks in home, a lot earlier than she’s used to, sure helped but you’re still not fixed.
“Baby? Do you want to help me with dinner?” Lena asks, calling your attention and you keep looking at your phone. You’ve been checking it and there’s so many missed calls and texts from Maya you feel bad for not looking for it before.
“Hey.” Lena kneels in front of you, both hands on your knees, and you finally lower your phone to look at her. “Are you ok?”
“No.” You sigh. “I don’t think I am, no.”
“What are we going to do about it?” She asks, softly. No pressure. No push.
“It seems that therapy is probably overdue in this case.”
Lena gets up from the floor and kisses your cheek. She looks at you with a smile. “I’m proud of you. That’s a big step. Especially for a Luthor. But we still got you. You know that don’t you?”
“Stronger together.”
Lena shows you her hand. You hold it, before getting up. “Always.”
It seems that even though you stopped in time, in place and with the same emotions, life has not stopped itself too.
So, begrudgingly, you go back to school, and willingly, you go to therapy. And your therapist has to sign so many NDAs that you actually feel safe telling him everything. Words come out of your mouth so fast, he is pretty much acquainted with your entire life after just one hour.
“Hey!” Kara’s voice comes from the living room the moment you step inside your house. “We’re in here!”
You adjust your glasses on your face. Don’t do it. Don’t take them off, don’t look to the living room. You walk there slowly, to find both of your moms on one couch, Alex and Kelly on the other, and Jamie sitting on the floor.
“We were waiting for you to start.” Kara adds, and you notice the games on the coffee table. Great. Game night. Exactly what you didn’t need.
“I won’t be playing tonight.” You give one look at Jamie, and she stands up right away, understanding you probably need to talk.
“Are you… sure?” Lena asks and you agree with your head.
“Oh, we need to talk, actually.” Jamie adds and her help it’s much appreciated.
“Well, do you-maybe-would you like to-how was your therapy session?” Kara asks, and everyone’s faces light up in genuine curiosity. You push a smile out of your lips.
“Great! We talked about a lot of things.” You point upstairs with your head, and Jamie agrees, going to your side so you both can leave the room. “In fact, I even made a resolution.”
“Oh, that’s-” Lena looks at Kelly, like she is asking whether it is a good thing or not. Kelly agrees with her head. “So good! Can you tell us about it?”
“Sure.” Your smile comes out untruthfully. “I have decided that I’ll quit being Superkid.” You breathe out one more time and say it more assertively this time. “Starting today, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore.”
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie | part three
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photo credit
pairing: frankie morales x f!reader; greaser!frankie x f!reader
warnings: violence, mentions of racism towards latinos, cursing
dreamboat: part one | part two | part three
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Frankie has been in this cold and dark cement cell for what feels like months – it has been 19 hours. It was only 3 in the afternoon and would be in this cell until 5 when his mother got off work. He may have been 18 years old, but the sheriff did not care – especially being Frankie. Frankie would not stop pacing to and from one side of the 6-foot by 8-foot jail cell and the sheriff was getting quite annoyed.
“Frankie, ya want a metal cup to rattle against the bars or will ya quit bein’ dramatic? Stop pacin’ or you’ll make a hole through the cement, kid.” Frankie stops pacing and looks at the sheriff sitting at the desk situated in front of the holding cell. “Ya actin’ like ya goin’ to federal prison. Tu madre viene por ti a las cinco, hijo. Relajate.”
Your mother is coming for you at 5, son. Relax.
Frankie sits on the floor, putting his head in his hands. He lets out a sigh as he rubs his face. He looks back up at the smiling sheriff and raises an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
The sheriff takes a drink of his coffee and nods his head over at Frankie. “You are kid. Ya only got in a fight; ya didn’t hold up a bank.” He reaches in his desk’s cabinet and pulls out a silver flask. He pours a generous amount of a golden liquid in his coffee and goes to close the flask. He tuts as he looks back at the steaming black liquid and pours some more whiskey. This causes Frankie to laugh at the sheriff he came to know and like. The sheriff stands and walks over to Frankie, his mug of coffee in one hand and dragging his chair with the other. He places the chair in front of Frankie’s cell and takes a seat. He takes a swig of his coffee and looks at Frankie.
“I hope ya know your mom is goin’ to have a cow when I tell her why you’re in here.”
Frankie smirks and nods. “Ya ain’t tell her, yet?”
“What? That ya gave Oberyn a beatin’ ‘cause he was givin’ ya shit? Hell, that little bastard deserved it. If I don’t tell ya mom, you will.”
“Yeah? Well he was cruisin’ for a bruisin’. He should’a seen it comin’. Next time I see that cat, he’s gettin’ more than a couple’a shiners,” Frankie huffed. All he was able to give Oberyn was a good black eye and a couple of other bruises. The sheriff got called the second the boys went outside. He knew Rosie must have called the sheriff, but Frankie couldn’t be mad. The boys promised Rosie that there would be no confrontations in front of the diner – they did not do that last night. “Why I gotta tell my mom for? Aint you the sheriff? Shouldn’t ya be the one to tell ‘er why I’m in the can?”
The sheriff takes a deep breath and sighs. “Frankie, listen to me.” Frankie scoffs and rolls his eyes, waiting for the sheriff’s spiel about being responsible for his mother’s sake.
The sheriff sits straight and places his mug on the floor. He clears his throat and speaks to Frankie in the tone Frankie knows to shut up and listen. “Francisco, you listen here you little shit. You been in this very cell three times now, Tom having the record of 38, and ya feel like what? Ya feel like ya cool or somethin’? Ya mom already don’t like the friends ya hang with, except for Santiago. Ya think she likes seein’ you behind these,” the sheriff bangs on the metal bars for emphasis, “bars here? Now, I ain’t ya daddy, son. Nobody will ever compare to the man ya father was, but I know good and damn well he wouldn’t wanna see his only kid behind these bars. That man fought too fuckin’ hard for you and ya momma for you to be fuckin’ up ya life.”
Frankie stands up and leans against the cell, holding a metal bar in each hand. “’The fuck ya on about? You said it ya’self! I just got in’a fight. How’s that fuckin’ up my life?”
The sheriff stands up and gets close to Frankie. “Watch ya tone with me, boy. I ain’t one of your little friends to be gettin’ an attitude with, got it? You know that little betty you had ‘round ya arm? Her momma don’t like ya. Her momma got her head way up her ass, she don’t like anyone whose shoes aren’t new every day.”
Frankie chuckles at this.
“Hell she don’t even like me very much and I’m the law. Ya think she wants her daughter ridin’ round town with ya? Ya like her right? The more you get behind these bars, the further you get from her, you got it?”
Frankie nods as he walks away from the sheriff and sits on the concrete bench with a slump. The sheriff lets out a sigh and drags his chair back to the desk, taking a big gulp of his coffee. He grabs his newspaper and flicks it to straighten it out. He looks at Frankie and frowns. He decides to give Frankie one last piece of advice – something he promised himself he’d never use but he knew the young man needed to hear it.
“Francisco,” he says to catch Frankie’s attention. He continues even if Frankie doesn’t look at him, he knows he’s listening. “Tu padre murió por ti. El murió para que tu vivieras la vida que deseabas. Yo sé que este estilo de vida no es para ti y si lo eliges, entonces tu padre murió por nada.”
Frankie’s head snaps up and watches as the sheriff stands and walks out for a smoke. Frankie knew the sheriff wanted to leave the room for air because he would always smoke inside. From this moment to a quarter after 5, Frankie remained silent and still as he pondered on what the sheriff had said to him.
Your father died for you. He died so you could live the life you wanted. I know this lifestyle is not for you and if you choose it, then your father died for nothing.
As much as he wanted to cry and fight the sheriff, Frankie knew that the sheriff spoke only truth. Frankie’s father would have been incredibly disappointed, which only hurts Frankie the more he thought of it. The sheriff said that his father died for him and it’s true. If his father would have put Frankie’s name on that sign up, Frankie would have been dead by now. Instead of drafting 18-year old’s as stated, the US became desperate and sent off 16-year old’s with the promise of compensation for their families – that didn’t ever happen.
Frankie heard rapid heels clicking coming from the corridor and he knew it was his mother.
“Francisco Morales! ¿En qué pendejada te metiste ahora? Fue por ese Thomas, verdad? Ni se te ocurra mentirme.”
Francisco Morales! What bullshit did you get into this time? It was because of that Thomas, right? Do not even think about lying to me.
“Hi Mom.” Frankie sadly says. His mother holds up one finger at Frankie and turns to the sheriff. She offers him a tired smile and a quick hug.
“Ahora que hizo, Javier? Por favor dime que me lo puedo llevar a casa.”
What did he do now, Javier? Please tell me I can take him home.
Frankie hears his mother say. She sounds as if she’s about to burst into tears, her voice pleading and shaky. Frankie immediately feels a wave of guilt wash over him. He saw his mother break apart when they lost his father and was thrown as being the sole breadwinner – he couldn’t put her through pain again.
“Yes, Monica, you can take him. He just had a run in with that Oberyn kid again.” Frankie’s mother lets her head fall back as she groans. She looks back at Frankie and shakes her head.
“How many times do I have to tell you to ignore that boy, Frankie? He isn’t worth getting into it with. Did Tom throw you into it? He can never fight his own battles and he threw Santiago in last time. Pope’s lucky Javier called me and not his mom - poor woman would have a heart attack.”
Frankie shakes his head. “No mom. I got myself in it.” Frankie looks at Javier, the sheriff, and Javier gives him an assuring nod. “The boys and I took the new girl in town out to Rosie’s and Oberyn decided to ruin the night as usual. He just got out the can so he was lookin’ for a fight I guess.”
His mother and Javier stride over to Frankie. Javier unlocks the cell, allowing Frankie to come out and hug his mother. His mother gives him a kiss on the cheek and holds his face in her hands.
“Francisco, I know you thought you were doing the right thing. Did Oberyn lay a hand on the girl?”
“If I hadn’t punched him, he probably would’ve.”
Monica, his mother, gives her son a warm smile. “If you got in here for defending someone because you thought it was the right thing to do, then okay. I suppose what done is done, but I never want to see you behind bars ever again. Tal vez tengas 18 años, pero todavia te doy una paliza, cabrón.” she jokes - well half-jokes.
You may be 18 years old, but I’ll still beat your ass, dumbass.
As Frankie and his mother collect his things and sign the necessary paperwork, Javier calls for Frankie’s attention. He simply tells him “remember our little talk, Frankie. I ain’t try’na see you behind those bars again.”
A little talk Frankie will always remember and think about every day.
Frankie knew he should be going to his fifth and sixth periods, but he had already missed the first four, so why they hell not miss. He wanted to because he wanted to see you after the fiasco, but he was nervous. You saw him fight, get arrested, and get dragged away by Javier. He saw your eyes widen and fill with fear when he spat out blood and get put into handcuffs.
“So ‘Fish… where’s that little dolly of yours? You two get it on yet?” Redfly says. “Oh wait… ya been in the can!” The Bandits all laugh and Santiago slaps his knee while Will wheezes at the thought of Frankie in jail. Frankie takes a drag of his cigarette, staring at his friends and offering an eye roll.
“Alright laugh it up. I made it out, didn’t I?”
“yeah,” Santiago starts, “that’s only cause Javi likes us. If it were Oberyn in there, Javi would’a still had his ass locked up.” Pope gives his best friend a slap on the shoulder paired with a laugh and a quick just kiddin’ buddy.
The bell rings and the sea of people wave into the hallways. The boys bid farewell to each other, Will and Frankie walking to their class together. Will was the first to spot you in the crowd of people. He saw you walk with a student you had all your classes with; Maxwell Lorenzano, or Max Lord as he liked to be called now. The Bandits knew him, they knew him very well.
Max was a soc kid who would hang out with the other popular socs, but in actuality, Max was another Latino kid whose family were more like the Bandits. Both of his parents were greasers, and they knew what it was like to work hard yet not have a lot. His father worked all the time as a mechanic and his mother was a stay-at-home mom. His dad was always working on a motorcycle that would become his son’s first ride, but then something in Max changed. His whole life, Max wore a leather jacket and slicked back hair, not caring what the world thought of him, but as the times went on, the bullying got worse.
Just like Frankie, Max’s family was not always welcomed, but his aunt’s family was. His aunt was a greaser too, but her husband was a complete socialite. His family created and owned an oil business which allowed them to want for nothing. When Max saw the acceptance his aunt had received from her in-laws, it was a flipped switch. He asked to work with his uncle to learn all about the business. His uncle was elated to find out his nephew wanted to leave the “delinquent” life and become a businessman. Max’s face was plastered on the company’s ads and the popular kids wanted to be friends with him. He was accepted as a soc and even though his parents were upset, Max wasn’t entirely honest at school.
Max still worked on his dad’s motorcycle project. He still had his leather jackets and wore them at private family gatherings. He still knew the slang and attitude. He was still loyal to the people who liked him for him.
Max and The Bandits looked after each other as brothers. Even though he was not officially a member, Max had his BANDITS leather jacket at home, hung and clean. In order to keep his soc image at school, Max and the boys pretended to hate each other. Max pretended to be disgusted with their way of life and would throw insults here and there when the other kids would.
When Max saw Will and Frankie coming their way, Will gave him a discreet nod and Max reciprocated.
“Look what the cat dragged in… a couple of worthless hoodlums.” Max said. He turns to you and says, “C’mon, you shouldn’t associate yourself with these… things.” You look up and meet Frankie’s beautiful eyes. He seemed as if he wanted to jump out and say something to you but couldn’t.
“Don’t get yourself twisted up, Lord. Your little petty pants will wrinkle,” Will snickers.
Max rolls his eyes at him. “Move out of our way, Miller. We’ll be late.”
Will laughs and moves out of the way and gestures for him to walk. “C’mon, Polo. Keep it movin’.”
As you walk past the boys, Will offers a quick hey and you answer with a smile. You walk away, but Frankie calls you by name, causing you to stop and take a breath. You ask Max to give you a minute, him checking his watch and agreeing. You walk up Frankie and look at him, silently asking him to continue.
“I… I- Hi. How are you?” Frankie sputters out. He mentally slaps his forehead and cursing at himself. Is that the best he can do?
“I’m doing fine, thanks.” you quietly say.
Frankie tries to put together a mix of words, but none of it is coherent. Will lets out a loud and obnoxious sigh and puts his arm around Frankie’s shoulders.
“Catfish here wanna know if you wanna hang with’im after school. How ‘bout it sweetheart? The guy just got out the can and in need of company.” You raise an eyebrow at Will.
In need of company?
Max lets out a sarcastic laugh and walks to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you away.
“Her mother would have her head if she were caught with you guys again. You already got her in trouble once; no need for it to happen again.”
You look back at Frankie, silently apologizing, but in the end, Max was right.
When you got home that night, Will assured you that nobody would talk about it. The next day, your mother came back furious and you were ultimately grounded for being seen with those boys. Your father was not too happy either, but was mainly concerned about your safety, which was a valid concern. Your mother demanded for you to never talk to Frankie or she would have to take action.
What action? You were not too sure.
No matter how hard Frankie tried to talk to you, Max would either pull you away saying he needed your help, or your teacher would ask him to quiet down. Frankie was not one to give up, but he also did not want to be a pain in your side. He felt as if the odds were against him, but he was going to get you to talk to him one way or another – at least a single hello in the hallway so he does not feel as if he messed up entirely.
It was now Wednesday, and The Bandits sat at one of the outside tables by the cafeteria. They “joked” with people, rough housed as usual, having a good day so far, but when the soc table kept staring, the boys didn’t feel so cheery.
“Fuck ya lookin’ at, soc? You got a starin’ problem?” Tom yells.
“You should get daddy’s money to check that out,” Benny continues. Frankie turns in his seat and looks at the group of the popular rich kids sitting at the opposite table from them. He lets out a sigh, letting it pour out of his nose, as he sees you sitting next to Max at that same table. When he gets a chance to really see you, he sees red.
Michael, the school’s top athlete, has his arm around you and you appear to be uncomfortable – something Frankie never wanted to do. You look around awkwardly as Michael stands up and confidently walks over to the boys, other soc boys in tow.
“Look here boys. A bunch of nothings thinking they’re something,” Michael says. The soc boys all laugh and Tom remains tall, chest puffed out.
“Ya better watch what ya sayin, Mikey. Wouldn’t want ya to get hurt.” Tom rebuttles.
Two of the boys behind Michael walk up to the Miller brothers, a bit shorter than the two but still reeking of false confidence.
“You three must be tired of carrying these two brown boys, huh? Always quiet and only get involved when they’re forced.”
Max walks over to Michael, you trailing behind him, and tells Michael to stop and to come back to the table. Michael refuses, asking Max if he is worried about him hurting his own kind. You gasp and get in front of Max, facing Michael.
“How dare you? You dare call Max a friend and still, you berate him and these boys,” you start, motioning to the Bandits, “because they aren’t “your kind?” I’ll have you know that these boys are some of the most intelligent people I have ever met, a lot smarter than you.”
“Is that so, sweetheart? You think these delinquents are worth getting in trouble?” To this, you give him a confused look. “You think your mom hasn’t gone around rambling about how her daughter was seen with the worst kids in town? These guys bring their parents shame. Well… except Francisco over there… he got his old man killed.”
Michael barely got his final word out before he was on the floor holding his bleeding jaw Santiago caused. Santiago grabbed his hand in pain; it was a while since he punched someone so suddenly like that. No matter the pain, he wasn’t about to let the spoilt rich kid get away with insulting his best friend and his best friend’s father.
You look over to Frankie, who is still sitting at the bench stone faced. How could he just sit there after Michael insulted him and his father? You go to walk to him but Max pulls you, walking away telling you that you’ll talk to him later.
“I’m taking you home after school, okay? Michael called a meeting after school and I told him I’ll be there when I get you home,” Max explained. He talked fast and seemingly out of breath. He knew something was going to go down – no one drops Michael like that without consequences.
“Why are you worried? Max, is something going to happen?” You ask. He looks around and explains to you what has happened when Michael wants revenge. From legal actions to physically hurting someone, Michael will stop at nothing to make himself look strong and important. Max just told you to be careful and to stay inside.
And something must have happened because Max came knocking down your door and asking your mother if it was okay if he took you around town. Your mother oddly was happy to agree and Max piled you in the car. He drove fast and parked inside a green home’s garage. For a second, you were terrified that Max was forced to bring you to Michael, but soon let out a breath of relief when you saw Will come into the garage and greet you.
“Alright, Maxie,” Will said. “What is so important and secretive that you called us all here and brought her along?” Frankie adjusted his hat, a baseball cap that suited him quiet well, and played with his hands.
“We have to hide Frankie’s car. Now.” Max stated rapidly.
Frankie’s head shot up and the boys all together threw questions as to why we had to temporarily get rid of Frankie’s car.
“Max. What are we hiding my dad’s car for?” Frankie asks. His voice is quiet and laced with worriedness.
Max takes a deep breath and apologetically looks straight into Frankie’s eyes.
“Michael’s planning on crushing your car.”
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More Hearts Than Mine - Part II
I do not own anything that is familiar to you - songs, characters, etc. This is the next part of the story - you’ll get to meet Jack and the person he’s bringing home with him. Enjoy!
Catch up with Part I Here!
September 20, 2019
“So I have a question for you.” Jack asked, sliding into a chair across from his girlfriend with a grin.
Kat leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips. “That depends?”
“On what?” Jack raised his eyebrows, giving her a look.
Kat laughed, picking up her pen, quickly jotting down something on the notebook in front of her. “On where you want to bury the body?”
Jack threw his head back and laughed, loudly, catching the attention of several tables surrounding them. “There won’t be a body to bury. I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to come home with me to meet my momma and my siblings.”
Kat paused in her actions, slowly looking up from the notebook to see her boyfriend grinning at her. “You want me to come home with you to meet the family?”
“I’d love for you but if it’s too soon, I completely understand.” Jack paused. “I am planning on making a trip back in a few weeks and would love for you to come back with me.”
Kat bit her lip, looking at him. “You have six siblings, right? What makes you think they’re not going to tear me apart? You did mention that you’ve never brought anyone home.”
“They will love you, just as I love you.” Jack said, grinning.
Raising an eyebrow, Kat shook her head. “You’re laying it on thick, Kelly. I don’t know . . .”
“Come on, what do you have to lose?” Jack said, lacing his fingers with his, giving them a squeeze.
Sighing, she leaned back in her chair. “When do we leave?”
October 4, 2019
Relaxing against the seat, she watched the scenery pass by as a Gavin DeGraw song came on the random playlist Jack had put on. “So you said that you had something you wanted to tell me on the way.”
Taking his right hand off the steering wheel, Jack reached over and laced his fingers with hers. “You’re the first person I’ve brought home, but I told you that already. Medda adopted me when I was 14 years old. Racer and I were adopted together, we’re brothers by birth. Medda added Albert and Charlie a year later with Smalls two years after that. My siblings can be rough, hellions even, especially when new people are brought around. Just . . . don’t hold anything against them.”
“Did you tell them you were bringing me?” She asked, biting her lip.
It was Jack’s turn to bite his lip. “Not exactly.”
He yelped as her hand hit his shoulder. “Jack! You’re not making it any easier. Don’t you think telling them you’re bringing me home might help the situation a bit?”
“I was just too excited that you actually said yes that I didn’t exactly think things through . . .” Jack admitted with a grin. “They’re going to love you when they meet you.”
She was hesitant, giving Jack’s hand a squeeze. “If you say so.”
“There’s one more thing you should be aware of.” Jack started, squeezing her hand back. “Momma is special. She tends to adopt anyone that walks through the door. Just know that if something happens with us, which I’m not advocating for by the way, she would be even more devastated and feel like one of her children ran away from home.”
She raised an eyebrow, shifting in her seat. “So are you telling me that we can’t break up because it will break your momma’s heart?”
“Uh huh . . . there’s one thing you never wanna do and that’s make Medda angry at you.” Jack shrugged.
“I take it you’re talking from experience?” She quipped, as a grin stretched across her face.
His silence was all the answer she needed from him. “What did you do to piss your momma off?”
“There’s too many times to count.” Jack grinned, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “I was the problem child, it’s a wonder she continued to adopt after me and Racer.”
She raised an eyebrow, grinning. “That explains so much . . . what kind of problem child? I mean, should I be worried?”
“I may have been caught stealing once and ran with a rough crowd.” Jack shrugged. “It was a rough two years when I was teenager but Medda was firm and loving and managed to turn myself around. Though, there were many times I thought she would kick me to the curb but she never did.”
“So tell me about your siblings.” She shifted in her seat, eyes bright with excitement, despite her nerves at meeting his family.
A smile crossed Jack’s face as he reflected on his mismatched family. “What do you want to know about the hellions?”
“Should I be afraid that you call them hellions? Just whatever you want to share.” She shrugged, knowing they still had a bit of time ahead of them.
The song changed on the playlist she had picked when they first got in the car. Jack grinned listening to “The Last Song” by All American Rejects.
“Nah, we’re all a mismatch group - we’re all misfits that create a pretty amazing family. Anthony is 17 and my half brother. We call him Race or Racer but he’s the sweetest kid, even though he can be a pain in the ass at any moment. Kid’s got a mouth on him that Momma and I have been trying to curtail but it’s not taking much. He’s dating Sean, better known as Spot. They’ve been together for the last two years but have been friends for as long as I can remember. Charlie and Albert were the next two that Medda adopted - Charlie is a sweetheart with an evil streak. He’s our practical joker so be on the lookout, though Momma probably gave them the ‘don’t do anything stupid’ talk already. And Albert, he’s super smart but doesn’t really apply himself, rather just cruise through school. Albert is a wicked good soccer player and it’s pretty cool to watch him out on the field. His boyfriend, Finch is the goalie and the two of them are pretty incredible - they’re already talking scholarships for college.” Jack paused, shaking his head at the older of his younger siblings.
“They all sound pretty remarkable.” She murmured.
Nodding, Jack grinned. “They all are. Now for the younger three. Smalls is our only girl in the family but don’t let that fool you. She’s tough as nails, despite being a natural girly girl. She plays lacrosse and is damn good at it. She’s ruthless at it and it’s pretty cool watching her fight on the field. She’s a sweetheart and mostly always gets her way due to being the only girl. Romeo is our flirt but he’s harmless. He’s charismatic and energetic and really good at school, despite him being bored most of the time. He’s in a gift program at school and he’s a wicked good artist - he puts me to shame sometimes. And then there’s Henry, our newest brother. He’s four and has the biggest heart - he’s a cuddler, so beware. All of us are huggers, it’s just when you’ve been denied it for so long, you naturally drift to that - Henry never had that trepidation and just loves whoever he comes into contact with - there’s no malice or resentment yet.”
Reaching over, she grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze with a sad smile. “Thanks for telling me. I’m excited to meet them all. Do you have any pets?”
“Albert has Fluffy, Race has Iggy the iguana, and from what I’ve heard, Smalls has been trying to convince momma to get a dog. The house is already a three ring circle yet momma is considering adding a dog to the mix.” Jack shook his head chuckling at his family.
She raised an eyebrow. “So you mentioned that a couple of your siblings were pranksters - anything I should be cautious of?”
“Momma probably had the talk about treating you like she treated all of them when she adopted us so they should be on their best behavior.” Jack grinned. “You’re tough and you grew up with brothers so I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”
“I just want this weekend to go well and for them to like me.” She whispered, giving him a look.
Squeezing her hand, Jack smiled. “A little advice for this crew?”
“What’s that?” Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend.
“Don’t let the little things bother you; laugh, a lot, and just talk with my siblings - that’ll go a long way in their book.” Jack smiled, pulling into the driveway of a gorgeous house.
A gasp escaped Katherine’s mouth. “This is your house?”
“Yeah . . . momma was married and divorced ten year ago and from the divorce bought this house and filled it with kids that her ex-husband denied her.” Jack turned off the car with a shrug. “Come on . . . the longer we sit here, the more time they’ve got to plan.”
Getting out of the car, she let her eyes scan the front of the tall dark grey exterior with white shutters. A basketball hoop sat in the driveway along with several scooters and bikes. Hearing the car door shut, she felt Jack’s presence behind her with their bags. “Take a deep breath, there’s nothing to be nervous about.”
“You aren’t about to meet your boyfriend’s family.” She gently teased.
He laughed. “No but I had to sit through dinner with your family and I guarantee this will be much less organized than that was. There may even be a small food fight.”
“Something to look forward to then.” She grinned, lacing her fingers with his with a squeeze before they made their way up the steps just as the front door flew open.
“Momma, Jackie brought a pretty girl home.” Henry, she was impressed that she remembered his name, yelled into the house.
In the next moment, her hand was dropped as Jack was engulfed with hugs from his siblings. Their bags were dropped by the door as he swung a couple of them into his arms. She grinned watching him completely relax in the mayhem as an older woman, she presumed it was his momma, came closer to her. “I apologize for my children, it’s not often they’re away from their brother for this long. I’m Medda, Jack’s mom.”
“It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Katherine.” She grinned as Medda engulfed her in a hug. Looking over her shoulder, Katherine caught Jack’s eye as a giant smile crossed his face.
Jack clapped his hands, as the two women broke apart, both with grins on their faces. “Momma, gang, this is Katherine, my girlfriend. Katherine, this is the crew.”
A light blush crossed her face as she looked at the eight faces that surrounded her. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”
“Wait . . how do you know us?” Smalls piped up, looking between her brother and mom.
Katherine smiled. “Your brother told me all about you . . .”
“Glad you know about us but we don’t know about you.” Race’s sarcasm came out as he looked between the girl and his oldest brother. “Thought we didn’t keep secrets, Jackie.”
And with that, he left the room, pounding up the stairs. A few seconds later, a door slammed. A sigh came over her shoulder as a shorter boy smacked Jack’s back a couple of times before shaking his head. “You knew he was going to bring out the dramatics, Jack. Want me to go talk to him?”
“Nah, I’ll do it, Spot.” Jack walked over to Katherine’s side. Lacing her fingers in with his, she gave it a quick squeeze, as he looked down at her. “Let me introduce Katherine to you all then get her settled and I’ll talk to him.”
The next few minutes were filled with introductions as Kat made small talk with all of them. She found out she had a lot in common with Albert, Charlie, and Spot. She cracked a couple of jokes that caught the attention of Smalls and Romeo. As promised, Henry slipped his hand into Kat’s and hadn’t let go the entire time she talked with Finch and Spot.
“I’m going to show her to her room then we’ll be down, okay?” Jack clapped his hands as she finished talking about her journalism major with Charlie.
Jack grabbed their bags before ascending the stairs. Along the way, he pointed out the kid’s bedrooms before leading her to the guest room, which was adjacent to his own room. “This is your room.”
Pushing open the door, she smiled at the brightly painted buttery yellow room. A bed sat in the middle with a small bedside table and an adjacent bathroom. “You get the best room in the house - you don’t have to fight for the bathroom.”
Putting her bag down beside the desk, she gave the room one more lookover before gasping. In the middle of her bed was a snake, basking in the sunshine. Taking a step forward, she carefully picked up the snake, running a finger, gently over its back. “And who might this be?”
Jack chuckled, surprised by his girlfriend’s gentle nature to the snake. “That’s Fluffy, Albert’s pet snake. You never told me you were comfortable around snakes.”
“It’s a ball python, Jack. They’re harmless.” She grinned, eyes floating over to the doorway where Albert and Charlie stood. “Let me guess, her cage accidentally got left open?”
The two at least had the decency to look guilty as they stepped into the room. “Yeah, sorry about that Katherine. We’ll just go put her back in her cage.”
“She’s sweet.” Kat called after them as Jack pulled her into his arms with a laugh.
He leaned down and kissed her quickly before pulling back. “You just won a buttload of brownie points with them. How about you freshen up while I go talk to Racer? I’m sorry about him, Kat.”
“Don’t be . . . I told you that you should’ve warned them you were bringing me home.” She gave him a look, before pushing to her tiptoes and brushing a kiss to his lips. “Love you regardless.”
“Love you too.” WIth a final kiss, he left the room as she took a seat on the bed and tried to calm her racing heart. Twenty minutes down, the entire weekend in front of her.
She quickly ran a brush through her hair before using the restroom before walking down the hallway trying to find out where Jack went. She heard his voice and followed the direction. Stopping in front of Jack’s room, she smiled seeing Race and Jack sitting on the bed beside one another. “Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her home?”
“I was nervous . . . I’ve never brought someone home and I didn’t want to hype it up anymore than it needed to be.” Jack admitted. “But I realized it backfired. I’m sorry, Racer. Do you forgive me?”
A quick nod of the head, Race grinned, throwing an arm around Jack’s shoulder. “You mentioned she picked up Fluffy?”
“Without an ounce of hesitation, as if she’s held one her whole life.” Jack said, with a shake of his own head.
“I had a ball python growing up. Her name was Izzy.” Kat took that moment to interrupt the two by leaning against the door. “Hi Race, I’m Katherine. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” He held out his hand for her to shake. She did with a grin. “I’m sorry about earlier . . . it just took me off guard.”
“No worries . . . I did tell your brother he should have told you all but he never listens.” She grinned.
Race’s eyes went wide at her comment. “He never listens . . . it’s one of his most annoying traits.”
“Oh, no. I’m going to regret introducing you two, aren’t I?” Jack said, looking between his brother and girlfriend.
Kat laughed. “I think Race and I are going to get along just fine.”
“Kids, dinner.” Medda yelled up the stairs as a stampede of feet hitting the stairs was heard.
Jack and Race’s eyes went wide as they made their way to the hallway. “First rule of the household, Kat, dinner waits for no one.”
She watched Race run down the stairs as her and Jack took their time. Lacing fingers with Jack, they made their way into the dining room. All Kat could think was it was organized chaos, with all the kids trying to find a spot around the table. Two chairs were left open on Medda’s left, as Jack dragged her in that direction. “We have assigned seats around the table to stop anything from even starting.”
“Quit making us sound like heathens, Jack.” Race called from across Kat with a wicked grin. “You make us sound like we can’t control ourselves.”
Jack raised an eyebrow in Race’s direction. “Need I remind you about the great spaghetti disaster of 2015?”
Various shouts of disdain came from around the table as Kat’s head went from Race’s outrageous face to Medda putting her face in her hands with a groan. “I thought we promised to never talk about that, ever again.”
Jack put his hands up innocently at Medda’s exclamation. “Sorry momma . . . hence why we have assigned seating around this table.”
And with that, spaghetti was scooped onto plates and conversation hushed as everyone began eating. Katherine ate with gusto while listening to everyone talk about their day. Henry ran an animated discussion about preschool dramatics while Smalls just shook her head at her brother. “Thought you were allowed to be around Avery after you put paint in her hair?”
Henry at least has the decency to look guilty. “Well . . . that was last week. Monday was a new week.”
“Wait . . .” Jack held up a hand, looking around the dining room table. “Henry James, you put paint in Avery’s hair?”
Henry grinned brightly at his older brother. “Well . . . she started it by putting playdough in my milk cup. I had to get her back somehow.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Kat watched Jack bite his lip to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape. “Well that wasn’t very nice.”
“Try having a conversation with his teacher about it.” Medda piped up, giving her youngest a look, while shooting a warning look to her oldest. “So how’s school going Jack?”
Taking a drink of water, Jack shrugged. “It’s going good. Finally got into the groove of classes and homework and balancing everything. I really like my art history class, the professor is really cool.”
“Sounds like a snoozer.” Albert piped up, giving his older brother a look.
“Of course you’d say that . . .” Romeo rolled his eyes at his older brother, before turning his attention to Jack. “Are you studying Monet or Rembrandt yet?”
Jack chuckled at Romeo’s dig at Albert before shaking his head. “Nah, we’re starting with Da Vinci but we’re going to be studying both of them.”
“Ugh . . . Da Vinci.” Romeo made a gagging noise which caused Kat to giggle at him. “Now talk to me when you’re studying Monet.”
“Alright nerds . . . moving on.” Race gave his brothers a look. “What is the plan for the weekend?”
Six eyes looked between Jack and Medda as Kat did the same. She was just along for the ride for the weekend. “Albert’s got a game tomorrow morning that I figured you’d want to go to Jack but other than that, there’s nothing planned.”
“I want to show Kat around a bit at some point but we can play that by ear.” Jack shrugged, looking at his girlfriend. “We can go to Al’s game . . . you know, Kat played soccer in high school.”
Albert’s eyes lit up at that. “What position did you play?”
“Center Midfielder.” She grinned. “My team went to state and lost in the final game in overtime, penalty kicks.”
Albert whistled slowly, shaking his head. “Tough break. I usually go outside after dinner to kick around in the backyard, if you want to join me.”
“I’d love to. Your brother doesn’t know how to kick a soccer ball properly.” She gave Jack a wicked grin before looking across the table at Albert. “He has absolutely no ball control.”
“You’re preaching to the choir.” Race pipped in, looking at Katherine. “There may have been several windows broken because someone has a left foot.”
Jack held up his hands in defense. “I didn’t realize the ball would go towards the house. I was aiming towards the field.”
“What are you even saying?” Kat gave him a look, shaking her head. “I don’t even know the words that are coming out of your mouth.”
Albert, Finch, Spot, Race, and Charlie all busted out laughing at Katherine’s bluntness. “Oh you’ve met your match, Jackie.”
Dinner quickly finished up, and before long the table was cleared before the family headed outside to enjoy the last few hours of the day. All the kids ran out into the big backyard while Jack and Medda hung out on the deck. “I’m so glad you’re home, Jack.”
“It’s good to be home momma. How have you been?” Jack looked over at the woman who had saved his life more times than he could count.
Medda reached out and patted his shoulder. “I’ve been good, busy with the kids, making sure they are all happy and have everything you need. It’s been an adjustment since you went back to school but it seems like we’ve got it all figured out now. But I won’t say that I haven’t missed you.”
“I have missed you too, momma.” Jack smiled. “And funny enough, I’ve even missed the zoo and the antics of everyone.”
She gave him a look. “Only you could call this place a zoo and live to tell the tale.”
“Oh momma, you love me so much more than the others. I’m your first born.” Jack grinned, knowing though Medda would deny it, it was true.
Medda watched Kat and Albert pass the ball back and forth between them. “Jack …. you know I love you all equally but I will say the house hasn’t been the same since you went back to college.”
“Is that a good thing or bad?” Jack asked, not really wanting to know the answer either way.
Medda chuckled. “I’ll let you figure that one out.”
Leaning back in the lounge chair, Jack watched his siblings and friends run around the yard. A game of chase had begun while Kat and Albert continued to kick the ball back and forth, dodging hitting anyone in the process. It was good to be home.
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emileecon · 4 years
Shinkami childhood friends!AU
-based off of my art here
so the idea for this art came to me at like 3 in the morning and once I got the drawing out of my system my mind decided to come up with shinkami’s whole backstory. so it’s 3am again (apparently my productive time rip) so here it is:
Current summary:
shinsou is in the hero course at U.A., denki is in the support course
currently they are in their first year
they’ve been best friends since they were little
denki was inspired by shinsou to be a support engineer, shinsou was inspired by denki to be a hero
they’re totally head over heels for one another
I mean the pining is REAL
and everyone just wants them to GET TOGETHER ALREADY DAMMIT (students in class 1-A and 1-F’s words, not mine) (okay my words too cuz damn I really make them pine for one another lmao)
---so shinsou and denki don’t meet each other until they are five, when shinsou transfers to denki’s school. Because they’ve recently gotten their quirks,  shinsou is forced to wear a muzzle by the school board so he doesn’t accidentally activate his quirk. Everyone knows that when a kid has to wear a muzzle they probably have a terrifying quirk, so all the kids in his class steer clear from him and talk behind his back. Except denki of course, because denki only thinks that he looks kinda cool and how did his mom let him turn his hair purple? because denki wanted to turn his rainbow but his mom wouldn’t let him.
---denki is the first to approach shinsou like the little bundle of joy that he is. Shinsou is very shy at first due to the bullying he received at his previous school, which is the reason why he transferred in the first place. He slowly opens up though when he realizes denki won’t leave him alone. Because he can’t talk, he just listens to denki ramble, adding in a nod here and there to show he’s listening. And he IS, listening that is, because no one has ever talked to him that much before, so he listens eagerly to everything denki says no matter how random the thoughts are. Denki asks shinsou a lot of yes and no questions to get to know him better, and shinsou lowkey cries when he gets home because he finally has a friend.
“I’m denki, nice to meetchya!”
“I know ya can’t talk with that on but ya look really cool, like a hero or somethin’! do ya like heroes, do ya? your hair is so cool! I wanna turn my hair rainbow but my momma won’t let me, she says I need ta wait until I’m big. Do ya like cheerios? I brought them for snack time, ya want some?” 
---the boys are six when denki finds out what shinsou’s quirk is. It all starts with shinsou’s muzzle. He doesn’t think it’s fair that shinsou still has to wear one. He’s been going to quirk therapy to try and get his quirk, whatever it was, under control, so why does he still have to wear it? Shinsou’s parents won’t talk to his parents about it, no matter how much he bugs both parties. Shinsou’s parents are kinda mean, he doesn’t like them much. But he does like shinsou, so he forms a plan. Denki knows for sure shinsou’s muzzle is locked electronically somehow, he can hear the buzzing whenever he hugs tackles him. So denki practices lighting sparks with his pointer finger, way into the night under his covers when he should be sleeping instead. When he sees shinsou next, he fries the lock and takes off his muzzle. One moment he’s answering shinsou’s confusing splutters, the next he wakes to a crying boy hugging him and a lot of screaming adults. That’s when he knew he was in BIG trouble. He finds out shinsou’s quirk later that night when his parents tuck him into bed, and he cries himself to sleep. Not because he’s scared of shinsou, but because he’s scared FOR him; that he won’t be his friend anymore for trying to take his muzzle off. He really hopes shinsou forgives him. At school the next day shinsou looks scared when he runs up to him, but quickly hugs Denki when he cries and apologizes for taking off the muzzle without any warning. Denki vows the next time he tries something (because of course there will be a next time) that’ll he be more sneaky, and actually include shinsou in his plan.
“I’m sorry shinsou, I’m sorry I made you cry! Please still be my friend.”
“So you can control things? Don’t look sad, it’s a really cool quirk, promise!”
“I really wanna hear your voice though. Don’t be scared, you won’t hurt me! I’ll figure out how to get your muzzle off again, pinky promise!”
---the first time shinsou talks to denki is when they’re eight. He knows denki’s been trying to break the new lock on his muzzle. He’s knows denki has been talking to his engineer uncle, taking this task on with a level of passion that he’s never seen in his usually passionate friend. He feels bad that he doesn’t want him to succeed though, because the only thing scarier than accidentally controlling someone is scaring denki away because of it. Unfortunately denki is even more stubborn than he is passionate, and after two years of learning enough from his uncle and actually being able to do it with his unskilled, eight year old hands, denki eventually unlocks shinsou’s muzzle. It’s a tense moment, both nervous for different reasons, but shinsou remembers his therapy sessions and takes a calming breath. They end up talking all night, both crying from the excitement of being able to properly communicate. They wake up extra early to put shinsou’s muzzle back on and his parents are none the wiser. These secret talks become frequent, and shinsou has never been happier in his life.
---that time was an important moment in denki’s life as well, because being able to help shinsou and see his smile made him feel fulfilled with his work, like he actually did something right for once. And learning about all that mechanic stuff was really fun, so denki continues to learn with his uncle as his mentor, leading him to pursue a career in making support gear for heroes.
---it’s in middle school when shinsou decides he wants to be a hero. Despite his muzzle finally being removed because he could now control his quirk, people are still cruel. They mock him and ignore his existence. Shinsou doesn’t care though, because the only person that ever mattered to him was denki. The one thing he doesn’t stand for though, is people making fun of denki. Denki lost more friends the more he stayed with shinsou, until eventually all they had was each other. Neither of them cared, but the loss of denki’s friends meant an increase in denki’s bullies. The one time they weren't together is when denki’s bullies started getting physical. Shinsou walked in on them pushing denki to the ground. Shinsou ended up getting detention for a week for using his quirk to make them pee their pants in front of the class, but he didn’t care. He had to put on that damn muzzle for the week too, but denki’s hug and his “thanks toshi, you’re my hero!” made it worth it. This is the moment he finally realizes that his quirk might actually be able to be used for good after all (despite denki’s constant lecturing about how it’s always been good) and this is what makes him decide to pursue a career as a hero (that and remembering all the times he saved denki from situations only he could get himself into, because apparently he's lowkey been a hero this whole time so why not make a career out of it?).
---shinsou and denki both get into U.A., opening their exam results together. Shinsou passes the practical exam because of the gear and capture weapon denki creates for him. Denki gets accepted with the help of shinsou’s tutoring, because despite being a mechanical GENIUS his grades aren’t the best. It also helps that he developed his quirk to be able to sense electricity and the flow of it through electrical circuits. Being able to touch equipment and figure out where the mechanics aren’t working (by where the electricity stops flowing in the circuits) was very impressive to the admissions panel, to the point he gets a full scholarship to join U.A.’s support department.
---denki visits shinsou all the time in class 1-A, and often pulls him away to sit together at lunch. They’re shocked when they see how much shinsou talks and how easily he smiles with him. Everyone completely loses it when they see the blonde jump on him and not get thrown across the cafeteria. Class 1-A is beyond curious about the blonde who has their infamously cold classmate wrapped around his finger. When denki meets the class everyone immediately falls in love with him. Denki is the major reason why shinsou (reluctantly) makes friends, because everyone comes to see how shinsou’s cold persona is a facade and he’s actually just a sap an awkward (but cool nonetheless) person.
---everyone in denki’s class take to his optimistic and unique personality. They become extremely curious about the mysterious hero course student that stops into denki’s workshop almost everyday, and start a betting pool about his backstory and their relationship.
---class 1-A often wonders how bad denki’s luck must be to get himself in the situations he always ends up in. They also end up seeing how smart denki really is over various points of knowing him, and how badass he can be with his quirk and knowledge of mechanics. Everyone learns that while he may be a ball of sunshine, he can also probably take you down in 0.2 seconds.
---class 1-A often teases shinsou about denki, but when they come to learn through various anecdotes how much the two mean to one another, they gain so much respect for the two and everything they have been through.
Annndddd I’m done for now haha. I have so many more thoughts about how the arcs change and about the other stories (both good and bad) that happen throughout their childhood but I’ll write those out if anyone is actually curious, otherwise this is the end of my immediate thoughts after only one piece of art 😂
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Request of sorts- Things get out of hand when Luke’s daughter doesn’t want him to sing her to sleep.
A/N: Look! I finally wrote it!
Content: Dad!Luke, Uncle!5sos
Word Count: 2.1K
And away, and away we go!
You weren’t sure who cried harder when you announced your pregnancy, you, your husband Luke, or his bandmates. “Oh, we’re gonna sing her the best lullabies!” they all decided.
“Or him.”
“Nah,” Luke said, his blue eyes blurry as he rested his hand on your abdomen. “It’s totally a girl. My little princess.”
A week later, you were presented with a tape to play for the growing baby bump. You proudly blasted the tape to your bump for the rest of your pregnancy.
More tears spilled as you cradled that pink bundle to your chest, kissing the fair and thin hair. Amelia “Mia” Rose Hemmings was about to be the world’s most loved little girl.
You didn’t get to hold her long as Luke was quickly taking you from her, rocking her gently in his arms. “You got to hold her for nine months. There is still so much you’ll be able to do for her that I can’t,” he explained as you started to pout. “Let me have this, please?”
Singing. You had been accustomed to hearing it everywhere since you started dating Luke. That man was always either humming softly or singing at the top of his lungs. But there was something extra special about the sight of your husband dancing around the hospital room, the softest and sweetest sounding lullabies rolling off his lips as he rocked his princess to sleep.
“G’night love. I’ll be down the hall if you need me, okay?” Ashton told his niece as he tucked her in for bed. Y/N and Luke were on a double date with Crystal and Mike, and Calum was out visiting his sister, which meant Ashton was on overnight babysitting duty. Not that he minded in the slightest. He loved his niece like she was his own. They all did.
“Unca Ash!” Mia called out after him, making grabby hands.
“Yeah, love?”
He froze.“Sing? Love, I don’t sing. Daddy sings. Do you wanna call him?”
She shook her head. “No. You sing!”
He sighed and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “You sure you don’t want a story?”
“Sing!” her little voice begged.
“Alright,” he relented.
Mia’s bright blue eyes grew brighter as Ashton started singing. She had never actually heard her uncle sing, but she still recognized his singing voice as strongly as she would have recognized Luke’s. It was inherent.
“Mia, shh,” Luke soothed, cradling her in his arms. He was getting flustered. He had always been able to soothe his daughter with his singing. Why was tonight suddenly different? 
“No, Daddy!” she whined, squirming out of his arms. “No sing!”
“You don’t want me to sing to you?” he asked, his heart breaking. He wasn’t ready for his little girl to be too big for lullabies.
“No!” she said, crossing her arms.
“Do you want Momma to read to you?” you offered, leaning in the doorway. Luke may have claimed the lullabies, but you had bedtime stories on lockdown.
“No! Lullaby!” she demanded shrilly.
“You want a lullaby?” you asked, trying to decipher the toddler’s words.
“Do you want me to sing to you in the music room?” Luke asked her. Sometimes Mia preferred her lullabies to have the musical accompaniment.
“No! Daddy no sing!”
Luke laughed in frustration, his hand raking through his blond curls. “I do- Princess, you want a lullaby, but you don’t want me to sing?”
“Mia, baby,” you jumped back in, coming to sit on the little girl’s bed. “Daddy sings. Momma reads. Who do you want to sing to you if not Daddy?”
“Unca Ash!”
“Ashton doesn’t even sing!” Luke cried in outrage, before he started to pace the room. “My princess… my own daughter! Wants the drummer to sing to her?! What?! I’m the lead singer! Mike? Sure. Okay. Cal? Definitely. But Ash?!”
You clapped a hand over your mouth to hide your giggles while Luke continued his pacing and venting while Mia began to bounce in bed, her hands clapping together as she chanted, “Unca Ash! Unca Ash!”
“Ashton!” Luke’s voice hissed into the phone. “What do you mean why do I sound pissed?! You turned my daughter against me! Yes! She wants you! Stop laughing! Alright, here she is.” He moved to sit on the floor beside you and Mia, putting his phone on speaker. “Tell Unca Ash what you want, princess,” Luke sighed heavily.
“Unca Ash!” Mia cheered, her blue eyes wide in excitement, grabbing Luke’s phone from his hands. “Sing!” she ordered.
Ashton giggled over the line. “Love, you sure you don’t want your daddy to sing to you?”
“No! You!”
Ashton giggled again. “Alright, love. Ready?”
“Sing!” she ordered again, her impatience growing.
“He’s never babysitting again,” Luke hissed up at you as Ashton’s voice lulled Mia to sleep, Luke’s phone clutched in her small fist.
Unfortunately for Luke, he wasn’t able to follow through on his threat that Ashton would never again babysit the princess. “Are you going to stop laughing?” Luke grumbled as he pulled into Ashton’s driveway.
You shook your head, hand clapped over your mouth as your body heaved with silent laughter. It had been a solid week of Mia demanding Ashton to sing her to sleep instead of Luke. And now, the little girl had demanded the drummer as her babysit because Luke had been stupid enough to ask her. “Why’d you ask her which uncle she wanted to watch her if you don’t want Ash watching her? Of course she’s gonna pick him,” you finally said when you caught your breath.
“Unca Ash!” Mia screamed happily, running up to Ashton after Luke freed her from the backseat.
“Love!” Ashton called, just as happily, crouching to wrap his niece in a bear hug. “Did she get lunch yet?”
You shook your head, passing him Mia’s bag. “She said she wanted to eat lunch with you. Something about a grilled cheese sandwich?”
Mia gasped and nodded her head excitedly, placing her hands on her uncle’s face. “Unca Ash cheese!”
“You know your daddy knows how to make them too, love,” Ashton said, looking over at Luke who glared back.
“No, Unca Ash cheese!” Mia said with more force.
Ashton looked over at Luke worriedly. “Mate, I- she’ll come around. You’re her dad.”
Luke continued to glare. He couldn’t be made at his princess, but he could sure as hell be mad at Ashton.
“Cheese, cheese, cheese!” Mia chanted in her uncle’s arms.
“Okay, I’ll make you a grilled cheese. Say bye-bye to Momma and Daddy.”
“Bye!” Mia told you and Luke.
“Bye, baby,” you said, kissing her blonde curls. “We’ll be back tomorrow, okay? Be good for Uncle Ash.”
“Eepover?” she asked, her eyes going wide as she clapped her hands.
“Yeah!” Ashton told her, feeding off her energy. “You’re gonna sleep over at my house. How’s that sound?”
“Bye princess,” Luke said, giving his daughter a kiss on her cheek. “Momma and I love you.”
“Bye! Wuv you!”
“Oh, mother-” Ashton started to swear before he remembered he was in the presence of little ears. “Don’t stop!” he blurted the first thing that came to his head. Yeah, he decided. “Don’t Stop” was a good filler for cursing that would be sure to drive Luke nuts. He had been trying to be nice to Luke, knowing that the younger man was genuinely torn up about his princess showcasing a preference for Ashton over her own father. But, Luke was testing Ashton’s patience with the pettiness of it all. All Ashton was was Mia’s uncle. He’d never be able to have the bond with her that Luke had. No one could. It was time to fight petty with petty.
Mia looked at her uncle in confusion. “Daddy says big people words.”
“I know,” Ashton said, setting the sandwich that had the faintest scorched lines on them for himself. The sandwich hadn’t been in danger of burning, but he knew Mia would only eat the sandwich if it was lightly toasted because the black scorch lines “taste icky.” “But you shouldn’t use those words. So you say ‘don’t stop,’ okay?”
She nodded her head excitedly, like Ashton had unlocked a secret world. 
It didn’t take long for Mia to utilize her secret. As luck would have it, the bomb dropped during a big 5sos family outing.
You all watched in silent horror as the ice cream scoop slid off the cone and plummeted to the ground, six sets of eyes whirling to watch what the little girl would do. Her mouth opened, and you all braced for the shrill scream. And promptly busted into a fit of giggles when that shrill scream was “Stupid don’t stop ice cream!”
“Mia, baby,” you quickly said, body shaking in held back laughter. If you looked at Mike who was already rolling in the grass, crying, you would definitely lose it. “Let’s not call things stupid. We can get you a new ice cream.”
“Unca Ash said!” was the blue-eyed protest.
A different set of blue eyes snapped to Ashton, humor gone. Of fucking course. “Ashton!”
“What? I told her not to actually swear,” Ashton defended, his hazel eyes dancing, his lips upturned in a humorous smirk.
“But ‘don’t stop’? Really? All the phrases in the fuckin’ world and that’s that one you fuckin’ go with?!”
“You giant don’t stop!” Mike wheezed from the grass which set Calum back into a fit of giggles, his hands covering his face.
“I hate this band,” Luke grumbled as Crystal picked Mike up off the ground and you got Mia a new ice cream.
“At least she’s not swearing like her dad,” Ashton tried to be helpful.
“Oh, don’t even!” Luke turned, using the slight height difference to tower down over the older man. “First you take lullabies from me, and now you have her substituting swears with the damn fuckin’ phrase!”
“Whoa!” Calum and Mike said, their humor disappearing as well. “Mia’s been asking Ash to sing to her?!”
“Mia! Don’t you like Uncle Cal’s voice?” Calum pouted at his niece.
Mia looked up at him with an ice cream smeared smile and shook her head. “Unca Ash!” she announced proudly, reaching to grasp Ashton’s index finger in her hand.
“But, Mia-sweets, Uncle Ash doesn’t sing. Uncle Cal does.”
“That’s what I said,” Luke told Calum with an eye roll. “Mike, how come you’re not more upset?”
Mike shrugged. “Kid’s got good taste. If she asked for me I’d be a little worried for her.”
“Mike, you sing fine,” Ashton said. “But, I think I might know why Mia likes my singing…”
“Oh, do tell,” Luke said with dramatic gesturing, complete with an eye roll.
“Y/N, how often did you play that tape we made when you were pregnant?”
“Like all the time, why?”
“Did you ever listen to it yourself?”
“No. I just played it for Mia. Why? Where is this going?”
“Oh, fuck you!” Luke screeched at Ashton in realization. “You sang her lullabies, didn’t you! When you watched her!”
“I tried to read to her. I knew singing was your thing. She didn’t want that. What was I supposed to do? Tell her no?” Ashton fought back.
“You fuckin’ idiot! We were all singing on the tape! She knew your voice!”
“Of course she knows my voice! I’m her uncle, you dumbass!”
“Did you ever sing to her before the night you watched her so we could have date night?”
“No, of course not.”
“And she never had a problem with me singing to her until then. Do you know why?!”
“Because of the tape, dumbass! That’s what I was getting at!”
“Because of the tape! Y/N played it for Mia on repeat her entire pregnancy. She recognized your damn singing!”
“Unca Ash sing pretty,” Mia chirped, not sure why the her dad and uncle were being so loud.
“Princess,” Luke groaned, scooping his daughter into his arms. “Don’t you want Daddy to sing?”
“Unca Ash!”
“Mia baby,” you interjected softly. “You’re making Daddy sad. He wants to sing for you.”
Mia gasped, her little mouth making an ‘o’ shape. “Daddy no sad! Daddy sing! Uncas sing!”
“Everybody sings?” Luke asked.
Mia nodded happily. “Sing!”
“See, mate? Told ya she’d come back around,” Ashton told Luke, clapping the man on the shoulder.
“I’m still mad at you, you giant don’t stop.”
“Giant don’t stop!” Calum and Mike started to snicker again.
All was right in the world back in the Hemmings household that night when Luke sang his princess to sleep for the first time in three weeks.
Tag List (Leave a message at the beep)
@goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @baldcalum​ @sparkling-chaos​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​
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You and Kozik had been married for twenty years, your daughter turned eighteen a week ago and was currently on a date with a nineteen year old boy. Your husband Kozik was pissed. He was nervous for her, he was scared she’d get her heart broken. He didn’t want to kill anyone, but he would.
You came in after a long day at work to find his pistol on the table and him in the kitchen cooking. You’re met with a sweet smile and a glass of your favorite sweet red wine. “Hey baby.” He smiles, pulling you back against him as you take a sip of your wine.
“Hey, it’s almost eleven, what are you still doing up?” You ask, as normally he was sleeping on the couch by now. You’d smile at him as you entered the living room, you always found him so peaceful.
“Making dinner, Hermione is out with that Morrow kid again.” He growls, letting go to finish cooking. Placing a platter in front of you with sliced chicken, green peppers, onions, and a side of mashed potatoes.
“Oh baby, don’t worry hunny. Don’t you remember us at that age?” You ask, smiling at him with a knowing smile. He smiles for a second, frowning.
“I sure do. And that makes it worse. I’d have shot me for the fun we had, babes.” He growls, loading his gun. With a chuckle, you pull his pistol from his hand and take it upstairs. You finished a little under half of the plate before you could barely keep your head up.
“I’m gonna head to bed, baby. Don’t be too harsh, Hemi.” You smile, pressing a warm kiss to his lips and heading back upstairs.
“Night baby!” He calls, coming up the stairs after you. He pulled off his dark, oily jeans into his oily clothes bin and crawling into the black sheets next to you, both of you in your underwear. You found so much comfort in his warm grip that in mere seconds, the circles he gently drew into your shoulders had you snoring against him. He smiled at you sleeping, kissing your forehead. “I love you so much.” He hushes, pulling you atop his chest to hold you closer and feel you breathe against his chest.
Tears filled his eyes for a second as he thought about her. His little girl. His little Harley angel. She was his light and his crazy little sidekick. She is now an adult, and the fact that he couldn’t protect her from everything scared the hell out of him. The tears in his eyes ran down his cheeks. He sniffed as quietly as he could, trying not to wake you. He loved his daughter with his whole heart, and her tears broke his whole heart. He’d do anything to keep her little forever; but he couldn’t and it was time to accept that she was going to get her heart broken. She would have to learn how to be a functioning adult and mess up sometimes.
Around midnight he heard the door open and he slid you off him, slipping into his jeans, no shirt, pistol tucked away. You watched him pad out of the room, looking sexy as hell. Once he was out of sight, you jump out of bed and grab your closest item, a tee shirt of his and a pair of shorts, padding down the stairs behind your husband.
“Hermione get up to your room. I wanna talk to the Morrow boy.” He orders, his deep voice booming through the quiet kitchen. You sneak around the corner to find the pistol laid on the table, Kozik’s arms crossed over his chest. You took a moment to soak him in, still masculine as the day you met, still strong, but still sweet. With a gentle hand to his back, you hear him sigh. Hermione watches with a little smile. She wanted what her parents have. They were her role models, the strength between them and the love that held them together, even when they fought. She found it with Keaton Morrow. She was totally in love with him. He even wanted to marry her, and she wanted to marry him.
“Daddy! Momma tell him that Keaton means well! He loves me momma! Tell daddy—“
“Christ Hermie! Shut up! Quit screeching! You’re dad hasn’t shot him yet, even after we both said eleven-thirty. And sneaking him into our house, good try darling. I learned all the tricks sneaking your dad into our house. Your grandpa shot him in the leg once. You’re lucky your dad’s nicer than pops.” You snip, pointing a finger at her. Her head hung low as she toed at the wood floor.
“Go to your room. I wanna talk to Morrow.” He growls, pointing to her door.
“Christ Herman. Stop it. If you don’t remember it wasn’t only twenty years ago Pop did the same thing to you. Said you weren’t scared, but I knew you were. Baby, he hated you for the same reason. You’d never be enough for his baby, his first daughter or only daughter. But baby! Look at her! She looks at him the same way I look at you. Give him a running start. Just a chance.” You smile, cupping his face in your hands and pulling his eyes to yours.
“Damn, baby. You’re right I guess. But you listen to me buck,” he jabs a stern finger at the boy in front of him, “you hurt her, I’ll shoot ya. Same way her grandfather shot me. We clear? And when I tell you eleven thirty. I don’t mean twelve fifteen.” He growls, pointing the gun at the young man. Your hand pulls his down, pulling the gun from his hands tucking it into the waist band of his jeans.
“Come on, baby. Back to bed. I trust you to make the right decisions. Any noises from her bedroom at all, I’ll send Mister Kozik in there with the pistol. Safety off.” You assure, grabbing Kozik’s hand and pulling him up the stairs. “Hey! You little devil!” You squeal, letting him scoop you up and carry you to bed.
“I love you baby, you really still look at me like some starry-eyed teenager?” He asks, grabbing your waist and tapping the radio’s on button. Their song started and he starts swaying back and forth, eyes never leaving yours. With a sweet little smirk, he presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“I love you too, did my dad really shoot you?” You ask, your smile faultering a little.
“Yeah, he did.” He absolutely did. You laughed as he pulled up his sleeve to show you the scar. A small round mark where the bullet exited.
“I love you so much. Sorry I lost it. I just get so scared, you know? Like, what happens when she moves out and it’s just us again. Shit babe. What would we do?” He asks, his bright blue eyes misty with unshed tears. You give a soft chuckle, framing his square jaw with your petite hands.
“Oh my sweet love, you and I will have the house to ourselves. We could do exactly what I told them not to do.” You wink, letting him walk you backwards to the bed, falling next to you and kissing your cheeks, forehead, and nose, leaving your lips for last.
“We could do whatever we want. I dare him to try that until they’re married.” He growls, nuzzling your neck with his scruff. You giggle as ‘I’m So Into You’ by SWV comes on, jumping to your feet and swinging your hips back and forth, your golden skin peeking from under his SAMTAC tee shirt.
The next morning, you hear a light knock at the door before someone walks in. Creeping downstairs, you find your father sitting at your table.
“Hey dollface.” He whispers, patting the chair next to him. You whisk into the kitchen to make coffee before scampering over to sit next to him. Sliding the chair closer, you lean your head over on his shoulder, your curly hair falling in ringlets over his shoulder as you did.
“Hey Pop, what are you doing here already?” You ask, soaking his warm arm over your shoulder when you hear your daughter come into the kitchen. “Morning baby.” You smile, pointing to the chair across from you. With a happy, sleepy smile she leans against him on his other side.
“Hi Pop. Did you really shoot daddy in the shoulder?” She asks, giving a yawn. He chuckles, nodding in confirmation. You hear Kozik’s heavy footfalls on the stairs and you grin, standing and greeting him with a sweet kiss at the entrance of the kitchen and slipping a cup of coffee into his hands.
“Thank you, baby.” He whispers, kissing your forehead and sitting at the table across from Tig.
“Hey old man.” He chuckles, shaking his hand.
“Hey kid.” He chuckles. All of a sudden, without warning, your daughter climbs into Kozik’s lap and hugs tightly to his neck.
“I love you so much, daddy. I hope you still come visit me like Pop does when I move out.” She cries into his shoulder. He smiles, a tear slipping down his cheek as he nods.
“I promise you, you’ll be begging me to stop visiting so often, babygirl. I love you, baby. You know that?” He asks, tipping her head back brushing a blonde curl from her face. She looked so much like his gorgeous wife, big frizzy curly hair, a warm sleepy smile and sweet blue eyes.
“I know, daddy. I’m just scared to grow up. You and momma make it look so easy, ya know?” She asks, hugging tightly to him still.
“I cried last night while you were out. I was thinking the same thing you are, but I’ve spent twenty years raising you, making you a stand up adult. I’m scared of what the world is gonna do to your sweet, innocent little heart, but your mom promised me you’d be okay. I want that same thing for you, baby. I want you to know the kind of pure love I get from your mom. And if I don’t give you a chance, like Tig gave me, how will you know? I’m not sorry for pulling a gun on his sorry ass, but I’m willing to get to know him.”
“Hell, he may turn out to be a pretty stand up guy. Even if he is five years older than your daughter.” Tig huffs, scowling at the new face in their kitchen. His granddaughter’s boyfriend. “Maybe not.” Tig growls, giving the boy a daringly dark look.
“You must be mister Trager. I’m Keaton Morrow.” He sticks out a hand and firmly shakes her grandfather’s hand.
“Morrow?” Tig booms.
“Daddy, it’s okay. It’s almost as bad as a Kozik.” You giggle, patting his shoulder and sitting him back down.
“I don’t know, baby. Anyway, nice to meet you. You got any ill intentions with my granddaughter?” He demands, taking a scarily calm sip of coffee.
“No sir, I’d like to marry her someday. If you and Mister Kozik would give me your blessing?” His eyes jut between your husband and your father, both frowning into their coffee cups.
“If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” Kozik mutters, giving her a smile and kissing her forehead.
“I’ll hide the body.” Tig snips, sipping from his cup once more.
“Thank you daddy!” She cheers, gripping his neck. “Thank you Pops!” She squeals, hugging his tightly. A ringed, weathered hand pats her back.
“And the cycle continues.” You giggle, patting your daughter’s back as she hugs you.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #482: Mario and Friends React to Most of Them Losing in a Golf Game (SSBU)
Mario: (Running Around While Crying on Screen)
Falco: Wow.......I did not know our golden plumber boi here was that much of a sore loser.
Fox: (Already in Disbelief) I know, right? And on a simple Golf game of all things......
Luigi: (Turns to Mario While Smirking a bit Playfully) You got anything you wanna say about this, bro?
Mario: ('Sigh in Embarrassment') I really wish I didn't do all that...... Might've been on Live T.V. at one point.....
Peach: (Giggles Softly While Sitting Right Next to Mario)
Mario: (Turns and Raised an Eyebrow at His Princess/Girlfriend) And what seems to be so funny to you, your majesty?~
Peach: (Pokes at Mario's Cheek With a Few Giggles and Laughter) You, sweetie-pie!~ (Pulls Mario in for a Loving Hug) I almost forgot how adorable you were when you started running around like that~
Mario: (Blushes Even More) Peachhh!~ I already told you! I'm not cuuute!
Peach: (Snuggles onto Mario) And I keep telling you that you will always be my cute, sweet prince~ (Kisses All Over Mario's Face)
Mario: (Starts Getting Ticklish by Every Kiss He Gets) Momma M-Mia, Peach!~ That tickles!~ Come on!!~
Samus: (Already Got a Smirk on her Face) So much for trying to prove her wrong.
Daisy: All in favor of declaring Mario as the cute, sweet prince for now on, say 'Aye'!
Everyone: 'Aye'!!!
Luigi: (On Screen) I'm a loser......
Luigi: I can't believe I actually did all of that. (Chuckles Lightly) Guess I was a pretty big loser at the time, huh?
Everyone immediately staring at Luigi in Silent.
Luigi: Uhhh......Guys?
Daisy: (Took a Deep Breath) Okay..... Luigi, honey, there's something very important we all wanna tell you right now.
Luigi: Really? What's that?
Daisy: Simple......Luigi.
Everyone: YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dedede: And anyone who says otherwise, is gonna get hit in the head with a mallet!!!
Luigi: (Frowns a Little) You guys, you didn't have to tell me all of that. Really.
Daisy: (Hugs her man Very Lovingly) We know. We just wanna make sure you get memo. You know how much I hate hearing you talk bad about yourself, right?~
Luigi: (Smiles Softly While Having Daisy in his Arms) Of course I do, dear~ I'll do my best not to think that way anymore. Promise.
Daisy: Okay. (Snuggle onto Luigi's Embrace) I'll take your word for it. (Gives Luigi a Kiss on the Lips) I love you~
Luigi: I love you too, Daisy~
Peach: (Starts to Faint on Screen)
Dedede: (Laughs Wholeheartedly) I don't know about y'all, but that just might be the most accurate one yet!
Peach: (Glares at Dedede while Placing her Hands on her Hips) And what does that supposed to be?
Mario: Please don't take this the wrong, dear, but.....You do have the tendency to faint..... A lot.
Peach: (Gasps while Blushing) Why, I never!! (Crosses her Arms) I-I don't recall ever fainting once in this very mansion!!
Daisy: (Raised an Eyebrow at Peach) Oh really? Then how about the time you fainted over every tournament matches we watched together?
Peach: W-Well, it's not my fault the fights were getting intense as of late.....
Fox: What about most of the time all of watch a movie together.
Peach: Some movies have impressive and unpredictable twist in them. You can't fault me for reacting to them like that.....
Luigi: What about the time all the kids went missing?
Peach: You know how much I care for all of my babies!!!!
Bayonetta: Ooh. What about the time you accidentally saw me and Paulie in the sho-
Peach: (Blushes Bright Red) OKAY! OKAY! FINE!!! You all have proven your points quite enough today! Now could we please move on before I faint in embarrassment?!
Daisy: (Starts Snickering) Sure thing, cuz.
Falco: "Faint in Embarrassment".......(Turns to Fox) People do that?
Fox: (Shrugged) Probably.
Daisy: (On Screen) Nonononono! You Clouts!!!
Bayonetta: Well, well. (Starts Smirking Playfully Towards Daisy) It looks someone's being a terrible sport here.
Samus: Another accurate depiction.
Daisy: ('Scoffs') Please. (Crosses her Arms) My sportsmanship isn't that bad.
Peach: Daisy. Sweetie. Ever since our friendship started to blossom, you would always get competitive to almost every sports and games we played. Even Cricket.
Daisy: ('Ughh') You're still not letting that one go?
Peach: No. Out of all the sports we played in our youth, why must you be so rough whenever we play cricket together?!
Daisy: (Rolled her Eyes) Come on, Peach. It's not that big of a deal. You do know it's technically a sport, right?
Peach: It's Cricket!! It's supposed to be a nice, relaxing game! Not a literal competition!
Daisy: Oh, and like you're the sane one when it comes of these sports games!!!
Samus: (Already Getting Annoyed) Alright, you two, knock off. (Turns to Daisy) Daisy, would you just admit that you're competitive already so we can move on?
Daisy: But I-
Samus: (Gives Daisy a Dark Glare)...........
Daisy: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay. So maybe I am too competitive for my own good.....
Luigi: I still think it cute.
Daisy: (Pouts at Luigi While Blushing) You're just saying that to make me feel better, Weegie......
Luigi: W-Well, it's honest truth. (Hugs Daisy) You are adorable to me~.......It is making you feel better.....Right?
Daisy: ..................(Finally Starts Snuggling onto her man with a Cute Smile) It is, 'hon~
Yoshi: (Starts Falling Down Adorably on Screen)
Daisy: (Frowns Sadly) Awwwwwwwww~ My poor baby.......
Luigi: (Frowns Sadly as Well) He looks so sad when he's discouraged.....
Samus: Yeah......(Frowns a Little) It does look a bit heart wrenching now that I think about it.
Dedede: Ah there's nothing for y'all to be sad about here. I'm sure that boy has already moved on from the phase.
Luigi: I guess......(Sees Yoshi Making his Way Towards the Door) S-Son!!
Yoshi: Oh! Uh. (Turns to Luigi) Yeah, dad?
Luigi: I'm not sure if your mother and I told you this enough today but-
Daisy: (Already in Tears) Your mommy and daddy loves you so much, sweetheart!! Please don't ever forget that, okay?!!
Yoshi: (A bit Startled by his Mom's Sudden Outburst) Y-Yeah. Sure.....(Smiles a Little) I love you guys too-
Dark Pit: (Already Laughing Outside)
Yoshi: ('Sigh') If you guys will excuse me.....(Opens the Door) have a certain dark angel to pummel with water balloons. (Sprints Outside)
'Door Closed'
Daisy: Kick his ass, sweetie!!!
Palutena: Daisy! That's our son he's talking about.
Bayonetta: Wellllll.....In all fairness, our boi may have said something to Yoshi that he shouldn't have. Either that, or he just messing with him on a daily basis for....some reason.
Palutena: ('Sigh') I guess....But still....My baby.
Bayonetta: (Hugs Palutena Lovingly) I know, dear~ I know~
Donkey Kong
DK: (Throws a Giant Barrel on the Ground and Starts Slam his Two Fist Down in Anger on Screen)
Falco: You know, I dunno why, but I kinda had a feeling that the big guy would do something like that.
Everyone: (Nodding in Agreement) Yeah/True/Uh-huh.
Diddy Kong
Diddy: (Gets Angry and Starts Making a Scene on Screen)
Mario: Mama Mia..... I've never seen Diddy this upset before.....
Samus: Tell me about it.....It seems so surreal and everything.
Peach: (Frowns a Little) Yeah.....It makes me worried about him even more than it should.
Fox: Uh, your majesty. You do know this was all just a while ago, right?
Peach: I know. But you know me..... I'm always worried about my babies.
Daisy: (Place a hand on Peach's Shoulder) We all are, cuz. We are.
Wario: (Angrily Waves his Fist after Throwing a Random Giant Boulder at Something....Only to get Squashed by the same Boulder on Screen)
Luigi: Okay. This is something I gotta ask.....(Turns to Wario) How in the heck were you able to survive all of that?!!
Wario: ('Wahahaha!!') You forgot, 'cuz? This is me you losers are talking about here. (Shows off his Arm Muscles) I'm strong enough to survive everything!! ('Wahahaha!!!')
Dedede: (Rolled his Eyes) Yet you still lose against me in Death Battle.....
Wario: (Glares at Dedede) Ah shut up, cheater. That fan show was a fluke and you know it. (Starts Cracking his Knuckles) I can beat you in a real match right here, right now!
Dedede: (Glares Back at Wario) Boy.....You can try facing me all you want....(Slams his Mallet Down on the Floor) But you'll most certainly fail.
Peach: (Immediately Got Off of the Couch) That is enough, you two! We are all here to have a good time and enjoy ourselves here today, not to start fights. Both you calm yourselves right now, or I will not hesitate to kick you out of this living room. Do I make myself clear?
Dedede: Yes ma'am.......
Wario: (Walks Away) Whatever.........
Waluigi: (Slumps Down in Utter Defeat on Screen) Whyyyyy?
Fox: (Rolled his Eyes) Who else thinks this is how Waluigi reacted when he didn't get invited to the tournament?
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement) Me/Yeah...../Definitely.
Dedede: The man always was a drama queen.
Peach: ('Sigh') Guys, come on. Don't you think you all are being a bit harsh on him here?
Samus: Yeah, but.....I mean, this IS Waluigi we're talking about here.....
Falco: (Shrugged) Pretty inevitable to not make a few remarks about him.
Peach: True.....But he has feelings, just like the rest of us.........I think.
Bowser: (Slumps Down and Use his Fist to Pound the Ground in Utter Defeat on Screen)
Dedede: God-Damn. Even Bowser taking losing too seriously....
Bayonetta: (Glares at the Screen a Little) This is starting to get more ridiculous by the second........
Palutena: (Turns to her Girlfriend) You're.....Still not mad about what Bowser did last year, are you?
Bayonetta: (Immediately Starts Having Flashbacks About the Time She Starts Yelling at Bowser for being Lazy on her Simple Chores) Well....... You could say that I'm not entirely happy with him right now..... Not one bit.
Samus: (Whispers in Palutena's Ear) Did something happened between those two or.......
Palutena: (Whispers back to Samus) It's a long story......
Bowser Jr.
Bowser Jr: (Starts Crying on Screen)
Peach: (Frowns Sadly While Placing her Hand on her Chest) ......................
Mario: (Turns to Peach) Peach.....Is everything okay?
Peach: ('Sighs Sadly')......I still feel terrible about how I treated Junior and the his siblings over the years.....
Mario: (Gently Holds Both of Peach's Hands) Those are all in the past. You have all the chance in world now to make it up to them.
Peach: I know. I'm just..... Really scared of messing things up with them, you know?
Mario: (Gently Squeezes Peach's Hands Reassuringly with a Smile) Hey. I know it can be scary, but I still believe you have what it takes to make things right. You are a "Certified Mom" in this Mansion after all.
Peach: (Hugs Mario Lovingly While Being Determined) You're right, Mario. I won't give up on any them. Not now or ever! Thank you so much, dear~
Mario: (Hugs Peach Back) You're always welcome, Peach.
Boo: (Rolls Around on the Ground in Sadness on Screen)
Dedede: (Confused) Wait a minute. How come that Boo doesn't go through underground or whatever?
Luigi: (Shrugged) Maybe it has something to do with his emotions. It does seems too sad to do anything right now.
Dedede: Yeah, maybe.
Shadow Mario
Shadow Mario: (Trips on the Ground and Sulks on Screen)
Peach: (Whispers to Mario) Hey, Mario, were you able to figure out who Shadow Mario really was after the tourney was over?
Mario: Not exactly. There was no trace of him anywhere....
Peach: Well..... Whoever that person is, I hope they're safe out there.
Mario: Yeah......
Petey Piranha
Petey: (Vomits Goop on the Ground While Falling Down on Screen)
Samus: (Eyes Widened in Disgusted) Please don't tell me that was literal vomit he spat out just now......
Mario: It's not vomit. It's just a mixture of mud and goop. (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth) He...... Usually spit a puddle of them out whenever he's in a mood......
Everyone stares at Mario in complete silence.
Mario: I faced him back in Bianco Hills. He's.......a handful to faced to say the least........
Reaction Over
Mario: So? What do you guys think?
Fox: It was....... Something......
Bayonetta: Pretty Interesting, if you ask me.
Samus: (Shrugged) Sort of a learning experience.
Dedede: You know, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Y'all took golf wayyyyyyyyyy too seriously in this one.
Falco: The king's right. No one should take it that seriously. Not even us.
Daisy: Yeah......(Giggles Softly) We were pretty out there, aren't we?
Peach: (Smiles Softly) I'd say so. I'm just glad we were all able to share these strange, wonderful memories with all of you today.
Palutena: (Smiles Softly) We're all glad too in a way. And who knows? Maybe this game was a life learning lesson for you guys be more humble and sportsmen-like.
Luigi: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Ehhhhhhh.....
Dedede: (Raised an Eyebrow) Y'all did learn a lesson about it after Toadstool Tour was over with, right?
Luigi: ('Sigh') Let's just say our golf journey afterwards was..... outlandish to say the least.....
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pvntherz · 4 years
Love-struck Heartthrob
Summary: Catherine has a crush and despite being the “local heartthrob” her whole, she’s never experienced real love before.
A/N: this is just a lil somethin to break my writing funk since the last fic i remeber writing was the most recent part of the Hades and Persephone thingy (which i might add to/revamp) Anyways, stan Cathy with emotional stupidity.  
Word count: 1245
Love was a strange word and even stranger language. So strange in fact, Catherine Parr could never wrap her head around it. It was frustrating. All her life Catherine had a number of terrible names attached to her. "Playgirl", "heart throb", "vixen", "a tease", and most simply "a flirt". It simply wasn't fair to the poor girl. Years worth of ruined relationships and non stop name calling simply because she didn't like saying words she didn't understand.
This followed Catherine for years.
Hence being laid out in the middle of her bedroom (or the attic as anyone else would call it) floor surrounded by a mountain of books. Some closed, others filled to the brim with self made book marks, some even open and filled with annotations in a mix of messy scrawl and neat script. It was shocking to see-- Catherine had a strict "no books on the floor" policy and "no writing in old classical books" code as well-- However, in times of emotional distress, she had to let her own mistakes slide.
"Hey kid… wow are you okay?" Catalina peeked up through the attic entrance and flinched at the sight of her daughter's emotional drainage.
She entered the attic and maneuvered around the countless old classics littered on the floor. Catalina neatly stacked some unused notebooks and doodle pads and moved them to the side so she could sit down. "Come on, tell momma what's wrong." She pulled Catherine's head into her lap and gently ran her fingers through the dark brown curls.
"Niente è sbagliato." Catherine said softly and nuzzled into her mom's lap and tapped against her knee. "Just because I impulse bought a buncha books and I'm blasting my sad song playlist doesn't mean anything." She chuckled softly causing her mother to roll her eyes.
"Well that's what you said with Zoey, then again with that Ruby girl, also that Juno girl." Catalina raised her hand before her daughter could interject. "The first time." She sighed and shook her head. "So. Are you gonna tell me who's the girl and why you're so worked up about?"
Catherine shot up and turned towards her mother. "I- there is no girl! I may repeat a lot of things, but I meant it when I said I was done with all those little flings and heartbreaking shit! It's not the real me!" She huffed out and crossed her arms.
"Yeah I know, but no one mass buys a bunch of old classics such as 'Divine Comedy' and 'The Iliad' alongside books such as 'Jealousy' and 'Master your Emotions'." She squinted at Catherine's computer and chuckled. "How desperate do you have to be to go so far as to look at Apollo's love life?"
Catherine deflated and leaned against her mom. "I think..I get it now." She sighed softly. "Like this time feels different. I don't know what to do...what if I break her heart?"
"If you really do love her, you won't actually worry about that, dear." Catalina placed a gentle kiss on Catherine's forehead. "I know you may be feeling apprehensive about pursuing this person, considering your past relationships and all, but if you truly do love her, then I honestly don't see anything that's stopping you from pursuing her. I know you have a good heart and you're afraid to show it, but if you love her, I know that you'll trust her enough to let a little bit of your walls down around her. You care for her, and she cares for you too. So, nothing's stopping you, conejito. I just hope this girl makes you happy."
Catherine sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I just..I'm scared. She's just so nice and sweet a-and I really do love her. What if she hates me for having so many exes or like, I don't know, what if she isn't into nerds!" She nervously chewed on her knuckle only for her mom to pull her hand away. "Sorry…"
Catalina shook her head. "C'mon, you need to do something other than read a bunch of books and take notes." She stood and pulled Cathy up with her. "We're gonna make cookies." She chuckled as Catherine's face lit up. "See? Already feeling better."
They both climbed down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Thankfully it was empty and clean. Catalina raised an eyebrow and looked at her daughter who nervously glanced away.
"Anyways, go and get the dry ingredients." Catalina pushed her daughter toward the cabinets and headed towards. She quickly grabbed two small bottles with 'AE' and 'VE' on them, eggs, sugar, brown sugar, chocolate chips, and butter. She placed everything onto the kitchen island and sighed, thankful she had not dropped anything. "If only I held you like that." She chuckled softly.
"What?!" Catherine turned around and furrowed her eyebrows. She placed the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon on the kitchen island and glared at her mother. "So you're directly responsible for my shitty love life? I'll be seeing you court." She giggled playfully, then pulled open the drawer in front of her and took out two wooden spoons and a sieve. "Here you can do the yucky- are those almonds?"
Catalina looked at the jar in her hand and back to her then nodded slowly. "Yeah, for the cookies. Hey don't make that face, they're good!" She rolled her eyes and put the jar to the side. "Fine no almonds, but we have to put something else in these cookies. No one likes plain cookies."
Catherine shrugged and began measuring out all of the ingredients. "Well, we can add marshmallows." She hummed softly while sifting the dry ingredients as her mother mixed in the wet ingredients. "I really hope these marshmallows don't catch fire in the span of 10 minutes." She snickered and slowly added both mixtures to one bowl and mixed them together.
Catalina shrugged and sprinkled some flour on the counter and dumped the cookie dough onto the counter. "Here roll it out and cut it up. My old lady arms can't roll that damn thing out." She handed the rolling pin and went to the sink.
Catherine shook her head and laughed as she began rolling down the mountain of cookie dough. She glanced out the side of her eye and smiled. "Oh, hey Kitty! Do you got any cookie shape requests?" Her cheeks heated up the longer she stared at the shorter girl.
Kitty smiled softly. "Oh yeah! Do you think you can make some little heart ones for me?" She looked up at the taller woman. Kitty had her usual twinkle in her eye. Granted, it only ever showed up when she did something she enjoyed, but Kitty enjoyed a lot of things. "Hey stay still." She stood up on her tiptoes and wiped a smudge of flour off of Catherine's cheek. "Well that's all, I'd love to help but I got homework to do!"
Catherine stood there in awe, watching the other girl walk away happily. She shook her head and turned around and squinted at her mother. "I don't wanna hear!" She blushed deeply and covered her ears before Catalina could start gushing. "Lalalala! I'm not listening, lalala!"
Catalina rolled her eyes and pulled her daughter into a hug. "You're such an idiot but you're my idiot." She kissed the top of her daughter's head and ruffled her dreadlocks. "Now it's time to get to cutting."
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(The Kid Series)
Summary: After an unexpected guest appeared at home, the boys try to find her home and realize that she already found her place on theirs.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, light cussing, my general lack of knowledge of the legal system. 
Word Count: 6,445k
(Tags open!)
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You know what hospitals smell like? Well, apparently that's what all government offices smell like.
Sterilized, synthetic. Overall fake. The smiles were fake, the plants... Well, they were green but after Emma accidentally broke one of the plastic flowers off, the boys were sure that those were fake plants.
Waiting in the room was awkward. There had to be at least twenty people in the room, including little kids. But the silence was deafening, the moment a kid raised their voice, they were quickly hushed. 
Schneep felt a tug on his coat. He looked down to find Emma looking up at him.
"Scheenp. Why are we here?" She asked in a whisper.
"Well, we..." The woman sitting right in front of him glared, and that made him even more uncomfortable than he already was, "We're here to find your mom and dad."
Emma looked around, anxious. "But they're not here, right?"
"No, we want to know who they are and where they are."
"Shh!" A woman opened an adjacent door and quieted the group in the waiting room.
They settled back on their seats and Scheenp saw Emma starting to walk two fingers down her leg, with her other hand she walked two other fingers to the previous ones. She bounced them around and wiggled the fingers. She muttered something under her breath that he couldn't hear, and then the hand closest to the edge of her leg was blown back and in slow motion fell to the empty space of the chair.
Emma quietly giggled.
"What are you doing?" The doctor asked.
She flinched and looked back at him, embarrassed.
"I'm playing." She blushed and balled her hands into her lap. "Mister Knuckles wanted Ms. Nails to give him the money, but she refused and blew up the building."
"What happened to Mr. Knuckles?" Schneep asked, humoring her.
The little girl smiled shyly and meet his eyes. "When he falls off the building he gets out a parachute and survives." She raised her two little fingers to imitate a body falling, and then slowly and safely reaching the ground. 
"He goes home and says to his wife," another set of fingers to imitate the wife, "Dear, I'm sorry. I couldn't get the money. Then she says. It's okay dear. At least you're not dead!"
Both giggle quietly. 
"What is the ending?"
The girl leans back, deep in thought. "I dunno... Ms. Nails is probably gonna kidnap Mr. Knucle's wife, but I haven't gotten to it yet."
Henrik was astonished that a seven-year-old could think up of things like that. "You are quite the storyteller."
"Thanks... My little sister liked my stories."
Little sister.
Little sister!?
Schneep smiled awkwardly and turned towards Chase. "Did you-?"
"Yep, I heard her." Chase was stiff.
"What if-"
"The Mcloughlin family?" A woman called from the adjacent door.
Chase, Schneep, and Marvin (who had taken off his mask just for this visit), all rushed into the room with Emma between them.
The woman at the desk was accompanied by a police officer, and as soon as they entered her eyes fell on the little girl.
"Good morning gentlemen. Thank you for being quick about this, you understand how serious a runaway child is."
"Yes, we understand," Chase spoke up while the others took a seat on the chairs in front of the desk.
The police officer walked up to Emma who backed up towards Marvin when she saw the hulking man approach her.
"Good morning, little one. You're Emma?" 
"How do you know my name?"
"Your momma called, she's worried sick about you."
"You're taking me back?" She asked, worry very obviously etched on her face.
"Not yet, Emma. We have to talk to your mommy first and take you to the doctor, okay?"
She looked at Marvin for confirmation and he nodded with a soft smile, she then turned back to the officer. "Okay..."
The officer took the little girl's hand and led her out of the room to the in-office pediatrician.
"As you might suspect gentleman, this is a very complicated situation. Emma Stanford was reported missing yesterday at 3pm and her mother and teachers suspected she never got in the bus to return home."
Henrik was going to speak but Chase stopped him. "Do we need an attorney to speak with you, ma'am?"
The lady looked at him with curiosity, "You don't need one, but it is recommended since you have become involved in this case."
"So this is a legal thing?" Marvin asked, his concern rising quickly.
"Of course. The child ran away and we have no reason to believe that she did it unprompted." She explained. "That being said, if you'd like to talk to a lawyer before disclosing any information to us it would certainly help you, but it wouldn't help speed this along."
"I'll call my lawyer." Chase offered quickly whipping out his phone and calling him.
After sorting things out with the lawyer and the woman at the office, there was only one question left in the boys' minds.
"What is going to happen to Emma?"
The woman looked at them as she wrote something down on her notepad. "Well, she will remain under our supervision for the next few days coming up to the trial. We'll try to find her a foster home if it drags, but for now, she'll stay here. Don't worry, you won't have to care for her if that's what you're worried about."
The three men felt slightly uncomfortable at her tone but silently nodded.
"Do you think we could say goodbye?" Marvin asked.
The woman raised an eyebrow at him and eyed the other two. "I'm not sure that will be possible. You may have found her, but she's not supposed to see anyone but her doctors and her mother in the next few days starting the trial.
Marvin itched to say something, but he knew that messing with Child Services was not a good idea so he sighed in defeat and nodded in agreement. He just didn't want her to feel like they were abandoning her.
However, as they were heading out towards their car they were stopped by the front desk assistant.
"Pardon me, are you the McLoughlin brothers?"
"Yes," Chase answered, a little anxious.
"You brought in a child today and she's been a handful for a couple of minutes now. She demands to see you. They need to finish her examination but she won't come out of her hiding spot."
The three men looked at each other and Marvin stepped forward. "Take us to her."
The young woman was speeding through the halls until she came to stop in front of a door decorated with the big sticker of an adorable elephant.
"Come on, dear! You have to come out!" The doctor called Emma who was hiding in a corner under the examination bed.
She had been really smart about it. The bed couldn't be moved without moving half of the furniture in the room, so she either had to come out willingly or someone's whole day was about to be ruined.
"Emma?" Marvin called out softly.
"Are you the parents?" The doctor asked confused.
"No sir, they brought her here today, we were hoping that maybe-"
"I don't want to hear it, Sarah! Take them away, you know she's not supposed to see anyone else!" He interrupted her.
"Marvin?" Emma's tiny voice called.
"Hey, big girl..." He lowered himself and tilted his head to get a better look at her curled up body.
"I thought you left me..."
He saw the tears. Oh damn, he didn't want to admit it, but he saw the tears and he didn't want them there. He wanted to see her happy. 
"Never. We're here, okay?" He approached the bed and stood beside the shocked doctor. "But I need you to get out of there."
She sniffed and slowly crawled out of her hiding spot before hugging the man.
"Now, now..." He hugged her back and then pulled her away to talk to her in the eye. "You need a new family, right?"
"I don't wanna go to my family..." She muttered loud enough for the room to hear.
"Well, these people are gonna help you find a new good one, but you need to listen to them. Okay?"
"But I wanna go with you." She whined.
Marvin smiled softly. "I know, I wish you could come too." Chase and Henrik stiffened at that. "But you need to listen to them okay. We are not leaving you. But we can't be with you right now. We're going to see each other again, alright?"
"Promise?" She lifted her pinky finger.
"Promise." He linked his with the girl's. "Now, are you gonna be good?"
She nodded. "Mhmm. I'll do what doctor Ricky says." 
"Good." He finalized. She then surprised him with another hug which he happily returned after a few moments.
"We'll be going now. Be good." He stood up and she nodded with conviction.
The three men walked out led by Sarah and when she reached the doors for them she thanked them for the assistance.
"No problem," Marvin answered. "The kid's really sweet."
Getting in the car was like an out of body experience. The three of them were quiet, there was so much to say, yet so much left unsaid.
They knew that the girl had signs of abuse, some of them deeper than others. But what could they do? What could they offer her? 
A life with her family would be a nightmare, foster homes were horror stories, orphanages were probably just a bit worse, but she could find a family, she was a very sweet kid after all.
But them?
A mess that came out of someone else's head. What stability could the offer at home? Six people that come and go and one of them being a possible serial killer? What possibly could there be that they could offer her?
Nothing but a messy life and unfulfilled promises of happiness.
"We can't have her Marvin," Chase whispered, filled with sadness. "Stacy left me because she thought I couldn't take care of her or my own children. What if she's right? I can't test if she was right or wrong on an innocent kid."
"I know..."
And he did. And he understood. But that didn't mean that his inner sense of compassion and care could be turned off that easily. Humans love, that is probably our greatest strength and worst enemy.
And coming home just rubbed salt on the wound.
"So," Jackie elongated the word, "she's going back with her family, or...?"
"They don't know yet, these legal battles take too long. Who knows where she'll end up." Chase sighed.
An uncomfortable silence fell upon the ones in the room. 
"So what now?" Jamie signed.
Henrik sighed, "Well, I have to get back to work. I'm on duty all day. It will do us no good to worry too much."
The others present in the room agreed and headed towards their rooms. 
Marvin found an unexpected guest in his room, though.
"Anti. What are you doing in my room?" He asked annoyance and a certain rage as an undertone.
"The brat's gone?" He asked flicking some Crystal's hanging off the ceiling of the dim-lit room.
"Yeah. And don't worry, she won't be coming back."
"Shame. She could have certainly lightened this place up. Although I'm not sure if with her personality or fire, who knows? With my influence, I could help her cause a couple of fires like myself." The glitch smirked.
"Yeah. I think that's another good reason for her to not come back." The magician deadpanned while shoving the other man out of his way so he could pull out a giant spellbook from his bookcase.
"Your loss!" The glitch called out with a sing-song undertone. "I thought you had more backbone than that sparkles."
And then he glitched out of the room.
Marvin sighed before looking back to the current page he was on. Invisibility.
Manipulation of light to reflect and blend in with the environment, like a chameleon. Not really invisible, but using its environment for its advantage.
He attempted it a few times but failed each one of them.
His back went back to what he had seen in the mind of the child. He hadn't told anyone that he had done that. They would believe him since he had done that a couple of times while looking for the remote control.
But he couldn't ignore this.
He just couldn't. He hadn't spent two days with Emma, but in looking through her memories he felt as if he had been there with her for the past year, and suddenly he knew. He cared about her. He cared about her too much to let her go from foster home to foster home.
He hadn't seen the sister she talked about on her memories, but he had focused on her after all. On her feelings. On her struggle. And depending on the age of the other child...He just couldn't let Emma and the other one go through that. Never.
And he was determined to bring them here.
A week later, when they were called to testify, they arrived at court. The six egos. They presented themselves as brothers and each took a stand and explained to the judge what they knew about Emma and how she had ended on their house.
"Is there anything else you'd like to add Mr. Mcloughlin?" The one who was questioning him asked.
Marvin eyed his brothers, they couldn't read their minds, but Chase saw his stiffness and how he looked at them significantly. The man slapped Anti's leg so he would sit straight and leaned towards Henrik to whisper something.
"Yes. I would like to say something else." Marvin began, "When we found Emma, she looked scared. And as the court has already heard, she confessed to her doctor of being abused by her mother's boyfriend-"
"You lying scum!" A male voice resonated through the room, interrupting Marvin.
The slam of the hammer silenced him. "Order! Mister Rivers. If you cannot remain silent, I will have to ask you to step out!" The judge then turned to Marvin. "Proceed."
"Thank you... Now, I don't think this child should go back to that home. Personally. So I would like to open our doors for her to stay until she can be found a proper home."
"You're stating that you would like to become her guardian until further notice?" The man questioning asked in confirmation.
"Yes. I would like to take responsibility for her."
"Can he do that here, right now?" Jamie signed.
"Well even if he can't he's doing it." Jackie snickered, brimming with excitement at the turn of events.
"Mr. Mcloughlin, this is not something to be discussed at this time, but for your sake, we'll keep it in records and come back to it in another time." The judge said with little care or surprise in his voice.
The court case went on and Marvin left the stand to sit next to the others again.
"What were you thinking!?" Henrik berated him in an exasperated whisper.
"I was thinking about Emma."
"You don't even know her! What makes you think that any of us is in any condition to take care of a child!? Much less one like her!" Henrik continued.
"Please, you guys. You have to trust me. I felt a connection to this kid like one I've never felt before. I can't let her go through a hell of a life. I-I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I didn't even try to help her. And this is the only way I can think of." Marvin tried to explain.
The others remained silent. Could they fight him on that? Well, really it wasn't up to them to decide.
"The jury calls Emma Stanford to the stand."
They all perked up at that.
The small child was in baggy oversized clothes for her age. Her hair looked a tad bit more tamed, but she looked like a lamb being taken to slaughter as the police officer escorted her to the stand.
"Emma! SWEETIE! Mommy's here! You gotta help mommy out, okay!?" A woman with dark hair who had been pretty quiet until now spoke up.
The hammer of the judge banged down as he yelled for order.
A person came up to make her swear and do the oath and the lawyer for the mother stepped up to Emma with a practiced smile plastered on his face.
"Emma Stanford?"
The girl nodded shyly.
"Look Emma I'm going to ask you some questions and you have to answer as best as you can, okay? We just want to help your mommy-"
"Objection! There is a manipulation of the witness-!"
"Overruled!" The judge interrupted and signaled for the questioning lawyer to proceed.
"Tell me, Emma. Does your mom feed you well?"
"Well... I eat school breakfast and lunch but she always has dinner ready and we eat out during the weekends... So I guess so."
"Does tell you that she loves you?"
And so went on. The questions all revolving around how the mother was good to her and her sister, whose name was Jenny.
"They're manipulating the questions, ain't they?" Marvin grumbled.
"Looks like it. But if you want to keep her home, you best stay right where you are. You lash out and they'll disregard you immediately." Henrik hissed in his direction.
The thing went on for a bit before the other lawyer, the one that was supposed to be finding any signs of abuse finally stepped up. It was a young woman, thick curves, and a sleek black skirt with a clean white shirt. Her hair was tied up in a bun and her blue glasses framed her face. 
"Emma. If you don't mind I just want to ask you two more questions, okay?"
"Did you like your mother's boyfriend?"
"Mason?" She glanced to her mom and the man she had mentioned, it was the one who had lashed out at Marvin earlier. His shoulders were tense and Marvin noticed the slightest movement of the head coming from the mother.
"He..." She stared at her mother for a bit more before turning to the woman. "What's your name?"
"I don't really like him, Frankie. He's mean to me and my mom, and Jenny."
"YOU LITTLE-!" The mentioned man stood up pointing towards the child.
The man was dragged out as he yelled a slew of profanities towards the child. The mother looked distraught and livid.
"Sorry about that dear. Just one more question." The woman smiled at the child apologetically. "If Mason wasn't living with you, would you like to go back home?"
The silence in the room was tense. Every eye was on her and Marvin could practically feel the anxiety seeping out of the child. Under his chair, out of sight, he snapped his fingers, and Emma felt something suddenly growing on her hand.
When she looked down and saw the small yellow flower she smiled and felt brave enough to finally admit: "No. I want to go with Marvin and his brothers."
The woman in front of her smiled a kind smile and turned to the judge. "No further questions your honor."
The rest of the thing was a blur. The judge announced that the verdict would be given in the next few days on the girl's fate.
Marvin wanted to see her but as they escorted Emma away he knew that he wasn't going to be able to see her. He managed to catch her eye, though. And she smiled and, as discreetly as a seven-year-old can, showed him the flower he had grown in her hand.
Then she disappeared from his sight.
What came in sight next was unpleasant, though.
"YOU'RE TRYING TO STEAL AWAY MY DAUGHTER!" Emma's mother yelled in anger while running towards them. "I don't know who you are, or why do you want my daughter but let me tell you that you won't get away with it!" 
"I'm sorry ma'am. But you're not making a very good case of being the calm and collected mother." Marvin sarcastically said.
"I made that girl out of my own sweat and tears and you're not going to take her away!" She kept on yelling.
"Let's just go, boys." Chase pushed them as the woman kept going on about the being kidnappers or anything of the sort.
As they exited the building, the woman was still on tow, now yelling at a higher pitch. Spit coming out of her mouth and profanities being said every once in a while.
Marvin noticed Anti stop in the middle of the street when they were almost to their car.
He approached the mother, said something they couldn't hear, and walked back to the car to hop in it.
"What the heck did you do?" Jackie asked him when he saw the petrified woman standing where he left her. Hands over her mouth in horror.
The glitch winked. "That's our little secret."
They proceeded to drive off and go back home. Hoping that whatever testimony they might have given had been enough to help the girl, even if she didn't remain with them, they just wanted her happiness, because no child should have to fear for their lives or feel abandoned.
A couple of days went by and the others began worrying about Marvin. He had been locked in his room and refused to leave it, except for dinner when he would pick up his dish and go back into his room.
"Y'think he's hiding something?" Jackie asked one night, melted cheese uniting his mouth, and the slice of pizza he was munching.
"Well, it's Marvin. You never really know what's going on with him." Chase sighed while scrolling through his phone, pizza on his other hand.
"I might as well check on him, don't you agree?" Jameson signed with a smile on his face.
"Good idea Jamie." Henrik smiled kindly at the younger ego.
After dinner, JJ went upstairs cautiously. Once he had walked in on Marvin performing a difficult spell that left both of them 2 weeks on the hospital and 4 more weeks with a sparkle in everything they touched.
He softly knocked and the door opened with a creak.
When the man entered the room, he noticed nothing too strange about it. The norm things. Mystical crystals, shiny bottles with mysterious liquids. Various jars filled with the rarest of herbs and fruits. In the corner of the room, in front of his monitor, Marvin typed at a document and ate his already cold pizza.
"Yes, JJ? You need anything?" The magician asked taking his eyes off the computer.
"We were just wondering if you were okay. No one has seen you for the past couple of days. We're worried about you Marvin, we can help you if you want to."
The man in the cat mask smiled softly at the obvious display of care that the young ego was displaying, in his hand gestures and expressions palpable despair and worry.
"Thank you so much for worrying about me. But that will do you no good. This is somethin' I have to do for myself. Just tell the others that by the end of this week they have to get the guest room's ready." He smirked knowingly and gratefully to the mute man.
JJ understood, but despite his curiosity, he just nodded and strutted with purpose out of the room.
"By the way!" Marvin called before Jameson closed the door. "Her favorite color is yellow." He winked and went back to the monitor and typing out in his document.
Going shopping the next day was a scramble. What in the world did a 7-year-old girl like that they could offer her?
Yellow, that was the first part. But as Jameson, Jackie and Chase looked around the store for decorations the three of them fell onto despair. Oh, why did they have so many of literally everything?
On their hand, Henrik and Anti were not doing much better. Why they had left them to paint the room was something they asked themselves, since looking at each other was not the most pleasurable of experiences.
"Nein, nein, nein!" Henrik yelled at the glitch when he saw him draw a smiley face with exes for eyes with the yellow paint. "Don't waste the paint. This is for the room not for your entertainment."
"Ah! Stink. Shut up, you're annoying me." Anti said with a childish pout and went back to painting, while Henrik shuffled to the furthest corner to avoid having any contact whatsoever with the beanstalk.
The rest of the evening was spent insulting each other and painting the room.
When the others came back with the back of the car full of things they were surprised to find Henrik's shirt completely covered with paint as he yelled profanities at a very satisfied looking Anti.
"You can't yell like that near the kid, y'know?" Chase asked carrying a mirror under his arm and a bag full of trinkets.
"I know that!" Henrik pinched the bridge of his nose and pointed at the entity next to him. "But you have to stop pissing me off."
Henrik marched away and Anti, without saying a word pointed towards the guest room and glitched out of the room.
The other three walked in to find the small space painted with a lively yellow. Ceiling and floor white. The doors to the closet a crisp white too.
They left all of what they bought in the room and got up the next day earlier than Henrik and began fixing things for the child that was almost certain to arrive at their house.
Marvin came to them late that evening and after approving of the room he asked all of his brothers to join him.
"Emma will be staying with us for the moment being." A reverent fear fell upon those sitting in the room. Suddenly even Anti felt a little uneasy. "But they need to talk to us first. If we're going to do this, I need to know that all of you can do this." 
Starting with JJ and Jackie each one of them nodded. Even Anti nodded with a certain confidence to his smile.
"You didn't make us paint for nothing," Anti smirked at the magician.
Marvin, despite their constant quarrels, smirked back. "I just want you to know that it's not going to be easy. It's the ups and downs, the good and the bad. It's the family dinners and family fights. It's the movie nights and the staying after curfew. It's the school plays and bad companies. You are agreeing to all of it." He explained. He understood it, and he wanted it, after all, being who they were even if they fell in love, how could they ever have a family?
"Henrik and I agreed to it with our own children, Marv. But Emma needs us. We'll do it. Don't worry about it. She'll be as much of our child as Grayson, Samantha, or Cassie." Chase explained with a soft expression.
Henrik nodded in agreement. "I love my Cassie till the ends of the earth Marvin. I'll love Emma the same." 
With a relieved sigh, Marvin explained the only issue. "We're doing an interview before we can take her."
"What kind of interview?" Jackie asked curiously.
"Like those who want to adopt a child. They want to know us, they'll ask us questions and we have to answer them... Honestly."
The others looked at each other. They had feared something like this. But a family decision had been made, and they were going to make sure this kid didn't have to go through whatever hell she went through before, anymore.
Facing a person from the government is stressful in many ways. There is so much going on in your mind. Are you calm enough? Are they suspicious of you? Do they think you did something wrong even though you haven't done literally anything against the law during your whole life?
Those were the kind of questions going through each of the ego's heads. Except for Anti who had a factual reason to be... concerned... about the law.
When Jackie came out of the room with a smile, the others began to calm down. Then JJ came out beaming, so their relaxation continued. Marvin came and went without an issue and then Anti, or Anthony as he wrote in his check-in, was called in.
The woman in front of him had been the lawyer defending the girl and trying to find evidence against the mother. Anti wasn't expecting such a soft-looking girl to be doing this kind of work, but he didn't question it anymore and went along with it.
"Anthony Mcloughlin, am I right?" She looked at him with seriousness. Then a knowing smirk broke on her face. "Frankie Araujo, I love your work."
Anti tensed up. "Sorry?" He said with an edge.
"Seán's channel has quite a following, you guys are quite lucky that I'm the only one around who likes youtube."
Anti materialized a knife on his hands but kept his arms crossed.
"Oh. I wouldn't recommend you do that, Mr. Antisepticeye. There are cameras here, and that little girl will never reach you if anyone finds out her lawyer is gone." The woman smirked resting her chin on her hands. "Honestly, I was ready to deny your request as soon as Marvin brought it up, but he showed quite compelling evidence that you could help her, that I had to give you a chance.
"Now... I need to hear from you, Mr. Septiceye. I want to know why you want her home. This is not about what Marvin, or Jameson, or anyone else wants. Why do you want her at your home? And please be honest with me. I'll know if you're not."
"Why does it matter? The kid's in a f*cked up place. Even I wouldn't mess with a kid." He scowled.
The woman grimaced when he cursed and wrote something in her notepad. "Thank you for your honesty, but this is an official meeting. Please keep your language professional. If not for your sake at least for the girl's sake." She looked up at him. "Yes. Her household is abusive and very messed up, but we could find dozens of stable families who could give her even more."
With her fingers, she began counting. "Economic stability, structure, ethics, good education, orientation, therapy... Should I keep going?"
The man glitched in annoyance. "And what makes you think we can't give her that?"
She deadpanned at him. "I'm literally looking at a possible serial killer cryptid. Let me tell you, that doesn't seem very stable to me. What guarantee can you give me that one day you won't get annoyed at her and slash her?"
Anti was silent. She was right. He sometimes couldn't control himself. He had already scared her once. What guarantee there was that he wouldn't do her worse again?
"None I guess." He admitted nonchalantly. "But I can tell you this. Even if Seán's mind made us this... messed up. He sure is a softy. And I gotta admit that I'm too for the kid."
After a moment of staring at him. Anti began feeling uncomfortable but maintained his bored facade.
Finally, Frankie smiled at his response. "Thank you Mister Antisepticeye." She stood up and extended her hand to him and he shook it with an air of boredom. "This has been the most informative."
He walked out of the room with scattered thoughts, but an annoyed glare. He plopped into the orange seats outside and slid down the seat until his bottom was almost out of the chair.
"How was it?" Chase asked Anti with worry. 
"She's annoying." He huffed before straightening up and placing his arms behind his head and reclining it backward.
"Mister Brody. You can come in."
Chase took in a deep inhale and walked into the office.
The woman smiled at him and waved him to sit down.
"Mister Chase Brody?"
"Frankie Araujo." She shook his hand and flipped the page on her notepad. "A pleasure meeting you."
"Same." He smiled.
Frankie looked at her monitor and then back at him. "You've been to this court recently haven't you?"
He knew where this was going, and he didn't like it at all. "Yes..."
"I see that you divorced Stacy Hillsman about a year and a half ago. I also see an eviction notice to your name about six months ago." She finally turned to him. "You must understand that for an aspiring adoptive father this doesn't look very good."
He nodded in agreement. "I get it. And I take full responsibility for my actions. I really haven't been in a good place for the past year or so, but I've been going to therapy, and my brothers and I share the bills so we're not unstable."
"Do you think now is a good moment for you to bring a child, like Emma, into your life?" She asked leaning forward with curiosity.
"We all seemed to get attached to her quickly. I still love my kids and I'll do anything for them. I think Emma and I need some more bonding to do but I think I can be a good parental figure for her."
"Even though your ex-wife didn't think so?"
She knew she had struck a nerve. She saw his tensing and the almost silent sucking of air as if she had slapped him.
"It is one of the reasons she gave for the divorce. Can't rely on for raising our children." She looked at him in a silent apology. "It was the main reason why there was a custody battle, but weekends were given to you since no one found evidence of a lack of economic, emotional or even psychological help. But when someone raises that question is good to examine yourself, isn't it Mr. Brody?"
Chase felt it. The pit in his chest, the anxiety that he so hard-fought against. His doubts, her words, everything suddenly came crashing down on him like a bomb that was dropped out of nowhere and he didn't know what to do with the remnants.
He looked the woman dead in the eye. "She's wrong. I know that. And I think you know that."
He stood up, but she didn't. Leaning forward he looked almost menacing as he spat, "Any kid deserves so much better than what she has. I look at her and I see my baby girl. I wouldn't want her to go through something like this. So I'll make sure that I get her the best I can get her in anything."
Frankie remained expressionless for a second and then smiled gently and placed a hand over his trembling one. "Thank you, Mister Brody. You've been a great deal of help."
He then leaned back out of her personal space, quietly thanked her and got out of the room.
"How was she?" Anti asked with a raised eyebrow.
Chase sat down with a distant look and leaned his forearms on his knees, hunching over. "You were right, she is annoying."
Henrik went in and out, quieter than usual after the interview, but Chase and Anti suspecting that the conversation had probably gone down similar to theirs.
After about an hour of waiting, the woman opened the door and beckoned all of the boys in. They stood in front of her desk since there weren't enough chairs for all of them.
"Mcloughlin brothers." She smiled at the group. "It's been a pleasure interviewing you and getting to know you a little bit better. With the information relied upon us by your testimony and answers and the research done about each one of you, I must admit that I was doubtful of your ability to take care of a child such as Emma.
"However, after careful deliberation and some insight on doctor Richard's opinion of Emma's relationship with you, we have decided to grant you guardianship of the child."
The excitement was palpable in the room. It could have been just the feeling of joy in their chest but they felt the fuzzy feeling of putting your hand over an old TV. It raises your hair and makes you feel electrified in a very pleasant way.
"Congratulations, now if you would just spare a couple more minutes of your time so we can sign the paperwork, and then you may go. Emma will be waiting outside."
In a blur, everyone signed their papers and almost sprinted through the halls to meet with the official new member of the family. Anti glitched out of the room with his bored face as always, so the others assumed he had just followed the powerline home. But were surprised when they saw him sitting by Emma as she joyfully had a one-sided chatter with him.
"Emma," Marvin called her.
"Marvin!" She leaped out of her seat and hugged his long legs. "You came back!"
"Of course little one. Didn't I promise that we would see each other again?"
The little girl's eyes were sparkling. "Yeah. You did." And then she proceeded to hug the rest of them.
"We have a surprise for you, Emma." Chase leveled with her.
"Really? What is it?" She asked in wonder.
"Today we asked to miss Frankie to let us bring home a very pretty little miss." Henrik playfully told her as if it were a great secret.
"Oh wow! Really? And who might she be?" She asked innocently, genuinely not knowing they were talking about her.
Henrik looked at the others and Marvin opened the folder of the paperwork to find one that had her picture. "I don't know if you know her." He found it and showed it to the little girl. "She looks like this."
It took the girl a couple of seconds before placing her hands over her mouth and gasping.
"Wait... R-Really?" She looked from one of the guys to the next. "You're not kidding me?"
When the others only smiled kindly to them she drew in a second louder fast before laughing in delight and hugging each one of them, going as far as giving Marvin and JJ a peck on their cheeks. "I'm going home with you guys!" Tears were now fully flowing, but the little girl didn't care. 
She was going home.
@friezzzboiii​ (idk if wanted to be tagged, but here you go :3)
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champagnesugamama · 5 years
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
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Moving Day 
Viktor Drago x Ofc(Athena Creed)
Author: Champagnesugamama
Summary:  Athena Creed, twin sister to the legendary boxer Adonis Creed, has been expanding her business of natural hair and skin care products, when another unexpected business venture lands in her path, but will it cause more harm than good?.....
You guys it literally took me so long just to start this first chapter! I rewrote the first paragraph like 50x! I hope you guys enjoy my little series. 
     “What the fuck do you mean you have to move to to the Ukraine?” Fuck, Adonis is already giving me a headache. I rubbed my eyes and answered him for the fifth time.
    “Adonis I already told yo ass why five times! I have to oversee the building and manufacturing of my two factories! You know the taxes over in the Ukraine are significantly lower than in the United States. I have to base my factories over there if I want that 50 million dollar tax break.” He acts like I haven’t explored all options before deciding this. I don’t want to move to a foreign country where I will be ostracized from my loved ones, but this money doesn’t make itself.  He ain’t the only one in this family who got bread. Matter of fact I’m richer than his ass. I worked my ass off in Harvard to get to where I am today, and I will be damned if my irritating ass little brother stops my bag.  
      “So, you got the stuff?” A masculine voice said through my dormitory door.
      “Yea you got the money?” I replied with a straight up attitude. Shit you would be mad too if this high ass senior was knocking at yo door at 12 am.
   “Yea, open the door Ma, I just wanna see what you got.” I know this nigga don’t think I’m about to let him in my dorm at no 12 o’clock at night.
    “No Sir, yo girl already sent in her order and you are just supposed to pick it up, ain’t nobody say you could browse the merchandise after hours. Now slide the envelope under the door and wait for your product.” He sucked his teeth and slide the envelope under the door. I counted out the necessary $150, and unlocked my door, but still keeping the chain on, I handed the man his shit.
    “Yo tell Keisha she ain’t special, if her ass can’t come between business hours she is just gonna have to get it shipped to her dorm.” I said rolling my eyes. I know that girl ain’t got shit to do, but lay up with her nigga.
    “Aight, I got you Ma. You know this shit is like crack to the females out here.You even got my momma and homeboys pullin’ up on me for this shit. What you really be puttin in this shit?” Now why he ask me that like I’m gonna tell him?
     “None of your business sir. Now go give my home girl her hair and skin shit, she been looking a little ashy lately.” He laughed, but I was straight up serious, bitch been lookin’ a lil flaky lately.
     “Oh shit, Imma tell her you said that shit too, night little mama.” I rolled my eyes and shut my door. I fed my money in the safe’s automatic counter and saw my day’s earnings were reaching up to 10,000 dollars. I’m gonna have to start looking into a bigger manufacturing place cause this ain’t cuttin it. I still have 25 back orders for just this campus alone. The secret is that I have two different pricing menus. One is for the stuck up rich kids at the school, and the other is for the chill homies, and scholarship babies. I gotta make my money somehow.
    “Hello, This is the office of Athena Creed. How may I help you?” My assistant Keisha answered the phone.” Now y’all must be wondering, “This bitch got a whole ass secretary? Since when?”, since I expanded my business and went national with a few small factories. I graduated top 5% of my class in Harvard, and expanded my business before I graduated. I am now the youngest self made Billionaire in the United States.
     “Ms. Creed, P. Diddy is on line one and your finance manager is on line 2. You also have to get back to the Supply manager about the shortages on the shipments to Ulta and Sephora. The online orders are also being backlogged for some reason, and there is a protest at one of your factories about the “supposedly anonymous” tip about animal testing and what not. Should I put them on hold or patch them through?” See this is why need a second assistant.  
     “Patch through P. Diddy, tell my finance manager I’ll call her at 3 o’clock, tell the supply manager to email me the problem, hire a online order manager, and call the cops on the protesters outside of the factory. The whole 15 acres around the factory is private property and they are in violation of the privacy laws. Call Oprah to do a walk through interview with me and my factory manager to silence the protesters. They are only protesting because this is a black made business with black investors, and they want to burn it to the ground like black wall street, but I rebuke that Caucasian devil.”
     “Ms. Creed you so crazy, but I’ll get right on that.” I waited 20 seconds after I saw the red light turn on to answer. I can’t let these niggas think I’m too excited to be in their presence.
     “Hello, this is Athena Creed.” I said in my professional black voice. Y’all know the one you use for corporate niggas.
     “Hey baby girl, you got time for lunch today?” Sean has been a friend of my family since the early ‘80s, since before my dad passed. My parents met Sean at one of my dad’s fights at the MGM casino. We’ve been close ever since.
     “Yea Unc, What’s up?” I asked concerned, because my uncle has had it pretty hard recently, with the passing of the love of his life Kim Porter.
     “Nothing, I just have a business proposition for you to expand your reach in the business world. Ya know it’s always good to have different eggs in your basket. I know hair and skin is your passion, but I hope you’ll have an open mind with your uncle today.” Alright now what does he want.
     “Alright Unc. I’ll meet you at Urasawa on rodeo drive in about an hour. Make sure you come dress like we’re having lunch and not going to the met gala.” I laughed. He has a tendency to go overboard with his day to day outfits. We hung up and I made my way to my house to change out of my office clothes and to take a shower, I smell like the office.
     “Hey Keisha, you can go home after you post the job to the job sites, and organize the food for the next staff meeting on Monday. Have a good weekend, oh and redirect my calls to my business phone while you’re at it. Thanks sweetheart.” I said from the elevator.
     “Sure no problem Ms. Creed. Have a nice weekend.” She said with a smile and a wave as the elevator closed. 
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     I got out of the bath, and I put some of my super growth oil, curling cream, and rice water aloe Vera gel in my hair to make my curls pop. I did my edges, and put on my chill day makeup. You know I had to support my girl Rihanna and buy her body lava. I mix one drop in with my moisturizer and rub that on my face and neck. It gives me a natural glow without makeup, cause I’m lazy.
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Okay, so I know I said I was gonna chill, but I’m going on Rodeo Drive today, Imma stunt on them bitches. And since I’m stunting on some stuck up bitches we might as well go all out and bring out my new baby that I treated myself to as a present for making the Forbes list. 
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     I stepped out of the car and threw my keys to the valet and gave him a band to not scratch it. My bodyguard met me at the sidewalk and escorted me to the door through the paparazzi and fans. I don’t know how they keep getting my location, but Imma need them to chill. The waitress automatically escorted me to my Uncle’s table. You can tell we come here way too often, but my uncle knows I’ll blow a check on some sushi. The waitress lead me to the back and up a set of stairs behind the grand piano, behind a draped, white, sheer chiffon  curtain to the only table in the back V.I.P. area of the restaurant.        “Hey Uncle Sean. How are you?” I asked him as he got up to hug me and pull  out my chair.      “Hey, Athena. I’m hanging in there. What about you, sweetheart?” He said as he sat back down in his chair.      “I’m good Uncle Sean, but I’m hungry as hell. We need to order before I waste away.” I laughed as I signaled the waiter over to us.      “Hello, welcome to Urasawa. What can I start you guys off with?” The waiter asked. I squinted hard as hell to read his name tag. Okay Kenji I see you. He’s cute or whatever.      “Hey Kenji, did I pronounce that right?” I waited for him to reply, while giving him the bedroom eyes. I looked him up and down, making sure he knew I was interested. I peeped Uncle Sean rolling his eyes at me, but I don’t know why he’s complainin’, I learned it from him.      “Yea, you’re the first person to pronounce it right on the first time. What can I get for you beautiful.” Kenji the waiter asked me, as he eyed my body, and proceeded to commence with the fuck boy tendencies, and bite his lip and “seduce” me with his eyes. Okay he’s canceled. I can’t take the fake ass california valley “swag”. Shit disgusts me.
     “Um. I’ll take the Ama Ebi, Ikura Gunkan Sushi, and the Toro with a sprite. Thank you.” I handed the menu back, and turned to uncle Sean. 
     “Well shit I’ll just take what she’s having.” He said handing his menu back. Alright now it’s down to business. I put on my Big Boss Bitch face and folded my hands on the very neat and crisp tablecloth, and turned my gaze to my uncle.
     “So, this ‘business’ proposition….What is it?” I asked impatient as hell. He just leans back in his seat and folds his hands in his lap.
     “Can’t we just eat first before you upset your stomach with all them nerves. You’ve always been impatient as hell, even as a baby. Cryin’ n’ shit. Being spoilt by everyone who looked at you. Man I couldn’t walk in yo parents place without a Cinnabon for your greedy ass.” He laughed, and I looked at him out the side of my eye. So that’s why I was a 90lb kindergartner. This nigga been trying to give me type 2 diabetes since I was two.      “Uncle Sean you ain’t right for that! You were over the house almost everyday! You was trying to kill a nigga!” I said rolling my eyes at him. He laughed at me, but I was dead ass serious! I had breathing problems in pre-k all because this nigga couldn’t say no to a toddler. 
     “Alright, I’ll spare a nigga. The proposition is for you to open up your own alcohol brewery.” 
Tag List:
@dragothishole @marvelheaux @honeychicana @harleycativy @avengersandlovers @amethyst1993 @sdcyumyum @the-lululemon
@almostpurelysmut @itshinothey @titty-teetee @laubluered @pananegra
@est1887 @bugngiz @ginghampearlsnssweettea @chaneajoyyy 
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khhstan-blog · 5 years
A Night Out
Person: Keem Hyoeun
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
”Come on y/n.” Layla says while nagging me. ”You know I'm not into stuff like that. Let me stay home in peace and quiet.” My friend Layla had invited me to this party at Dok2’s new home in L.A so she could try to get boo’d up but she wanted to me to go with her an I was not feeling it. I'm a quiet girl who likes to stay to herself and have fun on her own. Going to wild parties with drunk people, horny women and men and groupies was not something I wanted to deal with at the moment but I'm not gonna lie, getting drunk would be nice right now.
”I don't even have anything cute to wear” I said. ”Girl, you know I have the perfect outfits so, I got you.” Layla says with a wink and runs to her closet. I also forgot to mention, Layla is my college roommate. She's the complete opposite of me. She's wild, crazy, and a hoe, but she's been there for me since day one. I get up to go follow her to see what crazy outfit she would pick out for me. I was in pure shock when I saw what she picked for me. ”Lay......You must have lost your damn mind!” I yell. Layla layed out a black and red mini dress with the craziest black hooker heels I have ever seen. The accessories were cute though. I gave her the harshest glare I could give her. ”Come on y/n. You know you would fye as hell in this. If it's that bad then trade outfits with me.” She pointed to her outfit. There was a silver crop top with black leather pants and a cute pair of silver and black pumps. ”Alright, let's trade.” I said. Layla cheers and hugs y/n tightly. ”Okay okay bitch.” I said while pushing Layla. ”Hurry up before I change my mind. ”Alright jeez.” Layla says while rolling her eyes and takes her outfit to go change.
Me and Layla called an Uber to the party. Once we arrived, I got really nervous. We arrived to a huge penthouse full of Korean celebs, groupies, and drunk people. I knew instantly that this was out of my element but it was too late to leave. ”Come on y/n.” Layla yells while dragging me. ”Lets show them how we party.” Once we get inside, I'm in pure shock. The place was gorgeous. There was a huge turquoise indoor pool, a huge bar and a beautiful chandelier in the living room. I even saw a few rappers I had heard of. ”Beautiful huh?” I turn around to see the man of the house, Dok2. I was in pure shock while Layla was planning how to snatch Dok2 up. ”You're home is beautiful.” Y/n says. ”Thank you. All my hard work paid off and now I'm living life. Make sure to enjoy yourself while you're here.” Dok2 says while smirking. ”We most definitely will.” Layla says in her seductive voice while pushing me to the side. I could have popped her upside her head for that but that's her. I decided to walk off to the bar and go get a drink to chill my nerves.
There were so many people around including some of my favorites like The Quiett, Jay Park, Tiger Jk, and more. They were all throwing drinks back, chatting and hollering at a few groupies that were there. While sitting at the bar, Layla comes and tries to drag me off the bar stool. ”Come on y/n. They're playing our song girl.” I didn't even realize our song Mommae was playing since I was so out of it paying attention to everyone else. ”Excuse me. Can we get a few shots of tequila.” Layla says. ”Are you crazy!? I don't want to get crazy drunk!” I said to Layla. ”Girl, bye. You need to get lit. You look scared as hell for no reason. Live in the moment for a while.” Layla says while giving me 4 shots. She smirked at me and I instantly knew she was right. It was time for me to have fun. I downed all 4 shots and dragged her to the dance floor. We screamed for the DJ to start the song over so we could get it popping. As soon as it started, we both took over the dance floor. Later on in the song, while dancing I noticed a guy with bright fire red hair was staring right at me. He had really dark brown eyes that pulled me in instantly.
One moment we were staring at each other and the next he started walking towards me. The attention on the dance floor soon went all to Layla so it was just me and this mysterious but fine ass guy. All I could hear was my heart racing. Everything started going in slow motion. I tried to blame it on the alcohol but I knew it wasn’t that. The mysterious guy came closer and I realized he looked familiar but I couldn’t figure out a name. “You’re a really good dancer. You should teach me.” The guy says. I tried to speak but everything came out like a stutter. “Th..Th..Thank you.” I said. As soon as he smirked, I wanted to drop to my knees from shyness. “My name is Hyoeun. Keem Hyoeun.” Keem Hyoeun!? Now I knew who he was. He was on season 5 and 7 of Show Me The Money and was the first artist to be signed to Ambition Musik created by Dok2 and The Quiett. I felt so dumb for forgetting his name.
He looked so young back then so I see why I forgot. “My name is y/n. Nice to meet you.” I say and slowly put my hand out for him to shake. When he grabs my hand, I wanted to melt. His hands were twice the size of mine and they were extremely soft. He was pretty close too so I could see his face more closely. He was fairly tall, had a cute but manly face and pink plum lips, and a long but slim body. He was wearing a short sleeved black adidas shirt with black adida jogger pants and a pair of red and black adidas. I also noticed his huge Rollie on his right hand. “Your Rollie is nice.” I stupidly said. “Thanks.” He says while laughing. “I got it as a gift from Dok2 and The Quiett.” He starts to step a little closer and I get a whiff of his cologne. It was strong but had a sweet balance to it. He started liking his lips and opened his mouth to talk. “You know you’re...” Before he could finish, a tall but cute looking guy comes and grabs Hyoeun. “Aye, we’re all about to go racing in all of Dok2’s cars. Wanna come?” The guy says then looks at me and smiles a huge smile. “Waddup I’m Changmo!” He says in his broken english and puts out his fist for me to dab. “Hello I’m y/n.” I say while dabbing him back with a huge smile on my first. In the corner of my eyes, I notice Hyoeun glaring at Changmo like he wanted him to go away. Changmo soon noticed and said “You wanna go or... Y/n is welcome to come.” Before Hyoeun could answer, I spoke. “I think I’m gonna get going. My friend is really drunk off her ass right now.” I turned to the right and so did the guys. We all saw a girl dancing crazily with her dressed pulled up high on the bar. I was instantly embarrassed by Layla’s dumb ass. I silently cussed her out in my head.
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“Well thanks for coming. Hyoeun lets go.” Changmo says while walking away and laughing at Layla. “Hold on. I’ll be out in a minute.” Hyoeun says. Hyoeun turns and taps me on my shoulder softly. I turn around and meet his eyes and instantly go back to being shy. “Since your going, I’ll help you get your friend home.” He says. I was shocked. I didn’t want him to keep his friends waiting so he could help me with drunk ass Layla but I did need the help. It was gonna be hard getting her off that bar top and out the door, so I accepted his help. We both walked over and Layla started acting a fool. “Heyyyyyyy y/n.” Layla says while sluring. This shit was so embarrassing I didn’t even respond. I started grabbing her legs to pull her off but she started throwing a fit. “If you don’t get the fuck off the bar, I’m gonna kill you on this bar.” I silently said to her. She proceeded to do what she was doing. Out of nowhere, Hyoeun grabbed her off the bar and motioned me to hurry out the door with him. While walking, I called an Uber that came just in time. Hyoeun put Layla in the back seat so she could lay down and chill till we get home. “Thank you. You really helped me. I’m sorry you had to see how she acted.” I said while sneaking a glare at Layla. “ No problem.” He laughed and said shyly. We stood there for a few seconds just staring at each other. “Well....I should get going. Please tell Dok2 that I enjoyed the party.” I smiled and starting walking to the front seat till Hyoeun yelled. “Hey wait!” He ran over to me quickly. “I really wanted to talk to you more and get to know you but it seems plans have changed. Sooooo....I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime.” He said “OMG YES!!! I mean... sure.” I screamed like an excited kid and fixed my composure fast after realizing what I did. He laughed the cutest laugh and took my phone out my hand. I was confused at first but realized he was putting his number in. “Text me when you get home okay?” He says while handing me my phone back. “I will.” I said while shyly smiling. He opened the front door to the car and let me get in. “It was nice meeting you. I’m really glad you came” He says while closing the door and leaning on the car. “Hyoeun! Hurry up and quit flirting!” I looked to see Changmo screaming while standing on top of a black and silver Ferrari. Hyoeun sent him a glare and Changmo backed off. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You should hurry and go. I’ll text you when I get home and deal with her. I’ll pay you back for helping me.” I said “Don’t worry about it. You can pay me back by going on a date with me.” He says while smirking. My smile faded and my mouth was wide open. “So cute.” He said busting out laughing and walking away.
I was in shock the whole ride home. The Uber driver helped me put a knocked out Layla in my house and went on his way. I cleaned Layla up and put her to bed. I made sure to leave some water and ibuprofen by her bed knowing she was gonna be hung over the next day. As I put on my pajamas and went to bed, I remembered to text Hyoeun. I sent him a text saying we got home safely and made sure to tell him to get home safely as well. He soon replied with a heart emoji saying that he was glad and he will make sure that he does so. I was kinda glad I went to the party. I may have went through hell with Layla but I met a really great and fine ass guy. I went to sleep happily.
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Can't live without you- Happy Lowman
Requested By  @homicidalteenagedream . Hope you like it!! Song- Can’t live without You by Pretty Ricky
Verse 1 Pleasure] It’s 4 O'clock in the morning. And she ain’t feeling right. I’m on a first class trip. Through this place called life. I don’t know what to do. Cause my body’s still shaking. I know it’s time to man up. And start my education. I need someone to call on. So I called on my best friend. I said “Bro, I can’t take it”. He said “Boy, stop tripping”. So I hung up the phone. Packed my shit and got right. I know what I gotta do now. Be a man and face life.
You were on the bed watching Happy pace the floor. You just told him that your pregnant. You’ve only been going out for a few months it was shock. “Are you sure, it could be just a miss up”? He said with panic in his voice. “Hap I went to the doctors and they said I was about two months along”. “I just dont know how this fucking happened, we use protection every time”. “Things happen we cant explain, if you dont want it you dont have to be in its life”. You got up and walked to the door. “But I’m going to keep this child, it was put here for us”. “I cant just give that up”. You wipped a tear away. You walked out of the dorm. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone dialing Chibs number. “Hap, whats up”? “Y/Ns pregnant, I dont know what I’m going to do” “You are going to fucking man up Lowman, that girl loves you”. With that the line went dead. “Fuck, I do need to man up”. You said to yourself.
[Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you.
You drove to Y/N house watching her threw the window. Crying. You knocked on the door. “What are you doing here Happy”? “I dont want to lose you or the baby”. You said walking in, siting down on the couch. “Hap you cant just come in and leave anytime you want”. “If you are in this, then its forever especially for the baby”. “It will be, I dont want my kid to go threw what my mom and I did”. He took your hand, holding it. “I cant live with out you, you dont look at me like I’m some greasy scumbag biker”. “You love me for who I am”. “Hap, I love you even if you dont I do”. You said kissing his cheek “I love you too Y/N”
[Verse 2 Spectacular] At the beginning you was gone. I was staying wit my momma. I stayed getting in trouble, man. Straight damn drama. I started dancing so I stayed out of trouble. Cause I stayed in school, selling candy so my money doubled. But then you told me man, dancing was for punks. Then you told me come and stay. And you ain’t care what I want. You told me come and dance and rap wit my brothers. You taught me how to love and how to care for my brothers. And then you taught me all yo hustlin’ skills. Just in case I get alone I know how to pay bills. You told me I was straight regardless of a deal. And I love you man for that cause you always kept it real.
“So I see you and Y/N made up” Chibs said taking a sip of his beer. “Yeah forever”. “Good she is good for you, she keeps you out of trouble”. “Yeah I remember before I met her, I was balls deep in every croweater here”. “But I met her and havent even thought about another girl”. “Good, your straight and she will keep it that way”. “Yeah she will, I dont want to lose her”. He looked Y/N way as you laughed with Gemma, your baby bump sticking out of your sundress. “She’s glowing, shes happy”. You smiled
Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you
Getting back from the party you both were tired and sunburned. “Oh Hap, I feel like I could sleep for days” You laughed “You better get some sleep, ours will be here soon”. He rubbed your belly. “Have I told you that you look beautiful today”? “You might have mentioned it once or twice”. “Well you are, I’m so lucky to have you”. He leaned over and kissed you softly. “I’m the one that is lucky, you gave me a blessing”. You put your head over his and smiled
[Verse 3 Slick'Em] Now that I made it, it feel real good. Take you out the hood. Put you on B and the block in the middle of the woods. And as hard as it seems, you was there for me. One bedroom apartment. On 6-0 and 14 number efficiency down in Coverly. Told you I had a dream. And even though I like to cheat. I’m going along my Georgia peach and that’s a promise I’m gonna keep. To the end, never gone blend. And I can hear you tell yo friends. And I can see you wanna buss and fuss with yo brand new Benz. To the world, baby it’s yours. I’d give you the world cause you not no ordinary girl. I’m yo son, you my ol’ girl. My momma, we shared for 19 years. And from the bottom of my foundation I’m telling you how I feel, and I love ya.
You were packing to move in the new house. This one was big enough for Happy, the baby, you and Happys mom. “You sure this is ok”. He asked taking the box away from you “Happy if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to smack you”. “Yes its great, I love your mom and I’m going to need help”. “She knows what she’s doing, she raised a great man standing right here”. You stood on your tippy toes to kiss him “Alright, thank you for being wonderful”. He kissed you again You arrived at the new house. It was so big and homie. A big back yard with a pool. A huge garage for Happy and a big kitchen for you. “Hap I love it so much”. “I love you” “I love you too, this is a new start for us all”. He placed his hand on your back and the other on your belly.
[Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you
“The house looks so good guys”. Gemma squealed hugging you both “Thanks Gemma, I love how everything turn out”. “Its great cause Happy and Ii have the same taste in somethings”. You laughed “I can see that”. You laughed rubbing your belly. “Funny Gemma so funny”. You both walked out side. Happy watched you light up about the new house and the baby. You both were so excited to bring this baby into a very loving home. Verse 4 Baby Blue] See, I fell in love wit ya. Wanna raise my kids wit ya. But you left me all alone wit tears dripping down the picture. I remember the day like yesterday. May 9th, to be exact. I’d do anything to get you back. Even though I know you ain’t coming back. I’m serious as a heart attack. Could we get it back the way it was? Cause I know you had some outside influences that pulled a plug. The reality, Junebug, girl I know we’ll always be together. I got you locked away deep in my heart, always here forever
“Happy”! You screamed from the top of the stairs. “What, whats wrong”. He ran up the stairs “Its time daddy”. You smiled threw a contraction “Shit, ok”. He helped you down the stairs and in the car. “I’ll be right back I have to get the bag”. He ran back inside. “Momma, we going to the hospital to have this baby”. You heard Happy yelling. The car ride was horrible. Contractions were taking over your body. “Fuck, Hap it hurts”. You screamed “I know baby, your doing great”. He said carrying you into the hospital room Four hours of pushing and screaming. Yelling at Happy to never touch you again. You heard little crys. “Its a boy”. The nurse said “Wow a boy, mommas going to kill me”. Happy said kissing your sweaty forehead. “No, she will be so happy to have another son”. You looked at your son with amazement. He looked just like Happy. “He has your eyes, so soft and pure”. Happy said as his son took his finger in his little hand. “Y/N thank you for giving me another chance to live this with you”. “You are the one that gave yourself a chance, you are the man your dad couldnt be”. You grabbed his shirt and kissed him. “I love you Happy, I always will”. “I love you and my son, I always will”. He said as he picked up his little boy. Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you.
“Do you Happy Lowman, take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife in life, death and the after life”. The preacher spoke. “I do, I always will”. “Do you Y/N Y/L/N, take Happy Lowman to be your husband in life, death and after life”. “I do, I always will”. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride”. Just as you about to kiss. “Wait a minute, what else Brother”? Chibs blurted out. “I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley”. Happy gushed. You blushed. “Ok now can I kiss my smoken ass wife”? He asked Chibs “Go get it Brother” He said clapping his hands. Happy kissed you long and hard. It was like the first time over again, you were weak in the knees and you felt his semi-hard on. Everything was in slow motion until you son came over a pulled at your dress. “Hey little man, Daddies kissing Mommy you gotta wait your turn” Happy laughed picking him up. The preacher got everyones attention. “Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Happy Lowman”. Life was bumpy at the beginning but it turned out better than ever.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Mama Black widow; Natasha x child reader
My first Natasha Romanoff request came from a pair of dear friends of mine on Wattpad and I was happy to give this to them when I wrote this. I hope all of you will enjoy some mama Natasha x child reader and hope that you find it as warm and fuzzy as they did. Now this has a specific name so if you don’t like it then don’t give me any hate for it, just replace the name with your own. Again I do NOT own the characters, they belong to Marvel and their respected owners.
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I walked into the tower annoyed and frustrated at my mom. As we walked through the living room my mother demanded.
“Room, now!”
“I don’t even see what I did wrong”.
“Well I do now get up to your room and wait for me to call you back down here”. I immediately went up to my room and jumped into my bed face down. If you all are wondering what all has happened then I’ll brief you in on all the details before my mom bursts her top off.  I had talked to my mother about me going under cover with her to capture two of HYDRA’s stray leaders who was said to be at a Gala in London. In the end I may or may not have allowed one of the guys to get away because he had one of his lackeys come from behind me and shock me with a taser gun.
In the end we got one of the guys but the one that got away was the really important guy that we needed in custody so yeah my mom is mad at me now.
“Wendy! Come down here!” I heard my mom call from downstairs. I gulped then I slowly headed back downstairs to the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch just staring at me with a blank stare but I knew she was mad at me. “Come here child,” I slowly walked closer to my mom and started to explain myself.
“Mom you know that I—”
“Don’t! Just—don’t talk just yet. Wendy Romanoff I have never been more disappointed in you!”
“But mom I was only—”
“I had asked you to do one thing, just one thing! And even then you disobeyed me! You were ordered to just be a lookout but you still had to screw it up and now because of that we’ve lost our main guy and our mission is jeopardized! How do you think that makes me look huh?” Hearing mom saying all this made my heartbreak and made me become fearful of her. She had never raised her voice at me like this before and she was literally going at me hard like a real black widow takes a bite out of her victims before finally devouring them.
And I didn’t even notice this but my body began trembling and tears began forming in my eyes. When my mom began to notice my posture breaking down, and the tears forming in my eyes, her anger turned to concern and she reached out for me saying softly.
“Wendy I—” but I had grown afraid of her only hearing her venomous snaps in my head that I ran as fast as I could from my mom and locked myself in my room and cried into my bed. Meanwhile my mom soon began to feel the weight of what she had said and how she said it and it crushed her that she had snapped at me like that, she collapsed onto the couch and held her face into her hands shaking her head muttered.
“What have I done? What have I done?”
The next couple of days were strained.  Anytime my mom entered into a room, I would either run to a different room or go to the nearest Avenger and just hug them and try to hide from my mom.  I was currently with Uncle Steve and uncle Bucky (yeah he joined us shortly after uncle Steve and uncle Sam found him after the whole D.C thing) and the three of us were watching Disney movies to catch them up with what they both missed. Currently now we were watching “The Little Mermaid” when my mom walked in the room.
Thanks to my training I could tell it was her by the sound of her footsteps. I slinked down the couch and took off running as uncle Bucky said.
“Wendy, kid what is it?” It was then as my mom entered, I was already gone from the living room heading to my room.  My mom seeing me leave sighed deeply and said.
“It’s me, I’m the reason she keeps running and hiding”. Steve stopped the movie and the two super soldiers turned to the assassin and Steve said.
“Clint told us what happened”.
“Yeah and now you guys know why I deserve the “best mother of the year” award” my mom stated sarcastically.
“Hold on Natasha, you are a great mother to Wendy ever since the day she was born, you’ve always been there for her haven’t you? You’ve cared for her, been there for her when she was scared or alone, taught the kid how to defend herself, right?” Bucky stated firmly.
“Yeah, but that still doesn’t excuse me for what I said to her”.
“And you’re reaching out to her. You’re trying to mend that mistake. Deep down she wants to believe that you forgive her but she’s scared to admit it, that’s why you need to keep trying to reach her”.
“But Bucky, everytime I try, she always ends up running or hiding from me”.
“Leave that to us” said Steve as he placed a hand on mom’s shoulder.
I heard a knock at my door and I heard uncle Steve say,
“Hey Wendy, can you come out here for a second?”
“Is mom with you?” I asked.
“No, but I’m with him, is that alright?” I heard Uncle Bucky say.
“What is it?”
“Can we borrow 5 bucks?” They said in unison.  My confusion soon rang like crazy.
“What?” I walk up to my door as I say, “I’m frightened of my mom and all you guys want to do is borrow money?” I opened the door and my super soldier uncles stood there with puppy dog eyes and Uncle Steve said.
“No, but we got you to open the door”. They grinned softly in their victory but I just turned away and walked back to my bed.
“You wanna talk?” said Uncle Bucky.
“There’s nothing to talk about”.
“Wendy we all know that you’re an even terrible liar than me, so come on out with it” said Uncle Steve.  The two soldiers sat on either side of me as Steve continued, “why are you hiding from your mom?”
“You both know why”.
“Actually we don’t, not the whole truth, so come on kid, tell us what’s going through your mind Wen?” I sighed internally. I couldn’t lie to their faces, I just couldn’t I mean have you seen their faces? Everytime they look at you with their concerned blue eyes, you just can’t help but breakdown your life’s story to them.
“Mom hates me because I screwed up on the mission. I’ve ruined her rep and now she hates me because of it”.
“Wendy, sweetheart your mother doesn’t hate you”. Steve said.
“Then why did she yell at me? She’s never done that to me before. Whenever I get busted she just plays the guilt voice but she never once yelled at me until now”.
“Think of it this way kid, when that HYDRA scum got you with that taser gun, your mother was scared to death that you had gotten hurt on her watch when she was just trying to protect you. From that point the mission didn’t mean a damn thing to her, only you”. Bucky said as he stroked my head gingerly.
“Gee, I didn’t think of it like that”.
“And for the past couple of days when she was trying to apologize for her mistake, you ran from her which made it hurt even worse for her” finished Uncle Steve.
“Mom’s hurt? She never gets hurt”.
“When it comes to you, she’s completely human. No pain nor all the tortures in the world, can come close to a Mother’s broken heart”. Said Uncle Bucky.
“Where is she now?” I asked.
I walked back to the living room seeing my mother sitting on the couch now watching our favorite Disney and Pixar movie “Brave”. It was the part just as Merida snuck her mother out of the palace and the witch’s cottage blew up and they were now settling in a small boulder and Merida was setting up wood above them to keep dry from the rain. I went up to my mom and she looked down at me and I could see the tears in her eyes.
“I’m sorry momma, I’m so sorry”. My mom soon held me in her arms as we both began shedding tears and she said.
“No Wendy I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have lost my temper. If anyone should be apologizing it’s me. It’s just when he knocked you out with the taser I just—I couldn’t live with myself if anything bad had happened to you”.
“I love you momma”.
“I love you to my маленький паук”. She kissed my forehead gently and the two of us cuddled close and we enjoyed the rest of the movie unaware of the two super soldier’s fist bumping each other on a job well down as they saw us back together.
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can i ask for any and all of the numbers that you havent done? because tumblr rules are made to be bent and i want to ask as many as i damn well please thank you bye
Hey, bean. I wanted to let you know that the tags that you put on my selfie caused me to make some weird pterodactyl noise and it scared my cat. And I just spelled pterodactyl correctly on the first try for some reason? Oh, and the lighting was from my grandma’s bathroom. 
Woah. I wasn’t necessarily expecting this. But I like challenges, so imma do it. I wonder how personal and detailed I should make this? (Also I appreciate so much that you care about what I have to say? Like, holy shit.)
1. Any scars? Yes. Both kneecaps: I lost control of my scooter and ended up sliding down a hill on my freaking knees. I have a weird scar on my chest from when a kitten got mad at me while I was holding her. Four areas on my legs have scars as well. See question 2.
2. Self harmed? It’s like, the amount of time that goes by doesn’t matter. I see so many tumblr friends celebrating their milestones, and I’m so happy for them, but I feel sad for me. I went three years without doing it once. But it always comes back to me in moments of panic.
3. Crush? His name is Hunter and he’s an idiot. New ship: #Charter
4. Kissed anyone? A couple meaningless kisses in my youth, and then I experienced adult stuff with someone I love with all my being.
5. Coke or Pepsi? It depends on my mood, and I don’t understand how people always love one and hate the other. They’re both good, in my opinion. They have their subtle differences, both are good sodas.
6. Someone you hate? I’ve had it with the Kardashians, man. And the obvious: Trump.
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? Affirmative, but not going to go into detail on this post because I’ve got some younger mutuals that might take a peek at this and I don’t want them to judge me 310. Ever been in love? #Charter.
11. Last time you cried? Last week. I was freaking out because I was all by myself for way too long. 
14. Birthday? September 20!
19. If you had one wish, what would it be? A way to contact lost loved ones. I wanna call my uncle so bad, just to see how he is.
20. Do you love someone? I love a lot of people. But it’s still a strong love.
21. Kiss or hug? I love both, why do I have to choose :(
24. Favorite band? August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada, Twenty one Pilots, Lord Huron.
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? April 7th, 2011. My momma had a fiance. His name was Gary. He was such a sweetheart. Smart as hell, talented, and so easy to talk to. He and I decided to take a walk on the nature trail, and my mom stayed home because her stomach was hurting. It was a freaking beautiful April day, one of the first warm days of the year. Gary and I talked about the latest annoying Comcast commercial, we talked about black lightsabers and how they could even exist, and he asked me about my music interests. I was just explaining to him what a “scene kid” was when he fell. He died before I could say goodbye. He died before I could even understand what was happening. November 14th, 2013. The day I had to put my cat to sleep. From age four to sixteen, I had the weirdest connection with a kitty named Angel. My mom had adopted her for me as an Easter present, when I was little. We bonded on the very first day and we were inseparable for her whole life. She supported me and she could tell when I was sad. When I was eight, my mom had yelled at me for something. I was crying on my bed. Angel jumps up and starts playing with my tears. She knew it would help. One day she was rolling around on the floor, showing her belly and being cute. I didn’t usually touch her belly because I knew she didn’t like it. But for some reason, I did that day. And I felt a tumor. She fought her cancer with as much bravery as any human. But I couldn’t make her suffer any longer. She died in my arms, and with her, died my childhood. My comfort, familiarity, sanity, connection, everything died with her. I have never mourned so hard in my life as I did that night. January 7th, 2014. I am working my shift at Panera bread. Just counting down the minutes. Wanting to get the hell out of there. I heard a woman yelling, and I didn’t understand who it even was. It was my mom. She was telling me that we had to go. Immediately. Her brother had passed in his sleep. He was in his early forties. He wasn’t supposed to die. He’s supposed to walk me down the isle at my wedding. He’s supposed to take me to the August Burns Red concert next year, because that’s what he always does. He’s supposed to take me camping in May. We have way too many conversations that haven’t been had yet. We’re supposed to go fishing. And get taco bell afterwards. He’s supposed to answer the phone at 3 a.m. when I feel like shit, because I know he’s probably feeling like shit, too, and we can help each other feel better. 
27. Something you would change about yourself? I have no motivation. At all. I’ve got loads of clean laundry from three weeks ago sitting in the middle of the floor. I can’t fold it, I just can’t.
28. Ever dated someone? I’ve dated two guys seriously. I don’t count the rest.
29. Worst mistake? In the seventh grade, I was a witness to a situation that caused the loss of a teacher’s job. Maybe the outcome would have been different if I hadn’t been too scared to defend him. That’s a long, weird story.
30. Watch the movie or read the book? Both. Preferably, book first, then movie.
31. Ever had a heartbreak? See all three situations in number 25.
32. Favorite show? 2 Broke Girls, Yu Yu Hakusho, XFiles
34. Any talents? I used to dance competitively. And some people like the photos I take! 
35. Do you wish you could ever start over? Yes. Get me out of here
36. Any bad habits? I’ve been biting my nails since I had teeth :(
37. Ever had a near death experience? I was at a metal show, up against the barrier, and the crowd stormed the barrier. The barrier almost collapsed and I might have been crushed. Or any time I get in the car with Hunter.
38. Someone I can tell anything to? Hunter. 
39. Ever lost a loved one? See 25, haha.
40. Do you believe in love? I do. Not the fairy tale stuff, but I believe in what I’ve got going on.
41. Someone you hate/Dislike? trrrrrrrruuuuuuuump.
42. Are you okay? It’s complicated. 
43. Relationship status? #Charter.
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