#I made the reader faint because i was too lazy to continue cuz i am in fact tired rn just as reader is
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synthe4u · 1 year ago
The stress was beginning to seep in. Your eyebags becoming more visible by the day. No one could tell you were more tired than the past week.
You were more quiet and less aggressive in your talking. You seem to have lost your spirit in a way, but of course, the man in the mask figured it out.
Ghost eyed you on the other side of the room. You were bobbing your head, nearly falling asleep before being shaken awake by the slight fall of your body.
You were being distracted by the lights and paid no mind to Ghost's wandering eyes.
It wasn't until around 2100 (9:00pm) when he knocked at your door. You weren't asleep yet. Your light was still on.
Opening the door you asked, "Is something wrong?"
You hadn't changed out of uniform and still seemed out of it.
"Why aren't you asleep?"
"Why are you awake?"
You snapped back at him. You weren't in the mood. You've been tolerable all day, no arguments or fights, but it's clear he came to ruin that.
He stared at you in silence. The mask made him more intimidating which caused you to fess up.
You ran your hands through you hair, frowning in disgust at the knots in your hair.
"Just some family problems is all."
"Losing sleep over your family?"
You sighed, "What do you need?"
"Need you to sleep so we could complete this mission."
"I'm not broken, I can still do the mission."
Silence permeated the hall, other than the occasional fizzle from that one light the base swears isn't broken or haunted.
"Can I come in?"
The door widened a foot further, allowing the masked man inside. You didn't understand why you would let him in. You don't let anyone in your room, at least, not for silly matters like this.
He followed you further into your room after shutting the door, and settled on the side of your bed. You didn't have time to question it before you fell.
Collapsing on the spot, Ghost caught you before the ground could do actual damage to your body.
I guess the sleep had caught up to you, just as Ghost had caught you.
Sleep truly is not for the weak. Stay healthy, guys.
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keyboardpunk · 8 years ago
I’m Not Drunk, You’re Drunk
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Chocobros x Fem!Reader
Drinking headcanons... for science and cuz I need this in my life.
Be warned that lots some of these are sexual; so, mature content ahead! Also, immature humor cuz I’m a horrible person. Also, second warning because these suck and I’m sorry about that.
Thanks for reading and hope ya’ enjoy!
Noctis Lucis Caelum
He likes coke spiked with some variation of whiskey or rum. It’s a nice mixture of sweet innocence from the soda and hard bitter from the strong alcohol.
Noctis has a tendency to over-estimate his ability to hold his alcohol. He probably just doesn’t care and will drink as much as he wants. Sometimes, it’s just one and he’s loosened up. Other times, he’s definitely drunk and needs to sit the fuck down.
Gladiolus and Ignis babysit when he gets drunk. If you’re around, they’ll push that responsibility onto you, as well. Because drunk prince is a dangerous prince, especially if Prompto is teetering on the edge of drunk, as well.
They get a little wild. Like shitty karaoke cuz they’re not even trying and can’t stop laughing. Don’t let them wander the streets. Who knows what will happen. Probably nothing bad. They’ll just make a lot of noise and talk about how much they love their girlfriends and it’s kinda annoying.
Aside from Prompto’s ability to make him playful - which is true when he’s sober, too - Noctis is mostly just completely relaxed when he’s been drinking. The stress of being a king at such a young age... the weight of a kingdom’s fate resting upon his shoulders... the responsibility pushing down on him... Alcohol makes it all seem so much easier. He doesn’t feel particularly light headed or airy, just calm.
He wants to do stuff with you, though. Not anything exciting, but like slow dance in front of the fridge while you make sandwiches at two in the morning. Or go outside and look up at the stars because he just doesn’t pay attention to little things like that. Oh, and play with your hand. Like, admire how much smaller it is compared to his, and your adorable fingers.
Alcohol makes Noctis want to eat... a lot. Anything he can get his hands on. He can go through a whole pizza in less than fifteen minutes.
He won’t stop talking. Not annoying or unwanted talking, but holy shit is he possessed? His sentences aren’t exactly complete, though. “Hey, you-... What? I was just thinking... Remember when we fell in the lake fishing last sum - nnnhahaha... It was funny. You were mad, too... I like it... when you get mad... You look so cute. You do, now, too... Nah - beautiful... Co’mere... let me kiss you... Mah breath stinks? Mmm - don’t care...”
Smiley, a little giggly... and so damn cute. He wears a small smile when he’s drunk, evolving into a toothy grin when he retorts, “I’m not drunk,” every time you call him out for it.
At some point, he’s lounging on his bed, his pants are falling off and his shirt is hiked up. Though, you immediately realize it’s intentional, especially when he starts undoing his belt and sliding it slowly through the loops. It looks like just lazy undressing. But, when he lets the belt drop to the floor and starts slowly peeling his jacket off-... Is he seriously strip teasing right now? That bastard.
Like a good girlfriend, you try to reason with him. ‘Noct, you’re definitely too drunk to consent to anything right now.’ He just grins and continues his slow strip, purposely spreading his fingers over his six pack before finally peeling his shirt up and over his head. “You can take advantage of me.”
He doesn’t even finish stripping, just gropes himself through his pants, blatantly taunting you. What an evil, manipulative little twit... But, no sane person could possibly say no to that face. Must be some kingly hereditary thing.
Unlike when he’s sober, Noctis doesn’t immediately roll over and fall asleep. Perhaps the most startling thing alcohol does to him is keep him awake. Until he sobers up, he just can’t sleep. He’ll lay in bed, atop the sheets, completely still, yet completely awake. Secretly, he hopes you’ll stay up with him, but doesn’t dare ask you to.
Needless to say, the next day is hell. Even if his hangover isn’t particularly terrible, by four AM, he’s sober and passed out. Chances are, Ignis is going to wake him in two hours. Be prepared for red eyeballs, eye bags, and a horrid frown. He probably won’t say anything all day. Not that he’s mad... he’s just fuckn’ tired.
He never learns.
Prompto Argentum
You can bet your ass Gladiolus teases him about this. Prompto doesn’t care for beer or whiskey or any of that hard stuff. He likes what most would describe as women’s drinks: margaritas, spiked lemonade... his favorite being long island iced tea. Don’t be fooled. He can handle more alcohol than most give him credit for. In fact, his long island iced teas are no joke.
Will have a beer if that’s all there is and everyone else is having one. Grimaces through the first half and is fine through the rest.
Prompto usually doesn’t drink himself drunk. He does, however, have no qualms about getting tipsy. For him, tipsy is a pleasant, albeit slightly dizzy, high. He feels more confident than usual, and perhaps a little stupidly so. He feels energetic, a little light headed, and giddy for no goddamned reason.
Then suddenly has to pee. Like really freakin’ bad - get the fuck out of the way. But afterwards fine for the rest of the night.
Alcohol makes him a music enthusiastic. He suddenly feel like listening to things he doesn’t when sober. For example, vibrating club music isn’t so bad all of a sudden; and, the soft jazz Ignis plays - that he usually doesn’t care for - is suddenly majestic ear pleasure.
He gets really touchy, which is hardly surprising. He’ll throw his arms over Noctis, Gladio, or Ignis’ shoulder, going on about how much he appreciates their bromance. He tends to do this the most to Noctis, even getting teary eyed sometimes. “Dude, you’re my best friend and you mean SO much to me...” “Prompto, drink some water...”
Of course, he especially gets touchy with you. Lots of embracing, squeezing hips, and accidentally groping your behind. He doesn’t like unnecessary fighting, so he just wraps around you like a blanket to ensure other men know you’re his. Slides his hands in your jeans pockets and wants to ensure your legs are always touching.
Assuming he’s not too intoxicated to move without falling over, he’ll also ask you to dance. By ask, I mean... take your hand and lead you to the dance floor, begging as he drags you along. “Pretty please, babe. I love this song!” He’s literally never heard this song before.
Dances better after some drinks, merely because he doesn’t worry about looking good enough to be next to you on the dance floor. Rather, he just moves with you, and is smiling, freckled cheeks red from the booze and breath frankly smelling strong, but its okay. He looks too precious.
When you get home, he’s all over you. “Babe, you’re just so beautiful - I can’t help it!” His hands never leave you as soon as you walk through the front door. Kissing and walking is a thing, but mostly kissing and stumbling because he won’t let go.
But, truth is, you have complete control over how the night ends.
If you wrap him up in a blanket burrito and put on some soft acoustic guitar melody, he’ll pass out immediately, drooling on his pillow. After a night of drinking, he’s guaranteed to sleep like a Noctis.
But, if you let him do as he pleases, he’ll probably put on some soft jazz, assuming the CD is still in the bedside disc player from last time, and put on the most devilish smirk you’ve ever seen. “I want you...” He’s not particularly aggressive, but doesn’t let you get up until he’s thoroughly done with you: as in, your legs are trembling, heart hammering, and vocal box teetering. He wants to hear you scream.
Alcohol is liquid courage, after all.
Ignis Scientia
Ignis is a good boy and doesn’t get dru - haha kidding!
Ignis’ taste for alcohol is the most diverse of the group. He can enjoy a well crafted beer, especially ones from overseas with some aromatic fruits or unique flavors added. He doesn’t mind the finer whiskeys, and even fancies scotch from time to time. His favorites, as no surprise to anyone, are coffee-infused beverages. He enjoys the bitter coffee flavor mixed with sweat creams. Definitely not for the faint of heart, however.
Most people can’t tell when Ignis is drunk. His friends, and especially you, will notice the subtle changes in his tone and behavior. He speaks with less control, letting less filtered thoughts fly free from his lips. He walks with just the slightest edge, less formality and more... dominance.
These are all subtle things. But, one thing is for sure. When Ignis gets drunk, he gets possessive. Not to the point of being frightening - for you, anyway - but will carelessly toss his manners out the window if anyone dare asserts themselves over you.
You’ve heard them all threaten to kill a man before, even Prompto has made his fair share of threats; however, Ignis’ threats, when he’s downed a little too much alcohol, are enough to make even the most hardened of men tremble. Perhaps, it’s the accent, or how he removes his glasses and rolls up his sleeves.
It’s likely not just for his opponent, but a show for you, as well.
That possessiveness also exposes his insecurities. He always needs to be in control, aware of everything, and without fault or error. He’s pretty flawless in that regard when it comes to Noctis and the guys; however, it’s quite different with you. You’re the wild card, unexpected draw, in his perfectly planned deck.
When he’s calmed down, thanks to the mere look in your eyes, he, not so surprisingly, wants your attention. His glasses are missing. They’re in his pocket, but he forgot to put them back on. “Love, you’re staring...” He can’t really be drunk enough to not notice his lack of specs, right? Of course, you find his glasses charming; but, there’s something naughty about his naked face.
He’ll kiss you in front of the guys. Usually, he does well to restrain himself. It’s ungentlemanly, after all. But, when he’s downed a little too much, he forgets to care. It’s not sloppy or inelegant, but romantic: as in, tilting you back and kissing you like it’s the last time. Hearing the guys cheer him on doesn’t embarrass him, but rather inflates his ego. Something that surprises his sober self.
His hands never leave you. You can feel one against the curve of your lower back... and then requesting the honor of lacing with your fingers... a subtle squeeze to the thigh... gently pushing strands of hair away from your shoulder...
You can’t recall when he removed his gloves, or undid the second button on his dress shirt. His jacket sometimes goes missing, and his shirt mysteriously is no longer tucked into his pants. If you’re home, alone, he steadily loses more and more articles of clothing: his shoes, his socks, his belt, his shirt...
When sober, Ignis is all about sweet talk and romantic mumbo jumbo. Intoxicated, he’s more on the quiet side. That doesn’t mean he’s tame, however. With less vocals also comes more dominance, capturing you with his eyes like a bird of prey. His hands and his movement do plenty of talking.
When all is said and done, he’s still a gentleman... in some ways, anyway... taking extra care of you before drifting into the abyss of drunken sleep.
Gladiolus Amicitia
It takes a shit ton of alcohol to get this big guy drunk; so, the chances of actually witnessing him this way is pretty slim. Drinking himself to a dumb stupor just isn’t in his interests. He’s also got a legendary metabolism. So, even if he was drunk, he’ll be sober pretty soon.
Gladiolus is an old fashioned beer, whiskey, or pirate-style rum kind of guy. Pirate style meaning straight up and bitter as fuck. However, he’ll totally finish your girly-ass drink when you wuss out.
When he’s been drinking, he’ll often let you do things he normally wouldn’t, like... pull his hair into a man bun. Prompto has pictures to prove it. There was also that time he fell asleep and you put little warrior braids in his hair. Also pictures. He wasn’t amused when he woke up.
He likes to rough house. He already likes doing that when he’s sober, so now imagine an intoxicated mountain crashing down on top of you. Of course, he’s much more gentle with you than the guys. Choke hold with Prompto. Pinning Noctis to the ground and telling him to man up and escape. Of course, he can’t trap Ignis. Man knows every soft spot and escape route.
You... he’ll trap in his arms, or pick you up and laugh at the sight of you squirming, unable to escape. Threaten to sit on you just cause he can and your panic is pretty amusing. He might do it, though, so better safe than sorry...
Contrary to what one might assume looking at him, Gladio doesn’t get violent when he drinks.The scar on his face is the result of a citizen’s drunken stupor. He would never want to invoke such fear and pain onto someone else, not when he’s intoxicated and not in full control.
Temptation is present. The guy who accidentally fell on you and accidentally felt you up in the process? He wants to rip the guy’s arms off and hit him with them. But... that isn’t what the king’d shield does... and not what your lover does... He’ll just have to settle with a shove and subtle death threat.
He’s never been against PDA, especially in front of the guys; however, it takes a twist when he’s drunk. “Hey... co’mere. Sit on my lap... Heh. What’s with that face? Just wanna be close... Kiss me... Haaah what do you mean my breath stinks? So...? More... I don’t care who sees. Show ‘em how much you want me...”
He’s a dominant man, no questions asked; but, alcohol makes him want to push your dominant side. He wants to see you come onto him like an unstoppable force of nature.
Random trips down memory lane. “Hey, remember that time...”
Sober Gladio is a good dancer; but, when he drinks, he forgets how to. He’s not stumbling over and tripping like a drunk fool, but just loses all sense of rhythm and grace. It’s actually kind of hilarious.
If he can, he’ll sweat talk you into riding him on the couch. His butt has already hit the cushion before you locked the door. “Babe...” while groping himself through his pants. If you dare, he’s very docile, as in just siting there and letting you control the rhythm and do what you want. Letting you take the reigns every once in awhile in a rare treat, especially for him.
Even if you try, you won’t be able to get him up. He’s definitely power napping on the couch. He’ll wake up in about an hour, chug a bottle of water, and contemplate a jog at 3 A.M. But, maybe, your cute self half-asleep on the couch beside him will lull him into bed.
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