#I made really nice friends with this queer couple at a PVRIS concert the other year but then they both started posting...
rimouskis · 2 months
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something I really really really really want is to meet someone who shares my music taste. if not in its entirety, than at least in its majority. I feel like I know a lot of people to whom music is enjoyable, but not a lot of people to whom music is like... a life-sustaining thing. for example, my local bestie thinks music is alright, but she's more of a podcast person and really only listens to music that's popular now. WHICH IS FINE! like I love pop music, I do not begrudge her for being into what's current!!!! she invited me to see both hozier and noah kahan, neither of whose discography I'm overly familiar with, but I love a good concert and knew they'd deliver! of course then she got pregnant and no longer wanted to go, so rip those concert plans, maybe that would have turned me into the biggest noah kahan fan of all time lol.
anyways she is only an occasional music listener, whereas I listen to music every day, I derive enormous amounts of serotonin from music, I really really really love music and I really love MY music more than most things. I feel like if I found someone who liked all the same music I liked, I'd fall in love with them on the spot ahahaha.
like I don't know a single person who I'd take to every concert I go to. I might consider my youngest sister, as she probably can hang with the heavier rock I listen to (and my middle sister really enjoyed the rock concert we went to in the spring together). but it's like... I dunno. Music is so important to me. It's everything to me. And I feel like there would be a certain ecstacy to connect to someone and realize they get the same music I get.
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