#I made him a sunflower themed valentines chocolate too…
warriorfujoshi · 6 months
I literally texted reed saying hes so cute he asks me to high five after dates a guy like that would never betray me 5 seconds before his disappearance can’t have shit in habataki city
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Red Roses: “I Love You” - Tony Stark Ending
Valentines Special: Day Nine
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias  Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips   // Day Six: Violets Day Seven: Lisianthus  //  Day Eight: Daffodils (Post with rest of the character endings)
Plot: It’s finally Valentines Day, the day the reader will finally learn who it is that had been leaving them flowers and notes expressing their secret feelings.
Pairing: Gen!Neutral Reader x Tony Stark
Triggers: None        Words: 2,116
Requested Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​, @thebookbakery​​​, @fablesrose​​, @kitkatd7​​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​​, @beksib​​, @destynelseclipsa​​, @criminaly-supernatural​​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​​, @snarky--starky​​ @saintbootlegloras​​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​​, @empath-bunny​​, @okkulta​​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​​ ,  @goinggoinggonzo​​, @mxxnmocha​​, @theofficialzivadavid​​, @groovyfluxie​​
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February 14th
You tapped your fingers in a repeated rhythm as you read through one of your recent work files, your eyes darting to the time every few minutes, as if it would suddenly jump forward hours at a time. 
As you read over the page again, not changing or adding anything you sighed in annoyance at your own antsy demeanor. You had already finished all of your work for the day and it wasn’t event noon yet. 
Maybe you’d go for a walk around the tower? See what everyone else was up too. Slipping on some shoes, you made your way out of your room and down to the gym, you’d figure someone would be there, and maybe you’d work out a bit to shake off some of these nerves. 
As you walked into the gym you were surprised to see almost everyone there, some of their heads moving to meet you as you entered “Woah, you guy’s having a meeting you weren’t gonna tell me about?”
Steve chuckled “No, we’re just trying to get out of the way, there are tons of caterers and decorators upstairs.”
“It’s like a circus.” Bucky commented.
“Well, since no one else wants to spar with me, how about you?” Natasha asked from across the room. 
“Sure. I need the distraction.” 
“Why’s that?” she asked, though you had a feeling she knew why. 
You said as much “I have a feeling you know.” you said, squinting at her in a questioning manner. She simply smirked in response.
After changing, you and Natasha started sparring, the others watched and gave tips, though most of which were unasked for.  After a while, Steve and Buck decided they wanted a go and you and Natasha sat down for a breather. 
Natasha eyed you for a moment before talking lowly, so only you would hear “It’s gonna be alright you know.”
You looked over at her and rose your brow “What will?”
“Tonight.” She said simply.
You stayed quiet for a moment, glancing at the others around the room “What do you mean? Do you know something?” 
She chuckled “Well, it’s not too hard to figure out that all of these gifts and notes are leading up to one day, today, Valentines Day.”
You let out a long breath “Yeah. Well you’re right. But I still have no idea who it is. Do you?" 
She smirked “I have my ideas, just as I think you do.”
“Not ideas, just...hopes.” you commented.
She nodded her head “Yeah, I know” she was one of the few people who knew you had feelings for one of the others. The one, who out of all the others you wished was the one sending the notes. Tony. But the notes, and the flowers, didn’t really seem his style. He was more blunt. And you had waited long enough to start losing hope that he never felt the same.
“But like I said, it’ll be alright. Just breath and get through it. Like everything else.” 
You nodded “Yeah, I’ll try.”
- - -
Standing in front of the mirror, you wondered if your outfit suited the party, maybe it was a bit too casual. “Whatever” you muttered before going into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Whoever it was has probably seen the worst of you already so they wont mind whatever outfit you wear tonight, there is no real need to impress them. Right? Maybe you should look in your closest again. ‘No it’s fine’ you thought to yourself aggressively as you chastised your behavior. 
You had managed to distract yourself with the others until you needed to get ready for the party, and with helpful advice and kind words from Natasha, you weren’t feeling as nervous as you had been earlier. You accepted that whoever was going to confess themselves to you tonight was out of your hands. 
After checking over yourself in the mirror one more time, you got a text from Natasha telling you that people had begun to arrive. Checking the clock, you see that it’s 8pm on the dot. Well, Tony did always like punctuality, well, from other’s at least. 
Leaving your room you made your way to the elevator and up to the main party floor. When you exited, you were sightly alarmed at just how many people had shown up already. There were loud voices and laughter as people recognized others and they all greeted one another.
You took a breath as you made your way into the main room, wondering where it was you were seated for the dinner part of the night. 
“How you feeling?” a voice said from behind you, startling you slightly.
Turning you see Natasha, you smiled at her “I’m okay, I think.”
“Well, ‘okay, you think’’ is better than ‘definitely not okay’” she looped her arm through yours as you walked further into the room and found Clint and Wanda in the corner. 
An hour or so later, you were standing in the corner of the room, watching the crowd of people. You recognized about half, and knew about a quarter. Seeing someone approaching you from the side, you turned your head and saw Tony waking over, plate in hand. He was wearing a nice suit, red to match the theme. Your heart began pounding a bit harder as he came and stood next to you. 
“Having fun?”
“Of course” you said, failed honesty in your voice.  
He smirked at your answer, knowing full well you didn’t like crowded parties like this, surrounded by a lot of rich people. He held the plate out towards you “This is for you.”
Looking at the plate, you see some strawberries, orange slices, bananas and marshmallows all dipped in chocolate. Taking the plate you hesitated “Uuhh, thanks?” 
“Don’t worry, I got that before everyone started using the fountain. No cooties.” he smirked, earning a smile from you. 
You felt a bit of gratitude at this, it was nice, and a bit unusual for him to do something like that for you. Taking a bite from one of the strawberries, you were surprised at how good it was. 
Tony took a chocolate covered banana from the plate, popping it into his mouth “Good right? Got the chocolate imported from Switzerland.”
You chuckled “Of course you did.”
He smirked “Of course.” he repeated.
You saw him look over across the room with a frown. Following his gaze you see happy waving for Tony’s attention before motioning for him to come over “Looks like something important.”
“With Happy it could be that there is too long of a line at the bathroom.” as he took a step away he turned back to you and pointed at you “Enjoy the fruit, and don’t party too hard, without me at least.”
You chuckled as he walked away. You felt a pang of disappointment as he left. That would have been the perfect time for him to tell you that it was him. You tried to push that feeling away, thinking about the fact that there was no point in wanting to be with someone who didn’t want to be with you. 
Seeing some familiar SHIELD Agents across the room, you made your way over to mingle. You wanted to distract yourself.
- - -
It was getting close to midnight now as you sat at your table with Clint, Sam, Nat Bruce, Steve and Bucky. No one had made any confession to you and you were honestly beginning to think that they changed their mind. Part of you thought maybe that was for the better. But you were also a bit disappointed at the thought as well.
“I’m gonna go get some water” you said as you stood and began walking across the room.
You stopped when you saw Tony rounding the corner a bit fast and seeming a bit exasperated. Spotting you he walked over to you “Do me a favor?”
“Uh, yeah, what’s wrong?” 
“Go on the roof and see of the fireworks are ready, I was gonna get Happy to do it but I can’t find him.”
“You got fireworks? Seriously?” you scoffed, amused.
“Of course I did” he smiled “Now, can you? I need to get everyone on the balconies to watch.” 
“Oh, uh yeah sure I’ll do it.” he handed you his pass-card to his loft before you left and made your way to the elevators, thinking a bit about it you really weren’t that surprised that he got fireworks. 
As the elevator opened, you made your way into and through Tony’s loft and out onto the main roof. Looking around, you didn’t see anybody, so you walked out further, feeling a chill from the night air. Seeing some light coming from around a nearby wall, you walked over “Hello?” you called out as you rounded the corner. 
You stopped in your tracks when you saw, laid out all over the rood top, various bouquets of bright red roses. Your mouth fell open in surprise as you walked a bit closer. Looking around you saw no one and definitely no fireworks. 
You stood their dumbfounded for a few moments, looking at the probably hundred roses. “Do you like them?” Spinning around at the sound of the voice, you saw Tony walking up to you, hands in his pockets as he watched you closely. “I thought it might be a bit much, but, then I thought, what the hell. You don’t confess your love to someone every day.” 
As he approached you, you stared at him, shock still running threw you, before you finally smiled and let out a surprised laugh, sharing your head “Just when I gave up the hope that it was you, you surprise me with this.”
A smile broke out on his face as he took another step closer “Then you did want it to be me?” 
You felt a bit more bashful as he seemed to stare right through you “Yes. I did.”
“Well, that’s definitely a relief. I kept thinking that maybe, you had feelings for me, but, I tend to be a bad judge of character. But, you proved me right.”
“I have to admit, it was hard to keep hoping it was you though, the poetic notes and the flowers, it just...didn’t seem like you.”
“Well that was the point” he smiled “I’ve been planning a way to tell you how I felt, and well, I overheard you and Wanda talking about some stupid romantic movie and I thought I might get creative.” 
“It was definitely creative. And, let me guess. Bruce knew about it, and Vision actually did help you deliver those flowers that day when I asked?”
He winked “Bingo. But, I am still offended by that comment you made.” You laughed, making his smile grow bigger. Taking another step closer to you, he stared into your eyes “You.” he paused, almost unsure of what to say “You surprise me every day you know? And I just, wanted to...surprise you, I guess.” You smiled gently at him “And then, that day in the lab, I- I though I almost got you killed.” 
You shook your head “I don’t blame you Tony. I know you’d never let that happen if you could stop it” 
He gave you a small smile before he reached out, stroking the side of your face gently “I do love you, I mean, if that wasn’t obvious by now” he joked, before his face become more serious ”I’ve only dreamed of having someone like you beside me. It seems too good to be true that you’d want to be there.”
“It’s not to good to be true Tony. Because I love you too.” 
“Well.” he began as he leaned in closer to you, his eyes darting to your lips briefly “If I know you, I know you’d never break a promise.” He spoke almost in a whisper as his lips met yours in a deep kiss. 
Just as you were loosing yourself in the kiss, there was a bright and loud bang besides you making you jump and pull away from the kiss. Your eyes shot to where the light was. You saw bright sparkles falling from the sky as more fireworks shot up into the air from a building across the street. 
You looked at Tony who was smirking and you let out a laugh “At least you didn’t lie about the fireworks.” 
His smirk turned into a grin as he wrapped his arm around your waste and pulled you into another kiss. You could hear the cheers and clapping of the people below on the balconies watching the fireworks, giving an oddly symbolic and movie-esque ending to the passionate kiss. 
xx xx xx xx
Hope you like it! This is one of my favorite endings that I wrote~
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crackshots-a · 2 years
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(valentine’s day ( a little late! ) | @lunabrae​ )
" while i'm sure you've received plenty of these already, i do hope you'll save room for mine. " lunafreya first presents prompto with an elaborate set of assorted altissian chocolates, procured from her accompanying bag; she thought better than to greet a friend with her arms full. " and --- i suppose this was more inspired from an off-handed comment made by noctis. " she laughs. next, is a stuffed chocobo toy, with an adorable smile stuck on its face. lastly, she gently urges a large spread of sunflowers into his arms, wrapped in themed paper, accompanied by a handwritten note inside. her hand rests on his shoulder in a half-embrace, and she places a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. " happy valentine's day, prompto ! i hope you feel just as loved and appreciated every day, as today. even if it isn't demonstrated as often as it should. "
     valentine’s day was always busy. not because he was drowning in valentine’s gifts or anything, but because he would spend the day taking pictures. pictures of decorations, of fancy chocolate in even fancier cases–––– he’d even taken a few candid pictures of couples before showing them & watching their reactions like one of those cheesy videos ( that he definitely did not watch! ). gifts, even the ones in his backpack for his friends, were the last thing on his mind. 
     until he finally met up with lunafreya.
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     he bit his tongue before he could tell her that hers was the first gift of the day, & instead he allowed his attention to be stolen by her gift. he took the box of chocolates in his free hand, the other still holding his camera despite the strap around his neck. his eyes looked over the packaging, his jaw slightly dropping. ❝ these look amazing! don’t tell anyone you got me these, i don’t want to share! except with you if you want some! ❞
     he would have been more than content if that had been it. the fact that he had been thought of on this day would have been more than enough, but then luna was continuing, & his jaw dropped before his smile grew at the sight of the stuffed chocobo. he took it without question. gasping softly as he finally took in the little smile up close. ❝ he’s perfect! so fluffy! he needs a name. but, not just any random name. i gotta pick a good one! i can pick something like, uh... ❞
     his sudden trailing off had little to do with his desire to pick a nice name & everything to do with the bunch of sunflowers suddenly pushed into his arms. he finally had to relinquish his hold on his camera & let it hang from the strap around his neck, its weight against his chest nothing compared to the rapid beating of his heart as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder & kissed him on the cheek. her gifts were kind, & her words left warmth in his chest. he was sure his face was pink ( in reality, it was worse than that, a bright shade of red giving away just how flustered he was from the whole thing ), & it took him a moment before he could even think about what to say in return.
     ❝ thank you, luna. all of this...it’s––––.  ❞ a part of him wanted to say too much, but he didn’t want to sound ungrateful, & the self––––deprecating side of the statement certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed, so he let himself smile again. his original thought process derailed, he started again. ❝ i’ve never gotten anything like all of this. it’s awesome, luna. seriously!  ❞ & though he had said it once already, it was definitely worth saying again. ❝ thank you. ❞
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     prompto couldn’t help but laugh as he took another look at the chocobo. ❝ i’ll have to thank noct, too. you know, for the inspiration! ❞ & then, he was struck with a brilliant idea. ❝ i should name him after noct, right? noct or noct gar or something! whaddya think? ❞
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indigomez · 5 years
Moment’s with Parker #2
Theme: Fluffy!!!
Pairing: Peter x Reader :)
Summary: Happy Valentine's day ;)
A/N: I’M SORRYYY!!! PLEASE DON’T HATE MEEEHHH I know I haven’t been posting lately that is completely my fault, just. You know... I gotta live (sadly) and shit so, I hope you enjoy and please forgive mee :(( I WENT OFF
A s k b o x   ~ S u b m i t a p o s t  ~ M a s t e r l i s t 
 Taglist~ : @drakesfiance @whiny-the-poo-bear @underoos-shield @spidervveb @just4muggles @hollandxvoid @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy @twilightparker @ukulele-tea-and-ocean @harryshollands @wronglanemendes
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  You absolutely hated Valentine's day, you’ve been single and sad about it every time it rolled around. It was always just... A shitty holiday, well...
That was before you and Peter started dating. 
But surprisingly, his attitude never changed. Usually, during holidays, he’s extra sweet and charming. But today was just... Normal, it was freaking you out.
You sighed while walking into your class, tugging at your heavy ass book bag. Grunting as you sat down and placing it on the science desk. Peter smiled, 
“Hey babe, how’s it going-”
“Great.” You grumbled, shifting in your seat. “What’s wrong?” He muttered, “Just... I don’t know I just hate valentines day.” Peter froze, basically stuttering in his mind as he just blinked at you. After setting up your class work, you looked at Pete. “Are you trying to talk to me by blinking in Morse code?” You laughed, he shook his head. “N-Nothing! Nothing at - at all.” He muttered, 
And that was the only time he talked to you, all day he was sweating bullets, literally stuttering as if it was the time you moved into school. During lunch, he was dead quiet, during history class, where he usually talks the most he was just. Staring off into space. And just being... Not himself!
So, when school ended, Ned just bolted out of the room so fast. It scared you half to death. 
When you and Peter walked home, it was like nothing happened . But you didn’t wanna ask, you just enjoyed your walk with him. Hand in hand as you two laughed and joked around. “But babe, can I ask you something?” You looked up at him, already admiring his adorable features. "I know you told me before, but. Why do you hate Valentine's day?"
“Well, it’s just... You know middle school, and at my old high school. Valentine's day was always the time when my ex just... Didn’t get it? Like he would always buy the basic roses and chocolates and shit I don’t like. Not comparing you to him but, I don’t know... Valentine’s was just never a good holiday for me... How about you-”
You both stopped walking as he looked at his wristwatch. He sighed, “I’m so sorry babe.” He whined, you only smiled at him and cupped his baby face. “It’s fine, go do your job. I’ll see you later.” He smiled back kissing your lips before handing is back pack to you. Running off into the alleyway, you watched in awe as you saw him swing fast from the alleyway and into the cities sky scrapers.
You placed all the decorations in the box, you decided to spend a cute valentines day date with him. You got all his favorite things, that Legos kit he’s been dying to try with you, his favorite snacks and candies, sodas and your radio. You and Pete lived in the same apartment complex, so you had the avantage of using the roof that showed a beautiful view of the city. But when you opened the roof dor, you saw the most adorable set up. It was like straight out of tumblr or something. 
But instantly you thought it was for someone else, but you looked closer. Walking out onto the rooftop as you saw, your favorite things. Bright yellow sunflowers were displayed on the familiar table sheets. You found Peter’s radio just sitting there, placing your stuff down. You looked at the beautiful fairy lights, you’ve never been so close to crying.
You whipped around, hearing Peter grunt as he landed on his feet. He stood up straight before taking his mask off. 
He panted, smiling at you as his face just grew more red. “Babe?” You walked up to him, he put the bag down before placing his hands on your hips. “Was this for us?”
“For you.” He chuckled, he leaned over, pressing on the radio. You laughed as your song came on. He quickly changed before pulling out a large batch of georgus sunflowers. Your favorite flower 
“I just wanted to... You know.” He muttered, smiling as you took the batch in your arms. “No no no, hold them like this.” He whispered, sliding behind you as he held out your hands, he pressed a button as the main sunflowers base opened up, you laughed, the soft confetti surrounded you two. “I love it... You’ve offically made this the best Valentine’s day ever...” You sniffled, you faced Peter.
“I’m glad I made you happy, I was scared you wouldn’t lke it.” You placed the flowers down on the table, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Pete, to be fairly honest with you. You always make me happy.”
“You alwas make me happy... too.” He muttered, “Happy Valentines day.” He smiled, cupping your face as he kissed you softly. After you two pulled away, you placed your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you. Yo utwo just looked at the city lights. 
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musicprompts · 6 years
Sleeping Monsters - Valentine’s Day
—-So this is a bit late, but I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by. This is basically some ideas and stables about the group and their reaction to Valentine’s Day.
Enjoy :)
Bucky absolutely loves Valentine’s Day- it’s one of those few days in the year where he and the Grimm are happy to be around people because for some reason, Death likes to let them have a bit of fun. Besides that, the smell of chocolate is fucking fantastic, and he never passes up the chance to watch Steve make some home made chocolate in the kitchen. Though he doesn’t like the overwhelming smell of flowers because then he whines about not being able to smell the chocolate and candy.
Natasha... she has mixed feelings about the holiday. She doesn’t like celebrating it because of personal reasons but does realize that the holiday is important to her clan and so allows them to gift her chocolates and weird little gifts they find in the store. Clint had even given her a Valentine’s Day themed spider plush because he thought it was hilarious.
Nobody knows that it’s one of her favorite gifts and is squirreled away along with some handwritten notes from the twins and memorabilia that she has collected over the years.
Clint both loves and hates the holiday. He used to hate the holiday because the circus didn’t really allow time to celebrate it and then there was the thing with his brother... and yeah, not good memories all around. He likes to brood for a couple of hours every year, the memories consuming him and threatening to drag him down into a deep dark hole...
Wanda usually helps him out, missing her father figure on this day. She tells funny stories that usually ends in pietro’s embarrassment, making Clint laugh and everything seem okay. He celebrates it now for the twins and for the new family he was folded into thanks to the ever exuberant Tony Stark. He’s still thankful for that.
Bruce usually hides around this day, reminiscing about the days when he and the Hulk weren’t one entity, when he was just Dr Bruce Banner with a penchant with the ladies. Tony also usually drags him out by dinner time, both of them laughing about Tony’s past failures with ladies and men before they join everybody else in a heart themed dinner because Tony loves to go all out despite Pepper’s exasperation with it all.
Wanda and Pietro didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day for several years, the grief and anger over their parents barring them from the simple enjoyment. They used to sit together in some quiet corner and talk about the happiest memories they could think of, keeping their parents alive in some way in their hearts.
That was, of course, before Natasha decided on a whim that these two sad sops were now her children and part of her clan, with Clint making them happier and more determined to stay alive the next day, to make sure that their parents hadn’t died in vain. They had forgiven Tony long before they met him thanks to these two.
To show their gratitude, the twins love to shower Clint and Natasha in chocolates and flowers. Pietro gives the two silly gifts he finds in second hand shops and flea markets, because he believed that something a little more lasting than food or wilting flowers was needed to show his love to his new parental figures. Wanda likes to make little flower arrangements. She knows they won’t last long (most things never did nowadays) but she worked hard on those arrangements and dammit that’s what she could do for Natasha and Clint.
They still go to a darkened corner, but they don’t stay there all day and they no longer have to hide the smell of salty tears because now they have less painful memories to fill their hearts.
Steve is an absolute nut the entire week that Valentine’s falls on. He goes to great things to make handmade chocolates for each and every one of the group he has come to call family. The dullahan kicks everybody out of the kitchen to make said chocolates and absolutely won’t let anyone see what he’s making until he’s given it to them. Somehow, Tony manages to kick him out of the kitchen Valentine’s day to make the special dinner he insists is absolutely necessary.
Steve takes this time to take two very special chocolates he’s made to a willow tree that’s in the nearby graveyard. He would set them both down, one labeled “Mom” and the other labeled “Peggy”, and then send a prayer for both of these wonderful women because he loves and misses them so much. Bucky always follows him to make sure he’s safe. Neither of them mention that sometimes Steve cries standing next to that tree, and Bucky never mentions that there is always a tall dark shadow that smelled a bit like Steve staring from a distance. Still, Steve celebrates the holiday with a smile because lingering in the past only ever hinders him and he can’t do that now.
Sam is a bit weird with the holiday. At least weird to everyone else. He goes out and flirts with every single woman he comes across (some of them not so single when their significan other comes around the corner to see him flirting - those encounters usually don’t end well), buys chocolate for everyone and then shares stories of his past VDay exploits because it’s funny. He always makes sure to call his mom back home because otherwise she would find him in the city and beat him in public for forgetting about his wonderful mother on this glorious day. He believes her when she threatens it every year. Tony kind of finds it funny.
Pepper has to field calls and gifts for Tony on this day. The amount of chocolate and flowers and cards the dreamweaver receives is ridiculous and spends most of her day either giving away the chocolates or burning the cards. Tony gives her a special flower arrangement and some rare gem for her efforts (he honestly keeps surprising her - she thinks he’ll run out of weird rocks to give her eventually) and allows her to pester him however she likes in the next couple of meetings. Jarvis never interferes with this arrangement as it works well for the both of them. Pepper does enjoy the special chocolates she receives from the group though and cherishes them for as long as possible.
Rhodes is usually too busy with military stuff but he always gets a weird song card from Tony every year. The cards range from some weird chicken song to sappy love songs that make Rhodey groan in exasperation. He has a case full of the damn things and nobody in his squad says a word about because he was their leader, their confidant, and damn scary when he needed to be.
Thor enjoys the holiday and likes to spoil his brother with the weirdest things he could find (“Brother look!!! This book talks about Norse love!!” Loki usually would look at him in horror, remembering some of those stories because they happened to him, as Thor laughs because he loves to jest with Loki every year. Loki usually retaliated by hiding his chocolate in weird ass places for Thor to find. It’s become something of a game between the two). Thor also likes to take Jane out to Asgard, show her all the wonders of his home. He enjoys seeing her smile and laughter most because she was his star. (Loki was proud to see his brother grow from the arrogant blonde he used to be - he approves of Jane because she softened Thor and made him better.) Loki doesn’t usually celebrate the holiday, but he loves the chocolate, so sticks around for that. He also enjoys the antics of the group, but doesn’t really tell anybody about that.
Tony.... well, Tony doesn’t really like the holiday. Absolutely hates it sometimes. He stays in the tower because being around too many people on a holiday makes his head hurt and powers react weirdly, but he also kind of mourns this day as well. He remembers his mother, when she was able to be fully coherent, treating him to ice cream when he was younger and his father absolutely spoiling the both of them to show his love to his wife and son. He remembers also getting a special toy from Jarvis, most of them now hidden in the depths of his closet whenever he was feeling especially nostalgic.
Used to it was only Bruce and Pepper he was able to stand on VDay because he had been around them for years. When the holiday comes around he is startled to realize that his powers don’t react to anyone else in the upper tower and the two gods that like to take residence occasionally. Tony doesn’t know how to react to that, so he usually takes over the kitchen (“Alright Steve my turn. Out” “What but-“ “Get!!” There’s usually laughter as some food is thrown in jest. Clint squaks at this because sometimes he’s the one the food usually lands on for some reason.) and makes a huge dinner with beautiful arrangements and the sappiest love songs he could find to play over the speakers.
Tony always takes the time to take a bouquet of flowers, usually sunflowers and roses, to his parents graves because they deserved something nice too, no matter what.
So Tony doesn’t love the holiday, but he now looks forward to more years with his new group. It gives him some kind of hope.
—-so what did you guys think? I know a bit of it is sad, but I think it gives some insight to the group and their dynamics with each other and the world. Also, surprise? There’s a couple things in here that tell of a few events that happen later in the fic itself ;) tell me what you think!!!
Tagging: @reioka @thunder-the-wolf @harbingerofplagues @icanconfirmihavenosoul @mythlover @emolordisme @illpepper @alittlebitproblematic
If you wish to be tagged, please tell me!! I’ll be more than happy to add you to the list :) And happy valentine’s day to all of you, even if it is a bit late xD
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lilyandherboys · 7 years
As a little girl, Lily had never particularly liked her name for three very important reasons. For one, the idea of everyone in the family being named after flowers, while seemingly a good one from the outside, got a little boring when she had to write out Christmas letters to Aunt Daisy, cousin Daisy, and second cousin once removed Daisy; or when someone yelled Rose at a party and four women answered. Secondly, Lily didn't even particularly like lilies. Her favorite flowers were sunflowers, thank you very much, and when boys tried to flirt with her by giving her lilies she usually just got annoyed. Lastly, and most importantly, lilies were a funeral flower, and Lily Evans was anything but a funeral. Lily Evans was, as a matter of fact, brimming over with life. In her third year Lily sat next to Sirius Black in Charms, as he had to be separated from his mates due to misbehavior and Flitwick thought she would be a good influence, and during class she learned three very important things about him. Firstly, he wasn't as bad as Severus made him out to be, and neither were his friends, as long as they were away from Severus. Often times she could depend on them to make her laugh after a long day, and also hanging about Sirius and his mates enabled her to team up with Peter Pettigrew at cards and trick James Potter out of his "vastly over the top riches", as Remus Lupin liked to call them. Secondly, he was immensely posh, and also a pureblood, both of which Lily had known before but never really realized the consequences of, and also was most assuredly not, and so the two of them spent particularly boring classes swapping stories about their upbringings, which culminated in Lily giving Sirius several toy cars for his birthday, which he Charmed to drive through the air and deliver messages to and fro in the Gryffindor common room and dorms. Lastly, and most importantly, his family also named children according to a theme, in his case stars, and so he partially understood the absurdity of it all. The two took to calling each other by different names every time they saw each other, to the rest of the school's bemusement, Lily's favorite for Sirius being Adhara, as it meant virgin and so made Sirius mad, and Sirius' being mushroom, for no particular reason other than when he called Lily it she would clench her jaw every time without fail and he thought it was hilarious. In her fifth year Lily did patrols with Remus Lupin, as they were the two fifth year Gryffindor prefects, and also friends, and so she learned three very important things about him. Firstly, he wasn't as prim as Sirius made him out to be, and the two spent many happy hours cursing anything that was troubling them while on their patrols, including but not limited to extra long essays, strange chocolate shortages (because Peter kept stealing it) and Sirius' tendency to wear Lily's socks, because the two were the same foot size and he insisted her socks were the best for flying in. Secondly, he was absolute disaster, for all he appeared to be neat and clean, and as Lily was near disaster levels as well, they both had to accept James fussing over them as much as he was allowed, especially the time they came back from patrols with a total of one broken nose, three black eyes, six bruised ribs and two senses of extreme cockiness because they had actually won the fight, no matter their injuries. Lastly, and most importantly, he was a werewolf, but that wasn't the really important part. The really important part was that his mates had become illegal Animagus in order to help him, which not only helped their nicknames to actually make some fucking sense, it was also very fucking amazing and gave Lily a new respect for the four boys and their oddly codependent friendship. In her seventh year Lily dated James, as always had rather liked him, and his head had deflated quite a bit, and in the process she learned three very important things about him. Firstly, he liked to give her lavish bouquets, but fortunately was a very good listener and so remembered the time she had complained about boys giving her lilys all the time. Instead, James gave her roses on Valentine's Day, poinsettias and mistletoe on Christmas, violets and buttercups when she was feeling down, and sunflowers for her birthday. Secondly, he was horrible at understanding the value of money and how to save, as he really was disgustingly rich and didn't have to. Lily ended up with quite a few beautiful necklaces she didn't know what to do with until she finally cracked and told James that if he had to buy her something, it may as well be something she needed, and that he could go shopping for clothes with her the next time they went into the village. Lastly, and most importantly, he loved her quite a lot. Enough, actually, to propose to her, and also to agree to name all their daughters after flowers, because even though Lily hated her name, she intended to pass on the tradition, and James didn't really care what the kids were named as long as he had enough to put together a full Quidditch team. In her last year Lily raised her son, as she loved him with all her heart and was in hiding to protect him, and learned three very important things about herself. Firstly, she was restless in the house they were hiding in, and actually couldn't stand being inactive. She started brewing potions for the Order with all her spare time, and would send them to Dumbledore every time someone visited. Secondly, she really did enjoy being a mother, and dreamed of seeing her Harry going off to school to get up to his own mischief, and although she still thought an entire Quidditch team was a rather tall order for children, she would quite like a few more. Lastly, and most importantly, her name may have been an omen from the start. Because Lily Evans was full of life, but she died too soon, all for the love of her son and her fieriness in standing up for what she believed in. A/N Hey babes! Here's some new writing (finally lol) and also the reason I was on the star name wiki earlier this week! I'm not sure about the format of this tbh but I felt like I needed to get something out cause I've been bored with myself frankly. AP tests and finals are coming up quick so don't expect anything new too soon but I do have a couple things in the works and I'm hoping to get one of my classic bullet point posts done before I go on vacation in June. Ty for reading!
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