#I made an ungodly noise when I first saw this pic
saturngelato · 2 months
The sluttiest thing a man can do is have one strand of loose hair. This photo was the inspiration behind this post but this can apply to any man really.
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realcube · 4 years
their team reacts to seeing them with hickeys/back scratches 💫
characters: kageyama, akaashi & kita
tw// fem! reader, sexual references, swearing, blood 
kita tw// mentions of daddy kink, punishment, overstimulation - MINORS DNI 
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thank you anon for the request 💗
Tobio Kageyama
he was on tanaka’s team for game amongst karasuno and he watched his senpai take off his shirt and wave it around after they scored another point
but instead of putting the shirt back on, he kept it off bc he was too lazy to go get it since he threw it to the other side of the gym
then noya took his shirt off too bc he was sweating buckets 
but kageyama wasn’t really sure why they had their shirts off so he felt the need to ask
‘why aren’t you putting your shirt back on?’
noya was just kinda like ‘who are you, my mom?’ but tanaka gave him a straight answer which was ‘it helps with ✨ aerodynamics✨’
kageyama isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so he doesn’t even know what aerodynamics are
but then he watched tanaka make a killer spike and he was sold 
shirt = off
aerodynamics = thriving (?)
sets = awesome
back scratches = exposed 😳
hotel = trivago 
tsukishima was the first one to notice ofc as he was positioned right behind kageyama 
he didn’t say anything tho bc yamaguchi was on the opposite team so he just had to snicker to himself
hinata was like ‘what’s so funny, stinkyshima?!’ bc he automatically assumed that tsukishima was laughing at him lol
but then he followed tsukki’s gaze and leaned back to look at kageyama’s back too
‘yeesh, man. you should probably put some aloe vera on that or something, it could get infected.’
AIUWRAFHBE ok ok hinata isn’t completely oblivious to the connotations of back scratches but he’d never think in a million years that kageyama would get laid so he kinda subconsciously ruled that possibilty out-
kageyama quirked a brow, ‘what?’
‘your back! it’s all mangled.’ 
then noya and tanaka ran over and fkn BURST OUT LAUGHING 
at this point, all of kageyama’s team was surrounding him while the other team waited patiently for them to serve
but after a while, it was clear that they weren’t gonna do that so suga - who was on the opposing team - strolled over to see what they were all laughing about
and when he saw it- bitch- he went red 
a cool mom so he probably made a suggestive remark as he walks away
it eventually got to the point where everyone in the gym was crowded around kageyama and for ease, i’ll categorize their reactions:
laughing their ass off  ➵ tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, coach ukai & yamaguchi
concerned and confused  ➵ yachi, takeda, hinata & narita 
a blushing mess  ➵ asahi, kinoshita & sugawara
unfazed 😐  ➵ kiyoko & daichi 
LIVID  ➵ kageyama
kageyama could literally break his neck and walk into practise with a neck brace and no one would bat an eye but now that he has scratches on his back, suddenly everyone is so concerned about his wellbeing? where with this energy that time he said that hinata gave him a concussion?
to be fair, he didn’t have a concussion- also, he forgot the word so he told suga that hinata gave him a ‘conclusion’
daichi agreed, trying to usher everyone back to their spot on the court, ‘yeah, it’s no big deal, guys. let’s get back to practise.’
everyone slowly made their way back to where they were previously but since tanaka and noya were still on kageyama’s team, they continued to pry 
tanaka flung his arm around kageyama’s shoulders, ‘so how’d you get those scratches, big boy?’ 
an ungodly laugh left noya’s mouth
kageyama shrugged, ‘(y/n), i think.’
the whole gym room went silent before erupting in choruses of laughter once again
kageyama was truly the idiot that didn’t understand the implications of the back scratches - so you can imagine that he was frustrated when everyone started laughing again
‘what’s so funny?’ but then, he recalled the events which he was pretty certain were the reason for the marks on his back......it was pretty funny
you insisted on giving kageyama a back massage after a long day of practise so he took his shirt off and let you go for it 
for the record, he really loved it :)) he was just so happy sitting there between your thighs as you sat on the couch and rubbed his back, loosening all the knots he didn’t even know he had
but then he got a lil’ inch on his back and was like ‘can you get that for me?’ since your hands were already on his shoulders/back
ofc you said yes and started lightly scratching the spot he desired, but being extra careful bc you just got you nails done in the stiletto shape and the last thing you wanted to do was puncture his back lol
‘harder..’ kageyama muttered so low that you almost didn’t hear him
you obliged, pressing a bit harder 
‘harder.’ he insisted once more
again, you served by digging your nails in a bit deeper
‘no, kags. i’ll literally pierce your skin if i press any harde--’ 
‘harder!’ he barked (for a joke) and you jumped from fright, instinctively pushing in more and increasing the pace of your hand
at this point, you were rigorously clawing at his back, on the verge of drawing blood which you could tell by his skin’s newfound crimson pigment 
kageyama took it upon himself to lean backwards onto your nails to force you to go rougher as you had yet to ease his itch 
then you let out a high-pitched scream so naturally, kageyama jerked away then peered over his shoulder to make sure you hadn’t like..died
‘what?!’ he asked, eyes filled with worry
‘blood!’ you yelled, pointing at his back before sprinting to the kitchen to get a tissue 
kageyama’s gaze followed you until you were out of sight, then he lightly touched his back around the parts you were scratching and once he pulled his hand away, he noticed the blood which was now on his fingers
the concerning part was that he didn’t even feel it tbh 🤔
anyway tanaka and noya probably coo ‘oooh~ lovebirds~’ when you come pick him up from practise
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Keiji Akaashi
bokuto heard some ppl whispering about akaashi & (y/n) in the changing room so he turned around to take a look at his friend then he noticed the scratch marks on his poor friends’ back
‘AKAASHI!! DID YOU GET MAULED BY A BEAR?!?!’ he screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the changing room and those who weren’t whispering about akaashi before, were definitely doing so now
akaashi smiled softly and shook his head, hastily throwing on his shirt and buttoning it up as he spoke, ‘no, bokuto-san.’
bokuto quirked a brow, wondering what could’ve possibly happened before his jaw dropped to the ground
‘is it ‘cause i patted your back a bit hard earlier?!?!?’
akaashi didn’t even bother to question how bokuto could think that a slap on the spine could lead to scratch marks and instead just replied normally, ‘no.’
bokuto was stumped once again- why else would his buddy have marks on his back? and why was (y/n) such a prominent name floating around in this changing room? doesn’t everyone know that she is taken by bokuto’s best-bro akaashi?
bokuto’s jaw hung open once again as his soul left his body through an overdramatic gasp, before leaning in and whispering in akaashi’s ear, ‘wait- don’t tell me- you and (y/n)-’
akaashi’s cheeks tinted red slightly so he turned his head away while he pulled on his blazer, ‘no.’
bokuto let out a light sigh of relief, gently patting his pal’s back, ‘ah, good. but then, where did those marks come from?’
before akaashi even got the opportunity to open his mouth to respond, komi and konoha passed the pair, konoha patting akaashi’s shoulder and komi shot him a toothy grin accompanied by a thumbs-up, ‘get some, akaashi.’
then they walked off, konoha mubbling something about his chances with (y/n) being ruined 
this left both bokuto and akaashi extremely confused
once all traces of komi and konoha were gone, akaashi proceeded to explain himself
‘backne is a horrible thing.’ he murmured, grabbing his satchel, slinging it over his shoulder before strolling out the changing room. ‘i’ll wait for you outside.’
and bokuto just stood there like (。_。) ‘what’s backne?’
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Shinsuke Kita
atsumu had invited the whole squad back to inarizaki for one last game before coach kurosu’s retirement 
after ages of arrangement, the whole team were able to make an appearance at the game - whether that be for 10 minutes or the whole thing
kita was able to stay for the whole thing
he was currently warming-up while chatting with aran before he was approached by atsumu, who was as lively as ever
‘mister rice farmer! it’s good to see you again!’ he sung, tossing his arm around kita’s shoulder and patting it in a friendly manner, ‘how’s life been treating ya?’
kita and atsumu somehow managed to make small-talk as if they hadn’t been apart for the last 6 years
‘me and my girlfriend have only been together for 6 months but i think i’m ready to settle down.’ atsumu mused, tapping his elbow before realising that he had been talking about himself for a while, ‘but anyway, i see that you and (y/n) are still going strong. haven’t y’all been together since the first year of highschool? that’s impressive! when are you gonna wife her up?’ 
kita perked up upon hearing that, ‘uh, yes. but how do you know that?’
atsumu couldn’t help but smirk, casually running a hand through his hair before motioning to the hickey on kita’s neck which was on semi-display, ‘right there, bud.’
kita looked down but unfortunately, his neck didn’t bend enough to see what atsumu was referring to 
‘also,’ atsumu chuckled, slightly embarrassed about what he was going to admit ‘i saw the pic of her you put on your facebook.’
‘ah, okay.’ that one kita could understand
atsumu was about to open this mouth to say something but then the shrieking noise of the coach kurosu’s whistle rang through the gym room, indicating the start of the match
the game went surprisingly smooth tbh 
minimal fights :o
but kita did get teased quite a lot smh 
anyway, after everything was all said and done and everyone started to filter out the gym, kita rushed to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror and see what atsumu was referring to on his neck
once he took a look at himself, he frowned
just as he thought, a hickey - that’s embarrassing
it was clear you made an effort to place hickeys in areas that would be hidden though as the bruise was barely peeking out from under the collar of his jersey, atsumu just has a rather keen eye 
however, that wasn’t going to stop kita from pounding you dry when he gets home - as a punishment ofc 
kita was about to leave but he couldn’t help but stay and stare at himself in the mirror for a bit longer, recalling last night as he wondered at what point you bit those onto his neck
was it during the 2nd round? or the foreplay? or perhaps the 4th round? wait- no- definitely during aftercare cuddles!..or actually, maybe the 1st round?
in all honesty, he couldn’t remember 
to him the whole night was a blur of pounding into you relentlessly, overstimulation, pleads for mercy, tears, passionate kisses and praise
with a sprinkle of daddy kink but let’s not talk about that
oh, and not to forget the way you’d call out his name just as you were about to reach your orgasm 
or your sweet, lewd whines that echoed through the room when he thrashes against your sensitive spot 
and don’t get him started on the cute little nicknames you have for him that squeal out through moans, like ‘daddy’, ‘master’, ‘sir’ etc 
kita snapped out of his fantasies, letting out a sigh and about to exit the bathroom- until he noticed himself in the mirror out of the corner of his eye
he was hard
smh smh smh 
now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place
(literally 🤠)
he could either potentially embarrass himself or cause an accident by walking to his car and driving home with a throbbing boner
or he could call you to help him jerk off in a bathroom stall
so he took a seat in one of the stalls - for the sake of the ppl he might run over if he did otherwise  
he rung you up and thankfully, you picked up and you weren’t feeling bratty enough to deny him the help he needed so badly
although it wasn’t a very pleasurable experience since he was constantly on hyper-alert just in case the janitor walked in, at least he got a lot of nostalgia from it :))
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Part 1
The only reason Denki got out of his school-issued bed this morning was thanks to the ever-handy alarm vibrating itself off of his bedside table and onto the floor, making itself out of reach.
He shivered when his foot hit the cold wooden floor, making him even colder. The blond picked up his phone and glanced at the time.
3:00 am
Denki stretched his arms up arching his back. Satisfied with now awake muscles, he headed to his bathroom.
He showered and brushed his teeth. His blond hair was now held back by some clips. Gone were his pajamas, replaced by an old t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and some shorts.
If you asked anybody in his class, they would say that his room is probably not cleaned, that it would be the epitome of a teenaged boys living space.
But that isn't the case with Kaminari. He like to keep everything nice and organized. Shelves for his books, yes he reads, more than you would think, fairy lights were pinned against the walls, just below the ceiling.
He likes order and the peace that comes with it.
Denki started his routine, a deep stretch to start off the day, first warmup the arms, the the legs and after his stretching finished it was 4:30.
He opened the door to his dorm room slowly, like normal. He would never forgive himself if he woke up a classmate at these ungodly hours of the morning.
He wandered down the hall and entered the stairwell.
Never skip leg day, he thought to himself, bouncing down the steps.
On the usual days, the common room and kitchen are empty. Sometimes the occasional Tokoyami or the resident embodiment of IcyHot. Or the insomniacs that spend all night in the common space, mainly Midoriya or Shinsou. He had always managed to slip by his classmates unnoticed.
But today it was just him by his lonesome. The large space was dark, the only light source was from the light pole outside.
Denki strolled over to the kitchen area. Today they had hero training which allowed him a small breakfast. He settled on a boiled egg. 90 cal, leaving 110 for dinner. He didn't eat lunch.
He ate in small bites, taking too long to chew each piece. Finishing his meal, Denki headed to the door, grabbing his running shoes and putting them on before leaving the building.
Things were hard the first few weeks of living here. He had to readjust his schedule to fit within the curfew the school enforced.
He couldn't leave any earlier 5 in the morning and 11 at night. It threw his running off for a while, him being used to midnight runs to burn off the stubborn fat that seemed to pile up in his thighs and stomach.
His run lasted 30 minutes, like always and he slipped back into the dorms. This time the commons was occupied by another, Iida Tenya.
He usually was back in his room before anyone else began their morning exercise, so Denki walked quietly, trying to avoid confrontation with the boy.
But like everything else in his life, he failed.
"K-kaminari! You frightened me. What are you doing this early?"
He froze. So far he's been able to keep up his "I'm lazy and never put effort into anything" facade. It's made it so much easier to keep attention off himself.
Think Denki.
He looked over at the class president and smiled, "Oh hey class prez! I was takin some pics of the sun rise for my insta! It's hella pretty, you should check it out." He said with a cheery voice then waved at the boy and left as fast as he could.
I hate talking to people, he thought.
Once back in the safety of his room he fetched a fresh school uniform and jumped in the shower, taking extra time to scrub his skin raw.
Now 6:45, he had an hour until he had to head to class.
He finished his homework from the night before, then plopped down on his bed and spent the remained of his morning scrolling through his tumblr feed, rebloging some thinspo he liked and some workout routines.
At 7:55 he left his room, knowing he was going to be late. But he doesn't care. He never paid any attention in class anyway.
Denki walked alone to class, and entered a few minutes after the bell rang.
Everyone paused and looked at him, today is so not going to be good.
With a blank stare he looked at his homeroom teacher. "Sorry Aizawa-sensei, I didn't wake up on time." And lazily walked to his desk and sat down.
Fuck. I shouldn't of eaten breakfast.
The day passes by without any other hiccups, so when the bell rang signaling that lunch had started, Denki felt a little better than he had earlier.
Kirishima walk up to the blonde like normal.
"Hey Kami, you ready to head out? Mina's gonna go with Bakugo to review for the quiz next period." He smiled at the boy and scratched his neck.
"Dude I totally forgot about that. Ugh I'll just wing it, ya know?" He flashed a brighter, faker, smile at the red head.
And with that the two boys left the room and made their way to the cafeteria. Denki walked to their table and saw Sero already seated and eating.
Denki sat in front of him and took his phone out, opening tumblr and scrolled through his dashboard.
After a few days minutes, Kirishima joined them with his lunch. Today was American style food, and Kirishima got a hamburger with fries.
Denki's mouth watered at the sight of the food until the smell hit him, making his stomach growl loud, but still quiet enough to be hidden by the noise of the room.
He grabbed his water bottle out of his bag and chugged the whole thing.
"Damn Kami, thirsty much?" Kirishima laughed at the boy. But Denki was to distracted by the rumble inside him. The want, the need to eat.
He opened the Google app on his phone and searched for calories in a hamburger.
354 calories, 154 over my limit.
Your fucking disgusting, Kaminari. You don't deserve that many calories. Such a waste.
Denki could feel this breath picking up. His surroundings blurred and his focus was on one thing.
Shit, why did I eat this morning? He thought. He looked at his wrists, they were so small and fragile in his uniform. He reached his hand to his collarbone and dragged his hand along the protruding bone. It felt so good.
But never good enough.
He thought that if he were to touch his thighs, he'd puke. So he settled for just looking.
He saw how much space they took up.
He saw how they touched when he sat down.
How disgusting.
He jumped when a hand was put on his shoulder. He looked at the appendage with shakey eyes. Kirishima.
"Hey bro are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while. You look pale, are you sick?" Denki saw. The furrowed brows, the worry in his eyes, the hesitation in his voice.
Denki stood up. And gathered his stuff.
"Tell sensei I don't feel good, I'm going to my room." The blonde said, then he ran out of the seeming even louder room.
He ran down the stairs to the first floor, breath wild, tunnel vision setting in. He ran past Bakugo and Mina, who finished their tutoring.
He reached the dorms and kicked his shoes off, not bothering to put them in their spot properly.
He didn't even remember the trip up to his room, doesn't remember locking the door behind him. He doesn't know how he ended up emptying his already empty stomach in the toilet.
He just remember the egg.
That's how the boy found himself a few hours later, passed out on the bathroom floor, the smell of bile still hanging in the air.
He got up of the floor and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was out of place from sleeping, but the bags under his eyes would speak for the quality of his rest.
He exited the bathroom and groggily walked into his dark room. He fetched his phone from his school bag and checked the time.
3:50 PM
That meant his classmates were done with classes and heading to the building, since hero training always ran late.
Speaking of training since he wasn't in class and couldn't participate, Denki still needed to burn off the calories from this morning.
It had been a while since he had worked out on his own, since hero class satisfied most of his exercise cravings. He scrambled through his desk got a bit before he found the paper.
There were 3 levels of routine he had written. The first was a light workout, the second was his previous daily one and the third was a super intense routine.
He decided on the latter.
He stretched for a warm up and began his workout.
Arms, abs, and legs he all work, pushing his body to the max and then some.
You need to work harder. You lazy piece of shit.
He drank more water, getting ready to repeat the list again when he heard a knock at his door.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to anyone." Denki thought. But the knocking persisted. He wiped his mouth and tried to collect his breathing.
He opened the door to the class president.
"Kaminari! I hope you are feeling better, Kirishima told us you felt ill? Please do take better care of yourself." The boy spouted.
He was too tired to be happy. How could he get through this?
"I'm sorry, Iida. I just need some rest and I'll be better." Denki said with blank eyes. He motioned to close the door but was stopped.
"You should talk to Kirishima, he's really worried about you." Iida adds. And with that the blue haired boy left.
Denki closed the door and returned to his exercise. Yeah right. Like someone as cool as Kirishima would worry about him.
When 6 rolled around, Denki ignored his phone when it lit up, indicating a new notification.
He knew it was the class group chat telling everyone that dinner was ready and that everyone should head to the commons.
Instead, the blond changed into a pair of loose sweatpants, which at this point everything was baggy on him and switched off all his lights.
Might as well go to sleep early, not like anyone needs me.
Something was wrong with Kaminari Denki.
Or that's what Kirishima had come to conclude.
These last few weeks of living in the dorms he had noticed a difference in his friend, but couldn't quite figure it out yet.
At first, he chalked it up to living in a new space, with 19 new neighbors. Everyone was a little apprehensive at first. But everyone had gotten used to the changes throughout the first 2 weeks.
But what happened during lunch was new. It was as if Kaminari was a different person.
But the thing Kirishima hated the most was the expression on his friends face.
He looked so...
Something is wrong with his best friend and he'll figure it out.
The question is whether he makes it in time.
I cant. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
His mouth tasted like old medicine and his stomach felt heavy. Already were tears bubbling in his eyes, threatening to break the tension and pour hot tears down his face.
Immediately he made way to the bathroom, delivering dry heaves into the toilet.
His limbs pinned him to the floor, like weights. His mind was too clouded to think or move. The only thing he could register before passing out was the tears spilling down his cheeks and rolled down his face with gravity.
The first thing he remembered when he woke up was that there was classes today.
Denki forces himself off the floor and back into his bedroom, a quick glance at his clock telling him it was well into the day, morning classes would be over soon.
"Fuck it I'll go to the afternoon classes then." He mutters. He throws on his uniform, reaching for his phone only to see the thing is dead.
Denki decided to just leave the phone and heads out.
He gets to the main building when the lunch bell rings, allowing hungry students to flood the halls. The blond waits outside for a bit to let the hallways clear out before starting his trip to the 1-A classroom.
Pleased to find the room empty, he takes his seat and decides to sleep until lunch was over.
In the quiet of the room, you could hear grumbling, a plea.
It's okay, he's not hungry.
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