#I made a post back in SEPTEMBER 2022 saying scar would be the mcyt tumblr sexyman. let apollo make my prediction come true
squish--squash · 2 years
I've seen people mention they want propaganda, SO I'LL GIVE THEM PROPAGANDA!
First point is this entire slideshow I made: https://www.tumblr.com/squish--squash/708473005838417920/ it mentions a good few points and I don't just wanna repeat what I've already said, so I HIGHLY suggest reading that first, bc this post is almost a continuation of it
So... why should you vote scar as the mcytblr sexyman, other than the aforementioned points? Well, I can give you many reasons!
(quick preface: aside from point 1, I'm talking about the characters, not the content creators! this will make sense of why I'm saying this on point 4...)
Scar hasn't campaigned he's in the finals. There is a chance scar will win the entire thing. AND HE HAS NOT CAMPAIGNED, OR EVEN MENTIONED IT. hell, there might be a chance he has no clue it's going on! I truly respect joe hills and their campaigning but c'mon. c'mon, you HAVE to give the tumblr sexyman crown to the guy who doesn't have a clue about the competition, it's just so fitting! AND HILARIOUS
Round 3 Round 3 was trench warfare for many contestants, scar included! we went up against TECHNOBLADE, and WON! Do y'all really wanna see the guy WHO DEFEATED TECHNOBLADE to wind up in SECOND PLACE? I know I wouldn't!
Joe Hills is too fucking cool to be a tumblr sexyman Look, if this tournament has taught me one thing, it's that joe hills is one of the coolest and most interesting people I've heard of. He's too cool, in fact. I know I prefaced this in my earlier post, but I wanted to break it down further here. Tumblr sexymen over the years have shared a vast difference of traits, but have ended up having a few qualities that are checked out by all of them. One of these traits? Being at least moderately pathetic. It's part of why they're tumblr sexymen in the first place; the people of tumblr love their blorbos to be at least a little pathetic! joe hills tho? I'm sorry but I can look in a thesaurus for antonyms of "pathetic" and it would be pictures of joe hills- JOE HILLS IS THE OPPOSITE OF PATHETIC, SHE IS SIMPLY TOO COOL
ships ahoy! smth that I've noticed in most, if not all tumblr sexymen, is that they're often shipped with either themselves and/or other people. Now, I don't know exactly how many people scar is shipped with, but I have seen him shipped with the following on this website: grian, cub, bdubs, ren, mumbo, himself (mayor!scar x captain angry eyes, on more than one occasion!!), and even during the polls I saw multiple people on my dash draw ship art of scar and schlatt during their battle. That is 7 alone, and I know there's possibility of there being a couple more out there.
villainous roles tumblr sexymen are well-known to be either canon villains or having morals that are quite gray. And scar has many villainous and/or morally gray roles. Here, I'll list some of them out! mayor!scar (lead of HEP, a villain to the mycelium resistance); captain angry eyes (villain to the hippies); wizard!scar (morally gray- he sells "magical crystals" to others that's just stained glass with 0 magical properties); hotguy & royal court!hotguy (morally gray- hotguy has shot both "villains" and regular people, and scar on the royal court was downright murderous, looking for anyone to kill for any reason, including the king)
smooth talker scar's a conman at heart (which can tie in with my previous point, actually). he's the type of guy that could talk me out of my own home and I wouldn't even be mad about it! I literally watched this man scam people out of their ARMOUR in third life. There's a reason he was able to sell those "magic crystals". And while this isn't a trait you see in all your tumblr sexymen, I think it's a trait that makes scar one of the best candidates for being mcytblr's sexyman
competent, but not too competent this ties into something I mentioned in point 3. the people of tumblr love their blorbos and sexymen to be at least a little pathetic. They also love for them to be threading the line of being both competent and incompetent. Like, these characters can draft up magnificent plans, but those plans are gonna end up failing so bad in due time because of some obvious detail they were missing. and scar is literally that character. He is 100% that guy who would land the sickest mlg-water bucket and then kill himself accidentally to something ridiculous about a minute and a half later.
thank you for coming to my TED talk. now, hopefully you know what to do now (vote for scar)
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