#I loved the episode btw!!!!!!!!!! waiting for it to sink in rn
mayomkun · 9 months
Happy for like 5 minutes before dread sets in
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goldensmilingbird · 8 months
Cool cartoons I'm excited about
So while I was on my search, I went through some animation magazines and trailer compilations and stuff and found a bunch of interesting projects that I just want to infodump about.
The first one is the one I'm most excited about, Voro.
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Synopsis: "Lily is a talented young novice who dreams of becoming a master thief. Unfortunately, because she is young and puny (and a girl), the guildmaster assigns her only most trivial missions. However, during one of these quests, Lily finds herself at the centre of a battle between several ancient cults, worshipping entities who have been long forgotten… In order to prevent the world from sinking into chaos, the teenager will have to find a series of occult artefacts during quests that will make her question her own ethics. She will have to make crucial choices of allegiance – even going against her old mentor Seamus!"
It's a show aimed at young adults, based on a finnish comic of the same name (though in translation it's called Lily the Thief) and it's gonna have 16 episodes of 26 minutes. Btw, the comic looks like this
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The director says they're making the show for slightly more mature audience than the comic and so they wanted to make the style more cinematic and realistic and also age up the characters a bit. Also they're planning to make a videogame, so that's fun.
I found out that the author of the comic, Janne Kukkonen, is on tumblr (he is @/kukez) though he doesn't post often. Idk what he is up to rn but he previously said that, while writing Voro, he accidentally spiraled into making a whole other story ("Raivotar" which means Fury) that's more gritty in comparison to Voro being pretty lighthearted, so I'm interested in what comes out of that too. Also I'm trying to buy a used copy of Lily the Thief rn because it looks cute and I want to know more about this girl already.
The second one is Shepherdess Warriors.
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Synopsis: "The sto­ry takes place in a small medieval vil­lage, nest­ed at the heart of a green val­ley by the sea. Only women, chil­dren and elder­ly peo­ple live in this village, as all men were recruit­ed to join the Great War in a dis­tant land. They left ten years ago and nev­er came back. Nobody knows what hap­pened to them. To protect and defend the village, women had to step up and decided to cre­ate the Order called “The Shep­herdess War­riors”. Mol­ly, our lead char­ac­ter, is a young girl, who nev­er knew her father. At 10-years-old, she is now old enough to start her train­ing as a shep­herdess war­rior, an apprenticeship she's been waiting to start for a long time…"
Also based on a comic, but this time French one. Sadly, looks like it wasn't translated into my language. But the animation looks amazing and the concept's fun. It's gonna have 13 half-hour episodes. Also Molly strongly reminded me of Kelsey from Craig of the Creek (who is 9 and daydreams about being a fantasy hero) and I love that for her.
Third one is The Monsters Valley.
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Synopsis: "Ellis is a common teenager who, apparently in an accidental way, touches a magic orb and acquires a power that allows him to control fire. At that moment, he starts being chased by strange creatures who want to take advantage of his power. Ellis, overwhelmed by the situation, asks Blanchet, his childhood friend, for help. Together they will enter into this dreadful and wicked world to try to find a way for Ellis to get rid of his power without knowing that fate has another plan for both of them".
This is gonna be an original Spanish series, not based on anything, aimed at teens and young adults. The creator is already planning five seasons (13 episodes of 25 minutes) and wants to expand to other stuff, like videogames, films or novels. (Damn, that's ambitious) He also says the show "proposes a journey of the hero from an adult point of view, with gray characters, battles, magic and blood".
Beyond the teaser and this interview, I found a link to a now privated video called "The Monsters Valley developing footage" from 8 years ago, twitter and facebook accounts made for the show that were only active in 2019, a link to a site that my browser says is fake and probably dangerous and a studio website that's just a logo and a contact link. So I just kept hitting dead ends with this thing. Then I suddenly found show's creator twitch? Good luck to this guy, honestly, he seems passionate.
There are more interesting projects, like The Tern, for example, but for now these are the top three I wanted to highlight.
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nostalgicsenpai · 6 years
live blogging SU
(S5, ep 18 - 20. I've been catching up on season 5, I think I've managed to stay away from spoilers for the most part, except the BIG one. Because it's everywhere. But since it's confusing as shit I think I'm still gonna be surprised by the who/what/when/how/why of it all.)
pearl is my mom texting me
another pearl inside pearl! it's a pearl gem nesting doll!!
wait, is pearl's consciousness using her cell phone or something?
"I'm very good at compartmentalizing everything" NO SHIT. how do I quantify this understatement??
The fuck is happening rn
"If this is really my world" "I cant exactly shatter myself" That's the thing!!! It's happening!!! Omg. Rose you lovely dumb bitch what u up to
The amount pearl has been repressing hahaha
They didn't knooooww
gem family drama time!!!
*skips over intro* JUST GIVE ME THE DRAMA
Oh. No
sapphire bb ;_;
"How our relationship was based on a lie? What else is there to say" sapphire NO
I love pink diamond but she's problematic xD
pink: 'I like earth and the humans on it tho!' Blue, probably: 'Aw ok hun I'll make you a zoo, sounds good yeah??'
Omg rose about fusion "HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS?!" She into it
Sap: "How could she not after you swept her off her feet?" Steven:"you took her on a whirlwind tour of earth and then she wanted to live with you forever" Sap: "That's just how I felt when I came here with ruby"
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My Rose/Pearl shipping ass taking note:
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EPISODE 20 let's GO
Amethyst is the worst babysitter xD
Pearl watching her ship being hit, possibly sinking, in realtime is so accurate "YOU TWO ARE INCREDIBLE TOGETHER IT CAN'T BE OVER"
Amethyst's priorities yeesh
The-they check the ocean FIRST?
Amethyst better be playing me like "I SEEM chill but I'm actually freaking out the most and I'm repressing all negative feelings and covering it with a thin layer of nonchalance bc we all know I deal with things that upset me VERY POORLY also I kinda get it because Im still not processing the rose/pink diamond thing lolololol" Or else in gonna be pissed
Pizza n therapy go hand in hand
Oh here it comes
No Steven. No. Amethyst is not ok bro. Obviously
Steven get in the choppa!!
Serious Steven went to school to become Therapist Steven
Aww. She growing ;-;
"I think you're the most mature crystal gem" amethyst "oooh noooo, gross!"
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