#I loved making this fanfic and please send in more limp bizkit requests cuz I love writing for Fred
korn-dogz · 1 year
Fred Durst x quiet reader ( I’m sorry if that’s not enough context)
I think this would be super cute!!!!
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Summary: you’re too shy to come up to fred so he comes up to you
WARNING: nothing :)
You had been apart of limp bizkits staff for about 7 months, your job was to make sure everything was working, the sound, the speakers, the mic, etc… sometimes you took care of Fred’s dog when he took his dog on tour. You’re glad that Fred trust you enough to take care of his dog, it made you two closer, but he was always the one talking to you, you were always nervous to go up to him
They were on tour as usual, and you were checking the sound system backstage when you heard whispering behind you, you secretly looked back and saw it was the band, they weren’t loud but you could hear them, it’s almost like they wanted you to hear them, you listened into their conversation
Wes: dude you’re such a pussy, I’m pretty sure she’s just a quiet person if you ask her out she’ll agree, trust me
John: yeah dude! she’s just a shy person, I think she feels like same way about you
Fred: so should I ask her out? Or just tell her how I feel and then ask her out?
Wes: tell her how you feel and then ask her out, I don’t think she’ll get the hint if you just ask her out
Fred: ok I’m going to up to her now
John: that’s my boy! Go get em
You hear the conversation finish and now you hear footsteps coming toward you, you’re thinking fast and figured they were talking about you, I mean, who else is could it be? You pretend not to notice Fred coming up to you as you feel his hand grab your shoulder, you turn around and see it’s Fred still holding on to your shoulder by his tatted arm. It’s something you always admired about Fred, his tattoos, you always stared at them sometimes he caught you staring at his tattoos, he never got offended he liked the way you stared at his tattoos
“You like em?” Fred had noticed you were staring at his tattoos “huh? Oh sorry… I didn’t mean to stare" you were cursing yourself out in your head because he noticed you “but yeah… I like them” you smiled and looked down to your lap “yeah? I’m glad you liked them” fuck… his voice was so hot. Fred continued to talk about his tattoos to you, even lifting up his shirt to show you his tattoos on his chest, you were too busy admiring his chest to admire the tattoos on his chest, god, you hoped he didn’t notice. During him showing you his tattoos he’d get closer to you and think you didn’t notice, which you did but you didn’t mind being close to him, you didn’t talk while he was talking about his tattoos, because you liked hearing his voice and him…
End of flashback
“Um, so i actually really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, just you and me” he was rubbing the back of his neck and had his dorky smile on, your mind was racing and you quickly responded not believing that he just asked you that “of course! I mean… I’d love to go out with you Fred” you quickly corrected yourself as you didn’t wanna come off desperate "great! I’ll see you soon” he smiled at you and walked away. You watched him walk out and your mouth was slightly open, *did he just fucking ask me that???? Am I dreaming??* you thought to yourself as you turned back around to continue doing your job, even when you tried to concentrate on your work, your mind wouldn’t stop thinking about him, his smile, his voice, the way he talked to you, you blushed thinking about it
It was time for Fred and the guys to go on stage, you could hear the crowd roar with excitement, they were about 3 songs in, they just finished their 3rd song when Fred paused and said ”I….I have a date with a beautiful girl tonight, so this song is for her, cause it’s her favourite limp bizkit song” cue, the intro to counterfeit starts playing *holy shit! Fred you beautiful bastard!* the crowd started screaming and you didn’t take your eyes off of time the entire time he played, you didn’t even know he knew that your favourite song was counterfeit. They finished their show and Fred thanked the crowd for showing up, they went off stage and got some water and towels to dry themselves off, you didn’t want to bombard him after he finished his show so you stayed back so he could relax
But just as you were finishing some paperwork you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and see it’s no one other then Fred "I um, I appreciate what you did on stage for me.. no one has ever done that kind of thing for me…” you looked down and twiddled with your thumb in your pocket, Fred’s finger lifted your chin up and was made to look at him “you’re cute when you’re shy” your lips trembled as you got flustered and didn’t know what to say "I was thinking, we could ditch this place and you could come over to my place instead” he was bold! Very bold. Next thing you know it, you two are making out in a part of the backstage that no one can see, he was so handsome and you couldn’t wait to go to his place for some more of him
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