#I love you waffles 💜🫶🏼
I love you, but my opinion is you over think, you stress yourself out, it sucks, but I promise it’s okay, you are okay
Oh waffles 😭😭 oh my beloved captain…🥹
I do admit I was about to say “it’s not that bad” and realised it truly is…very much that bad 💀💀
I really needed this
I’m glad to say that I’ve been making some improvements lately.
Thank you my dear💜🌸 I love you tons 😭
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onemorecoffeeee · 2 years
Hi there! I've just discovered your work and have been savouring your Cobert fics over the last couple of days. I'm so excited for Flux! I'm invested in every version of 'cora doesn't lose the baby' that's ever been written, but yours might be my favourite so far, you've done such a lovely job filling in the moments we never got on the show, seamlessly integrating everything into canon scenes, and keeping the dialogue and writing true and Downton-esque, while also giving us the perfect amount of lovely cobert fluff! Thank you very much and I can't wait for the next chapters!!
Oh my goodness, this is so sweet of you! Thank you so much 💜 This is such a huge encouragement, you have no idea 🥹 I am very self-conscious about my writing (especially as I’ve just come back to it after a two year break) and I always feel like I write too many scenes, have too much dialogue or just waffle too much…since I seem to be incapable of writing a chapter that’s less than 6k words 😅 I often look at other people’s gifs and think ‘oh, they’ve got more favourites, or more reviews, maybe I should write more like them’ but I have reminded me that I should write in my style and the way that I want to 🫶🏼 I am so, so glad to hear that you like all the detail and all the extra scenes! I love Downton, but I have always wished some of the scenes could have been longer or we could have some more insight into what goes on besides the drama, especially where Cobert is concerned. I also feel like the Cora pregnancy story was too rushed and we didn’t get nearly enough detail regarding it, and so I wanted to make that storyline a lot more fleshed out. I am so glad to hear that you think I have achieved that and that you like it 🥰 Thank you again for all of your encouraging words - they are a huge source of motivation for me - I have planned out the next two characters of Flux and I will hopefully have the next one written some time next week x
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