#I love them together with allllll my heart like how cute they're made for each other <333333333333
interstellarlyinlove · 4 months
Established Relationship (May 20th)
word count: 683
“What do you mean? What’s there not to like about summer?” Sirius asks, looking at Remus from above the book he’s reading. The book the both of them are reading, actually, except Remus is a quicker reader so now he has to wait until Sirius finishes to be able to talk to him about it. 
“The stickiness of it all,” Remus says, resting his head on Sirius’ shoulder and closing his eyes. They’re sitting under their favorite tree near the Black Lake and today is their last day in Hogwarts until next September. Sirius is spending the summer with Remus and his family. 
“When else am I going to spend my days eating ripe fruit and wearing too-short shorts? Summer is great.”
Remus smiles. “Sure. If you say so. You're burnt for three months straight, though.”
“I would’ve been too powerful if I had the ability to tan and not burn.”
Remus laughs. “Yeah, that does make me feel better about you being unfairly gorgeous. At least you can’t tan.”
“The universe gave me a boyfriend that tans beautifully though, so I’m not complaining.” Sirius looks at Remus. “You’re unfairly gorgeous.”
Remus’ favorite thing in all the universe is Sirius complimenting him. Still, he makes a face. “Gross.”
Sirius closes his book. Remus raises an eyebrow. “You are never going to finish that book, Godric. I swear you have until tomorrow before I spoil it for–”
“What do you want to do?” Sirius asks, kissing Remus’ cheek. 
Remus blinks. “Like, right now? I want to read to you, maybe make out a little bit, you know how it is.”
Sirius laughs Remus’ favorite laugh. “Sure. I mean, I’d love to. I just meant, like, later. Like, next summer.”
“Next summer?”
“There’s no more Hogwarts after next summer.”
“Ah,” Remus says. Next year is their last at Hogwarts. “That’s a little terrifying, isn’t it?”
“A little.”
“I think I’d like to teach,” Remus says, then he flushes. “I mean, if I could. A werewolf teacher sounds pretty horrible, doesn’t it?”
Sirius flicks Remus’ temple. “I hate it when you say things like that. You’d be an amazing teacher. Academia looks too good on you, moonstone.”
Remus might die. Having Sirius believe in him even more than he believes in himself is something that is so dear to his heart. He wants to tell Sirius this but he flicks Sirius’ temple instead. “You’re sweet. You’d be an amazing healer.”
Sirius looks at him funny. “How do you know what I want to do, and I don’t know that about you?”
“I’m a better boyfriend,” Remus says, grinning. “Also, everyone knows everything about you because you are a professional blabbermouth.”
“I am not.” 
“It’s cute.”
“I do not talk a lot,” Sirius says. “I will take a vow of silence right now.”
Remus laughs. “Don’t! Your blabbering is my favorite thing about you.”
“How romantic,” Sirius says. His voice is monotone but Remus knows he’s trying not to laugh.
“I’m excited about living with you. After school”
“You want to live with me?” Sirius asks, and he sounds sincere. 
“No, I don’t, actually,” Remus says, and he flicks Sirius’ temple again because how can he not? “Don’t be stupid. Who else would I live with?”
Sirius’ smile is the sun. “I love that you love me. It’s my favorite thing.”
Remus’ heartstrings tug. “Why do you say things like that? Godric.” He pauses. “You loving me is my favorite thing, too. Whatever.”
“We need to learn how to break into vaults.”
“I need to steal some of my family’s money. Really. I wasn’t thinking about buying a flat before getting disowned. I should’ve toned it down a little bit. Did you know I officially got disowned on a stupid Tuesday night while making new paper from old scraps of paper? It’s a whole thing where you shred it and then dunk it in water and wet tiny scraps of paper have such a weird texture. Anyway, It came out of nowhere, really. The disowning, not the paper making.”
Remus laughs. “You are such a blabbermouth.”
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