#I love the idea of adelaide in a mom role
neko-sufis-world · 2 years
Ugh! Look what have you done now, Mr. Bosco. You made those girls crying non-stop. Traumatized of you. You're such a disappointment. 😒💢
-Neko-Sufi to Davis Bosco while she's pointing to Lola, Lana and Adelaide who's crying because they're trauma
Yup. Even you love little girls so much. But, this one, too much. Why? All you do is giving such a stupidest goddamn ideas of your roleplay! And even say any characters or animals move into Loud House which are FALSE! Ouh! Another thing, my real life self's sister told their mom about this. Wanna know what's next? Their mother starts to feel disgusting on you. Why? Because you're a *Beep*. Because you said you love little girls sooooooo much. 😒💢
-Usagi-Ijah to David Bosco
Yeah! And the reason is "Because they are so cute!" 🙄 Like what the f*ck?! It's sound like creepy and gross! Even we're okay some guy playing little girls, but they play with them just a little bit! Not much just like you! You playing with them too much than before! Never do something boy's stuff! 😠💢
-Akira Halilintar to David Bosco
Yeah. Besides your role-plays are so boring and gross. Because it's always featuring about you, Lola, Lana and Adelaide! Even giving some stupid plot which some of your plots not true. And thanks a lot! You made Neko and Rama's real life selves stress and upset and angry. 😑💢
-Gegergirl Solar to David Bosco
Even you say "Let's do the roleplay to make smile" WHEN NEKO'S REAL LIFE'S SELF IS ACTING NORMAL!!! AND WHEN SHE'S HAVING BAD DAY, YOU SAID "Let's do the roleplay to make you feel better" WHEN SHE CAN MAKE HERSELF FEEL BETTER BU WATCHING TV OR DOING SOMETHING!!! 😠💢
-Akira Blaze to David Bosco
Not only that, everytime you roleplay with one of them, and they're roleplay eachother. You tell one of them said "I'm waiting for you patiently". Are you sure you're waiting patiently? Sound like you're not at all. You're not patient. 😒💢
-Boboiboy Gempa to David Bosco
And you're toooooooooo misunderstanding so much about everything.
-Boboiboy Taufan to David Bosco
And uncanceled the roleplay which Neko's real life said she wants to cancel the roleplay with you because she wants to go to her uncle's house 😒💢
-Boboiboy Halilintar
-Gegergirl Blaze to Boboiboy Halilintar when she knows what David Bosco uncancelled the roleplay which Neko's real life self told him to cancel
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tveitertotwrites · 6 months
3, 16, 22 for pairing(s) of your choice.
Hey! Thanks for the questions! I am going to be answering for all of my pairings!
3). Quickies vs. Planned Sex - thoughts?
Brooklyn and Thomas: It depends on what is going on. Like when Brooklyn is doing theater and Thomas is either visiting for a weekend off of a film set or is living with her for the time, they might have some quickies between shows (if they have enough time with everything that needs to be done). They do like to plan out their sex sometimes but they also think that quickies are easier.
Claire and Ethan: A lot of their sex is planned but sometimes they will have quickies, usually when they work opposite shifts and only have about an hour where they overlap.
Adelaide and Tobias: Same as Ethan and Claire.
Charlie and Derek: At the beginning of their relationship, it was a lot of quickies but slowly started becoming more planned. When either of them are out working, then it goes back to quickies a lot but it is a mix.
16). What is their least favorite/most embarrassing sexual encounter?
Brooklyn and Thomas: Brooklyn's most embarrassing sexual encounter was just after high school. She was casted in a play made by one of her classmates in high school and she played a character who had to simulate sex on stage. It wasn't that embarrassing until her family insisted watching the show. Thomas' least favorite sexual encounter was when he first entered the hollywood scene. He had a one night stand with an extra from a movie he had briefly been asked to watch the making of.
Claire and Ethan: Claire's least favorite sexual encounter was with a guy she met her first semester in college and lost her virginity with. Ethan's was the last time he had sex with "Hopkins Girl".
Adelaide and Tobias: Adelaide's least favorite sexual encounter was with her boyfriend Ryan Stevens, he made her leave his house not long after she initiated sex because he had the girl he was cheating on Adelaide with coming over. Tobias' least favorite sexual encounter was when Ethan saw him and "Hopkins Girl" having sex.
Charlie and Derek: Charlie's least favorite sexual encounter was her rebound after dating Cora Tyler (her ex-girlfriend). The person she was with had no idea what to do but didn't want any help. Derek's most embarrassing sexual encounter was when he lost his virginity and he thought the house was empty but his ended up mom walking in.
22). Favorite thing/part about sex - intimacy, role-playing, etc.?
Brooklyn and Thomas: They both love the intimacy of it all.
Claire and Ethan: Everything, intimacy, rp, bonding, etc.
Adelaide and Tobias: Role-play.
Charlie and Derek: The feelings they have after, the intimacy, bonding, etc.
Any other questions?
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lilwritingraven · 4 years
Searching for Hope
Part Four
John Seed x Female Deputy/OC
Summary: After her encounter with John, Audry seeks refuge amongst some fellow friends.
Trigger Warnings: Verbal Abuse
Notes: I want to thank @proudspires for beta reading this and making sure it doesn’t sound crazy! And thank you to everyone who has been reading this series and leaving comments. It really makes my day!
She was back in the water, each wave lapping across her thighs. Still dressed in her old black tank and green cargo pants, a favorite of hers these days. Her shoes were gone, toes curling in the sand.
What held her attention, however, was the figure shadowed by the blinding headlights of the van. She could tell who it was, even before he spoke.
“Worthless.” Worthless. Worth less. W o r t h l e s s. The words echoed as a whisper, floating in the air around her. “Stupid.” Stupid. Stu pid. S t u p i d. She cried out, each word a punch to her gut.
“Please, stop,” she wailed, taking a step back into the water, hand flying to her chest.
“Look at yourself. Getting knocked up by some cultist? I knew you were a low life nothing.” Nothing, noth ing, n o t h i n g.
“No-“ She was gasping, unable to catch her breath.
“You’ll never be a good mother.” Audry clenched her eyes shut, hands covering her ears.
“Shut up!” Tears fell, dripping into waves. “You don’t know anything!”
She was alone when she opened her eyes, cloaked in darkness. The van had disappeared along with him. Her father.
She sensed John before he spoke, his hand brushing lightly over her shoulder. “Audry.” His voice was light, humming her name in the way she liked. She leaned against his chest, head resting against his cheek. His hand curled around, resting lightly against the base of her throat. Slowly, agonizingly, getting tighter. “You’ll never be free.”
Alarm rang through her, any thoughts of escape flying out the window as his other arm came around her waist. He pushed the hem of her shirt up, fingers splaying against the skin of her stomach. “John, please���” She was always begging him these days, it seemed.
“You’re mine now.” His lips came to rest on her temple, speaking the words to her mind. “This child, our child, will need somebody to protect it.” Her heart sank, his laugh vicious. “World knows you can’t do it.”
She struggled again, but John held tight. “Leave me alone!” Desperate. She was desperate to get away. She couldn’t handle being held down, brought back too many memories of-
She was yanked awake, opening her eyes to bright lights and a face- someone standing over her, holding her down. “Audry, you need to sit still!” She knew him, had last seen him when…
“Amazing Grace-“
“Sheriff?” The shock of it was enough to send her falling back against the bed, chest heaving. Stood above her, hands on her shoulders, was Whitehorse. He was looking down at something. Someone, she realized. Someone who was pulling a string through her side.
“There we go.” His voice was rough, as familiar as her own. It brought tears to her eyes.
Audry reached up, fingers wrapping around his. “I thought- I was so worried you had-“ He looked back to her, features softening.
“Listen child, there will be time for catch up later. Right now, there’s more pressing issues. How far along are you?” It made no sense; how did he know? Audry gaped at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“But, when, how did you?”
“Pastor Jeffries informed us. Good thing too, the adrenaline alone would have killed that poor thing in there.” The look he gave was so tender Audry found herself squirming away, remnants of her dream still floating in her peripherals.
“I was 7 weeks when John-“ the words choked her, for reasons other than what Whitehorse had guessed.
He squeezed her shoulder, trying to be comforting. “He doesn’t know where you are. He won’t be a problem anymore.” Not true.
“Where am I?”
“The Henbane. We’ve taken up refuge at the prison, but don’t worry yourself with that.” He grunted as he stood, nodding at the woman stitching her side. “For now, you rest. You’ve got some healing to do.”
She could have told him that the last thing she wanted was to go back to her dreams, but it somehow didn’t seem important. Before he could leave, she grasped at his sleeve. “Please, can you call Adelaide?”
He paused, grimacing just a moment before allowing a small nod. “I’ll do what I can.”
Adelaide Drubman was more of a mother to Audry growing up than her own had been. So, when she came storming through the prison into the makeshift hospital, Audry could have cried with relief. She ignored the pain the pull of her stitches caused to give the older woman the hug she herself wanted.
And Adelaide never disappointed.
“Audry, I swear you’re trying to give me a heart attack. What’s this I hear about you getting captured and nearly killed by John Seed?” Her hands were all over Audry, pulling her shirt up, inspecting every square inch she could get her hands on.
“Addie, please,” Audry didn’t think her face could burn any brighter, looking at the other infirmary patients. Grabbing Addie’s hands, she brought her attention back. “Please. I need to talk to you. Somewhere,” her eyes glanced around the room again. “More private.”
Addie was not sensitive about privacy. “Audry, you don’t need to be modest with them. I’m sure they’ve all seen their fair share of boobs, penis’ and vaginas. Now come on, let me see the damage.”
Audry had been wrong; her face did get hotter. “Addie! That’s not what I meant, please.” She pulled them both towards the back room, where the makeshift doctor was residing.
“Alright darlin’, anything you need. You, out.” Addie pointed at the doctor/veterinarian. He scrambled away, smart enough not to make an argument. She sat Audry down and waited patiently, giving her full attention.
Audry swallowed, looking around the room to try and find her nerve. “I need- What I mean is- It’s like…” She let out a grunt, frustrated with herself. “I’m… I’m pregnant-“
“You’re what-“
“And John is the father.” Audry finished, cutting Addie off. The other woman leapt from her chair, sending it tumbling behind her. Audry looked down at her hands, despair pulsing through her veins. “I thought I could just continue fighting, just be, I don’t know, careful? But…” She released her breath, the strands of her hair flying into the air.
Addie was rooted to the spot, gaping at Audry. “Now, darlin’ I know you know how to use protection. Hell, I was the one who gave you your first condom!”
“Addie-“ Audry’s face grew horrified, but the older girl continued on.
“So, please, explain to me how this happened.” She folded her arms over her chest, looking down her nose at Audry; a look Audry had gotten many times growing up. She may not have been her mother by blood, but that never stopped Adelaide Drubman.
Audry bit her lip, playing with her fingernails. “I, um, might have been just a little, teensy, tiny bit… drunk…” She flinched at her own words, feeling the stupidity welling to the surface. “It didn’t pass my mind.”
“Audry,” And Addie laughed. “Was he really that good in the sack? That you couldn’t even stop to put on a condom?”
Audry did not want to be having this conversation. “Adelaide, please. There are more pressing matters than- than how good he was in bed.” Yes, her face was on fire. No, she would never live this conversation down. “How am I supposed to help, to save Burke, and Joey, and… and-“ She hadn’t thought about him since this all started, and shame ripped her open. “Oh my gosh, Staci!”
Addie grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up and into a hug as the sobs racked her body. “Shh, honey. It’s not your fault. I can help you. I’ll call my nephew, and have my bastard ex-husband send Hurk Jr. out here to help. You’re not alone in this.” Addie pushed the hair behind her ear, wiping a stray tear from her honeyed eyes.
“I- I don’t know if it will help. What if John finds out? Joseph seems to have a pretty good idea. They’re probably looking for me right now!” Panic rose like bile in her throat, threatening to overwhelm her. She gripped onto the older woman’s shirt like a lifeline. “I can’t be trapped with them. I can’t be owned by them.”
“That will never happen.” It was rare to hear Addie snarl, which is probably what made it that much more frightening. “Nothing will happen to you. I won’t let you leave my side.”
Audry looked up at the woman, eyes searching hers, nerves calming slightly. Slowly, her fingers began to relax. “Okay. Okay, I trust you.”
At that, Adelaide grinned. “What’s not to trust, darlin’?”
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dcbbw · 5 years
(last one, I promise!) Rachel prompt 28 - I'm alone and I just bought $15 in candy bars. What do you think?
Thanks so much for the ask, @zaffrenotes! I am using the DC Crew for this full-blown fic;  in the first chapter of Aftermath of a Breakup, the gang did not see each other over the Christmas Break. This is what they were doing instead of hanging out……
Prompt is in bold. Please excuse any typos and/or grammatical errors.
All characters belong to Pixelberry except Alyssa Devereaux; she belongs to @burnsoslow and is used with permission.
Song Inspiration: January, Millie Lee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3pIWpdzs2A
December 23
Riley stood in the feminine care aisle of her neighborhood CVS, braless under a tank top. Her sweatpants were loose around her waist and baggy everywhere else. She wore flip flops on her feet. Her hair was bushy and uncombed.
It was 12 degrees outside. She wore no coat.
Riley was not having a joyous holiday season. Ever since Drake Walker broke up with Riley at Target…her Target….life had not been good.
At work, her raise request had been turned down, and the Christmas bonus she received instead had been miniscule; while Maxwell used his bonus to pay off his credit cards, Riley was calculating how she could squeeze a dinner out and a tube of the new Bobbi Brown lipstick out of hers.
She wasn’t sleeping and was stress eating; her cart so far was filled with king sized chocolate bars, bags of some off-brand Cajun trail mix, and pints of ice cream.
If dealing with heartbreak and being broke wasn’t enough, Riley had a yeast infection, which is why she was now indifferently perusing her options for treatment. She tossed a box in the cart, and after a moment of thought, tossed in a box of Summer’s Eve as well.
As she dragged her feet up the aisle towards the cashier, she saw her Nosy Neighbor, Zack, headed her way. Inwardly, Riley rolled her eyes. The last person she wanted to see was anyfuckingbody. She mustered a tired smile and greeted her neighbor quickly.
“Riley, Riley, Riley! All set for Christmas?” Zack asked cheerfully.
Riley looked at him through slit eyes. Do I look ready for Christmas? Her tone, however, was neither sullen nor depressed, so she patted herself on the back for that.
“Just gonna be a quiet day for me”.
She eased past Zack towards the front of the store, hoping that was the end of the conversation. However, her neighbor followed behind her, still chatting. Riley tuned him out.
At the register, Riley pulled her items out of her cart, setting them on the counter. Zack reviewed her purchases, his eyes growing wide.
“Are you okay, Riley? That’s a lot of sugar!”
Riley kept her eyes on the counter, watching as the cashier swiped each item. “I don’t know, Zack. My boyfriend broke up with me less than three weeks ago. I’m alone and just bought $15 in candy bars. What do you think?”
Another candy bar was swiped. “Oh, my bad. $18 worth of candy bars.”
“I’m sorry, Riley”, Zack said softly. “You know, the church is having a dinner. You’re welcome to come.”
A sad smile crossed Riley’s lips. “Thanks, Zack. That’s very thoughtful of you.”
The cashier gave Riley her total; she dug in her pocket for her credit card.
Her card declined.
With a confused look, Riley ran the card two more times. Each time, it declined. The line behind her grew longer and a bit more impatient.
Riley couldn’t believe that on top of EVERYTHING ELSE, her card was freaking declining. To add insult to injury, it was the one with the highest credit limit.
Zack took out his card. “I got it, Riley. You can pay me back whenever.”
With tears in her eyes, Riley gathered her purchases and ran out the door.
“Merry Christmas, Zack!” she called over her shoulder in a broken voice.
Olivia x Max
Maxwell was stretched out on his couch, wearing nothing but his pajama pants. He was firing up the blunt he had just rolled. He inhaled deeply, feeling the acrid smoke fill his lungs. He exhaled with a deep sigh and smiled up at Olivia, who was straddling his lap.
Her hair was loose and fell in soft waves to her shoulders. She was wearing Maxwell’s pajama top and a lacy thong.
“Do you think we smoke too much weed?” he asked with a frown.
“It’s CHRISTMAS! Green is the color of the Christmas”, Olivia responded.
“So is red”, Maxwell countered.
Olivia clutched the bottle of merlot in her hand and held it aloft. “Which is why we have this baby!” she giggled.
The couple exchanged kisses between tokes and pulls at the wine bottle.
“You’re a Queen, you know”, Maxwell murmured against her skin.
Olivia shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
“You are!”, Maxwell insisted. He motioned for Olivia to get off him; when she did, he sat up, his gaze fixed on the scenery outside their living room window.
“We could live in this place far away. Cordonia! That’s its name! We could all live there! Be royals and nobles and shit.”
Olivia exhaled. “And what would we do there?”
“Noble shit! The guys would walk around with ivory tipped canes and wear monocles. And the ladies would wear fancy dresses and sip tea all day.”
“What roles would we have?”
Maxwell thought as he swigged wine. “Drake would definitely be a Duke. Of a real masculine sounding place…like Ramsford!
Madeleine would be noble but barely…. she’d be like a Baroness or a Countess or something. Her place would have a weird name.”
“Valtoria!” Olivia proclaimed.
“Riley…. she’s a Duchess for sure. Of Fydelia!”
“She could change the name to Rydelia!”
“Liam…. he’s like a Lord or something. Of Krona.”
Olivia frowned. “Krona sounds too masculine. You should make Drake Duke of Krona, and Liam the Lord of Ramsford.”
Her green eyes took in Maxwell. “And what about you?”
Maxwell thought. He reached for the blunt. “I don’t think I’m Duke material. I would probably be a Lord or something. Of Lythikos! There would be mountains and snow and stuff so I could ski and sled year-round.”
“And what about me?” Olivia demanded as she reached for the wine bottle.
Maxwell’s arm went around her shoulder as he pulled her closer. “You’re the Queen, my dear.”
“Who’s my King?”
“Bertrand. He’s the King.”
“Over my dead fucking body!” Olivia swatted Maxwell’s thigh.
“You two could have an arrangement or something. A Cordonian arrangement! And I, the Lord of Lythikos, would be your most loyal servant.”
Olivia stood, stretching her lithe body. “Well, come along, loyal servant; we have gifts to wrap before the munchies overtake us.”
Leo x Madeleine
“What can we take that won’t trigger Mother?” Madeleine asked as she and Leo wandered Whole Foods.
They were spending Christmas Eve with her mother, who was a newly recovering alcoholic. Adelaide had been sober a little over thirty days. Madeleine picked up a carton of egg nog; it had alcohol in it. She searched for a non-alcoholic version.
“Your mother drank anything that had liquor in it and made sure it did have alcohol when it didn’t. For over twenty years. At this point, liquids period is a trigger”, Leo said. “We should stick with tea, water, and soda.”
“I want to support my mother, Leo! She’s making strides to get better, to be better!”
Leo pulled Madeleine closer to him; one arm went around her waist, his hand splayed against her back. The other hand took the carton of egg nog from her hand and tossed it back into the dairy case.
“I know you do, Mads. I want to support her as well. But you can’t be her babysitter. If she didn’t think she could handle a dinner party, she wouldn’t be throwing one.”
“But Father will be there……” Madeleine’s voice drifted off as Christmas carols blared from speakers.
Leo’s eyes narrowed and his jaw tensed a little. “Did she invite him?”
Madeleine shook her head. “I don’t know. All she said was we were invited, and Father was coming.”
“That bastard has some nerve! Okay, change of plans. Your mom is coming to our place!”
Madeleine looked up at Leo, her green eyes hopeful and uncertain at the same time. “Are you sure?”
“Addy has thirty days under her belt. I want to see her get thirty-one. Godfrey being anywhere near her guarantees she goes back to Day Zero. She’ll stay with us through the New Year. She can sleep in our room and we’ll take the sleeper sofa.”
“But you just said we can’t babysit her”, Madeleine reminded him.
“She’s about to step out in front of a bus traveling at high speed down a narrow road. We’re protecting her.”
“I love you so much!!” Madeleine was near tears as she hugged Leo tightly.
Leo kissed her hair. “Same here. Now, you call your mom while I see if they have any cookbooks in this bitch.”
Drake x Alyssa
Drake’s eyes were fixed on the road as he drove Alyssa to the airport. Alyssa was singing along with a 90s song on the radio. Her hand rested lightly on top of Drake’s as DCA loomed in the distance.
“I wish you didn’t have to go”, Drake muttered as he changed lanes.
“Shhhhhh…I’m serenading you”, Alyssa scolded.
Drake grinned as he shook his head. How did this little tornado bowl him over so quickly? She made him smile, she made him tingle, she made him feel complete in a way no one had before.
Not even Brooks.
Guilt and sadness filled him at the thought of Riley. He needed to talk to her, but he had no idea what to say. Sorry wasn’t going to cut it, and Drake wasn’t good with words. He was shaken from his thoughts by Alyssa asking him if he enjoyed her singing to him.
“Of course, Devereaux. You should stay and give me an encore.”
“When I get back! And if we’re still together this time next year, I’ll bring you with me. Daniel and my friends will be thrilled to meet you!” Alyssa promised, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones.
“If we’re still together next Christmas, I’m taking you to Texas.”
“Christmas needs cold and snow, not swimming pools and shorts!”
Drake took the exit to enter the airport. “When you come back, if you’re up for it, I want to introduce you to my friends. We get together about once a month or so and hang out. Dinner, movies, bowling……that kind of stuff.”
“I’d like that”, Alyssa said softly.
Her eyes grew anxious. “What will you be doing on Christmas Day? I don’t want you to be alone.”
Drake shrugged. “Sleep. Watch basketball. Dinner with my sister, her fiancé, and my nephew.” He leaned over and snatched a quick kiss. “Missing you.”
“Stop making me fall for you!” Alyssa giggled as she pushed his arm lightly.
“I’ve already fallen. Join me, won’t you?” Drake said softly.
“I might take you up on that offer.” Alyssa tightened her hold on his hand.
Drake pulled up to the doors to the airline; he shut his truck off and rushed around to open Alyssa’s door. He lifted her from the seat and helped her out. She grinned up at Drake, her eyes shiny with tears. She stood on her toes, throwing her arms around his neck.
“I’m going to miss you so much!” She pressed her pink lips against his.
“You’re back on the 28th, right?
Alyssa nodded. “Late flight, though.”
Drake kissed her again. “I don’t care if it lands at 2am. Let me know when your flight is due back. I’ll be here.”
After a lingering kiss and a tight hug, Drake pulled Alyssa’s suitcase from the back of the vehicle and walked her to the doors.
As a bitter cold wind blew through his wool coat as if it were a cotton shirt, Drake waved to Alyssa until he couldn’t see her anymore.
Liam pulled underwear and socks from his dresser drawer to toss into his suitcase. He had his Santa socks, his Christmas tree socks, his jingle bell socks, his reindeer socks. He frowned as he looked for his socks with the gift boxes; ahhhh, there they were!
He was going to Boston for Christmas. It wasn’t his original plan.
Liam had wanted to stay in DC, come into the office while everyone else was on vacation, get some work done.  Spend time with his friends, maybe go out for Chinese food and a movie on Christmas Day with Riley B. Or maybe Riley B. would cook Christmas dinner, and he could go to her place. Liam wouldn’t even have minded the fact that Drake would’ve been there.
Anything to take his mind off the fact that he was alone at Christmas when he wasn’t ready to be.
But when he met up with the gang last week, neither Riley nor Drake were there. Madeleine and Leo were going to her mother’s for a Christmas Eve dinner party and staying overnight. Maxwell and Olivia were going to Bertrand’s for the day and staying for dinner.
Liam figured Riley and Drake had plans as well, probably visiting Riley’s family in North Carolina. So Liam would be alone this Christmas, and the thought of going to an empty office drained him of his motivation to prove that he was worthy of the promotion.
After dinner with the gang, Liam had called his mom and told her he wanted to come home for Christmas. Eleanor had been ecstatic; she missed her sons.
“Is your brother coming?” she asked excitedly. Leo was not her biological child, but Eleanor considered him her own.
“Not this time. He’s going with Madeleine to see her mother. And he has to work the day after Christmas.”
“Well, we’ll see him next time! And we can Skypetime him or something! Now, I’m making a turkey and a leg of lamb. And my oyster dressing. And corn. And mashed potatoes with sour cream and giblet gravy.”
“Mom, you know I hate oyster dressing!” Liam protested.
“Your father loves it! I’ll make two dressings, but yours is coming out of a box.”
“Why can’t you just scoop mine out before you add the oysters?” Liam frowned.
“Stop frowning! Maybe I can do that…. we’ll see. You eat your weight in dressing, Mister!”
“How did you even know I was frowning?” Liam asked curiously.
“You’re my son. I know what you do!”
Liam smirked thinking that if his mom knew all he did……
“I know you do that too! So when will you be here?”
“Looking up flights now.”
“Let us know so I can have your father pick you up.”
“I can Uber, mom. You guys don’t need to come pick me up!”
“Nonsense. Your father will be there. Okay, gotta go……600 Pound Life is coming on, and I need inspiration to stick to my diet!”
Liam tossed in pants and sweaters; after some internal debate, he tossed in his work laptop. He had reached out to some old friends still in Boston, so hopefully he wouldn’t be working, but just in case. His packing done, he glanced at the clock. He had an early flight out in the morning, but he wasn’t sleepy.
He was thinking about Riley B. and what she was doing. He wondered what Drake bought her for Christmas. He hadn’t asked anyone for suggestions as he usually did. Liam wondered if it was a ring.
His eyes fell on the wrapped present he had bought for Riley B. They hadn’t done Secret Santa this year, but Liam knew Riley B. would love the bottle of Coco Chanel Mademoiselle. It was one of her favorite scents.
Liam decided to wait to see what Drake got her; it was five years now for them. Time to put a ring on it or let her go. If Drake did give her a ring, it could be an engagement present.
Liam hoped it wouldn’t be.
With a sigh, he climbed into bed and turned off the lamp. He grabbed his phone and texted Riley, wishing her a Merry Christmas.
She responded back almost immediately. Merry Christmas, bestie.
Liam stared at his screen before sending his response. You’re my best friend, too.
He rolled over, closing his eyes, phone clasped in his hand. I love you.
  Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @wannabemc2 @topsyturvy-dream @jared2612 @katedrakeohd @hopefulmoonobject @custaroonie @i-am-liam-rhys @jovialyouthmusic @thequeenofcronuts @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @amomentofsinclairity @bobasheebaby @ao719 @sashatrr @marietrinmimi @ladyangel70 @gardeningourmet @umccall71 @angi15h @romanticatheart-posts @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @blznbaby @tabithacarlisle @emceesynonymroll @bbrandy2002 @ab1901 @janezillow @debramcg1106 @radlovedreamer @jessiembruno @lodberg @thecordoniandiaries @ramseyandrys @caroldxnvxrs @princess-geek @burnsoslow @annekebbphotography @merridithsmiscellany-blog @emichelle @indiacater @loveellamae @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @bebepac @zaffrenotes @queenjilian @princessleac1
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fishymom-art · 4 years
How do u created hate u girl? :o
All my stories begin with me creating a main character and then building a world around them. Same with HUGirl, but it was a liiiiittle bit funnier. In the beginning Diana was just... well, me.
Thhhat right, the original design of Diana and her character herself is how I used to draw myself back in 2016, when I first started calling myself FishyMom!
I drew myself in Ford Pines’ (from Gravity Falls, yes) outfit and with gills, because I was in Undertale fandom and I was in loooove with Undyne. I used to have a group chat with my friends who also liked Undertale and at some point they started calling me FishyMom, because I was bossy, caring and had gills, apparently. 
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This design, as well as the nickname, stuck with me for a long time. At some point, I decided to make a character out of this design.
I called her Ford. You know. Because of the obvious thing XD. But I didn’t have a world for her yet.
Then I had a lot of things going on. In around 2014-2015 I was going to write two books about this world called Mirror World or Mirror Side. Some kind of shadows, who were assigned to you since your birth, would lead you into this world if you were unhappy. Mirror World has everything you ever wanted to have, creates a wonderful, flawless life and... brainwashes you completely into hailing the king of this world who harvests your powers to break out of the Mirror World and conquer the other side???? aka Magical Cult Kingdom, nothing else to say. 
Ford was going to be a right-hand-man of the king and had his mark on her face which meant that he sees through her eyes. But I never finished the book (in fact, I tried rewriting it 3 times and did not succeed) and didn’t really know how to put Ford in, since I already had a hecking lot of characters who were much more important to the story than she was. But she was still kinda there in the story.
(btw, the king’s name was Gaskard, which is Alex Gaskarth’s (vocalist of All Time Low) name written wrong. I didn’t know it was his name, my classmates were joking around when they said it when I was asking for a villain’s name. I was on their concert in 2017 uwu)
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I was thinking about a sequel of the book at the same moment as I was still not writing the first one XD. And now it gets interesting.
In the first book, there had to be this girl, who was one of main character’s young sister and student. The second book was going to be about her and her twin brother. Her name was Elizabeth. 
The first picture is Elizabeth with her twin-brother, Noelle and second picture is the old Elizabeth.
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A lot of things later, I decided to get rid of the story and make a whole new story for a sequel. But I was still left with Elizabeth. And I made her Ford. (and I made Noelle her sister instead of brother I guess...)
At this point, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted Ford to be a scientist. I wanted her to be a warrior. I wanted her to be the characters I was inspired by when I was creating her. And I knew the story I was going to give her.
But I still didn’t have a world. And I still didn’t have a name.
And then I did a thing
There was a blog on Tumblr before hate-u-girl that had something to do with Ford. And I posted comics there. And you could or could not have seen at least one of the stupid comics I drew calling them all under the name HUGirl, which was literally Human, but a “girl” instead of “man”. And I mean this one...
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- ok, screaming aside XD
Yup! That was Ford! And there was also Huboy, who then went on to be Robert! (hoooo boi....). They were partners right from the beginning!!!!
And I finally started drawing the actual comic. THIS, everybody, is two ONLY pages that were made for the first ever try on “HUGirl” comic.
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Ah, they were such babies....
The main antagonist of the comic, however, was someone fully new and someone who was also first just the way I drew myself.
Fishy Mom. Yes yes, you heard it right. Fishy Mom IS a character. That’s why at some point I asked people to call me RK (Ar-Key or, for Russians, Er-Ka), because that was a little weird. And she had to be some kind of a ruler of fully re-made Mirror World!!! 
I came up with the idea of making her a villain and a separate character after I made a cover on Die House and drew her in that dress for the first time. She evolved to an entity that can transform into your biggest fears (directly or indirectly). And Ford’s greatest fear was (and still is) water and fish.
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Strange and unpolished, I left the first attempt and started drawing the second one, already including my baby Adelaide, who has a much bigger role than you think and I won’t be telling it. (Oh, and Robert’s lasagna appeared there too! Me and my friends made a lot of jokes about this lasagna XDDD)
Here are some of my favorite panels!
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“big power with a tiny apartment?”
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Diana and Robert were going to be a couple.
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it’s a toxic haze all around
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+ bonus of a badass Robert.
There had to be that other character called Complete Failure who has first appeared in this animation I made. All the characters in it are “the original cast” of HUGirl and will always be. I wanted them to be the villain for some time but quickly changed my mind and put Fishy Mom back into the role of the villain. They still remained a very important character to me who you can thank for the story HUGirl is now and will be.
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Then Fishy Mom (or rather F-001 aka Fishy Good/Too Good To Be True) got a HuMan FoRm!!!! Yaaaay! Because a cartoony fish in the middle of a sci-fi post-apocalyptic drama would have been pretty weird. Btw, I have no idea at which point it turned into a post-apocalyptic comic, but I had to roll with it, because I put it as genre in WebToon and Idk if I can change it and I already came up with an excuse ahhaha.
My idea was that she put experiments and tried to create humans out of magic and science (i like that mix). This is when the “HU” in HUGirl turned into Human Urge Academy (now, Haze Unity Academy), the research academy on human life, who’s role is to create more humans because they can’t produce them the good-ol’-way anymore XD. And Diana (the “F” in the beginning of every experiment meant “Ford”, btw), alongside other characters, became a part of it and Fishy Mom became Diana’s personal nemesis, who was one of the experiments and wanted to kinda break free. It was still very weird and unpolished but I loved it. I had everything planned, from the beginning to the end and everything in the middle.
The last character I came up with was Susan Whaletaker. And she was anything but the character she is now XD. She was going to be the CEO of HUA and a pretty nice person. [turns to Susan now] NICE PERSON.
I had a lot of other thinking and writing in-between, but now I know exactly what I want to do with the story. And I have all those babes on my side uwu
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It’s not a full story since it would have contained a lot of spoilers, but those are all the main events hehe, thank you very much uwu
if you have any other questions, please do ask!
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queenxxxsupreme · 5 years
I wanna hear more abt ur inspiration for darceria
Omg I love love love this question so much!! Also I apologize for how long this is. I just really loved this💕
So with Darceria I had been messing around with characters in my head the second I decided I wanted to write a fic about my baby Geralt (which happened to be when I was watching Betrayer Moon). At first, she wasn't an oracle because I hadn't even thought of that, of making that group of essentially magical beings. I'll explain that a little later. She was originally really insignificant. She wasn't a princess of a fallen kingdom, she wasn't blind, she could see the future. She was bland and I didn't like that. I wanted more. I wanted to make her more interesting and give her shape and definition.
So from there, I made her blind. I have shitty eye sight myself and it's progressively getting worse so I was sort of playing off of that. I've messed with blind characters before and when I say that I mean that I have written out different characters with different personalities, different traits, and different love interests that all were blind. None of those characters were lucky enough to make it further than rough drafts and charts and essentially they've been left in two binders that I keep with all my ideas for characters and plots and fics because seriously I think of new ideas every day and if I acted on impulse more than I already did, I'd have an insanely high amount of fan fics going at once.
(Fun fact, Wattpad is where I started and at one point on that platform I had close to fifteen stories going at once. That number has since been cut to ten after I finished a few stories. Yes I have an issue and yes I acknowledge it 😂🙈🤦‍♀️)
So back to Darceria. I decided to make her blind because I knew it would be difficult to write for her and I love the challenge. I also knew her being in the time period and the society she is in would introduce quite a few conflicts just because of her being blind and conflicts/problems are what drive stories in my opinion.
The oracle half of her character came from a relatively new idea I had in the last year for a Sam Winchester x OC fic. The character was blind and could see the future but how she saw the future was more prophetic and more physical. She'd have nose bleeds and she'd cough up blood and wake up covered in blood in her sleep. That physical part ended up turning into a character for a Pietro Maximoff x OC fic I have going on Wattpad right now. That character just isn't blind.
But when I thought of giving Darceria some sort of supernatural-y power, seeing the future came to mind. I thought it would really really awesome to take her sight but give her the ability to see the future. Sort of poetic/sort of psychotic on my half 😂
Oracle means a few different things but the meaning I took it as was a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advise or advise was sought from the gods. I really liked this so I started messing around with what an oracle would look like in the world of the Witcher. I thought about how an oracle would be useful and the first thing that came to my mind was a mage. Mages are advisors to kings and queens. They are heavily knowledged in science/magic and politics. Rulers depend on them for a lot and seek their advise. We saw in season 1 how important mages were to rulers. I highly doubt that without Fringilla's help Nilfgaard wouldn't have gotten as far as they did or it would have taken them much much longer to do so.
I sort of created oracles as the sister to the witch. They naturally have visions, naturally see things that have yet to happen. They have instincual feelings that they can trust. Like when it comes to chosing maybe going down this road or that road, they can sense which would be the wiser choice. It's a part of who they are genetically. But they also have strong magic genes too. They can cast spells to help see the future and that sort of thing. The oracles are just focused more on seeing the future and preserving the kingdom for the long run. (I have so much I want to say about this last sentence because of Darceria and her role in the fall of Romavek but EEK I CAN'T SPOIL)
I wanted to make oracles rare, to make them less known than witches and mages because having just anyone be an oracle would suck the fun out of it in my opinion. So I made it so that oracles are born every half century. They are also extremely rare in the story just for the simple fact that Romavek is the only known place to ever inhabit oracles. Romavek was very secretive and very solitary, even more so than Cintra. Romaveks (as we will see in future updates) very rarely left their country, their kingdom. They had no reason to. They didn't participate in wars unless absolutely necessary. I won't go much further into detail about that because I don't want to accidentally spoil anything.
I also wanted Darceria to be important, to have a destiny of her own that didn't involve Geralt entirely. So that's how I decided she'd be an oracle, a super important piece to Romavek culture and hierarchy.
When I was messing with her characterization, I played around before she was an oracle about the possibility of her being royalty. We know Geralt has sort of a bad habit of finding princesses and rescuing them/killing them (RIP Renfri my baby). So I thought hey what if she's a princess. Well then I saw quite a few different little stories where the OC or reader was a princess to a currently ruling country like Cintra or Kovir or some made up country. Whatever. So I was like well damn I don't want my story to be just another Geralt x princess!OC stories.
So she became a blind princess born with the gifts of an oracle.
As for her personality, I really like writing soft characters who know when to be tough. I am also a sucker for just writing asshole characters. Luckily, Darceria was not an asshole character of mine. She's soft and and she's quiet. She's observant and careful and nurturing. She doesn't like being babied or treated like she's nothing more than her disability. She's very independent but at the same time, she relies heavily on Zephyrina at times. Darceria is also cunning. She uses her disability to her advantage when needed. Like in the proglue, we see her faking being completely blind when she runs into Thominson and spills his drink on him. She fakes being more blind than she actually is to anger him, to get him out of the room. Also she has a very upsetting childhood. Though she was a princess in a thriving kingdom, her childhood is sad and depressing and tragic in a sense. Again we will see more in the future 🙈 I don't want to spoil anything!!
She's observant even though she is blind and she is observant through her other senses. Her "sight" as she explained to Ciri in chapter 1(I think) is very similar to how the creators and writers of Daredevil wrote how he sees in season 1 of Daredevil on Netflix. He sees fire. Darceria sees shapes of objects through sound and she feels them when she touches. Her senses are highly advanced, very much like Matt Murdock/Daredevil.
And as for her physical appearance, the white eyes was something that I thought was really cool. I was watching Supernatural when I saw Abbadon's eyes flicker to white. I thought it would be super cool for Geralt to come across a being with eyes that are different than everyone else's. He could sympathize with her, with how everyone stares at her when they see that her eyes are empty and white.
I absolutely love dark red curly hair (@ Natasha Romanoff) I hadn't seen very many redheads in the first season with the exception of Visenna (Geralt's mom) and Coral, the ginger mage who clenched her fist and kills an entire squadron of Nilfgaardian soldiers at the Battle of Sodden. So when I think of Darceria, I usually picture Scarlett Johannson as Natasha Romanoff in Iron Man 3. (fun Fact: Zephyrina's face in my head looks like Adelaide Kane)
Dareceria's name came to me in a really funny way. I was researching different midieval names and when I didn't like any of those names. Then I came across Daria. It's Polish and means kingly. I didn't like how close it was to Dara so I started adding different things to the end of the name. There was Darialene but that was what too much of a tongue twister and didn't flow off the tongue as nicely as I wanted it to. Dariara came across and in my head I pronounced it Dar-ee-air-ee-uh. So it's not that hard to pronounce but again when you say it out loud it doesn't flow nicely. Then I changed the name completely to something else entirely. Then I went back to Daria and started messing with it more. I messed with it for probably three days before finding Darceria. I personally think it fits in well with the names in the show.
I'm so glad you asked this @wayward-dream !!! I really really loved answering this💕💕sorry it ended up being so long though! I hope I answered you properly and I hope this makes sense!! Ask more questions if you need to please!!! I love answering this
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dichenlachmandaily · 7 years
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Future Shock
In Altered Carbon, Dichen Lachman harnesses her passion to brave a dystopian world.
Dichen Lachman sits behind the front desk in the Palm Springs Art Museum lobby, her eyes loosely shut as a makeup artist dusts gold pigment across her lids. She’s wearing Ugg boots; her hair is tousled. Despite the 6 a.m. call time, she declines a coffee and instead reaches for an old-fashioned doughnut hole. Lachman (whose first name is pronounced Dee-chen) is poised but low-key, nowhere near the fiery intimidator she portrays in her latest project, the Netflix original series Altered Carbon.
The museum is closed today, quiet save for crew chatter and the clang of gown-draped hangers on the stylist’s rolling rack; art hulks off the walls in the shadows of unlit corridors. Following months of stunt work, emotionally taxing scenes, and 16-hour days on set, the stillness is welcome. Lachman spent the summer in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Altered Carbon filmed its first season. Between network events and promotional appearances from São Paulo to Seoul, she’s savoring the post-production time off at home, just being Mom. Mathilda turns 3 in May, and her favorite things are scribbling, Sia music videos, and the family dog, Whisky. Deep love for family is an attribute the 36-year-old actress shares with her character, Rei. Perhaps the only trait they share, she says — that, and a fondness for action.
When it comes to that devotion, Lachman refers to a full-body, teeth-gritting sensation, a compulsion to hug tightly, to fuse, to be together forever. Rei takes the sentiment to an extreme, but Lachman relates. “That whole idea that I’ll just eat it,” she says, in her soft Australian drawl, which she dropped for the role. “Like I say to my daughter sometimes, ‘I just want to eat you up, I love you so much.’ ”
When we catch up by phone after the museum shoot, a few weeks before Altered Carbon’s premiere, she delves deeper into the idea of eating one’s feelings and shares a story about her four-legged childhood friend, a Jack Russell terrier named Singhi.
“When I was leaving Adelaide to pursue acting in Sydney, I found two of her little furs on my jacket,” she recalls. “I didn’t want to throw them away because I felt like that was throwing my dog away. I didn’t want to keep them because I thought I would lose them. So I swallowed the two little dog furs. I imagined they’d be absorbed into my body and we’d kind of be a part of each other.”
“When I was leaving Adelaide to pursue acting in Sydney, I found two of her little furs on my jacket. I didn’t want to throw them away because I felt like that was throwing my dog away.” Dichen Lachman
Lachman had shrugged off the role of Reileen Kawahara when she didn’t hear back from casting for four months. It was an uneventful lead-up. She received sides, sans any contextual clues to the plot, and submitted a self-taped video audition.
Then she got the call.
“What is this?” She’d actually forgotten. “There’s no callback? Do they want to see me again?”
“No,” Lachman’s agent told her. “They just want you to do the role.”
“I subsequently found out Laeta was a fan of Dollhouse [2009–2010] and The 100 [2014], so she was familiar with my work,” the actress says. “This is the biggest show I’ve ever been a part of … I just feel lucky to have been a part of it and humbled watching everyone’s work on the show.” The 10-episode, multimillion-dollar series, which became available for streaming Feb. 2, is one of Netflix’s highest-budgeted undertakings yet.
An adaptation of the 2002 cyberpunk novel by Richard Morgan, the first in his Takeshi Kovacs trilogy, Altered Carbon stars Joel Kinnaman as Kovacs (pronounced Ko-vach), a body-swapping soldier summoned to solve a murder in the year 2384. Human consciousness has been digitized and can be “sleeved” into new bodies, establishing a world in which the rich live forever and reprobates evanesce in the dark, debauched underbelly of society.
“It’s woven in such an intricate fashion, you can’t really say the show is just one thing,” Lachman explains. “It’s a love story. It’s a murder mystery. It’s action packed. There are all of these philosophical ideas, too. You walk away thinking, If I could live forever, would I even want to?”
Lachman portrays Kovacs’ sister, first appearing in episode one as a figment from his past; she gets her big reveal midway through the season. (At the risk of leaking a spoiler, let’s just say Lachman’s grand entrance is badass, evidential of the months pre-production she spent training in Japanese combat.)
Along with Kinnaman, the cast includes James Purefoy as a “re-sleeved” murder victim in search of his own killer; Martha Higareda as a well-meaning cop intent on closing the case; Renée Elise Goldsberry as Quellcrist, a futuristic Robin Hood hell-bent on quelling elitism; Will Yun Lee as Kovacs’ “birth sleeve”; Ato Essandoh as Kovacs’ gun-slinging ally; and Chris Conner as the personified consciousness of a hotel where Kovacs resides. These characters are complicated and not always who they appear to be. The plot is layered with flashbacks, visions, and alternate virtual-reality dimensions. Timelines seem to intertwine, leading the viewer through a supremely satisfying plot twist to a finale that may very well render all of us worthless until the second season finally airs. According to Kalogridis, “the biggest success is that the whole thing actually makes sense
“We lived with my uncle 
and my aunts, my grandfather, and my cousins in a tiny 
little apartment. So I had a really …” she pauses, 
“colorful childhood, almost 
of another era.”
Lachman was born in 1982 in Nepal. At that time, more than 90 percent of the country’s population of 15.7 million worked in agriculture, fielding rice, sugarcane, and oilseeds. Fewer than one in 10 owned a telephone. There was no FM radio. No television stations. Terrain continues to hinder development, but modern-day residents can tune in to Altered Carbon — Netflix extended its streaming services around the globe in 2016.
“I was there until I was about 7,” Lachman recalls. “I think we had Superman, Supergirl, and Police Academy, but no real TV to speak of.” Those VHS tapes were her immersion into science fiction. “We shared electricity with India at the time, so three or maybe four nights out of the week we didn’t even have electricity; mostly it was candlelight. We lived with my uncle and my aunts, my grandfather, and my cousins in a tiny little apartment. So I had a really …” she pauses, “colorful childhood, almost of another era.”
Lachman’s father, a Sydney native, was trekking through the Annapurna region of the Himalayas when he met his would-be wife, originally from Tibet, who was working at her family’s restaurant, a backpacker/tourist destination. “He told a friend, ‘I’m gonna marry that woman,’ ” Lachman recounts of her parents’ meeting. He did. The family moved to Australia when Dichen reached school age. “I remember taking my cousin to school [in Nepal]; it was in a hut, and they were still writing on slate with chalk. My father thought I’d have more opportunities if we were in Australia, so we moved to Adelaide.”
She was 23, living on her own in Sydney and dabbling in low-budget films — not long after the dog-fur incident — when she landed the role of Katya Kinski on Australia’s long-running soap opera Neighbours, a veritable breeding ground for Aussie exports. (Margot Robbie, Chris and Liam Hemsworth, and Russell Crowe are all alums.) A leading role in Joss Whedon’s sci-fi series Dollhouse brought Lachman to California in 2008.
Here, she met husband Maximilian Osinski, who is also an actor in the sci-fi/superhero sphere. Both have appeared in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC, albeit in different seasons, and worked together on TNT’s end-of-days drama The Last Ship. Most recently Lachman portrayed alien ringmaster Roulette in Supergirl’s second season. Then Netflix came calling.
“It’s so refreshing because all of the women are such intricate, complex characters,” Lachman says. “They get to be beautiful and fierce, and they hit back. I think this is largely due to Laeta really wanting to show us off like that, to give us more than just a one-note character.”
As Kalogridis puts it, fierce women are the backbone of the show; they promote an underlying message of “owning your body and owning your power.”
Kalogridis has a stellar team, from set decorators and fight choreographers to visual effects artists and cinematographers, whose credits read like a best-of sci-fi list: Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil War, War for the Planet of the Apes, Wonder Woman, The Martian. “This was definitely a labor of love for a lot of people,” she shares. “It’s not a movie, but it’s not necessarily what you associate with TV. It’s sort of occupying an interesting in-between space.”
“We were world-building,” adds costume designer Ann Foley, who joined the Altered Carbon team after four years with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., during which time she dressed Lachman. “That was one of the things that really drew me to this project — helping Laeta build and develop this world. One of the challenges when you’re doing anything futuristic is trying to keep it grounded and relatable so people don’t get distracted by the costumes. You don’t want to pull anybody out of the story.”
Foley orchestrates a visual crescendo through the season in ensembles that define each character and provide covert signals to the viewer. Lachman’s commanding wardrobe evolves alongside Rei’s tumultuous story arc; androgynous Samurai- and Sōhei-inspired combat gear metamorphoses into regal, sinewy shapes. Threading together her range of looks is one choice color. “You see so much green in the world where Reileen and Kovacs grew up,” says Foley, referring to scenes filmed in Vancouver’s verdant forest near Widgeon Falls. “You’ll see there will always be an element of that color in her costume, because that helps to inform who the character is.”
In Episode nine, Rei sits with Kovacs and tries to express the intrinsic bond she has always felt with him — a full-body, teeth-gritting sensation, a compulsion to hug tightly, to fuse, to be together forever. Despite hundreds of years of separation, in this world where one’s consciousness can live forever, occupying different bodies, Reileen has never stopped loving her brother. They are family, and family comes first.
“Remember what Mom used to say?” Reileen asks Kovacs as they sit at a small table in a seedy Moroccan-style hookah lounge. She chooses each word slowly and carefully. “ ‘I love you so much, I could eat you up.’ When you were arrested, they put me in an orphanage. All I had left of you was one of your old shirts … They ripped that shirt out of my hands — I can still feel it tearing, the threads still in my fingers. I knew they were going to take those too. So I swallowed them. Just to have something, anything, left of you.”
That passion is the characteristic Kalogridis saw in Lachman and the reason she sought her out for the role. “She brings a real depth and age to a character,” Kalogridis says. “I absolutely believe her version of a woman in her late teens/early 20s and a woman who is 255, 260 … Dichen’s just a very old and interesting soul. She is the warrior goddess.” Lachman has ventured a long way from Kathmandu, from Adelaide, and from Sydney, but as with all of us, the sum of her past experiences defines the person she is today.
“There’s a moment,” Lachman says, “where [my character] discovers Takeshi in the yukuza warehouse, and they just start killing everyone around them. She looks at him and smiles. There was all this action happening around us, and I had to try to cover my laughter because I kept thinking, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Who am I?! I’m originally from a Third World country, then a sleepy little town in Australia, and I’m running around like Rambo on this set with hundreds of stunt guys and people shooting guns at each other …
“This is what I dreamed about.”
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trudy101 · 7 years
name/alias: Brittney timezone: Eastern tell us something about yourself!: My name is Brittney. I live in Michigan in the Eastern time zone. I love animals, music, books, movies and TV shows, Pinterest, and Polyvore. I often spend my time bike riding, cooking and cleaning, taking care of my mom and cats, surfing the internet, reading, and doing many other things. If you need to know my triggers, PM me, but the major ones are animal abuse/neglect, child abuse/neglect, animal/child abandonment, and suicide/self-harm. what kind of plots are you into?: Friends to lovers, Enemies to friends, sexual tension, best friends, Alice in Wonderland-type thing, sisterly bonds as well as family bonds, mother/child relationships, hauntings, age differences, mythology such as Persephone and Hades or Beauty and the Beast, and many others.
who are some favorite face claims of yours?: Emily Browning, Crystal Reed, Holland Roden, Lee Pace, Adelaide Kane, Maria Ehrich, many, many others.
what species do you think you’re going to make?: Enchanters are my favorite right now, but it depends on what happens between now and when the site opens. what do you hope to see on itws?: Just various plots and threads playing out, the skin, etc.
I would love to have a partner that is willing to plot and talk as well as roleplay with me. They should have good grammar, a good handle on their characters and the story that we would be writing, and wouldn't split without saying something. I usually write M/F, but am willing to try out threesomes like on From Dusk till Dawn (Richie/Kate/Seth) or F/F relationships. Also my rp buddy shouldn't mind age differences since I've been kind of wanting to try that out. Nothing too gross. Just like ten or so years difference.  My current character idea will be played by Emily Browning as seen on Sucker Punch, will have a little sister that she has a large role in taking care of her, and I would love to explore a haunting plot as well as age differences.
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chalantness · 8 years
Hey I was wondering if I could make aesthetics of your next generation kids? And if it is ok could you give me some ideas on what would fit the kids best?
Of course, darling; people giving some love to my babies’ babies is one of my favorite things ever!
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And, I’m not quite sure what ideas you’re looking for, so I’ll just give a little blurb about each kid and you can let me know if you want to learn more.
James Samuel Rogers: (fancast: Colton Haynes); named after his godfathers, James “Bucky” Barnes and Sam Wilson; sometimes called “Jamie” by his family; track and field, football; artist: favorite mediums are paint and charcoal; also into photography; loves taking long walks through the city; weather aesthetic is probably bright blue skies with gray rain clouds and puddles of water on the ground; wears his varsity jacket like a uniform; favorite color is probably navy blue, but also just most shades of blue; sketches in coffeehouses to unwind; adores his little sister; definitely a dog person, but he loves all animals, really; likes to cook
Tatiana Marie Rogers: (fancast: Katherine McNamara); her middle name is derived from her godmother, Maria Hill; into cheer, gymnastics, singing; red is her favorite color, hands down; her nails are always on point; she can run across the city in stilettos as if barefoot; leather jackets and sheer shirts, but also lace blouses and summer dresses; she wears the American flag like a shawl, basically; likes to bake and especially likes to decorate; weather aesthetic is blindingly bright summer skies; black cats bring her good luck; her drink of choice are milkshakes, especially strawberry with cherries on top
Nicole Philippa “Nikki” Stark: (fancast: Adelaide Kane); named after Nick Fury and Phil Coulson; high end fashion, modern minimalist interior designs, marble, precious metals; rose gold is probably the best summary of her; her first tattoo would probably be of her name spelled out with the Periodic Table; freckles; spends her childhood next to her father in a lab or next to her mother as she runs a billion-dollar company and loves every second of it; gold glitter and winged eyeliner; probably owns a glass tea set; drink of choice is champagne; weather aesthetic would be a bright spring morning with a bit of a breeze
Stephanie Pietra Barnes: (fancast: Alycia Debnam Carey); named after her godfather, Steve Rogers, and her uncle, Pietro Maximoff; her vacation of choice would be space; sci-fi queen; would get the map of the stars tattooed on her back if she could; garlands of silver stars and twinkling lights cascading from the ceiling; loves teddy bears; shades of purple; flowers in her hair; lounging at home in pajama shorts and an unbuttoned flannel falling off of her shoulders; also a fashion icon; neon lights in the dark; weather aesthetic are clear starry skies and a blanket of snow
Torunn Thorsdottir: (fancast: Cara Delevingne); the youngest of three; literal princess; fine silk robes and furs; hills of green grass and an abundance of flowers and sunlight sweeping over an open field; gold bracelets adorning her wrists and precious stones embellishing her hair; flower garlands cascading from tall palace ceilings; a grand courtyard with a stone water fountain; she adores her role as a ruler and would die for her people; political cunning and charm; the darling little sister who is treated like gold and adores her siblings; stars visible in the sky while the sun starts to set
Riley Margaret Wilson: (fancast: Samantha Logan); named after her father’s late fellow pararescueman, Riley, and maternal great-aunt, Margaret “Peggy” Carter; would live at the gym if she could; morning jogs are a must; fresh fruits and smoothies and granola and orange juice straight out of the carton; pastel workout gear and matching shoes that cost a pretty penny and her wrists covered in colorful hair ties; aviators and bomber jackets and laced-up heels; prints everywhere: camouflage, leopard, flowers, feathers, plaid; the sun rising over the silhouette of the city; farmer’s markets and mom-and-pops and state fair’s; cherry popsicle-stained lips
I… spent way longer on this than I thought I would and have to get ready to leave, but I’ll come back and write the rest of these blurbs!
I hope this gave you a little insight on my babies’ babies.
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yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Congratulations Caroline! You have been accepted for the role of Beatrice Durand with the FC of Adelaide Kane. We really liked your thoughtful take on such a complex issue and how it affects Bea. Please send us an account within the next 24 hours with the ask and submit boxes open.
Welcome to Yalton! We look forward to roleplaying with you.
Name/Alias: Caroline
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 19
Timezone: est
Activity Level: oh my goodness, I suck at determining this. Honestly like a 8 maybe 9 on the weekends, and between 4 and 8 on weekdays because I’m currently a Biochem major in university and well it mostly depends on if I have homework or if I have a lab report due, I’m usually good at getting on at least one a day, maybe twice, and if something huge comes up I will notify you guys. It just fluctuates so much and like sometimes a 5 to me is like an 8 to someone else or something.
Things you aren’t willing to write: smut and personal triggers
Biography Info:
Character Name: Beatrice “Bea” Durand
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Gender: cis female
Age: 21
Major/Position: creative writing major
FC: Adelaide Kane, Crystal Reed, Shelley Hennig, Caitlin Stasey, Troian Bellisario 
death/miscarriage mention tw, eating disorder tw
1992 was a bad year for Laurel Price, while she was pregnant with her first child, her husband was killed in a horrific car accident, and shortly after that the woman has a miscarriage. She was told she’d never be able to bare a child. The young woman had a hard time dealing with the pain and was in complete ruins for years. That was until she met, Jacob Durand three years later. That same year, on a rainy London night, a miracle came  and she found she was pregnant with Beatrice. Bea was her miracle baby, or so she had been told plenty of time. The girl was constantly told she was special, though she never believed it, how could a girl be so special and have her father leave her just three years into her life. Miracle, special, perfect, words that her mother used constantly as the young girl grew up, she couldn’t count how many times she had hear them by the time she found her passion.
The child was never one for the outdoors, so it was no surprise when Bea got her hands on the old typewriter in her grandmother’s attic. With no paper, Beatrice would spend hours pretending to write stories on this broken typewriter, her imagination running wild. As she grew, it was what kept her from thinking she always needed to be perfect. Her precious typewriter was ripped away from her at age nine when the girl moved with her mother to the states where Laurel would meet a new man. Someone who would be much better than Jacob Durand ever could be to Beatrice and within a year, Beatrice had a new father, Kaden Adams. With Kaden came his sons, Uriah, Xavier, and Zachariah, three rowdy boys who were the complete opposite of the young, quiet Beatrice. Beatrice felt so out of place in her new family that it began to take a toll on the girl. She was different and in Bea’s mind, not perfect.
Freshman year of high school was when the it spiraled. Beatrice had a hard time making friends, she never knew how to really fit in. This is when he destructive behavior on herself began. It was small at first, Beatrice didn’t have friends at lunch so instead of going to the cafeteria to sit alone at lunch, she’d go to the library to study or to the field to practice shooting some soccer goals, though the library didn’t allow any food and you couldn’t exactly eat and practice at the same time. When Beatrice cut out lunch to study or practice, she figured it wouldn’t be so bad to cut out breakfast, and soon enough, she had cut out eating full meals. It was hard at first, but soon she got used to the hunger. It wasn’t long before Beatrice associated food with failure. As time progressed it was noticeable that Beatrice was losing a lot of weight and her energy went downhill. Her mom kept a close eye on her, she knew Bea never one to eat much, especially when she was stressed. When Beatrice went to her yearly physical the next year, her doctor brought up some concerns about Bea’s weight to her mother, in which Beatrice tried to pretend everything was okay. Laurel (Price) Adams finally took action to get Beatrice help after Uriah had found food hidden in Bea’s room, some that were thought to be eaten at dinner. 
Instead of sophomore year of high school, Beatrice Durand was sent to a rehab facility for anorexia. Acceptance was the first step for Bea, it was hard for her to believe that she had a problem, it she had a problem that meant she wasn’t perfect. The year was a roller coasted for her, she had her ups and downs but going there when she did, was probably the best choice for her before her losing weight gave permanent physical effects on her body. Beatrice learned healthy techniques to take care of her body along with dealing with her destructive behavior. After a year and a half, Beatrice was deemed healthy enough to be released. Though Anorexia is a lifelong struggle and this time with having her daughter home again, Laurel wouldn’t ignore what Beatrice was eating and made sure to keep her with a therapist and help her keep up with the things she learned through the past year and a half.
Returning to school was one of the hardest parts, the girl had studied during her time in rehab but she was still behind and she had to be held back a year. Beatrice nearly relapsed that year, but with the help of her loved ones and professionals, she was able to find healthier ways to deal with that feeling of failure. That’s when she began writing again, a healthier outlet. Beatrice was now at a happier time in her life and by senior year, she seemed to mostly have a handle on things and was ecstatic to receive her acceptance letter to Yalton where she would major in Creative Writing. Though her mother was terrified to let Beatrice go to Yalton, Green Creek, Ohio was fairly far from Phoenix, Arizona, but with conditions from Laurel made and agreements from Beatrice, she was allowed to attend the university.
State at least one headcanon about the character:
Beatrice would rather go by Bea instead of Beatrice
Anorexia is a lifelong battle and Beatrice still practices the things she learned when she was fifteen, by going to a therapist, doctor’s appointments, eating healthy and recording it in a food journal.
Beatrice is almost never caught without at least one notebook on her just in case she has any writing ideas to put down
Beatrice is bisexual
She is on the soccer team at Yalton
Beatrice is kind and caring and almost never yells and it’s very rare that she’s angry.
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