#I love the almost crayon look of the lineart
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glittergummy · 2 years ago
🌼Artist Ask meme!🌼
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
a lot of artists put 'when i was born' and yeah i suppose that's true, everyone does art at some point in their life and it's encouraged at a super young age for the most part
but if we're talking when i actually wanted to work at drawing consistently then that would be may 2013, the year and month i made my deviantART account
i had my mom order a tablet and for the few days until it arrived i drew on the dA on-site drawing program and ms paint with a mouse, and when it arrived that's when i started making friends online and went on dA everyday to post drawings about whatever i was into, all done on ms paint :)
also if we're talking young artists art for me, i happened to love to draw t-rexes, dragons, and sharks. those were a recurring theme in my crayon drawings
🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
definitely 3/4's to the left, which i'm sure a ton of artists do, cause you want to do depth and make it look cool but then side views and front views tend to look wonky without much practice
i find side-views to be the hardest and sometimes i sorta cheese perspective and just call it good enough, not 100% sure why it's hard but might be lack of practice
depends on the subject, but drawing the nose and eye placement is so difficult compared to front or 3/4's
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
depends, as always lol, but basically if we're talking flat color finished, about 40 - this is because i make a new layer almost every new part on the sketch or lineart so i can erase without having to be precise, and no i don't name the layers so it gets confusing and i have to keep hiding and unhiding them to figure out which one i'm on but it seems to help if i suddenly made a decision to change something without having to painstakingly erase a whole part of the sketch/lineart
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skumhuu · 4 years ago
What kind of brush do you use for your art? It almost looks like a charcoal or chalky texture and I'm in love with the line texture. ;-;
Oh! For this kind of pic:
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I use the plastic crayon pen which is a pen on medibang paint pro:
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I like to use it for sketching and for pieces that I want to have a more messy/fluid feel to them! Unless you mean my lineart pen? That one is the g pen with the ooze set as high as it can go <3 I hope my answer helped answer your question! (I love the texture of these pens too ;u;)
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mcrmadness · 4 years ago
Madness draws: Behind the Scenes of the “Alleine in der Nacht” die ärzte fan comic.
A few weeks ago I posted this comic:
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This post is yet again just another drawing behind-the-scenes post but You can go and reblog the original post here.
And as always, all my ramblings are under the cut!
This one was relatively easy to do because I just woke up one morning and internally died from laughter because this idea just happened like a random pop up window in my brain. I wrote it down to my phone notes and later on also into my sketchbook:
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I was laughing out loud when I was drawing those images, Bela’s face still is cracking me up :D And because I’m yet again trilingual with my comics, there’s only one word in my mother tongue and it’s: Bela laulaa = Bela sings.
And other fans might recognize the lyrics of the song, I needed to write them down in order to decide which ones would fit the comic the best.
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This one is then again me trying to see how it will fit on a A4 paper. Originally I saw it in my head more like a short, regular comic strip with 3 panels but somehow I couldn’t get it to fit into 3 panels. And 4 panels was too many in a row so I decided to go for a full page then. That caused bits of trouble to me because I normally don’t draw the comic book faces THAT big and it’s surprisingly hard to draw them in bigger scale. (With pencil drawings it’s the opposite, the bigger the better. It’s much easier to draw an eye the size of a finger instead of a size of a tip of a needle.)
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Here’s the first sketch! Just the shapes to see how and what I need to draw. Sorry for the awful photo quality again, my phone’s camera has really gotten really bad after these 3 years of use...
Anyhow, the third panel caused me some troubles because I knew how I wanted Bela’s arms and hands to be but I didn’t see them that good in my head so what I did next was to try different postures into my sketchbook:
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I also tried this foreshortening technique I saw in a video of after a Tumblr post, even tho I don’t find that too hard to do myself anymore but it was still interesting and can really help making the eye and brain to see the image in 3D. So here I finally figured that I wanted Bela to have is arms like he was singing something very theatrically. I think it turned out pretty good.
Next I struggled with the bedsheets and I figured that I am a bit too good at blocking out information when I draw because I tried to draw unmade beds from reference photos and I’m able to follow a line but also able to completely not see any other lines around the line I’m following. Like I’d often follow a line to somewhere and suddenly notice that wtf there’s SO MUCH MORE lines all over the place in the photo but I just did not see them.
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^Here’s two pages in my other sketchbook that I got for the comic stuff especially because the paper is actually white. The bigger sketchbook has light yellow tint to the paper so it can mess up with the colors when I need to try out and look for perfect colors from the colored pencils. (This sketchbook is also smaller aka A5 because Derwent sketchbooks are expensive but this was the only A5 one with a bit grainy paper in white. The A4 one is cheaper and from Mont Marte.)
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After a while I was done with the besheet and the rest of the second sketch. I don’t have a photo of the comic with just the lineart, only a photo where the first panel is already colored and now I actually need to talk about the coloring.
That caused me lots of trouble because I really love playing with lights and shadows in everything (drawing, photographing... everything) and I do know how to do the night effect in black and white, but I have only once before done that with colors and it’s never that easy. Plus that one was my first comic when I started drawing again in 2018 and it was not that good to begin with.
I run some tests with the pencils, as well as some shading tests:
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Käsi = hand, iho = skin. I use Derwent Flesh Pink (I have a 72 set of Derwent Watercolour pencils) for the skin color and was then trying out other colors to see which one would look the best for shading. It was actually really difficult to do and my sister suggested that I’d use only cold colors but like... how do you use cold colors on a skin without making the character look dead? :D
I imagined that there’s a moon shining in from a window that would be behind the “camera”. I almost ruined the first panel because I wasn’t exactly sure what was I even doing and what did I want from the colors:
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Here’s the lineart and almost finished first panel in colors. I really liked the lineart and this would have looked so nice in black and white too, maybe even better. But I just saw that blue background so strongly in my mind that I just had to go for it.
The first panel was really difficult to do like I said and I almost ruined it at some point. But it also taught me something because with the rest of the panels I knew to start with the skincolors and end with the black (I started the first panel with black, I think... kids, never do that, always start with the light colors! :D) and I think the last panel is the best what comes to the colors in the final comic. I also added light blue here and there to make it look more like the colors of a moon at night:
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I’m actually very happy with all of the other colors in this panel! It also reminds me of a book I had and used to read as a child. It was about this girl that went to an appendix surgery and all the images were drawn with either colored pencils, pastels or crayons and it looked grainy the exact same way as this one too. It also had lots of red and orange and brown colors in it. (I wonder if I still have the book here...)
Then there’s also the title and “Das Ende”. Originally I was going to do the late 80s logo they have e.g. on the 80s live vhs/dvd but then I just saw another post in my dä blog’s queue and I just needed to do this logo instead!
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I had just a couple of weeks prior ordered a pack of white Sakura Gelly Roll pens and needed to test what would make the best compination and with which black!
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I also had bought a white paint pen but it’s useless. As you see, it just looks grey after it dries and it just... doesn’t look nice. Plus it takes so much time to dry AND it’s extremely messy and I have paint more in my hands and a puddle on the paper but barely none where it should be. So my choice for the logo was to use either Pigma Microns or Promarkers (I think I chose the latter) and the thickest Gelly Roll aka 10. This was the result:
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And I’m actually super happy about how it came out! Couldn’t do that good looking spots on the letters because can’t make splashes with a gel pen so I did a few bigger ones here and there and then just poked everywhere with the pen to make it look more random. You can actually see how it’s slightly whiter than the paper if you look closely, but it’s not too strongly whiter so it looks pretty nice like this.
So, this was less work than the “Widumihei” one but it was also an interesting piece to draw. And I think I have now this comic drawing more freshly in mind so that drawing the next ones (there’s three waiting for sketching already) will be much easier as well :)
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trainer-stealthclaw · 5 years ago
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Happy Pokemon 24th Anniversary! by stealthclaw96
Description under the cut:
Hi guys! I know I haven't uploaded a new piece in a while...I'm really sorry about that. I was actually overseas for January and part of February, and after I came back home, I was too tired to really work on anything. But I really wanted to get this done to celebrate Pokemon Day so...here I am! Sure, we're already in March lol, but it's only been a few days, so I don't think the timing is too bad. XD Pokemon Day is honestly a day that I hold close to my heart. I've loved Pokemon since I was a child, and ever since I found out that the anniversary of the franchise falls on February 27th, the day before my birthday, I've felt like it's an extra special connection. I know, it's kinda silly! But it's something that really makes me happy, and so for the last few years, I've made it a tradition, of sorts, to always celebrate Pokemon Day alongside my birthday. Usually, of course, with some fanart. I wasn't able to do it last year, so I made sure that I'd get it done this year. And I'm really happy with how it's turned out! I actually used a pencil crayon tool for almost all the base colours and the lineart, so if you look closely, it has a bit of a crackly look. So, about the piece itself. Since I've been excited about the newest generation of Pokemon, I wanted to show that feeling I've had about looking forward to new adventures awaiting - of course, with Pokemon by my side! So I drew myself this time, alongside all my main starter Pokemon throughout the various games. From left to right, there's Shui the Sobble, Kindle the Fennekin, Yuuki the Piplup, Seabright the Popplio, Natsu the Chikorita, Hiro and Tidus the Oshawotts, Cyan the Bulbasaur, Aoi the Mudkip, and Shocker the Pikachu. It's kind of a follow-up to my piece for the Pokemon Day 17th anniversary, back in 2013. That one also was a piece about me and my Pokemon from the different games. Wow, time has really gone by... Anyways, that's enough from me. Here's to more awesome years to come, and I can't wait to see what comes next! Media - SAI
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tabeadoodles · 5 years ago
hi, i love you art so much !! the style is very cute and your colors are so fun to look at. if i can ask, how do you get the grainy, crayon-esque effect in your lineart ?
hi! thank you so much!! 
i use a brush called “chalk soft” in krita (a free drawing program)! it’s labelled as a sketch brush but i love the line variation and texture so i use it for almost everything including lineart and some coloring. i’m sure similar brushes are available in other programs, they should be labelled as something along the lines of “chalk”, “charcoal” or “crayon” (i only really have experience with free softwares like fire alpaca and krita, sorry). if not they’re not available as default brushes, they should be pretty easy to make yourself tho, there are lots of tutorials on youtube from what i’ve seen!
hope this helped :)
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dotzines · 5 years ago
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Artist spotlight: Elleth!
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Header source: [X]  
Introduce yourself Hi! I'm Elleth, I'm a 21 year old a self taught artist just about to graduate as a Psychologist. I currently live between Argentina and Spain but I've been moving between countries and continents my whole life, so I can't really say with confidence that I'm from anywhere.I love most fantasy themes and I'm a BIG LoTR and Anime nerd! I'm a sucker for story-centered games, some of my favorites are Shadow of The Colossus, The Last Guardian, Witcher III, TES, RDR2 and Soma. I'm currently into BNHA and She Ra cuz I love me some heroes!  When did you start drawing? Are you a digital or traditional artist? I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon (yes, crayons y'all) but I only started taking it seriously and actually puttinf effort into it some months ago or so. I'm a mainly digital artist, tho I still start all my sketches traditionally. Do you use any traditional mediums? If so, which are your favorites? Yeah, I mostly use pencils and watercolors. Watercolors are my absolute favorites, I love how dynamic and calming they are ^^
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image source: [X]   Why do you prefer traditional over digital? (or viceversa) Well, actually I dont have a strong preference, I want to improve my digital art and it's easier for me to keep a consistent production of art that way (art supplies are kinda expensive where I live so drawing digitally is way cheaper once you do the tablet investment) Also I love how clean my pieces can be when I do them digitally. I mostly do traditional as a way of self care now, it calms me What do you think is the most challenging part about being a traditional/digital artist? Practicing and actually spending the time to learn how the software works and it's functions What inspires your pieces? Anything, from shows or games I like to nature or just things I find funny
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image source: [X]   Explain your "everyday" drawing process I mostly have an idea in the middle of psychology class (cuz I'm a responsible student) I do a draft of it in my sketchbook and play with different ways of bringing that idea to life. When I end up with something I actually life I take a photo of the sketch and then, when I get home, I start tracing the sketch in my drawing tablet. There I tweak the design and any anatomy mistakes (which are a LOT cuz I don't know anatomy to save my life), from ther it's just the stardart: I do the lineart, base colors, do the background, then add light and shadows to the whole piece, add details and check for mistakes and voila! Art. Then I post it on Twitter and look at it only to notice a mistake, I take it down, correct the mistake and post it again only to notice ANOTHER mistake, and so the cycle goes on and on. Do you have an artist you admire (or more than one)?
I'm literally inspired by almost every artist I see! I try to learn from every art style and artist I see, I try to see where I can improve from seeing their work. I also tend to like artists from their personality more than their work, I love to see supporting and kind artists more than crazy good artists that treat others as their inferiors. Some artists that really inspire me are: @Kf1n3 @souratgar @Velinxi @kroovv @SHelmigh @Amaretta_ @cherriielle Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why? I'm really proud of this WIP I'm currently working on: https://twitter.com/EllethsArt/status/1124055356445986818 But an actual finished artwork I'm insanely proud of is this one: https://twitter.com/EllethsArt/status/1119694506662797312
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing? Yeah! I watch BNHA or just Jacksepticeye or other gameplay vids (I told ya I'm a nerd), sometimes I put on a speedpaint or a stream of someone I like hearing, for music I mostly put on lofi or something that goes with the mood of the piece (I need that sweet inspiration!)
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image source: [X]   What makes art interesting for you? All that it represents, art can be healing, it can be a way to deal with stuff we can't even speak about, it's in our very essence. You can see at someone's work and see their personality, what they like, their fears, it's like looking at someone's eyes. Ahhh I'm sounding really corny but I really think art is the window to the soul. What do you do when art block strikes? I just try to relax and doodle something I like or just stupid things (like trying to make cats out of splooshes of black ink or my OC's doing stupid things) If that doesn't work I just leave it be and do something I enjoy, watch a show that inspires me, go for a walk, writing things for future comics, etc. Usually fanart of things that currently inspire me gets me out of the artblock. If not I'll just stop and try and do something the next day, it usually gets a lil better each day, so it's just a baby steps situation. What’s the most valuable art advice you’ve ever received?
PRACTICE! And don't compare yourself to others, you're your own person and your art is as unique as you. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be yours.
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adrienaline-rushed-art · 6 years ago
2, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24
2. How long have you been drawing?
    as long as I could hold a crayon (recently found a few illustrated stories from ages 4-5) but considering almost ever kid drew on whatever surface they could find I’ll say I started to be passionate about drawing since I was 7. 
5. What’s your favorite thing to draw?
    I think other than people I really like drawing cats, they have a nice flowy shape and big round eyes so cute and fun to draw. Also, if I take the time to use a proper reference roses are nice to draw. Otherwise my sketchbook implies I like drawing cute objects with faces. Usually food… 
   Specifically on people mmmm I can’t decide between eyes and mouths. Such expressive but simple parts of the body. ok I have to say, hair is sometimes hard uNLESS it’s big and fluffy I LOVE ME SOME BIG HAIR. Which is why I love drawing hair now, I cheat and add just a liiittle extra fluff to a character’s hair.
….this is me avoiding the obvious answer : Chat Noir, which interestingly enough wraps all of the above into one big-eyed, floofy, rose-offering, food-loving, kitty…. im a disaster
6. What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
    lately, the outline of the head. ANy head. I sWEar the face looks fine but one side of the jaw is lopsided, or the cheak is a different shape on the other side. HATE. Surpisingly I don’t even hate drawing hands that much anymore. HEADS.
10. Are you confident about your art?
   You know what, I think I’m getting there :) 
   not like the level where I can whip out an ink freehand live in front of someone who requested something buT SOMEDAY
15.  How long does an average piece take you to complete?
  I think with the new style I’ve been using, 35-40 minutes for something fully colored if the character is drawn past the waist? Otherwise I’ve been getting some successful 5-10 minute doodles in - which is HUGE for my perfectionist ass - so I’m happy about that.
16.  Do you draw more today than you did in the past
       Definitely more today. I mean, you could argue i doodled on homework and all that jazz, but completed digital art posted every day would have past me quaking
18.  What are you currently trying to improve on?
        Speed, lineart, symmetry
21. Do you like to challenge yourself?
      Yeah! Have to improve somehow. Wanna take a crazy perspective? Go for it no matter how long it takes! Wanna color with brighter colors? Not backing away easy. Draw with lineart first and no sketch? Hell yEAH lets see what’ll happen!
24.  Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
       Not really, sometimes when people say how long something took I get discouraged because I think I’m not fast enough for a consistent audience/fanbase. But It just makes me want to try harder. I don’t like saying I’ll never get there, that’s old me. That bitch is dead
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