#I love my little rizzle bear so much :(
euthymiya · 2 months
QUICK miss river give me 3 selfship headcanons for a selfship of ur choice
MISS RINA 🥹 u are too kind to me let me tell u all about wriothesley he’s basically an ex convict who now is the “duke” of a prison and reformed it for the better and he’s my sweet beautiful baby
1) he loves picnics in the sun (in canon) but sometimes he can’t always have a picnic as he pleases so I like to take him to this tunnel in the fortress (the underwater prison he runs) and the tunnel is all glass so you’re basically sitting in the middle of the ocean and it’s so pretty and lovely and. Yeah. We have little picnics there and I feed him pastries while he sips his tea (he’s a tea FANATIC in canon) and it cheers him up when he’s feeling a bit stressed and itchy to go up to the surface and be free for a bit
2) when we shower I like to hug him from behind and kiss his scars all along his back before I wash it because I don’t usually get to physically take care of him too often so this is one of the few times I get to spoil him. And he loves it even though he teases that I can’t ever keep my hands off of him. I just rly like non sexual intimacy and I think he would really appreciate it too
3) he likes to come up with me to go to chiyori’s (a fashion designer) boutique and I like to hc her and I are happy little friends so we gossip and chit chat as she custom designs my clothes and he happily sits there and watches me stand there and be draped with this fabric and that. And he doesn’t admit it but he enjoys hearing our gossip. And most importantly, he loves watching me walk out and model things for him and he always says “this one is definitely the one” and I always roll my eyes and say “you said that about the last one can you be more helpful” and he insists it’s not him it’s me. I just look good in everything
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Make Me Want To Forget
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@myslytherinboiis asked “You make me want to forget what they all say. That I should let you go” with Draco Malfoy
He was standing in front of you, his hand shaking as he reached out to cup your cheek tears streaming down his cheek as he tried to meet your gaze.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Y/N” he whispers over and over again. You reach out and place your hand over the top of his own, your heartbreaking at seeing him this distraught, never had you seen the sixth year Slytherin so emotionally upset before he had always been one to hide behind a wall and yet here he was showing you everything, bearing his soul to you.
“What do you mean Draco?” you ask and he looks up, into your eyes as he whispers
“You make me want to forget what they all say. That I should let you go”. Your heart breaks hearing those words leave his mouth
“What on earth? Who is making you leave me?” you ask worried now, you didn't want your happiness with your boyfriend of two years to end.
“The death eaters” he says as he rolls up the sleeve on his left arm, showing you the dark mark that is placed there. You gasp, seeing the mark on him for the first time, but your not really surprised knowing that this would happen eventually given who his parents were. You cup his cheeks in your hands, holding his face and gently rubbing small circles into his cheek
“No matter what happens Draco, whether we have to hide our relationship or you decide we really must end us, I will never give up on you or stop fighting for us. I love you too much to do that” you say and he searches your face, your eyes for any hint that you might be tricking him. When he can't find anything there he leans forward and captures your lips in a loving embrace.
“I love you too my little dove” he whispers and you can't help but smile at the nickname he had given you at the very beginning of your relationship. You were his hope and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​, @mizzezm, @genius2050, @twilight-twihard, @cullencoven2019, @captainxholmes, @luciferxchloeislove, @drethanramsey-ismybabe
Tag List for Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them/Hogwarts Mystery: @harryxhermioneisharmony, @myslytherinboiis, @xneville4lunax
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leigh-kelly · 7 years
Great! What about a 187?
A continuation of this.
Much to both Brittany and Santana’s dismay, they don’t get to see each other for the rest of the summer. Between Santana’s job and Brittany’s annual family trip to New Mexico, everything is hectic, and try as they might, they just can’t make it happen. So when the end of August comes around and it’s time to go back to school, Santana is beside herself thinking about getting to kiss her girlfriend again. As much as she normally would look forward to summer ending and going back to school, this time, it’s amplified, and she’s bouncy as she helps her dad load up the car to drive her back to school. In just a few short hours, she’s going to see Brittany. In a few short hours, they’ll be living together, and the excitement is almost too much to bear.
It’s always strange for Santana when her parents do things together, but since her dad has two days off of work, he volunteered to help her move, and she couldn’t just brush off her mom. So the three of them are driving to New York together, and then her parents will stay in separate hotel rooms before driving back alone together. A younger Santana would have wished for them to be reunited on a trip like that, but now that she’s older, she knows that’s never going to happen. She knows they just make things work as best as they can for her sake, and she’s immensely grateful for it.
The car ride is mostly quiet, with Santana trying to carry the conversation, and she’s relieved when they get into the city. She wonders if Brittany is there yet, she wonders if she has the sheets and the memory foam and all of the things she got to make up their bed. She’s still a little shocked that this is happening, and if she’s being honest, slightly freaked out. She feels like she’s so young to be moving in with her girlfriend, but at the same time, it feels utterly, utterly right. She can’t imagine another year with a roommate who she has nothing in common with, she can’t imagine another year of struggling to fit in with someone, when she already has someone she fits perfectly with. 
“Have you spoken to Brittany?” Her dad breaks the silence. “Do you know how her parents decided to park?”
“I think they’ll have spaces in front cleared out like last year. I’d just get as close as you can, Dad. I don’t have too much with me.”
“Certainly less than last year.” He affirms.
“We knew it, didn’t we Carlos.” Her mother chimes in. “That first year, we all overpack, and then learn how little fits in a dorm room.”
“Plus, she has someone to share with this year. One television, one refrigerator...”
“Aren’t you glad we didn’t have to bring the fridge?” Santana laughs a little, knowing Brittany’s is much better than the one she had.
“Leave it to someone else to carry up. I’m happy to take up your television and your books.”
“I didn’t bring so many this year. I hardly have time to read my school books, let alone all the ones I thought I’d read for pleasure.”
“Well, you’re preoccupied with other things.”
“Carlos, leave her be.” Her mother interjects again. 
“I’m just teasing her a bit, Maribel. You know I’m thrilled she’s found someone she likes being around. What a miracle.”
“I’m being genuine, honestly, Santana. She’s a nice girl. I think it’s good for you.”
“Well good, because she’s not going anywhere.”
“I should hope not, now that you’ve decided to be roommates.”
Santana starts to get uncomfortable in the car, and they couldn’t pull up in front of her new dorm building fast enough. She’s texted Brittany, who’s about a half hour behind her, and she starts unloading the car with her parents, bringing her things upstairs to the empty room. When she gets there, she’s kind of excited about how big it is, and she really can’t wait until she can stop faking that she’s going to have her own bed, and push the beds together with Brittany. They’re really doing this, she’s nervous and excited and a wreck, but it’s going to be good, it has to be good.
When Brittany gets there, there’s a lot of adults in the room, and Santana gets shy, keeping to herself and unpacking the few books she has on her desk. They’d talked about doing lunch again, but Brittany’s parents are doing the round trip in one day, so they want to get out of there. Santana’s parents are good about leaving her be, so finally, after an hour of chaos, it’s just the two of them in their new dorm, standing on opposite sides of the room and looking at each other.
“I smuggled us in our new stuff.” Brittany laughs. “Sure you want to do this?”
“Well, it’d be pretty dumb if we kept our beds on opposite sides of the room and like...alternated whose bed we were going to sleep in. Hell yeah I want to do this, how are we moving the furniture?”
“Desks on opposite sides of the room so you have your private study space?”
“Yeah...that would be really good. Help me push this stuff?”
“Wait a second, I haven’t even kissed you properly yet. Get over here, it’s been like a hundred years since I’ve seen you.”
“Hey.” Santana grins, skipping across the room and falling into Brittany’s arms. “Wow, I missed you.”
“I missed you too, times a million.” Brittany kisses her, running her hands up Santana’s back inside of her shirt. 
“No funny business...yet. Let’s just get everything arranged, and then get you some lunch, then we can do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?”
“I mean, within reason.”
Together, they move the two desks to opposite corners of the room, and then push the beds together under the windows. Brittany gets out a memory foam mattress pad and a set of grey flannel sheets, and they make up the bed, spreading Santana’s oversized comforter over it, and folding Brittany’s smaller one down at the end. When they’re finished, Brittany offers Santana a hand up onto her desk so she can hang her Wonder Woman poster above it, and Brittany hangs hers of Charlie St. Cloud above her own. After they finish up, Santana steps back and admires the work they’ve done. She still has to unpack her clothes, and some of the other boxes she brought with her, but for now, the room looks perfect. 
“What do you think, Babes?”
“I think we live together.”
“Crazy, isn’t it? After so much time apart this summer, all I could think of was how we were going to be here today. We’re roomies, roomie.” 
“I never thought I’d be so excited to have a roommate.”
“Well duh, ‘cuz you didn’t know you’d have the best one.” Brittany grins. “I know you’re totally dying to unpack your stuff right now. Do you want me to run down and grab a pizza, and we’ll eat up here?”
“You really know me well, don’t you?”
“I’d hope so. I’ve had enough time to get to know all your little quirks after all.”
When Brittany goes downstairs, Santana sits on the floor and begins to unpack. It’s actually good, after a day where she’s been surrounded by people to have a few minutes to herself. She begins neatly organizing clothes in the drawers, and she sends Marley a text, just seeing how she’s settling in on moving day at Columbia. She’s sort of itching to finally go meet her long distance friend, but she knows with the stress of moving and the first day of classes coming up, it’s not going to happen yet. Truth be told too, Santana’s a little freaked out after so many years of only knowing each other through the phone, and she just doesn’t want anything to ruin her relationship with her best friend. It’s something she’s had running through her head for weeks, but she feels too weird to even bring it up.
Brittany gets back with the pizza just as Santana is finishing up with her things, and she figures after lunch she’ll help Brittany get through hers. They sit down on the floor with the pizza box between them, and Santana devours half a slice before Brittany even begins to eat. 
“How’s Marley?” Brittany asks, mouthful of pizza. 
“She’s good, getting adjusted, and going to some freshman thing up there tonight.”
“When are you meeting her?”
“I...haven’t decided yet. I mean, is it totally weird that I’m beyond freaked out about it?”
“What do you mean? She’s your best friend.”
“I know, but like...we’ve been friends through the computer for years. We always talked about meeting up, but we both knew it was totally impossible, and my mom would have freaked if she knew I was meeting someone from the computer. Now she lives like a mile away, and I dunno, what if she doesn’t like me or something?”
“Santana Lopez, are you kidding me?” Brittany puts her hands on her hips. “You’re totally awesome, and she knows you better than anyone, even me. It’s going to be amazing when you guys meet and actually get to hang out.”
“It’s just like, I don’t know.”
“Hey, embrace how awesome you are. I’ve only told you, like, a million times, and I’ve Skyped with Marley too. She’s a little adorable nerd like you are, you guys are going to have so much fun together. You’ll probably forget about me.”
“I’d never forget about you, Britt. You’re my favorite, favorite person.”
“I was just teasing you, Babes. But seriously, I’m excited for you to meet her. It’ll be so good for you to have someone you can be yourself with.”
“It’ll also be super weird to say Rizzles out loud in person.”
“I think it’s cute when you say it.”
“Yeah, but you’re you, you think everything I do is cute.”
“C’mere.” Brittany wipes pizza sauce from Santana’s chin. “See, that was cute too.”
“You’re such a sweet talker. I swear, where did you even come from?”
“Well, my mother’s Scottish, and my father is a teeny tiny little elf.”
“Okay Chandler Bing.” Santana pokes her side. “But fine, point taken, it won’t be weird.”
“I’m not trying to negate your feelings or anything. I think I get it, you’re insecure about stuff, and I’m not trying to minimize it. I one-hundred percent get being insecure.”
“I know.” Santana leans in to kiss her. “And I love you for that.”
They eat the rest of their pizza quietly, and then Santana helps Brittany with all of her unpacking. Their new yet to be named fish sits on Brittany’s dresser, and after the long day of traveling and unpacking, Santana is just ready to lay down. They start classes in two days, so until then, they have all the time in the world just to be together. It feels like such a relief to Santana after all their time apart, and when Brittany pops The Notebook into the DVD player, Santana plops back on their bed, ready to settle in for the night. 
“We can do leftover pizza for dinner.” Brittany tells her, laying down and opening up her arms. “I’ve gotta figure out this eating thing, since the dining hall is forever away now.”
“We can make a point to get up early and go, and then do dinner after class there most nights.”
“Rubin was definitely easier for this. But yeah...”
“Is everything okay, Britt?”
“Yeah, totally. I’m just thinking it through. Sometimes I hate that this is a thing I have to do.”
“I know, but I support you completely. If you ever feel like you’re slipping...”
“No, I know, I’ve got you to turn to. I don’t think I’ll slip, it’s just good to have an eating plan in place. I know that probably sounds dumb after it’s been years.”
“I don’t think it’s dumb. I think it’s really important that you keep an eye on it. The last thing I want is for you to be sick again.”
“It’s good to be back around you. In the summer time I’d get so bored and I’d get off my schedule. Since you’re such a planner, you help keep me to one.”
“Do you want to go to the Whole Foods on Houston tomorrow and stock up on some stuff to keep around here? We could even go to Bed Bath and Beyond and grab a toaster if you wanted...”
“Are you suggesting we introduce more contraband items?” Brittany laughs a little, as Santana settles into her arms.
“We’re already breaking the rules with the fish, what’s one more thing?”
“You bring a rebel is kind of sexy.”
“Oh yeah.” Santana adjusts her glasses. “That’s me, rebel without a cause. Which, by the way, we still need to watch.”
“We do. Tomorrow night?”
“Yeah, I want one of your movies that I’m totally going to only half watch tonight.”
“Oh really?”
“Britt, we haven’t had sex since June. If you think I’m about to genuinely watch The Notebook, you’re insane.”
“That’s the best kind of answer I’ve ever heard.”
Santana rolls onto her side, and Brittany presses into her a little, kissing her deeply, and laying her onto her back so she can hover over her. Just making out feels really good after so long, but Santana can feel herself getting revved up faster than she ordinarily would. When Brittany unbuttons her pants, she flushes, knowing that she’s already wet, and Brittany’s eyes widen, a grin spreading across her face. 
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“You have no idea.” Santana murmurs, silencing Brittany with another kiss. 
“Can we try something?”
“What kind of something?”
“I want to...like, get each other off at the same time.”
“You mean scissoring?”
“Well...” Brittany trails off, and Santana can tell she’s thinking hard. “I was actually thinking more like, we go down on each other at the same time.”
“Oh...wow. Okay. That sounds really hot.”
“Uh huh.” Santana takes her glasses off and puts them beside the bed. “I definitely would be into that.”
“What a way to christen our new bed.” Brittany grins, pulling her shirt over her head and undoing her jeans. 
Santana follows Brittany’s lead, and she gets fully undressed. Normally, they’d undress each other slowly, but given how excited they both are about this, they don’t waste any time getting fully naked. Santana squirms a little, unsure of what exactly to do next, but Brittany eases her nerves by kissing her and palming her breasts, waiting until she’s putty in her hands before she makes the next move. Santana lays back into the pillows, nodding that she’s totally okay with being beneath Brittany, and when Brittany carefully lowers herself onto her face, Santana gives a rare wanton moan of pleasure.
It’s the weirdest sensation, Santana thinks, simultaneously pleasuring and being pleasured like this, but it only makes her work harder to make this the absolute best for Brittany. When she feels herself on the verge of coming, and knows that Brittany’s not quite there yet, she doubles down, squeezing her ass and pulling her closer in until she almost feels like she can’t breathe. She’s lightheaded, and when she actually falls apart, it’s almost surreal how good it feels for her. She can’t believe they’ve never done this before, and as vanilla as she thought she was, maybe she’s a little kinky somewhere deep inside—at least the kind of kinky that sort of gets off on not being able to breathe. 
Afterwards, Brittany seems especially tender with her, kissing all over her face, stroking her hair and body, wrapping her up in the blanket on their bed. As good as orgasms are, it’s the little afterwards intimacies that are Santana’s favorite thing in the world, and she curls up into Brittany’s arms, content like a little kitten. She feels like Brittany’s most special thing in those times, and she tucks her face into the crook of Brittany’s neck, smelling her lingering perfume, the sweat from their activities, just her natural Brittany smell. It feels so good to be back in her arms, and Santana sighs contentedly. 
“Good?” Brittany asks, and Santana nods. “Me too.”
“I really don’t want to get up ever again. That was like...the most perfect thing, having you back is the most perfect thing.”
“Seriously, can we do internships next summer so we can just stay here?”
“Can we not talk about next summer at all? Please?”
“I’m sorry.” Brittany kisses her lips. “I won’t anymore. Do you want cold pizza?”
“Sure.” Santana smiles, almost asking Brittany if she’s really ready to get up already, before thinking better of it. “Iced tea too?”
“Anything you want. Just stay right here.”
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Explosive Love
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A/N: So this was supposed to be a Lulaxmc fic but it kinda turned Adrianxmc fic instead :D my bad
Blood Bound – Lula “You just HAD to light illegal explosives, didn’t you?”
As people began to scramble passed you, your grip on Lula's hand was tight as you didn't want to lose her in all the chaos. Adrian had asked you and Lily to escort all the members of the Shadowden away from the ensuing battle and though you had wanted to stay by his side and fight, you couldn't bear to lose anyone else to the violence of others. As you run through the underground tunnels you remember something that Jax had told you about the tunnels, finding the next room off the tunnel you drag Lula into it and pray that this was one of the ones that were stored with the explosives he'd been talking about.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Lula asks frantically and you grab a couple of the explosives that were hiding in the far corner of the room.
“We need a chance to escape from the stray vampire hunters that are coming after us, Adrian, Kamilah and Jax promised that no matter what happened they would not exit through the tunnel we are escaping through because Jax told me that if need be there were explosives we could use. These explosives” you explain to the young vampire and she nods her head slowly
“Okay but only if we need to use them right?” she asks and you nod
“Only if we need to use them,” you promise, before taking her hand again and re-entering the tunnel where you proceed to run down the tunnel. You can hear footsteps up ahead and can hear multiple footsteps behind you, voices all unfamiliar to you
“Y/N?” Lula asks as she tries to hide her fear, you look down at her and you nod
“I know Lula, it's okay, not too much longer now” you say and she nods her head
“Are you sure? They sound like they're gaining on us” she states and you turn your head around, you can see what she means, not too far behind you are a couple of hunters and behind them is a bigger crowd of hunters. You look down at Lula, almost tripping over your feet as you say to her
“I'm going to light the explosives, get ready to run as fast as you can”, she nods her head and as you light the explosive throwing it behind you as soon as its lit you turn to Lula and say to her
The two of you run as fast as your legs will carry you, you shove Lula up the ladder at the end of the tunnel and you are halfway up when the explosives begin being set off, you can feel the heat pouring down the tunnel and shout
“Hurry Lula!” the two of you make it out of the tunnel as flames engulf the end of the tunnel.
“Holy frick!” you say as you lay panting on the ground. Lula beside you as the two of you try and catch your breaths. Lily rushes over to you both to make sure your okay, before she hits you on the shoulder and shoots you a glare
“You just HAD to light illegal explosives, didn’t you?” she says and you look over at Lula before your gaze meets Lily's again
“Well, if we didn't set off those explosives Lula and I wouldn't be here right now” you say, sitting up and glaring at your best friend
“But at what cost? DO we even know if Jax, Kamilah or Adrian made it out before you set off those explosives?” she asks and you jump to your feet
“Do you not think that I didn't think about the risks Lily? Of course I did! They're my friends too, Jax and Kamilah are my friends too!” you say and Lily raises an eyebrow
“And what about Adrian?” she asks and you raise an eyebrow
“What about Adrian?” you ask annoyed
“You left him out of that sentence, left him out of being your friend. Why is that?” she asks and you growl
“Seriously? You're being ridiculous!” you say and she shakes her head
“I'm not the one too afraid to admit my true feelings for a man who has literally given so much of himself to you” she says and you growl frustratedly, pushing her back as you burst
“You know what Lily! F**K YOU! Of course, I care about Adrian, but the reason I didn't add him to my list of friends is because I don't see Adrian as my friend” you pause as you try to calm yourself down “I love Adrian, with every part of who I am Lily, of course, I care about him” you whisper and her jaw drops
“You love him?” she asks and you nod, knowing by the way your heart is beating so fast at the mention of him and the way you can't help but smile at thought of your lover that you truly had fallen deeply in love with the man. She doesn't say anything more, her gaze flickers over your shoulder and she smiles, you turn seeing the others have joined you, they all look a little worse for wear but you're glad that they aren't too badly beaten up. Seeing Adrian at the back of the group, you run towards him, straight into his waiting arms
“Hey beautiful” he whispers as soon as your arms are wrapped around his waist and he's holding you tightly.
“I was worried about you” you whisper and he places a kiss on your lips
“Was worried about you too, beautiful” you hear him say before he leans down and captures your lips in a hungry kiss. You lose yourself in the feel of his lips before you pull back and breath against his lips
“I love you Adrian” he cups your chin in his hand, resting his forehead on yours as he whispers
“I love you too Y/N, so very much”.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej-deactivated20191209​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @captainxmikaelson​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree-0816​
Tag List for Blood Bound: @xmrsadrianrainesx​
Tag List for Adrian Raines: @krishu213​, @adrianrainesworld​
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
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@drethanramsey-ismybabe asked Bubbly - Colbie Caillat with Dr Ethan Ramsey
It was karaoke night at Donohue's, you hadn't planned on singing you really hadn't but when you had been working a 14-hour shift on next to no sleep for the previous two days and then added alcohol into the mix there hadn't really been much choice. You get up on the makeshift stage and scroll through the song options before finding exactly the song you were looking for.“Aha!” you say into the microphone. Smiling as the first chords play through the speakers you get ready to sing as your eyes meet the blue pools sitting across the bar at the sipping his drink, you can see the corners of his mouth are turned up in a slight smile. Your eyes never leave his as you sing the song you know from heart, bearing your soul to him.
Will you count me in? I've been awake for a while now You've got me feelin' like a child now 'Cause every time I see your bubbly face I get the tingles in a silly place It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose Where ever it goes I always know That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now Just take your time wherever you go 
The rain is fallin' on my windowpane But we are hidin' in a safer place Undercovers stayin' dry and warm You give me feelings that I adore 
It starts in my toes, make me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now Just take your time wherever you go But what am I gonna say? When you make me feel this way I just, mmm And it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now Just take your time wherever you go I've been asleep for a while now You tucked me in just like a child now 'Cause every time you hold me in your arms I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth It starts in my soul, and I lose all control When you kiss my nose, the feelin' shows 'Cause you make me smile, baby, just take your time now Holdin' me tight Wherever, wherever, wherever you go Wherever, wherever, wherever you go Wherever you go I always know 'Cause you make me smile, even just for a while 
There's a clap from all around as the song fades, but your attention is stuck on Ethan. He gives you a wide smile before he gets to his feet, and walks out. The next thing you know you can feel your cellphone vibrating in your pocket. Pulling it out, you can't help but grin as you see the name Jonah popping up on your screen. It was your code for him so that when your roommates saw your phone they wouldn't suspect anything was happening between you and Ethan. You clamber down from the stage before checking the message he had sent you. That was beautiful, meet you back at my place ASAP it reads you beam at his words before sending back a message of your own 
Thanks babe xx be there soon. You hurry to collect your things and rush out of the bar trying to escape before any of your friends catch you, luckily their all engaged in other things so your escape is clear. You make your way across the street to where your car is parked. However, when you try to get your car to work the damn engine is flat, you try ticking it over once, twice, a third time but nothing seems to happen. Instead of heading back into the bar to talk to the bartender or even one of your friends you call Ethan, he picks up almost instantly 
“Ethan, I need your help” you say and you can hear the concern in his voice “What do you mean Y/N? What's happened?” he asks and you are about to explain about the engine being flat when a sudden explosion erupts from the hood of the car, and your thrown back across the footpath, before hitting your head on the concrete wall, you can hear a murmur from the phone speaker but mostly all you can hear is the ringing in your ears as you lose consciousness.
When you wake, it's to the sound of a heart monitor and the bright lights of the hospital room. You try sitting up, but feel a soft hand on your shoulder stopping you from moving, you begin to panic before you meet the blue eyes of the man you love, they're full of concern and desperation but they show a little bit of relief at seeing you awake. 
“Ethan” you whisper and he leans down placing a kiss on your forehead before he says 
“Shush, it's okay, try not to move sweetheart” you give a small smile at hearing the term of endearment he normally doesn't say outside of the his apartment. “How long have I been here?” you ask and he frowns 
“It's been two days since the explosion, honestly when the doctors showed me the results from your CT scan and MRI, I'm surprised you're actually awake after such a short time” he says and you raise an eyebrow “What do you mean?” you ask and he says 
“I'll let your assigned doctor tell you” he says, and your face falls. But you understand why he's doing this, it's overstepping the boundaries for him to have even have told you this much since you weren't his patient. 
It feels like an eternity before the doctor comes in to discuss the findings with you, he's about to dismiss Ethan but you shake your head and reach out for him “No! Let him stay” you beg, panic setting in, your hand outstretched, waiting for his hand to hold and the doctor raises an eyebrow at you before turning to Ethan “The patient has asked for you to stay” the doctor says and Ethan looks at you, trying to decide on whether or not he should stay or if he should leave, you meet his blue eyes, pleading with him and he sighs before making his way over to your bed and he takes your hand in his before he turns to the doctor who is eyeing the two of you suspiciously before Ethan growls and the doctor begins to explain his findings. The doctor runs the normal tests now that you're awake as well and declares that your stay in the hospital will be a short one if there are no further signs of complications, such as seizure. When the doctor exits the room you look over at Ethan as he watches you digest the news. 
“I'm sorry this happened to you sweetheart” he whispers, sitting next to your bed in the horrible plastic hospital chair. You give his hand a gentle squeeze, 
“I'm just glad your here Ethan. I love you” you whisper and he beams, before he leans over and places a kiss on the back of your hand “I love you too Y/N, so much” he says and you smile.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​, @mizzezm, @genius2050, @twilight-twihard, @cullencoven2019, @captainxholmes, @luciferxchloeislove, @drethanramsey-ismybabe
Tag List for Open Heart: @melissagoodwill, @lady-kato, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Sweet Girl
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When people told him that being a parent to a teenage girl, was going to be a walk in the park he had laughed at them, add in the mixture of you both being vampires, things didn't quite pan out the way you had wanted them too. Your daughter Y/N had been made from the love and devotion he had for a simple tailors daughter in his village, born just weeks before he had been turned into a vampire, he was at his most happiest point in his life, and even with his constant thirst for blood he never wanted to leave her side. When Y/N was just 16 years old she had been walking through town back to her mother's house when she was attacked, raped and broken and left fighting for her life, Carlisle had been on his way back to the house after a hunt when he had found her. His dead heart had broken at the sight of seeing his little girl like that on the ground. So he took it upon himself to change her, when she'd woken three days later she'd been grateful to you, wanting to spend nothing more than an eternity with her father. And you were so incredibly thankful to have an eternity with your daughter, she had always been and would always be the most precious thing in the world.
It was after a particularly long day of work that you came home to an empty house. Or so you had thought. Knowing that the others had gone off for a hunting trip that morning and wouldn't be returning till much later you were surprised to hear the quiet sniffles coming from your daughters bedroom. Knocking on the door you wait for a response, your heart breaking when you hear the broken
"Come in" that escapes your daughters lips.
Opening the door you feel your heart breaking that much more when you see Y/N curled up on her bed, hugging close the soft toy that you knew her boyfriend Carter had won for her at the carnival they had been to just weeks before. You make your way to her bed and she looks up, giving you a sad smile
"Hi daddy" she whispers. You sit on the bed next to her and open your arms wide, inviting her in for a hug. She's immediately in your lap, head resting on your shoulder and clinging to the collar on your shirt. You were surprised, Y/N normally wasn't one to show her emotions in such a way and given that vampires couldn't cry this was the closest she had been to truly needing her father in such a long time. You run your hand gently up and down her back as she gently shakes in your arms.
"What is it sweet girl?" You ask. She let's out a shaky breath before she says
"He died daddy, I wasn't there to save him. I should've been there to save him, help him at least and I wasn't. And now he's dead" she says and you raise an eyebrow
"Who sweet girl? Who died?" You ask and she looks up at you, completely heartbroken and suddenly the teddy bear makes sense. It all falls into place and you just hold her closer to you, letting her know that she's not alone, not in her grief and not ever. Eventually the two of you are left sitting in the silence, just holding each other when you lean down and press a kiss on her forehead
"I love you forever my sweet girl". She looks up st you and smiles, a truly happy smile before she places a kiss on your cheek and says
"I love you too daddy".
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake, @mizzezm, @genius2050, @twilight-twihard, @cullencoven2019
Tag List for Twilight: @jasper-babyxx
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stanathanxoox · 6 years
Our Little Bump
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@matchesarelit asked: Hello, just wondering if I can request cascada – everytime we touch with Frankie Rizzoli because he is so amazing yet there is like nothing written for him. Thanks, love your writing.
Soft hands move from your cheeks, wiping away the tears from your face, moving slowly down your body to caress the small bump, a bump that is the proof of the life that is growing within you. A testament to your love and adoration for each other because you had always been told that pregnancy would never be an option for you. You knew the risks of having this baby but you couldn't bear the thought of terminating the pregnancy, couldn't bear the thought of ending the life that you and your husband had created. From where Frankie is positioned between your legs he looks up at you and smiles
“I love you so very much my dearest Y/N, this baby is going to be so very loved” he says and you nod, you already know that his words are the truth, you've seen the love and affection that his family has to offer, have been showered with it since your very first meeting with his family all those years ago. And now with a new Rizzoli on the way, you had no doubt in your mind that that love and affection would double or even triple in the coming weeks and months as you entered into the next phase of your life.
“I love you and our little bump so much Frankie,” you say and he beams at you before placing a kiss on the highest peak of your belly.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi , @jimmybpride , @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy , @nikkiwierden , @samchelforever007 , @kirkspockbones , @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox , @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love , @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake , @mizzezm
Tag List for Rizzoli and Isles: @timeformetoshinenow , @matchesarelit
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Reading To Baby
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Anonymous said:
Reading a book with little one on your lap. Hannah Khoury x Tammy Gregorio? NCIS Nola
Days like this were always your favourite. Snuggled up on the couch, your three-year-old son Harvey sitting on your knee with your wife's head laying on your shoulder as you read one of the many stories in your collection of Winnie the Pooh stories. You knew that Tigger was your sons favourite, as a matter of fact, the small boy was sitting in his Tigger onesie, with his Tigger teddy bear, clutched tightly in his chubby little hands. By the time you finished the story you were reading, Harvey was sound asleep, one hand clutching tightly to his teddy bear, the other clutching to your blouse. You turn your head to see Tammy staring at you
“What?” you whisper to your wife, she just smiles, placing a kiss on your cheek before leaning over to run her fingers through your son's curly hair.
“Is it bad that I don't want to move from this spot, even though we have to put Harvey to bed, and then get ready for bed ourselves?” Tammy says and you shake your head, you knew that feeling well. It was always hard when you had to leave your son for more than a couple of hours, especially when the two of you were working. You were so grateful to your little support network, Patton had pretty much set up a little playroom for Harvey in his office meaning that you could still have him with you during the working day, and when you were out on a case Patton would look after him in the office, it truly was a great set up. Eventually Tammy gets to her feet and helps you up before you carry Harvey up stairs and place him down on his big boy bed. You tuck him in before the two of you lean over and place a kiss on his forehead
“Sweet dreams Harvey” Tammy whispers
“Goodnight my baby” you whisper, before taking Tammy's hand and leave the room, turning off the light before closing the door behind you.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​, @mizzezm
Tag List for NCIS/NCIS NOLA: @powerpuffbubbles, @diaryofafan17, @thebeckyjolene
Tag for NCIS NOLA: @flight-of-a-robin
Tag List for Tammy Gregorio and Hannah Khoury: @hannah-sloane-38
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