#I love long flowers that hang from the stem it's like a lil party
donuts4evry1 · 1 year
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flower photos from the pyrinees: heath spotted orchid, 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪, wolfsbane, aconite, pyrenean lily
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writertitan · 4 years
Nice! May I request romantic relationship headcanons for Levi, Pieck and Jean? And what do you think are their ideal s/o?Thank you very much!! ❤️
living for Pieck content rn so thank you
is adamant about saying “hello” and “goodbye”
will genuinely get especially upset if you don’t say goodbye back lmao
“Bye” ...... “Did you hear me, I said ‘bye’”
stems from the fact that he’s lost people and wasn’t able to say goodbye and doesn’t want either of you to go through that (just in case) 
does not beat around the bush, if he senses that you’re upset about something he will bring it up and encourage you to talk about it and will just listen if you don’t want any advice
will also just sit there with you literally as long as you need if you just need to decompress and want some company 
shows his affection by making fun of you lmfao 
but it’s like inside joke stuff a lot of the time, nothing that would actually upset you/embarrass you in front of other people 
like if you one time accidentally put salt instead of sugar in some tea, he will give you shit about it forever 
you’ll say you’re making tea and you’re sure to hear some stupid shit like, “Not poisoned, please” 
a guaranteed way to get a lil laugh out of him every time is by trying to wrestle him 
and he won’t let you win because he’s a little shit
he thinks it’s genuinely funny that you even try to wrestle him 
but he does always kiss your head afterward, v cute 
he actually brings out his crude humor more because of you, bc you like it, don’t lie 
not the jealous type but is protective and will kick ass if provoked
I see Levi’s type as being someone who is very resilient but also very emotionally intelligent, especially because he’s so hard to read. Body language is more his style rather than actually using his words. Actions do speak louder than words with Levi and I think his ideal S/O would likely have to have the same mindset. However, when verbal communication is important, I think Levi ideally fits best with someone direct and also doesn’t beat around the bush. I don’t think he’d be into fighting, more like discussing if one or both of you is upset. Also, I think Levi would just seek out someone who is warm, and can still see the brighter side to life. I think it would help him immensely to have his S/O be someone who is a genuinely happy person with a lot of love to give. God knows Levi deserves gdi!! 
she would be THE most praise-filled partner lmao
like for literally anything, she would make sure you knew she was so proud of you/happy for you
will make anything something to celebrate
even just the littlest thing. did you have a really good day at work? yay! she’s buying you your fav treat 
of course, BIG accomplishments come with BIG celebrations
she’s the S/O who plans you a surprise party but you might get a little suspicious just bc you know she likes to do shit like this lmao 
she’s grateful that you act surprised anyway
won’t apologize for spooking you when she just decides to get on all fours and you walk in on her crawling around LMAO 
“you know I do this all the time, why do you still scream like that?” - she still says this like twice a week 
quality time quality time quality time, she loves quality time
you both have a couples’ hobby to bond over 
something like baking too where it serves a purpose and is fun with her 
not afraid to be affectionate and is always squeezing your arm, holding your hand, poking at you
PDA queen
might even (aka absolutely does) have a problem with remembering boundaries because she’s just so willing to touch and be touched lmaooo
your friends and your family all love the h*ck out of her 
Because it’s a head canon that Pieck just always looks as things as “glass half full”, I do think she’d benefit from having her S/O be a little more grounded and down to earth just to keep her out of trouble. But also, she would loooove someone who also chooses positivity. Life is short (especially for canonverse Pieck), so making memories would be really important to her and she of course prefers to make really happy ones. I think she’d prefer her S/O to be allll about physical affection because she’d prefer someone who was 110% okay with PDA. I also think ideally, she’d be great with someone who is a really good listener and also knows exactly what to say to her when she does happen to have a bad day and gets a little sad. Pieck is just queen shit for life!!! 
is the sass master lmfao
he thrives, simply thrives, on your attention
is always trying to get your attention 
“Babe, look at me, watch me do this new thing I just learned!!” 
you don’t understand, he will actually die if you don’t pay attention to him
always showing off to impress you
even if you’ve been dating a while, he needs to impress you and he needs to have your attention on him 
will act casual about doing romantic things like buying flowers, gifting you little trinkets, and will pretend to be embarrassed when you get excited, but he loves doing them and loves how excited you get 
and he thinks he’s being sly about being so casual and getting “embarrassed” but this boy is just an open book
you will never have to question his feelings for you because, again, he’s an open book whether he likes it or not 
even before dating when he was just crushing hard, everyone knew he liked you (including you), he literally just can’t hide his feelings for you
absolutely acts like hot shit in front of everyone but when it’s just you two, he’s such a baby
like tbh if you don’t baby him, jean will whine about it 
loves witty banter with you and you guys have so many inside jokes that it’s annoying to everyone else 
you two are THE couple in the corner judging everyone and snickering about it
he’s not obsessive about PDA but his favorite thing is when his arm is around your shoulders and you reach up to hold his hand that’s hanging off your shoulder idk i can’t explain why this is such a big jean hc for me 
I think Jean would actually do well with another hothead and it’s just such a head canon for me! Not like always fighting or anything, but it just seems like he’d love his S/O to be just as open about their emotions. And honestly, he needs to date someone who can take his sense of humor and can take his own ridic temper, and not only take it, but know how to steady him/cool him down. I think he would learn how to do this for his S/O as well, learning not only what buttons to push (because he would learn that just for shits and giggles), but know how to undo it and settle you down and make you happy. Jean would be that boyfriend who genuinely isn’t afraid to seek validation from you and I think his ideal S/O would be someone who puts him as a priority and is okay with constantly reassuring him that he’s a priority and showing him that he is. He’s a loyal boy and I think he would ideally prefer someone who goes all in just like him. Jean just needs a hug and he’s not afraid to ask his partner for one!! 
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