#I love it when villain couple are absolute perfect and super affectionate toward each other
ecto-stone · 4 months
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Misery Love Company ~
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
... ship ya moots plz and thanks ❤✨
@nekosvno Oikawa and Miruko (also meeee Ily, mwah!). Miruko would spoil the hell out of you, I just know it. Power couple! I don’t know much about Oikawa but from what I read about his personality it seems like you guys would inspire each other to work harder and meet goals together. I could also see the two of you as a power couple!
@chickynn Who else but Zenitsu? He would LOVE your affection! You are such a bright ray of sunshine and he needs that in his life! It’s a great dynamic between the two of you! I also think the two of you would make a power couple when it comes down to it! 
@hoe-doroki The obvious choice here would be Todoroki but I also ship you with Bakugou! I feel like your personalities would work really well together and Bakugou would be your rock, I know he would. 
@maemi324 Sooooo I’m gonna say ProHero!Deku or Hawks! I could see you and Hawks having a very teasing lighthearted relationship! Also, Deku would be unbelievably sweet on you, you have NO idea.
@relish-the-freezing-silence (pssst, I hope you’re doing okay! ;w;) I ship you with Deku and Shinsou! You’re very caring and always checking in with others and that would 100% attract Deku to you. On the flip side, you seem like you would also enjoy a quiet night in at home or fun things like arcades or movies late at night which is right up Shinsou’s alley. I think his cocky attitude would contrast beautifully with your down to earth vibes!
@punisher2006 Villain!Deku (the softie ver) ftw! He’ll take good care of you, I promise! There’s no love quite like his! uwu He’s very doting and I could see the two of you having a lot of quiet nights in or out...whichever you prefer, but he might want a lowkey night without 
@my-hero-fantasies I give you poly KiriDekuKami because you deserve the sunshine all three of these boys would give and they would all adore you. Imagine the giant cuddle piles. The dumb jokes. The memes. You get to nerd out with Deku, Kiri will absolutely protect you from anything and everything, and Denki is a literal ball of sunshine who could cheer you up any time you needed. The have the best of three worlds right there haha!
@whipped-cream-writings I ship you with Deku and Kirishima! I think both of them would love your friendly personality, Kiri especially! You’re so nice and welcoming and I could totally see you with either one as a happy go lucky couple!
@dragonsdreamoffire Okay, buckle up because I basically ship you with a LOT of people (alsdjfldkj SORRY ur super shippable I swear)! Firstly Uraraka! What a cute relationship that would be! I could see lots of coffee shop/tea and brunch dates. ;w; Also Villain!Deku, and Shinsou, and normal Deku, so pretty much the whole Core4. xD If you’re anything like me (I swear sometimes we’re dopplegangers with how similar we are with stuff), then these guys are perfect for you because they offer great stability as your rock! All of them are affectionate in their own ways but I guarantee you will always feel loved and cared for. <3
@viridianvoid I ship you with Vil!Deku and just normal Deku in general! But also for some reason I get the feeling you’d get along really well with Kaminari? I have no basis for this other than vibes and assumptions but I think you guys would be cute together. Both Deku and Kami are so bright and happy, and the good news is it’s contagious! Definitely would be a cozy cheerful relationship!
@waitforitillwritemywayout I ship you with Tamaki! You seem very outgoing and he could use someone to break him out of his shell in an encouraging and gentle way! Kind of related to this but not really but you remind me a lot of Mirio? I bet Tamaki would gravitate towards you!
@hmm-cats I ship you with Villain!Deku and Dabi! You seem like you could handle their personalities pretty well and bring out the best in them. Good luck with those crazies lmao
@quietlegends I ship you with Deku! You’re so kind and nice and I could be wrong but maybe a lil shy? uwu Idk when I picture you and Deku I see both of you as a blushing mess for each other trying to stumble over words to confess! But he would be so confident afterwards, you bring out the best in him!
@sugarmaplewings-fics Another poly ship here! I ship you with poly KiriDeku (that ship is really starting to grow on me <3). I can see this relationship being super affectionate and loving, just full of cuddles and cute little romantic things. Did you know Kiri is a hopeless romantic too? He won’t admit it but it’s so true! Just let him think all those candles and home-cooked meals are manly... Deku’s gonna keep both of you safe and cared for no matter what. Precious green bean. uwu
@butterscotchbaku Okay OF COURSE I SHIP YOU WITH DEKU. How could I not!? Y’all would make the perfect couple PLS- Plot twist though, I also ship you with Mina and Kiri! Kiri would be so good to you! And Mina would get into so much trouble with you oh my god, I can see the two of you wrecking havoc but also being the cutest couple ever! If you don’t swing that way ignore that last part but def Kiri and Deku for sure!
@omegaverse-skank I have one character I specifically ship you with and that is Yandere!Deku from Stained glass. But also normal Deku and Bakugou. Idk I feel like you would really enjoy his attention, and trust me, he has plenty of it to give. Hope you like giant penthouses and evil schemes. Don’t worry, nothing is going to hurt you ever again. 
@denise-the-death-goddess I also ship you with Deku! And also Villain!Deku but either version would love you to bits! Pls he would love your devotion to him! Knowing he gets to be with his extremely loyal and loving other half?? He’s going to give you ten times as much love in return just for that fact. <3
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eeriegrove · 6 years
Okay, feel free to take liberty with this prompt. Katsuki has been super stressed out because of work and his sex life with Izuku is suffering the consequences. So Izuku does a bunch of enticing things trying to subtly seduce Katsuki throughout the work day until the final act causes Katsuki to snap and really passionate stress relief sex ensues. (Semi public is fine or private is fine too, up to you!)
Ah, thank you so much for the ask! I got a bit carried away, so it’s a bit longer than expected! I hope you like it! Office sex is the best sex, right? ;)
KatsuDeku - Stressed Out
    Bakugou Katsuki was stressed out.
    It didn’t take an idiot to tell that the blond was suffering through the work day. Ever since the villain attack at headquarters, he’d been burying himself in the paperwork and meetings that came along with it. Katsuki would never admit it, but when it came to his work, he was passionate. He didn’t want other people to be swamped with the papers, especially when he blamed himself for the attack.
    Which it wasn’t, Izuku grumbled to himself, but he can’t get that in his thick head. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, the first time being when he accidentally blew up the eastern ward when a villain amplified his quirk. He was so upset over that, he refused to talk to Izuku for days.
    “Hey, Kacchan?” he called out, peeking his head through the door of Katsuki’s office. As he expected, he was flipping through documents with a determined gaze. Izuku’s heart clenched in worry, but he kept it hidden. “I’m heading out to lunch. You want to come with me?”
    Katsuki didn’t even look up at him. “I’m a bit busy over here, Deku. You know how it is.”
    Izuku bit back a groan at how stubborn his boyfriend was. The incident was two days ago, and he hadn’t grabbed lunch with him for two days. Life around the office was getting lonely without his other half. “But I’ll be awfully lonely without you.” he trailed off, closing the door behind him. Izuku wandered over to the other side of the desk, resting his hand on his shoulder.
    The one thing that really bothered Izuku wasn’t just the fact that his boyfriend was overworking himself. It was that his sex life was dwindling. Before the attack, they were on each other nearly 24/7: doing it at the office, bedroom, anywhere as long as they wouldn’t get caught. Katsuki loved to mark up Izuku, but now their nights were tense and had no passion behind it. It bothered Izuku to no end.
    He leaned over and pecked Katsuki on the cheek before nuzzling into his neck, breathing in his scent. At least he smelt the same. “Izuku, cut it out. I’m busy.” he said, lightly pushing Izuku away. “If you’re lonely, go and take Round-Face with you.”
    This time, Izuku didn’t hide his disappointment. “But she’s not you.” he whined, sitting on the edge of the desk where there weren’t any papers. “Can’t you take a break, Kacchan? C’mon, eat with me.”
    Katsuki looked up, an exasperated glance sent his way. “Not right now. I’ll come home early, I promise.” He gave him a tired smile and went right back to reading. That’s a lie. You said that you’d come home early for me last night, but you got home around midnight! But he wasn’t looking for an argument.
    With a sigh, he stood and walked towards the door. “I’ll grab you something to eat on my way out.” he said, dejected. Katsuki shooed him away.
    “Don’t worry about that. Go on, have fun.” He didn’t look up from his paper that time either, and Izuku shut the door quickly in anger. If Katsuki was going to act like this, Izuku would have to try even harder to relieve his stress and burden. He’d just need to know how…
    “I’d seduce the hell out of him.” Uraraka offered bluntly, taking a sip from her drink. Izuku nearly choked on his burger, swallowing it down with some water to avoid dying. She laughed at his reaction, but sobered quickly. “But seriously, if it’s affecting you like this, I’d take initiative. I mean, no sex in two days? That’s too long for you guys.”
    Izuku flushed red, but didn’t object. It was true that they were well-known as the most  sexually active couple among their friends, yet it was still embarrassing every time he heard about it. “What should I do, though? He keeps pushing me away if I get too affectionate.”
    Uraraka hummed in thought. “Try doing it subtly, then. Make Bakugou come to you.” She gnawed on a fry.
    Izuku contemplated the idea, smiling to himself. He’d have to pull a few stunts, but it might just work. “Thanks, Uraraka. I’d be losing my mind without you.” he breathed out, resting his head on his arms. He was exhausted too, having spent some nights awake thinking about Katsuki’s health and wellbeing. Izuku was worried, that was for sure. 
    She patted his head gently. “I wish you luck, Deku! Let me know if you need help with anything.”
    Izuku nodded, getting to his feet. “Will do! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to seduce!” he exclaimed, grabbing his things before rushing out the door. Behind him, Uraraka laughed.
    His mind was already set in motion, thinking of the many things that got Katsuki riled up. Izuku was smiling widely as the plans began to set themselves up. Oh, just you wait, Katsuki! I’ll have you back to normal in no time!
    The first plan would be exposed skin. Katsuki absolutely lost his shit when Izuku showed his shoulders and collarbones, and it was sure to work against stubborn old Katsuki. He walked back up to Katsuki’s office, not even bothering to knock as he already knew that he would be in the same spot. He slipped in, closing the door softly behind him.
    “How was lunch?” came Katsuki’s monotone question. Izuku rolled his eyes and crept forward, beginning to unbutton the top button to his shirt. It wouldn’t be a strip tease, but it would be enough to trigger some kind of response from the working man. Izuku walked behind his chair and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, leaning forward to pretend that he was reading the papers. It put his collarbone in perfect sight, if Katsuki was willing to look.
    “What are you doing, Deku?” he sighed, lifting his hand to swat him away. Izuku stayed latched on his shoulders, swirling him around on his chair until he was nearly in the man’s lap. Katsuki’s red eyes immediately noticed the hem of Izuku’s shirt, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped. He definitely looked tempted, but would he hook on the line?
    “Like what you see, Kacchan?” Izuku purred, cupping his boyfriend’s cheek. In response, the man leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. Izuku’s hopes were raising, excitement thrumming through his veins.
    “Not in the mood, Deku.” he said instead, gently pushing him away and turning back to the desk. Disbelief turned into frustration as Izuku was left standing there. Seriously?
    “Right.” he said, sounding dejected.
    Katsuki sighed, but didn’t look back. “Maybe later, Deku. When I’m not so busy.” he offered, but even Izuku knew that wasn’t going to happen. When he wasn’t busy, he was sleeping. There was no time in between.
    Izuku left without a word in response, fixing his collar on the way out. That was only the first try! He’ll surely get him with the next one.
    The next plan was dinner. He would have to make it quickly, since he got off work later than Katsuki (thankfully, Katsuki always left work later anyway) and he’d have to get dressed for the occasion. Last time Izuku wore a tux, Katsuki immediately took it right off of him and they had the best sex imaginable. If he could do that again…
    He sent a text to Katsuki, letting him know that he’d be waiting for him. Izuku even sent him a teaser picture of what he was wearing, not exposing too much. The dinner that he made was spicy curry, just for Katsuki, and by the taste of it, it was damn good. Katsuki would love it. Alongside the dinner, he set the table and lit a few candles, setting the atmosphere to a warm, candle-light dinner. Izuku was excited to see his reaction.
    So he waited. And waited. Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and an hour turned to two as he waited for Bakugou to show. After three hours passed, Izuku finally threw in the towel. He blew out the candles and put the curry in the fridge, too upset to even eat as he peeled off his suit and hung it back up. Izuku nestled into the covers and wiped away a frustrated tear.
    Of course he wouldn’t show. I doubt he even saw the text. Izuku hiccuped and covered his face in his hands.
    Why does this hurt so much?
    It was Izuku’s last attempt at seducing his boyfriend and freeing him from work. If Katsuki didn’t fall for that one, then he’d finally relent and confront his boyfriend head on about how much this was bothering him.
    He didn’t knock this time either, walking right into his office. Only, there was a new sight to greet him. Gone were the papers scattered across his desk, instead all that was on it was a laptop. Katsuki was talking to someone on there, his professional voice in place. Oh crap, Katsuki’s having a meeting right now!
    He nearly backed out when a sudden idea hit him. What if…?
    Izuku smirked and approached the desk, keeping quiet and out of sight as he snuck under the desk. He rested his hand on Katsuki’s thigh, startling him out of his conversation. He gawked down at him before having to focus on the video call once more, his face taking on a pinkish hue. Gotcha.
    He unzipped his pants slowly, palming his boxers to see what kind of response he’d get. The small noise in the back of Katsuki’s throat was all he needed to hear before he pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his cock. It wasn’t nearly as hard as it could be, so Izuku got to work, lowering his lips to the tip. He used his hand to pump his shaft as he swirled his tongue over the head, humming softly to further stimulate him.
    Katsuki grabbed his hair, the grip rough as he tried to get him to stop. However, Izuku’s hands were glued to his thighs and he refused to let up. Soon, Katsuki was trying to keep a straight face while he kept a conversation, Izuku sucking his dick under the desk. He moved his hand and moved his head lower, swallowing down Katsuki’s cock while willing his throat not to seize up.
    He bobbed his head, flattening his tongue on the underside of his cock. Katsuki’s hand stayed in his hair, but he made no move to protest. Izuku had finally hooked him.
    Suddenly, Katsuki thrusted his hips up, promptly gagging Izuku. Katsuki masked the sound with a cough, confidently smiling back at the camera. “Oh, that was nothing. I believe I may be coming down with something, however. Maybe we should reschedule this call? I’d hate to interrupt, but I’m not feeling so well.”
    His grip in Izuku’s hair tightened as he shallowly thrusted, but Izuku had adapted by now. It wasn’t the first time Katsuki had used his throat roughly, so he got used to it real quick. Speaking of, Katsuki was wrapping up the call, politely bowing his head before shutting the laptop. Immediately, he glared down at Izuku, pulling Izuku off of his cock.
    “You’re fucking ballsy, I’ll give you that.” he breathed out, his face red. Katsuki pulled Izuku up and nearly threw him on the desk, roughly grabbing at his clothes. Soon, they were both stripped naked as they took turns kissing and biting. They weren’t playing nice anymore. The stress of their own issues were driving them at that point.
    Izuku moaned as Katsuki began to finger him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders to stabilize himself. “More, Katsuki!” he stuttered, yanking him down to kiss him, his tongue battling with his. They were messy, always had been, when it came to sex. And now that Izuku was getting what he wanted, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
    Katsuki pushed Izuku down until he was flush against the desk, his legs sprawled on either side of the blond’s hips as he panted. Katsuki was already pushing inside him, having prepared him enough, and was thrusting. There was no foreplay, no sweet talk. This was pure stress relief.
    Izuku found support by grabbing the edge of the desk, muffling his moans by biting his lip. Katsuki was doing the same, pounding Izuku into the desk with frantic whines as he grabbed Izuku’s hips to keep him in place. It felt so good, the feeling of Katsuki’s cock sliding in and out of his ass while he was powerless to do anything about it.
    “Fuck, Izuku.” Katsuki broke the silence. “Feels so good.”
    Izuku could hardly respond, instead drooling as Katsuki hit his prostate. Realizing where he thrusted, Katsuki angled his hips better and pistoned inside him, hitting that spot over and over. Izuku was having a field day, crying profusely as he neared his release.
    Katsuki’s pace only got rougher as he neared his release too, holding Izuku down as he came with a cry. Izuku followed soon after, the sensation of Katsuki’s cum spurting inside of him was too much for his body to handle. They stayed still after that, breathing heavily as they came down from their high.
    “Feeling better?” Izuku teased after he caught his breath, wiping his sweat from his brow.
    “Shut up.” Katsuki responded, smiling as he bent down and kissed his boyfriend again. “Sorry for getting so overwhelmed.”
    Izuku thought about it for a second. “Well, if it means that we can have sex like that more often, I’d say you’re forgiven.”
    “You’re ridiculous.”
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xialing-gf · 6 years
is that supposed to change how i feel? (peter parker x reader)
summary: villains aren’t always as bad as they seem
wc: 2690
peter parker x reader masterlist
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“It was not supposed to take you that long to kill them so I had to do it myself and kill you. Do you know how annoying that is? I don’t have time for dumbasses like you, Sophie. You’re supposed to be a trained assassin,” You groaned as you punctuated your frustration with a firm kick at Sophie’s dead body. “I gave you a really simple request and you couldn’t fulfill it in time.”
“Hey, didn’t your parents teach you to treat people with respect?” A voice emerged along with a boy in an obnoxious red and blue spandex suit from his hidden position on the ceiling, and you dodged the sticky webs that shot out of his wrist. He would be too easy to take care of but another annoyance was just another item to add on your ever-growing list of “distractions from actually completing the mission and getting started on your European history homework”.
“My parents died and they didn’t exactly teach me anything useful. Oh wait, they taught me how to do this,” You fired two acid-tipped darts with a simple press of the fake gem on your ring and watched the darts plant themselves next to his feet. The acid began spreading across the wall, and he began crawling away quickly, trying to avoid the rapidly moving acid. You tossed an explosive with 60 seconds on its clock before you escaped through the window with your jet-pack. The boy fired a web at you but you easily avoided it yet again.
The “Boom!” of the building exploding behind you didn’t even cause you to look back to ensure all that was left of it was rubble. Removing your mask from your face behind your hidden rendezvous spot, you hid your gadgets and disguise in your backpack and acted as if you didn’t just blow up a building and murder an assassin. You casually your earbuds in your ears and walked down the street, a light bounce in your step as you bobbed your head along with the beat of the music.
You offered a conservative smile to your next door neighbor as she locked her door and headed down the hall while you turned the key in the lock, twisting your knob. As you pushed open the door and closed it behind you, you shouted, “Hey Nan! I’m back early!” “Back this early? Didn’t you say that you had a book club today?” Your grandma asked as she set down the plate she was cleaning to watch you place your water bottle on the kitchen counter. Of course, your grandma didn’t know what you were doing after school. If she found out, she would surely report you to the police and force you into a situation you would prefer not to be put in.
Luckily, Nan was extremely clueless and had no idea she married a psychopath whose family history was forced to repeat over and over again, resulting in your dad joining the business and meeting your mom. Other kids had sweet stories of how their parents met, and you never wanted to share how your parents met through a murder mission. You would’ve loved to never be involved with villains, aliens, money, and murder except that in your father’s will, he wrote that he hired people to keep an eye on you to make sure you continued the cursed family legacy. If you didn’t you’d suffer from harsher consequences than if you had just ignored his words.
You decided to put on a mask and take on the name Mr. Mercedes in order to keep you and your grandma, who claimed custody of you after your parents’ deaths, safe. The mask you wore altered your voice so you sounded like a man, hence the “Mr”. You were a giant Stephen King fan and one of your favorite books was “Mr. Mercedes” with the main character being a serial killer who was planning to set off a bomb. Setting off bombs to signify your exit was your trademark move so you were quick to claim the name “Mr. Mercedes”.
Being a villain was no excuse to drop school so for the past couple of years, you had been juggling homework and dealing with other villains and heroes. Even if your parents hadn’t been so enthusiastic about the idea of you studying while helping them out, you still insisted on having a proper education. You stooped below the radar of any mainstream superheroes and occasionally dealt with nosy policemen. Your goal wasn’t world domination or taking over New York, you simply wanted to take care of people’s problems in a violent way. People came to you to ask you to help them disappear or to murder somebody, or even just to buy homemade gadgets. It was more of a business for you rather than a hobby you took pleasure in doing.
“Yep, turns out the discussion director had cheer practice so we were let home early. I’ll be in my room if you need me!” You called as you walked into your room and locked your door behind you. Opening your laptop, you typed in your password and searched up, “Spider-boy hero”. Encountering small superheroes wasn’t uncommon but it was always better to get rid of them before they became a bigger problem.
Several YouTube videos popped up, and you clicked on the one where he saved a group of protesters on the street from a falling building. His skill level wasn’t as impressive as other heroes you had fought but he had a ton of agility and strength for a young boy. You sighed as you exited the video, deciding to figure out how to get rid of him later. Right now, you needed to focus on a bigger problem: homecoming.
“Y/n!” You turned your head in the direction of the voice to find that it was Peter Parker who was calling you. Hoping the three hours of sleep didn’t affect the state of your face, you smiled and brushed your hair out of your face. Your mind was whirring, wondering what he possibly could want from you. The only classes you had with him were psychology (which you obviously excelled at) and pre-calculus.
“Hey, Peter! What’s up?” You shifted your binder in your arms and frowned when you noticed a light purple bruise staining his right cheek. “What happened to your cheek?”
“Oh, uh, dodgeball,” Peter shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. Since you trained yourself to be a psychoanalyst, you immediately picked up signals of lying but you brushed it off, filing it away for later on. “I was wondering, do you, um, have anybody to go to homecoming with?”
“No, I don’t think so. Why?” You already knew what he was about to say but asked anyway, wanting to hear him say it out loud.
“Would you, um, would you like to go to homecoming with me?” Peter stuttered and your smile widened as you noticed the blush spreading like wildfire across his cheeks.
“Sure. Here’s my number, just in case you wanted it,” You wrote down your number on a half sheet of paper in thick sharpie and handed it to him. He broke into an adorable smile and you turned around, heading to your next class with a bounce in your step.
You were overjoyed that he asked out but you didn’t show it, trying to remain composed. You stayed up all last night, searching up prom dresses and dreaming about who would ask you out. Sure, you were a murderous super-villain with psychopathic tendencies but you could never miss out on school dances. Peter asking you was unexpected but he was the best life was going to offer you. Besides, he was cute and nerdy, the best possible traits in your dream boyfriend.
The next month passed in a frenzied blur. Schoolwork and missions were minor annoyances but you focused on preparing for homecoming. You knew how to dance but practiced a couple of times at night to polish your skills. You managed to go on at least one date per week with Peter, insisting that you wanted to get to know him before homecoming. Luckily, he was occupied during the week with his internship so you met up on the weekends when you weren’t hunting down and murdering people.
You both quickly bonded over your love for the show Brooklyn 99 (yes, you still had to time to watch TV shows after homework and your job) and connected faster than your phone did to the school’s crappy wifi. While Peter was awkward and shy in the cutest way possible, you were outgoing to balance his personality out.
Your prom dress matched Peter’s suit and your Nan nearly shed a tear when she took a picture of you in your gorgeous turquoise, dress dusted with glitter before she drove you to Peter’s apartment. You were a lot less nervous than you felt; it was almost as if you had been preparing for this moment ever since you were born.
“Hi, Y/N! You look amazing! Peter’s really nervous so excuse him if he’s a bit off. It’s his first time going with a girl to a dance,” May smiled and embraced you with a comforting hug. You wished May adopted you after your parents died.
“I can hear you!” Peter appeared behind May and gave his aunt an affectionate hug before handing you a carnage, his face turning completely red when you pulled him into a hug. May didn’t hesitate to take photos of your embrace and you both posed for a picture before she allowed you to go.
Thankfully, Nan restricted her urge to interrogate Peter as she drove you guys to the dance, resulting in a smoother journey than you predicted. You tried to be as subtle with your flirting as possible but you also really hoped he would pick up the signals. Nan wished you luck and you rolled your eyes, pretending to act annoyed when you were secretly thankful that she cared, before driving away.
When you and Peter stepped into the room where the dance was being held in, several heads turned towards you. Yes, you both were in the middle class of the unspoken high school social hierarchy but tonight, the invisible labels no longer applied. Ned rushed over and fawned over how perfect you both were for each other, begging you to invite him to your wedding. A couple of your peers who knew you from shared classes came over and complimented you as well.
Homecoming was going pretty well with you and Peter absolutely losing your minds while dancing and laughing. It was probably the most fun you’ve ever had in your entire life until your phone began buzzing with a call from one of your clients.
“Sorry, I have to take this call. I’ll be back soon!” You hurriedly informed Peter before you threaded your way through the dance floor and rushed out the door into the empty school hallways.
“Hello?” Your voice would automatically be filtered as the voice others heard through the mask so you could speak normally, even if you didn’t talk to people on the phone often. It was rare for people to call you directly; they usually had to call your assistant, Jared, to book appointments or to send in a request and nobody really had contact with you unless it was an urgent situation.
“Hi Mr. Mercedes, I’m Diane Watford. I need you to take down my political opponent’s daughter, Mary Jaston. She’s at the homecoming dance at this school called Midtown. I’m offering a quarter of a million if you can get it done since I’ve requested on such a short notice,” You remembered hearing her name in the news somewhere and while she did try to come off as a Good Samaritan, you could recognize the vicious undertone underneath her sweet persona. What a wonderful coincidence that her opponent's daughter was at the same dance you were at!
It took you little thought to agree because after all, you rarely received offers that were as valuable as the one Watford was offering you. It would be a great addition to all the money you saved to pay for your college tuition. “Sure, I’ll have her by tomorrow morning. As for the money, talk to Jared for the transfer of money.”
You sighed as you ended the call and jogged down the dark halls to your locker, somehow managing not to trip while doing so in your heels. You hurriedly opened your locker, took out the backpack with the Mr. Mercedes outfit, and ducked into the bathroom to get changed. You had the option to follow Mary home and kill her there, but there was no fun in that. If you crashed homecoming, it would be more dramatic, and you could throw in a couple of surprises for the people who treated you like wet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes.
On second thought, that meant you’d have to ditch Peter in order to accomplish your task. Okay, blowing off your date for homecoming wasn’t the best idea you’ve had in a while but you could make it up to him later.
Your entrance was more dramatic than you intended it to be and to be honest, crashing through the roof to make an entrance gave you an unethical rush of excitement. Watching everybody scatter like ants running away from water made you cackle, your laughs distorted by your mask. It didn’t take long for your eyes to land on your target: Mary Jaston. Hesitation did not come into play when you raised the gun and shot her in the head.
Everybody was screaming and shoving each other, desperate to get out of the room. You stood calmly in the middle of the room, all alone but serene as you watched chaos ensue. You had the option to leave right now but you had a feeling that somebody else would try to stop you before the police came.
“You have no manners! Don’t just go around shooting people!” A web shot past your ear and you looked up to find the same spider-patterned spandex-wearing boy. You raised your gun to shoot him but instead, he tackled you to the ground and ripped off your mask. He froze with your mask in his hand and you locked a bullet in place, pointing the gun at him.
“Take off your mask now, or I’ll shoot you,” The boy slowly peeled off his mask and you couldn’t even contain your shock. Those messy brown curls and hazel eyes were too familiar to you. “Peter?”
“Y/n? You’re Mr. Mercedes?” Peter glanced at you with hurt in his eyes and the distant sound of wailing police siren brought you back to reality. You snatched back the mask and put it on, preparing to exit. He grabbed onto your hand but you didn’t stop, you couldn’t stop. “Y/n, I know you’re a good person, please don’t do this. You don’t have to be the bad guy. I don’t know why you’re doing this but I can help you out of it, I promise,” You gritted your teeth as you yanked your arm out of his grip, fighting back tears while trying to keep glaring at him.
“You have no idea what you’re dealing with here. You were part of my other life, but is that supposed to change the way I feel? I have myself and Nan to support, I can’t let anybody down,” You began to boost off but he shot a web at your jetpack, causing you to get momentarily stuck.
“Yes! You could just drop your past and get a normal job! You could do so much better than what you’re doing now!” You peeled off the webs and launched upwards. As you looked down through the hole in the roof, you knew Peter would never see the miserable expression hidden behind your mask. But it was for the best because he never got to see you or the monster in you ever again.
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