#I love getting asks from you 💖💖
Hi, Emily!🥰 I appreciate you too!💙
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mymarifae · 2 years
i think the most important thing in the world is vbs being best friends who love each other so much and are super affectionate with each other like. listen to me:
- when toya hugs kohane he'll pick her up a tiny bit (a tiny bit is all he can manage. noodle arms) and she squeals with delight every time
- toya just really likes hugs in general. it's suuuuper common for him to just come up behind akito or an or kohane and wrap his arms around them and lean his head against theirs. hello and goodbye hugs with him always last a good 20 seconds because he won't let go sdjfjsnfkd
- kohane loooooves to tuck her hand in the crooks of her teammates' elbows while they're walking together. this way she won't get lost <3 sometimes she'll hold onto like, akito's elbow with one hand and an's with the other. it's very cute. and as vbs has grown closer, she's started to switch to hand holding. (don't tell anyone but akito's her favorite to hold hands with because he swings their arms as they walk and it's cute)
- also, kohane's hair tends to be messy because of her damn hats and this bugs akito so he spends a lot of time fussing over it. he'll just sort of...tug her closer and take out the pigtails and comb through it with his fingers. at some point she starts packing a brush in her bag to placate him. i like to think akito knows how to do hair because ena will sometimes make him do hers so after a while he stops just rebrushing kohane's hair and starts pulling it up in different ways... braiding it... etc... and he starts keeping things like hairspray in His bag. yknow. jic
- the hairstyling extravaganza extends to an and toya too. (i mean there's only so much akito can do with toya but he tries...) it's a calming thing for him - fiddling with his teammates' hair as they plan setlists or wait backstage. and having your hair played with is always nice <3
- i think shortly after teaming up an started giving kohane little kisses on the cheek. not as a romantic gesture - just simple affection! and after a while, she starts kissing toya and akito too. toya is always happy to lean down so she can pepper his face with little platonic kisses, but she usually has to wrestle akito. it's all in good fun and he'll always relent and let her kiss him in the end
- speaking of platonic kisses, i ALSO think that akito gives toya little kisses from time to time. it started back when they were still BAD DOGS. toya wasn't having a great time one night and after soothing him with a good sturdy hug, akito kissed the top of his head. it completely floored toya and akito blew up when he realized what he did. and they never fucking talked about it <3 but since toya didn't seem MAD about it, akito decided to stick with it and kept giving toya kisses like that. it's not common, and he ONLY does it when they're alone. except for when they make up after their little divorce arc in the main story. IGNORE the gunjo sanka mv and listen to me. they HUG after their heart to heart. and akito kisses toya's cheek. right around where he punched him
- but an's overaffectionate nature kind of rubs off on akito after a while. so he becomes less stingy when it comes to kisses and starts giving them to kohane and an too <3
- they lean against each other while sitting like kohane might cuddle into toya's side or an goes and lays her head on akito's shoulder
- and they have sleepovers and they fall asleep comfortably tangled up together (or not comfortably. at all. seriously cuddling while sleeping can get so uncomfy but it's worth it to be so close to someone you love). ken's taken quite a few adorable (and sometimes really funny) pictures of all four of them passed out on piles of blankets and futons. just dad things
i could go on forever it's just. platonic affection is so important to me and it's so frequently Ignored in fandom spaces. and in the case of vbs and the prsk fandom specifically, there's a tendency to separate vbs into akitoya VS anhane. which is so 💔 because the whole POINT of their story is that while they started off as separate duos, that's no longer the case! they've become such good friends. they're inseparable.
like even jokes about akito and an being "wlw and mlm hostility" are starting to wear on me because... they're friends, guys. they're incredibly close. akito is always looking out for an and is right by her side to support her through all the shit she's currently struggling with. there's no "hostility" present in their relationship. like, if you actually look at the game's text, an... rarely teases akito. the person who teases him the most is actually toya but you know... whatever... gotta reduce an down to a mean lesbian amirite... completely ignoring that she's one of the kindest characters in the whole game...
idk. i juuuuuust wish that this fandom wasn't so defensive and obsessive over shipping akitoya and anhane (mostly akitoya while anhane is a second thought but YOU KNOW) because it results in so many people watering down vbs as individuals And as pairs - because all they care about is shipping. like i promise that the other dynamics in vbs are worth exploring (both platonicallyand romantically but too much of this fandom still feels threatened by m/f vbs ships). and hell, explore akitoya and anhane on a platonic level, too! don't just jump to shipping them because teehee boyxboy and girlxgirl. take the time to understand what draws them together in the first place
i love friendship. i love when friends outwardly express their affection for each other and it doesn't have to have any romantic implications. can we talk about friendship for once like this game is literally The Ultimate Friendship Simulator feat. Hatsune Miku
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Okay. So. Hope this doesn't come across as overwhelming or anything, that is not my intention, but I needed to tell you sooner than later.
You are such a kind and sweet person. Like, I don't even know how to describe it probably, you are one of the happiest people I have seen on this site and someone who always makes me smile whenever I see you reblog my work or appear on my dashboard. Sometimes you make my day so much better than it was before, like you genuinely cheer me up so so much and have me stimming and giggling to myself (in a good way obviously). Thank you for being a wonderful person who I'm super grateful to have as a mutual and a friend.
i apologise for the word vomit, I wanted to tell you how happy you make me. You're an awesome person <3
AHDOEKKREP never apologize for leaving something sweet :) but alSO. TRYINF NOT TO CRY ON THE BUS RN. Woke up to this and this is one of the nicest things I've been told like. EVER, I'm sososo glad I can add something positive to your day 。゚(゚´▽`゚)゚。💕 Thank you so much for this and I think you're a pretty amazing friend too whoever you are >u< auahhahdhwjjrkrog.......framing this in my mind brb
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graythegreyt · 4 months
rolling around and tumbling end over end on the softest and most beautiful hills with you.
Sunny I love you I love you I love you I love you!!! This (and you!!!!) is so endlessly sweet and I'd LOVE to go tumbling end over end on the beautiful and soft hills with you!!!!!!! Sunny poetry!!! You are on a mission with all these asks and eat it up!!!! I am taking that leap down the hills with you and giggling at our antics and wishing the moment with you lasts for as long as sunset and looking at the grass stains on our clothes hoping they never fully wash out. I love you Sunny I LOVE YOU I HOPE TODAY HAS BEEN KIND TO YOU!!! YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND INCREDIBLE AND SOSO GOOD!!! BLOWS YOU A KISS <3333
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ittyybittybaker · 5 months
Mix CD Ask Game
I have a large and varied music collection and I want to explore it more, so I thought it'd be fun to make y'all virtual mix cds! Send me an emoji (or combo of emojis) and I'll make you a (short) mix inspired by the prompt! (Inspired by this post)
💖: a mix inspired by [ship/friendship/dynamic]
😈: a mix inspired by [character]
📚: a mix inspired by [movie/book/show/game/etc.]
✨: a mix that sounds like [vibe]
🎵: a mix that sounds like [decade/music era]
🪩: a mix of songs FROM [decade/music era]
🎸: a mix that sounds like [genre]
🎤: a mix inspired by [artist]
🚫: a mix without [artist/genre/etc.]
💃🏻: a mix of songs I like right now
💌: a mix that reminds me of you <3
🎨: dealer's choice! [give me your best extremely specific prompt]
🙊: a SURPRISE mix! [my OWN random extremely specific prompt]
Please specify for open ended options, and one mix per ask please! I'll assume all emojis in an ask are supposed to be combined. Feel free to send multiple requests, just send them separately please!
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souenkun · 2 months
Hi I saw you reblogged my huntershipping fanfic post with a bunch of kind comments and I just wanted to say thank YOU for writing those fics 😭🙏🏻
Everytime I see that a new fic pops up in the tags I get super excited to read what you’ve written :)))
Your fics cheer me up and brighten my day! ☀️ (I also love how you characterize Ethan and Silver) (they’re so sweet 🥲) (and you’re so sweet too thank you for taking your time to share your work with the community 🥲🙏🏻)
I’ll leave more comments on ao3 when I go back to reread them 🫶🫶🫶
And I hope you have a great week too! 🫂💕 🌈
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Hello!!!! 😭😭😭💗💗💗 my apologies for the super late reply, but waughhhh thank you for taking the time to send this sweet message! 🥺🫶 you have to know that seeing my series in your hbslv fanfic rec list already made my day as is, and I was over the moon when I got your ask that day 😭🥺💗💖 thank you for all of your love and support, truly, and I'm glad that I could do ethan and silver's characters justice; they deserve to discover love as a kind and warm joy for them to enjoy together! 🫂
I'm currently writing something for aokabu, but once that's done? I'm BACK at my hbslv brainrot, and hopefully I could pick up from where I left them in the series (either for the dinner gala or them meeting kabu part, hehe) 🥺👍 thank you once again for all of your love, and I hope your weekend treats you as wonderfully and joyful as you made me, op!!! 🫂🫂🫂💗💗💗
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sunnibits · 5 months
Tell me Dimitri lore. Now.
Who is he. What is he. What's his deal. What's his story. What is his place in the story you're telling yourself in your head. What's his stance on old hairy men.
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HE-HE’S JUST- *grabs you by the shoulders, white-knuckled* he’s my everything. he’s my skrunkly. he’s my little punching bag. I love him so much.
putting this under a cut because I just made this very long but I am absolutely not ashamed, I hope you like reading 👍👍
Dimitri Kazriel is my first (and almost only, I have one other new character) dnd character, created for a campaign that I loved but was sadly cut short a while ago due to the DM being an absolute jackass that I could no longer respect. He’s a stereotypical little edgy tiefling who is officially a warlock but is essentially a rogue in every other aspect. He’s charming (or at least he thinks he is), snarky, a bit asshole-ish, untrusting, sneaky, and an absolute disaster. He look like dis :)
He lives in a Norse mythology-based world, and his warlock patron is none other than the god Loki, who he has happily served for like 10 years now.
His deal you ask? Well, teehee *twirls hair* well his deal is that he’s a widdle puppet of the gods who has no concept of how tiny he really is in their plans and how little his patron actually cares about him 🥰😍😍 he exists solely to be manipulated and used as a microscopic chess piece on a board of grander scale than he will ever comprehend!!! 😍😍😍
Not only is he Loki’s little puppet (which like, he’s kind of starting to become aware of but not fully) but in the timeline of the campaign, Odin himself has also taken an interest in him! And essentially gave him an offer to help Odin overthrow Loki and as a reward, Dimitri could literally ascend to godhood in Loki’s place! Sounds great right! Except ummm Loki sees and knows all and Dimitri knows that if Loki catches him plotting with Odin he’ll probably be horribly punished 🥰
So basically his whole deal (as of the time that the campaign ended) is that he’s a little puppet chess piece that two gods are fighting over, and he has no idea what they really want, has no concept of how insignificant he really is to them, and has literally no sense of independent identity outside of servitude! 😍
But the manipulation theme goes wayyy beyond just that because before he served Loki, he spent the majority of his teens as part of this sort of gang-like organization called the Weavers. (There’s like this whole city lore thing but yada yada basically they’re a sneaky force that controls a lot of shit). Specifically, he serves the leader of the Weavers, a man called the Broodfather. (Literally all of this city and Weavers lore was all made up by my DM btw, I’m not gonna claim ownership of that even if he is a shitbag. Most of Dimitri’s story and backstory was very much an ongoing collaborative project between us.)
And ohhh I could go on about what that was like but basically all you need to know is that the Broodfather is Not Nice and was extremely manipulative and made Dimitri sort of look up to him as a father-like figure for years, someone that Dimitri strove to make proud. (Also the Weavers basically “rescued” him from poverty on the streets so he feels like he owes the Broodfather a debt.) Eventually this all culminates in him tricking Dimitri into killing his best friend! 😍 Which finally makes Dimitri realize “oh shit I need to get the Hell Out Of Dodge” but long story short that plan fails, the Broodfather catches him in the act, punished him and completely breaks his spirit!!!!
Now THIS. This is where Loki swoops in. When Dimitri is at his absolute lowest point, Loki comes in and offers him freedom and power, and Dimitri takes it. He serves Loki for years - (he doesn’t like thinking of himself as a servant of course, he considers Loki more of a generous benefactor who he happens to share a lot of mischievous traits with) - and even when he does finally start to question his allegiance, Loki keeps him in his grasp by reminding him of who saved him, who it was who so kindly freed him from enslavement to the Weavers.
But. But. 🥰Teehee. My favorite part. My absolute favorite part of the lore. Is what Dimitri doesn’t know. Which is that Loki and the Broodfather are the same person. Loki killed the original Broodfather and, being a shapeshifter, took on his form to lead the Weavers for a few years for his own personal plans. Dimitri just happened to wander in to his web, a naive little boy waiting to be manipulated. So Loki molded him, shaped him into the perfect puppet, purposefully engineered his trauma to make him as weak and easily manipulated as possible, just in time for him to finish his plans with the Weavers (leaving the Broodfather’s dead body behind to explain his disappearance) and appear to Dimitri as his real godly self.
Dimitri only stays with Loki willingly because he believes him to be a savior, because he thinks he’s free. He thinks he escaped. But he never did.
anyways here’s a text exchange between me and my old DM that really fits here I think 🥰💖💖
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(oh, also I think his stance on hairy old men would be somewhere between apathetic to positive. he has a little bit trauma-related unease around old men I would imagine, but there was also a really hot 60-70 something year old dilf NPC in game that I personally had a massive fucking crush on, so I had Dimitri flirt with him a lot lmao)
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maddy-ferguson · 2 years
Is it just me or do some Bylers reach way too hard to defend Mike for things he was objectively wrong for? Like the rink o mania thing is a perfect example, Will was not being bitchy (onscreen) at all to Mike until the argument where Mike was the one who started it by blaming Will for not telling him about El’s problems. Mike was being a huge asshole there, which even he noticed and said Will didn’t deserve the way Mike treated him. He then apologized and Will accepted it because Will knows that Mike was genuinely remorseful and that he wanted to be best friends again. I hate to say this bc 99% of the time it is deeper than it looks but for this I just don’t get how you can watch and think Will was actually in the wrong.
i do enjoy a good reach and i get not wanting one character to be 100% in the right and one character to be 100% in the wrong in an argument and i don't even think mike was 100% in the wrong at rink o mania but when you back up a bit...what did will do wrong exactly lol.
do we agree with mike that he was a douche for...not telling him that el was being bullied? nonsensical. he didn't even know she was lying to him before the airport.
was he wrong for barely talking and basically sabotaging the whole day? a day el said was supposed to be about the two of them, making will third wheel and feel like shit just like in the beginning of season 3 and for months before that? right...because that makes sense.
was will in the wrong for not calling mike and for making it sound like it was his fault they didn't keep in touch? this one i can get behind but he would have let that go (the painting being a welcome gift doesn't scream resentful) had mike not made it clear that he wasn't interested in anything he had to say by...rejecting his hug, agreeing to the whole day being about him and el, ignoring him save for the vomit green joke, And not calling for months. if the first three hadn't occurred maybe will wouldn't have felt the need to defend himself when mike started a fight because he didn't tell him his gf was being bullied like he's their couples counselor or something
it's like you said mike literally starts the fight and then deflects (twice) and Then he apologizes...idk!
long-winded answer but how exactly was will being a dick lol. i know he apologizes for being mean to him and for pushing him away in the van scene but when exactly on march 22, 1986 was will mean to mike. i can see the pushing him away because he didn't call but he said he deserved the fight and admitted to being a jerk to el (literally HOW. when) and wouldn't let lucas apologize to him in season 3 so i'm not taking his self-deprecating martyr word for it SORRY
it's especially funny when you remember that mike trying to call will is a THEORY
#i know mike is self-deprecating too. this isn't about him💖#i know even byler being endgame is a theory but#and i GET IT like even if it turns out mike DIDN'T call he's not the devil or anything and i knoww why he acts like he does but when you#look at it from will's pov his behavior makes no fucking sense if he cares about him even a little. like why would he reject that hug lol#you could say him rejecting the hug was because he felt like they weren't friends anymore because will didn't call him and like sure but#then how is will not allowed to feel like they're not friends when mike doesn't call AND rejects his hug AND makes him third wheel all day#you can even say it was because he was like oh will gay can't make it obvious that i'm in love with him but that's just beyond the#realm of possibility to will. do you know what i mean? of course he's gonna think he doesn't care about him and doesn't even wanna hug him#hello after six months of not seeing him because he in fact didn't want to hug him. rejected the hug and made will feel like he was the#only one who wanted to be friends just like before#and really can you blame will for not calling when even without taking the fact that he's in love with mike into consideration the last#time he tried to show this friendship meant a lot to him he got shut down like crazy and was told that he was acting like a kid#i would've wanted mike to make a little bit of an effort too after that tf#and i know why he didn't call if he did in fact not call i know all that will isn't a tumblr byler he knows none of that not calling + not#hugging + agreeing to you not being important to the day + making you third wheel = not caring about you is not a crazy leap#if you wanna do the will isn't a perfect angel who is always 100% in the right thing (which i respect btw) i don't really see how#rink o mania helps your case I'M SORRY#you just will never convince me that it was 50/50#ask
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paging-possum · 1 month
also frankly in regards to my last ask (sorry to spam if it's a bother!) sleepwalking is ALSO an egwene song. ala i thought god was supposed to protect me + is faith all we have as a weapon with her disillusionment with pelor after their parents death + "bravery only gets you so far and it brings me to open bars" WHATEVER. kindleafs [four million explosion sfx]
[another four million explosions six] you're so genius for this that I truly don't know what more I can add. "Is faith all we have as a weapon against/The universal good and bad." something something the fact that one of Egwene's first mentions of Pelor/religion is her telling Bev she's been having a lot of faith issues recently. Something something thinking that god was going to protect not only herself and her parents but also Erlin only for him to get kidnapped. The entire bravery bit and the fact that she has never really had a choice but to be brave. She has been sleepwalking with a bow and arrows and a belt full of poison. Ngl "She says she's worried about me/Maybe she should be" is such an interesting line for both of the kindleafs, since Erlin has that acknowledges something might be wrong but doesn't want to be a burden on the people around him thing going on and Egwene has the acknowledges something might be wrong but she's supposed to be the strong one and doesn't want to show vulnerability deal. I don't think any of what I just typed makes any sense but I see your visions. I see your visions exactly.
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
how do u get ur gifs so colorful i admire your skills and aspire to have them at the same time
Oh that's beyond nice of you to say, thanks so much 🥺💖
Honestly the best advice I could give if you'd like to start giffing or already do is to experiment with settings as much as possible! For example, ultra brightness and pops of color are what make my gifs feel complete to me so levels and exposure are essential for added depth and contrast, then selective color makes a world of difference in isolating certain shades to stand out. Truly just testing every single adjustment layer to see what impact they make to either extreme and deciding what stands out is the key. I was never able to follow any tutorial with success and my own technique varies with every scene even to this day but I wouldn't have it any other way and am a big believer in expressing yourself with the process 🥰
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pepprs · 1 year
in april 2022 this phd student researching study abroad experiences interviewed me and my mom bc her dissertation was all abt the return experience and how that impacts the family and ive literaly been looking forward to getting her dissertation and reading it for over a year and she just sent it to me at last and. it turns out she excluded my contributions to it bc her study doesn’t encompass experiences of ppl who were sent home early / had their study abroad cancelled when covid started and the world shut down bc that experience was “non-normative” 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 i get it but i am also feeling murderous rage
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kn11ves · 11 months
Do you have any sonas I would love to see n draw :>
YOU WANT TO DRAW ME???1//?!/!?????!111!!!!!!!
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heres a stupidthing i did quickly...
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rexscanonwife · 8 months
I am not exactly a newcomer, but I still enjoy giving people opportunities to talk about their OCs. So, please take this as a space to talk about Kepler as much as you would like to, if that's alright!! I may not be 1000% familiar with the intricacies of Star Wars, but I'd still be happy to hear ^-^
Hiii omg thank you so much for asking! 😭💖🫶💖 I really appreciate it! And tbh even a basic understanding of star wars is enough to get u thru most of it, what I love about the universe in general is that yes there are lots of rules but at the same time there's no rules at all?? You can do whatever you want as a fan and there's not rly anything ppl can do to stop you 😂
but for people who ARE seeing this for the first time, my star wars s/i is a Jedi Knight and my bff and I worked together to basically make an oc to be her Padawan! his name is Kepler Quinn and he's my perfect beautiful boy that I love 🥺
a lot of his character development comes from both coming into his own as a person through his training and through his relationships to others. He's been through a lot of rejection in his life already, so he kind of put up walls and has to learn to let people through them! Especially my s/i, who decides to dedicate herself to training him and making him see himself the way she sees him: as amazing! He's got a lot of really impressive skills, he's very in tune with the force when it comes to listening to it for insight, he's just not naturally a good fighter. That doesn't get you very far during a war 😅 but she thinks he's perfect! and she, and the other friends he makes are all part of his story.
(ps. here's some drawings of him made by my bff @star-whores69)
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alex-just-vibing · 8 months
lavender yellow turquoise black hot pink hot pink hot pink hot pi
hehe <33
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elitadream · 2 years
Never in my life have I ever felt that I unknowingly craved this much Mario x Peach art until I found your art. It’s so charming and magical and GOD, I would die for all of them.
I immediately thought of you as soon as I seen the new second trailer and wanted to discuss it. I really love the movie posters and scenes from the trailer. I’m really looking forward to the movie. And keep up with the amazing work with your art! 👏✨
Aaaurgh you guys are gonna give me a heart attack, I swear... 😫💝
I've never received this much support towards my art before. Ever. It's all very new and mind-boggling for me (almost overwhelming, really 😭), and I'm SO SO thankful for your incredibly kind words! 🙏💞 You make me want to keep drawing forever. ☺️✏️
OOH btw, if you'd like to discuss any aspect of the upcoming movie with me, know that my DMs are open! 😁 Will be happy to chat anytime! 🙌
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helpimhyperfixating · 10 months
I am amazed at your patience to answer anon asks who had been answered so many times before (and would be answered if they just- stopped to read your works)
You're really sweet
Aw, thank you 🥺❤️
But honestly, I go into it with a positive setting. If someone likes my work enough to send in an ask, I’ll gladly answer! Even if I’ve answered a similar thing before.
I know how much content I’ve posted (💀) throughout my time here on tumblr, and I don’t expect anyone to have seen everything.
So with every repetitive ask I just assume it’s someone new who stumbled into my goofball of a page :3
But for you, anon, to recognise I’ve answered similar asks? Boi you’re gonna make me cry by following my page that close
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