#I love bill i love oito i love everyone
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crstn-art · 1 year ago
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caught up with and now will inevitably forget about hxh while i waittt but erm...it got me out of my year+ long artblock so yaay. i love big stories large casts. so many tangents to explore
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obscureaestheticist · 2 years ago
Dark Con & Succession War Characters as Players & GMs
Ging: Derailing god. Knows a pirating / rom site for everything. Adores Pathfinder and 3.5e but runs games as if Tomb of Horrors was just easy mode. Pariston: "It's what my character would do :)" Lamentations enthusiast. Leorio [current arc]: Channels the power of thesis block to destroy hordes of bandits. Cheadle: Strategic player who looks on in despair at their chaotic and extremely violent comrades. T-T Mizaistom: T-posing human fighter that somehow keeps pulling off the most significant moments in the campaign. Beyond: That one tiktok friend who cosplays as their character for each session and runs campaigns like theatrical wrestling performances. That vocal training has gotta be used for something! Muherr: Army vet, seen a lotta stuff, but runs the most heartfelt and hopeful campaigns you'll ever play. 7th Sea Gm. Steiner: Sweetest guy you know, writes the most terrifying mysteries ever. Pure unfiltered neurosis expressed through Call of Cthulhu and World of Darkness. Kurapika [current arc]: 3rd life-changing trauma this week "Sure! I can make it for Friday!" Melody: In it for the deep pan crispy lore. Makes the maps out of love. Can't play an evil character the save their life. Has mountains of Solo-RPG journals of wonderous adventures. Hanzo: Falls into the habit of down-to-Earth friendly characters that sling death threats and "comedic violence" at everyone to the point of awkwardness. Shall avenge every minor NPC the gm forgot to name. Basho: Doesn't own a single rpg book that doesn't also double as an art book. Bill: "That game from Stranger Things?" Theta: Evokes awe from fellow players for her RP skills. Greater knowledge of in-game politics than the actual DM. One Ring and Game of Thrones RPG enjoyer. Tserriednich: Tonight's Session - The GMs Barely-Disguised Fetish ... Kult & Drakar och Demoner for life. Benjamin: WILL apply real military strategies to your game regardless of setting and character. YES! He will bring diagrams! YES! You should be concerned! Twilight: 2000 nut. Zhang Lei: Chill. Enjoying the vibes. Simply awaiting the fruition of his diabolical schemes to spring into action... Once every other player is done with their wacky flumph hijinks. Camilla: Dungeon Bitches & Mork Borg. Throwing hands. Fuck everything else. Fireball isn't enough. Stay away from the loot. Halkenburg: Heart of gold, but tries waaaaay too hard to help the fantasy world he's meant to just be smacking trolls around in. Kacho & Fugetsu: Supports queer indie ttrpgs and are currently trying to figure out where to store all the gigabytes of pdfs. Hinrigh: "Yes, this is a rip off of all my favorite anime characters and I love them :D" Zakuro: Too shy to speak up, didn't realize they missed 5 turns. Lynch: Screw politeness, fists are all you need to ask questions. Morena: The "Nice Girl" Oito: "I just hope the game contains no foul language. Do we need a console?" Woble: The group mascot
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clood · 3 years ago
a little leopika piece for the prompt (that i suggested, oops) ghost stories under the cut! 
vague spoilers for the succession arc, not really anything important though so you don’t need it to understand what’s going on lol 
Kurapika is unsure how he found himself here, alone in the back room of Leorio’s tiny clinic aboard the Black Whale with a fussy Woble in his arms. 
Well, actually, he knows exactly how. Leorio yelled at him about it when he arrived.
Leorio is blaming everything on him, as he tends to do, saying that if Kurapika would just take a break already and stop wandering around like a zombie about to collapse, then maybe Queen Oito wouldn’t have absorbed all his negative vibes and collapsed. It’s almost funny to hear Leorio, a man of science and medicine, spout off such nonsense as “vibes” and “negative energy.” Had he attributed it to nen, or maybe some chemical imbalances in his brain, he might understand. But something as abstract as rancid vibes strikes Kurapika as just slightly to the left of out of character for Leorio. 
Now, he sits in the strangely reinforced waiting room of the clinic and stares down at Prince Woble, who stares back up at him with impossibly large and innocent eyes. Once Queen Oito had collapsed, Melody and Bill had helped Kurapika rush her to Leorio, the only person on the entire ship that could be trusted to care for her in such a horrendously confusing and stressful time. Obviously, they couldn’t very well leave the prince unattended, so she had been scooped up in Melody’s arms and came along for the journey. 
Kurapika had been tasked with protecting the prince while Melody went into the exam room with the queen, something about her wanting a womanly presence in the room had led Melody to relinquish her grasp on Prince Woble. A helpless glance in Melody’s direction had prompted her to shout, “Tell her a story if she gets restless!” before she disappeared into another room behind Leorio’s tall frame. 
Woble has since awoken from her slumber and begun to coo softly, although Kurapika is unsure if he can really tell the difference between happy baby babbles and the beginnings of a meltdown. They all sound the same to him, and this, coupled with the fact that he has not encountered a child younger than Gon or Killua in god knows how long, leaves him grasping at a topic for a story to tell. 
He settles on the only one he knows, but he at least makes some sort of an attempt at spinning a different web than he always has. 
“Once, there was a big family that lived in an even bigger forest,” Kurapika begins, offering the prince a finger to latch onto as they both settle in for a ghost story. “They were people of the land, and they existed in harmony with the spirits of the forest and the earth. There was no reason for them to venture beyond the line of trees, for the spirits and the people past the edge of the woods were foreign and threatening. 
“One day, a young man and his companion set out to find out the secrets of the world beyond, excited at the prospects of encountering strangers and fantastic beasts and otherworldly beings.” Kurapika pauses and studies the prince. She has stopped her fussing, gazing up at Kurapika as though she were hanging onto every word he says. He wonders if she knows what he’s saying, or if it’s all a blur of sounds and vibrations to her. 
“However, the forest spirits decided they wanted to keep the companion, so the young man had to venture out on his own in search of a journey worth recounting to his friend upon his return.” His heart clenches a little at the memory of Pairo’s final request. He can’t say with any certainty that he will ever have “fun” again. He takes a deep breath and continues. 
“The young man went out on his own, experiencing the wonders of the outside world for the first time, if even a little lonely. But, his happiness was short-lived,” Kurapika says. “Evil phantoms had invaded his home while he was gone, spiriting away his brethren--everyone he loved disappeared in one night, and nobody knew where they might have gone, or which of the sinister specters of the shade might have taken them.” 
Woble, now inexplicably asleep in Kurapika’s arms, makes a face. Maybe she does understand. 
“Upon learning this, the young man gave his life in an attempt to find his clan, but to no avail. Legend says he still wanders to this day, a ghost without a home and without a family.” Kurapika wipes at tears he knows he cannot shed and wonders how much time he has left to avenge his people. He thinks of Queen Oito collapsing beside him earlier, maybe the effects of Emperor Time really are reaching her as well like Leorio had somewhat hinted at before. 
Kurapika hears a knock at the door and lets in Melody, who relieves him of his storytelling duties to reunite the prince with her mother. He takes a moment to collect himself before he tries to venture out of the back room, unsteady on his feet and suddenly extraordinarily tired. 
“You know, the young man does have a family,” comes a soft voice through his haze. “That is, if he wants one.” 
“Excuse me?” Kurapika says, looking up to find Leorio leaning in the doorway.
“The kid in the ghost story you were telling the little prince,” Leorio elaborates. “It might not be much, but there are other lonely people he’ll meet and be able to keep if you get to the end of the story.” 
Kurapika feels a swell of affection he works hard to stamp down. “Tell me then, doctor. How does the story end?” He knows he should get back to the prince and that he has about a million other duties to attend to, but he wants to humor Leorio for a moment before returning to all of that. 
Leorio readjusts his glasses and pushes gently past Kurapika, settling comfortably in one of the chairs Kurapika had been sitting in. He motions for him to sit in the empty one beside himself. 
“Well,” Leorio begins, “he meets a boy abandoned by his own father who has a heart of gold and enough compassion to understand exactly where this young man is coming from. Then there’s another boy, with a smart mouth and enough trauma to justify all the evil things he could do, but who chooses to move past it and heal, despite the injustice of it all.” Leorio pauses. “Maybe this young man could learn a thing or two from the second kid.” 
Kurapika wants to smile, he really does, but he just can’t make the corners of his mouth upturn any more than to simply set his lips in a straight line. He hopes his attempt reaches his eyes, at least, as he looks at the man beside him. “Anyone else?” he asks.
“Oh yeah, I was saving the best for last,” Leorio says with a smarmy smile. “The young man meets an incredibly smart and handsome doctor who is on his way to becoming the richest and simultaneously most generous person alive.” He looks at Kurapika with shining eyes. “Together, these four young men with no real families or anyone behind them to cheer them on make their own, strange sort of family. They live happily ever after, healing together and going on all sorts of adventures.” 
Kurapika finds himself actually looking into Leorio’s eyes for the first time in a long time, rather than finding himself in the reflection of his glasses in an attempt to avoid meeting his gaze. He finds that Leorio’s eyes have grown even gentler than they were when he first met him, the eyes of a man who would give all of his limbs and then some just to see one of his people safe and happy. 
“I’ve never heard that ending of the story,” he says, unable to keep his voice from sounding thin and dreamy. 
Whatever Leorio is about to say is cut short when Bill enters the room to remind Kurapika that their evening lesson with the others is starting soon. 
Kurapika glances helplessly at Leorio as he stands and quickly says, “I hope he finds it. This family you’re talking about.” 
Leorio only offers him a sad smile and watches him go, looking like he has so much more to say despite not having any time in which to say it.
When he puts on his usual, expressionless demeanor he dons before nearly everyone on this god forsaken ship, Kurapika realizes just how little work it is to let Leorio’s words wash over him and just how much he wants what Leorio was saying to be true. 
He wants this little family.
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arcaladiwoompa · 4 years ago
My HxHBB21 Fic Recs
Hello everyone!  Having read pretty much all of this years Hunter x Hunter Big Bang Fics, I’d like to share some of the ones I enjoyed.
PART 1 - Fics that deserve way more attention! (Arranged in order of fewest hits first)
1. SilverSphere’s Werewolf Hunter AU:
ONLY 31 HITS??? Are we going to let that gorgeous storybook style formatting go to waste?  It’s a Wild West style adventure that makes use of a whole host of minor characters I’ve never seen anyone incorporate into their fics before.  A lot of thought has gone into the world building.
2. This is Home by Midlifecrisisketh
Only 62 hits on this one.  Don’t pass over it just because it’s gen!  This fic starts off with a sad but also heartwarming reunion between Gon and Leorio.  I’m definitely getting some found family vibes here.  Everyone needs to heal a little.
3. Flavus’s Amazing Race AU:
IT ONLY HAS 116 HITS THIS IS A CRIME!  This fic has something for everyone who likes any of the main four characters.  There’s Killua who has essentially been adopted by Bisky, and who just wants to shield his younger siblings from harm.  FAMILY!  DOMESTICITY!  MY HEART!  There’s Gon who has essentially been adopted by Kite, who is a way better father than SOME PEOPLE WE COULD NAME.  There’s Kurapika who has no idea what to do with his life after achieving his mission, with Melody knowing everything and also being comforting I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE IS THE BEST.  And then there’s Leorio struggling to pay for still-alive Pietro’s medical bills.  I want to hug all of them.
4. Vennat’s AU where Gon joins the Ryodan at the tender age of 4:
Only 179 hits on this one!  I am so intrigued by the concept of this AU and I’m dying to find out what happens next.
5. Killugonist’s The Princess and the Frog AU:
ExCUSE me, the most popular ship in this fandom and somehow only has 219 hits?  How did this happen?  I don’t ship Killugon myself, but this fic even drew me in with the storytelling and I can’t wait to see what happens next.  We’ve got some humor and a few plot twists in here already.
6. Dodici’s Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy AU:
Only 278 hits on this one!  I SO WANT TO DRAW alien Kurapika and cyborg encyclopedia Gon and murder kitten Killua and two-headed Oito and Woble.  This story is full of humor and action!  Please give it a read!
Coming up in the next edition of my HxHBB21 fic recs is Part 2: the Leopikas.  I’ll post in a week or so to give you guys some time to read the first batch first.
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krpk-remaking · 6 years ago
Kurapika and Alluka for the headcanon thing?
1: sexuality headcanon
gay transmasc nb & uses they he pronouns
2: otp
leopika canon
3: brotp
w melody and the kids and bill and mizai and oito
4: notp
kurokura LOL also not  a fan of romantic kurapika/bill
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
hes autistic & has intrusive thoughts a lot & has depressiona and ptsd but those last two are canon so !
6: one way in which I relate to this character
sometimes i act without thinking and i regret it and i often feel like i have to face everything on my own and forget that others are strong enough to take care of themselves too & im also in love with leorio and am rude  in that weird polite way to most people i meet face to face except babies -_-
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
1: sexuality headcanon
lesbian!!! and trans in canon
2: otp
none really!!!
3: brotp
her and gon and kurapika and woble and leorio and killua  and kalluto of COURSE
4: notp
idk is there any actualy alluka ship thats not freaky?
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
she likes to braid everyones hair... and she wants to be a forest ranger when she grows up or work at a zoo or smth somewhere she can be outside a lot....
6: one way in which I relate to this character
im just a creacher full of love....
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
nothing shes perfect!!!!!!!
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
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