#I love a lot of very evil characters but even they know they have to treat my critters well if they want my heart
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Okay I very much feel unqualified to write black people cuz I've never met one irl and no one is stupid enough to immigrate to this falling apart country and I can't afford a vacation outside it and reading online just doesn't feel like enough, I'd still just end up writing them the exact same as I would write a white character and then it would be like why am I pretending racism doesn't exist and there isn't cultural differences, but I can't write about those, sometimes I wish I could be a part of a writers team so that there can be great representation in the stories I contribute to, cuz it would be written by people actually in those demographics...
Also, this might be more about gender than race, but can I complain about how my favourite character arc has a lot of nice male representation, maybe an it/its or xey/xem even, but never a single woman anywhere? (The arc I'm talking about is like, the Zuko arc btw.) And that bothers me, so I tried to write my own, but because my "creativity" is just made up of stories I've read (I'm told I'm great at most art, but really am incapable of creativity, I feel like a generative AI, constantly wondering if everybody else is capable of creativity but me), whenever I gender swap the mc, her arc is just completely different vibes: she usually doesn't even cry, she acts all confident, her arc becomes less about identity and remorse and more about convincing the other characters she's not evil now... Which is a fine story, I still love those, but there's a lot of stories with women who have redemption arcs (Catra, Peridot, Lilith Clawthorne...), the vibes are just completely different from... Okay I can't think of a single example that isn't Zuko that has more than 100 niche fans and y'all won't know... Maybe Hordak from She-Ra? I haven't watched it in years I don't remember that well... Oh! There were a bunch in Doctor Who! (even at least 3 separate instances of dalek redemption arcs. which like. is kinda cheap in a way I love and approve of. but also. are they a male only race??)
(edit: oh yeah I just realized, Shadow the Hedgehog totally fits that. I literally watched the movie less than a day ago, how did I spend so long trying to remember a single character, and then... I swear I'm not stupid, the characters in my head just can't be arranged in order of popularity... qwq)
So uhh... No one is prob reading this stuff I spent an hour writing despite having had work to do... But if you are, uhh... Please help. I need media recommendations.
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People shouldn't be too hard on Mon!
I absolutely love and is grateful of Freed's understanding and appreciation of the Jedi, apparent in the book, apparent in the interview he'd given for the book:
"For me, the excitement of the time period here, is that I tend to think of 'Star Wars' as a setting with plenty of room for grey area stories and moral ambiguity, but there are very clear lines of good and evil as well. There's no version of 'Star Wars' in which you look at the Emperor and go, 'Well, maybe he had some good ideas.' No, the Emperor is evil. And the Jedi and Luke at their best are good. Everything else exists somewhere in there. This is a period where the remains true but no one really knows that the Emperor is evil.
"As far as the public is concerned, this guy just won the worst war in living memory. The Clone Wars were this horrendous affair and Palpatine has put an end to it. Yes, he's declared himself Emperor but he's not the embodiment of all evil. There's not even a Death Star out there. On the absolute good side, the Jedi have sort of been tarnished in recent years. War scrapes away at the shining morality of any organization."
I think Freed really understands what Lucas meant when he said "The Jedi have been corrupted by this war."
...but I still don't hold it against Mon cause she's going through hell and she spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler in the later half of the book. I think she's fascinating, wonderful, equally valid character with equally valid viewpoints as Bail within context of their own worlds and experiences in this novel.
The editor of the book said it best:
Bail ā knows the truth about Palpatine, the Empire, and the fall of the Jedi. Caught between his commitment to truth and justice at any cost, and the duty he has to the daughter heās been entrusted to protect.
Mon Mothma ā a master politician, who believes ā like so many ā that opposing Palpatine is part of the regular game of politics. She doesnāt yet realize, Palpatine stood up from the game board years ago, and sheās playing against shadows.
Mon and Bail are allies, but not really friends (at this time). Padme was their link, and now, sheās gone. Where does that leave them?
For Mon and Bail especially, the secrets Bail holds that he cannot reveal leaves a gulf between them. And what does it mean when they find themselves at odds with each other, over truths they cannot speak?
prev anon) I'm talking about their different mindsets and experiences and viewpoints born from those and I'm not excusing Mon's... *spoilers* anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of the book! It's so nice seeing an author like Freed, who usually writes non-force side of sw, handling the jedi with such warmth, understanding and awareness
This was such a reassuring message to get, thank you! I've been avoiding spoilers for the book as best I can, but I'm only a quarter of the way through it and I was wondering how the various themes were going to go, but Freed's interview quotes and your comments have made me glad that I'm picking up what this book is putting down, because that's exactly how I've been reading it. (And why I'm hoping to encourage more people to read it--though, I will give a warning that this book can be uncomfortably prescient about current events in a way that I wouldn't say Alexander Freed Is A Witch, but that can be very hard to read about if you're not in the headspace to deal with a lot of reflections of the dumpster fire we're currently in.) As for Mon, I hope nobody comes down on her for this, because as much as I scream, cry, throw up, etc., over Bail's scenes, in general I lean a bit more towards Mon's way of doing things, because I think her approach is her answer to the question, "But what can actually be truly achieved?" That she is looking at an incredibly shitty situation with only shitty options and asking herself what can she actually get done, what does she have a snowball's chance in hell of success with? And she knows clearing the Jedi's name at this point in time is not on the table, not when there are a million other things that might actually do tangible good for the galaxy. And I don't disagree with that! I love the Jedi more than anyone, but clearing their name isn't more important that, say, trying to stop the Wookiees from being classified as a non-sentient species! Clearing their name isn't important enough to blow all your political capital and having nothing to show for it when there are people who you can help, with a chance that will actually succeed! Bail's idealism isn't stupid, he's incredible and the galaxy needs a shining light like him, it's necessary for the bigger hope for the future, we can't make it through the dark times without bright, shining hope. So even when they don't always think positively of each other, I never get the sense that Bail and Mon don't understand that the other is doing what they think is best. They just disagree on what that is. And it makes sense! Bail knew and was friends with the Jedi! He knows the truth about Palpatine and how important all that Force shit is to what's going on here! Mon is operating with the idea that this is a political battle--and she's not entirely wrong, she's necessary to the recovery of the galaxy, too, just as Luke is necessary to save the day, so too is Leia, and I sort of see that reflected in Bail and Mon's approaches--one is focusing on the mystical and one is focusing on the political and I think both are important here. So, I have nothing but hearts for Mon Mothma and what she's trying to do for the galaxy.
And I don't see them as antagonists here, I see them as two people who look at each other with the understanding that there is deep love and compassion for people in the other, that they want this other person on their side not just for political alliances but because they care, and maybe they want to scream in frustration that the other person can't see what they see, but I don't feel for a second that this is going to end with them anything other than them as friends. Their scene in Rogue One implies she knows about Bail knowing a living Jedi, if not directly knowing about Obi-Wan Kenobi, which isn't something he would tell just anyone. I'm hoping for the same with Saw, there's going to be conflict about their approaches, and I love that that's clearly a theme/why these three characters were chosen as the pillars of this book, that each of them are shown to have their reasons why and that each of them serve a purpose. I scream/cry/throw up more about the Jedi because that's the most fun for me, but I am enthralled with Mon's chapters just as much, the political tightrope she's on, and I would encourage people to read for those aspects just as much as I would encourage them for crying about the Jedi. ANYWAY, EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK FOR YOURSELF, I'm having fun with the snippets I'm posting, but the book is so much more than those things! It's one of the best SW for rounding out the characters and filling in the transitions between the movies and TV shows, but in a way that keeps the tension and emotional gut-punches despite that we know where it's going. ALSO, MON MOTHMA AND BAIL ORGANA ARE THE BEST, I'M WILLING TO FIGHT THE INTERNET OVER THIS
#lumi.txt#star wars#bail organa#mon mothma#meta#novels#novels: the mask of fear#(i wrote and queued this response before your later message btw so you came across perfectly well! <3)
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hello. odd question: if you were given the choice, what sort of post buu sequel would you personally want to see? you don't have to write a whole story or anything, just, what kind of story would you want to see told if it were up to you? in terms of basic premise, tone, or "gimmick" if you'd like to see one.
Probably unpopular opinion but my ideal vision of a post-Buu Dragon Ball sequel would be to retire Goku and Vegeta after the Buu arc for good. Goku's story ended very satisfyingly with the Cell arc and I don't think Vegeta could ever go out on a higher note than what Buu gave him. I think Dragon Ball has a lot of potential for future storytelling beyond Buu but if we're working from scratch then these two characters, specifically, I'm ready to be done with.
What Dragon Ball needs to give it that shot in the arm is to have the courage to do what it wanted to do post-Cell: to start over and reinvent itself.
I do understand why that fell apart with Gohan. Gohan doesn't like martial arts. He never has. He enjoys it as an activity he can do with the people he loves, but he isn't a martial artist at heart. He has no drive for it as a hobby; His only relationship with it is as a necessary evil he sometimes has to engage in to protect his loved ones.
That's not a spark that can drive a Dragon Ball protagonist down a road of self-discovery and personal improvement through a deep, personal relationship with the art. And all the attempts to make Gohan relevant again just amount to giving him free power-ups and browbeating him into doing things that, on a fundamental level, he just hates doing.
Gohan doesn't want to be a Dragon Ball main character. He has never wanted that, and we shouldn't force him to. It's better for him and better for the story to just move along.
So where does that leave us?
I think the Buu arc gave us all the tools we need to reinvent Dragon Ball already. I think the characters who have the most potential in telling new Dragon Ball stories are the ones the franchise kinda just... wants to sweep aside. It's Goten, Trunks, and Marron. Pan and Bra. And our new green god Dende. The next generation of Dragon Ball heroes.
It's Goten and Trunks looking at their fathers' backs and knowing that these are the mountains that they are meant to climb. To become more than Goku and Vegeta ever were. And questioning if that's even what they want for themselves. What is their relationship to the art, independent of their fathers? Independent of each other?
Who even are they to each other? Are they to be a reflection of their fathers? Are they to be their fathers' mirror opposites? Or are they to be something else, something independent of their fathers, something only they can identify?
And what does the art mean to them personally? When it stops being "I'm doing this because my family does it," what is it to them? Is it even what they want or, like Gohan, do their destinies lie down another road?
Who is Marron? Who will she grow up to be? What does the art mean to her? In this world of Saiyans and Namekians, what are the limitations that her humanity imposes on her? And how can she break those limits and become something super?
These are the questions that I think could fuel a really interesting sequel series. I think the key to Dragon Ball's artistic future is in allowing someone else to go on a martial arts journey of their own, so we can watch them grow from a wide-eyed child to a wizened master as we once watched Goku.
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Perhaps not the point of your ongoing Snoldemort (Vape?) masterpiece, but I really like how you write Lily. Sheās adventurous and determined and charismatic, but also utterly careless about Severusā emotions and especially his poverty in a way thatās - for those of us whoāve been in the same boat - utterly demeaning. And I think thatās all clearly there in canon too! I know sheās rather underwritten due to her mystery being kept under wraps for 6.95 out of 7 books, but I donāt think sheās *quite* as underwritten as many people think considering sheās only got about 10 lines. So I really love it on the exceedingly rare occasions when she flashes up in fics to be less saintly and moreā¦correct in most respects, but also such a dick about it.
i can't believe i've been foolishly persisting with "snapemort" as the ship name when "vape" was in front of me the whole time.

[a shot of lord voldemort listening to the radio broadcasts of the wizengamot...]
thank you very much for this lovely message about scylla and charybdis, anon! i'm delighted you're enjoying it.
the starting point for her characterisation in the fic was - basically - god forbid a teenage girl not be the most selfless person in history.
i'm always really struck [and completely unsurprised...] that both sides of the fandom debate about snape seem to focus a lot on lily's supposed saintliness. since i'm a snape fan, i end up seeing the anti-lily side of this fairly often - endless rounds of "well if she's so great why didn't she do exactly what snape wanted all the time? why did she simply not accommodate everything he thought? checkmate, snaters" nonsense, which then quickly devolves into "every even mildly negative thought she had about snape was driven by her pure evil"...
but the thing is... even without any of the rest of it - the fact that she's a member of the wizarding world's persecuted underclass and there's a war on, for example - she's allowed to not be constantly thinking about other people's problems. and she's allowed to be annoyed and selfish and uncharitable and rude. and she's allowed to not be constantly filtering her words and actions through every single possible societal nuance in order to make sure she only responds in the most perfect way ever... not least because that's fundamentally impossible.
i like the fact that she never quite gets how snape's poverty changes his engagement with the world - especially in the most recent chapter, when she's thirteen and she thinks she's having a nice time hanging out with her pal and she thinks he's saying what he means when he says he doesn't want anything from the ice cream man, rather than pretending that he doesn't because he hasn't got any money and he finds the idea of admitting that to her to be too humiliating to bear - because it's a situation where neither of them are in the wrong, which i just find much more interesting than the fandom's determination to divide characters who are in conflict into the winner and the loser, or the good person and the bad one, or the person who's right and the person who's wrong.
snape's feelings about his poverty are entirely understandable, and lily clearly hasn't thought as much about it as might be admirable... but it's also his own fault that he doesn't share these feelings with lily, and just expects her to read his mind and modify her behaviour without him offering her any explanation as to why he wants her to do this or offering her any chance to refuse or to ask him to compromise on these desires.
and this lack of honest communication leads to their bigger, much more clear-cut resentments - over james, over mulciber and avery, over dark magic, and - of course - over voldemort. lily's obviously completely correct to say that voldemort is a terrorist and she won't respect anyone who's obsessed with him... the moral argument is black-and-white, lily's the only person who's right.
but the issue is that snape isn't actually arguing from an opposing position. he's not arguing that voldemort isn't a terrorist - he's arguing that voldemort is a terrorist who's also the only person he's ever met who's offering a tangible way for him to get out of poverty. and this is true - both in the fic and, in my view, in the canon text. the material argument is much, much more complicated than the moral one.
lily can't solve these problems - she's just one person, and she doesn't have to risk her own safety to try and deradicalise someone seeking to join an organisation which hates muggleborns - and i don't expect her to have ever been able to do so.
but i also like the fact that - just as snape's major failing in canon is indifference [he can tolerate what voldemort does until it affects him] - the good guys' major failing is indifference too.
the ministry and the order are principled people taking a righteous moral stand against terror... and they also have no idea how the system they're fighting for oppresses all but the elite of wizarding society... whereas voldemort understands this intimately, and he uses it to swell his ranks with disaffected recruits who are looking for someone to blame for their conditions...
[hence why he's the person - even as the text tries to present him as someone whose aims are pureblood oligarchy - who canonically commands the support (or, at the very least, the toleration) of the working classes and the non-human peoples oppressed by the wizarding state...]
but these recruits are nonetheless entirely aware what they're signing up for... they're not joining a legitimate political party, or a union, or an activist group seeking to bring about change through non-violent means... they're joining a terrorist organisation...
but their experience at the hands of the state makes them easy to convince that they've got no other choice...
i like this sort of vicious cycle approach to both the first and the second war because it's so much more interesting than canon's "this is a straightforward battle between good and evil" vibe.
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Ah color pie discourse. I love this shit.
Things get even more interesting when you start talking about color combinations. The two color "guilds" as they are informally known are my favorite because they are a lot more nuanced than the mono colors but they still have very distinct identities compared to the 3 color combos.
Red is my favorite, so I want to talk about the 4 red guilds. Red black is rakdos, red green is gruul, red blue is izzet, and red white is boros.
A common theme with red pairings is red seems to bring out the worst in it's partner in a lot of ways.
Green has a tendency towards isolationism? Callousness? Gruul is full on might makes right, everyone who isn't us can die types. They violently resist ANY form of order or authority. They're almost caricatures of red and green.
Black is selfish? Rakdos is self destructive hedonism to an extreme. Rakdos will start a fire just to watch it burn. Rakdos will become powerful for the sole reason that once they are nobody can stop them. This is about as pure evil as you can get on the color pie, but even then not necessarily. A rakdos individual is not necessarily cruel just for the sake of it, and may cherish those close to them, but will always put their inner circle and themselves first in all things and will value their freedom more than anything.
Those are the two allied pairs which I think exemplify my "brings out the worst theory the most", it's a little more nuanced with the enemy pairs.
Izzet, everyone's favorite guild, is all about expression and iteration. The type who are so busy asking whether or not they can they NEVER stop to ask whether they should. The absolute antithesis of gruul, and their namesake actual guilds who the pairs are named after on ravnica definitely act like it. Good and evil are meaningless terms to izzet. There is only progress and stagnation. Izzet is quite similar to mono blue, only more so, and with the raw power red brings it is much more able to enact its vision.
Boros are pretty close to a hero pairing. They are zealous defenders of freedom and the common man. Boros will fight and die to protect perfect strangers, and will never compromise on doing the right thing. However, red still tends to bring out some of the nasty side of white. If white thinks it knows best boros KNOWS it knows best. If white is willing to use force to bring a better world, boros is fucking thrilled to do so. Mark Rosewater specifically names V from V for Vendetta and The Punisher as boros characters, which definitely helped me conceptualize them better.
I wish more people used Magic the Gathering's Color Pie instead of D&D's alignment all of the time.
Like, saying a character embodies the selfishness and impulsivenes of Red Black offers more depth than Chaotic Evil
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Batman is dead.
I know it sounds vulgar.
Oh, you didn't like one comic book and now the character doesn't exist for you. Come on, we go through this every day! Stop clowning, you're not Joker!
But they actually did it in 2023. A year later, I realized exactly what happened. And I think I know how to change it. Hold on, because I'm going to tell you who Bruce Wayne was, and why death was good for him.
Chapter one. This is where the story begins.

Ok, we all know that. The alley. The boy next to his parents' bodies. No one hears his tears. A promise by the bedside. The training. Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot. The Bat.
We rarely talk about Thomas and Martha because it was never their story. It was the story of a boy who found the meaning of life...no, at this stage, of existence...in fighting Evil. It was 1940s. The early years of The Dark Knight, in terms of plot, emphasized the common person's ability to overcome challenges and help those who cannot defend themselves. At first, the reader saw a ācool and intimidatingā costume. The vigilante in action.

However, diving into the text we find that this Frightening Guardian is very...soft. He stays and tends to the victims of crime. Doesn't let people get discouraged. He is feared by criminals. He doesn't mind much that the police can do it either. But he's not an enemy of the society.

Later, Robin shows up. Alfred. Batwoman. Batgirl. The League...
But Batman remains their friend too. And so does Bruce Wayne, who...started life in the 1950s.
Chapter Two. Creating Identity.

Until about the early 70's(I'm using decades for simplicity, the actual timeline is a bit different) Batman's adventures explored the big issues people care about - corruption, war, crime. The wrapping of this was removed from reality. Took the form of evil clowns, spies in funny costumes, even aliens. Comics didn't want to pour complex things over our heads in their purest form.
But the important thoughts, the problems themselves and their possible solutions, along with the dreams of Mankind (flying cars, new discoveries in medicine, exploring the world), have always been the theme of the issue. For this reason, most of the dialog was directed at external things. The characters showed themselves through their actions.

We saw that Bruce can truly doubt, worry, and do crazy things. But he always cares about his young partner and wants to give him the best of what he himself has. Often in his interactions with Dick, Wayne shows pride in his son, his support. Many times he even risked Batman's life to save Grayson. And yes, the idea of separating man and suit, outside of formalities, didn't exist back then.

The idea of a billionaire wasn't a big deal yet, and 99% of the problems were solved by the masked vigilante, while the rich guy was a good cover for gathering information, which he did in the first issues.

Comics and media(audio, animated series, books) that recall this period especially emphasize the moment of complete father-son trust. As the point of supreme discovery of Bruce Wayne's mind. He wants to see a world where people are friends with each other. Openness. Sincerity. Idealism without drifting into absurdity. This is the Bruce Wayne of DC's first 30 years.
Chapter Three. Flowers are better than batarangs.

It's ironic, but with the visual darkness (relative to earlier works), 1970's Knight was the perfect middle ground between Bruce and Batman. The conflict of concepts was not yet seen from the angle of falling into darkness, but made many, not always consciously, afraid of their own protector.

My words should not be taken too literally. Gotham loved him. He openly cooperated with the police. Easily walked through the door of people's homes if invited. However, he could also be tough on crime and move like a shadow. That was troubling. But Batman doesn't cross the line. He's too kind. Everyone knows that.

Bruce is finally the man we know. Playful and frivolous, but the rich who loves beneficial initiatives for the city and its residents by day. And caped crusader by night.
He adores his children, starts many foundations and even a detective agency to help those in need and make police work easier. At the same time, Bruce's personal life is also going well. The authors are constantly looking for the man to be the love of his life, and the idea of retirement with the possibility of helping the world in some other way, without the cape, is increasingly glimpsed in stories about a possible future.
Unfortunately, the picture limit does not allow the narrator to continue his never ending battle, and so he will continue in the next post!
P.S. That and other themed post can be found under BrightKnightUpcoming tag.
#BrightKnightUpcoming#Batman#Dark Knight#Bruce Wayne#DC comics#DC history#Long Live the Bat#Bat family#Batfamily#Batfam
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As someone who has very mixed feelings about Pearl, I think a lot of the things she gets blamed for in the fandom arenāt actual criticisms of her actions and itās just misogyny.
Pearl is played in two ways, either being very naive and not understanding that her actions hurt others, or just being a sucky person who only cares for herself. A lot of people only acknowledge Pearl as that second version and force it onto any version of the character and assumes when anyone talks about Pearl, theyāre talking about that. For this, I will be talking about the more naive version of her.
Pearl is literally the brand new girl, for all we as the audience knows, she could have been manufactured like, 3 days ago. She clearly doesnāt understand certain things(ex: how important race partners are as a relationship to others like Dinah or Rusty) and while it doesnāt excuse her actions, you cannot frame a character as the devil reincarnated for being born yesterday.
Also, her actions arenāt even that bad- when compared to the actions of others in the same show. She doesnāt race with Rusty- which she has no obligation to do if she doesnāt want to, even if it makes Rusty feel bad- and she gets with Greaseball right after he breaks up with Dinah then proceeds to tell Dinah to stop crying. The second thing is a really mean thing to do, but people blow it way out of proportion. C.B. repeatedly crashes others for fun/money, Greaseball is at the very least emotionally abusive to Dinah, and a lot of the other engines are attacking each other over the race, but as soon as Pearl does ONE shitty thing, sheās worse than all these characters combined?
Iām not trying to infantilizing Pearl or imply that because sheās new that all her actions can be excused. What Iām saying is that she is not some evil person like so many people portray her to be, and even in versions where sheās portrayed as being more knowing, sheās not nearly as bad as fandom favorites because her actions are the same even if the intent behind them are different. If you hate a female character for doing a few shitty things, but love a male character with him doing a bunch of shitty things, thatās misogyny.
(I am NOT saying that everyone who dislikes Pearl is misogynistic or that youāre misogynistic if you like Greaseball or something. I donāt like Pearl outside of a lot of her costumes and songs, the issue is portraying her as if sheās some terrible person)
#stex#starlight express#pearl the first class car#pearl the observation car#stex rant post#sorry for the greaseball hate again#I swear I like him on occasion
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Synopsis: Sometimes the best way to distract a villain is with a little more than a witty chat.
: ĢĢā Featured Characters: Chronos x Gn!Reader
ĢĢā Content Warnings: NSFW, (bottom, but not necessarily sub, reader)
ĢĢā Ā Additional notes: Me? Obsessed with a beautiful, evil blonde man? Yeah.
Ten minutes. All you had to do was keep him distracted for ten minutes.
You'd seen it clear as day this morning, if he managed to escape this room, a shitty warehouse somewhere in the city center, the hostages would die.
Nevermind that the 'hostages' were all low-level villains that had been bothering you for weeks, they weren't in their costumes, neither the public, nor the media, would know it as anything other then civilian deaths.
You'd already sent the brunt of the force towards the second location, if you could hold his attention for just ten minutes, everything would be okay.
Nobody would die. And more importantly, your reputation would be saved.
Chronos stood in the rooms center, illuminated by a single, shitty bulb.
"Come now, Oracle." He purred through the mask, the metallic tinge making your body tense. "Don't get distracted."
Right. Focus. Nine more minutes.
"I am focused. You're not getting away this time."
He'd grin if he could. You can tell in the way he sets his shoulders, the slight chuckle the mask can't quite filter out.
He takes a step back, shaking his head.
"I hate to disappoint you. But I most certainly am."
Shit. Wrong approach. He can't back away. He can't get away.
You need to lure him in closer.
He turns, angling his body away from you, looking for an escape?
He stops. Despite it all, he stops to hear you out. Why does he do that?
"What? Hate to see me leave but love to watch me walk away, hm?"
Again with the flirting! Always flirting. It drives you up the wall.
But... maybe... There's nobody around but the two of you...
"You're wearing a coat. What is there for me to see when you leave?"
He tilts his head. You can feel his eyes boring into you.
"I can take it off."
"You wouldn't. Your suit is ridiculously tight. You wouldn't..."
You trail off, floundering, why is this working?!
"I wouldn't show it off for you? Hah! Why do you suppose I designed my suit like this in the first place?"
He drags a hand down his chest, gloved fingers trailing over defined abs. "I don't dress like this for the public, you know."
Eight minutes. Time feels like it's dragging on.
"You dress like that just for me, then? Prove it."
Chronos' hand stops. Shocked? Repulsed?
Then he grabs the jackets lapel, slowly pulling it off his tall frame.
He drops it to the ground next to him unceremoniously.
You swallow.
"How's that for proof?"
He strikes a pose. Lifting his arms to show off his waist. It's a little dorky. A smile creeps up on your face before you have the chance to fight it.
It's a little... something else, too. But you won't think like that. You can't.
"I don't know. Just taking off a jacket doesn't feel very personal. You could do that for anyone."
He takes a step towards you and you have to fight to calm your racing heart. This is good. Just seven more minutes.
"Now, now Oracle. That feels like you're baiting me to take off my mask. And we can't be having that, can we?"
You roll your eyes, he was the one who said it, not you.
"Scared I won't like what I find?"
For once, he doesn't seem to have a witty retort. But he takes another step forward, coming ever closer.
This is good. Great, even! You just need to keep him entertained.
"You know, Chronos. There's a lot more to your suit then just your mask."
That gets his attention. He pauses, motionless.
What catches your eye isn't your fault. It's his fault, really, with his stupid skin-tight suit. And the tent in his pants is so obnoxiously obvious.
You do the polite thing, averting your eyes, not that he can really tell through your mask. Not that he even particularly seems to care.
You'd meant, like, gloves or something! Maybe some of those stupid belts he wraps around his torso.
You didn't mean... well... did you mean... that? It would be... a distraction.
How many minutes do you have left? You've lost count.
After an excruciatingly long pause, he seems to find his tongue again.
"You should watch your words, Oracle. There's... interesting implications there."
You can't help but laugh. What use is there in beating around the bush like that when he's hard as a rock and basically vibrating where he stands.
"Implications? You're one to talk. Your... reaction, down-there, speaks louder than words."
He glances downward, as if he hadn't noticed. Then clenches, and unclenches his fist. An exercise in self-restraint, maybe?
"Ah." Is all he mumbles, before glancing back up at you. He clenches and unclenches his fists again, and then shrugs. "At least we chose a place without any cameras around. If this made a front page story I doubt either of us would live it down."
He leans down to scoop up his coat. How much time has passed? Not enough, surely.
"Leaving so soon?"
He hesitates, one hand nested in the material of his coat.
"You want me to stay?"
For the good of the people, if nothing else.
"Just seems like a... waste."
He straightens up, tilting his head curiously. It's so hard to read him, his expressionless mask not letting anything slip.
Then he places a hand, tentatively, on his belt buckle.
"A waste... of this?"
Are you doing this? To save a handful of hostages who you don't especially care about the safety of at the best of times?
"It's like you said. No cameras."
You're doing this. You hope those fuckers appreciate it.
"You're... serious? If this is your attempts at unmasking me, it's an underhanded tactic."
You shrug, trying to keep it casual despite your racing heart. Your mother can NOT find out about this.
"We can leave the masks on. This is between us, as hero and villain. Not whoever our real selves are."
He stills seems unsure, so you suck in a breath and step towards him, poking a finger against his chest.
In the past, he's dodged so many of your attacks so effortlessly. You almost expect him to breezily step out of your touch, but your finger simply bounces against the muscle.
"You've made plenty of advance at me in the past. I hope they weren't just for show."
He swallows. You're close enough that you can see his adam's apple bobbing in his throat. It makes you feel...
Nothing. It makes you feel nothing. There is no slight shiver that passes through you. No warmth between your thighs. This is work. Not pleasure.
He laughs, warm and metallic, and places a large hand against your waist. It isn't unpleasant. His thumb gliding across the material of your suit.
"There are much better suited places for this then a dingy warehouse, Oracle."
While the idea of fucking against a dirty warehouse floor like a bunch of animals is not exactly appealing, letting him leave the building at all is out of the cards.
"What, you're going to take me back to your place? Yeah right."
"The least I could do is a nice hotel."
Ugh, a hotel would be nice. A comfy bed, room service after, somewhere to sleep off the weirdness of it all and freshen up before the walk of shame home.
The warehouse will have to do. Fucking hostages.
You wrap your fingers around his belt loops, teasingly.
"And if I told you I didn't want to wait?"
He groans, it's a sound you're about to get incredibly familiar with. Future fights with this fucker are definitely going to get interesting.
He uses his grasp on your waist to tug you closer, pinning your bodies together. Then he pushes his crotch against your side, rolling his hips to grind into you. It can't feel all that good behind several layers of fabric, but you suppose it is pretty skin-tight.
He groans again, right in your ear, loud and unrestrained. It's nicer sounding then the sirens outside, at least.
"You're so needy. All that talk about taking me a hotel when you're the one who couldn't wait."
Chronos whines, masked face buried into your shoulder as he rolls his hips more desperately. If you stood here, sweet-talking him, you're pretty sure you could get him to cum where he stands, right in his suit.
But where's the fun in that? If you're sinking this low, you're at least getting off too.
"If you're just going to stand there are get yourself off, Chronos, I might as well go home."
His needy whines turn into a throaty growl, his gentle grip on your waist becoming delightfully dangerous as you feel his nails catch in the suit's material.
If he rips a hole in your suit he is a dead man.
Thankfully, his grip relaxes. But only for a moment, as slides his other hand around your waist, and lifts you up, carrying you across the room with ease, and urgency.
A shock of cold goes through you as he drops you on a metal container, perched right on the edge so your legs dangle down.
You can hear his heavy breathing through the mask, as he glances down at you, like he's deciding what he wants to do first.
Then, without a word, he sinks to his knees, pushing your legs apart and laughing breathily.
He taps his metal mask, twice.
"No peaking."
You tilt your head up, half out of politeness, half necessity. If you break the rules, nothings stopping him from ripping your mask off at this distance.
"At least when you take off your mask I won't have to listen to your prattling on."
"Still swapping insults at a time like this, Oracle? No matter. I have much better things to do with my mouth."
At the thought of ripping, you hear the distinct sound of fabric tearing, then a cool breeze caressing the inner-most curves of your thigh.
This motherfucker.
You don't even have time to gasp, nor raise a very understandable complaint, before you hear him happily hum.
"I'll pay for it."
Then the click of metal, as you can only assume he pushes his mask up his face, freeing his mouth for... other activities.
You sneak a glance downwards as he buries his head between your thighs, but all you can see is a mop of blonde hair pushed messily back by his shifted mask. Worth a shot.
After that, you don't have the time, nor the mental fortitude to scheme, his tongue working hard to distract you from thoughts of hero's and villains.
It's a fight not to clamp your thighs around his head, an excellent position to squeeze the life out of him, but you're a little distracted. And it's not a great story to sell to the media.
Moans, both yours and his own, bounce off the run-down walls. If anything, his moans are almost louder than yours, moaning passionately against you with every spare breath he manages to take.
Air seems like the last thing on his mind. He'll choke himself out, at this rate. Desperately hungry for you. You decide not to think about it.
Instead you tilt your head back, basking in the rolling, sweeping pleasure of his tongue in all the right spots.
And it builds, and builds, and builds, and sudden the sweet waves you've been leisurely riding feel too close to breaking. You don't gently climb to orgasm as much as you hurtle towards it.
"Chronos, wait I-"
But it's like uttering his name flips an evil switch in his mind, and he burrows closer, hands gripping at your thighs for purchase so desperately his nails drag open little holes in your suit.
The waves break, and all you have the strength to do is slump forward, hands nesting in his hair, grabbing on for dear life, as you ride out your high on his face.
Not that he seems to mind, the way his hips are bucking into thin air, just as desperately.
When he finally pulls away, he manages to keep his face pointed downwards, identity secure, as he wipes his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. Before adjusting the mask back over his face.
Then he stands, looming above you as you sit, still slightly quivering, upon the metal box he set you on.
"I hope you don't think we're done here." He purrs, clicking open his belt with practiced ease.
Thank god for superhero stamina.
He slinks out of his pants, leaving them abandoned in a heap much like his jacket.
He rubs the head of his cock against your bare thigh, trailing pre-cum across your skin. He hisses with pure pleasure, both at the sight and the sensation.
"Hope you don't mind that I'm a little... unprepared. A little lube, a condom or two, could have gone a long way. I'll be more prepared next time."
"You think there's going to be a next time?"
He scoops up the cum on your thighs and slicks his fingers with it, pushing them against your entrance with far too much eagerness.
"Oh Oracle, you'll be weak in the knees at the sight of me after I'm done with you. I can guarantee a next time."
"Mmm... you're so cocky."
He chuckles, nudging the tip of his hard cock against your groin, sliding it against the slick opening as he retracts his fingers.
"I have good reason to be, clearly."
You go to refute, but your mind blanks as he pushes into you. Two inches, then four, then six, then further still, until his hips brush against yours. The moan that escapes him is unholy.
"Fuck. I'm going to be weak in the knees after this." He groans, right into your ear. The metal of his mask is cold as it brushes against your neck.
Absently, you wish his mouth was free to kiss it. From the way he's eyeing it and breathing heavily, you think he does too.
"Are you... in any pain?" He asks, a rare moment of pure consideration.
You adjust yourself, flex your insides to test the depth, the pressure. It's... a lot. Filling, certainly. And you have to bite back a small moan as you really relax against him.
But it doesn't hurt. And after a pause to catch your breath, you nod.
"I'm... good. It's good. Thanks."
"Just good? I'll have to do a better job then that."
He punctuates his sentence with a smooth roll of his hips, the length of his cock gliding out, then filling you up all over again. It's unbearably slow, the temptation to shuffle closer, to wrap your legs around his hips and trap him there, taunts you.
"You'll have... to do a little more... then that." You pant, gripping the sides of the metal container you're perched on for support.
"Oh? You want more?" He purrs, sliding out of your so slowly. And then he pauses, the two of you connected only by the very tip, a twitch away from sliding out entirely.
He's going to say something terrible, isn't he?
"Say please."
You called it.
Your eye twitches. You don't know what's bigger, his ego or his dick.
Definitely his ego.
He's lucky you can't say the same for yourself. You're not above basic manners. But you're not above a little bullying, either.
You lean as close as you can despite the distance, wrapping your arms around his neck, and whisper into his ear.
"Chronos... please just fuck me already."
You can almost hear the thread of tension in his body, snap. The eradication of his self-restraint.
He doesn't have anything witty to say, after that.
His hips snap forward with such strength that you tumble back, losing your grip on him as you lay down flat on the container. The new angle let's him push into you even further, and you both moan in delight.
He looms over you, every thrust punctuated with soft, needy moans.
You reach up, running your hands through his blonde hair. It would easy, to simple pull off his mask, see his real face looking down at you.
Would he be blushing? Smiling? Or would he have a more focused look... Your mind wanders. But it's almost more fun if you don't know.
Instead your fingers grip the strands, pulling slightly as he hits a particularly delicious angle. You both moan in equal surprise and debased pleasure.
There's a moment of pause, as you consider these new found techniques. And then you resume, with twice as much passion as before.
Him chasing that angle over and over, crashing into the spot that makes you shiver and buck your hips up to meet his thrusts. You pulling at his hair, and running your nails down his back, enjoying the throaty groans it elicits each and every time.
It isn't long before the feeling returns, waves of pleasure building and building and building inside you.
"Ah, fuck, I'm gonna cum Chronos-"
You don't even finish the final syllable of his name, before he's crashing his hips into you, warmth flooding you as he cums with a long, growl-like moan.
Your own orgasm follows but a second later, his orgasm hasn't slowed him down, if anything he seems to be chasing the afterglow. The uptick in speed pushing you tumbling over the metaphorical edge.
You both lay there for a moment, breathing heavily. Those ten minutes have to be up by now, right? Time to make a strategic exit to check on the hostages. Well, maybe after you've gotten your breath back.
You shift up, propping yourself up on your elbows. His head is bowed, his cock still buried inside you. But he'll pull out any second now, right?
Then he looks up. Slowly. Despite the mask, you can feel his shit-eating grin.
"I'm not done with you yet, Oracle."
When you stumble out the warehouse, only one lone officer remains on the scene. He gives you a questioning look, and you feel yourself flush, thankful for the mask all over again.
"The hostages are safe, Oracle, thanks for your help. But, uh, you know only had to keep him in there for ten minutes right? It's been..." The officer checks his watch, and then frowns. "Hours. Are you alright?"
You adjust Chronos' cloak, which is wrapped around your middle for privacy.
"It was a tough... fight. But I dealt some serious blows. Managed to snag his coat before he escaped."
"Great work! We could take it in for testing if you'd like."
"Ah, uh, no need! I'll do my own... uh... super testing! See if it triggers a vision.
It's a terrible excuse. But thankful, the officer seems stupid. Or maybe tired, it is late. But either way, he nods. And waves you goodbye as he packs himself away into his car.
Now to figure out how to get home without any camera's catching you... indisposed.
The next morning, there's a generous donation to your bank account, from a suspiciously anonymous donor. Enough to cover the expenses of your torn suit, and then some.
It's signed only with a C. Cocky bastard.
#criminallyyoursvn#criminallyyours#yandere x reader#yandere vn#Chronos x reader#Chronos#yanjam#this is i think the longest thing ive ever published on this account#this is all chronos' fault#i love him ur honour#not beta read we die like jack
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hi i just wanted to say i LOVE lovelovelove how you write and how you keep your headcanons of how these ghouls would act as partners pretty damn realistic as compared to other writers ive read from. also i HEAVILY enjoy how you write dear old joshua graham and explore how him being a legate for ~30 years would affect his mentality. like yes hes god fearing and tries to do right by the bible but he was also the meanest bitch for a long time that evil doesnt just leave you once you decide to pick up a bible again. it has made me think about him in a whole new way and most of the ways i think about him now are even more debauched than before and for that i thank you. youre amazing never stop writing and sharing your writing! and i hope you recover quickly and as painlessly as possible from your covid
This is so sweet! Thank you so much. I do try hard to incorporate a lot of realism into my ideas (as much as one can have in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting, that is), mostly because I think it makes them at least a little easier to connect to. But I believe it also helps to distinguish the characters who don't get a lot of lines/screen time from one another when you make them feel a little more real.
I totally understand why fans who hate Joshua hate him, but he's just far too interesting a character in terms of his history and his perspective for me to not be at least a little obsessed with him. Plus, you know, the way he's clearly oozing that special brand of religious sexual repression and/or personal fear of intimacy that eventually leaves you a foaming-at-the-mouth freak. That's the shit I like, tbh.
I'd argue that one of the things that fuels Joshua's inner debauchery the most is how vehemently he denies it even exists. Yes, he admits to being an overtly bloodthirsty and angry person in the past (and I think he'd be pretty frank in divulging that he still deals with anger every single day), but how could he deny it? There's historical record of what a shitty, violent person he's been in the past. His personal perversions, however, he can completely deny the existence of as long as he can keep them under wraps/ignore them. It's when he meets someone who makes that denial difficult or impossible that things get both sexy and very messy.
There's no way that man wouldn't resent you at least a little for making him so horny all the time, even if he really likes and respects you as a person. More likely he'd resent you a lot. Joshua gets angry with you, not because of anything you've done, but because you prove to him that he's failed to purge himself of his uglier characteristics, those he deeply wishes he could just pray away: his punitive jealousy, his lust, his desire for control. He wants you deeply, but you also torment him.
Anyway, I'm never upset to hear that I've made someone look at a character differently (but in, like, an off-beat horny way). Thanks for reading!
#I DO feel much better now btw#thank you#joshua graham#joshua graham x courier six#joshua graham x reader#joshua graham x you#joshua graham headcanons#joshua graham smut#fallout new vegas#fnv#honest hearts#fallout ghoul
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ive been staring at the naqtube channel page just doing analysis thoughts in my head for like 15 minutes and ive just been hit with the realization that Damn this is not normal. normal people dont do this. either the mental illness or the mild sickness is doing something to me right now.
#[cosmic heroes of dubious alignment]#IM NOT EVEN WRITING ANYTHING DOWN. IM JUST BRUTEFORCING THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD.#uhmmmmmm anyways. im trying to think of potential themes naq might have#and its like wow i am not good at recognizing themes bc im dense as bricks sometimes but i swear theres a repeating pattern of .. roles?#the expectation and breaking of stereotypical roles to be more specific#like listen to me here. obviously theres the line ive pointed out b4 with the 'theyre fighting evil/theyre [..] evil' line;#the lines in the unused takes video that paint n&q as less than morally good in /some/ sort of way;#queen buzzbeamer's whole deal as ive said ad nauseam; a more recent example i feel like would be part of the binary translated from hazard:#'this is who i am and who i will ever be'. accepting your role.#but also on a more meta sort of way with the games themselves. the female mcs getting more focus than the male mcs-#-in a time period where most video game mcs were male and the female characters were one-note is something noteworthy to me.#the fact that nebula is CONSISTENTLY framed bigger/more prominently in almost every piece of official art we see.#her name is first in the title. naq was conceptualized as a concept with her only first. shes always also featured in ads alongside quasar.#the only ad that features quasar prominently is the jumparound ad which alludes to it possibly being a request from sony#-and thus would want to play it more 'mainstream'.#by itself this doesnt stand out bc it could always be just the creators wanting some hashtag women in their unfiction series#which i would be fine with if that was the case. we love women. HOWEVER#its the fact that naq2 (from what we know so far) ACTIVELY TRIES TO BACKPEDAL ON THIS. which makes me think its INTENTIONAL.#both nova and nebula have seemingly been sidelined in naq2 with their screentimes reduced. nova reduced to a 'supporting character' and -#nebula into a possibly offscreen kidnappee. QUASAR takes their spotlights in naq2.#...maybe a way of 'making back lost sales' from naq1? pivoting too hard into the stereotypical from the unusual...#because obviously thats whats scaring away your customers. not the white room scandal. totally not.#'..ok is this leading up to anything mara. whats your conclusion statement' idunno man.#i just think its an interesting tidbit that keeps popping up. i am not a coherent theory guy#i am a pointing out things and throwing them at the wall to see what sticks guy.#there is also the very real chance that im completely wrong abt naq2 bc we still dont know a lot about it sooo. shrug.
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YAYAYAYAYAYYY IāD LOVE TO EXPLAIN!!!! I gotta makes a definitive Ivy Mouse post to regret to when I have the motivation but for nowā¦I will explain!!
ā¢My version of Ivy was originally based off the Elsagate characterā¦I tried to remake her to be an actual character,a second chance,I saw the potential she had!!! (She quite literally does to Minnie what Mortimer does to Mickey)!! I also originally created her for House Of Mouse,but Iām making it my mission to insert her into every Mouseverse media EVER-!!!! But most of my ideas are based off of HOM,though I does haz some for the Musketeers movieā¦
ā¢at first her goal in HOM was to show off her own cartoons in the titchylar building,but they have lots ofā¦funny elements. Really makes you question what theyāre for. ITāS ACTUALLY A PASTICHE OF ELSAGATE ITSELF!! She makes it,but not fir itās evil purposes irl,she just does that. Of course Mickey and pals have to stop this cuzā¦well,sheās quite the villain!!
ā¢Originally had a one sided thing for Mortimer,but Mortimer was not interested and made that VERY apparent,breaking her poor lil heartā¦but then one day,she meets this big cat dude. And they do stuff in thereā¦and before you know it,THEYāRE IN LOVE!!! Permanently in the honeymoon phase. And now the two lovebirds terrorise the place together!!!!!!!!!!! Pete will make sure her lovely creations are shown,you bet!!!!
ā¢Personality wise,Ivy isā¦eccentric. Despite the more mature appearance,I love making her do moreā¦creature things. Type of lady to grab a bouquet for Pete by grabbing flowers out of someone elseās yard. They steal stuff together,they do crime,itās adorable,THEY ARE ADORABLE I LOVE EM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
ā¢Again,sheās meant to be a sort of parra relationship to Mortimer,but for Minnie. Though here she isnāt al too interested in Mick. She was probably considered āMortās crazy exā before he got with Minnie,then she got with Mickey. Also now Ivy tends to hate Mortimerās guts,and likes to sick Pete on him,that is,if she isnāt joining in. Give him a break!!!!!!
I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAYS!!!! I JUST!!! I LOVE THOSE TWO SO MUCH!!!! Iām really happy Iāve managed to develop her so muchā¦I know she has potential,I seen it and acted on it!!!!! Now she can be free from it!!!! ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES!!!!!! (And I also did my research about the spesific channel that made those videos with Ivy,it goes a bit deeper than one would thinks!!!)
But seriously TANK CHU SO MUCH FOR LISTENING I SEEN UR ARY ITS SO BEAUTUFUL AND AMAZING YOU ARE SO TALENTED YWAHHH!! I SWEAR ITS TBE MOST EPICEST STUFF EVERS!!!!! I have a whole bunch of art posted of herā¦I even got some wonderful art via art requests and trades from my super duper amazing lovely friends!!!!!!

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Thinking about the portrayal of ancestry in Horizons.
#something about depicting adult characters as full people with their own motivations and lives as opposed to just making them flat#or not going deeper than a dichotomy between bad and good. it's refreshing to see stuff that feels real and poignant#i've been rotating rystal gibeon crave quite a lot in my mind lately. love the implications here and there about rystal and leyla#not telling you everything but leaving enough implications to imagine stuff.. i can think of a whole life for rystal and it's neat.#also i like that.. every family member feels like their own person. that thing about everyone having their own life and feelings.#liko is different from lucca and diana. but there are still moments which feel affectionate where you can think she takes after them#refreshing take on ancestry tbh. it strikes delicate balance between knowing your roots and past and finding yourself#learning about past tragedies to give them proper closure because you can't do that if you don't know what happened#even with gibeon.. very pleased and impressed that they are putting care in his character's depiction#specifically showing him as a young man and giving depth and perspective to him. allowing him to be a full character.#instead of just saying he is terrible and ending it at that. he gets to be someone with dreams and motivations and relationships#we've seen little of crave but the implications are there to pick apart and they are interesting#it genuinely enriches amethio's character and his side of the story. to make his relatives distinct people with their own perspectives#like.. instead of just saying his relatives are the worst evil!! they are putting care in the depiction and make them nuanced#characters who feel real.. strained and messy relationships with room for growth and development#definitely gives me more appreciation for the narrative in general. it's a kind of story that i find appealing#actually pleased that ame's side of the story is like that.. it could have been flat but thankfully it isn't.#stories with multiple layers and perspectives to them. my beloved.#anyway the portrayal of ancestry and adult characters in horizons is neat. and interesting.#the way they are tackling that kind of narrative to add to characters like liko and amethio. it's cool#hopefully. we get more on gibeon soon. he specifically has me intrigued.. him and crave too.#the writers definitely have specific themes they like and it shows through the story.. it's neat.#character notes
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I understand where you're coming from and yeah it's unfortunate. But I think a lot of those issues is more an after thought of what Wilson was doing at first and then the common occurrence of different comic writers mis characterizing certain characters. It was clear that Wilson was pushing Bruno as Kamala's prime love interest (unfortunately the MCU did this too,) so Bruno is her confidant because this is a super hero comic.
Nakia is very opinionated and somewhat of a cynical (or well is more like she's instantly, rightfully, suspicious of people in authority and influence.) So she has some opinions about Ms Marvel the hero, and Kamala who is very self conscious and fears being judged and disliked by her friends and community (even when her friends joke call her a "traitor" for "abandoning" them for New York it ends up hurting her a lot.) So she doesn't tell Nakia for the same reasons she doesn't tell her parents, not because she doesn't trust her, but because she's afraid her friend will hate her because she's critical of Ms Marvel. And this is a superhero comic so that creates tension and friction. A "likes Clark Kent, thinks Superman is an asshole" situation that is resolved when Nakia obviously figures out Kamala is Ms Marvel.
Josh is, well Kamala just kind of keeps running into him, it's not like she seeks him out to help him or anything past that first src. Kamala was also initially partially responsible for ruining his life. She's not responsible for everything that came after, that was Josh going down the incel-fascist pipeline. But she does feel like it's somewhat her fault he ended up going that way.
We see something like this again with Qarin. . . Who tried to kill and replace Kamala and threatened her family at one point. But Kamala in that story obviously feels responsible for what happened.
Qarin calls her a murderer and Kamala doesn't reject this.
Sooraya is more from that writer not knowing what they were doing. I mean, he did. He just shouldn't have. X-Men writers have this thing that's pretty common with white people who write fantastical allegories for discrimination of like "what if the normie black guy is fantasy racist against elves". . . Which didn't even make sense in context of those characters because Kamala has shown to not have a problem with Mutants.
NYX is think is partially two things: The writers despite really liking Kamala can't really write that aspect of her. It might sound a little nick picky, but it's stuff like Kamala saying that Sophie is inherently a good person and "knows" she's not evil, or trying to get through to Julian by saying he used to be a hero (Kamala by now has met many heroes who are still assholes/wrong.) . . . The second is that it feels like they really want to push the Kamala Sophie ship, so the two only really care about the other. I don't think that it'll actually be canon for the same reasons I don't think that Kamala will end up dating Miles. She still has another main series on the way that's still in production and I don't think those writers are interested in either of those ships. That's mostly the Spider-Man/NYX writers self indulging.
But anyways, it's similar to how they wrote Rachel when they paired her off with Betsy. Where it's like all the sudden Rachel is just Betsy number one cheerleader and neither focuses on any other relationship outside of each other, platonic or otherwise. I continue to say this, but it is still hilarious how easy Sophie just instantly betrayed her sisters for Kamala.
So yeah, I understand where you're coming from but I don't read it that way, i think it's just a collection of individual narrative choices made by 4 different writers across multiple series that when you look at them all together have some unfortunate implications.
Semi related: But oh god thank you. I'm so tired of Bruno and I'm partially dreading the new solo because I'm afraid they'll pay off on that romance subplot. Canon wise Red Dagger is like the only ship I'm genuinely invested in.
So, Medusa might be the best heroic mentor Kamala's had? Like, she's kinda the only one that didn't disappoint her or tried to force anything on her, or was too stubborn to listen to her. Medusa's entire approach to inhumans outside of their city is to treat them like her subjects but doesn't expect them to treat her like their queen.
She opens Attilan's borders, allowing non-inhumans to live and work there if they want. She offers Kamala assistance when she needs it but never tries to push her towards her "side", and if anything during IvX listens to her and her friends.
When her powers started to literally melt her body it wasn't the X-Men who showed up to help, (actually it was kind of their fault that it happened in the first place) it was Medusa. And even though the chances of saving her aren't certain, she has such faith in Kamala's strength that she doesn't doubt that she'll pull through.
And I don't know, that's just kind of neat?
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My brain is so full of Bees about Post-Shift 2.
It's a fan game that was delayed for 4 years -- by the time it released, fnaf fangames as a whole were not as popular as they had been, & most people in the scene had forgotten about Post-Shift 1, so not a lot of people heard about it/played it.
Worse still is the people who did talk about the game. Pretty unanimously, the consensus was this: this game is the craziest, most insane fnaf fangame. It's overly difficult with mechanics that have no rhyme or reason to them & tutorials that are wordy, unhelpful, & sometimes actively mislead the player, meaning you need to comb through a lot of text only to be misinformed. It's not as infamous as some other fangames, but it definitely was talked about very poorly.
In general, I think most of these criticisms were blown up out of proportion, but I can't really disagree with most people's problems -- it is difficult & wordy, & rather hard to understand. I think, however, that the game is still 1. Really fun, 2. Not a bad game at all, &, most importantly, 3. Is a free fucking game that was clearly a passion project. Most damn fangames never get off the fucking ground when made in groups because the creators will never make a red cent off the thing -- this game was made by one dude for 4 years & delivered to people for free. It didn't ask anything of you except to accept it as a difficult game & to not go in with wild expectations. The dev just wanted to make a game that was rough, but he also wanted to make a game that felt unique & was fun. & It is fun, too, is the damn thing.
#em.txt#ps2 post#post-shift 2#i obviously am biased#i also obviously have more to say#but for now i think this is a start. i think this is fine so far.#i got counter arguments i was gonna type about the problems#bc tbh i think the difficulty isn't as big a problem as the difficult curve -- it starts very high for a fangame#bc it assumed you know what they're like. you know how fangames work. but it over assumes that all the mechanics#work at the same frequency as other fangame#the difficulty curve of night 1 is pretty tough place to start which turned a lot of people off#especially with how long & unclear th tutorials are & of course night 1's tutorial starting with a character that is unused in that night#it's rough. night 2 is even tougher. but night 3 is a cakewalk once you beat 2 bc it only adds 2 threats#so you might expect the next night to be as easy or even easier & in my eyes yeah -- night 4 is easier than 1 even#except that it's completely different & is asking the player to learn a new game entirely which is its own difficulty#but i can crank out a night 4 easy peasy no prolem. so you might expect night 5 to be even easier right? WRONG#WRONG WRONG WRRRONNNGG even people who know what they are doing struggle#because a mechanic in the game actively increases the difficulty as the difficulty is increased which is EVIL#& night 6 is even harder i have seen 3 people beat night 6 it is absurd#i sat in a call with another PS2 fan who clearly played thr game s lot & loved it but they could not beat the night normally#& this night has fucking optional difficulty modifiers when you finish that make it harder it is hell on earth#there is no checkpoints it is bad it is so bad I haven't beaten it i talk abt this game every day i play all the nights#i do not fucking play this night bc the way the tutorial works is unreal & unhelpful it wants you to remember#all this shit but it removes the 'walk around & click things before the night starts to see how they work/where they are'#& then it changes every 2 hours to something new so you won 12-2 but you hit 2 & forgot this one person's mechanic#but the only way to read the tutorial again is to close the game bc it automatically puts you back into the night#& will not take you to the home screen to view the booklet for night 6 it's insane#so yeah. there is difficulty. but the difficulty curve being this inconsistent is worse tbh#i get night 6 is meant to be like a 'everyone is here!' bossfight but it's overwhelming & there is too damn much
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Ep 4 :)
#I LIKE Dostoyevsky. I like how mysterious and unreadable he is. What is his goal!!!! Why does he do what he does!!!!!!! He's very cool#I think knowing his ability now REALLY adds to his character. Him being so smart so manipulative so disruptive in the way heā#seemingly kills people on touch! Only added to this impression of him being ādemonā and āinhumanā#But now that we know his ability you realize... That's all his doing; no ability.#His ability in a way does help humanize him by reaffirming that except for the moment he diesā he's got no superpower at all!!!#It's just him.#And yet at the same time also solves the exact opposite role of dehumanizing him because if it's not his ability that makes him like *that*#then he's even different than other ability users!!! Thenā if not an ability userā if not a non ability user: what is //he//?#It's all SO compelling!!! Also makes for an extremely insightful narrative parallel with Dazai#Not an ability user not a non ability user. Not good not evil. (I feel like Dostoyevsky does exceed the definitions of good and evil asā#much as Dazai does. If he causes evilā yet does so with the intention of bringing salvation to humansā is he really *simply* evil?)#Both have these borderline superpowers that make them extraordinary beings (we can call it super intelligenceā but it goes from controlling#their own heartbit to everything else) but are unrelated to their respective abilities! Once again making them neither this or that#I find Karma's words at the end to be extremely insightful.āAce was evil for sureā but this man isn't even evil.#He's a being from the beyond. A being that exceeds human limits.ā Like!!! That's all that there is to it!!!!!!#Back to this chapter / episode. There's some themes / worldvies once again I don't agree with but narrative wise I think it's extraordinary#I feel like after the Guild arc the writing really matured a lot and this is a kind of preview of what the doa arc is going to be like#(aka very very well written especially if compared to the previous arcs)#The plot twists of this episode are all so unpredictable and exciting!!! I think it's remarkably witty how it takes advantages of previousā#clichĆ©s - villains always revealing details about their own ability in a way that is quite baffling - to actually surprise the audience.#It's so effective. How skillfully unpredictable Dostoyevsky is to the point you can never guess what he will do next!!!#Him killing Karma is... Idk so so soooooooo interesting. I could talk about this forever but I'm being very dispersive in the rable andā#running out of tags. The whole episode you're sorta rooting for Dostoyevsky. He's very cool and comes out charming in the way he keepsā#surprising the audience. He looks bothered by Ace's disregard of other people's lives and that makes him sympathetic too.#But then he kills Karma out of nowhere and it's an āAh! You fell for his lies tooā remember he's nothing but evil. He cares just as little#about life as Ace doesā. And then??? Karma in his last words is himself so generous in his words to Dostoyevsky. It's baffling.#And it almost feels like thenarrative is once again turning around and telling you you should root for Dostoyevsky.#It's endlessly fascinating.#I have more to say about the worldviews I don't share and the art style Dostoyevsky was portrayed with this episode (love it!!)#But alas ran out of tags
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Who is your most disliked star wars character and why š
Oddly enough I don't tend to dislike characters. The most I get is indifference, just a complete non-opinion.
Actually wait no
Rush Clovis
I suppressed my memories of those episodes so hard I forgot he existed. Though it's more the writing choices rather than the character himself I dislike. I'll admit, I only ever watched the Clovis episodes once and that was several years ago so I don't remember them very well at all.
I think mostly I just dislike that the writers used him to get Padme and Anakin both to behave in ways that are entirely out of character for their movie counterparts, and it pisses me off to no end. Like, I'm fine with characters acting ooc, but only when the writers give me a convincing reason to why they're behaving that way. I actually find that really interesting! For me it's less a question of if someone is acting out of character and instead what would it take for them to behave this way realistically? And those episodes episodes failed spectacularly at that.
Honestly, it's probably the wasted potential more than anything else that annoys me.
#it's actually very hard for me to dislike a character#even ones i find annoying like jar jar or c3po i still find things to love about them#i think it's my habit of looking at characters and asking 'what made you this way?' that always gets me invested in them#i want to know what kind of person would make those choices. what is the history that created this? how do these characters view themselves#and how do they interact with the world around them#i think that's why i have a lot of love for characters that my subset of fandom has a tendency to bash like qui-gon or mace windu#they're so much more interesting to me as well rounded characters with flaws and virtues than as punching bags to hate on#or characters like palpatine who could so easily be one note 'pure evil' villain but actually can have so much depth and complexity if you#do the legwork
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