#I love MakiPana more than my life???
star-trashinum · 7 years
Too Comfy to Leave
Characters - Maki Nishikino, Hanayo Koizumi
Notes - I'm finally in the mood to write =w=;; I wanted to start of with something small, and @banana-moon-moon suggested something I love, so i decided that I wanted to write about my favourite ship!
Awoken by the harsh noises of her alarm going off, Maki’s face grimaces at the as she attempts to rub the sleep from her eyes. Putting her hands to her sides, Maki tries to push herself up to a sitting position, only to be caught off guard by something resting on top of her. With a small smile, Maki raises the covers to see Hanayo, arms wrapped around her hips, one cheek pressed against Maki’s stomach with a large, goofy grin. Checking the clock, Maki sees that they both have plenty of time before the day was to begin, but by the look of Hanayo’s joyous face, it was going to be hard getting her girlfriend out of bed. “H-Hey, Hanayo, i-it’s time to get up; we gotta get ready for work,” Maki calmly states, slowly shaking the other girl’s shoulder with one of her hands, “I know y-you’re comfy but we gotta make bre-- H-Hey that tickles!!”
Maki’s plea is interrupted by Hanayo cutely nuzzling to Maki’s stomach, peppering it in dozens of quick kisses. “T-Too bad… tummy is too comfy,“ Hanayo mumbles as she wraps her arms around Maki a bit tighter, holding onto her girlfriend like her life depended on it.
“C’mon baby, we gotta make breakfast too,” Maki replies, as she reaches down to run her hands through Hanayo’s hair, “I’ll even make you your favourite chocolate chip waffles if you get up right now.” “O-Oh… well I want extra chocolate chips in mine then,” Hanayo bluntly answers, interrupting her loving caress at the mention of waffles, “B-But before we go… can Maki carry me to the kitchen?; I-I’m still too sleepy to move…” “Gosh, you’re illegally cute sometimes, baby,” Maki admitted, watching as her girlfriend finally got up out of bed, arms outstretched for Maki to pick her up and carry her to the kitchen.
“Now, let’s go and make you some pancakes, Hanayo.”
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yujachachacha · 7 years
Can u recommend me some LL doujin? (Rule 34 is not a problem)
Bruh. You’re gonna have to be a lot more specific than that. Now you’ve doomed this post to wall-of-text status.
Are you looking for LL (µ’s) or LLS (Aqours)? Or even A-RISE/St. Snow? No really, when I visited Mandarake on my trip to Japan earlier this year, there was an entire doujin section devoted specifically to A-RISE.
Of course, pairings matter as well. Are you into NozoEli or NozoNico or NicoEli or NozoEliNico or EliUmi or HonoUmi or KotoUmi or NicoMaki or MakiPana or RinPana or…you get the point.
And on that note, what genre are you interested in? Comedy? Angst? Romance? And if you’re into romance, are you looking for something with plot…or straight-up smut? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Don’t even get me started on Twitter/Pixiv - there are lots of good published doujins out there for sure, but there’s also a ton of fanart and short comics posted on Twitter that deserve love.
If you have anything specific in mind, feel free to tell me and I’ll try to point you in the right direction. But for now, I’ll just give you a list of artists off the top of my head whose works I particularly enjoy.
(Note: You can find translated doujins for many of the artists below on Dynasty Reader and the like, but please consider purchasing the actual book - most of them are on Melonbooks. They’re really cheap and honestly worth it, plus you’re showing your support of these talented folks! I myself own a copy of Mushiyaki’s first ChikaYou doujin.)
Cat2Sora AKA KASHIKAZE: Previously drew a ton of beautiful Nozomi fanart, is now an Aqours 2nd years fan. Very colorful and…hm, how should I put it…wild(?) looking art. Maybe fluid/dynamic is a better way to put it - their works always look so full of life. They have a series where Chika turns into a chibi cat girl, and You and Riko try to manage the situation while fighting off death from cuteness overload. It’s fantastic.
Fugace: Very clean line art. They drew NicoMaki in the past (their chibi comic “Nico-chan the Butcher” is ridiculously sweet), but now their claim to fame is their DiaMaru doujin series. 
Kanbayashi Makoto AKA Mushiyaki: Their characterization is simply amazing and their art is really good. Not sure how to explain it, except that I particularly like the way they draw hands…? I think they’re most famous for their NozoEli doujins, but they also have a really great NozoNico series. As for Sunshine, their main focus is ChikaYou.
Karuha: Absolutely gorgeous NicoMaki. She does a really good job of capturing a mature vibe rather than the incessant bickering you often see for this pairing. She also has a KanaMari doujin, but I personally haven’t read it yet. Judging from the sample I’ve seen though, it looks like it’ll be just as beautiful as her NicoMaki works.
On that note, IIRC the holy trinity of, uh, NSFW NicoMaki artists used to be something like Karuha for mature NicoMaki, Ooshima Tomo AKA Sweet Pea for Maki-always-tops-Nico (A warning on Ooshima Tomo: they have a DiaRuby doujin that does fall under Rule 34, so steer clear of that if you’re not into that kind of sisterly love; if you happen to have read it and feel like you need your soul cleansed, here’s a hilarious NicoMaki comic with a special cameo), and Sekihara Umina for Nico-always-tops-Maki. I’m honestly only a fan of Karuha out of this trio, but different strokes for different folks I guess.
KOUGI: Great ChikaRiko art…just great art in general. It’s very nice and clean! You might have seen a lot of their stuff translated on the chikarikotranslations Tumblr blog, haha.
Kumichou: Cute and funny KotoUmi doujins. I think Kotori’s character is especially captured well. For Sunshine, their main focus is KanaDia. They started putting out a doujin series for this pair that’s actually more of a drama comic rather than their typical comedies, and I have to say that they made the shift really well.
Kurocan: The author of the “MakiRinPana’s Lessons on Living Together” series, which I adore. I highly recommend this series to all Rin fans so you can see MakiPana spoiling our favorite cat girl rotten. Also, Hanayo is unexpectedly smooth af.
Mezashi: The YohaMaru god. You might also know them for the cute comics that they draw for every µ’s and Aqours girl’s birthday. Their style is more chibi-like and very fluffy.
Nacht (なはと) AKA atyamo: Their YouRiko Twitter comics are…so good…and I think they were one of the earliest artists for the pairing too? Like, I recall seeing one of their comics from way before S1 started airing.
Pito: Probably the most well-known Korean LL artist. Like Mushiyaki, they probably got attention through their NozoEli comics. Pito’s line art tends to be more on the rounder, softer side. Pito drew some ChikaYou in the past (I translated one of their comics here), but their main focus now is YouRiko. Well, to be exact, that’s their current second year bias. Most of their comics are actually about KanaMari. (A warning on Pito: since most of their art is on Twitter, it ranges from “Awww look at the cute baby ChikaYouKanan” to “WTF is this shitpost?!?!” And, uh, one time Pito literally tweeted “I’ve thrown away my morals” and posted NSFW DiaRuby - which was censored like all their NSFW art, but still…)
tmfly AKA Shittori oblate: Really funny KanaMari comics. Brightly colored, squishy art. Also happens to be the author of my favorite comedic µ’s multi-shipping doujin, “Colorful Shuffle!”
tMnR AKA Yuki no Hitohira: Another person with gorgeous art. I’d say their art style is sort of similar to Mushiyaki’s in terms of how crisp it looks. Hands-down the best EliUmi artist out there.
Yomotsuka Tsukasa: Yet another example of beautiful art and equally beautiful stories. You might have seen her µ’s x Aqours comic that circulated around when LLS was just starting. There are some translations of her works floating around, but officially her stance is that she doesn’t approve of them, as things get inevitably lost in translation and detract from the meaning of the work (you can read about it here).
For more Twitter artists, check out this thread on /r/LoveLive. My Reddit handle is PomegranateAutumn which I note in my About page that no one probably bothers to read, and if you scroll down to one of my comments on there, I compiled a short list of some artists that I follow on Twitter.
Again, these lists are by no means exhaustive, so let me know if you were looking for something in particular. And if anyone wants to chime in, feel free to send me your recommendations!
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