#I love Al and Trudy's friendship so much
kamryn1963 · 2 months
So Long, London- Chapter 2
Surprise, I guess? Somehow this what was going to be a oneshot, evolved and now I have the next three chapters planned and I know it will be longer.
No idea how many chapters yet or how often I'll post, ideally every couple days, but my motivation to write anything has been pretty inconsistent lately so will see. A current project usually motivates me so who knows.
Anyhow enjoy!
It had been a few weeks since that night. The night Al called it quits and left, ending up at Trudy’s. 
Since then a few things have changed. 
Al and Meredith had started the divorce process. They had a long and emotional conversation the day after Al left, and had come to the same conclusion that whatever they once had was gone. Al had talked a bit with Lexi, but she had been too emotional to talk more and Al eventually left. 
He’d been staying with Trudy since then and it was going good. They would have breakfast together, head to work and then order in or make something for dinner. 
Most of the time Al cooked. Trudy was already doing him a big favor and letting him stay so the least Al thought he could do was make dinner. 
“You do know that I can cook too”. Trudy said one night as Al started cooking the pasta for the chicken parmesan he was making. 
“I do. But you're letting me stay here for free and won’t let me give you some money. The least I can do is cook”. Al replied and Trudy sighed. 
“I don’t need your money, Olinsky. I’m just helping you the same you helped me”. 
He thought about that time years ago when Trudy was with her then fiance Marcus who cheated on her a week before their wedding. Trudy had rightfully been a wreck after that and Al and Meredith had offered their spare room to her which she accepted. 
Lexi had only been around five at the time and didn’t really understand, but loved having her Aunt Trudy around. Trudy had stayed for a few weeks before getting back on her feet and finding her own place. 
Al knew what he was going through now was similar to then and he should just accept Trudy’s help but he couldn’t help but feel like he had to pay her back. That he was burdening her no matter how many times she told him he wasn’t. That he was a bother and should’ve gone somewhere else. 
That he shouldn’t have burdened Trudy with his own marriage problems. Especially when he knew she was in a new good relationship with that firefighter, Randall, Al thought his name was. 
Her life was going well and he was happy for her. He shouldn’t be ruining that with his fucked up life. 
“Alvin, I can hear your thoughts from here. You're not a burden and never have been”. Trudy said suddenly, her voice surprisingly gentle as she rested her hands on his shoulders. 
“I’m sorry”. Al didn’t know what else to say other than an apology. 
“Don’t be. Why don’t I call Hank? You’ve made enough food for us three and we can eat and drink like the old days?” Trudy suggested and Al couldn’t even find it in him to argue. 
He knew he’d probably be questioned on how he was feeling and his emotional state, but for once he didn’t care to stop what was going to happen anyway. 
Trudy nodded and once she thought he was calm enough, headed to the living room to call Hank while Al finished dinner up. 
Hank was there twenty minutes later just as Al and Trudy were plating their food. Hank joined him silently and soon they all settled down on Trudy’s couch.
Hank, unsurprisingly, was the one who broke the silence. “So Al, how’s things going with the divorce?” 
Al nodded as he took a sip of his drink and turned to Hank. “Good, just settling things between us like the house and what not”. Al really didn’t feel like going into more detail on that right now. 
He still wasn’t sure if this was the right decision. Sure everybody, including Meredith, did but some part of Al felt like he should’ve tried harder to fix his marriage. That he should’ve been a better man. A better husband. 
“Well that’s good. Do you need some time off? I’m happy to give you a couple days”. Hank offered and Al didn’t say anything at first. 
He had thought about asking already. Lexi had agreed yesterday to meet with him to finally talk in the next couple days, so he wanted to take the day off for that and he and Meredith were settling their bigger affairs in the following few days which was going to take time. 
“You should, Alvin”. Trudy replied and he nodded. 
“Alright, just let me know when you’ll be back. You have plenty of personal days though”. Hank responded and Al was extremely grateful for his friends unwavering and unconditional support. 
An hour later found them talking over a few beers. The conversation was light and Al had missed this. It had been a long time, probably before Hank was arrested, before Camille died that this had happened. 
The four of them, Al, Trudy, Hank and Camille, used to get together a lot after the kids went to bed and just talk and drink. 
Al had missed that, he missed Camille and he knew he always would. He reminded himself to stop by her grave soon. 
“It’ll be okay, man”. Al was snapped out of his thoughts by Hank’s slightly slurred words. 
“What?” Al asked as he shook his head and looked between Hank and Trudy. 
“I said it’s going to be okay”. Hank repeated. 
“Yeah”. Al said hesitantly really not wanting to talk about his fucked up life anymore that night. 
“Alvin it is. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now and I can imagine it’s hard to think about but everything is going to be okay. Maybe not today or maybe no even next month, but eventually it will be. You’ll be okay, happy”. Trudy added and maybe it was the alcohol talking but Al wanted to cry. 
Al didn’t say anything, since he was pretty sure he would’ve started crying if he did, but he just nodded. God, he loved them. 
“I love you guys”. Al said and Hank reached out grabbing his hand and squeezing it. 
“We know”. Hank replied and Al laughed as he leaned his head against Hank’s shoulder. 
“Glad to know it didn’t get to your head yet”. Al replied as Trudy smirked from where she sat on the armchair across from them. 
Yeah, Al had missed this a lot. 
The rest of the night was just as nice. Al was thankful it was the weekend as they were up drinking and talking later than Al would like to admit. Eventually around two, Hank crashed on the couch and Al and Trudy made it to their respectable rooms for the night. 
Al knew he was going to be so hungover in the morning, but knew he didn’t regret it. He needed this and he knew Hank and Trudy had known that.
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kindredhearts13 · 3 years
This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, or perhaps a secretly popular one, who knows. And before I get more hate for pointing out plot holes or choices in character development (or lack there of) that I don’t agree with- please note that this is NOT an anti-any ship post.
Now, the point: I am having a major issue feeling connected to Chicago PD, which makes it harder for me to want to watch a show that I have loved and watched grow. It feels stilted right now, like I can fully guess the direction of the season without even watching it. Just go based off of episode blurbs and people’s reactions. And I think that, outside of the obvious, there are particular reasons for my hesitation.
The first is Jay and Hailey. No, not necessarily them being a couple but the fact that I cannot bring myself to be as invested as I would like to be because they took the plot-line (and aspects of the storyline) originally intended for Erin and just recycled it. Yes, there are key differences but to be clear: a repeated or recycled storyline does NOT have to be identical to the original one. It just needs to have enough similarities. Jesse and Tracy are such strong actors, and I feel like they aren’t being given the depth of storytelling that they deserve. Why won’t they let Jay find love outside of the department? Or Hailey for that matter? (And I don’t mean the fling with Camilla or briefly dating Gabby.) Let them grow and find balance to a life that is repeatedly shown to be all too consuming? Why not explore that growth and then use that to bring them together? Why reuse a plot that was clearly intended for one character rather than create something unique and purposefully designed for a new dynamic introduced on the show?
Hailey’s character came on the show with the strong conviction that she didn’t date her partners, even being supported by Trudy in that; but we never got to see her growth outside of a very specific lens that relies on her being the love interest of two men on the show. And they were both men that she works with. And the conflict of her hard line drawn when she first came on the show was barely dealt with.
Hailey being held accountable now for a situation with Voight, despite Tracy doing such a brilliant job, even feels stilted because she spent all of her past seasons being held accountable for nothing. Even in her short-lived friendship with Rojas, so little was explored so little chance for growth outside of a romantic relationship with Ruzek and Jay was given. Basically every single major piece of information we have learned about Hailey and her backstory have come from her romantic linking to another character. And that is so disheartening because she was introduced one way with such strength and depth, but is being made into someone that essentially doesn’t exist without a love interest to help push her story along. And, frankly, as one of two female leads on the show (one lead if you don’t count Kim as a lead) she deserves better.
The next issue I have is Atwater. I think everyone knows that LaRoyce is consistently under-utilized on the show. They had such a beautiful opportunity with all that has happened in the past few years and even with the storyline they introduced about him vs the blue wall. And his conflict with Voight over the latter’s style of policing, completely reduced and to a minor conflict rather than one majorly driving the story and overarching conflict for the entire team. But they refuse to go any deeper into these issues with him. And while his conversations and conflicts with Ruzek are well done and necessary- we’re missing that vital piece with the rest of the cast. Atwater is somehow the character with the most and least growth on the show. He went from being the guy in Intelligence that Al felt didn’t deserve the spot as much as Kim, to being a vital part of the team and so often the soul of the show (more of a testament to LaRoyce). Al’s death wasn’t even used as a major growth moment for him, such as questioning if he finally proved himself or not. Yet they do nothing with him, not at the level they do for all of the other white characters on the show. Even the issues with his siblings aren’t given the growth and attention that they should be, despite them being major parts of his character’s storyline and development.
I remember reading that Miranda Rae Mayo wanted Atwater and Kidd (Fire) to get together for a while before Stellaride became an official thing, but it was a no go. And I keep thinking of the agency that would’ve given him- to be with someone who is so multi-faceted and that would have forced the writers to match her in their development. I wish that they would do more of this development outside of a relationship, but if that is the way to do it- this would have been a great opportunity.
I have already spoken about the clear racism and lack of representation within the fandom, often brewed from what is presented on screen. But it just astounds me that a show, which takes place in a city with a large minority population, and features such a well conceived character of color has yet to find its footing for any of their characters of color. And whenever they show significant growth, they’re either killed off or arrested.
And this leads me to my last issue that will be addressed in this post, actually going back to what was said about Hailey earlier. Hailey’s treatment of black characters on the show is NEVER discussed. She does something that causes damage or death to a black character and it is used as a development chip into a step of her romantic relationship rather than a significant moment of reckoning.
Hailey mentally and emotionally manipulated a young, innocent black man that ultimately took his own life. And we were meant to feel sorry for her, see that as a juicy moment of romantic struggle, and forget about it rather than mourn the loss of that young man. And it was never addressed. Hailey caused the killing of yes, an anti-hero in the series, but a significant black face to the minorities of Chicago that greatly impacted the community. She had a conversation with Voight, a slight moment with Jay, and then nothing. The impact that death had on the community that we spent a whole season with was never even addressed. She made an insensitive comment to Atwater, and spoke to Jay about it but never was given any further attention and a need to call out and address her actions was never expressed. Instead, we see her “punished” for her actions by getting to work with the FBI and offered a job, then getting with her partner.
But, she kills a white man with Voight and all hell breaks loose. (Make it make sense.)
As a black woman, trying to digest this show has become more and more of a struggle, as much as I love it. And it infuriates me to the point of tears that people will so fiercely protect a romantic shipping more than they will characters of color and how they are literally treated as disposable and second thoughts. I adore this show, but I can feel so abandoned and unrepresented by it. A show that focuses in on policing has a responsibility to do better and I sincerely hope that it starts to.
We need more from the show for the women on the show. We need more from the show for the characters of color. And we most definitely need more from the show for the level of accountability and what is viewed as something worthy of being held accountable for.
I love this show and I have such love for these characters, but I can’t just silently watch anymore. And before I get messages asking me to “not cross tag shows” or “not post this in a ship tag.” Understand that critiques can be made for One Chicago as a whole and that if you’re more concerned about a tag than what is being communicated about people of color and of women on television, it is time to reassess.
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midnightsconspiracy · 3 years
Loved Up
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Loved Up - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: Al loves the fact he’s played matchmaker to yours and Hank’s relationship
Warnings: None
Word Count: 991
Requested: Yes!!
'I’m gonna need something super fluffy to recover from grief-stricken. Hank x reader, of course. ♥️ And here’s a prompt: “I think (she/he/they/I) rubbed off on you.” Thanks!'
A/N: I feel like the start could be a Hank x Alvin fic ;)
The two oldest members of intelligence had known each other for a long time. The friendship dated back to his first day on the job where he had been partnered with the man, instantly hitting it off, knowing at that moment they would have a lifelong friendship. Along the way he was introduced to Trudy as well, the duo turning into an unstoppable trio. His days were filled with action and adventure, the two of them taking down crook after crook, locking them up for a job well down. And their nights, well they were filled with drinking and laughing, the friendship so tight that they spend every second together. They were partners in crime essentially, although they were the ones fighting crime, everyone always commenting on the high success rates they attained. Things slightly differed when both men initially found love, and so instead spent their evening without each other. However, that changed nothing between them, only making the bond stronger when they did see one another at work. The nature of the police force meant they were bounced around a lot from unit to unit, district to district, but each new task saw them sticking together, the higher officers reluctant to separate them. They went through a lot together, marriage, the birth of their children, and death. When both Camille and Justin had died, Alvin was there, patiently waiting and helping his friend go through the struggles of losing a loved one. Likewise, Hank was there for him when Lexi had passed, allowing him to grieve accordingly, supporting him and Meredith however they needed. He had also been the first person Hank had recruited after he took over intelligence, knowing Olinsky would stay loyal and support no matter what.
One thing in particular that he advocated for was Hank's love life, encouraging his mate whenever there were any little advancements in it. That was especially true when it came to you. Being the newest member of the unit was always going to be hard, especially since they were such a group of tight-knit people. But Al being as paternal as he was, took you under his wing, showing you the in and outs of how the unit ran. And as your relationship with Hank progressed, so did the man's smugness, mainly from the fact he had played matchmaker in the first place.
It was weird in the beginning, dating your sergeant, something that was so frowned upon, not just by the unit's rules but also from the rest of the district. But Al had encouraged you despite all the hate, telling you that that you should do whatever felt right. You'd taken that advice to heart, allowing yourself to love Hank as if no one else mattered.
So that's what you had done, entered a fully-fledged relationship, neither of you regretting a thing. Eight months had flown by, in your own little bubble of love, spending whatever time you had together. You tried to keep the affection in private, but sometimes you just needed to be near him. So when most of the team were out on a lead, you wandered into his office, meeting him in the middle, before wrapping your arms around his neck. All you wanted was to feel his warmth and comforting voice to soothe your emotions.
"I'm soooo tired," you whined, burying your head into the crook of his neck, wanting the workday to just end.
"I know baby, only a couple more hours till you get off," he reassured squeezing your waist tightly.
"I missed you as well." His eye line had been everywhere but you that day, and you wanted him to finally see you and give any sort of attention.
"You missed me huh? But you can see me from your desk" Teasing you, he pinched your sides, watching you squirm and laugh at the action.
"It's not the same as being with you though," you pouted, looking up into his eyes.
"Sweetheart," he chuckled, knowing he was so whipped for you.
"I promise we'll do something after work, ok?" He asked, equally wanting to spend time together.
"Ok, I love you!" Pecking him on the lips, you skipped out of his office, not waiting to hear his response, knowing exactly what his answer would be.
One of Hank's C.I's had provided him with some vital information, leading him and Al to go out to find out more. Driving to the destination would take half an hour, allowing the men to catch up for the first time in a couple of weeks. Al had so much he wanted to say to his closest friend having spent the entire time watching your conversation from the safety of his desk. Matchmaker Al was coming out again, wanting to know every single detail of the relationship. You would think women love to gossip, but these too were way worst! He had set them up and he would see it through to the end, knowing they were endgame.
"So, how are things going with Y/N?" He questioned, despite already knowing the answer.
"Good, I'm head over heels Al, I really am," Hank replied a love up look in his eyes as he thought back about you.
"That's great to hear, but dude you are so whipped" Chuckling to himself, Al knew it was true, despite what his best friend said.
"Fuck off, im not like that, I just love her a lot," Hank would deny it to the end of the earth out loud, but inside he knew what his friend was saying was true. Not that it was a bad thing at all, especially in your mind.
"You've gone soft my friend, I think she's rubbed off on you." Pulling up to the house, Al had to have one last dig, before the men parted to put on their games faces.
"If you say so," Hank smirked, always having to have the last word.
Taglist: @mileika @redpoodlern @ohitshanksgirlxo @chazubagi @scarletsoldierrr @cindydoll2 @anotherfan07 @one-sweet-gubler
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heylookafanfic · 5 years
A Dish Served Cold: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader, Hank Voight x Reader
brief summary: Hank Voight was the most ruthless man in Chicago. It’s practically a death wish to hurt anyone he loves. When a former inmate is released from jail, they go for his weak spot to seek revenge.
Author’s Note: Hey howdy ho! This is my 1st story ever so please show it some love if you liked it and also, don’t forget to tell me if you want a part 2 because I’m itching to write a 2nd chapter but only if this chapter does well.
word count: 2,079 words
requested: Nope, original! (send in those requests!) warnings: kidnapping, being held at gunpoint, copping a feel, death of a loved one, finding out a loved one died
Jay Halstead had not only been your partner but your childhood best friend. You consider yourself lucky that the universe would keep the both of you close for so long. Not only did you get to work with your best friend but your boss, the notorious Hank Voight, was your godfather. Hank became your godfather before you were born.
Your father was his partner and best friend and when news got around the CPD that Officer Y/L/N and his wife were expecting, Hank was the first one to know and consistently check up on your mom when your dad was working overnights. While they were planning things for your birth, your parents knew that if anything were to happen to them, Hank would go to the ends of the universe to keep you safe. It was a no-brainer to make him your godfather.
One day, they invited him over for dinner to ask him. He nearly choked on his wine when they did. That was possibly one of the best moments of his life, especially knowing that he’d have a kid in his life, although it wasn’t his biological child. When you were born, he couldn’t believe his eyes at how precious you were. From that moment, his mission in life was to ensure that even the smallest of threats would never even find out about you. He chaperoned every school field trip, cheered you on through your sports phase, attended every birthday party, dance recital, and school function. Jay was intimidated by him because although you two were best friends, your uncle made sure it stayed that way by keeping him in check.
Flash forward to your 8th grade year, you had the perfect life. Perfect grades, a tight knit family that supports you through everything, and an amazing friendship in Jay. What could be better than that? The evening you left for soccer tryouts was an evening you’ll never forget. In the middle of doing drills, a CPD vehicle rolls up to the parking lot of your school’s field. A man hops out of the driver's seat and talks to the coach.
“Y/N! Come here kiddo”
You jogged to the two men
“This is Officer Olynski with the Chicago Police Department. You need to go with him, okay?”
“Why? My mom is picking me up at 7:30” you asked
“Hey Y/N, I’m a friend of your dad and your uncle Hank. Your uncle wanted me to pick you up early. Is that cool with you?” Officer Olynski asked
“Um, okay I guess?” you responded
You grabbed your gear bag and hopped in the back seat.
The ride to your house was quiet other than Al’s walkie-talkie.
“What’s going on?” you asked
“Your uncle will tell you all about it when we get to your house” he said
Only a block away from your home, you could hear police sirens wailing. It wasn’t just one, it sounded like multiple. Butterflies started settling in your stomach. As Olynski pulled up to your house, you could see police tape surrounding your yard and multiple police cars parked in the front.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a shaky breath
Hank comes out of the front door and walks to the car. Opening the back door, he slides in the back with you.
“Uncle Hank, what’s going on? What happened?” you asked
He had looked like he just cried. You had never seen him like this.
“What happened?!” you shouted
He and Al gave each other sad glances.
“Kiddo, I’m so sorry”
“What do you mean?”
The car went quiet
“Your mom and dad died” he said
Everything went silent. Nothing made sense. This had to be one giant prank, right? The world seemed to slow down, time stopped and you felt lightheaded.
“Y/N?” Al asked
You sat there and still couldn’t process the news. Your uncle hugged you and sat in the back with you for what seemed like forever. The two of you cried together but Hank knew he had to be strong for you. From that moment, his duties of godfather began and he didn’t miss a beat hopping into action.
*Present Day*
You had a great job with an even better crew to work with especially because Jay was your partner. He had always made it a thing to walk you home after any event. 8th grade formal? High school homecoming? Soccer practice? Even at your parents’ funeral, he was there for you through all of it. Ever since childhood, making sure you got home safely was his number one priority.
It had been a long day, considering you just finished a 12 hour shift. Chasing after the bad guys,
You were in the locker room, packing up before clocking out. As you're stuffing your uniform in your duffle bag, a voice calls out.
"Y/N? You in here?"
"Yep, right here"
Jay appeared from behind the row of lockers.
"Hey, you ready? I wanted to stop by Molly's real quick before we head home. That okay with you?"
"Yeah, I'll be out in a sec" you said
He shot you a smile and left to clock out.
You grab your duffle bag, close and lock your locker and leave.
"See ya Trudy!" you said walking past the front desk
"Have a good night kiddo! Don't forget, I need those reports by Tuesday" she said
Jay was in the front of the precinct waiting for you as usual.
"It's about time!" he joked
The two of you were on the way to Molly's. Tonight was fundraiser night and neither you nor Jay were ones to socialize but everybody there is practically family so stopping by for a few minutes wouldn't hurt.
"Remember in 1st grade when you got mad and put glue in Chris Henson’s hair because he didn’t pick you for kickball?" you asked
"Of course! The kid had it coming" he chuckled
"Looking back on it, it’s funny how we got pissed off over stuff like that as kids”
"See, and this is another reason why I’m thinking about not having my own kids one day. The kids gonna get my mischievous gene and get in a fight, I’ll have to do the drive of shame to their school and then I’m gonna have to play bad cop”
"You really thought that deep into that situation? " you chuckled
"Oh - hey, I need to stop by Mike’s real quick and grab some cash"
"Good call, I forgot the bar is cash only tonight”
Stepping into Mike’s Convenience Store, you heard the bell above the door chime. The cashier gave you two a quick “Hello” and you head to the back to use the restroom while Jay used the ATM. 4 men walk in moments after and one stands behind him. Thinking that they were waiting to use the ATM, he didn’t think much of it. The machine dispensed his cash and he quickly puts it in his wallet. It was eerily quiet despite the broken store radio playing static.
One of the men walks over to the door and locks it. Jay was on high alert. “Shit” he thought to himself. Suddenly, another man, this one stockier than the others, pulls a gun from the back of his pants.
“Jay Halstead” the man said menacingly
He sighed and turned around
“This moment has been 4 years in the making, my friend.” the man said holding Jay at gunpoint
“Listen, I don’t want any problems” Jay said
“Shut up! I’m gonna talk and you’re gonna listen”
All he could think about was you. If you walk out of the bathroom, you’ll be in the wrong place at the wrong time and if anything were to happen to you, he could never forgive himself. He hoped that by some circumstance, the door would jam so you’d be safe.
“Do you remember me?” he asked
Jay shook his head
“You really don’t remember me, do you?” he asked again
Jay got a good look at the man’s face. It still didn’t ring a bell.
“Let me introduce myself then. Andrei Romero. You arrested me at the corner of Beacon and Oxford about 4 years ago. There was a warrant out for my arrest because I was tied to a double homicide involving one of your officers.”
That’s when it hit him. October 7th, 2015. The day his partner, Erik Steele, was killed on duty. How could he forget? That was the worst day of his life. He and Erik were dispatched to do a welfare check on a house when neighbors heard screaming. Erik knocked on the door but it was cracked open. Guns drawn, they carefully went in and announced themselves. Still no answer, Jay searched up stairs and Erik searched downstairs. Just as soon as Jay gave the all clear for upstairs, 3 gunshots were fired. He ran downstairs and saw Erik on the kitchen floor with a bullet hole in his neck and blood quickly painting the tiled floor red. There was nothing he could do for him but begin basic first aid, call for an ambulance and wait.
“Sounds familiar” Jay said gritting his teeth
“You were also there when Voight interrogated me. He told you to leave but what you don’t know is, after you left, Hank threatened me with jail time if I didn’t confess to who did it. He knew I was innocent. He got me sentenced to 4 years for a crime I didn’t commit. 4 years of my life...gone. My wife and kid? They wanted nothing to do with me and-”
You walked out of the bathroom and walked to the front of the store.
“Jay, how much did you withdr-” you spoke
Unknowingly, you walked right into your worst nightmare
“Look what we have here. Officer Y/L/N.” the man said
Your legs went numb and your feet got cold.
“This just gets even better! Don’t be shy, join us.”
You looked at Jay and he shot you a glance as to say “just do whatever he says”. Romero’s men quickly patted you down with one of them trying to cop a feel.
“You son of a-” Jay flinched
Romero shoved his gun back in his face.
“Have some decency fellas” Romero said slyly
You yanked your arm from one of his men and stood next to Jay
“Officer Y/L. Godkid of Mr. Hank Voight. Don’t you think it’s pretty risky being out this late? There’s a lot of people who love to use you to get to your godfather.” he said
“And why is that?” you asked gritting your teeth
“You don’t know what Voights been up to huh? He’s been hiding things from you, thinking you’ll never find out but karmas finally catching up to him and I’m sorry but this starts with you”
“She has nothing to do with this! Leave her out of it!” Jay shouted
He grabbed your hand, gripping it tight.
Romero’s men stepped forward as he shifted the gun towards you
“You can make this real easy or extremely hard Y/N. Either come with us or-”
He shot a bullet at the ATM
“-the next shot won’t be a warning” he continued
Jay looked at you with fear written on his face and shook his head. Although Hank is your godfather, Jay vowed to protect you too after your parents died and when Al paired you two as partners in your rookie year at CPD.
You looked at Jay and took a deep breath. Letting go of his hand was one of the hardest things you had to do. Hank had taught you enough basic self-defense to take care of yourself so, you knew you’d be fine. When Jay wouldn’t let go of his grip, you wiggled your hand out of his.
Romero’s men grabbed you and held you at gunpoint.
“Tell Voight we stopped by won’t you Jay?” Romero said with a wink
“Oh, and if you want to play ‘hero’? Don’t. You do, and they die” he continued
You didn’t get a chance to look at Jay before you were carried off into their van.
Mike’s Convenience Store was empty and so was Jay. His partner - no, best friend vanished before his eyes and he knew that statistically, the first 48 hours that a person is missing were critical and after 48 hours, their chances of being killed/ never being found doubled.
Y/N’s 48 hours started now.
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading!! This is my 1st story ever so please show it some love if you liked it and also, don’t forget to tell me if you want a part 2 because I’m itching to write a 2nd chapter but only if this chapter does well.
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couchpotatowatches · 3 years
🚨Chicago PD Asks🚨
(Source: @sylviesunshine) 1. Favorite moment of season 8?
Kim adopting Makayla/their scenes together, Burzek, Kevin standing up for what he knows is right. 2. Hailey Upton or Kim Burgess?
I like both! But I feel like I relate to Kim a little more. 3. Favorite episode in the entire series?
I really like 3x10 "Shouldn't Have Been Alone" because of the Burzek moments, 3x15 "What Do You Do" because it shows the beginning of Kim really becoming badass. Also, the most recent season finale (8x16) because everyone did such a great job! 4. Jay Halstead or Adam Ruzek?
I like both but I think Adam has the edge for me. 5. Funniest moment?
All of Platt's one-liners, the tasing certification, Kevin's jokes/sense of humor, and when the team was teasing Platt while celebrating her time of the force. ( 6x05 I believe?) 6. Will Mouse ever return from war?
I definitely hope so! 7. Trudy Platt or Hank Voight?
Trudy! Hank loves his unit and tries to do good by them, but he's too rough/harsh sometimes and goes off-book way too much. 8. What’s one friendship you wish we saw more of?
Jay & Kevin, Hailey & Kim, Jay & Kim. 9. Most hated character in the series?
Brian Kelton 10. Kevin Atwater or Erin Lindsay?
Kevin Atwater! 11. Which of Trudy Platt’s children do you think she loves most?
Kim & Kevin for sure. She's watched them grow from parol officers to Intelligence Officers. Definitely has the biggest soft spot for them, though she loves all of her children. 12. Most loved character?
Kim and Kevin 13. Least favorite plotline/storyline to happen?
Kim's relationship with Sean, Adam and Hailey's relationship, killing off Al 14. Best partnership duo?
Kevin and Kim! My favorite OG patrol pair/friendship from the show. Also, Jay and Hailey make great partners even before getting together. 15. Most underrated character?
Kevin! Kev needs more screentime and they need to give him a break. Give me happy storylines! 16. The moment that shocked you the most?
When Kevin and Kim found that little boy in the basement, Kim getting shot (both times), and Al & Nadia's deaths. 17. Antonio Dawson or Alvin Olinsky?
I like both for different reasons! Can't choose. 18. A character you wish we knew their backstory better?
I want to know more about Kim's previous job and her parents. Like what was life like before she became a police officer. Maybe see more of Hailey's family members and a little more about Jay other than what we know about his time fighting in the war. 19. Favorite relationship?
Kim and Adam! #Burzek. (Hailey & Jay are cute, too.) And even though it was short-lived and not really official I liked Kevin and Vanessa together.
20. What’s the moment that made you fall in love with the show?
The pilot episode! It intrigued me to check out the rest of the series. (I didn't start watching it when it first aired). I loved the dynamic between all of the characters and how they interacted with each other. Everyone knew everyone, at least to some degree. Plus storylines and plot twists keep you on the edge of your seat. 21. The character that deserves(d) better the most?
Kevin, Kim, Makayla, Hailey
22. Least favorite episode?
2x14 the episode where they introduce Bunny. I never really liked her as a character and it sucked what she put Erin through. 23. If you could bring back one character, dead or alive, who would it be?
Definitely Al and Nadia. Vanessa Rojas, too. 24. What’s something you don’t want to see happen in season 9?
I don't want to see Hailey getting in trouble for shooting Roy. The whole thing is so similar to the Bingham situation, I don't want Hailey to get burned by the whole thing. 25. What is the thing you want to see happen in season 9 the most?
The team being there for Kim in the hospital/during recovery, Burzek reunion, Makayla interacting more with the team, the team hanging out more like they did in the first seasons, and Kevin getting more screentime/happy plot lines (love interest, promotion, etc)
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kamryn1963 · 3 months
So Long, London (Al & Trudy fanfic)
Summary: When his marriage with Meredith finally reaches it's end, Al goes to a place he knows he'll be welcomed without judgment.
Al had tried for years to keep his family together. Fight after fight with Meredith left him wanting to just leave. To get a divorce and his own place. He felt selfish everytime he thought that, he knew he had to be a man and stay for his family, stay for Lexi but he wondered how much he could try until he and Meredith had to admit this wasn’t working anymore.
They had both changed too much the last couple years. Had changed and grew apart too much for Al to think they could ever have a happy marriage again. Lexi was older now, seventeen, so he did think about leaving more and more. She was old enough to choose where she wanted to live and drive between places, so they wouldn’t have to figure out custody.
He had been looking at the pamphlet for the “Officer next door program” Trudy had given him. He knew that while the cut she got out of it was a bonus, it was also her way of looking out for him and for that Al appreciated the gesture more than Trudy would ever know.
Al had even started packing his stuff, but then he and Meredith talked. It was so nice and they fell into bed again and then Al was moving back into the house and the bedroom. He knew it was a bad idea, could hear Hank and Trudy telling him that in his head, but some part of him was too loyal to Meredith, to this family that he desperately wanted to be whole again.
And then Meredith was held hostage and shaken up and Al couldn’t leave. He couldn’t because it was his job that got her in danger and Meredith wanted him there so Al thought the least he could do was stay and take care of her.
But like most things in his life, it blew up and the familiar screaming fight started once again like clockwork.
“I’m done. I’m leaving, Meredith”. Al didn’t really understand what he said until Meredith’s shouting about how much he worked stopped and she looked at him.
“Alvin…” Meredith started and Alvin shook his head as he felt tears gather in his eyes and started packing his bag that had barely been unpacked.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but this, we can’t fix this Meredith. We're different people now than we were twenty years ago”. Alvin said as he finished packing his bag and headed towards the door. Before he left he embraced Meredith one last time.
They were both silent as she hugged him back and watched as he left. Al was thankful Lexi was with a friend for the weekend as he headed out to his car and began driving away. Only once he’d driven for ten minutes did he realize it was ten at night and he had nowhere to go.
A couple places came to mind but he was between two. Usually he’d head to Hank’s but knew Hank had a lot on his plate with Olive and Justin so Al headed to the next best place.
He grabbed his bag and knocked at the door realizing he’d forgotten his jacket as he started shivering violently hoping the door would be answered soon. A light flicked on inside and then footsteps and the door opened.
“What the hell…come in, Alvin”. Trudy sighed as she looked at her friend's appearance and the bag he was carrying.
“I’m sorry”. This was stupid, Al shouldn’t be burdening Trudy like this because of his fucked up life.
He should’ve stayed and tried to fix this instead of just giving up. Deep down Al knew he’d given his marriage the best he could and maybe it was better for both of them to move on.
“Alvin?” Al looked back up as Trudy rested a hand on his arm, her face worried and he realized he was now sitting on her couch.
“I left, I left Meredith”. Al stated the words making everything final.
He left and this was the end. There was no going back now and some part of Al felt relieved. That this never ending cycle of fighting and screaming and the silent treatment. would end and they could both start healing apart. Al hoped they could still be friends for Lexi’s sake but he knew he couldn’t be her husband anymore.
Trudy nodded, already having guessed that. “I’m proud of you for finally leaving”.
“I thought you liked Meredith?” Al asked as Trudy stood up to grab him a glass of water.
“Maybe at the beginning but I’d choose you and your happiness over her every time”. Trudy said truthfully as she returned sitting next to Al shoulder to shoulder.
Al was so grateful for Trudy. For the love his best friend showed him unconditionally even when Al didn’t deserve it. Even when he fucked up, when he hid injuries or illnesses or fell behind on his paperwork because everything was going wrong in his life and he couldn’t find it in him to focus even if knew he should.
Trudy was always there. Even if just silent support. She didn’t hound him for his overdo paperwork as much as everyone else and he had seen her paying Jay or Antonio to do it on more than one occasion. She reassured him he didn’t need to hide his pain and she and Hank were always there to share his burden, and he was allowed to rely on them because they were his friends and they loved him.
Sometimes Al even believed them. Right now with his marriage blowing up, he was more thankful than he ever had been for his friends.
“You're welcome to stay, Al. As long as you need to”. Trudy said a couple minutes later and Al looked up so incredibly thankful for her.
“I thought you weren’t looking for a roommate?” Al joked as he stood up and grabbed his bag, following Trudy up the stairs.
“Don’t push your luck, Olinsky”.
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