#I loooovee talking about my littlest pet shop warrior cats hehe
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A lovely person asked to know more about the drama behind my clan cats, and I am more than happy to share! The main "players" in my clan are Silversky, Nightfur, and Rushing Water. Nightfur is the deputy of the clan. Rushing Water was a kittypet before her humans dumped her in the woods because she was too aggressive. They're all best friends and also morally grey characters. Let me explain.
When Silversky was a younger warrior, she got into a clandestine relationship with the then-medicine cat, Mousefur. Except when he learned she was having kits, he wanted nothing to do with her. In a fit of rage, Silversky lured him down to the highway that ran adjacent to the forest and tried to shove him in the way of an oncoming car. He managed to overpower her and shoved her instead. Her front leg got crushed, and now she has a limp and deals with chronic pain. Once her kits came, she pretty much wanted nothing to do with them since they reminded her of everything that went wrong in her life. She didn't even name them. The residing queen, Shimmereyes, named them Silverkit (in hopes of getting her to bond with them) and Littlekit and basically raised them on her own. Now they're apprentices, and a little traumatized by their mother abandoning them. Oops.
Meanwhile, Nightfur has always been kind of a jerk. He treated his previous mate, Ferneyes, very poorly. When he learned that she was pregnant with the kits of a loner (who eventually got taken into the clan and named Lionspirit), he kind of lost his mind. He ended up having kits with another cat named Stripetail who only wanted a mate so she could have kits. She had a single daughter, Jadekit, who Nightfur actually grew really close to. Jadekit follows him around everywhere.
Rushing Water is an old, old OC of mine that I decided to integrate into the LPS clan when I got a cat that looked like her! As I mentioned, she used to be a kittypet. She's also very much in love with Silversky. Her pre-LPS storyline was that she was basically a serial killer. When she eventually got exiled, she lived in a cave near the mouth of a waterfall. She would set traps so that cats would fall into the cave system. Eventually her old mate falls in, and they have a very interesting reunion. In the LPS storyline, I guess that would be Silversky LOL. But I'll think of that as an alternate universe for now.
So yeah, they're all a little wacky. The clan has a generally negative opinion of all of them due to their histories, and they bond by being a bunch of bitter outcasts. I like to see them as a throuple.
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