#I live D'art and his family
doodle17 · 1 year
The Astubelief Family
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Was discussing some lore and Headcanons on D'arts family so here goes some ideas!(Disclaimer: none of this is canon, and is all made for fun)
The Astubeliefs are a mysterious family of Psychics. With their strange fascination with the paranormal and expertise in Cryokenisis, and being able to communicate with the dead for limited amounts of time, they are relatively known with fellow Psychics.
They often travel to nearby Fairs, Carnivals and Circuses to perform their fascinating and supernatural ability on those who wish to communicate with lost loved ones, or enemies. The Astubeliefs are easy to spot, their trademark colors of yellows, greens and oranges, along with their strange hats make them stand out. Not to mention, there's something about the family that makes them look... Dead.
Natasha "Volkov" Astubelief.
Natasha was a relatively quiet, Christian and peaceful woman. She always had a love for space and the stars. She'd tell stories about constellations and planets to her children every night. She died giving birth to her last child, Ania. Despite it being one if the family's main hobbies, Natasha was never fond of the whole communicating with the dead thing. In her eyes, she thought that speaking with spirits would keep them from passing on into Heaven to rest in peace. Ronan and Natasha, though they never fought often, when they did, it would usually be about this.
Ronan Astubelief.
Ronan is a very quiet but strict man. He always kept to himself and trained all of his sons. Ronan is very powerful mentally, and can somewhat communicate with the dead, using a similar method to an Ouji Board or Crystal Ball. After the death of his wife Natasha, he was consumed with grief. Some say he went crazy, as he even believed he could revive Natasha. He experimented on dead animals, and horrific attempts like that. His discovery soon lead him to learn that he'd need a living vessel of some kind to keep her alive. He was too old and weak, not as strong as he used to be. His youngest son, D'Artagnan however...
Seymon Astubelief.
Seymon is the eldest son. He takes after his father, being the family's caretaker after Natasha's passing and his father falling into sadness. He tries his best to keep the family together, but forgets to care for himself at times. Out of all siblings, he is definitely closest to his father's abilities in communicating with the dead.
Vlad Astubelief.
Vlad was and has always been a "Mama's boy" so after his mother's passing he distanced himself from his father. To say he's spoiled would be and overstatement, but he is quite rude and whiney at times whe he doest get his way. Despite his somewhat childish demeanor, he is a professional at using Cryokenisis. He means well, but unfortunately, he's isn't the best with coping.
Filipp Astubelief.
Filipp is definitely the weakest Psychic in the family, but he makes up for it with his physical strength and personality. Filipp usually spends his time playing and entertaining his younger siblings. When things get grim, he tries his best to put a smile on all their faces. Only being able to levitate a few things, and can barely make a flurry with Cryokenisis, he can lift almost anything. And it's hard not to feel at least the littlest at ease when he gives you a smile.
Yuri Astubelief.
Yuri is almost completely mute. Selectively mute. When he does speak, he talks in Russian and rarely speaks in English unless he absolutely has to. Yuri is definitely the more meek Astubelief child. Usually hiding away keeping watch over Ania. The paranormal, and death in general has always frightened Yuri after his mother's death. Which is unfortunate, because like Seymon and his father, he can communicate with the dead, sometimes unwillingly, causing him to have nightmares.
Ania Astubelief.
Ania is the only Astubelief daughter, and the only one of their children who isn't Psychic. Because of this, her whole family is overprotective of her, constantly watching over her. Her father, though he loves her very much, can't stand to look at her because of how much she resembles Natasha. Ania feels like the only people who understand her are Yuri and D'art. Yuri is quiet, so it's easy to talk to him, and D'art is closest to her in age. Despite all these issues, she's the cheeriest of the family. A small beacon of hope that keeps the family together.
D'artagnan Astubelief "Volkov".
D'art is the youngest son of the Astubeliefs. Not only is he incredibly strong mentally, but his Cryokenisis skills are exquisite. D'art has noticed how strange his family has been behaving since his mother's death. It's impacted everyone differently, but the one he's worried most about is his father, who seems to be a quiet, sad, shell of a man one moment, and raving, mad scientist the next. D'Artagnan has a similar situation as Yuri, having nightmares about spirits and the dead.
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here's the whole fam in a better light :)
After his siblings convinced him to check on their father, D'art came to the horrific realization that his father was trying to bring his mother back from the dead. In a desperate attempt, he tried to convince D'art into helping him revive him mother. With his powerful psychic abilities, he could keep her alive. This, however, would mean both D'art and his Mother would basically be half living... half dead.
Not only is this extremely dangerous, but D'art would basically become a zombie. And for all they know, it wouldnt even work. So he ran away to Whispering Rock. He changed his last name to his mother's maiden name, Volkov, so he wouldn't be associated with his old one if his family ever came looking for him.
Roblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Will’s Creation Powers: A Man, His Dog, and a Baseball Bat
I don’t think I’ve ever made my own concrete creation power post that actually went into detail about this, so let’s discuss how the monsters in the Upside Down perfectly align with Will’s fear of his dad.
Pretty long post and discussions of child abuse under the cut
So right now my working theory is that while Will was being abused by Lonnie as a child, Will’s consciousness traveled to the Upside Down as a place of safety. There, Will subconsiously manifested his fears as the monsters in the UD.
We aren’t told in the show exactly how long the monster have been living in the UD. Perhaps with The First Shadow we will know more, but as far as we know it’s possible they haven’t always been there. We just know that they’ve been there at least before Henry got there, meaning that he at least didn't create them.
Why Do I Think Will Has Creation Powers?
I guess maybe I should explain why I believe that Will has creation powers in the first place.
Let's say you had a character that had certain powers, but you couldn't reveal them until the final season, how would you hint at them so they don't come out of nowhere, all without blatantly revealing them?
Will's art has been a staple of his character since the first season, it's even been used in regards to major plot points. IE Joyce recognizing that El's art in the lab is not Will's art, and Will drawing the tunnels in season two. Will uses art as an outlet for his creativity, but he also uses it to express his emotions, such as hurt, fear, or love.
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We also know that Henry needs Will for something, although what exactly hasn't been stated. I don't personally believe that Will was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, given how much we have been shown in season 4 is actually very calculated by Henry. We do know, however, that Henry wants to destroy the world in order to rebuild it in his image. So how would he gain access to an ability like that?
In season two, we learn through Kali that some power users have abilities that other power users don't have. Kali is able to create visions for other people. We also learn that gate opening in a power unique to El, and the "Vecna Visions" that we see is something that we've only seen Henry do. If Will had a power unique to him, and that power was related to his art, it wouldn't come out of nowhere.
Lonnie the Demogorgon
I’ll start with Lonnie, which will lead us to all of the other monsters. He is the main perpetrator here. kaypeace21 has a ton of theory posts on her page that goes into a lot of detail, I reccommend checking them out since it’s my main source of inspiration for this theory.
In my mind the coding between the demogorgon and Lonnie is pretty clear. Lonnie was mentioned as a possible suspect as to who Will could be with. The demogorgon eats its eggs. Lonnie is the predator that is hunting down and hurting his family. Demogorgon literally means “deep father.”
I wanna point out this scene too. Will is talking to Joyce through the wall and he says “It’s coming!” in reference to the demogorgon. It’s not the very next scene, but the next scene with Joyce shows Lonnie arriving at the Byers home.
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Chester the Demodog
When the demogorgon appears outside of Will’s house on the night he vanished, Chester barks at the door. (Notice too how Chesters head is positioned right next to a plant, similar to how demodogs have flower shaped heads) When Jonathan goes to see Lonnie a little later, there’s a dog barking in the distance.
Perhaps, whenever Lonnie would come home, maybe after a night of drinking, Chester would bark signaling his return? Maybe Will associates Chester barking with his father?
One of the demodogs, formerly D’Art, was being kept as a pet by Dustin. Chester was Will’s former pet, who seemed to die before the season where demodogs are introduced. D'Art also killed Dustin's other pet, Mews, creating another dead pet correlation.
The Baseball Demobat
This one might seem like the biggest stretch, but if you pair it up with the other two it may not be that far of a reach. We know from season one that Lonnie used to bring Will to baseball games, baseball games that Will didn't even like going to. I propose in a theory here that baseball games may be associated with a particularly bad memory for Will. We see that Will did hold on to a baseball bat, which he uses to destroy Castle Byers with.
The demobats have long tails, similar to the long hilt of a baseball bat.
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In season 4, when being attacked by the demobats, Steve grabs one by the tail and swings it to the ground like a baseball bat. Steve is also a character who was seen using a bat before in season 2.
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Proposed Timeline:
When Will is a young child, he is abused by his father (possibly on his birthday?)
Will consciousness travels to the Upside Down, and possibly links with the Shadow Monster
Through a fear response, Will creates the monsters in the Upside Down as he associates them with the abuse of his father
Will, however, doesn't remember this abuse (similar to how El doesn't remember the massacre of the lab)
In season 5, Will will likely have to confront these missing memories and his powers will reawaken
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golvio · 1 year
I just recently replayed Wind Waker to get back into the Legend of Zelda spirit, and am now on a Ganondorf kick; what are your big Ganondorf Songs (aka songs that remind you a lot of him)? The only one I've really come across so far is "Waltz of Malice" by Kikuo
This one took me a little while to answer because it required me to go back through my archives a little to refresh my memory.
These are a couple of songs from my big ol' character playlist that I don't think I've specifically called out in my previous playlist posts. As with most character playlists, these don't always have a 1:1 meaning, but the general vibe matches how I interpret him.
Here are some, in no particular order:
Artificial Heart by Jonathan Coulton
Cleanse the Bloodlines by Unleash the Archers (Journey wide, they're spread across the land / they will hide, they know what I plan)
Kodokushi by Aesop Rock
Jumping Coffin by Aesop Rock
Draw by Elise Wattman
The Music Room by Raphael Benjamin Meyer
The Path to the Door by David Mason
The Laughingtrush by The Weather Factory (The Book of Hours demo has a lot of lovely tracks that I like to think could back Ganondorf going for a walk in the countryside)
Sun's Splendour by The Weather Factory ("Summer: Grail, with all her gifts")
What Now? by Mickymar Productions
Apollo and Marsyas: Overture by Mickymar Productions
Nemeses by Jonathan Coulton
I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Health Is A Currency by DEADLIFE
Belly of the Beast by Gazelle Twin
Mrs. Bluebeard by They Might Be Giants
River of Despair by Ridiculon
O Ruthless Great Divine Director by Lingua Ignota (Have they told you that I'll take you for everything you've got? / Ungoverned by any master / Unloved by any god / Have they told you that my tongue is alight with violet flame? / And every eye shall see me / Every voice shall speak my name)
Just Lingua Ignota in general, man, but particularly her album "Caligula," and "I Who Bend The Tall Grasses"
Tom the Diver by Petri Alanko
Wayward Sisters by Abel Korzeniowski
Come, Gentle Night by Abel Korzeniowski
"Vissi D'Arte" from Puccini's Tosca
The whole damn Lady Macbeth aria from Verdi's Macbeth, particularly "Vieni! T'affreta!" (I like to think this is what plays every time he picks some poor delicately-featured schmuck to be his lieutenant)
"Un bel di vedremo" from Puccini's Madama Butterfly (Waiting for that one dude who doesn't screw up and die horribly, because who says this guy can't have a sentimental side? Also, this is the aria they used as the backing track for "Don't Cry For Me, I'm Already Dead")
The Herminia Suite from Octopath Traveler
The Vide Suite from Octopath Traveler 2 (One of the few tenor performances that matched his vibe, to me)
Pillar of Souls by Sufjahn Stevens
A lot of Rammstein, particularly Ohne Dich, Mutter, Diamant, and a lot of stuff from "Reise Reise" and "Zeit"
The refrain from "Zick Zack," too. This is one of the songs where the lyrics/meaning as a whole doesn't really match him, but there's something of him in the idea of tearing yourself apart to put yourself back together in a shape you want. There was something about the way Cadence of Hyrule made it sound like his monster form was something he was actually actively pursuing since he was a little boy. I heard it a little bit in Beverly's monologue about her plastic surgeries (presented here as the ultimate culmination of her obsession with death and embalming, along with her cryogenic funeral parlor for celebrities) in the (admittedly NSFW-ish if your boss doesn't view life modeling and boob jokes as artistic) "Affairs of the Art." "You just gotta take control. It's your life. I mean, look at me! Check me out! I'm sculpting myself! My own body! I'm an exhibit, right? I'm a living gallery! My body is my art! Just go for it! What are you waiting for?" Here it's not the body as furniture for the patriarchy to judge as "valuable," but the body as a vehicle for pursuing one's dreams and obsessions, as Beverly came from a family of very likely autistic people who each devoted themselves to their life's passions, as eclectic and niche as they may be). It's like the principles of Moth and Forge, this wild yearning for transformation and the disciplined mettle and ingenuity to see it through, even if other people don't like the results and wish he'd change back into something more pretty or manageable.
This is about all I can muster for now, but I hope that's a good start and you find something you're looking for from it.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 | Official Trailer
Star Wars: Visions volume 2 will stream on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Volume 2 shorts:
“Sith” by Rodrigo Blaas at El Guiri Studios (Spain)
A former Sith apprentice, leading a peaceful, but isolated life, is confronted by the past when her old master tracks her down.
LUIS TOSAR as Sith Master
ÚRSULA CORBERÓ and LUIS TOSAR also voice their characters in the Spanish dub.
“Screecher’s Reach” by Paul Young at Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
A young girl, seeking reprieve from her days in a rural workhouse, discovers a legendary haunted cave with her friends. The cave’s dark pull will change the trajectory of her life forever.
“In the Stars” by Gabriel Osorio at PunkRobot Studio (Chile)
Two sisters, the last of their kind who live in hiding on their ravaged land, squabble about how to survive with the Empire encroaching. On a water run, the sisters must fight back when they are discovered.
KATE DICKIE as Officer
VALENTINA MUHR and JULIA OVEIDO also voice their characters in the Spanish Dub
“I Am Your Mother” by Magdalena Osinska at Aardman Animations (United Kingdom)
Young pilot Anni, who is embarrassed by her sweet, but clingy mum, must team with her for a madcap family race at the academy. Along the way, their relationship is tested by the elements, their old ship, other racers...and each other!
MAXINE PEAKE as Kalina Kalfus
CHARITHRA CHANDRAN as Annisoukaline Kalfus
DAISY HAGGARD as Dorota Van Reeple
BEBE CAVE as Julan Van Reeple
DENIS LAWSON as Wedge Antilles
“Journey to the Dark Head” by Hyeong Geun Park at Studio Mir (South Korea)
A hopeful mechanic and disillusioned young Jedi team up for a risky and unlikely quest to turn the tide of the galactic war, but dark forces tail them.
Korean language cast:
JANG YE NA as Ara / Young Ara
YUN YONG SIK as Bichan
CHWANG KWANG as Interpreter
CHOI SOO MIN as Master Duta
SHIN YONG WOO as Master Leesagum / Shopkeeper
LIM CHAE HEON as Training Partner
LEE SO YOUNG as Master Moru / Another Jedi
English Dub cast:
ASHLEY PARK as Ara / Young Ara
ALBERT KONG as Interpreter / Jedi Master A
GREG CHUN as Shopkeeper / Master Leesagum / Training Partner / Padawan
JUDY ALICE LEE as Master Moru / Another Jedi
“The Spy Dancer” by Julien Chheng at Studio La Cachette (France)
The premier dancer at a famous, Imperial-frequented cabaret uses her unique skill-set to spy for the Rebellion, but the presence of a mysterious officer threatens to derail her mission.
BARBARA WEBER-SCAFF as Mee’ma & Additional Voices
BRUCE SHERFIELD as Additional Voices
TAYLOR GASMAN as Additional Voices
“The Bandits of Golak” by Ishan Shukla at 88 Pictures (India)
Fleeing from their village by train and pursued by ferocious Imperial forces, a boy and his force-sensitive younger sister seek refuge in a vibrant and dangerous dhaba.
NEERAJ KABI as Inquisitor
SAHIL VAID as Maghadi and Scavenger     
RICHARD JOEL as Scavenger     
SUMANTO RAY as Conductor, Jangori Leader and Dhoona      
RAJEEV RAJ as Helper
AVIRAL KUMAR as Stormtrooper      
ISH THAKKAR as Stormtrooper and Alien     
AADITYA SHARMA as Stormtrooper and Alien    
“The Pit” by LeAndre Thomas and Justin Ridge at D'ART Shtajio (Japan) and Lucasfilm Ltd. (United States of America)
A fearless young prisoner, forced to dig for kyber by the Empire, plans a risky escape for he and his people.
ANIKA NONI ROSE as Eureka / Mother
STEVE BLUM as Commander
MATTHEW WOOD as Stormtroopers
“Aau’s Song” by Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke at Triggerfish Animation Studios (South Africa)
An alien child who longs to sing is raised by her loving, but stern father to stay quiet because of the calamitous effect her voice has on the crystals in the nearby mines.
MPILO JANTJIE as Aau (dialogue)
DINEO DU TOIT as Aau (singing)
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fleurcareil · 1 year
East Quebec: Quebec City and West Gaspesie
I left Mont-Tremblant reenergized and with a plan not to get so much bitten; so far 4 days later I've succeeded! :)
On my way to Quebec City, I paid a visit to my ex-colleague Allen and his wife who live since his retirement off the beaten track at the end of an unpaved road in the municipality of Gore, an hour northwest of Montreal. Winters are harsh in Quebec but with a floor-heated solarium surrounded by forest I can imagine it being the perfect retreat from busy life 😎.
After a long & boring drive to the city (I might have gotten a speed ticket?!?), I checked in at the HI hostel smack in Vieux Quebec. For those who don't know HI hostels, they provide quality accommodation (in my case a private bedroom with table & chair) with clean, shared washrooms in well-maintained and noise-free facilities... I've stayed there several times before as it's perfectly located, safe (with your personal entry card) and even includes breakfast at a fraction of a hotel cost. HI is more expensive than "backpacker" hostels (and without parties) so the typical guests are older long-term travellers or families as you can often cook dinner as well. 
It was very windy in Quebec so I only went to see my two favourites; the Fairmont terrace with view of the river, and the massive trompe l'oeil mural depicting famous Quebecois, near the oldest stone church in Canada (which is always closed when I'm there).
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Despite the cold, I sat like many other tourists on a patio for dinner which was luckily worth it; delicious cheese fondue, rabbit and rhubarb pie... Quebecois (and I) know how to eat well! 😊 The next morning I went to another favourite; the Musee des Beaux Arts, which has among others a rooftop with mathematically designed sculptures that align with the nearby church spires, an exhibit of Quebec designers (anyone interested in the 1994 workstation capsule?), and a modern art exhibit where the wooden BMW on top of little grass blocks is a statement about the uselessness of consumerism.
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Then off to the Gaspesie, which initially seems to be a very long road to nowhere, but once you get closer to the St Lawrence River it's pretty to look out over the water to the mountains on the north side. After having set up the tent at park du Bic, I go to possibly one of the strangest art installations you'll ever see; a group of over 100 concrete statues that are standing on the beach and on the rocks into the sea. "Le Grand Rassemblement" at the Centre D'art Marcel Gagnon is meant to represent the human condition of being alone with our individual emotions while still bonded to others as we all experience the same.
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I came here first in 2010 at high tide so most figures were in the water then, whereas now it was low tide so I could walk out to them.  There's something poetic about these statues just standing there in the sea and I'm really impressed by it. I stayed for dinner (pear-shrimp appetizer was a great combo!) so by the time I was done, the tide had come up halfway and the sun started setting, which made it even more special. On the way back, I also stopped at the lighthouse at Rimouski, a rare, buttressed structure that at 28m high is one of the tallest in Canada. Driving along the sea with the red sun beside me was magical!
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Having had the first cold night since I started the trip (wearing hat & mittens in my sleeping bag!), it was hard to get out of bed in the morning so it took me a while to get going. I try to cook most of dinner in the mornings (as I can't be bothered in the evening) so now made a couscous salad with merguez sausages so that I only had to add the spinach & fresh tomatoes later. First hike was at the Canyon des Portes de L'Enfer (the doors of hell) where the Rimouski river goes through a series of waterfalls. I tried to make a video which didn't work out, but the pic is still impressive. There's also a really high suspension bridge over the valley which made for great views, luckily I've never been afraid of heights 😁.
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Drove back to the park du Bic in time to do one of the coolest hikes in my life; scrambling across rocks at low tide around the park's buff Cap d'Orginal. You need to start 2 hours before the low tide to leave enough time to make the entire loop before the water comes up again, and there's basically no path so it's up to you to find the way over the cliffs.
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The first part was quite hard pulling yourself up & over the rocks, but luckily I was not the only one on the "trail" so I could look ahead at what others were doing. Mid-way was a long beach that is fully submerged at high tide and then there was more, but slightly less extreme scrambling. Being relieved that I had made it in one piece to the other side, I was less happy when I realized there was still another 3k to hike partially uphill through the forest to come back. I did see a fox on my return at the parking lot which made me smile 😍. Spent the evening eating dinner overlooking the bay at sunset, life is good!
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Slept like a baby and woke up warm but wide awake at 4:30am so it made for a very long day, which was mostly spent driving from the Gaspesie north coast to the New Brunswick south coast near Saint John, 604 km away. Before taking off however, I first went to check the seals lookout in the park, which didn't deliver any seals (I had seen one the day before on my hike) however a quintet of great herons and many eider ducks, which are the largest sea-ducks in Canada. A quick stop at a beautiful viewpoint (at 9am Monday when everyone else starts working 😜) was all I needed to get in the car and say au revoir to Quebec and hello to New Brunswick! 
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Wildlife: 1 turkey (along the road), 20+ eider duck, 1 seal, 1 fox, 5 great blue heron and 2 deer (all at du Bic)
SUPs: none
Hikes: two small ones at the canyon and a 9k one at du Bic
PS: I had wanted to post a few days earlier but did not have any internet... still trying to post every 3-4 days when I can!
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dodger-chan · 2 years
📕 (stranger things pls ❤️)
Stranger Things, really? Well, I do have one steddie idea that I know I'll never be able to write because it's mostly unconnected bits across seasons 1-3 and requires too much expository background. It's very Steve focused, and includes quite a bit of Carol and Tommy H and basically nothing of Nancy and Jonathan. Cut for length.
It's biggest divergence from canon initially is that Steve and Carol are actually best friends, similar to what Steve and Robin end up being to each other. They've known each other their whole lives and lean on each other to deal with their respective horrific home lives (if the monsters are metaphors for the horrors of small town/suburban life, the Harrington, Perkins, and Hagan families are the horrors). So while Steve was very ready to call out his friends' behavior to their faces, he defends them to Nancy and flat out refuses to stop hanging out with them. Thus Steve and Nancy break up pretty shortly after they fight a monster together. Otherwise, season one is the same as canon.
Eddie comes into the story a bit after the end of season one. He witnesses Carol dumping a can of coke on Nancy, leaving her hair and shirt soaked and sticky, and Steve giving Nancy his gym shirt. He is mildly intrigued. That afternoon in detention (which Steve has for not having a change for gym and Eddie has for being Eddie) he asks Steve why he gave Nancy his shirt, assuming some lingering romantic feelings. Steve admits that actually, the happiest he's felt in a while was watching Carol bully Nancy but he's trying to be a better person than that. Which sucks, because giving her the shirt made him feel worse. Eddie is even more intrigued; Steve is acting against his alignment, which just does not happen.
In the season two timeline, Billy and Tommy still become friends, based largely on the fact that Tommy's dad is just a richer, more established version of Billy's, but since Tommy and Steve are still friends this makes Billy and Steve's relationship a little different. Billy still sees Steve as someone he needs to challenge to secure his own status, but he can't just bully him. Lunches at school have a lot of actual hostility pretending to be friendly hostility.
Their first actual fight happens in the school parking lot when Billy tries to drag Max into his car because he doesn't want her hanging out with Lucas. Billy wins the fight handily, but Max and Lucas get away. Tommy and Carol go off with Billy. Eddie, who was watching the fight (along with a sizable amount of the school), helps Steve clean up. Steve finds this deeply unsettling, as no one ever takes care of him.
Carol lets Steve know that Billy's main concern is that his dad will kill him and Max if he finds out Max is dating a black boy (Max for doing it, Billy for letting her, and probably also Lucas for existing, but Billy doesn't care what happens to Lucas). After some discussion, Steve gives Max an extra key to his house so they have a private place to meet up. It turns out that having Carol and Steve say it explicitly is all it takes for Max to understand that her and Lucas being seen together is likely to get them killed or seriously injured (she's seen what her stepdad does to Billy and doesn't think her mother would be able to protect her). So instead of Dustin, the first party member Steve gets to know is Lucas. Though since Max is also friendly with the whole party, Dustin, Will, and Mike also end up hanging out at Steve's house. Steve gets involved in the hunt for D'art because Dustin comes by looking for Lucas and Max to help him.
Other important bits:
Carol calling Steve "Whore" whenever it's just the two of them. She means it affectionately. Mostly.
Tommy and Carol getting caught up in the monster stuff at some point in the season two timeline. They take to it about as well as Steve did. It does not make either of them better people.
A series of casual hookups between Eddie and Steve that are definitely not a relationship. Because Eddie doesn't date. And Steve dates girls. So they are definitely not dating each other. Really. (The one thing Carol likes about Robin is that she is no longer the only person who wants to smack Steve until he understands what is going on between him and Eddie)
Robin and Carol having to work out shared Steve custody.
Carol adopting Max, because the two of them understand expressing love via insults.
Tommy and Carol getting engaged (and eventually married) even though they both know Tommy is gay.
Most of the monster fighting goes down the same way, though Tommy and Carol give them two extra fighters to work with. Eddie is not introduced to the Upside Down until season four.
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #112 (Year 3/Week 8):
2 directed by Canadian Sarah Polley:
🍿 Women Talking, her latest acclaimed story, about mass raping at an isolated Mennonite community, and the women who must decide if they stay in the remote community or leave.
I am looking for women-made movies (I've already seen 21 this year that were directed by women), and I’m sympathetic to the cause. I also hate religion and the patriarchy in equal measures. But this drama was a talky stage play, and except for the satisfying happy ending, left me unmoved. The score was by Hildur Guðnadóttir.
(PS. I don’t watch SNL anymore, but this film popped on their recent ‘Big Hollywood Quiz’ sketch).
🍿 Fortunately, while looking for other movies she did, I discovered Stories we tell, her 2012 documentary. It explores her own personal story, how she found out that she was born from an extramarital affair her outgoing mother had with another man. Deservedly, this film is now considered to be one of the 10 best Canadian films. For a while, I thought that the reenactments lasted a bit too long, not realizing that the whole movie was “reconstructed”, and played out by professional actors. The final sentence, after the credits, was the real bombshell. 9/10. (Photo Above).
So now I want to see the documentary ‘51 Birch Street‘, but I can’t find a copy!
"Maycomb was a tired old town – even in 1932 when I first knew it – that summer I was six years old."
Re-watching the fantastic To kill a mockingbird, a classic message movie about racism in a small town, as much as it is a story of a single dad's love of his children. (Photo above). Atticus Finch’s deep voice, Robert Duval’s debut as the blond, mute Boo Radley, and the little girl who played ‘Scout’ and who at 10 became the youngest to ever being nominated for the Oscars. 10/10.
2 with young Keira Knightley:
🍿 Atonement, a lush, very British upper-class period drama with the magnificent 12-year-old Saoirse Ronan, in her breakthrough role, and with Keira Knightley’s gorgeous green dress. 7/10.
🍿 First watch: Bend it like Beckham. Made by Gurinder Chadha, a female British-Indian director, and tells of a girl from an Sikh-Indian family who wants to play soccer. But otherwise predictable.
My first superhero movie ever! Superman Awakens, by brothers Stavros & Antonis Fylladitis. It’s a fan-made CGI short, done in game-changing Unreal Engine 5.
2 by British documenterian Lucy Walker:
🍿 How to change your mind, a new 4-part series with Michael Pollan, describing his insights into the psychedelic drugs LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA and mescaline as well as their uses in psychedelic therapy. Obviously, I loved it. Especially, the few interpretations of actual trips, f. ex. on Episode 1, starting at 12:00, with Albert Hofmann’s 4/19/43 bicycle trip. 7/10.  🍿 “...I never imagined I’d become a work of art”..
Her 2010 Waste Land started as a standard documentary about Brazilian artist Vik Muniz exploring the world’s largest landfill outside Rio, and the people who rummage through the trash to find any reusable material. But it ended as an incredibly moving tribute to some of the humble “Catadores” who live at the favelas of the very bottom of society. Especially later, as he creates large portraits of them made of the garbage they collected, and their reactions to seeing themselves becoming ‘objet d'art’. (The 2020 Tunisian film 'The Man Who Sold His Skin' dealt with similar themes.)
100% Tomato score - Best film of the week!
“...All you needed was some minding...”
Re-watching The quiet Girl, one of my most cherished film experiences from last year. (Photo Above). A tremendously restrained masterpiece, simple and moving. It’s about a sad and lonely 9-year-old girl with no voice who discovers kindness for the first time when she is send away to spend the summer with some distant relatives. Part of the recent Gaelic-language Irish film renaissance.
Catherine Clinch, the little girl is so beauteous, I can see her becoming the 2032 Revlon Girl. 10/10.
Suddenly, Last Summer, the third of Tennessee Williams’s talky plays adapted to the screen in the 50′s. Heavy hitters all around: Joseph Mankiewicz, Gore Vidal, Montgomery Clift as Dr. Cukrowicz ... An unconvincing melodrama about crazed old rich Katharine Hepburn who want to get Elizabeth Taylor, her niece, lobotomized and about her unseen dead son “Sebastian” who used the niece to “procure” Italian boys, because he was insanely homosexual. But with so much euphemism and cover ups, it was hard to figure out what was really happening. 3/10.
The new Anna Kendrick film Alice, darling started as a shallow girl’s flick, but turned into a terrific and ominous thriller. The directorial debut from Bill Nighy’s daughter tells of a woman who’s being emotionally abused by a manipulating boyfriend. It was slow to unfold, and the gaslighting, subtle coercion and power games hinted that tense violence will follow. Fortunately it ended a pure psychological play. 6/10. 
The Japanese Tora-San teledrama is the world’s longest-running film series which starred a single actor. In 48 installments released between 1969 and 1995, it featured an archetype of bumbling, goofy and lovable traveling salesman, like Mr. Bean or Monsieur Hulot. He’s always looking for a woman to marry, but always ends up alone, and still optimistic. Tora-san, the Good Samaritan is the 7th in the low-brow series. Here he falls for Hanako, a feeble-minded young girl. My first, and probably the only, bite of this apple.
David Bowie X 3:
🍿 Moonage Daydream, the first “officially-authorized” biography from the Bowie estate. Uses many of the 5 millions video clips and photographs from his private collections, and as such it is textually rich, psychedelic and arbitrary. He was a visual chameleon and a style trailblazer, but he had to suffer from decades of inane questioning by clueless interviewers. Not cohesive, but the music was great. 5/10.
🍿 John Landis made some classic comedies (’Trading Places’, ‘Three Amigos’. ‘Coming to America’), but also lots of worthless schlock (which was the name of his first feature). Into the Night belong to the latter. It’s a horribly-directed, disjointed “Black Comedy” flop which has zero laughs in it. It’s notable only for having about 30 cameos by other film-makers, including Bowie. 2/10.
🍿 Bowie’s first film role was in the artsy 1969 short The Image. A young artist is haunted by the boy he just finished painting. Strictly for Bowie fans?
The best in the world, an interesting local documentary analyzing the claim that Copenhagen is one the world’s best “big” cities. Digs into historic reels showing the the growth and politics of the city and warns about market trends that can make it exclusive to the “haves”. 8/10.
2 by Petra Epperlein + 2 about Hitler:
🍿 For 50 years I was perversely abhorred by Hitler the figure. So the new documentary The Meaning of Hitler, based on the 1978 study by Sebastian Haffner, was of interest to me. What is fascinating about fascism? How did the Nazis manage to seduce the imagination of so many? Why is it coming back Post-2016? Barbarism is utterly human and Hitler’s presence is everywhere again. 7/10.
🍿 Karl Marx City is a personal dive into her own history: She returns to her previous hometown of Chemnitz in East Germany in order to discover why did her father hung himself years ago. In the process she documents the Stasi omnipotent power as an all-seeing, all-knowing surveilling tool. Unfortunately, she tells the story about herself in the third-person, which makes it incredulous.
🍿 “... Really, Michael. How much weed were you smoking on a daily bases?...”
Bill Plympton’s disastrous live action feature Hitler’s Folly was the truly worst film of the week. It’s hard to imagine what prompted the genial creator of ‘Your Face’ to come up with this inane, insane alternative history mockumentary that imagines World War 2 as Hitler's unfulfilled career as an animator. It’s a 1-gag joke-concept, like ‘Life of Brian’ or ‘Zelig’ but without any saving grace. Plympton’s Folley indeed. 1/10.
I started watching Kieślowski’s 1979 Camera Buff, but unfortunately I took a break after an hour, and when I returned later, the copy of the free streamer I was using disappeared. Ouch.
I didn't realize that Don Hertzfeldt is so young X 3:
🍿 Billy's Balloon, his minimalist 1998 short about a stick-figure toddler being molested by a red balloon. Inexplicable.
🍿 It's Such a Beautiful Day, Hertzfeldt first feature. Hallucinatory and experimental animation about the same figure-stick “Bill” who suffers for various real and existential ailments, and tries to figure out his life, stream-of-conscience style.
🍿 All this because I was re-watching his World of tomorrow once again. I’m sure that it is the spontaneous voice of 4-year-old Emily Prime which endears this movie to me.
2 more shorts:
🍿 Seven minutes in the Warsaw ghetto, a bleak, impressionistic Danish short about a boy who tries to retrieve a carrot he finds on the ground. Porcelain doll puppets with cracked faces and a dark vision with no comfortable explanation. Recommended.
🍿 Rocks just wanna rock out: An Object at Rest (2015), a philosophical animation by Seth Boyden.
Throw-back to the art project:  
David Bowie Adora.
(My complete movie list is here)
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lunar-insanity · 3 years
Whispering Water: About Dion and D'Art
Dion is Lucy's OTHER great uncle! In fact he's one of the reasons why Raz became part of the Enigmatic Eight. He was dating Gisu at the time and of course mentioned his hydrokinetic brother and voila!
Now what happened to him.
Dion wasn't at the protests, in fact he was late getting to the capital. He had this... eerie feeling that none of the Aquatos should be there that day. Frazie and D'art didn't listen on virtue that Raz was going to be there. It was going to be a chance to stand up against the Gzar and maybe even get Raz to see sense.
He decided to go last minute but just narrowly missed the disaster.
And that wrecked him for a while. He was right, something bad happened, and he knew, he just knew, Raz was the cause. When he heard that the military had called on the remaining 7, including Gisu, he had hopes that maybe they could get through to him cause that is still his brother!
And then he heard what happened next.
And the fallout killed him more.
He and Gisu had this... terrible falling out. He was grieving, she was grieving, and none of them knew how to handle it quite so well in the immediate aftermath.
Dion tried to go get Augustus from the orphanage but heard that apparently D'art had lived and had taken him in. And thing just got more twisted there.
Cause he was beyond relieved that D'art had survived and was caring for lil Gus but also..... Why did D'art survive and not Frazie! Or Raz! His family was washed away in the blink of an eye and he didn't know how to deal.
So... he ran.
He got as far away from the Aquatos as he could and tried to start fresh, forget all the horrors that went down.
It wasn't an easy 20 years, filled with plenty of lows, but by the time of Whispering Water, he is in a better place and able to look back with a clear head. Throughout those 20 years he has kept in some contact with the rest of his family through letters, but he can't quite bear to see the shows.
Now imagine his surprise when he gets wind of Malcallor 2: Electric Boogaloo, and the implications of that.
At first he was angry and like "What the actual hell" but he's too old for that kind of anger. So he just wants answers. And this is how he and Gisu reconnect, the two talking about the events and what happened between them. And resolving to take this opportunity to start their relationship over again.
As for what he's been doing that whole time, he's actually become a musician, playing the oboe and teaching gymnastics to kids in that time. He had found another love, which lasted 6 years but parted ways amicably and they still talk (Just a matter of growing apart).
D'art was Frazie's husband here! Yes there were many a joke about how similar he looked to Razputin. Many of those jokes said by Raz himself, but he fit with the family quite well.
D'art was also killed in the Valermo dam disaster, and Lili (Having been begged by Raz to please let him forget what the hell he did oh god what he did do Lili please) got him to take D'art's place. Dion would've realized in a heart beat who this was so... good thing he wasn't around huh?
I... don't have a lot for him. whoops ;w;
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Random psychonauts headcannons that I just wanted to share.
(Possible spoilers and trigger warnings ahead.)
Just thought you should know that most of these are about Razputin.
The very first thing Raz said after his dad taught him about the water curse was "Is that why you don't bathe?" And that upset him.
Before Raz was born, Augustus cheated on his wife (he isn't proud of it) and that girl had D'artagan the same year Raz was born, making D'artagan Razputin's half brother.
Augustus came to see D'art when he was born, he named him his second favorite idea for Raz's name. But he didn't stay to take care of D'artagan.
D'artagan would use clairvoyance on Augustus using something from the Aquato circus to spy on the Aquato family as if he was a part of it.
Raz's father never actually gave him 'The talk.' He's tried to on a couple of occasions but chickened out.
Augustus if confused as to why Razputin sees him a a zombie and Raz refuses to tell him
Raz's older brother is the "I'm 13 and this is deep" kind of person.
Raz's older sister once went through an All Paul phase and would blast their music in her room and scream-sing the lyrics (much to Raz's dismay.)
Speaking of All Paul, the lyrics in Drag me down makes Raz uncomfortable because of the hand
Raz watched all his friends sinking while he was getting dragged down by the hands in rhombus of ruin and blacked out after some time because he couldn't hold his breath
Whatever brought him to the base saved him from the hands
Raz wasn't breathing when they took him to the base and he was close to death so the fish people had to figure out how to resuscitate him before he died. (Don't ask me how fish managed to use CPR, either go with it or Raz doesn't live to see his first mission.)
After the explosion, Raz was dying of embarrassment before he realized Lillie was talking to the rat.
Raz teared up a little when he learned where leather comes from (sorry Edgar.)
Raz actually stared crying when he thought the others were leaving him.
Raz used to have nightmares if his father taking him to get a lobotomy
Razputin and Dr Loboto are now friends. One of their favorite things to do is play pirate (they'd make a ship out of whatever they can find, dress up as pirates, and sing sea shanties on the ship.)
(I know I already mentioned this one.) Raz tells people he's older than he is. (I'm pretty sure the friendster account technically makes this cannon.)
Raz is always acting like he's a grown up.
Raz got Holis into gambling because he's going through a gambling phase and he keeps tying to make bets with everyone in the motherlobe. He's been wanting to go to a casino for the experience.
Sasha never actually said that he likes Milla, but literally everyone except for Milla knows that he does (unless it's revealed that she does, I don't really know.)
Cruller acts as a role model to Raz, he likes to spend time with him.
The concept of memory loss makes Raz sad. He was once dared to listen to everywhere at the end of time and got really devastated and worried for Cruller. (I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.)
That's all, thanks for sticking around.
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Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lantern bonfire and Jack o latern pls
Lantern: Describe how you met your best friend and what your first impressions of each other were.
Ah....this isn't going to be quite what any of you expect. Technically, I met my best friend once before this ..... but I don't count it.
Some time in the mid-1990's, I don't remember when, I was sitting at a piano bar in the Village in New York City. I'd hunted that evening. The guilt was consuming me. But the company was nice, as was the music, and mostly, no one asked questions in establishments that catered to gay men, so I favored them greatly. At some point, though, I realized the pianist, a truly stunning, lanky, raven haired youth of no more than twenty years, was gazing quite intently at me from across the room, playing as if on autopilot and staring at me shamelessly. It wasn't the first time I'd received interest in a place like that. I do not deny that I am beautiful, but his staring went beyond a typical interest. It was single minded. Almost possessed. Some of the other patrons had taken notice of his odd behavior as well, and I was not eager to be the cause of gossaip or field an awkward romantic proposal, so I took off into the night, turning down a dark residential street. Not but a minute later, though, I heard soft footfalls creeping up behind me, and I whirled around at the alarming speed our kind can, hoping to scare away the pursuer.
It was the pianist boy, staring up at me with a strange glee in his sapphire eyes. This strange, brave boy showed not an ounce of fear, and I admit I was in some awe of him, following me out like that, though I knew not what allure I held for him.
"You're my brother." He said to me, and embraced me tightly, with what I then realized was distinctly vampiric strength.
And that was how I met Antoine, Lestat's abandoned fledge, my own beloved brother in the blood, and my best friend to this day. He is as family to me, and I hold no friend dearer.
(Why is Antoine my best friend, not Lestat, you ask? Well, frankly, if I didn't love him with all my soul, I'm not sure if I'd tolerate Lestat, let alone hold him as a close friend. Also...you already know the story of Lestat and I!)
Jack O Lantern: If you could look like any celebrity who would it be?
You all want me to say Brad Pitt. But...no. Santiago Cabrera. That man is inhumanly gorgeous.
Bonfire: Describe your dream house.
Ha....Bonfire....house....I've combined those concepts before haven't I?
Anyhow, I've found that I have taken to city dwelling, so my dream house is an apartment of some kind, not a house at all. Something on the top floor of a modest 6 story or so building, that looks out over the surrounding area. And a modest one bedroom with a den would do for me. Unlike Lestat, I don't need a palace. Something airy and open, with a breeze that comes through in the summer.
The bedroom needs to have closets enough for all Lestat's clothes, of course, and preferably a big plush bed under a massive bay window with the good blackout curtains so I can sleep safely all day, but let the moonlight in as soon as I wake. And I'd like a large bathroom, something pleasant and bright, with a bathtub big enough for to to accommodate my habit of parking in there for hours! I'd want some kind of office or den for all my books, someplace quiet to retreat when I cannot anymore, covered in bookcases, and just big enough for a fireplace, a desk, and two armchairs. And a piano. I do also want a modest kitchen, though it seems redundant. I take great pleasure in cooking for my mortal neighbors. And, like many apartments, the living room and dining room could very well be one large space. That, of course, I would want decorated with some luxury. I confess I harbor a poorly-disguised disgust for the modern "minimalist" approach to decor. It's dull. And ugly. Give me gilded molding and sculpted tables and velvet and exotic fabrics and candlelight. I want a fireplace. I want chandeliers. I want objects d'arte. I want something that feels like my own time. And balconies. I want a balcony off the living room, with floor to ceiling glass doors and sweet little mosaic tables I can sit at outside.
That's not asking for too much is it? I don't want to be as opulent as some of my kind.
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knifeshoeoreofight · 5 years
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Mr. Heinze shakes his head as he pours Sidney a glass of brandy. “His other lordship was difficult to persuade, my lord. It did take some managing to get him to admit a single sartorial preference.” He looks off into the middle distance, as close to perturbed as Sidney has ever seen him. “He has alarming taste in waistcoats, my lord.”
Sidney accepts the glass from him and laughs. Mr. Heinze had accompanied Evgeni to the tailor’s and had apparently had a trying afternoon.  “Let him get the most eye-searing waistcoat in the whole of Britain. I don’t care.”
“You may eventually care,” Mr. Heinze warns, and Sidney laughs again. He’s happy. Evgeni came to see him for a reading lesson and it had been a pleasant, if torturous hour of bending close and guiding Evgeni’s hand as he formed the letters. He’s very intelligent, and is picking written English up exceedingly quickly. Forming the letters himself is still proving difficult, however, hence the need for Sidney’s help.
It fascinates him, the glimpses he gets of Evgeni’s brilliant mind, sweeping emotions, and big, expansive heart. He wishes, more than almost anything, that he understood Russian. But Evgeni is surprisingly cagey about teaching him and Sidney has only been able to wrest the barest bits and pieces of vocabulary from him. Half of which are completely unsuitable for polite company. But nothing makes Evgeni snigger and grin his wide scoundrel’s grin like Sidney butchering Russian sailing profanity. And so he indulges him.
He would indulge almost anything that would make Evgeni happy, and it’s an almost frightening thing to learn about himself.
“At least teach me that thing you always call me lately,” Sidney had complained, and Evgeni had barrelled on as if he hadn’t heard, teaching Sidney instead how to thoroughly question the legitimacy or even humanity of someone’s parentage.
Now, he takes another sip of brandy and contemplates the fire, unable to keep the corners of his lips from curving upwards at Mr. Heinze’s long suffering tone.
“I had to manage him a little, my lord. Tell him you would be disappointed in my service if I did not extract his true wants in regards to his evening attire, and provide him with as much of it as was fitting for someone of his rank. He has a loyal heart. He would not hear of either disappointing you or allowing myself to fall in your bad graces.”
Sidney smiles, feeling wistful. “Yes, he is a good man.”
“With questionable taste in clothing.”
“Even so.”
Sidney eventually settles on attending a ball held by the Barrie-Landeskogs. He’s not close to them, but his friend Sir Nathan Mackinnon is and he supposes they’re tolerable enough. The Viscount and his husband typically put on a raucous but well-appointed event. They employ a talented kitchen staff, at any rate.
Two weeks before the ball, Sidney is in Truro on business when he pulls Cole up short outside the window of a jewelers, struck by a sudden whim.
Not all men or women are fond of jewels, but he has a feeling his husband might be, given the opportunity. He spends rather more than he is used to in one sitting, at least when not purchasing fine horses or the like. The thrilled jeweler cannot seem to bow deeply enough on Sidney’s way out.
When the day itself arrives, Sidney nervously slides the velvet case containing his gift across the table to Evgeni at breakfast.
Evgeni sets down his tea and blinks. “What’s this?”
Sidney clears his throat. “Something to wear for the ball tonight, if you wish.”
Evgeni’s eyes go wide and his mouth falls open when he sees the cravat pin. It’s an ostentatious thing- the Crosby family crest worked in bright enamel, inlaid with jet and citrine and bordered with glittering diamonds.
Evgeni’s eyes go to where the family crest is also carved into the marble mantlepiece. “This…”
“The family crest,” Sidney says, suddenly terribly nervous that he’s made the wrong decision here. “Gold inescutcheon on a white field.”
“Who’s him?” Evgeni asks, a smile beginning to bloom. He’s reverently cradling the pin as if he expects it to break, and Sidney breathes a sigh of relief.
“It’s a Great Auk,” Sidney explains. “A seabird. You rarely see them now but they used to live all along the coast here. The estate is named after them. Ydhyn Dhu means ‘black bird’ in Cornish.” It’s an unusual animal for a coat of arms, but his family has always been a little different.
“They can’t fly, but they can swim like fish,” Sidney continues. “Do you like it?”
“I’m love,” Evgeni says softly. “This is yours?”
“Oh, no, I had it made especially for you,” Sidney hastens to explain. “Consider it a late wedding present.”
Evgeni’s head is bowed, and he doesn’t look at Sidney, but he traces the auk with his thumb so gently that it makes Sidney want to saddle Cole this instant and go purchase every last bauble the jeweler has.
When Evgeni speaks again his voice is rough. “I’m also get you present. Not so fancy like this, but maybe, think you like simple?”
Sidney is not a child, the prospect of a gift has no business making him this giddy. “Oh! You didn’t have to-- yes, I do prefer fairly simple attire.”
“Should still have something nice for party,” Evgeni says, head still ducked shyly. “Maybe you already have. But I see and I think, maybe you like.”
He pulls from the pocket of his coat a box not dissimilar to the one Sidney had given him. Sidney accepts it from him with eager hands. Inside, on a bed of tissue paper, lies a delicate gold chain. It has a pendant on it, also gold, in the shape of a ship under sail.
“I see you have many ship things, in your study. Painting, compass, sextant. Think maybe you like.”
Sidney flushes, both from Evgeni noticing his alarming weakness for nautical objets d'art and from pleasure in being understood so well.
“It’s absolutely perfect,” Sidney says fervently. “I love it.”
“I know is mostly ladies wear necklace,” Evgeni goes on, looking pleased but still rambling a little nervously. “But I see some ladies wear cravat, some gentlemen wear necklace.”
Sidney unhooks the necklace clasp and drapes it around his neck. The pendant rests where a cravat pin typically would, and it looks very well. “As I said, perfect.” He fumbles with the delicate closure for a moment, and Evgeni stands, and goes behind him to do it for him.
Sidney closes his eyes at the brush of Evgeni’s hands on the nape of his neck. Evgeni fusses with it for a moment, running a finger along the chain to make it lie smooth and perfect. Sidney wants to lean back into the touch, but does not.
“Thank you,” he tells his husband.
“Thank you too,” Evgeni returns.
In the carriage, Evgeni cannot stop jouncing his leg up and down from nerves, and Sidney cannot stop noticing how fine a figure Evgeni cuts in evening dress. The coat of arms pin twinkles expensively from Evgeni’s cravat, and Sidney is a little ashamed of how much he likes seeing his crest worn on Evgeni’s person. Not to say that Evgeni belongs to him, but rather that Evgeni belongs with him.
He touches the ship necklace where it lies over his own cravat, and Evgeni’s eyes follow the movement. He smiles.
“Look so good, Sid,” Evgeni says, low, and it makes heat pool in Sid’s belly.
“It was a lovely gift,” he says, and Evgeni shakes his head and gestures vaguely at Sid’s entire body.
“Everything looks good,” he says, and Sid wills his face not to flush scarlet. He smooths a hand self-consciously down his waistcoat. He’d come to the conclusion that if he dressed as plainly as he was wont to do on his own, Evgeni in his resplendently embroidered waistcoat and fine lace cuffs might stand out a little too much. So he’d enlisted the help of Letang, who exhibited an ungentlemanly amount of glee in finally being allowed control of Sidney’s wardrobe.
He’d insisted on a russet velvet coat and a gold silk waistcoat. Sidney was intensely skeptical but Letang had only said some nonsense about his eyes and had insisted. At least he would approach Evgeni in spendor somewhat, this way. And it did go well with the necklace.
“You as well,” Sidney said, after perhaps too great a pause. “I mean, you look very well, also.”
Evgeni lifts his arm and turns his wrist to admire the gold embroidery on the wine-red velvet of his sleeves. “I’m like,” he says, pleased. “And Mr. Heinze say is fine to choose.”
“I’m glad you chose something you liked,” Sidney tells him, and Evgeni looks over at him. He has this way of looking sometimes, like his eyes are smiling even more than his mouth is. He’s looking at Sidney that way now. Sidney wishes--
Well. There is much Sidney wishes for.
He’s suddenly reminded, so clearly that he practically hear his voice, of his father gruffly intoning that “wishes have no practical use, son. What are you going to do to make them come about, instead?”
What indeed. Sidney has been assuming this entire time that, in effect, romancing his own husband would be an egregious abuse of power. But, would it? Under the thrall of Evgeni’s warm, dark-eyed gaze, Sidney begins to wonder.
The Barrie-Landeskog estate is ablaze with light when they arrive. Torches line the drive and gleaming carriages wait to disgorge thier dazzlingly dressed occupants. When their own carriage draws up before the wide marble front steps, Sidney meets his husband’s eyes.
“Ready?” he asks.
Evgeni looks a little green but Sidney watches him swallow, close his eyes, and open them with an expression of fierce resolve.
“Yes,” he says firmly.
Sidney steps out first, and turns to extend a hand to Evgeni and help him down. It’s a rather useless gesture, given how long Evgeni’s legs are and how little he needs the help. But Sidney is determined to let society observe him awarding his husband every courtesy.
Evgeni slides his hand into the crook of Sidney’s elbow, as smoothly as if he’d been escorted into ballrooms all his life.
He grins at Sidney. “I’m practice with Mr. Heinze. What you think?”
“Very elegant,” Sidney replies, helpless to do anything but grin back.
They ascend the steps, and are bowed inside by the footmen. It is a riot of color and sound: chandeliers glowing with hundred of candles that glint off gilt scrollwork amid a ceiling of painted cherubs and divinities. The guests below gleam in a rainbow of velvet and silk, jewels flashing, ostrich plumes fluttering from hair ornaments and fans. Strains of music rise above the murmur of voices.
Sidney glances at his husband to see him gazing about himself with an expression of dazzled wonder. He smiles at Sidney, joyous as a child.
“Sid!” he exclaims.
“You like it?” Sidney asks.
“Most beautiful thing I’m ever see,” Evgeni breathes, mouth dropped open. He glances down at Sidney for a fleeting instant. “Almost.”
“Well. if you like it so much, we should open up the ballroom at Ydhyn Dhu. Maybe hold a ball ourselves.”
“There’s ballroom at Ydhyn Dhu?” Evgeni goggles incredulously at Sid.
“Well. It’s shut up since it’s used so seldomly,” Sid explains.
Evgeni raises his free hand to pat Sidney’s arm, laughter in his eyes. “I know, I know. Sid doesn’t like big noisy party.”
“If you like them, we shall have them,” Sidney insists. He’s not completely stodgy.. He can throw his husband a ball, for god’s sake.
Evgeni’s gaze is fond, and he leans down and brushes a kiss across the back of Sidney’s hand. “Maybe. But now, first?” He cocks his head at where the hosts are greeting all of the new arrivals.
“Lord Crosby!” The Viscount exclaims, when they draw near. Heads all around turn with alarming alacrity at the words. “And your husband—”
“Lord Evgeni,” Sidney supplies. Evgeni takes and bows over the hands of the Viscount and his husband with careful politeness.
“We were all astonishment, I must say, to hear of the wedding. Our congratulations, however,” the Viscount continues, bright-eyed and merry. “Nate had precious little information, for all that you are close friends.”
“There is not much to tell,” Sidney replies, and the Viscount nods sagely.
“I understand, I understand.” He leans closer, with a conspiratorial air. “Tall, handsome, and foreign. An irresistible combination, I know.” He leers at his own husband, who rolls his eyes, but also looks a little smug.
“Well-” Sidney is sure he is blushing. “I daresay-- oh look, it’s Nate, I must say hello. Many thanks again for the invitation.”
He angles for where he caught a glimpse of Nate in the throng but before he gets there they are accosted. Inwardly, Sidney groans, for Sir McGuire is one of the most tedious men he has ever had the misfortune to know. Outwardly, he just smiles blandly at the man’s overly familiar greeting.
“And this, this is the husband? Well, it was certainly a surprise to us all when the news reached us,” Sir McGuire burbles. “Tell me, Lord Evgeni, what was your family name again? I do believe I forgot.”
Sidney’s stomach tightens in sympathy for Evgeni and he prepares to intervene, but Evgeni merely lifts his chin, gracing Sir McGuire with a look of such perfected aristocratic boredom that Sidney has to stifle a laugh.
“My name is Evgeni Vladimirovich Malkin-Crosby,” Evgeni proclaims. “Of St. Petersburg and Moscow. But my family spend most of our time on our land in the Ural Mountains.”
Sidney knows for a fact that Evgeni’s family owns no land and that he’s only been to Moscow once in his life. He wants to smirk at the look of confusion on McGuire’s face as he tries to figure out a way to be snide about Evgeni’s origins without knowing the slightest thing about what he’s talking about.
“Ah. And was your family able to visit the royal court in St. Petersburg?” McGuire asks with an oily smile. Sidney wants to roll his eyes.
“Dear Katya would not hear of us staying away,” Evgeni replies, with a condescending smirk Sidney should not be finding attractive. Gratifyingly, Mcguire’s jaw drops.
“By Katya, of course you cannot mean--”
“So nice, English education must be better than I’m think, if you know of the Empress Yekaterina,” Evgeni says patronizingly. “Maybe hope for you all, yet.”
Sidney cannot stifle a snort, and bites his lip to try and keep his smile in check as McGuire takes his leave with gratifying alacrity.
“Rogue!” Sidney hisses delightedly. “You know he is a horrible gossip, the entire ballroom will be hearing about that in a matter of minutes.”
“Good,” Evgeni says contentedly, and Sidney bursts out laughing at the serene expression on his face.
Just then the music issuing from the ballroom changes to a minuet. It would probably be a good idea to start off with a couple’s dance, instead of the more complicated dances involving multiple sets of partners. Sidney inclines his head toward the open ballroom doors inquiringly and Evgeni nods. Sidney takes Evgeni’s from its place on his arm and holds it in his own, as correctly as his dancing master would have insisted upon, and leads Evgeni forth.
Sidney had not, perhaps, fully considered the ramifications of dancing with Evgeni. The minuet is slow, and stately, and there is nobody to watch for or pay attention to besides one’s partner.
The ballroom is lit up by more chandeliers and candles, and heady with the scent of hothouse flowers. Evgeni’s hands are enormous and strong in Sid’s, and his eyes never seem to leave Sidney’s face. Every time they meet after a pattern of separate steps, Evgeni seems to pull Sidney a little closer. Almost too close, for propriety’s sake. Sidney chalks it up, perhaps, to a lapse in Mr. Heinze’s deportment lessons.
The turns are a little amusing. Sidney can step easily enough under Evgeni’s arm, but they have to get a little creative when it comes to Evgeni getting under Sid’s. They laugh at themselves a little, and it strikes Sidney that he has never had such a pleasant time on a dance floor before. Dancing had always made him feel stilted and awkward, too busy trying to remember the steps to really enjoy himself.
Now, he has Evgeni, who he can laugh with if either of them make a mistake, smiling at Sid like there’s nowhere else he wants to be in the world. Sidney cannot help it-- every warm brush of his fingers to Sid’s own makes him want.
When the music ends and the ballroom breaks into applause, Sidney blinks as if awakening from a spell.
“That was--” he isn’t sure how he is going to finish that, because they are accosted by Letang and Catherine for a quadrille, and the dancing resumes once more.
They take a respite from dancing to refresh themselves with glasses of orgeat and negus. Sidney has the taste of rosewater and almonds on his tongue, and Evgeni near him, leaning close to joke about this dandy’s particularly elaborate cravat or that haughty woman’s peculiar hair arrangement. He cannot remember ever enjoying a ball so much.
They are interrupted by Nate, arriving to clap Sidney on the back and cheerfully complain about his inability to convince any young ladies to dance with him.
“It’s because you tread on their feet and are an unromantic lout,” Sidney says dryly. Nate throws his head back and laughs.
“Hilarious, coming from you. Although, I suppose, you do have the higher ground now that you have managed to convince someone to marry you!” Nate toasts Evgeni with his glass of negus and Evgeni frowns a little.
“Come on, Sid,” Nate continues, wheedling. “Don’t let me be utterly humiliated. Stand up for the next dance with me, just the one? I’m sure Evgeni wouldn’t mind, would you?”
Evgeni looks taken aback, perhaps by Nate’s jovial noisiness, but nods, and carefully takes Sidney’s glass when it is handed to him.
“I’ll be back soon,” Sidney promises, and leaves to line up with Nate and a bevy of others for a country dance.
The liveliness of the particular dance means that it is long minutes before he has a moment to stand still as he waits to take his turn in a series of steps, and look back to where he left Evgeni waiting.
He’s startled by the dark look he sees leveled at him, immediately smoothed out to blank nothingness as soon as Evgeni sees that Sidney is looking back. It shakes Sidney, and he can barely concentrate on the rest of the dance. He treads rather badly on poor Nate’s feet, and he knows he is in for an exceptional amount of ribbing from that quarter later.
“Well,” Nate says breathlessly, as the dance finally draws to a close. “I daresay marriage has only worsened your dancing. I would not have though it possible for you to get worse!”
Ordinarily, Sidney would have liked nothing better than to exchange friendly repartee with Nate- the friendship they have has always included a great deal of good-natured teasing. But he is distracted now. During the very last series of steps, he’d spent much of the time craning his neck to see if Evgeni was still staring at the dancers like a thundercloud, but he seems now to have vanished. He take his leave from Nate, and makes his way through the throng to find out where his husband has gone.
A man of Evgeni’s height is not easily missed, so Sidney need only make a few inquiries to find out he has gone outside,to the wide stone veranda running along the back of the house. Tall windows spill light from inside, and it is easy to make out Evgeni, leaning on the balustrade and staring moodily out onto the Barrie-Landeskogs’ extensive lily pond.
Sid comes up beside him, feeling once again wrong-footed and unsure of what to say. The night air holds the promise of spring. It smells of damp earth and green growing things, and there is a chorus of frogsong loud enough to be heard over the strains of music from inside.
“Hello,” Sidney says softly, and Evgeni turns, and gives him a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Where you displeased, that I danced with Nate?” Sidney asks, a little conflicted as to how it makes him feel. Deep down, he fears he might actually...enjoy the idea of Evgeni being desirous of his time and person, at least when it comes to dancing. “Perhaps it was bad of me to leave you alone?” To face the gossips without Sidney at his side. The more he thinks about this the worse he feels. But Evgeni is shaking his head, and his expression has gone rueful and soft.
“No, Sid,” he says. “Is good, to dance with friends. I’m should not--” He doesn’t finish.
“I like it when you’re honest with me,” Sidney says. “Did you mind very much?”
Evgeni doesn’t answer, and he doesn’t look at Sid. Instead he asks: “You like him, Nate?”
“Our parents were good friends,” Sidney says, wondering what Evgeni is getting at. “I’ve known him since he was a snot-nosed infant. How he used to squall! He’s a good lad, if hopeless with the ladies. I fear it may be years before he finds a girl with the fortitude to become mistress of MacKinnon Hall.”
Evgeni looks intently at Sid, as though trying to gauge his emotions. So Sid continues. “And I hope you don’t take his teasing seriously; heaven knows I don’t. He’s just lively, is all. He means no harm.”
“He’s only like ladies?”
Sid shrugs. “As far as I know.”
“And you all right?”
Really, Sidney isn’t sure why Evgeni is looking at him with so much concern.
“Why should I care who Nate likes?” Sidney says, frowning. “He’s like a little brother to me, I’d just as rather not think about his romantic inclinations, at all.”
Evgeni’s shoulders slump and he shakes his head, laughing soundlessly, seemingly at himself.
“What is it?” Sidney says, concerned. “Did you think...did you think I had a tendre for Nate?”
Evgeni buries his face in his hands with a groan. “Don’t tease, Sid. I’m just be little bit foolish.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” Sidney protests. “I don’t. Have a tendre for anyone, I mean.” A horrible thought strikes him. “Wait, do you?”
Evgeni shakes his head and sighs. “Only person here I’m want be married to, is you.”
“Oh good,” Sidney says, feeling relieved his anxiety was for naught. “Me too.”
Good god, he sounds a right fool. He wonders bitterly if, had the circumstances been different and he’d met Evgeni at a ball like this, he’d been able to get someone as naturally charming to look at him twice.
“Mean that, Sid?” Evgeni is saying, voice hushed. He is suddenly standing very, very close. Sid can smell his sandalwood shaving soap.
Sid has to clear his throat before he can speak. “I’m not in the habit of saying things I don’t mean.”
Evgeni’s lips are softly parted, as if he wants to say something, or even, perhaps, lean forward and press them to Sidney’s.
Sidney’s heart pounds, and he finds himself swaying ever so slightly forward into Evgeni’s space. Please, he wants to beg. Kiss me. Kiss me because you want to.  
“Sid,” Evgeni says huskily. He raises a hand and softly touches Sidney under the chin, tilting Sidney’s face up towards his own. Sidney cannot breathe. There is only Evgeni’s heavy lidded gaze, and the warmth of his touch. He slides his other hand down Sid’s side to rest at his waist, and--
There is a crash as one of the sets of French doors from the ballroom violently swings open, expelling a couple obviously in their cups, giggling and loudly shushing each other. Evgeni drops his hands and steps back. Sid wants to curse at the loss.
“Go back inside?” Evgeni inquires, tilting his head towards the lit-up windows. “Dance more?”
Sidney wants to protest, but one of the young ladies who’ve disturbed them sighs out “Oh, Annabelle” in tones that suggest vacating the premises with alacrity to grant the young lovers some privacy might be in order.
“Always a flurry of engagements after a ball,” Sidney mutters as they walk in, still a little miffed.
“Romantic,” Evgeni says indulgently. “Very sweet.”
“Yes, quite,” Sidney says, feeling considerably less charitable.
Inside, the musicians are playing something totally unfamiliar, and there is rather a lot more standing around and tittering going on than usual. Sidney has to crane his neck and practically stand on his toes to see past the crush of people standing around the dance floor. When he sees what the precious few couples dancing are doing, his eyes widen. It is one thing to have a genteel rendez-vous with a spouse or a betrothed on a darkened balcony away from prying eyes, but this?
“Good lord,” a woman says to his right, fluttering her fan vigorously. “How..Continental.”
“Very...daring,” says her companion.
“That’s one way to describe it,” huffs a portly older gentleman.
Sidney glances up to see what Evgeni is making of all of this but he looks completely unperturbed.  
“I’m know this one,” he says, pleased. “Waltz. They dance like this in Vienna. I’m have friend on ship who teach me.” He looks down at Sid and holds out his hand. “Dance?”
Had he asked earlier in the evening, Sidney would have most likely said no. The idea of taking such liberties, in full view of society? But he is still flushed and disappointed from the ruined moment outside, and he feels reckless. He wants Evgeni’s arms around him and if a scandalous dance in front of all their acquaintance is the only way to get it, then, well.
“Why not,” Sidney says, with a sangfroid he does not feel. “You will have to teach me, however, I do not know the steps.”
Evgeni lights up. “I’m best teacher, come.”
And then he leads Sidney into the open space on the floor, and tugs him close in front of all the staring eyes around them. He slides one arm close about Sid’s waist, and takes Sid’s hand and lays it on his shoulder. Their free hands he clasps together, not extended a careful distance like in a minuet, but pulled close.
“Watch feet,” he murmurs in Sidney’s ear. “It’s count of three.” Sidney shudders, heat blooming through his whole body. He is certain his face must be scarlet.
Evgeni counts softly under his breath for a moment, to show Sidney how, then begins to move.
Sidney is consumed for a short while with attempting to replicate the movements of Evgeni’s feet, and then Evgeni says “turn now,” and swoops them around to the music so quickly it makes Sidney’s head spin.
It is like no dancing Sidney has ever done. There is nothing stately or decorous about this. There is instead the warmth of Evgeni’s arms around him, pulling him so close that their bodies press together at times. There are twirls and turns that send them flying around the dance floor and turn the ballroom around them into a blur of light and color.
When the music stops, Sidney’s chest is heaving, both from exertion and from having Evgeni so close. He cannot look at Evgeni’s face, he cannot, for surely everything he wants will be clear in his expression, and he does not wish to share with the entire ballroom how desperately he wants to ravish his husband.
“Good?” Evgeni asks, and Sidney can only nod.
“You’re a magnificent dancer,” he says
Evgeni shrugs. “When I’m know dance better, I’m not so bad. You want more drink?”
“Please.” He could drink a gallon or orgeat, he really could.
On their way, they encounter the Letangs. Kris gapes at Sidney.
“Lord Sidney Patrick Crosby,” he exclaims with a smirk. “Did I just see you waltzing? In front of God and this entire assembly?”
Evgeni looks puzzled. “What’s wrong with waltz? It’s nice dance.”
“Ooh, I see now,” Letang drawls. Then smirks. “Godspeed, my lords.”
“Whatever do you mean,” Sidney says flatly, and practically drags his husband the rest of the way to the refreshment table.
Sidney stays well past the usual hour when he usually make his excuses and leaves. He’s never seen a ball to its end before, but he is actually enjoying himself immeasurably with Evgeni at his side.
He drinks rather a lot of negus, and the cook must have made it uncommonly strong. The drink and his exhaustion cause him to list sleepily into Evgeni’s side after they step wearily into their carriage for the ride home. Sidney had gone to sit in his previous position opposite his husband, but Evgeni had pouted and tugged him down next to himself, instead. Highly satisfactory arrangement.
The first blush of dawn is pinking the eastern sky and the morning chorus of birdsong serenades them as Sidney gives in to his tipsy weariness and lets his head rest on Evgeni’s shoulder. Evgeni hums and tilts his own head onto Sid’s.
All is peaceful quiet, save the birds, the jingling of the harnesses, and the creak of the wheels for quite some time.
Eventually, though, Evgeni sighs softly and tilts his face so that his nose brushes Sidney’s hair.
“Why you stop call me ‘Zhenya’?” he says, so quietly Sidney wonders if he was meant to hear it at all.
“It seemed...an impertinence,” he says sleepily into Evgeni’s lapel.
“Don’t know what’s mean, ‘impertinence,” Evgeni grumbles.
His accent is so much thicker when he’s this tired. It’s delicious.
“Do you want me to?” Sidney says, laboriously blinking his eyes open, because this seems important. He squints muzzily up at Evgeni.
“I’m want. It’s close name. Was want… we be like family.”
The soft hurt in his voice makes Sidney sit up to look at his face better. Evgeni’s expression makes Sidney feel like he’s swallowed a stone.
“Darling-- I’m so sorry,” he exclaims, drink and exhaustion wringing full honesty from his lips. “I never meant for you to-- I want that too, Zhenya, I want that too.”
Zhenya stares at him, eye wide and lit up rich wood-brown in the morning light. Sidney reaches up and cups Zhenya’s face in his hand. He tugs lightly, just enough for Evgeni to know what he wants.
Zhenya obliges, leaning down and brushing a kiss to Sidney’s cheek. Sidney makes a dissatisfied noise.
“No?” Oh, Zhenya’s voice just then. A deep caressing purr that Sidney feels in his very bones. “What you want, Sid?”
“More,” Sidney breathes. “You.”
Zhenya groans and leans down, his lips finally against Sidney’s own, warm and desperate. He groans into the kiss as Sidney yields to him, lips parting to let him take.
When Zhenya moves from Sidney’s mouth to his neck, Sidney makes a sound that’s almost a gasping sob. Zhenya stills. He presses a series of chaste, gentling kisses to Sidney’s throat, his jaw, the corner of his mouth.
“You drink a lot,” he says. His voice is hoarse, his tone regretful.
“Not-- so very much,” Sidney protests, when he can find his speech again. But Zhenya presses one last kiss to his forehead, and tugs Sidney back down onto his shoulder.
“Rest,” Zhenya insists.
Disappointment floods him, thick and stinging. “If you wish,” Sidney says.
Zhenya, however, makes no answer.
Part 9
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doodle17 · 1 month
heres a few future au! asks 1. What is Elka up to in the future au exactly? ( sorta related to that one doodle you did of Raz ) Is she still with Nils or did they split and if they split was it dramatic and explosive? 2. Which campers do you think do the Intern program and what mentors did you assign them 3. How did Clem and D'art meet? and iirc if your backstory of D'art not having a brain is still canon does Clem know about it? ( also tbh how does the D'art not having a brain thing work regarding your au? )
Elka is definitely a tricky case, both in the story and also with ME trying to figure it out lol.
What I can best explain rn is that she's somewhat of an antagonist?? The way she's able to get away with it is because of her father and family who are big names in the psychonauts, and she's also got Maloof and Mikhail to do her dirty work and clean up her tracks. The only person who's able to see through her bullshit is Raz himself (who, unfortunately, is unable to expose her because she is fast when it comes to clearing up evidence.)
And they overall just don't clash well together. Raz can't stand her passive aggressiveness and she despises his snarky attitude.
Franke and Kitty get into the intern program, and Franke gets paired up with Helmut while Kitty gets Bob. Quentin and Phoebe are there too! Phoebe gets assigned to Cassie and Quentin is with Otto. D'art, Clem and Crystal get the OG trio, Sasha, Coach and Milla.
D'art and Clem meet in the intern program! They already knew eachother back at camp. Or, they knew the other existed at least. It wasn't until the program that feelings began to develop (Clem falling first HARD)
Clem does end up finding out about D'art not having a brain eventually. I plan on explaining how D'art lives without a brain in my Psychonauts 3 fic! Which will be done.... Eventually!!
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madamedevien · 5 years
Jinxes, vampire, dwarf! (lord-diavolo)
Why hello anon! :D Thank you for the ask - I’m really excited to get into these! (These are from the Fantasty Asks post).Jinxes- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? This one is hard! I’m an immigrant who’s lived in 4 different countries (born in Canada, lived in Belgium, Czech Republic, and am currently in the UK to be with my British partner) and I’ve been very lucky to travel to quite a few...Lately, I’ve been really nostalgic for Prague, St Petersburg, and Japan...but I’ll say Japan. It’s a stunning country and I found the people to be incredible. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to go a few times to different parts of the country (my partner works in an industry that forces him to travel a few times a year, so I can get discounted travel if I go with him) and it’s somewhere that I would never hesitate to go back to. It’s amazing that you can be in a country that has such sprawling metropolis but you can still find pockets of such peace...Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?I always have such the longest reading list!I’m currently re-reading the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d'Art by Christopher Moore (in English and French - I’m hoping it’ll help me some with my French humour!), and City of Thieves by David Benioff.I’ve also started Educated by Tara Westover, which was recommended to me by a friend (and I really like it, but fucking hell am I glad that I’m also reading comedy at the moment). The Grisha Trilogy is just fantastic fantasy and I love how it weaves together different cultures as well! Sacré Bleu is just freaking hilarious - it’s one of the few books that I won’t read in public because of the noises I tend to make when I’m reading it (I CAN’T HELP IT, IT JUST TICKLES MY FUNNY BONE!). City of Thieves is a nice piece of historical fiction that is sometimes funny, sometimes tear jerking, but always a joy to read. It’s set during the Siege of Leningrad and as somebody who loves St Petersburg, it’s always really interesting to me.Educated was lent to me by a friend who is the fucking funniest person on the planet - so when he said to me, “You’re going to struggle with this book because it sounds a lot like your family...but I think it’s important that you read it”, I was really shocked? But he was totally right. Incredible book, if it’s your sort of thing. Dwarf- Favorite tv show? UGH, THIS IS REALLY HARD. And harder in a much different way than question number one...I can’t pick just one!!! But here, have a list (because I suck at choosing I’M SORRY)- Bones- Sherlock- Midsomer Murders- Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia- Death Note- Yuri!!! On Ice- Poirot- Jane the Virgin- Killing Eve- Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler
(Those either make me sound like Satan or like some psychopath ;; )(Oh, Psycho Pass is also super good!!!!!!!!!!!!!)ANYWAYIf there’s anything to take away from thisI’m very indecisive >>;Thanks again for the ask! 💕
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zykatekb · 6 years
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Les personnages de mon histoire My Stalker. 
J'ai commencer a traduire les fiches descriptives des personnages de mon histoire My Stalker car j'ai envie de vous les présenter. 
J'ai commencer par ces deux fiches que vous pouvez voir ZACK et UGO Je m'excuse pour mon anglais si celui ci n'est pas très bon. Merci a SimsLife pour son aide sur la fiche de Ugo.
My Stlaker a lire ICI
Zack et Ugo sont de ma création.
I started translating the character files of my My Stalker story because I want to introduce them to you. 
I start with these two cards that you can see ZACK and UGO 
I apologize for my English if it is not very good. 
Thanks to SimsLife for help on Ugo's profile. 
 My Stlaker read HERE 
Zack and Ugo are my creation.
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Prénom : Zack
Age : 23 ans
Couleur des cheveux : Blond
Couleur des yeux : Bleus
Métier : Chef de cuisine
Qualités : Généreux - Passionné
Défauts : Sans gêne - Direct - Têtu
Vie amoureuse : En relation avec Yanis
A eu une relation amoureuse avec  Marc au lycée.
A eu une aventure avec Jonas.
Famille : 1 demi frère : Takao
Originaire de : Sunlit Tides
Ville de résidence : Bridgeport
Première apparition : Prologue
Zack, 23 ans est un jeune homme qui vit sa vie a grande vitesse.
Il attire le regard des femmes sur son passage mais aussi celui des hommes,
fort de cet atout il sait s'en servir pour conquérir les hommes qui lui plaise.
Car oui il le sait et l'assume Zack aime les hommes.
N'ayant aucune attache, ses aventures sont souvent sans lendemain
a part quelques exceptions.
Zack est un charmeur et il sait en jouer quand il le faut.
Le jour ou il croise la route d'un jeune homme qui le regarde a peine,
il se donne pour mission de le conquérir.
Mais Zack se laisse prendre a son propre jeu.
Last name : BOYER
First name : Zack
Age : 23 years old
Hair color : Blonde
Eye colour : Blue
Job : Cook in the restaurant
Qualities : Generous, Passionate
Defaults: Without enbarrassment , Direct, Stubborn
Relationship : In relation with Yanis
Romantic relationship with Marc  at high school
Had an adventure with Jonas
Family: 1 half brother : Takao
Native : Sunlit Tides
City of residence: Bridgeport
First appearance in history : Prologue
Zack, 23, is a young man who lives his life at high speed.
It attracts the eyes of women on its way but also that of men,
With this asset, he knows how to use it to seduce the men he loves.
Because yes, he knows it and assumes it, Zack loves men.
Having no ties, his adventures are often short-lived with some exceptions.
Zack is a charmer and he knows how to play when it's necessary.
The day he crosses the road of a young man who hardly looks at him,
he gives himself the mission of conquering him.
But Zack is caught in his own game.
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Prénom : Ugo
Age : 19 ans
Couleur des cheveux : Noir
Couleur des yeux : Bleus
Métier : Etudiant en Arts
Qualités : Ouvert d'esprit, Créatif.
Défauts : Solitaire mais envahissant, a du mal a se laisser approcher,
Provocateur, Jaloux, Possessif.
Vie amoureuse : Célibataire
Famille : Aucune
Originaire de : Hidden Spring
Ville de résidence : Hidden Spring et Bridgeport
Première apparition : Episode 26
A sa propre histoire :  Play Game Of Love
Abandonné a la naissance Ugo a vécu une enfance assez mouvementée
qui l'a ballotter d'un foyer a un autre sans jamais avoir le temps
de s’attacher aux personnes qui l’entouré.
Il a fini par se renfermer sur lui même et ne se laisse pas approcher facilement.
Tellement qu'on le surnomme "le p"tit sauvage".
A sa majorité il se prend un appartement pour être seul et
quand il est accepter a la fac d'art de Hidden, sa vie solitaire est chamboulée
par sa rencontre avec un jeune homme de son age avec qui il sympathise rapidement.
Takao devient rapidement son meilleur ami et Ugo le considère comme son frère.
Des liens amicaux forts se sont tissés entre eux, jusqu'au jour ou Takao
part pour Bridgeport.
Ugo que rien ni personne ne retient a Hidden Spring
d'intégrer la fac d'art de Bridgeport pour retrouver son "frère"
Last name : FERAS
First name : Ugo
Age : 19 years old
Hair color : Black
Eye colour : Blue
Job : Student in Arts
Qualities : Open minded, Creative.
Defaults :  Solitary but invasive, is struggling to get close,
Troublemaker, Jealous, Possessive.
Relationship : Single
Family : Any
Native : Hidden Spring
Town of residence: Hidden Spring and Bridgeport
First appearance in history:  Episode 26
Has its own story :  Play Game Of Love
Abandoned at birth Ugo had a rather hectic childhood who has to go from one house
to another without ever having the time to attach to the people who surround him.
He ended up closing in on himself and was not easily approached.
So much so that we call him "the little wild".
At his majority he takes an apartment to be alone and when he is accepted
at the university art school of Hidden spring, his lonely life is turned upside
down by meeting with a young man of his age with whom he quickly sympathizes.
Strong friendships wers fformed between Ugo and Takao
leaving Bridgeport leaving Ugo alone.
Ugo that nothing and no on wittholds in Hidden Spring integrates the Bridgeport
Art School to find his "Brother"
Je rajouterais les autres fiches quand je les aurais traduite.
I would add the other cards when I translated them.
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nazaninlankarani · 6 years
Patek Philippe Lifts the Veil on its Metiers d’Art Tradition
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Detail of a Metiers d'Art timepiece, courtesy of Patek Philippe.
Part of the grand tradition of a historic family-owned watch brand like Patek Philippe, best known for the sophistication of its mechanical complications, is the rare mastery of ancestral techniques that its in-house artisans employ to hand-decorate its timepieces.
The pride the watchmakers draw from this accomplishment is infectious. Last Monday, Thierry Stern, the president of Patek Philippe, was clearly beaming as he received his guests at a cocktail party in Geneva to launch an exhibition of what the maison calls “rare handcraft timepieces” in the brand’s salons located on the Rue du Rhône.
“I have always dreamed of owning one of these handcraft timepieces, but sadly, like children who grow up and leave the nest, we must let them go when they are completed,” Stern said in his opening speech, drawing appreciative laughter from some 100 international journalists invited to the show’s preview.
The exhibition features Patek Philippe’s collection of handmade Métiers d’Art timepieces produced this year, which include domed desk clocks in a variety of cloisonné enameling and miniature painting techniques, wristwatches with wood marquetry or guilloché dials, and engraved pocket watches. This year’s collection counts 140 unique timepieces—the largest production by the maison in years—will be on display on the second floor of Patek Philippe’s historic building facing Lake Geneva in a show that will be open to the public and free of charge for nine days, from April 19 to 28.
For the Love of the Craft
“You don’t produce such pieces for business reasons,” Stern said. “You must be passionate and appreciate the product, the craft, and the technique that goes inside.” Workshops that still practice the arts of enameling, guillochage, miniature painting, chainsmithery, engraving, and wood-marquetry are becoming increasingly uncommon due to the substantial time and resources they require. Patek Philippe, which has been producing exquisite marvels of horology since 1839, has been uniquely committed to preserving the artisanal skills that have been associated with watchmaking since the 16th century.
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Details of the craftsmanship, courtesy of Patek Philippe.
“My father continued producing these timepieces even when no one was buying them some years ago, because he did not want the crafts or the knowledge to be lost,” Stern said, referring to Philippe Stern, who founded the Patek Philippe Museum nearby, where a superb collection of watches and clocks has been on display since 2001.“Today, thanks to his vision, Patek Philippe continues the tradition and is making sure the savoir-faire is shared with future generations,” Stern said of his father.
A Demonstration of Exceptional Knowhow
Between sipping champagne and nibbling on canapés, the guests present at the opening were invited to talk shop with specialist artisans, who were invited onsite with their workbenches to explain their specific techniques and produce live demonstrations.Watching them employ their skills in person only made their achievements all the more impressive. The domed desk clocks, for instance, feature inspirations ranging from Persian and Indian miniatures to grisaille motifs as well as a variety of techniques, including grand feu cloisonné enameling, in which each panel must undergo eight to 10 firings at temperatures ranging from 880°C to 920°C to achieve their splendidly vibrant colors.
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Patek Philippe’s Wisteria domed desk clock. Courtesy of Patek Philippe.
The Wisteria domed desk clock, moreover, required artisans to expend over 180 hours to apply the extremely rare and demanding technique of “relief enameling”—also known as fauré enamelwork—which originated in Limoges a century ago. This clock called for the application of 26 different opalescent enamel colors, some containing 24-carat gold powder, on a base sheet of silver leaf that brings a special sheen to the finished product.
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Patek Philippe’s Tavern in the Alps pocket watch. Courtesy of Patek Philippe.
“We are at the extreme edge of savoir-faire when it comes to enameling and miniature painting, but also in line with a long-standing Genevois enameling tradition,” said Sandrine Stern, the head of watch creation at Patek Philippe, who was also present at the preview. Some techniques used are purely native to Geneva, like the tradition of adding a fondant layer of transparent, uncolored enamel to protect the miniature painting, as seen on the piece titled Tavern in the Alps, a gold pocket watch depicting a bucolic Alpine setting.
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Patek Philippe’s wristwatch depicting rope climbers in the Swiss Alps. Courtesy of Patek Philippe.
Equally spectacular are the wristwatches decorated with wood marquetry, a decorative technique traditionally used on furniture, but that can also be applied to decorate the surface of a watch dial. The Swiss Alps motif of a gold Calatrava wristwatch, which depicts tethered climbers scaling a snow-capped mountain, was painstakingly and precisely decorated by a micro-marquetry maker with 262 wood parts made of 27 different types of wood, cut in tiny shapes from an original leaf-thin colored veneer, then assembled and applied to the dial.
Reserved for Select Buyers
Some of the timepieces were first unveiled by Patek Philippe last March at Baselworld, and many if not all of the pieces are already spoken for. The Geneva show will be the last time they are shown as a complete ensemble before each piece is delivered to a lucky buyer personally selected by Thierry Stern.
“The most difficult task for me is to decide who will be selected to purchase these pieces out of the thousands of requests we have received since Baselworld,” Stern told artnet News. “We aim to distribute these pieces around the world—not to million-dollar clients, but to collectors with a passion for exceptional timepieces and a love for Patek Philippe,” he explained. “For this, we do our research with our global retailers.”
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Two of the Metiers d’Art collection, courtesy of Patek Philippe.
Prices for the domed desk clocks range from 90,000 to 120,000 Swiss francs (about $93,000 to $124,000), while the wristwatches are slightly less. The pocket watches run between 160,000 to 300,000 francs ($164,000 to $310,000), depending on the sophistication of the techniques used.
As to whether he is more proud of the rare handcrafts or the high complications, Stern replied, “technically speaking, I cannot bring much input to our high complications, but with the handcraft pieces, I get much satisfaction from bringing a new idea or suggesting a finishing detail, always to improve our quality.”
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 5+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/blake-livelys-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, This dramatic hair change given is for his star role in the film in the rhythm section. But Blake in a bowl cut is a transformation of all transformations, because he looks like a seriously different person. Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts This won't be lively's first time acting as a Reynolds stylist. The haircut was the first and only time that lasted two and a half hours. The result wasn't exactly what Reynolds expected. Blake Lively's Hairstyles and Haircuts Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He eventually told Colbert that he seemed to have done everything, such as using lighters or gloves made of sandpaper. While it's hard to even think Reynolds looks like anything less than a Greek god, we'd love to see even. Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles The smallest clip of this hair appointment. Hopefully the couple will consider sharing some of the haircut process with their fans so we can see the result. With blonde bombshell waves, Blake Lively could be one of the biggest hair icons of this era. Blake Lively's Short Haircuts Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The past year however has been one of reinvention for the actress. She has tried everything from a Kris Jenner-esque black pixie cut to the brunette layers of everything I've ever seen. Blake Lively's Hairstyles And even a blonde bob while promoting the film. The latter was achieved with pins by hair stylist Rod Ortega who began working with Lively. Blake Lively loreal hair color 12 years ago as she was preparing to become television's most enviable blonde Serena van der Woodsen on the beloved CW show Gossip Girl. Blake Lively's Haircuts Blake Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Since then Ortega has worked. With everyone from Eva Mendes Debra Messing. Who wore blonde waves like Lively for. Ingrid goes West, and Amal Clooney. Blake Lively's Short Hair Who was in charge of electric 70s indebted Perm on Halloween to Aubrey Plaza. That's exactly how he gets the "Blake wave," as Ortega says. It comes down to a good cut and develops as often as a manicure. Blake Lively's Hair Blake Ellender Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, It also helps you have the right tools. Below, Ortega breaks down what these reveal hair care myths and predicts the biggest hair trend from 2020 to 2021. Blake Lively hair color formula How much did you have to do with Blake to turn her into Serena? He was really just maintaining his haircut and shape. A long layered haircut. What does Blake Lively use on her hair? Blake Ellender Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Having the right amount of layers around the face makes it a versatile cut to go down a ponytail and into a wavy bun. Blake Lively hair and makeup It all starts with a really great cut. We talk all the time and there are pictures and there are pictures. We have too many photos. The collaboration is amazing to work with him and you can see the beauty that comes out of it. How to get Blake Lively hair Blake Ellender Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, incredible blonde locks are as beloved at this point as her ability to troll boyfriend Ryan Reynolds. Frankly, every red carpet appearance of Hollywood waves with a platinum salt. How does Blake Lively curl her hair? Ear length dirty blonde mane cut in a bowl cut in favor of a change to see Instagram come across evidence in mind, we limit the dependent imagine the scenes if not in the red carpet up dos, curls and all kinds of corkscrew curls in a low ponytail chignon, I used sprayed. Blake Lively hair extensions Blake Ellender Lively's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Not just a bowl cut, but a conical fringe. And zero balayage to talk about. Look we don't want to overreact but it's. Blake Lively hair products 14 days a year and it's dropped in a snap or we should call it chop Blake, proving we can't get anything in 2020 especially for linen locks. First Harry and Meghan now this. Did Blake Lively cut her hair for rhythm section? There were signs that it was time to accept that 2020 will bring a lot more to where celebrities come from from their hair transformations. Blake Lively may be pregnant. Blake Lively black hair With Baby # 2 with Ryan Reynolds but nothing slows this girl down. As Instagram proves, Blake Lively's hair is a DIY favourite and the blonde can rock anything from a red dress on. Blake Lively blonde hair The red carpet to a street style outfit and beach-ready bikini. Beauty make-up and hair prove she knows she sometimes likes changing her hair color by not wearing make-up. Blake Lively hair treatment At all. There's no debate that Blake Lively has one of the best hair games in town - any town. Its sun-drenched strands seem to look right at home in every setting. Does Blake Lively perm her hair? She can return to a seaside bungalow or channel Grace Kelly with a set of pearls without missing a beat. This is partly because the actress is not married to a single style or period. Blake Lively hair secrets Yes her hair is always gold and lush but she alternates between new and vintage trends taking on classic silhouettes and injecting them with modern touches. Blake Lively new haircut The results are dizzying. Read on to collect style secrets from the girl who never missteps when it comes to hair, even on sports days - and how to raise your own # hairgoals game. Blake Lively hairstyle tutorial Blake Lively has great hair. This is partly due to genetics and partly because of Rod Ortega, the waves whisperer who has been lively's hairdresser. What perfume does Blake Lively wear? Since the days of Serena van der Woodsen. He was busy, too. Versace's curly crowd-pleasing look she wore live at the Pre-Fall 2022 presentation on Sunday, and the simultaneously stylish but beachy look she wore to the. Blake Lively hair 2020 - 2021 Chanel Métiers d'art show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art last night below just us or Blake Lively's hair still speaks to Serena van der Woodsen. Gossip Girl may have been cancelled four years ago, but even Blake's last hair looks like screaming Serena. What is Blake Lively's real hair color? Here we pair each of Blake's most memorable hairstyles with a quote from Gossip Girl in this context Blake's hair has never been more meaningful. Actress Blake Lively has been a red carpet staple since appearing in the 2020 film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The American Beauty's approach to hair and makeup. Blake Lively hair gossip girl Has not changed much throughout her career, which includes playing Serena van der Woodsen in the Hit series Gossip Girl and a shallow surfer. And why should it be. Lively knows what people want in her messily tousled golden blonde waves and she will deliver. How do I look like Blake Lively? However the blonde bombshell is not afraid to change her style at times recently stepping into her 50s-inspired fake lob. Here's a look at the many times her hair has stolen the show on the red carpet. It's Blake Lively if everyone makes Good American beach blonde hair. Blake Lively natural hair color Sisterrr. I know flour .he knows what. I love so much. Waaaaiiit Khloé Kardashian is an innovator not only in the TV series Blake Lively can't be Gossip Girl who has an entire wardrobe dedicated to her hair extensions but also in her everyday life. How do you get S shaped waves? She always looks sweet and stylish. Her hairstyles are the most glamour. Her hair is designed in many ways, so it shows us her charm. That's how successfully Blake designed his hair. Ryan Reynolds ' wife's second hairdo showed fans what she would. Blake Lively red hair Look like as a redhead. Chop was styled in the popular 1940 style of styling her fringe in a smooth roll and long eye-catching curls while her real life hair was of a similar length. Fans were pleased with the look. old Hollywood charm. When should you get a wave haircut? I love her and she even compares her to American model Betty Page, known in the 1950s for her jet black hair and short bursts. The whole of this film just shows you can shoot any hairstyle a third fan added and I totally agree. Blake Lively haircut People had to figure out how to give themselves salon treatments from the comfort of their homes. Some celebrities have even shared these attempts on social media to do so for them whether doing their own hair or having a family member. Does Blake Lively dye her hair? Stephen Colbert shared a video chat with actor Ryan Reynolds that his next haircut would be coming from wife Blake Lively during this lockout.On The Late Show April 1 the Deadpool star with Stephen Colbert chatted with. Blake Lively Has A Surprising New Haircut The talk show host about how he and his family occupied their time during this quarantine. Reynolds noted that many of them went home school gardening and drinking last for herself that morning only when she said she had made dresses. Does Blake Lively have curly hair? Out of tissues with her three beautiful daughters. On the subject of personal care, Colbert only had to know what to do to get Reynolds sweet hair together during this lockdown. Fortunately, despite receiving a professional haircut two weeks ago. Blake Lively: Hair Style File Tomorrow the fate of his hair would remain in his wife's hands. Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively looks very ethereal with soft airy blonde waves with a long side parting. Long side blasts fall naturally and frame the oval face well. How often does Blake Lively wash her hair? Earlier this month, Ryan Reynolds was a guest on the virtual version of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. While chatting with Colbert, he told Reynolds that he had to face something we all had to face during the Coronavirus outbreak. Blake Lively's Hair Evolution: See the Pics A haircut at home. Reynolds told Colbert that his wife, Blake Lively, would get a haircut at home. The Mc team has said it before and we'll say it again. Blake Lively has the most jealous hair in Hollywood. We counted her most iconic look and even nailed her. Did Blake Lively wear extensions Gossip Girl? Favourite hair tool in 2020, because larger-than-life curls are something else. And rightly so, I was swayed when she posted this furry-cut selfie on Instagram a few minutes ago. Blake Lively's Hairstylist Rod Ortega On How to Get Her Hair Six months iiiiinteresting bring back our consciousness along with the slowly oozing mullet of adjacent side fringe Emo Billie Hey hey Miley and Selena Gomez. Did Blake Lively cut her hair for the rhythm section? Blake Lively will have 30 children with husband Ryan Reynolds. We don't know the answer, but Blake's father said he could prepare to have a baby. When. Another question. Blake Lively's Best Hair & Makeup Moments On Red Carpet But we are confident Blake Lively will have a big and happy family with her husband. Her first television hit Gossip Girl Serena van Der Woodsen has since starred in. Does Blake Lively have extensions? Several films including Woody Allen's Café Society hit big time thanks to her run as she won a l'oréal Paris contract and had two children with husband Ryan Reynolds. Confessions Of Blake Lively's Hairstylist On top of that she has been walking the red carpet since her teens, meaning she wears different hair than most of us in our lives. For the slickest of dos up, see some. What does Katy Perry's real hair look like? Of the best of Cali girl curls here. My homage to Serena van der Woodsen's impeccably Bright Blonde salon waves, but the texture Blake Lively inhabits makes us. Blake Lively's hair transformation will blow your mind Metaphorically want to throw our curling wand out the window of our Upper East Side penthouse apartment. Looks like we'll have to leave a good texturizing. What cup size is Blake Lively? Salt spray and a diffuser in its place. What we're talking about. Following last night's guest appearance on The Tonight Show Lively took to the streets of the formerly. Blake Lively Hair Color Gossip Girl stomping grounds in Tribeca and her golden blonde hair was draped over one shoulder styled in messy tousled waves. And for all of us salivating over the perfect. What Color Is Julia Roberts real hair? Piece texture right now, Lively's stylist Rod Ortega tells us that copying is easier than you might assume. In fact, it's all about the bun that is known today as live. Blake Lively hair extensions gossip girl Blake Lively has probably the most recognisable and enviable hair in all of Hollywood. The sweet voluminous locks were distinguished from her a mile away and we often. Blake Lively hair tutorial waves Thought of how the star lost your sleep hours so naturally we could imagine when Instagram opened to see that life curls reached bigger than her and the. Blake Lively haircut what to ask for Gossip Girl alum had her entire hair cut this morning. Gossip Girl has been a source of jealousy ever since she won our hearts as Serena van der Woodsen in Blake Lively's hair. Blake Lively hairstyles gossip girl From effortless beach waves to long messy curls, her honey blonde hair always looks perfectly put together. January's January Instagram instagram however her. Blake Lively hair color loreal Trademark honey-coloured hair was nowhere to be seen in her most recent Instagram pictures which show her with two new hairstyles for the rhythm section of her. Blake Lively hair tutorial Upcoming film which airs on 31 January. In the first picture she sports a light brown messy bob that doesn't even reach her shoulders and thick full fringe. Blake Lively haircut layers Although she appears to have flawless skin, she holds a photo of herself looking very tired with bags under her eyes. Wrote. Facetune broke. Blake Lively hairstyles age of adaline Was a very drastic change in her usual look even her sister Robyn commented on the make-up hair transformation which looks both incredible. Blake Lively long hair If you get to think about seeing Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds constantly flirting with each other on social media you're cute or disgusting anyway. The couple are known for trading witty jabs about their lives together and the chemistry. Blake Lively hair care Seems still there even in quarantine. The Gossip Girl actress shared a photo of her husband's short hair tied in a ponytail to her instagram story. Gorgeous large curls dress in medium lengths to the ends of this hair which allows this style to bounce and move plenty. Blake Lively hair up It's easy to recreate with Do. This casual hairstyle is left out to see layers of jagged cuts from the front and sides that shape this low-fuss look and encourage soft movement. Heavenly curls and waves along the mid lengths to the ends of this hairstyle make. Blake Lively hair short The softness and body perfect for those with 'long face shapes that do it'. Blake was knocked out at the New York premiere of rocket science thanks to this simple style. Her long hair was kept smooth on top and layers were added. Blake Lively hair stylist Actors Ryan Reynolds and wife Blake Lively entertain fans during the quarantine. This time the celebrity couple gave a haircut Blake Ryan said their hair was too long as they roasted each other again. Like everyone else, actors. Blake Lively new hair Were imprisoned in their homes because of the coronavirus crisis. Among other things, Lively seems to be adapting creative ways to color her hair amid the pandemic. She recently took to social media stories to post a picture of a. Blake Lively hair routine Dye kit she bought from her hair stylist. There's no denying that Blake Lively is one of Hollywood's top actresses, but her sun-kissed golden hair is one of the main ingredients that makes her stand out among a million other good-looking and great actresses. Blake Lively hair dye Girls like Blake Lively hair for an attractive look. The effortless beauty has been offered casual paparazzi snaps of her loose and styled hair as well as her red carpet appearances. she has always swollen our minds with comfortable, elegant hairstyles that require minimal skill and effort hence easy for all of us. Blake Lively red hair color The men are only clear with Blake's looks and hairstyle to hit him while holding their date shoes. This curled hair goes to one side, giving it an ornate but modest vibe. Actress Blake Lively is trolling her husband. once again. Blake Lively hair curly The Gossip Girl alum and Ryan Reynolds are known for their hilarious banter on social media and that's exactly what they both did this weekend. Can you name a few goals? If you thought Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds would take a break from roasting each other online while staying at home and practicing social distance, think again. Blake Lively hair colour Like many people, Blake and Ryan are standing at home with their families amid the Coronavirus outbreak. it means travel to the gym. And according to a picture Blake secretly shared to the Ig Story, Ryan appears to be growing his haircut enough to pull the rest of his hair into the smallest lowest ponytail. Blake Lively hair tips Every time you see him forever I dare to forget that Blake was neatly pulled up in a bright turquoise hair tie next to a picture of Ryan's mini Pony. From Gossip Girl to motherhood. Blake Lively hair color red We're always watching the beauty evolution of the glamorous actress. Click through to see her best looks in years from beachy blonde waves to Hollywood curls. Blake Lively hair how to Blake roasted her husband by posting a photo of him with a quarantine ponytail and joked about how people will never ever forget this. But Ryan's Ryan. So he couldn't keep quiet and roasted his wife by saying that birth control clearly didn't work. Blake Lively hair waves Ryan had in mind that he and Blake had 3 daughters together. and their 8-month-old baby, whose name is still a mystery. Fore Panda Ryan and Blake talked about roasting each other with entertainment pop culture and lifestyle expert Mike Sington. Blake Lively hair length Scroll down for our interview with him. Blake Lively has joined the long list of celebrities who dyed their own hair at home on social distances during the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic. Lively since 32 was unable to visit her longtime colorist. Blake Lively hairstyle Due to measures of social distance O'connor surprised the actress by sending her through a special handmade home paint set so she could try touching her blonde hair herself. Blake Lively bob haircut When the unexpected package arrived at Lively's door, she took a photo of the color kit and thanked O'connor for the help, but also wondered if her husband, Ryan Reynolds, had cut her hair at home to make it their own.
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