#I live 8 hours away from NYC and am so tempted on going during the weekend JUST too see the ad
maxibroke · 2 years
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Haven't seen this anywhere on tumblr, but this is gonna be the ad for Channie's birthday ! Its gonna be showing in NYC, so if anyone from there sees it, congratulate our best leader Bang Chan ♥
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The reader having an office fling with Erik/Work Hubby
Warnings: SMUT
It’s gonna be two parts because it’s really long and detailed to start. LIKE & REBLOG
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You wake up on a Monday morning after enjoying your short weekend to start another 9-5 workweek. Even though a part of you wished that you could work from home another part of you wanted to go into the office so you could see Erik. Your work boyfriend. On Saturday you got your hair done in some knotless box braids, went to the spa, and did a little bit of shopping for some new office attire. Today you decided to wear some of that office attire. Nude wrap skirt, a mauve colored wrap top with bell sleeves and some So Kate pumps in a nude color. Your boyfriend and Erik shared the same name but instead, your boyfriend’s name was spelled with a “C”, not a “K”. That boyfriend in question was a personal trainer and vlogger who traveled to try different restaurants mainly in Cali and NYC. He took a two week trip to NYC with a group of his guy friends. You were used to it and grew not to care so much about it. He was living his life to the fullest.
But were you living your life?
Working as a Secretary for an Environmental Technology company that makes billions of dollars gave excellent pay. The money is good but the only thing to look forward to is your gossiping friend Regina who sat in a cubicle directly next to you and Erik, the Lead Environmental Engineer who was also a Biomedical Engineer. He’s charming, witty, mesmerizing, attractive, hardworking, can be very headstrong at times, loves ramen, and has a cat named Paws. Erik with the “K” has you blushing whenever he locked eyes with you, stuttering while you both have random conversations during tea and coffee breaks, texted you funny memes during meetings when you were supposed to be taking notes, instant messages you from his cubicle computer to bug you saying things like:
-Wyd big head?
-Did Eric with the “C” see you leave the house today in that short ass skirt?
-Connie keeps talking to me with her funky ass breath. Help me 🥺.
-So, when are you going to boss up and get an office? I wanna be next to my work bae.
-You wanna get lunch together? My treat. It’s a surprise.
-I know you and Regina are gossiping about me 😌.
-I missed you after work yesterday. 
He’s also the reason why you stayed later on Wednesday and Thursday nights. You would help him brainstorm ideas about improving pollution and what he should say in his speech about global issues such as climate change. He even asked you if you wanted to come with him to Alaska to test the water there but you hadn’t given him an answer yet. You really really wanted to but being alone with Erik wasn’t such a good idea. You were afraid to be in another location besides LA with him for reasons you’d rather not admit to.
After making Erik and yourself an egg white and veggie omelet with a Belgian waffle you headed out the door and to your Prius. Arriving at the office on time, you badge in and take the lobby elevators up to the fifth floor. Stepping off of the crowded elevator, you walk towards the newly decorated staff lounge to put away the food. It was 8:25 am and Erik wouldn’t be in for another ten to fifteen minutes. The lounge had Dunkin Donuts laid out and freshly brewed coffee. You fought the temptation of grabbing a chocolate glazed donut to go to your cubicle and boot your Mac desktop computer so you could check your company email. You said Goodmorning as you walked by. Regina was playing Candy Crush on her cell when you arrived.
“Goodmorning, Gina.” You placed your Chanel bag behind the desktop computer in your cubicle.
“Morning, sis,” Regina tapped away on her phone, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Better this time around, yes,” You flipped your box braids over your shoulder while leaning back in your office chair to talk to Regina, “I haven’t heard from Eric all weekend.”
“Which one?”
You pursed your lips, “You know which one.”
She laughs, “Erik with the C. What’s up with that?”
You shrug, “Don’t know and don’t care. He acts like he can’t answer my calls or texts so I can check up on him so I’ll act like he doesn’t exist.”
Regina gave you a knowing look, “I’m sure you and Erik with the K, aka Captain Planet, texted his work bae, Miss Y/N, all weekend long.”
You bite your bottom lip to fight a goofy smile.
“See,” Regina crosses her dark chocolate legs, “he’s not just your work bae. He’s Daddy.”
“Stop!” You throw a pen at her chest, before lowering your voice, “Erik and I are not having sex, Gina. We may flirt and text outside of work-“
“And during work hours,” Regina interjected.
“Like I said, we are not having sex-“
“Who’s not having sex?”
Regina and your head turned to stare up at Erik Stevens. He had his briefcase in one hand and a black coffee with extra brown sugar in his other hand. Tailored suit colored navy blue with gold cuff links. Burberry dress shoes on his feet. Vintage gold-plated oval eyeglasses over his onyx eyes. He gave Regina and you a teasing smile. The smile where he raised one corner of his mouth to reveal a single deep dimple.
“Y/N,” Regina answered with wide playful eyes.
“Oh?” Erik gave Y/N a mournful look, “Damn, ma. That’s too bad.”
You glare at them both, “I will ignore both of y’all the rest of the day if you keep fucking with me.”
You got up from your seat, pushing in your chair, and tried your best to ignore the snickering from them both. Walking away, Erik was right on your tail, his hand reaching out to grab your shoulder to stop you.
“Calm down, it’s all jokes,” he licks his full lips, “But seriously...no sex between you and your man?”
Groaning, you walk into the lounge to grab the food.
“Why are we having this conversation?”
“Because I’m concerned,” Erik turned his back to lean against the counter with his arms folded over his chest, “You know you can talk to me, right?”
You place his food inside the microwave to heat, “I know. It’s just embarrassing, Erik.”
Erik grabs your chin to make you stare at him instead of the microwave, “Don’t even give me that excuse. Remember, we shared a lot of embarrassing stories in this office after hours.”
How could you forget?
“Yeah...it’s boring, Erik. I’m sure you’re having the best sex of your life in your fancy penthouse. Probably having orgies with models and actresses. They love a sweet and caring guy,” Y/N said sarcastically.
Erik’s tongue grazes the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling, “Why orgies specifically?”
“Is that all you focused on?!!” You shove him before taking his food out, “gosh, I hate you.”
Erik takes a swig of his coffee, “which is girl code for gosh, I love you,”
You shook your head with a grin, “leave me alone.”
“Which means, give me attention,” Erik grabs both of your shoulders, before bringing his head around to plant a kiss on your cheek, “I know y’all female dictionary like the back of my hand.”
Your head turned to face him after his lips caressed your cheek. Now, that area was warm and ticklish. Erik grabs his food and walks over to one of the tables. That gave you some time to breathe and heat your food as a distraction. Why did he have to kiss you? It’s not like he’s never done it before but every time he did it, Erik made you melt and wish it were your lips instead.
“You make some bomb food, girl. I think I’m jealous of Eric with a C.”
“Says the guy who makes the best shrimp and grits I have ever tasted besides my grandma,” you take a seat in front of him. While you ate you watched him cut into his waffle covered in syrup. His long lashes curled each time he blinked and his lips were so pouty and kissable whenever he concentrates the way he does. You felt like a schoolgirl watching him eat.
“So,” Erik chews his food some more before talking, “Alaska.”
“What about it?” You play it off by cutting your omelet up.
“Y/N,” Erik raised his brow at you, “You know about Alaska this is my fourth time bringing it up.”
“When is it?”
“In a month,” Erik takes a swig of his coffee to wash down his food before leaning forward on his elbows to make you look at him, “it’s gonna be for a week, all paid for, a mini-vacay with skiing, Matanuska Glacier walk, and lunch, helicopter tour, cozy cabin...”
Erik tilted his head at you and smiled. You looked down at your food bashfully. It all sounded so tempting. You would love to go...
“I don’t know, Erik,” you shake your head, “Eric will be home and-“
“How many trips does he take leaving you home?”
“More than I can count,” you reply shamefully.
“Exactly. I ain’t tryna overstep but...” Erik left it at that and went back to his food. You slouch in your chair deep in thought. Erik has a point. Your boyfriend traveled whenever he pleased and didn’t even ask how you felt about it once. You respected that he wanted to drop his career as a teacher to travel, eat, and vlog. Not once did he suggest taking you on one of his food journeys. You honestly felt left out.
You deserve some fun too.
Moving your food around with your fork, you finally come to a decision.
“I’ll go.” You spoke softly as if you couldn’t believe you’d just agreed to it.
“Seriously?” Erik asked with his eyes unblinking and on yours.
“Yes,” you let out a breath, “I’ll go to Alaska and have some fun for once. I haven’t been out of town in so long it’ll feel good to go.”
Alaska with Erik Stevens. For an entire week. Just you and him. Your knees shook under the table.
“See,” he smirked while stabbing a piece of omelet with his fork, “It’s crazy how I had to ask your ass four times total to come with me.”
“Why is that crazy?” You asked with a laugh.
“Because it never takes a woman this long to say yes to me,” he says in a very boastful manner.
“I’m not your woman though,” you say before you could even stop yourself.
“You are my woman,” Erik rested his tongue on his upper lip before grinning, “just at work and without the sex, kissing, taking showers together-“
“Okay, you made your point, boyfriend.” You stop him before he continued.
“Does Eric know about me?”
“A little,” you look towards the ceiling, “ he’d probably cancel all his travel plans if he knew how you looked.”
Erik bit into his bottom lip, “how do I look, Y/N?”
“Fine as hell,” you giggle as if you were drunk, “He already thinks he’s the finest thing walking.”
“That’s your man though,” Erik chuckles, “You think he’s fine, right?”
“I mean, yeah, of course.”
Both of you laugh.
“I swear,” you wave him away, “you play too much.”
“Don’t make me steal you away from him.” Erik laughed. His laugh made your stomach do summer salts.
“Okay, Erik,” you speak in a dismissive tone.
“I mean, I could though.”
“Why do you insist on playing?! If I was single-“
“You would be mine,” Erik finished.
“You can have any woman you want. Why me?”
Erik scanned your body at that table, “Really? What you mean? Have you seen yourself, ma?”
“Stop,” you giggle. He can’t be serious. Erik is a flirt but why on earth would he play like this?
“You always think a nigga playing when I say that shit.” He sounded offended. You didn’t have a reply for that. Avoiding his intense eyes you finished your food while Erik closed his empty container and placed it on the counter next to the thermal lunch bag you brought the food in.
“Aight let me get to my desk,” he grabs his coffee and walked up towards you. Erik moves your box braids from your shoulder before grabbing the back of your neck gently. The feel of his smooth fingertips on your skin made the hairs on the back of your neck and arms rise.
“I’ll see you later, babe.”
You blush with a mouth full of food, “Okay, I’ll see you later too, baby.”
His fingers left your neck and combed through your box braids before he walked away and out of the lounge. You were so preoccupied with his fingers on the back of your neck and in your hair that you lost your appetite.
You stood at Regina’s cubicle halfway listening to her speak and the other half focusing on Erik in his office. He looked bored as hell. Your eyes watched him ball up random printer paper from his fax machine to shoot into his document waste basketball hoop that he had in the corner near the door. He made it perfectly every time. Erik had the coolest office out of all the other Environmental Engineers. Besides the typical Newton’s Cradle pendulum balls that’s a famous desk accessory, he had a tropical tabletop fountain, stress relief visual illusion toys, stainless steel pin art hand mold, darts, a Rubik’s cube, Nintendo switch, and many other cool and fun shit.
“Girl,” Regina said chewing on a granola bar, “You’re not even paying attention to me.”
“I am,” You allow your eyes to fall on her accusatory ones, “I’m just...looking around.”
“No,” Regina puts up a hand to stop you, “You’re looking at Erik.”
Both Regina and yourself look over at him, spotting Erik walking back and forth now with his suit jacket removed and the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up. He was finger juggling a pen with his right hand while speaking into a Bluetooth in his ear.
“You might as well let him ruin you, Y/N,” Regina says with a whisper.
“Oh my God, Gina,” you stomp across the carpeted floor in your pumps before taking your seat again to finish organizing in Microsoft Excel.
“He could flirt with any other woman in here. Connie, Demetria, Anita, Nicole, any of those chicks, but he chooses you. Why is that, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, Gina, enlighten me,” You roll your eyes.
“No need. You already know. Erik is feeling you, heavy baby. Heavy like that ass in that skirt that we both know you purposefully wore today to make him look.”
“OKAY.” You stop her with an abrupt tone, “Fine. Yes, Gina. Yes, I know Erik is feeling me. But I am in a relationship and I can’t just-“
“Heffa, please,” Regina laughs, “don’t even try that shit with me. You are feeling him just the same. You and Eric with the C don’t even exist when you walk in here. It’s obvious you don’t want to be with that man anymore and I wouldn’t be surprised if he is fucking some chick in NYC and secretly taking her on his little food quests. You can look at me like that all you want but deep down you know I’m speaking facts.”
“Gina,” you speak with a warning, “I will throw this stapler at your head next.”
“Won’t. Change. The. Truth,” Regina flips her long ponytail.
A part of you did believe that Eric was cheating on you. It was so obvious at times but you didn’t want it to come to that. You and Eric have been together for about five years. But then again, that shit doesn’t matter. If it did, he would be worried about fixing the relationship instead of traveling for views.
Ping Ping
-Here comes Connie. Let me take a big gulp of air before she walks in here.
Erik instant messaged you. You snicker like a child doing some sneaky shit. He was so damn goofy.
-Damn. Why don’t you just offer her some gum?
-If I do that she’ll know I think her breath stink.
-Just play it cool. Have some sitting out, grab a piece, and offer her a stick. It’s that simple.
-she talks too damn much. Just talk to me about the Alaska job so I can be prepared. That’s why I’m glad you’re coming with me.
You looked up over your cubicle to watch Connie talking animatedly while Erik swivels in his chair from side to side.
Catch my eye.
Onyx met chestnut.
Erik covered his mouth with his fist to hold in his laughter before placing his hand up at Connie, from what it looked like, to reassure her that he wasn’t laughing at what she’d said.
-want me to drag her out of there by that takky blouse?
-Why are you such a gangsta, girl? LOL aight, come handle my light work, ma
-not before I get a hospital mask so I don’t breathe in her toxic fumes. Llab
-😂😂😂😂😂 straight stupid.
You snicker again.
“What is so damn funny?” Regina peered over at you with curious eyes.
“Just IM with Erik,” you bite the gel acrylic on your thumb nail to smother your giggles, “He can’t stand Connie.”
“Mhm,” Regina smiles, “y’all so damn cute just get married already.”
-she’s gone 😁
-let's celebrate lol.
Erik sends fireworks through the IM. You send balloons.
-enough about her. I see you 👀
-what’s that?
-you showing off. That attire is hella tight. What you doing with all of that?
-nothing. Lol, why do I have to be doing something?
-I know you wore that for my eyes only. I feel special.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard. He was going down that lane. You weren’t prepared but still, you typed away.
-I figured you would appreciate it since my man wasn’t home to admire it before I left.
-Yo’ nigga got some screws loose because I wouldn’t be away letting my girl walk out the house like that.
-like what?
-with all that ass sitting in that skirt.
-can’t help that I have a lot to work with.
-ain’t no problem for me. If you were fucking with me Y/N I’d make you forget your name. Real talk.
You crossed your legs under the desk and rubbed the back of your neck. If he fucking bitches to make them forget their identities then that means his dick really ain’t nothing to play with.
-nothing to say huh?
-I’m just thinking.
-about what? Talk to me.
-why you really want me to come to Alaska with you.
-well? You’re gonna tell me why?
-Because I want you to myself.
-So I can show you something you’ve been missing.
-Eric ain’t putting it down on my work bae like he should be.
You were so damn nervous. Day by day Erik would grow more frustrated with Eric and your situation. Like Regina said, just let Erik ruin you. It’s a shame to say that you haven’t had sex in about a month. It was just you, your fingers, and your favorite vibrator. It could be Erik, his fingers, his dick, his mouth, and multiple orgasms.
-He’s not. It’s been too long. ☹️
-You ain’t gotta tell me how long. I can see it in your body language.
You twirl a braid in your hand. Looking away from your computer, you try to be discreet, bringing your eyes to peer over the top of your cubicle into Erik’s office. He was drinking a bottle of water while his eyes concentrated on the computer screen with knitted brows. He placed his bottle on the desk and leaned in, typing again.
Ping ping
-Don’t ignore me before I walk over there.
-ooooo I’m scared.
-Aight, bet. I’m coming.
-I want you to think long and hard about that, Stevens.
You were flustered, wet, shaken up that he wanted to “show you” what you’ve been missing, and willing to risk it all if he left his office space to come to talk to you.
-that’s what she said. 😈
You chuckle. He could turn any topic into sex.
“Hey, Erik,”
You look up to find him standing next to your cubicle while Regina looked at the both of you with interest. You stand from your seat, ready to get yourself some water but Erik has your shoulders.
“Where you going?” His husky voice tickled your ear.
“For some water.”
Erik starts massaging your shoulders lightly.
“Can I come with you? I need to stretch my legs.”
“Whatever, I don’t care.” You lead the way.
But you did care. You wondered what he was up to. Now that you walked ahead of him with that very tight wrap skirt on you felt exposed like he has x-ray vision and can see your phat dimpled cheeks bounce and sway. Thank God for an empty lounge. You walk over to the fountain, grabbing a cup, and Erik was right on your side, holding the tap down for you. Your cheeks poke out to hide your blush.
“Thank you,” you speak softly. His eyes were intent on you. Not once did you give in and look his way while drinking that ice-cold water. Suddenly unable to breathe you back up a little to make some space between you two. Erik followed with his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
“Don’t you have a ton of work to do?” You ask to try and divert the attention away from you. Too late. Erik was determined to make you weak in front of him.
“I do but we have a long day, ma. I’ll get it done. I just couldn’t stand being away from my work bae.”
You rub your fingers along the wet cup, “I’m convinced now that you only come to work to be near me.”
“I’m cool with that,” He shrugs, “I could be a whole lot of things if it wasn’t for your man who’s supposed to be home with you.”
“He’ll be back-“
“And then he’ll be gone again,” Erik let’s out a sigh, “We’re playing too many games, Y/N. I’m tired of the flirting back and forth when I know you really want me. Stop coming in here to impress me with these bomb-ass outfits. I’ve been impressed for over a year now.”
Erik closed the space between you both, pressing his chest against your fuller one. You look over his shoulder to make sure no one was coming and when the coast was clear you focused your heated gaze on him.
“I’m tryna undress you with my fucking hands, not my eyes.” Erik takes his fingers to play with the bow of your wrap skirt, “You feel what I’m saying?”
You couldn’t speak. Your eyes were to busy admiring this gorgeous man who wanted to fuck you. His inviting eyes saw exactly what you wanted. A long, hard, fuck. Taking his fingers, Erik grabs your chin delicately to stroke. He made you feel so precious and desired.
“So, can I do that?” Erik asked with his lips kissing along your jawline. Your eyes landed on the door to check it and still, no one was there.
“Can I take care of you, ma?”
You had this look in your eyes, this look that said, please, Daddy, come fuck me. He smelled so damn good. So invigorating and moisturizing. You could make out a hint of exotic arabica coffee and coconut oil on the skin of his neck.
“No,” you lick your upper lip, “No, you can’t.”
His lips found yours. He swallowed that no with his full lips and tongue. Both of you knew that your answer was disbelieving when your hands came up to wrap around his neck. That was a green light for Erik. His hands came around your waist, and then down to cup your ass. He would alternate between rubbing your spine and making your cheeks bounce in his hands. Erik rests his chin on your shoulder so he could peer behind you to watch his hands squeezing all that ass on you. He would let it go and watch it bounce before slapping it lightly so he wouldn’t make a lot of noise. You felt your heart in your throat. Now, his crotch was pressed into yours. Long and hard indeed. Let’s not forget thick.
“You free tonight?” He whispered in your ear.
“Yeah,” you could feel him lifting you from the floor to sit your bottom on the counter. He was between your legs while your hands reach for his tie to tug on. It distracted you from being so nervous. His hands rested on your exposed upper thighs rubbing your warm skin in slow circles to sooth you. All he was doing was killing you. His touch was so soft and gentle but under all of that was a rough dominating grasp that you yearned for
You weren’t sure which throbbing you wanted to quiet more—the throbbing between your legs or the throbbing from your heartbeat against your chest. All those daydreams about rubbing your swollen pussy lips all over Erik’s face until you came. Now that the both of you crossed yet another line——the touching and kissing line, there was no telling what would happen next. Sex after hours in the office on his desk? Walks to the parking lot only to fuck in the back seat of his car? Happy hour on Friday evenings only to get drunk and have sex at his penthouse? 
“Can I come over to keep you company?” 
“I don’t know, E. This office fling situation can fuck with both of our jobs.” You nibble on your bottom lip the second his lips came into contact with your throat. 
“Nobody gotta know,” his plush lips sought out yours again, “It can be our little secret, baby.” 
“But what if someone does find out?”
“It won’t happen like that, trust me,” Erik grabs your hand to rest against his crotch. Erik was swelled to cum-inspiring proportions, making you want to finger-fuck yourself with mounting enthusiasm. 
“Damn, Erik.” Now you were thinking about this office fling as a carnal delight after hours. 
“I know, right? Imagine me walking around all day, watching you with these big titties...shapely legs...and round ass…”
You had the body, beauty, and brains. That meant that you seldom went unnoticed; especially not by Erik, your work bae. Your slant eyes and supple body reminded him of a jungle cat that, when tamed, purred like a kitten. He wanted to hear you mewl and whimper in his ear while his dick that was currently twisted and curved in his briefs bounced off the walls of your pussy. He could see the lust in your feline eyes how quickly you noticed his arched appendage. You were probably fantasizing about what wonderful things it could do for your G-spot. 
“Keep looking at me like that and watch I finger-fuck this pussy right here,” Erik’s eyes went down to look at the Apple watch on his wrist, “It’s almost that time to eat. I’m tryna eat something else though…”
“Eat me?” You couldn’t control that slipping from your mouth. 
“Slob on this yummy pussy,” his hand was between your legs now, caressing the outside of your saturated panties, “You gonna feed me?”
“Where?” You whisper.
“Shit, we can go to my car for lunch. I got tinted windows.” Erik was desperate to slide his tongue inside you. 
“Erik, this is crazy.” You laugh faintly before he took your face into his hands, gazed into your eyes, and kissed you so urgently it felt as if you were floating away. You could think of nothing else but how good he made you feel. Erik explores your mouth with his tongue, not wanting you to miss an inch of how skilled he was using his mouth. 
“You’ll be begging me to make this pussy feel good in a minute.”
You were relentless with your hands squeezing the weight of Erik’s curved erection in his black slacks. You really wanted to untuck his dress shirt, get down on your knees, and suck him with a wide-open mouth. Keep your mouth as wide-open as was physically possible—anxiously awaiting your reward. 
“Don’t worry babe,” Erik gently pulls your hand away from his crotch, “wait for lunch and you can have me all to yourself, okay?”
You waited and waited. As soon as Erik left that lounge to go back to his desk a last-minute meeting was called and of course, you had to attend as well. Everyone got up from their designated spots to head to the conference room. You squeezed into the same elevator cart as Erik, moving to the back so you could be near him. On purpose, you settle in front of him. Erik’s hand reached out to play with your thick ass while you focused on your phone. That only lasted for about ten seconds because now you were on the 6th floor. Hungry for his touch again you allow everyone else to leave so he could slap your ass. 
During the hour-long meeting, both of your eyes would meet and knowing smiles would appear on both of your faces. You didn’t like the fact that Demetria was seated next to him with her cleavage hanging out from her black blazer. She tried her best to make Erik notice her but he didn’t give a fuck about her thirsty actions. 
It was well past lunchtime and most of the office had gone to either the food court in the building or outside to find something different to eat for a change. Your stomach was rumbling waiting for Erik. Groaning, you put your computer to sleep before grabbing your Chanel bag to leave for lunch by yourself. It wasn’t Erik’s fault, you knew that, but you couldn’t help being upset and sexually frustrated. No pussy eating or dick sucking in his G Wagon 550 SUV in a desert silver metallic color. 
Eating alone was boring and lonely. You played with your Caesar salad and hardly even toughed the veggie lasagna. How were you supposed to feed your appetite when it was salivating for dick? You were so excited to finally hook up with Erik. Checking the time on your phone, you had about two hours left in your shift. You pack away the food and decide to save it for dinner tonight. Standing up, you push in the silver chair at the food court table, walking away with a click-clack of your So Kate pumps. You thumb the elevator button before slipping a piece of gum into your mouth. The doors open up and you enter, turning to watch them shut as your reflection appeared. 
Ping ping
Erik -where did you go?
-To lunch. I was hungry.
Erik- Really? Why didn’t you wait for me?
-Because I was STARVING. Plus, you were busy.
Erik- I’m not busy anymore. Where are you now?
-Heading back upstairs.
Erik- I’ll wait for you.
-Erik, I have to go back to work!
Erik- fuck that you know what I want.
DING. Fifth Floor.
“Told you I’ll wait for you,” He smiles at you dangerously. 
You almost swallow your gum the way he approached you. You and him, alone in that elevator. Erik kisses your lips, savoring the minty taste from the gum. He pulled back, taking his thumb to wipe the spit from his bottom lip. He turns around to press the 4th-floor button since that’s were the garage entrance was. Suddenly you were shaking in your pumps. It was really going to happen. Finally, your pussy wouldn’t feel painfully neglected. Finally, you could have the touch of a man on your body after an entire month. 
“Are you okay?” Erik asked while looking down at you. 
“Yeah, I’m cool,” you give him a reassuring smile.
DING. Fourth Floor.
Down a hallway and through the garage door you both went with your hand in Erik’s. You walk along the concrete ground as your ears took in the sounds of sirens and car horns honking in the middle of traffic. His G-Wagon was parked in a private spot. Erik took his keys out of his suit jacket and unlocked it with a click of a button, even started it up as well. You could hear the engine rumble. The large SUV vibrates as the sound of his radio playing blasted through the speakers. Erik opened the back door, reclining the backseats to lay flat like a bed. He takes off his suit jacket, tossing it in the passenger seat before turning to you, lifting you up, and sitting you in the back. 
Once there, you take off your heels and place them far enough away so Erik and you could have plenty of space. Erik sat down, leaning forward to remove his shoes. After that, he unbuttoned his dress shirt before pulling it off and balling it up to toss at the front with his suit jacket. He finally turns, crawling his large chiseled body towards you with playful eyes.
“Is that pussy still as wet as it was earlier today? Can I taste that kitty?”
Erik pulled your legs, laying you down on your back. He was on his knees between your legs, opening them wide causing your skirt to lift and bunch around your waist. He came face to face with that phat puss covered in wet fabric. Your voice was stuck in your throat. Erik takes both of his masculine hands to pull down your already saturated panties, spreading open your legs further, and staring at that pink pussy coated with cream. He could smell your scent. His car smelling like your wet pussy. 
“Yeah, this pussy still sloppy,” Erik listened to you purr as he flicked your clit with his thumb. Erik continues to do this while slapping your pussy with his fingers. Each time he slapped your pussy, your juices would build and build to the point of making puddles beneath your ass in his car. 
“Can I stuff this pussy with my fingers now,” Erik licked his thick fingers clean, “I wanna squeeze in there deep, baby girl.” 
“Yes,” Your cunt was starving.
“Good, girl.” 
He plunged first one, then two, then three fingers deep inside your pussy, flickering at your clit at the same time. He was directly over your G spot with the pads of his fingers repeatedly rubbing you there. Your legs went wider and wider. The sound of your succulent pussy increased in such severity that it was almost deafening. Your moans mixed with the sound of The palm of Erik’s hand slapping your cunt each time he finger-fucked you had him grunting and groaning.
“Faster, faster,” You called out while gyrating your hips to fuck his fingers. 
“There you go, fuck my fingers, just like that, get it, baby,” Erik bites his lip, “look at you ready to bust a nut on my hand, mmm, get that shit, baby.”
A rush of juices flooded the back seat. Erik’s eyes grew wide as your fingers tightened around him. That liquid poured each time he moved his fingers inside of you. All you could do was moan and shake beneath him. Your ass was glued to that surface. 
“Damn, Y/N.” Erik takes his fingers out slowly before licking them clean. He got up on his knees to reach into his trunk, bringing a Puma gym bag over towards him. He opened it with his wet hands, pulling out a thick black towel that was wrapped in a body wash. Erik places that towel beneath your ass to soak up your mess. 
“Making a mess in my fucking car.” 
“I’m sorry,” You cover your face with embarrassment, “I do that a lot.”
“Don’t apologize about that, ma, I don’t give a fuck. Keep doing it like that on these fingers. Better yet...do it like that on my tongue,” Erik laid flat on his stomach, “You can squirt in Daddy’s mouth too.” 
Erik began lapping away at your pussy with such zeal that you were squirming and squealing within minutes. With the flat of his tongue, Erik assaulted your pussy with such a lashing that your legs turned to jello. Erik then probed ever so deeply inside your dripping wet pussy with his pointed tongue, tongue-fucking your slot until your eyes rolled up into your head. He found your throbbing, erect clit and tortured you sweetly with licks and nibbles that sent electric charges throughout your entire body. Grabbing your thighs to squeeze, feasting on that syrupy pussy, Erik’s dick dripped pre-cum in anticipation of your walls capturing his dick and holding tight, while he thrust himself deeper and deeper inside of you. 
“Damn, ma, I’m literally drinking this pussy dry.” 
“You make me feel so good! Make me feel good, Erik.”
Erik’s tongue circled around your pussy. Each time he did that your hips would jerk. He was fighting that pussy back with his lips and tongue each time you pumped your hips. You gazed into his dark, sexy eyes and increased the movement of your hips. 
“Oh, fuck!” Erik wrapped his whole mouth around your pussy and started slurping. All Erik could think about was how good you tasted and the heat radiating from your pussy. 
“Shit tastes so good, girl,” He licked his plate clean, “fuck, look at my dick.”
His shit was twisted and curved to the right in those pants. Erik got on his knees to undo his pants. He let out a long sigh of relief the minute his pants and briefs made it down his thighs, resting at his knees. He sat down and pulled the rest of his clothes off, now he was naked from the waist down. You watch his thick dick jerk in his hand. That dick looked like it could bench press a barbell with how hard he was as Erik slid his hand up and down his burgeoning erection. His dick skyrocketed to its highest capacity causing your mouth to drool. Erik pointed out that dick at your mouth. Doing that caused his slit to open and show you his pre-cum waiting to be sucked out. 
“Come suck me, baby,” His grip was so tight on his dick.
You obeyed every word and sucked him up into your mouth. Damn, Erik was a big boy. So girthy and veiny. Intimidating for sure. His tip blossomed so thickly your lips had a hard time wrapping around it to suck. Erik with a C ain’t have nothing on this dick. A beautiful slab of tasty meat gliding across your tongue and poking the back of your throat. 
“Damn, this is how you do it, ma? You should have warned a nigga first.”
He held the back of your head to guide your mouth lower. Each time he did that, he would grunt and whisper oh, my God, which made you super wet. All you wanted him to do was splatter your mouth with his cum. He was already so close to detonation so you opened up as wide as you could stretch to fill him all the way in. 
“DAYUM!!!” Erik bellowed, “Good girl, don’t waste a fucking drop when I bust in this pretty mouth. Never.”
You graduated from plain old hungry to ravenous. That cum of his sputtering and spurting forth was your reward. The suctioning noise of your hand jerking him empty into your throat mixed with Erik’s deep moans made your pussy convulse around nothing even though you could feel it dripping. You slapped his ever-expanding dick against your tongue. 
“Shit,” Erik looked from his wet dick to your face, “Baby girl, I ain’t cum this hard in a minute from getting head.” 
You plant kisses all over his dick, working yourself up to more sucking, “I can give you more, Daddy.”
“Give me more of that mouth,” Erik played with your braids, “Swallow my shit and lick my balls.”
“Mmm, okay, Daddy.”
Erik’s eyes rolled back when your lips would suck and then pop off his sack. He had to control himself from cumming in your hair. 
“Shit doesn’t make no sense,” Erik looked at you with disbelief before a strangled look filled with passion overtook his features. 
“Fffuckkk!!!” He groaned as he blasted inside your mouth with his sweet, sticky offering. You ran your index finger over your bottom lip to retrieve a dollop of cum. That only left you more famished than before causing you to enthusiastically slurp on his rigid pipe again until it was damn near raw and your pussy was sopping wet. 
“Y/N,” Erik’s fingers were tight in your hair. You tasted a bit of leftover cum from his slit with your hungry tongue. 
Ring Ring 
Erik’s cell was going off. 
“Shit,” He reached into his pants pockets while you jerked his dick. He answered his phone with an annoyed expression. 
“What’s going on, Greg,” Greg was a fellow Environmental Engineer, “What? Right now?” Erik closed his eyes before tossing his head back, “Okay, give me ten minutes.” 
Erik hung up his phone. 
“We gotta go, ma,” You could hear the disappointment in his voice, “Supposedly it’s something urgent about Alaska.” 
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “Should I be worried about the trip?”
Erik gave you a soft smile, “Nah, Alaska is happening regardless. Don’t worry, bae, we good.” 
You pulled your skirt down and placed your wet panties in your bag. You watched Erik fasten his belt in place before he opened the back door to let some air in. You rose from the car, Erik helping you put on your pumps before placing you on your feet. Digging into your bag you sprayed yourself with a little of your Chanel No.5, hoping to camouflage the lingering scent of sex. 
Looking in Erik’s rearview mirror, you fix your lipgloss and clothes, everything else good to go. Erik was currently spraying himself down with some Gucci cologne from his Puma gym bag and buttoning his suit jacket. He looked just as crisp as he did when he came in this morning. 
“You still ain’t answer my question, beautiful.” 
“What question,” Erik grabs your hand while the both of you walked back inside.
“Can I keep you company later?” 
You chew on your bottom lip in thought. Eric with the C, your actual boyfriend, might call you later and you didn’t want Erik with the K to be around to raise suspicion. Still, no word from Eric and the longer that happened the more you didn’t give a fuck. 
“Am I pressing too much?” Erik asks with soft eyes.
“No, no,” you reassured him, “I just think it would be better to come to your place instead. That’s all.”
“We can do that,” Erik walked towards you with his body pressed into yours, “Bring an overnight bag. You’re not going back home.”
His lips attacked your throat again, sucking and licking you there.
“I ain’t give my work bae some dick yet so you know I gotta take care of you,” His hands found their way back between your legs and on your sensitive pussy, “You gonna let me do that for you?” He asked huskily.
“Oh, Daddy, please do,” you responded.
You got home around 6:30 PM. You showered, finished the rest of your lunch since your appetite for dick was satisfied and drank a little bit of red wine. 
Surprised, shocked, nervous, you decided to wear a black velour tracksuit with your Fenty slides to Erik’s place and packed away everything else you needed on a faux fur tote bag. Phone sitting on the charger, you go to check it since you received a few notifications since coming home.
Eric with the C.
Eric- I’m alright. Sorry for the lack of communication. Really busy.
-that’s okay. Be safe.
He didn’t respond back. 
No I love you, I miss you, I’m thinking about you, nothing. 
Luckily the picture Erik sent to you made up for that. It was a shower picture. From his broad shoulders down to his well-knit waist with that v cut covered in soap and water. You had the urge to satisfy the cries leaking from your pussy at the moment. You had half the mind to pull your pants down and finger-fuck your pussy into multiple orgasms leaving your slit covered in sticky cum for him to find. How dare he tease you like that? Since you were spending the night you can look forward to shower with him. This entire fling had your skin tingling. Your fingers scrolled down to read the texts he left you. You really wished you hadn’t because now you were whimpering. 
Erik- Can’t wait for you to put that work in for Daddy.
Erik- where you at? I’m tryna put this thang in your gut.
Erik- want me to come to get you?
He was blowing you up. Eric with the C never did this.
-Hey, sorry, I was getting my things together. You don’t have to pick me up.
Erik- too late. 
You walk to your living room to find Erik parked outside. He was typing away on his phone. 
Ping Ping 
Erik- Stop making me wait, girl. 
You grab your bag, phone, and keys before locking up and leaving. Walking down your cobblestone trail, Erik hops out of his car, walking around to meet you. He was wearing a black Burberry ribbed beanie with a Pyer Moss color block Reebok windbreaker tracksuit on and the same brand of shoes on his feet. He tongued you down before taking your bag to place in the back seat that was now cleaned and placed normally. Erik opened your door to help you up inside before shutting it to return to the driver's side. You watched him walk all the way around and get inside with sultry eyes. With his hand on your upper thigh, he drove off and towards his Penthouse.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/the-benefits-of-sleep-meditation/
The Benefits of Sleep Meditation
Meditation is not only a great tool for awakening the mind and energizing the body. In fact, there’s such a thing as sleep meditation—which helps quiet the mind and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Meditation is non-negotiable when it comes to my everyday routine.
Most of the time, my meditation practice consists of dragging my Sugarmat meditation cushion out from under my living room couch into the small area of floor space I have in my tiny New York City apartment. From there, I pull out my smart phone, launch the Calm app, and listen to the #dailycalm—a 10-minute guided meditation led my Tamara Levitt. While the guided meditation I listen to changes every day, I can always count on learning something new and finding my center in 10 minutes flat. On days I have more time, I go to MNDFL, a meditation studio in Manhattan and Brooklyn, for a longer sit.
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I have been using the Calm app for more than a year and have found that holding myself accountable to meditating 10 minutes a day is realistic. Even better, it has had a noticeable impact on my life. I’m, well, calmer. I feel more grounded. I’m less likely to react to things like a pushy New Yorker or late subway train.
See also Can’t Sleep? Try These 6 Restorative Poses Right in Bed
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Thanks for watching!Visit Website
So, while I’m not someone who struggles to fall asleep, I do notice that even after 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye, fatigue hits me throughout the day. I’ll be answering e-mails trying to fight the urge to curl up for a 20-minute power nap. (I work from home most days, so this is especially tempting.) Or, I’ll have to do something for a quick hit of energy—pounding a pint of water, or dancing around my living room—after a long day of work and before I teach yoga in the evening. Could my quality of shut-eye be lacking? And could sleep meditation help?
To answer these questions, I set a goal to try 30 days of guided sleep meditation every night before bed. Disclosure: There were a few nights that I bailed on my bedtime meditations because, well, life. But after at least 25 days of sleep meditation, I have a lot to say about the practice.
Sleep Meditation: What’s Happening in Calm Sleep Stories?
I started my month-long sleep meditation adventure using the Calm app, which has a feature called “Sleep Stories.” Essentially, it’s a library filled with soothing bedtime tales for grown-ups, narrated by the dreamiest of voices (think Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, Stephen Fry, and Calm’s very own, Tamara Levitt).
“We integrate mindfulness elements into sleep stories in a very deliberate way, giving the stories a grounding, calming quality,” says Christian Slomka, Calm’s community manager and a yoga and mediation instructor. “Instead of an elaborate buildup, Sleep Stories are a gradual unwind.”
There are three main elements of Calm’s sleep stories:
1. Find an Anchor Slomka says the sleep stories are geared to helping listeners focus their attention on an anchor—usually the breath—to quiet the mind and help shift the listener away from overactive thoughts. As the character in the story travels along her journey, she is fully immersed in the present moment. The thinking is that the listener will experience this immersion along with the sleep story’s character.
2. Practice Body Awareness and Relaxation Techniques Another mindfulness element that sleep stories touch on is body awareness and relaxation. When a story opens, the narrator walks the listener through a brief body scan exercise to help quiet the mind and relax the body. Throughout the story, the character also scans through her sensations, and the hope is that the listener does the same.
3. Sensory Awareness The way the scenes in each sleep story are described cultivates a sense of sensory awareness. Mindfulness involves perceiving ordinary moments with curiosity, a beginner’s mind, and a sense of wonder, says Slomka. One way to experience this is by coming into contact with nature. The idea is to observe the beauty of nature in all its exquisite detail: the colors of a flower, the movements of a bird, the sounds of a river, the smells of a forest. This attentive observation keeps the listener in present moment awareness.
See also Get Your Sit Together: 7 Best Meditation Cushions to Support Your Practice
Week 1 of Sleep Meditation: Am I doing this “right”?
Imagine the quintessential New York City hustle—then, imagine me in it.
I wake up at 5 a.m. on the regular, teach yoga in the morning, work out, plow through a full work day, and sometimes even teach yoga again at night. So, you’d better believe that when my head hits the pillow at night, I’m out like a light. When I began this challenge, I decided to make a conscious effort to not only try to go to bed early, but to actually start winding down before leaping under the covers (a.k.a. not scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix before bed). Sounds dreamy, right?
The first week of my sleep meditation was extremely frustrating. Maybe it was because I’m impatient and didn’t notice a difference after a few days. Or maybe it’s because this sleep meditation challenge just felt like another task on my long to-do list at first. Also, I would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of each 25-minute sleep story, which, looking back, was a good sign. But during the first few days, I was annoyed at my inability to stay awake and listen to more of the story.
But around day 5, I discovered that Calm’s sleep stories were designed to mimic the kind of bedtime stories most of us experienced when we were kids, which means the whole point of them was to lull me into a deep, restful sleep—not keep me awake, on the edge of my seat.
At the end of my first week of sleep meditation, I stopped judging myself for whether or not I was doing it “correctly” and focused instead on how grateful I was to be able to fall asleep.
See also This Simple Meditation Will Help You Get in Touch with Your True Self
Week 2 of Sleep Meditation: Building Intention and Awareness Around Sleep
After the first week, incorporating sleep meditation into my nightly routine became second nature. I would climb into bed, ignore any lingering texts, switch my phone to sleep mode, and turn on my sleep story. From the moment each sleep story began, my mind started to move with the story. However, my skepticism continued. Was this new practice really helping my quality of sleep—or would I have gone to sleep just as easily without the guided meditation?
It wasn’t until I went a day without the sleep story that I realized how much of an impact it was having on me. On night No. 12, I skipped my sleep story—and I woke up every hour, on the hour.
Whether it was the intention behind setting myself up for sleep, or something about these sleep meditations that was improving my sleep quality, I realized that if I wanted to sleep well, I would have to make an effort to do so—not just let my head hit the pillow.
See also The 9-Minute Meditation You Need to Create More Space in Life
Sleep meditation can help improve the quality of sleep.
Week 3 of Sleep Meditation: Appreciation
On Day 16, my appreciation for sleep meditation hit an all-time high. A few minutes in to my sleep story, I noticed my attention effortlessly shifted from what had happened that day and what I had to do the next day to the story. It was almost like the person leading the sleep story gave me the permission I needed to let go of the day and let my mind and body go to sleep—instantly. I started looking forward to my sleep meditations—a sign any seasoned meditator will tell you is one that means your new meditation habit will likely stick.
See also 7 Simple Ways to Call in More Joy—and Feel Less Stressed
Week 4 of Sleep Meditation: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
The final week of my 30-day sleep meditation challenge was filled with travel, holiday crazies, and pretty much zero normalcy when it came to my sleep. Which is why I went a few days without sleep stories each night.
The result? After a typical 7 hours of snoozing, I woke up feeling tired and sluggish—not well-rested, like I had been after falling asleep to my sleep meditation. Which is when it hit me: Just like my daily meditation practice keeps me energized and focused during the day, the quality of my sleep is determined by what happens right before I go to sleep.
My biggest realization at the end of this month-long challenge is that whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, how you set yourself up for sleep is critical.
Thanks to sleep meditation, I’ve seen a dramatic shift in my sleeping habits. Even when I don’t listen to a sleep story to help me drift off, I am way more conscious of the way I set myself up to go to sleep. And for those nights when I do feel like I could use a little help, I know a sweet bedtime tale read by Matthew McConaughey is just a click away.
See also This One Simple Practice Will Change How You Feel About Yourself
About the Author Bridget “Bee” Creel is the editorial producer for Yoga Journal. She works as a yoga teacher in NYC and is the co-founder of the wellness community, Mood Room. 
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chocolate-brownies · 6 years
YJ Tried It: 30 Days of Guided Sleep Meditation
YJ Tried It: 30 Days of Guided Sleep Meditation:
Want to snag more (and better quality) sleep, and always wondered if meditating at night might help? See what happens when one Yoga Journal editor tries 30 days of sleep meditation.
Meditation is not only a great tool for awakening the mind and energizing the body. In fact, there’s such a thing as sleep meditation—which helps quiet the mind and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Meditation is non-negotiable when it comes to my everyday routine.
Most of the time, my meditation practice consists of dragging my Sugarmat meditation cushion out from under my living room couch into the small area of floor space I have in my tiny New York City apartment. From there, I pull out my smart phone, launch the Calm app, and listen to the #dailycalm—a 10-minute guided meditation led my Tamara Levitt. While the guided meditation I listen to changes every day, I can always count on learning something new and finding my center in 10 minutes flat. On days I have more time, I go to MNDFL, a meditation studio in Manhattan and Brooklyn, for a longer sit.
I have been using the Calm app for more than a year and have found that holding myself accountable to meditating 10 minutes a day is realistic. Even better, it has had a noticeable impact on my life. I’m, well, calmer. I feel more grounded. I’m less likely to react to things like a pushy New Yorker or late subway train.
See also Can’t Sleep? Try These 6 Restorative Poses Right in Bed
So, while I’m not someone who struggles to fall asleep, I do notice that even after 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye, fatigue hits me throughout the day. I’ll be answering e-mails trying to fight the urge to curl up for a 20-minute power nap. (I work from home most days, so this is especially tempting.) Or, I’ll have to do something for a quick hit of energy—pounding a pint of water, or dancing around my living room—after a long day of work and before I teach yoga in the evening. Could my quality of shut-eye be lacking? And could sleep meditation help?
To answer these questions, I set a goal to try 30 days of guided sleep meditation every night before bed. Disclosure: There were a few nights that I bailed on my bedtime meditations because, well, life. But after at least 25 days of sleep meditation, I have a lot to say about the practice.
Sleep Meditation: What’s Happening in Calm Sleep Stories?
I started my month-long sleep meditation adventure using the Calm app, which has a feature called “Sleep Stories.” Essentially, it’s a library filled with soothing bedtime tales for grown-ups, narrated by the dreamiest of voices (think Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, Stephen Fry, and Calm’s very own, Tamara Levitt).
“We integrate mindfulness elements into sleep stories in a very deliberate way, giving the stories a grounding, calming quality,” says Christian Slomka, Calm’s community manager and a yoga and mediation instructor. “Instead of an elaborate buildup, Sleep Stories are a gradual unwind.”
There are three main elements of Calm’s sleep stories:
1. Find an Anchor Slomka says the sleep stories are geared to helping listeners focus their attention on an anchor—usually the breath—to quiet the mind and help shift the listener away from overactive thoughts. As the character in the story travels along her journey, she is fully immersed in the present moment. The thinking is that the listener will experience this immersion along with the sleep story’s character.
2. Practice Body Awareness and Relaxation Techniques Another mindfulness element that sleep stories touch on is body awareness and relaxation. When a story opens, the narrator walks the listener through a brief body scan exercise to help quiet the mind and relax the body. Throughout the story, the character also scans through her sensations, and the hope is that the listener does the same.
3. Sensory Awareness The way the scenes in each sleep story are described cultivates a sense of sensory awareness. Mindfulness involves perceiving ordinary moments with curiosity, a beginner’s mind, and a sense of wonder, says Slomka. One way to experience this is by coming into contact with nature. The idea is to observe the beauty of nature in all its exquisite detail: the colors of a flower, the movements of a bird, the sounds of a river, the smells of a forest. This attentive observation keeps the listener in present moment awareness.
See also Get Your Sit Together: 7 Best Meditation Cushions to Support Your Practice
Week 1 of Sleep Meditation: Am I doing this “right”?
Imagine the quintessential New York City hustle—then, imagine me in it.
I wake up at 5 a.m. on the regular, teach yoga in the morning, work out, plow through a full work day, and sometimes even teach yoga again at night. So, you’d better believe that when my head hits the pillow at night, I’m out like a light. When I began this challenge, I decided to make a conscious effort to not only try to go to bed early, but to actually start winding down before leaping under the covers (a.k.a. not scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix before bed). Sounds dreamy, right?
The first week of my sleep meditation was extremely frustrating. Maybe it was because I’m impatient and didn’t notice a difference after a few days. Or maybe it’s because this sleep meditation challenge just felt like another task on my long to-do list at first. Also, I would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of each 25-minute sleep story, which, looking back, was a good sign. But during the first few days, I was annoyed at my inability to stay awake and listen to more of the story.
But around day 5, I discovered that Calm’s sleep stories were designed to mimic the kind of bedtime stories most of us experienced when we were kids, which means the whole point of them was to lull me into a deep, restful sleep—not keep me awake, on the edge of my seat.
At the end of my first week of sleep meditation, I stopped judging myself for whether or not I was doing it “correctly” and focused instead on how grateful I was to be able to fall asleep.
See also This Simple Meditation Will Help You Get in Touch with Your True Self
Week 2 of Sleep Meditation: Building Intention and Awareness Around Sleep
After the first week, incorporating sleep meditation into my nightly routine became second nature. I would climb into bed, ignore any lingering texts, switch my phone to sleep mode, and turn on my sleep story. From the moment each sleep story began, my mind started to move with the story. However, my skepticism continued. Was this new practice really helping my quality of sleep—or would I have gone to sleep just as easily without the guided meditation?
It wasn’t until I went a day without the sleep story that I realized how much of an impact it was having on me. On night No. 12, I skipped my sleep story—and I woke up every hour, on the hour.
Whether it was the intention behind setting myself up for sleep, or something about these sleep meditations that was improving my sleep quality, I realized that if I wanted to sleep well, I would have to make an effort to do so—not just let my head hit the pillow.
See also The 9-Minute Meditation You Need to Create More Space in Life
Sleep meditation can help improve the quality of sleep.
Week 3 of Sleep Meditation: Appreciation
On Day 16, my appreciation for sleep meditation hit an all-time high. A few minutes in to my sleep story, I noticed my attention effortlessly shifted from what had happened that day and what I had to do the next day to the story. It was almost like the person leading the sleep story gave me the permission I needed to let go of the day and let my mind and body go to sleep—instantly. I started looking forward to my sleep meditations—a sign any seasoned meditator will tell you is one that means your new meditation habit will likely stick.
See also 7 Simple Ways to Call in More Joy—and Feel Less Stressed
Week 4 of Sleep Meditation: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
The final week of my 30-day sleep meditation challenge was filled with travel, holiday crazies, and pretty much zero normalcy when it came to my sleep. Which is why I went a few days without sleep stories each night.
The result? After a typical 7 hours of snoozing, I woke up feeling tired and sluggish—not well-rested, like I had been after falling asleep to my sleep meditation. Which is when it hit me: Just like my daily meditation practice keeps me energized and focused during the day, the quality of my sleep is determined by what happens right before I go to sleep.
My biggest realization at the end of this month-long challenge is that whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, how you set yourself up for sleep is critical.
Thanks to sleep meditation, I’ve seen a dramatic shift in my sleeping habits. Even when I don’t listen to a sleep story to help me drift off, I am way more conscious of the way I set myself up to go to sleep. And for those nights when I do feel like I could use a little help, I know a sweet bedtime tale read by Matthew McConaughey is just a click away.
See also This One Simple Practice Will Change How You Feel About Yourself
About the Author Bridget “Bee” Creel is the editorial producer for Yoga Journal. She works as a yoga teacher in NYC and is the co-founder of the wellness community, Mood Room. 
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krisiunicornio · 6 years
Want to snag more (and better quality) sleep, and always wondered if meditating at night might help? See what happens when one Yoga Journal editor tries 30 days of sleep meditation.
Meditation is not only a great tool for awakening the mind and energizing the body. In fact, there’s such a thing as sleep meditation—which helps quiet the mind and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Meditation is non-negotiable when it comes to my everyday routine.
Most of the time, my meditation practice consists of dragging my Sugarmat meditation cushion out from under my living room couch into the small area of floor space I have in my tiny New York City apartment. From there, I pull out my smart phone, launch the Calm app, and listen to the #dailycalm—a 10-minute guided meditation led my Tamara Levitt. While the guided meditation I listen to changes every day, I can always count on learning something new and finding my center in 10 minutes flat. On days I have more time, I go to MNDFL, a meditation studio in Manhattan and Brooklyn, for a longer sit.
I have been using the Calm app for more than a year and have found that holding myself accountable to meditating 10 minutes a day is realistic. Even better, it has had a noticeable impact on my life. I’m, well, calmer. I feel more grounded. I’m less likely to react to things like a pushy New Yorker or late subway train.
See also Can’t Sleep? Try These 6 Restorative Poses Right in Bed
So, while I’m not someone who struggles to fall asleep, I do notice that even after 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye, fatigue hits me throughout the day. I’ll be answering e-mails trying to fight the urge to curl up for a 20-minute power nap. (I work from home most days, so this is especially tempting.) Or, I’ll have to do something for a quick hit of energy—pounding a pint of water, or dancing around my living room—after a long day of work and before I teach yoga in the evening. Could my quality of shut-eye be lacking? And could sleep meditation help?
To answer these questions, I set a goal to try 30 days of guided sleep meditation every night before bed. Disclosure: There were a few nights that I bailed on my bedtime meditations because, well, life. But after at least 25 days of sleep meditation, I have a lot to say about the practice.
Sleep Meditation: What’s Happening in Calm Sleep Stories?
I started my month-long sleep meditation adventure using the Calm app, which has a feature called “Sleep Stories.” Essentially, it’s a library filled with soothing bedtime tales for grown-ups, narrated by the dreamiest of voices (think Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, Stephen Fry, and Calm’s very own, Tamara Levitt).
“We integrate mindfulness elements into sleep stories in a very deliberate way, giving the stories a grounding, calming quality,” says Christian Slomka, Calm's community manager and a yoga and mediation instructor. “Instead of an elaborate buildup, Sleep Stories are a gradual unwind.”
There are three main elements of Calm’s sleep stories:
1. Find an Anchor Slomka says the sleep stories are geared to helping listeners focus their attention on an anchor—usually the breath—to quiet the mind and help shift the listener away from overactive thoughts. As the character in the story travels along her journey, she is fully immersed in the present moment. The thinking is that the listener will experience this immersion along with the sleep story’s character.
2. Practice Body Awareness and Relaxation Techniques Another mindfulness element that sleep stories touch on is body awareness and relaxation. When a story opens, the narrator walks the listener through a brief body scan exercise to help quiet the mind and relax the body. Throughout the story, the character also scans through her sensations, and the hope is that the listener does the same.
3. Sensory Awareness The way the scenes in each sleep story are described cultivates a sense of sensory awareness. Mindfulness involves perceiving ordinary moments with curiosity, a beginner’s mind, and a sense of wonder, says Slomka. One way to experience this is by coming into contact with nature. The idea is to observe the beauty of nature in all its exquisite detail: the colors of a flower, the movements of a bird, the sounds of a river, the smells of a forest. This attentive observation keeps the listener in present moment awareness.
See also Get Your Sit Together: 7 Best Meditation Cushions to Support Your Practice
Week 1 of Sleep Meditation: Am I doing this “right”?
Imagine the quintessential New York City hustle—then, imagine me in it.
I wake up at 5 a.m. on the regular, teach yoga in the morning, work out, plow through a full work day, and sometimes even teach yoga again at night. So, you’d better believe that when my head hits the pillow at night, I’m out like a light. When I began this challenge, I decided to make a conscious effort to not only try to go to bed early, but to actually start winding down before leaping under the covers (a.k.a. not scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix before bed). Sounds dreamy, right?
The first week of my sleep meditation was extremely frustrating. Maybe it was because I’m impatient and didn’t notice a difference after a few days. Or maybe it’s because this sleep meditation challenge just felt like another task on my long to-do list at first. Also, I would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of each 25-minute sleep story, which, looking back, was a good sign. But during the first few days, I was annoyed at my inability to stay awake and listen to more of the story.
But around day 5, I discovered that Calm’s sleep stories were designed to mimic the kind of bedtime stories most of us experienced when we were kids, which means the whole point of them was to lull me into a deep, restful sleep—not keep me awake, on the edge of my seat.
At the end of my first week of sleep meditation, I stopped judging myself for whether or not I was doing it “correctly” and focused instead on how grateful I was to be able to fall asleep.
See also This Simple Meditation Will Help You Get in Touch with Your True Self
Week 2 of Sleep Meditation: Building Intention and Awareness Around Sleep
After the first week, incorporating sleep meditation into my nightly routine became second nature. I would climb into bed, ignore any lingering texts, switch my phone to sleep mode, and turn on my sleep story. From the moment each sleep story began, my mind started to move with the story. However, my skepticism continued. Was this new practice really helping my quality of sleep—or would I have gone to sleep just as easily without the guided meditation?
It wasn’t until I went a day without the sleep story that I realized how much of an impact it was having on me. On night No. 12, I skipped my sleep story—and I woke up every hour, on the hour.
Whether it was the intention behind setting myself up for sleep, or something about these sleep meditations that was improving my sleep quality, I realized that if I wanted to sleep well, I would have to make an effort to do so—not just let my head hit the pillow.
See also The 9-Minute Meditation You Need to Create More Space in Life
Sleep meditation can help improve the quality of sleep.
Week 3 of Sleep Meditation: Appreciation
On Day 16, my appreciation for sleep meditation hit an all-time high. A few minutes in to my sleep story, I noticed my attention effortlessly shifted from what had happened that day and what I had to do the next day to the story. It was almost like the person leading the sleep story gave me the permission I needed to let go of the day and let my mind and body go to sleep—instantly. I started looking forward to my sleep meditations—a sign any seasoned meditator will tell you is one that means your new meditation habit will likely stick.
See also 7 Simple Ways to Call in More Joy—and Feel Less Stressed
Week 4 of Sleep Meditation: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
The final week of my 30-day sleep meditation challenge was filled with travel, holiday crazies, and pretty much zero normalcy when it came to my sleep. Which is why I went a few days without sleep stories each night.
The result? After a typical 7 hours of snoozing, I woke up feeling tired and sluggish—not well-rested, like I had been after falling asleep to my sleep meditation. Which is when it hit me: Just like my daily meditation practice keeps me energized and focused during the day, the quality of my sleep is determined by what happens right before I go to sleep.
My biggest realization at the end of this month-long challenge is that whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, how you set yourself up for sleep is critical.
Thanks to sleep meditation, I’ve seen a dramatic shift in my sleeping habits. Even when I don’t listen to a sleep story to help me drift off, I am way more conscious of the way I set myself up to go to sleep. And for those nights when I do feel like I could use a little help, I know a sweet bedtime tale read by Matthew McConaughey is just a click away.
See also This One Simple Practice Will Change How You Feel About Yourself
About the Author Bridget “Bee” Creel is the editorial producer for Yoga Journal. She works as a yoga teacher in NYC and is the co-founder of the wellness community, Mood Room. 
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amyddaniels · 6 years
YJ Tried It: 30 Days of Guided Sleep Meditation
Want to snag more (and better quality) sleep, and always wondered if meditating at night might help? See what happens when one Yoga Journal editor tries 30 days of sleep meditation.
Meditation is not only a great tool for awakening the mind and energizing the body. In fact, there’s such a thing as sleep meditation—which helps quiet the mind and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Meditation is non-negotiable when it comes to my everyday routine.
Most of the time, my meditation practice consists of dragging my Sugarmat meditation cushion out from under my living room couch into the small area of floor space I have in my tiny New York City apartment. From there, I pull out my smart phone, launch the Calm app, and listen to the #dailycalm—a 10-minute guided meditation led my Tamara Levitt. While the guided meditation I listen to changes every day, I can always count on learning something new and finding my center in 10 minutes flat. On days I have more time, I go to MNDFL, a meditation studio in Manhattan and Brooklyn, for a longer sit.
I have been using the Calm app for more than a year and have found that holding myself accountable to meditating 10 minutes a day is realistic. Even better, it has had a noticeable impact on my life. I’m, well, calmer. I feel more grounded. I’m less likely to react to things like a pushy New Yorker or late subway train.
See also Can’t Sleep? Try These 6 Restorative Poses Right in Bed
So, while I’m not someone who struggles to fall asleep, I do notice that even after 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye, fatigue hits me throughout the day. I’ll be answering e-mails trying to fight the urge to curl up for a 20-minute power nap. (I work from home most days, so this is especially tempting.) Or, I’ll have to do something for a quick hit of energy—pounding a pint of water, or dancing around my living room—after a long day of work and before I teach yoga in the evening. Could my quality of shut-eye be lacking? And could sleep meditation help?
To answer these questions, I set a goal to try 30 days of guided sleep meditation every night before bed. Disclosure: There were a few nights that I bailed on my bedtime meditations because, well, life. But after at least 25 days of sleep meditation, I have a lot to say about the practice.
Sleep Meditation: What’s Happening in Calm Sleep Stories?
I started my month-long sleep meditation adventure using the Calm app, which has a feature called “Sleep Stories.” Essentially, it’s a library filled with soothing bedtime tales for grown-ups, narrated by the dreamiest of voices (think Matthew McConaughey, Leona Lewis, Stephen Fry, and Calm’s very own, Tamara Levitt).
“We integrate mindfulness elements into sleep stories in a very deliberate way, giving the stories a grounding, calming quality,” says Christian Slomka, Calm's community manager and a yoga and mediation instructor. “Instead of an elaborate buildup, Sleep Stories are a gradual unwind.”
There are three main elements of Calm’s sleep stories:
1. Find an Anchor Slomka says the sleep stories are geared to helping listeners focus their attention on an anchor—usually the breath—to quiet the mind and help shift the listener away from overactive thoughts. As the character in the story travels along her journey, she is fully immersed in the present moment. The thinking is that the listener will experience this immersion along with the sleep story’s character.
2. Practice Body Awareness and Relaxation Techniques Another mindfulness element that sleep stories touch on is body awareness and relaxation. When a story opens, the narrator walks the listener through a brief body scan exercise to help quiet the mind and relax the body. Throughout the story, the character also scans through her sensations, and the hope is that the listener does the same.
3. Sensory Awareness The way the scenes in each sleep story are described cultivates a sense of sensory awareness. Mindfulness involves perceiving ordinary moments with curiosity, a beginner’s mind, and a sense of wonder, says Slomka. One way to experience this is by coming into contact with nature. The idea is to observe the beauty of nature in all its exquisite detail: the colors of a flower, the movements of a bird, the sounds of a river, the smells of a forest. This attentive observation keeps the listener in present moment awareness.
See also Get Your Sit Together: 7 Best Meditation Cushions to Support Your Practice
Week 1 of Sleep Meditation: Am I doing this “right”?
Imagine the quintessential New York City hustle—then, imagine me in it.
I wake up at 5 a.m. on the regular, teach yoga in the morning, work out, plow through a full work day, and sometimes even teach yoga again at night. So, you’d better believe that when my head hits the pillow at night, I’m out like a light. When I began this challenge, I decided to make a conscious effort to not only try to go to bed early, but to actually start winding down before leaping under the covers (a.k.a. not scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix before bed). Sounds dreamy, right?
The first week of my sleep meditation was extremely frustrating. Maybe it was because I’m impatient and didn’t notice a difference after a few days. Or maybe it’s because this sleep meditation challenge just felt like another task on my long to-do list at first. Also, I would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of each 25-minute sleep story, which, looking back, was a good sign. But during the first few days, I was annoyed at my inability to stay awake and listen to more of the story.
But around day 5, I discovered that Calm’s sleep stories were designed to mimic the kind of bedtime stories most of us experienced when we were kids, which means the whole point of them was to lull me into a deep, restful sleep—not keep me awake, on the edge of my seat.
At the end of my first week of sleep meditation, I stopped judging myself for whether or not I was doing it “correctly” and focused instead on how grateful I was to be able to fall asleep.
See also This Simple Meditation Will Help You Get in Touch with Your True Self
Week 2 of Sleep Meditation: Building Intention and Awareness Around Sleep
After the first week, incorporating sleep meditation into my nightly routine became second nature. I would climb into bed, ignore any lingering texts, switch my phone to sleep mode, and turn on my sleep story. From the moment each sleep story began, my mind started to move with the story. However, my skepticism continued. Was this new practice really helping my quality of sleep—or would I have gone to sleep just as easily without the guided meditation?
It wasn’t until I went a day without the sleep story that I realized how much of an impact it was having on me. On night No. 12, I skipped my sleep story—and I woke up every hour, on the hour.
Whether it was the intention behind setting myself up for sleep, or something about these sleep meditations that was improving my sleep quality, I realized that if I wanted to sleep well, I would have to make an effort to do so—not just let my head hit the pillow.
See also The 9-Minute Meditation You Need to Create More Space in Life
Sleep meditation can help improve the quality of sleep.
Week 3 of Sleep Meditation: Appreciation
On Day 16, my appreciation for sleep meditation hit an all-time high. A few minutes in to my sleep story, I noticed my attention effortlessly shifted from what had happened that day and what I had to do the next day to the story. It was almost like the person leading the sleep story gave me the permission I needed to let go of the day and let my mind and body go to sleep—instantly. I started looking forward to my sleep meditations—a sign any seasoned meditator will tell you is one that means your new meditation habit will likely stick.
See also 7 Simple Ways to Call in More Joy—and Feel Less Stressed
Week 4 of Sleep Meditation: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
The final week of my 30-day sleep meditation challenge was filled with travel, holiday crazies, and pretty much zero normalcy when it came to my sleep. Which is why I went a few days without sleep stories each night.
The result? After a typical 7 hours of snoozing, I woke up feeling tired and sluggish—not well-rested, like I had been after falling asleep to my sleep meditation. Which is when it hit me: Just like my daily meditation practice keeps me energized and focused during the day, the quality of my sleep is determined by what happens right before I go to sleep.
My biggest realization at the end of this month-long challenge is that whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, how you set yourself up for sleep is critical.
Thanks to sleep meditation, I’ve seen a dramatic shift in my sleeping habits. Even when I don’t listen to a sleep story to help me drift off, I am way more conscious of the way I set myself up to go to sleep. And for those nights when I do feel like I could use a little help, I know a sweet bedtime tale read by Matthew McConaughey is just a click away.
See also This One Simple Practice Will Change How You Feel About Yourself
About the Author Bridget “Bee” Creel is the editorial producer for Yoga Journal. She works as a yoga teacher in NYC and is the co-founder of the wellness community, Mood Room. 
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