#I liked playing as weevil and rex and bonz okay
hauntedtotem · 9 months
i know the entire ygo fandom clowns on duel links but I actually miss playing duel links so much 💔
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
In the White Light - Prideshipping fanfic Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Queen of Games
“Phew!” Despite what everyone had been through, Joey felt relieved to feel the earth beneath his feet once more. “I think we better get out of here before we get covered in zombie goo.”
“I concur,” spoke Téa. “I think we’ve learned enough information for one day. Don’t you think so, pharaoh?”
“…” Yami Yugi’s breathed shallowly as he stared at the ground while kneeling.
“Pharaoh? You okay, man?” Joey offered a hand for Yami Yugi to take.
“I… I had no idea… That Anubis killed my father… And that Seto… He died trying to save me!”
Though his other friends tried to calm Yami Yugi down, they all failed. That is, until Kaiba came up to him and spoke to him bluntly, “Pharaoh! Snap out of it! That’s all in the past! Don’t you remember what you said back at Dartz’ lair? Through these new bodies, we may live again.”
“M-My love…” Yami Yugi stopped crying and used Kaiba as a crutch to get up. “Forgive me. I lied to you about your powers. All this time, I didn’t know that you can’t just transform into the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon… you are the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.”
“Personally, being a dragon is what I’ve always wanted. Just you wait until we get back to Domino City. Then everyone will know who is the real queen of games.”
“Pfft… So you acknowledge you’re the one on the bottom?”
“If I wasn’t so damned tired, I would stick a dragon claw up your ass for that, Wheeler.”
“Oh come on, Joey.” Yugi cut in. “The sex life of those two is no business of ours.”
“You’re concerned about him but not for me getting threatened?”
Everyone else was laughing at this playful exchange except for Yami Yugi, and Kaiba looked concerned. “Babe? Was it something I said?”
“I…” Before Yami Yugi could say what he wanted to, he heard a familiar snickering from behind Anubis’ giant altar. “Oh!”
“Looks like we have some guests!” Tristan began to walk over. “Could it be… zombies?”
“Tristan, you’ve got to be the dumbest person on the planet to not recognize that laugh.” Joey walked ahead, and sure enough, Weevil Underwood could be found behind the altar. “You dung beetle! You’ve stalked us all this way? Why?”
“I… uh…” Weevil looked to the small white rabbit he cradled in his arms. “You see, I was trying to catch this rabbit, when all of a sudden, he wandered into this spooky chamber.”
“So you’re catching rabbits instead of insects now?” Joey questioned.
“Uh huh!”
Joey looked to the Duel Disks Weevil wore on either arm. “Where did you get that other Duel Disk?”
“Also, I’ve noticed that Raptor isn’t with you,” remarked Tristan.
“He… uh… He ran to the bathroom!”
“Guys, I think you should know something,” Yugi interjected. “I remember hearing in history class that rabbits weren’t domesticated until the Middle Ages. Even at that time, they were native to Europe.”
Before Weevil could fish for another excuse, the rabbit sneezed quietly a few times before doing one loud sneeze, transforming into Rex Raptor.
“Duuuuude…” Téa was no less amazed at Rex’s transformation than she was at Kaiba’s. “I didn’t know that Rex could turn into an animal too!”
“Hahaha!” Tristan teased. “You’re a little wabbit! You’re a little wabbit!”
“Wabbit want a carrot?” Joey happened to find a nearby bunch of carrots and dangled one in front of Rex.
“Well, excuuuuse me, princess! Not all of us can turn into god-like dragons!” Rex glared at Kaiba with jealousy.
Though Kaiba would normally have a retort for that, he looked upon Rex curiously. The rabbit from the vision quest… No, it can’t be. This boy is too daft.
“Now that you’re here,” Yami Yugi spoke up. “I’d like to ask you two something. I’ve heard the two of you survived a Shadow Game. Can you tell me a bit more about the duel?”
“I don’t really remember much…” Rex replied. “The guys we dueled were just two randos that used a bunch of zombie and fiend cards.”
“And…” Weevil shook in fear of recalling that duel. “When we defeated them, they actually died. I didn’t know Duel Monsters could do that to you!”
“You said zombie and fiend cards?” Joey recalled his battles from Duelist Kingdom. “It’s Bonz!”
“Joey, that’s ridiculous,” replied Tristan.
“Well, who else do we know that loves zombie cards so much?”
“Sp-Speaking of zombies…” Weevil alerted everyone to a single zombie that arose from the central altar. “That’s gotta be the biggest zombie I’ve ever seen!”
“AAAAAH!” Out of fear, Rex turned back into a rabbit and buried himself in Weevil’s lap. “Don’t eat me!”
Kaiba vaguely recognized this zombie and shielded his eyes from him.. “I’ve learned my lesson from last time… Don’t look at the penis.”
“You know him, rich boy?”
“Oh, he knows me…” The zombie, now fully formed, cackled.
“Anubis!” Yami Yugi couldn’t believe his eyes. “But how?”
“As the pharaoh, I thought you would know that in our culture, the dead can live again. But then again, you still haven’t regained all of your memories.”
“I would dare say I’ve remembered enough…” Yami Yugi shook in anger when he saw the Pyramid of Light hanging from Anubis’ neck. “Murderer.”
“I would dare say you haven’t! But if you defeat me in a duel right now, I’ll tell you the final piece of the puzzle. No pun intended.”
“Do you mean… Does it have anything to do with my real name?”
“Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t.”
“Seeing as how you’re not going to speak further on the topic…” Yami Yugi’s Duel Disk changed to battle form.
“I’ll even be generous and let you have the first turn,” Anubis spoke as he generated his starting hand out of thin air. “I’m curious to see how you’re going to defeat me without the aid of the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon… Or should I say Seto Kaiba?”
“Pharaoh… You better give him hell.” Kaiba spoke through gritted teeth.
“Then… I summon Berry Magician Girl in attack mode. I use her special ability to add Kiwi Magician Girl to my hand.”
“Are you nuts, pharaoh?” Rex squeaked. “Leaving a 400-attack monster in attack mode?”
“Ugh, the Dweeb Patrol was already annoying before… You better not say anything else stupid, rabbit stew.”
“Y-Yeowch… You got it, Mr. Kaiba… Uh, sir…” Rex watched most of the rest of the duel hiding under Weevil’s hands.
Anubis liked his starting hand and the card he drew, but kept up his usual poker face. “I’ll set a card face down and end my turn.”
I have a chance to attack him directly so soon in the game… But I have a fair idea of what his set card is. “Here’s Lemon Magician Girl in attack mode! Her ability allows me to tribute Berry Magician Girl so I may add Dark Magician to my hand. Now… Lemon Magician Girl! Direct attack! I’ll set a card before ending my turn.”
“All right!” Joey cheered. “Anubis, you’ve gotta draw something real good to make it past next turn!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots…” Kaiba rubbed his temples.
“And that’s where I concur… Except for the pharaoh, of course, for he knows this card well. I reveal my trap, the Pyramid of Light! Now that this card is face up, I pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon both Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia from my hand!”
“Oh… I’m sorry, pharaoh, I just jinxed you.”
“I’ll also use my spell, Remove Trap, to destroy the Pyramid of Light. I take it you remember from our last duel what happens if the Pyramid is destroyed.”
“Yes, which is exactly why I use my counter trap Magic Drain! …You’re not going to summon Theinen, Anubis. I won’t let you.”
“Hrr… So you’ve stayed alive for one more turn. But even if you were live through this duel, your relationship with Kaiba is doomed for failure.”
Yami Yugi drew his next card, and before he summoned it, he demanded, “Elaborate.”
“I’m pretty sure you know by now that you are not meant to exist in the present day. So if you want to stay with Kaiba, then he’ll have to stay here in ancient Egypt with you. That is of course, after the highly unlikely event that he forgoes KaibaCorp.”
Kaiba had come to the grim realization that Anubis told the truth. “You’re asking me… to give up the company I’ve worked hard to build? The one that allows people all over the world to really enjoy dueling?”
Yes, that’s right… Anubis thought. Now’s the time to decide what you truly love most, Kaiba.
“Seto, don’t listen to him!” Mokuba gave Kaiba a firm side hug before glaring at Anubis. “You’re gonna be eating the pharaoh’s dust, ya creep!”
Yami Yugi tried not to let Anubis’ words get to him. “I summon Dreamsprite in defense mode, and after I switch Lemon Magician Girl to defense mode, I’ll end my turn.”
“Looks like you won’t be surviving this turn… For I play the spell Emergency Provisions! I can destroy any of my own spells and traps, and gain 1000 Life Points per card. So not only do I gain the Life Points I paid to summon my sphinxes, but I also get to Special Summon my ace monster from my hand…”
“Theinen the Great Sphinx…” Yami Yugi watched this monster in slight fear.
“I will pay 500 more Life Points to increase my monster’s attack by 3000. And if you thought your monsters are safe in defense mode, you’re wrong… Obedience forces your Dreamsprite into attack mode!”
“But you won’t be attacking her! I use Dreamsprite’s special ability to redirect your attack to my Lemon Magician Girl! Using her special ability, I can summon Dark Magician from my hand and redirect your attack at him.”
“Hmph. You’ve sure got an interesting way of playing tag, pharaoh. Now make your move!”
“So I shall. Draw!” Yami Yugi didn’t expect this unusual draw to be in his deck. “Red-Eyes Fusion?” I’ve never seen this card before! Not even when I was searching my deck for Dark Magician and Kiwi Magician Girl! …Joey. It’s you, isn’t it? Thank you, my friend. But I can’t use your card yet. It’s not enough to defeat Theinen. “I’ll turn Dreamsprite back to defense mode.”
“I can still destroy your Dreamsprite with Theinen, though!”
Another Red-Eyes card! Yami Yugi looked at the card he drew, Return of the Red-Eyes. But is it going to help me? Especially since I don’t have any monsters in my hand right now? “I’ll just set a card face-down.”
“…Now that your Lemon Magician Girl is finally gone, the rest of your Life Points will be as well!”
I don’t want to waste this Red-Eyes Fusion so quickly. But if I must, then I will… Heart of the cards, guide me! …Yes! This Horn of the Unicorn should be enough! “I play a spell, Red-Eyes Fusion, to Fusion Summon Red-Eyes Slash Dragon!”
Joey was too amazed at this monster to speak his mind aloud. Where in the heck did the pharaoh get a Red-Eyes?!
“I also reveal my face-down card, Return of the Red-Eyes, to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon from the Graveyard. Then I’ll equip it with Horn of the Unicorn – and a Warrior monster from my Graveyard – which should be plenty for your Theinen the Great Sphinx to handle!”
“You’ve got a new monster. Big deal! But it’s not big enough to defeat this… I Fusion Summon the strongest Beast monster of all! Master of Oz!”
“Yikes! The thing’s got 4200 attack points! If only you had big bro’s Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.”
Kaiba didn’t have the energy or desire to say “Shut up, Mokuba” aloud.
“Crush that Red-Eyes Slash Dragon, Master of Oz! I would wish you good luck in drawing something good, pharaoh, but not even all of the luck in the world can save you now! Hahahaha!”
“Do you really think so?”
“What are you playing at?”
“These new Red-Eyes cards have all kinds of special abilities! First, I redraw Horn of the Unicorn. I use Return of the Red-Eyes to Special Summon Dark Magician from my Graveyard! I also use my Slash Dragon’s special ability to summon the Warrior monster I used for its Fusion Summon… Evocator Chevalier!”
“And…? Still barely even half the attack points you need to defeat my Master of Oz!”
“I fully recognize that. I equip Evocator Chevalier with Horn of the Unicorn. Using Evocator Chevalier’s special ability, I send its equip spell to the Graveyard…”
“To do what, exactly?”
“Destroy your Master of Oz!”
“…” Anubis quickly realized what was to come, and in his mind, he already conceded defeat.
“Now you’re wide open to attack! Evocator Chevalier and Dark Magician! Attack Anubis’ Life Points directly and finish this duel!”
“Hah…” Anubis knelt, his soul beginning to disintegrate. “Well… done… pharaoh. I do not have much time left, but I suppose I owe you a reward. There is a reason you don’t remember your real name. It is a password that will unlock the true power of your Millennium Puzzle and the Pharaoh’s Incantation. If you want to defeat your final enemy, then you need to remember it at all costs.”
When Anubis had finally disappeared, Joey broke the silence that followed. “He’s gone for good this time, right?”
“Mm. Joey… Thank you.”
“For what? All I did was give you unlucky vibes, thanks to my big mouth.”
“But you snuck those Red-Eyes cards into my deck.”
“Believe me, pharaoh, if those cards were really mine, I would proudly claim them.”
“Then who…”
“Ah… ACHOO!” Rex sneezed, reverting to human form.
“We should change your name to Sneezy,” Joey remarked.
“Very funny, Joey. Pharaoh, those cards are mine. I snuck them into your deck during the vision quest.”
“You were there? I mean… How did you get them in the first place?”
“You forget that Weevil and I once worked for a guy that had every card ever made.”
“But why did you do it?” Yami Yugi gave Rex his cards back.
“Well…” Rex paused as he tried to think of the right words. “I’ve tried being a super villain and I failed miserably at it… I figured I might try to be a good guy for once. Those cards really saved my butt in the tag duel, I’ll have you know.”
Weevil didn’t like this talk of Rex wanting to be one of the “good guys.” “Rex! Where’s your pride as a bad guy and as Joey’s ultimate rival?”
For once, Joey gave Rex a warm smile. “He already is a worthy rival.”
“I… Er… Uh… Thanks, I guess.” Rex blushed happily.
“You, on the other hand, bug boy… You could certainly take a page from Rex’s book.”
“Yeah! At least he plays fairly!” Téa added.
“And to think, you call yourself a worthy rival to the pharaoh…” Kaiba’s eyes narrowed. “Disgusting.”
“Guys, stop it! You don’t know what he’s been through!” Rex gave Weevil a full hug without thinking, and quickly broke that hug.
“Rex, you dino brain!” Weevil mumbled. “You want to let everyone know?”
“I don’t see what the problem is! If the pharaoh is bold enough to let his entire kingdom know about his relationship, then… then surely…”
“No. I don’t trust them.” Weevil trembled with resentment as everyone else in the room glowered at him. “I’ll never trust these jerks!”
“Okay, enough of that!” Joey intervened. “Let’s go find the pharaoh’s real name!”
“My real name… We’re not going to find it here, guys. Let’s return to the palace to rest. We’ve been through a lot today.”
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