#I liked T before Lana but didn’t accept that until I liked Lana
chloe12801 · 1 year
Is there a Lana Del Rey fan Trevor Philips lover connection bc I am seeing a consistent pattern
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kur0m1sblog · 2 years
Dollface & The Greaser.
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summary: You were a soc, and the not really the good type. You always hung out with bob, randy, and his other friends. You just didn’t like greasers, they had nasty grease in there hair, listened to horrible music, and were careless 24/7. There was one greaser and only one that caught your eye, and no it wasn’t that idiotic flirt Dallas Winston. It was Two-Bit Matthews, he was a little nice…always made you laugh from time to time. And you might have caught feelings, but you didn’t even realize it. But obviously a lot of females at school did, he also started noticing too and wanted to make sure his theory of you having a thing for him was correct.
characters: keith “two-bit” matthews
warnings: intimate touching. flirting. minor cussing. kissing.
genre: enemies to lovers. fluff. romance
reader: fem! soc! reader
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
You were digging inside your locker for you’re light pink hair brush, your hair was a tiny bit messy but always wanted it to look perfect. Like you of course. You bent over a little covering the back of your skirt, when you felt a warm pair of hands make their way onto your hips.
“Guess who?~”, The mysterious voice cooed in your ear.
“Two-Bit Matthews, you better get your nasty greaser hands off of my hips before I-!” You yell at him, before you can finish your statement he takes his hands off your hips and you stand up straight. You’re now just realizing how you knew those were his hands, by the warmth, the shape, and the grip he had on your hips.
“Geez, sorry dollface. I knew you were feisty, but not this feisty.” Keith says with his hands shaking up in surrender. You didn’t know if he was trying to piss you off or actually piss you off.
“Why do you even bother me? Go bother Marcia or something. Maybe even become Dallas and go try and talk to Sherri Cherry.” You say as you finally grab your long and beheld light pink hair brush, looking into the white decorated mirror on your locker and fixing your hair.
“Uhhh, cause they’re not as cute as you. Andddd they clearly aren’t catchin’ feelings for me~” Keith finally says and you suddenly start choking on air..?
“W-what?! Ha! Catch feelings for you, as if! Why would I fall for such a hood, that’s nice, sweet, kinda cute, and-“ You were about to finish your sentence until you realized what you were saying.
“Pretend you never heard that! Just pretend this is all you’re imagination!” You panic and wave your hands infront of him with your eyes avoiding his, trying to convince him this is all just a stupid dream.
You then suddenly felt a warm pair of hands, already knowing who it was, wrap around your own pair of hands and entangling it with yours.
“Aww, and ya’ really think all this about me and your over here pretending ya’ hate me?” Two-Bit whispers into your right ear. Sending shivers down you’re spine at the his hot breath hitting your neck.
“I-… look just like I said, pretend this never-!” You try and yell but as you try, you open you’re eyes and finally realize what’s going on. He was kissing you. A grease kissing a soc, infront of other greasers and socs. You are heard multiple gasps, wooing, and more as you had finally kissed him back. Wrapping your arms around his neck and accepting the fact that, now everyone probably knew from this kiss you guys were something way more than just friendly rivals. Not just a greaser always flirting with a mean soc that pretended like she didn’t want to spend a minute of the day on him.
As you broke the kiss you looked up at him shocked, you just stared into his eyes as he stared into your e/c eyes. You didn’t know what to say, you started hearing clacking of multiple heels behind you but you didn’t care. You just slowly went to hug Keith.
“I love you, stupid greaser.” You say taking in his smell which contained of chocolate cake, cigarettes, and beer.
“I love ya’ too, dollface.” Two says, as he’s about to return the hug he didn’t feel your warmth and touch anymore. He looked down a bit to see other female socs dragging you away, yelling at you, saying that you shouldn’t have done that, and that you mind as well be a greaser too.
He just smiles at the sight of you still looking at him, until your friends take a turn and you are no longer seen.
“What a doll.”
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lizzygrantarchives · 12 years
British Vogue, March 2012
Lana Del Rey, pop’s newest seductress, overnight internet sensation – and fashion’s latest crush – has hypnotised with her melancholic songs of bruised hearts. Jess Cartner-Morley catches up with an enigmatic sweetheart.
Our hotel-room rendezvous was billed as an interview; it wasn’t until afterwards that I realised Lana Del Rey turned it into a seduction. She had given straight answers to almost none of my typed list of questions; at the time, I barely noticed and didn’t care. Her voice was rich and slow as treacle, and she sat close to me on the sofa, holding my gaze with eyes hooded and sad beneath those showgirl lashes, weaving a web of half-told stories, making every evasion feel like a heartfelt intimacy. She’s good, this girl, very good.
Lana Del Rey is a siren for the YouTube generation. Last May, when she was an unknown 24-year-old living in New York, singing in clubs in the East Village, she made a video montage on her laptop to accompany “Video Games”, a bruised, melancholy love song she had recorded. The video feels like a homage to American teenage summer love – jumping into swimming pools, a stars-and- stripes flag in the breeze, the view of trees you get when you’re lying on the grass – spliced with film of Lana herself, dolled-up and deadpan, singing into the camera. Within weeks, the video went viral; by the end of the summer, she was an internet sensation with a record deal. Before her album was finished, let alone released, she was selling out gigs and being analysed as a pop-cultural phenomenon in the broadsheets.
There is something very odd about Lana. It is as if a David Lynch character has walked into a music world mostly scripted by Simon Cowell. Her popularity flies in the face of the current accepted wisdom that showing the public how real and normal you are, Adele-style, is the key to success. Lana’s oddness – a sense that there is something spooky or unsettling about her – is what gives her star quality, more than the gorgeous voice, or the beautiful face. The china-doll veneer of her look combined with the sad, sad look in her eye, and her lyrics, which are about heartbreak – not the peppy, let’s-get-back-together-baby version which is the common currency of pop, but real heartbreak.
Lana answers the hotel-room door in Wrangler jeans, T-shirt and white Converse. She is wearing small pearl stud earrings and a silver chain around her neck. She is 25, but looks younger, and the effect of the outfit – combined with her girlish best-behaviour manners and a startling, honking laugh – is teenage-babysitter cute. Except, this being Lana Del Rey, the look is set slightly off- kilter by some extraordinarily vampish nail art and false lashes that look scaled for a Las Vegas nightclub stage. Oh, and the fact that rather than being paid a few dollars for an evening babysitting, she has just stepped off a flight from Beijing, where Dior flew her to sing at a party. (So busy is her schedule, they had to make a two-hour stopover in Heathrow, on her way home to New York, just for this interview.) She sips her soda through a straw, the better to preserve the richly glossed lips – which in the flesh are full but not as cartoonishly so as they appear in her videos, routinely sparking rumours of collagen (these she flatly denies). Her long hair, the colour of a fox’s tail, is set in her trademark Veronica Lake waves; on her left hand she has a tattoo of an M, for her grandmother Madeleine.
She sings about love. Not about flirting or having crushes or first kisses, but the grand amour type of affair that, in art, always ends badly. She wrote the just-released Born to Die album “because even though I can’t be with that person anymore, I still want to honour those memories. I felt like falling in love changed me, neurologically, and the record is about being faithful in my mind to the memory of a particular person.” I ask if it’s all about one specific past relationship, and she giggles and says, “Yeah, definitely.” So I ask if she’s still in contact with him, to which she replies, “Um, I’m in contact with his mother.” This is such an odd answer that I have to ask, is he still around? She fiddles with her hair and chain, and says, “Um, he’s somewhere else, but he’s, um, around, yes.” So of course now I am dying to ask: is he dead? In prison? But she is staring at me wide-eyed, and looks quite panic-stricken, and I have no idea now whether this line of questioning is going to make her cry or whether she’s playing me, but I don’t have the heart to pursue it.
I’d bet that Lana has some stories to tell, if and when she chooses. She has described the album as “a tribute to living life on the wild side”, but when I ask her about this, she says, “I’m sort of kidding, because I’m not that wild anymore.” When I ask how wild she used to be, she winces and says, “Um, pretty wild.” In what way? She winces again and laughs, and says, “Pretty much any way, I guess, but it was a long time ago.” OK, so how long have you been... not wild? “Seven years. I used to drink a lot. Too much. I haven’t had a drink for seven years now.”
Autobiography is never far from the Lana Del Rey story. She was born Lizzy Grant in Lake Placid, a quiet, half-forgotten mountain town at the outer edge of New York state. Her father is a real-estate broker. “It is cold, sub-zero cold, for nine months of the year,” she says. Not much happens in Lake Placid, by the sound of it, and Lana’s family didn’t have a television. At 14, she was sent to boarding school in Connecticut; as a teenager, she says her musical tastes revolved around “Eminem and current rap, and that was about it. I was singing in school, and writing things here and there, but music wasn’t a big part of my life.”
Her interest in music seems to have begun with falling in love with the characters that musicians can make for themselves, rather than in the chords-and-keys sense. One of Lana’s defining memories is seeing, aged 11, the Anton Corbijn-directed music video for Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box”. “I was just floored by it, by seeing Kurt Cobain as a person. I had never seen anything like it.” Aged 18, she moved to New York to study metaphysics at Fordham University and “that was when my musical experience began. I kind of found people for myself.” She made rent doing odd jobs on Craigslist: “Helping somebody move across town for a day, or appearing in NYU student B-movies for $100 cash, that sort of thing.”
Lana “loved Bob Dylan as a person before I heard his music. I liked that he was political, and I liked that he was kind of a bum. It made me feel better about the way I was living at the time, really day to day... the way you do live when you are young and in New York.” She was also influenced by Elvis because “he made me realise how beautiful the human voice could be. Him and Frank Sinatra.” The torch-song heritage is strong on Born to Die, but the bored teenage years listening to Eminem and Biggie Smalls weren’t wasted either. “That music taught me that it was OK to tell your story in a song,” she says.
There was a false start to Lana’s career five years ago. She signed a record deal, earning $10,000 dollars, which she spent on renting a trailer outside New York City for a year and a half. An album was released, then shelved, and the momentum faded away. Lana “shifted focus onto other things” – primarily working in community service. “Homeless outreach, drug and alcohol rehabilitation – that’s been my life for the past five years. My friends are a core group of girls I met through work, and they never really knew I was a singer, because nothing was ever happening. I consider myself coming out of retirement as a singer at this point. Until last year I hadn’t been on stage for three years.” Lost love, wild days, and an almost evangelical service ethic: there are a whole lot of tantalising elements to the Lana Del Rey back story, but she doesn’t ever give away quite enough to let you figure out how they fit together.
No one describes Lana’s look better than Lana herself. “Gangster Nancy Sinatra”, “Lolita got lost in the hood”, and “I live in Monaco but don’t fuck with me” are just a few of the lines she has used. Ferdy Unger-Hamilton, who signed Lana to his Polydor label and describes her as “scarily smart”, says, “It is rare to find an artist who can step out of themselves and visualise how they will be perceived.” The fashion world has fallen for Lana in a major way. After “Video Games” was the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack to Christopher Kane’s spring/summer 2012 London show, other labels followed. Just before the Dior gig in Beijing, she sang a set as the star of a Mulberry party at the Chateau Marmont. She tells me that when she and her sister came up with the name Lana Del Rey eight years ago, she conceived it as “the name for an art project that I could build a sonic world around”. But, in the next breath, she is adamant that the way she looks in the videos is just the way she naturally is, and that she doesn’t have a style. “If I’m going on television, I guess I should wear something nice, but that’s as far as it goes.” Asked who she thinks has great style, she says she can’t think of anyone. Pressed, she offers Grace Kelly. I get the impression that she is holding back on talking about her image because she knows that any soundbite she gives on how she looks will be the quote everyone remembers, and will be seized upon by the internet trolls who have it in for her.
Such is the breakneck speed of modern celebrity that Lana was the victim of an online backlash within weeks of having her first hit single, with detractors accusing her of being fake. The top line of internet gossip is whether she has had collagen in her lips, an obsession which seems to be her critics’ way of articulating a sense that Lana’s persona feels confected. Photos of her as a teenager looking pretty but less dazzlingly styled are posted as triumphant evidence that she is somehow inauthentic. It is puzzling, because no one goes online and tries to expose Lady Gaga as a fraud because she didn’t wear Philip Treacy lobster hats to school.
The difference, I think, is that Lady Gaga isn’t trying to be sexy. Lana’s combination of a theatrical persona and a flesh-and-blood sex appeal frightens or threatens people in some way. Lana seems genuinely disquieted by the vitriol she has experienced. I get halfway through a question about her lips and her hands fly up and cover her mouth, which is such an unexpected reaction that I break off and ask something else instead. She says what bothers her most is the prevalence of the idea that she doesn’t write her own music, and that she can’t sing. Success has been a bittersweet experience so far.
Now – ironically for the newly crowned queen of heartbreak pop – Lana has a boyfriend. This much she will tell me, but no more. Who is he? “Just a guy.” How long have you been seeing him? “Um, I don’t know. I guess the last couple of months.” Is he involved in music? “Um, I guess, no.” So when she writes another record, will it be a happier one? “Oh, I don’t think I’ll write another record. What would I say? I feel like everything I wanted to say, I’ve said already.”
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Originally published in the March 2012 issue of British Vogue with the headline The Video Star.
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
so reading your last beomgyu fic made me think about something... 😳 do you think you can write a college au smut where the reader is an exchange student and beomgyu is assigned to introduce her to uni rules (and stuff like that) but things go.. wrong?👀 shiiit, i've got a lot of beomgyu in my mind wth 🤣
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐠𝐲𝐮 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐮!𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐖/𝐂 | 2.7k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐥𝐚𝐩 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐲𝐦·𝐩𝐡𝐨·𝐦𝐚·𝐧𝐢·𝐚𝐜 / 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞.
a/n: hope you enjoy this! ily </3 
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“babe they just assigned me a new student, I already told you that”. beomgyu spoke while throwing a hoodie over his head. he was on facetime with his long time girlfriend lana.
“i know and that pisses me off. we were supposed to meet up and I have another class in an hour or two. ugh can I just come to your dorm room after you’re done?“.
“yeah that’s fine I guess. It shouldn’t take that long”.
she scrunched up her nose. “you guess? so that means you don’t want me to come then?”.
beomgyu rolls his eyes.�� he hated how she always caught an attitude for no reason. “that is not what I’m saying”.
“if you don’t want to see me beomgyu just say that then”.
“and why would I say that?”
“because. you’ve been avoiding me lately anyways. what is it? are you with someone else?”.
he shoves his feet in his sneakers. “I haven’t been avoiding you I have basketball practice. don’t you have my schedule? do you ever look at it?”.
she sucks her teeth. “whatever. I’ll be by your dorm in a few. I’ll text you when I’m there”.
sneaking a look in the mirror beomgyu flattens the small hairs that were sticking up from his head. it was getting late in the evening and of course he didn’t look as neat as he did this morning but he thought he looked pretty decent for now. he closes his room door and checks the messages sent to him from the floor’s RA.
room 325. he looks at the array of doors in front of him and realizes the room he was looking for should be around the corner. he turns down a few hallways and once arrived he knocks softly before shoving his hands in his pockets.  this arrangement was pretty frequent for him so he wasn’t nervous at all to recite the floor rules. it often went smoothly if the student didn’t have any extra follow up questions.
but once the door swung open beomgyu’s eyes widened. standing just beneath his nose her skin was the beautiful color of milk chocolate. her curly, black middle parted hair stopped just at her shoulders. her pudgy lips were glazed in lip gloss and her dark brown almond shaped eyes and curly eyelashes were nearly way too beautiful for beomgyu to even look into. he fidgeted nervously.
“um-hi hello I’m choi beomgyu i’m uh..this floor’s assistant RA”. he introduced, hoping she didn’t think he was a total dork for his stuttering. yet she gave him a small smile anyway. the whiteness of her teeth was blinding, might he add.
“hey I’m jasmin. Is there anything you need?”. she leans in closer while leaning on the doorway and beomgyu felt his heart throb. he discreetly backed up a bit to keep himself from being so nervous. she was just so beautiful and he never thought a girl like her would even want to transfer to a university in south korea.
“um-- I just have to lay down the floor rules. it’s a procedure done with every transfer student. uhh do you have a minute?”.
she nods before chuckling softly. “yeah but--are you okay? you seem a little..off”.
beomgyu shakes his head trying to laugh it off. “ah no no it’s just.. um- I’m a little worn out from practice today so I’m tired and my mind isn’t fully here”.
“Ah I understand”. she nods. And she did. playing a couple of sports back in america herself, she knew the feeling of a long day’s worth of practice. The both of them take awkward glances into the opposite directions avoiding each other’s gaze.
“so? do you want to come in?”. she invites after a couple a seconds of silence.
“yeah um-- sure this won’t take long”. he accepts. he hoped he wouldn’t do anything stupid while he was in there. after closing the door behind him she kicks a small box further in her closet. it would be off-putting for beomgyu to see her sex toys firsthand. because jasmin was a nymphomaniac. she wasn’t afraid to admit that sex was her livelihood and she needed it every night and day.  it was a good thing beomgyu wasn’t paying attention to her at all though, more so on the way she decorated her dorm.
“wow it’s pretty nice in here. you decorated this all on your own?”.
“yeah. needed a chair to get to the high places but I tried. would you like a snack or anything?”.
“no no i’m fine. thank you though. so yeah- welcome to sejong dorm hall. you’ll love it here. it’s the most diverse out of all the dorm halls on campus. our rules are pretty simple. if you return late keep quiet, no outside guests allowed in the dorm hall, don’t damage any of the building’s furniture or belongings, no drugs or any intoxicating liquor and my favorite rule of them all, no sex of any sort”.
she laughs. “no sex huh?”.
“yeah. I’m sorry that’s the dumbest rule ever. the university really values study time and giving students a peaceful place to study even if it’s in their rooms. and of course if someone’s having sex in the room above, things aren’t as peaceful”.
she shrugs her shoulders. “eh I don’t know. I think I’ll still be able to calculate an equation or two with a bed rumbling above me“. she jokes, with her and beomgyu sharing a laugh soon after.
“but um- I do have a small request”. she says meekly.
“what is it?“.
“I have this kind of condition... and i was wondering if it can be excused“. she says lowly and beomgyu wondered why she was fidgeting all of a sudden. but she had to ask him, otherwise she’d be getting kicked out pretty soon.
“um yeah I can make some arrangements with the RA...what’s the condition?”.
she draws herself closer to him. beomgyu immediately grew nervous, backing himself into the nearby desk.
“I’m um--”. she semi-whispered. she places her arm on his shoulder, her lips were just inches from his own. “I’m kind of a nymphomaniac. if I don’t get what I want my condition will get worse. can i be an exception to the rule?”.
the way her pretty eyes stares at his lips in need. beomgyu didn’t know what to do with himself. he felt caged in. and he hated the fact that he was being turned on just by the seductive tone in her voice. he swallows the lump in his throat.
“I um---I don’t know if the university will allow th--”.
with no warning she pushes her pillow-like lips against beomgyu’s gently kissing him over and over before slipping her tongue in between his lips. she promised herself she would stop kissing him if he didn’t kiss back.
but he did.
she wraps her arms around his neck and allows the kiss to gradually grow rough and sloppier. beomgyu wanted to stop, he swear he did. but her lips were something he couldn’t get enough of. the way she kissed him with desire and passion like it would be the last kiss she ever had in her life. she clutches his wrists and slides his hands down to her ass.
“jasmin--”. beomgyu spoke in between the fluttering kisses. “jasmin I don’t think we should do-- this we’re going to get expelled”. yet the more he kissed her he didn’t know if he was trying to convince her or himself. what made things even worse about this affair was the sheer fact that he knew no one would ever approve of it. because jasmin was black. especially his girlfriend who would practically murder beomgyu if he ever found out he cheated on her with a black girl. but beomgyu disregarded skin color. he always did. he was never racist like his peers. his phone buzzed in his pocket. he fishes it out and glances at lana’s caller ID. jasmin pulls away with the same seductive glance before she hangs up.
“how about we make a deal beomgyu?”. she offers while pushing him backwards until he was sitting on the desk. she crawls on his lap and holds the nape of his neck sucking hickies into it. beomgyu’s eyes closed and a sigh of relief spills from his lips. her lips were different than the small pecks he was used to from lana. her lips were so hypnotizing, soft and perfect he couldn’t even bring himself to speak.
“if you keep fucking me and covering for me,”. she starts prior to leaving hickies in a few other spots. “I won’t tell your little girlfriend about this”. she finishes before moving upwards to kiss his bottom lip. she tongue kisses him once more. “deal?”. she smirks knowing she already had beomgyu wrapped around her finger. she reaches underneath her skirt and sluggishly slid her lacy panties down her thighs. beomgyu didn’t know how much his lips were parted due to pure shock and arousal. she tossed them to the side.
he nods his head desperately and she clashes their lips rougher this time around. the more she grinds her hips against him the tighter his pants felt. it isn’t like he had to do all the work either. once she felt him get hard she unzips his jeans and pulls it out herself. she bit her lips and inches herself down on it until beomgyu was fully seated inside of her. she was satisfied, finally filled and wanted nothing but bliss to take her mind away.
“does it feel good baby?”. she asks softly.
and beomgyu, god beomgyu looked as if he could just melt. his eyes were lidded and hazy while he looked at her. she hadn’t even moved a muscle yet and the hairs on the back of his neck were already raising at how wet and tight she was. his mind boggled at how everything about her was so hypnotizing.
he clutches her waist and nods diligently. “p-please ride me”. he begs. she follows his plead and does as she were told, sinking down his dick slower than she reared up. beomgyu’s head drops back between his shoulders with an erotic groan.
“you have to be quiet gyu. remember the rules?”. she breathes loving the sight of the blonde-haired boy becoming undone.
“you feel so fucking good”.
she grins and continues with the rotation with of her hips trying to keep the meek moans that awaited in her throat at a minimum. he brings his head up and lets his hands bracket her moving hips. he thought he finally had himself under control through his weighty breathing. but jasmin does a thrust particularly hard that unraveled him all over again.
she grins once more. “potty mouth”.
“i c-can’t control myself”.
and he couldn’t, especially with the room filled with nothing but their discreet moans, the squelchy sounds of jasmin riding his lap and the desk clashing against the bed in front of it. she quickens her pace,  being just as stubborn as the orgasm that ached within them both.
“fuckk this feels way better right?”.
by now beomgyu’s head was clouded. he wanted to groan as loud as he want  it was painful that he had to keep quiet. he resorted to low whimpers while gripping her waist tighter.
“don’t ask stupid questions. look whose the potty mouth now?”.
she wanted to say something slick back but she couldn’t. she was also trapped in her own clouds with her hands splayed on gyu’s chest. “oh my god”. she hisses, almost dreamy.
beomgyu gazes at her, “come down here”.
“because if you keep riding me like this I don’t know if i’m going to be able to control myself much longer”.
bouncing atop of beomgyu she leans her head lower to flatten his lips, the both of them drinking in each other’s moans to keep them from going directly through the walls. he reaches his hands down to cup her ass while her thighs trembled.
“fuckk--fuck keep doing that”. beomgyu groaned in between the pauses of their hot feuding tongues.  she ruts her hips down harder with each thrust with curse words of her own disappearing into the cavern of beomgyu’s mouth. without warning and in perfect sync the both of them reached their highs, jasmin still riding him diligently even with his cum dripping down her thighs. his hips bucked up into her still cumming, he decides to hold her up to refrain her from riding him no longer to keep from the overstimulation. she smirks while watching him finish. she kisses his sticky bottom lip yet again.
“fuck-- did I just cum inside of you?”.
she chuckles and kisses him one last time before climbing back down off of his lap pulling her skirt down. beomgyu sat up and straightened himself up again.
“don’t worry, I take pills beomgyu”.
he breathed in relief, zipping his pants back up. “good”. he stood up with his legs kind of limp and him kind of feeling tired. he didn’t know what he was going to tell lana when he got back to his room. he couldn’t believe what he was about to ask jasmin but he shoved down his pride. he couldn’t get enough.
“maybe, maybe I can get your number for whenever we do this again?”.
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lorelylantana · 4 years
Savageries of the Heart Chapter 5: Homecoming
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Chapter rating: T Overall Rating: E
“How did this happen?” she asked, setting the slate down to look at her husband. He looked sheepish.
“It didn’t happen overnight,” Link explained, “After the Sheikah were banished from the Kingdom of Hyrule they came to us for protection after their own military forces were lost, and the other races opted for their own independence. That much is true, and it was for centuries after. The Sheikah don’t really have a desire for leading outside of their own people, so as long as the Zonai reinforced their borders and funded their research they were content to share the fruits of their knowledge. 
“We’ve always believed in extending a hand in aid where we could, so on the occasions that the other races reached out for help, we’ve been the first to respond. We built the dam in Zora’s domain and we killed the Lynels haunting the Rito snowfields. When the Gerudo canyon collapsed we’re the ones that cleared the rubble to let them travel safely once again. Bit by bit the other races began to see the benefits of being a unified nation again, so we expanded the railways, the Sheikah streamlined communications, new Wardens were named, and we came whole again.”
“Not completely,” Zelda interjected, oddly defensive. She felt Noodle’s nose bump into her chin, perhaps in response to her racing pulse.
“Not completely,” Link agreed, “But it was a king on Hylia’s throne that fractured the continent in the first place, and the Sheikah have long memories. Even with the countless records locked away, they knew it wasn’t the first time they had been made to vacate Hyrule, so they advised us to keep the royal family in the dark and wait.”
“For what?” Zelda asked. He looked in her eyes.
“For the right Queen.”
Fat chance of that one, considering her uncle sat on the throne and she was the Hollow Daughter of Hylia.
“Tell me more about the Wardens,” Zelda said, uncomfortable at the implied expectation.
Link scooted over, taking the slate in his hand he fiddled with the map settings until Zelda watched the borders she was familiar with reappear. Noodle uncoiled from her spot on Zelda’s wrist to sniff at the screen, her snout tapping on the small region north of Mount Lanayru, if that was indeed it’s name and not another lie told to her people. A box appeared with white text.
The Wellspring
Warden: Dorephan [Contact]
Rising Warden: Mipha [Contact]
“Each region is governed by a Warden,” Link explained, his breath tickling her ear and his arm slipping around her waist, “Dorephan is the current Warden of the Wellspring, but he gave his notice of retirement last year, so Mipha, his daughter is carrying out the majority of his duties until she slays a great beast and takes over his position completely.”
Zelda tapped the harbor their icon was inching towards, highlighting the region that Zelda originally thought to be the entire Zonai nation.
Warden: Link
Rising Mother: Zelda Lana Hyrule [Contact]
Zelda noticed that the word ‘contact’ was written in green. Curious, she tapped it, expecting the screen to change. Instead there was a chiming from her headdress. Zelda tensed up. Link gave a little chuckle before pinching her translator between his fingers for a moment.
“What was that?” Zelda asked, but he only held up his finger again, shooting her a wink as he got up and left the the observation deck
“Can you hear me?”
Zelda flinched, startled. Her husband’s voice had replaced the mechanical words from her translator.
“Yes,” she responded, walking to the window to see her husband walking into view below. In her ear she could hear the sea breeze until his voice returned.
“A secondary function, though a recent one,” Link said, waving up at her.
Zelda looked at the slate again.
“Why can’t I call you?” she asked, noting the option to contact didn’t appear next to her husband’s name.
“That’s my personal slate, it would be like writing a letter to myself.”
He began walking up the stairs, and she could hear his footsteps, which was a bit disorienting without a stair in sight. They spent the rest of the trip eating their lunch while Link explained the basic functions of a Sheikah Slate. Zelda pressed an icon with a small blue circle, and a glowing blue orb appeared in her hands. Link mumbled something in Zonai that the Zelda’s translator interpreted as a string of curse words that had her ears burning. Link took the orb from her hands, chucked it through a window he’d opened before pressing the ‘cancel’ button right next to the one labeled ‘detonate’.
“That was an explosive,” he said by way of explanation. Zelda’s eyes widened.
“Does everyone else on the continent have access to explosives?” she asked, alarmed. Link shook his head with a laugh.
“Farore above, no. The slates given to Wardens and have greater capabilities than most citizens’. Standard issue slates are much more limited. Identification, communications, and finances only.”
“What does it mean by ‘Rising Mother?” Zelda asked, now holding the slate at arm’s length.
“Being my wife makes you the Mother of the Dragonlands, but since you haven’t officially accepted the title you’re listed as ‘Rising’.”
“How do I accept it?” she asked, Link smiled, bright and relieved. 
“I’ll show you when we get home.”
She liked that sentence because of the assumption. There was a warm undertone to the flippant reminder that she had a home here. She was in a foreign country that wasn’t at all like she imagined, but she had a place set aside for her. It was enough to banish the dissatisfaction of her question going unanswered and allowed her to walk hand in hand with her husband with a spring in her step. As they descended onto the dock, she couldn’t help but notice that it was pretty deserted, though she did see a large building at the top of a large cliff. Link led them down into the sand. They came across a strange platform on the ground before Link placed his palm on a screen covered pedestal. After fiddling with the screen Link took out a vial of simmering red liquid she recognized as an elixir and pressed it into her hand. She drank it, savoring the kick that she recognized as a spicy elixir. Link watched as she swallowed it.
“How did I do?” he asked, brow raised. She took another sip.
“It’s a tad overdone,” she admitted, “but effective,”
He nodded, satisfied with her answer. She shook out her limbs, the heat spreading to her fingers and toes like a fever.
“It’s a little warm for a spicy elixir, isn’t it?” she asked, quizzical. He winked at her, resting a palm against the blank screen. After a blue line ran up and down the pedestal chimed and the world faded away.
The world returned in slices, descending bit by bit to create a small alcove tucked in the corner of a much larger room filled with plush chairs and couches facing a strange black rectangle set upon a table. Despite the questions burning through her mind, she found herself transfixed by the opposite wall. Rather than the intricate stonework that made up the majority of the room, the wall they walked along had an almost translucent, iridescent quality to it, orange light shining through that mimicked the sunset outside. She pressed a hand to it and dragged her palm along its smooth, chilled surface, her breath coming out in clouds in front of her. Link showed her a large glass box filled with vegetation and a lamp which, in a notable departure from the standard blue light fixtures around the room, shone with a warm yellow light.
“For Noodle,” Link said by way of explanation, opening the box.
Zelda beamed from ear to ear, reaching into the terrarium to let the serpent climb onto one of the winding branches. She could have sworn she saw some of the blue scales glow, but it was probably a trick of the light.
“Say Noodle again,” she said, tucking her hand into his elbow.
“Because it sounds cute in your accent,” she admitted, cheeks flushing slightly.
He gave her a quizzical look but nonetheless obliged her, “Noodle.”
She giggled, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder as they walked down the hall to a larger, yet somehow more intimate room.
 Zelda stepped forward and turned to examine their bedroom. The walls were carved in hundreds of illustrations of plant and animal life alike, each shape crafted with a myriad of stones that must have been gathered from all corners of Hyrule. A fox made from the rich Eldin rock, wolves shaped from the cool blue of Upland Zora, and pigeons carved from Necluda stone. The lush scenes of the wild were dominated by sprawling depictions of dragons lording over it all. She recognized the serpent she glimpsed on their wedding day coiled protectively over their bed which, while lower to the floor than her own, was far wider than any bed she’d ever scene and stacked with silks and cushions. 
After the stress of the day, Zelda was ready to lie down, but her husband had other ideas, taking her hand and pulling her to the corner on her left, where another dragon curled around a bath that looked far too big for just the two of them. Nevertheless, Zelda followed him gratefully, glad that at least one of her preconceived notions of the Zonai held true.
Owlan had told her the Zonai viewed baths an intimate affair, which she had understood. The difference lay in that married couples were supposed to bathe together, and often. This practice was apparently so common that newlyweds were not considered fully united until they blessed their marital home with a bath. Thus, when Link’s hands began to unravel the cloth around her chest, she made no comment, only moving to undo his belt.
When they were both stripped down they stepped over the lip of the massive tub. Link took the lead as the welcoming spouse, turning her around so he could run his hands down her back. Despite the spicy elixir having a good deal of time before it wore off, the water felt cool. Not enough to feel uncomfortable, but impossible to ignore. If her elixir couldn’t hold off the chill, she wondered how frigid it must be. Zelda was dissuaded from asking questions by Link’s touch, warm and steady as they started to rub soap into her back. She sighed and felt her head roll to one side. Zelda let her gaze rest on the luminescent stone of the second dragon. Unlike Farosh, the horn of this creature almost resembled a crown, spikes pointing away from the creature’s face. 
“I saw Farosh on our wedding day,” Zelda said idly, her shoulders easing under his touch. He hummed and started to work on her arms.
“The gods approve of our marriage.”
This intimacy in the water was softer than what they shared in their honeymoon, but no less potent. Perhaps this gentle caress was one of the unsung sides of love, often overlooked for that wildfire lust that overtook them so many times. And yet, as Zelda grew warmer under his ministrations a deep sense of peace took root, easing away the emotional strain of the day’s revelations. For all the deceit revealed to her, his growing affection for her felt genuine. 
Link pulled her to rest against his chest so he could reach around to her stomach. When she relaxed and let her arms rest back in the water it became clear that the heat wasn’t just from his embrace but from the bath, once so cold it broke through her elixir’s protection.
“What happened to the water?” she asked, dragging a hand through the bathwater. It was heated as a hot spring. “Zonai leaders have always drawn strength from the land, wielding magic both consciously and instinctively.” he explained, washing and rinsing her hair, “This flow is strongest in the springs and other sacred sights, giving us enough protection to render even the harshest weather mild.”
Link turned her around to look her in the eyes as he took her leg into his lap, “We swore to each other before our people,” he explained, massaging her calf as he spoke, “we’ve proven this union to one another in our bed. But only here, alone in holy water atop a sacred mountain, do we verify our marriage before the gods. You are Mother of the Dragonlands, and now all the spirits watching over us recognize you as such, and give their power freely.”
Zelda smiled, security pulsing steady in her chest. The feeling was compounded by small, swirling clusters of energy she could now feel brushing against her skin and shielding her from the unrelenting cold of her new home. After pressing a quick kiss to his lips she urged him to turn around.  Relishing in the heated water, she took the cloth from the lip of the tub and lathered it in soap so she could start to scrub his back and arms. She traced some of the paint on his bicep before wiping it off.
“What do the markings mean?” she asked. She had watched him apply the paint several times since their wedding, though never as much as he did the night itself.
“It’s less about design and more about location,” he answered, “The paint makes us stronger. We use it to stimulate the muscles we use most in battle.”
She rubbed his other arm clean before moving on to his chest. He smiled lazily, resting his hands on her hips, his thumbs circling idly.
“How’s it made?” 
“I’ll send you the recipe.”
Zelda raised a brow, “Just one?”
“The only one that works.”
Now that was an intriguing prospect. Alas, it would have to wait for another day, as Zelda started to yawn when washing his legs and feet and her eyes had started to close on their own accord when they dried off on the steps leading up to the tub. She heard Link give a low chuckle as he pulled the towel from her hands and began to rub the moisture out of her hair, massaging her scalp in the process. His touch put her at so much ease that she ended up dozing off with her face resting against his thigh. Zelda only stirred when he did, sliding off the lip of the tub to take her in his arms. She didn’t open her eyes when she was rocked in his arms as he crossed the room. She felt the cool, smooth sheet covering the bed before it dipped to accommodate her husband’s weight. Zelda reached for him blindly and was rewarded by his arms wrapping behind her back, pressing their bare chests together. She felt Link’s lips on her forehead.
“Goodnight,” he whispered into her hair. She nuzzled his shoulder and kissed what felt like his collarbone.
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gemma-lemma · 3 years
Cloudy Days - JJ Maybank x Male OC
Chapter 2.3 – Redfield
Soon after, the friends were in the twinkie, on the way to Redfield lighthouse. Everything seemed to have returned to normal, but Parker could still see the shadow that lingered over JJ’s eyes clear as day.
He wasn’t paying any attention to how John B tried to explain to his friends how the lighthouse was the right answer, and just studied the Maybank boy’s face.
“Bro, you know how I process my sad feels?” JJ suddenly asked into the room. “Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that’s how I do it.”
Even though what JJ had just said was slightly gross, the others didn’t seem to pay his words any mind. Merely Parker raised a brow, and JJ just shrugged in response. They were in the back together with Pope, who was leaned forward between the two front seats to talk to Kiara and JB. JJ sat right behind him, while Parker was sprawled over the bench on the passenger side.
He raised his foot to nudge him in the side, but JJ slapped it away with a scowl. Parker took it as a challenge, and tried to nudge him again, but he just grabbed him by the ankle and held him still mid-air. Parker tried to wriggle his foot free, and almost would have been successful, but then JJ pressed it down on his thigh and got a secure hold on it like that.
Parker grinned at him, knowing the confident look in his eyes would confuse JJ.
“If it helps you believe, John B.” Kiara tried to reassure John B about the lighthouse in a soft voice.  
“Look, I- I don’t need a therapy session, okay?” John B defended. “I’m not trippin’ out.”
“It’s okay to trip, bro, but-“ JJ tried to calm him, but was cut off.
“Look, my dad’s missing, okay? Missing. You don’t know what it’s like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened.” John B said, and Parker looked out the window. Not, he did not know how it was if they were missing. Only if they died in front of your eyes. JJ squeezed his ankle and shot him a questioning look. He didn’t answer.
Pope and JJ suggested that Big John might have been kidnapped. Maybe he was in Vietnam, getting interrogated by the KGB, or even in Atlantis. Parker didn’t really pay attention to the conversation anymore. All he could see was the smile on his mother’s face when she closed her eyes for the last time, finally succumbing to her illness, and the blood dyeing Billy’s t-shirt dark red.
After what seemed like an endless ride, they arrived at the lighthouse, which, according to John B, was Big John’s favourite place.
The friends got out of the van, but Parker decided stay inside another few seconds, trying to regain his calm.
He jumped out just in time to hear Pope talking about variables and JJ yelling at him to shut up. It made Parker think about how his friend Alice had always suffered through the maths lessons at school as if she were being tortured. Nobody understood maths less than Alice, Parker was sure of it.
“Listen to me for a second, just listen!” John B interrupted JJ and looked at Parker. “Parker and Pope are gonna stay on lookout with JJ, alright? If we get split up, we meet back at JJ’s house.” He decided, and Kiara agreed.
Parker raised his brows at the retreating figures of his friends.
“Yeah, I’mma work on my merit scholarship essay, and I can’t be involved in a felony.” Pope ranted, snatched the ball JJ was playing with and kicked it around himself. He didn’t pay any mind to the incredulous look the Maybank boy shot him but was out of earshot soon enough.
Parker watched JJ a worriedly.
“How’re ya doin’?”
“Great, thanks.”
“Try again, I don’t believe you.”
“Why wouldn’t you believe me?” JJ snapped and glared at him. The second he saw the look in Parker’s eyes he knew that he had just given himself away.
“Because you just killed the rooster John B said you loved. Have you ever killed anything before?”
JJ scoffed. “Of course I have, don’t be stupid.”
“Insects don’t count.”
“Well, if you’re already all about going Dr. Phil on me, why don’t we ask you a few things too, then, huh? What was that, back at the Château? Since you arrived here you have been a literal wreck, and now you’re suddenly all gangster and bossy? You have too many loose ends, man!” JJ probably hadn’t even realized that he had backed Parker up against a tree until he hit it with his back. He didn’t back down, though.
“That’s how you wanna play this?” Parker laughed, realizing that JJ wouldn’t give him anything for free. “A truth for a truth, then. The first time I ever shot at someone with a gun, was to protect my friends. He would have hurt them, and I couldn’t let that happen, no matter how frightened I was. Same thing happened back at the Château. You guys were in danger, and I had to get my shit together and protect you.” He said with a dangerous smile. “That’s how things work where I come from. The law of the jungle allows no weakness.”
But JJ didn’t seem satisfied with the answer. “We were in danger also when the cops almost found us in the motel room. We were in danger when those guys shot at us or when they wrecked Ms. Lana’s hut. Where were your balls of steel then, huh?”
“Something happened, before I came here. Something bad, that really shook me. I’m still not over it, so don’t get surprised when I suddenly relapse. But today was a closer call than those before, and the situation reminded me specifically of back then, so I managed.”
“What happened?”
“Nuh-uh. That’s not how a truth for a truth works. It’s your turn, now. How are you?”
JJ started backing off, but Parker was faster. He grabbed him by the collar and spun them around, so that now JJ was pressed up against the tree. He struggled to get free at first, but then gave up and stared right into Parker’s eyes, challenging him. When he realized that Parker wouldn’t even accept the challenge, he sighed and averted his eyes again.
“I can’t really understand that I killed the rooster yet, I guess. It doesn’t feel like sadness, or remorse, it just feels bad, and I hate it. That was a living being – an animal that was dear to me. How can I not feel sorry for killing it?”  He said quietly, and Parker could hear the pain in his words. He softened his grip on JJ’s shoulders.
“The sorry will come later.” He explained softly. “But if that’s what you’re worried about, I can reassure you. This bad feeling that you’ve got? The one that seems to be eating away at your insides and making you sick to the stomach? That’s what you got for taking a life. It’s gonna feel bad for a while, and at some point remorse will crush you. Maybe you’re lucky and it won’t be that bad because it was just an animal, but it will still hurt. And then you have to feel the pain. It’s like in that John Green novel: pain demands to be felt. That’s the only way you can get over it.”
JJ nodded, deep in thought. Parker’s words seemed to soothe his raging mind a little, but he was still perturbed, so he added: “And if you ever need someone to talk to during that time, or someone to sit beside you while you work things out by yourself, I will be there for you.”
Again, JJ nodded, then his eyes widened as if suddenly realizing something. He looked back into Parker’s face and grabbed his wrists in an iron hold, securing them mercilessly ion his shoulders. “’Maybe you’re lucky and it won’t be that bad because it was just an animal’” He repeated Parker’s words and suddenly he knew that he had made a mistake. “What have you killed, Parker?”
As JJ had expected, Parker tried to rip free, but he wouldn’t let him. He stared at him urgently, waiting for an answer.
The sound of approaching sirens saved Parker from having to answer and they sprinted towards the twinkie. Pope jumped in the driver’s seat, and off they went towards JJ’s house.
 They hung out there a while, waiting, but when neither John B nor Kiara showed up Parker decided to drive the twinkie back to the Château. He had ignored any try from JJ’s side to pry any information out of him, not just yet ready to tell him about the men he’d killed to save himself or his friends.
When he parked the car, he was met by John B cleaning up his home and throwing pizza cartons away.
“Hey man, what happened? Weren’t we supposed to meet up at JJ’s?” He greeted, and immediately felt the sour mood his cousin sported.
“You want the long version or short?” He responded and proceeded to put empty glass bottles into a box.
“Medium rare.” Parker answered, just to mess a little. John B actually chuckled quietly. Bingo.
“I kissed Kiara. She pushed me away.” He began and went still, waiting for Parker’s reaction.
“Told you so.” Was all he said, not really surprised that his cousin had tried it after the conversation they’d had on the way to Ms. Lana’s house with JJ.
“I apologized, but she said it was okay.”
“I think nobody cares about you the way Kiara does. She’s doing her best to be a good friend and make it as easy on you as possible. I understand where your confusion is coming from, but I think you should try and take care of her a little better, too. Especially now that this misunderstanding is out of the way.”
John B shrugged in a way that said: You’re right, but I don’t really know what to say now. So he just proceeded with his story. “Then we were arrested because I hurt the lighthouse guy. Peterkin told me that she knew about the compass, I denied having it, Kiara’s dad got us out. I think he hates us. The square groupers chased me through the streets, Peterkin saved me, I gave her the compass, and Ward Cameron fired me because he found out about the scuba gear we took.”
Parker raised his eyebrows, trying to process what John B had just said. “Nice afternoon, man.”
“Yeah, right?”
Parker looked out to the scoop, suddenly remembering something.
“Is that damn turkey still in there?” He asked, and John B nodded.
“Should we bury it or burn it?” He asked, the question directed almost more to himself than to John, and watched him stack a lot of old stuff he recognized from his father’s office and from around the house on a pile.
“If you wanna burn it get it now, because I’m gonna burn all this junk here right now.” He said, taking out a box of matches.
Parker frowned. “You sure you wanna destroy all this?”
“Yeah, pretty.” John B lit the pile on fire and poured gasoline into the flames. They both watched at them in awe for a bit, but then Parker snapped out of it, grabbed an empty box and went to put the dead rooster inside.
“Rest in peace, or something.” He murmured, staring into the creepily open eyes of the animal. “I hope rooster heaven’s nicer than North Carolina.”
Then he closed the lid and crawled out of the scoop, just in time too see John B grab something from out of the fire and stomp on it to stop the flames.
“What the hell are you doing, man?”
But John didn’t answer, he just stared at the pin board he had just saved, as if it held the answers to all of his questions.
Then he looked up. “I think I know what Redfield means.”
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation (Gen II) - Chapter 9
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Chapter 9 - Dragon Knight Arion
T/W: Mention of likely one-sided romantic feelings between adopted siblings.
Ever since the child hunt was carried out at Grutia Castle, many of the citizens had come to see Seliph and his soldiers as a liberation army.
The same people also spread the news that General Hannibal's son had been taken hostage. His name was Coirpre, and he'd been entrusted to Luthecia Castle's General Disler.
"Let's save the hostage!" Seliph said. "If we do that, the general may respond with a ceasefire."
It was the liberation army's fundamental policy to avoid pointless battles as much as possible, and Hannibal's army was also very powerful, so reaching a conclusion without fighting him was the best possible option.
But to get to Luthecia Castle, they would have to get past Hannibal's army, which was stationed in front of Kapathogia Castle.
"Does anyone know of a road we can take that will allow us to avoid being seen by Hannibal's army?” Seliph asked.
The villagers took him into the mountains behind Kapathogia Castle, where hunters were using the land as their hunting grounds. 
According to the hunters, if they avoided General Hannibal's army and traveled on the foot to the base of the mountains, there was a road that circumvented the castle.
"Alright, let's take that road!" Seliph exclaimed.
Since the rescue mission was to be a surprise attack from beginning to end, it was best to only let a few people go, so they narrowed the group down to Seliph, Ares, and finally, Fee, who would act as a flying column. 
The problem was the countermeasure in case of Hannibal's army attacking before the rescue had been completed.
"I have a Sleep Staff. Whoever I use it on will sleep for four to five days straight." Lana said.
"I didn't know there was such a useful spell! Why haven't you used it until now?"
"The staff will break after one use, so I didn’t want to use it until we were in a desperate situation…"
Shanan was chosen to lead the army while they were gone. 
With the hunters as their guides, Seliph and the others headed out.
They traveled west in a straight line, then turned south at the foot of the mountains. That area was wooded, so they didn't have to worry about being seen by enemies.
The forest cleared when they neared the castle.
"Starting from here, we'll have to climb into the mountains a bit."
The path was steep, and they couldn't make much progress on foot.
Fee gave a report every day on what she observed from the skies.
On the evening of the fourth day since they'd set out, they made it to the backside of the castle.
"Up until this point, we haven't run into any enemies at all. But tomorrow, I suspect some will be flying around in this area, so I will go ahead to Luthecia Castle." Fee said, then turned west and flew away.
"What should we do? It may take a toll on our bodies, but it would be safest to travel behind the castle tonight because we'd be able to get past it very quickly."
They of course thought it best to follow the hunters' suggestion, and started moving again without taking time to rest.
The hunters were right. Because they were following right along a steep mountain, there were areas where they had to walk almost right against the castle wall. However, the soldiers didn't think anyone would ever pass through such an area, so they were able to safely make it through.
"For the last stretch, we should travel south. We'll soon come out to the main road that leads to Luthecia."
"Thank you. You might have saved a lot of lives by helping us. How can we repay you?"
"We don't need repayment. But…"
"If you can, please save the children that were taken away to Miletos."
"Understood. We'll try as hard as we can. ...No way, are those children…"
"No, none of them are mine. But my sister's son was taken. He's a smart, cute kid, yet they had the gall to do something so terrible to him!"
When they arrived at the main road, they could see that Hannibal's army, located to the north, had begun to move. Though Seliph and the others did not know it, Hannibal knew that King Travant had deployed, and ordered his own army to attack.
"If the king himself has gone to battle, then we have no choice. All units, attack!"
However, Hannibal's army was made up entirely of infantry units, so they didn't make it in time to fight alongside Travant. By the time they neared Meath Castle, the dragon knight unit the king led was already completely destroyed.
Lana turned towards Hannibal's army and waved the Sleep Staff.
Hannibal, marching in the center of his army's formation, was enveloped by a white, heavy cloud. However, that didn't mean that the sleep magic affected everyone. The soldiers outside of its range remained loyal to their orders and continued their attack. Shannan and the rest of the liberation army had no choice but to fight them without stopping.
"Lana said that the sleep spell will last for four to five days. The others must come back with the rescued hostage by then."
Because they'd heard that the distance between Kapathogia Castle and Luthecia Castle would take two days to travel, they only had a small margin of leeway.
Seliph and Ares did not take any breaks aside from allowing their horses time to rest, continuing onward.
In the evening two days later, they'd come so far that they could see Luthecia Castle. Fee had arrived earlier, and came to report on the situation at the castle.
"There's hardly any soldiers here. I'm pretty sure there's just a front line and those rounded up to protect the main building."
"Then let's attack tomorrow at dawn. Fee, you fly over the castle wall, and open the gate. After that, we'll storm the castle."
With the plan for their surprise attack decided, Seliph and Ares got a full night's sleep for the first time in a long time.
The surprise attack was a success. General Disler was killed by Ares and Mystletainn the moment he came out of his bedroom in a panic. 
The other soldiers were mostly still in bed. By the time they woke up, the general was already dead, and upon hearing that news, they surrendered.
They found Coirpre in the dungeon. He'd been treated more like a prisoner than a hostage. From what they'd heard the villagers say, they'd gotten the feeling that General Disler had a bad reputation. 
Coirpre was still young, but already very proper and polite.
"I am Coirpre, General Hannibal's son. My father stated that he wanted a ceasefire with the liberation army, but King Travant misunderstood that, and took me as a hostage. So I beg of you! Please take me to my father! I want to convince him to stop fighting!"
Of course, that had been the reason for their surprise attack in Luthecia Castle. Seliph entrusted Ares to keep watch over the castle, and immediately left with Fee, taking Coirpre towards Kapathogia Castle.
Along the way, they saw a single dragon knight flying towards them. Fee readied a counterattack, but the dragon knight did not try to start a fight.
"You are Prince Seliph, yes? I am Altena, daughter of Quan of Leonster."
The dragon knight landed next to Seliph, dismounted her dragon, and greeted him.
"Oh, so you're Prince Leif's sister! He told me about you."
"My brother's story was true. Since I have learned the truth, I can't fight against you any longer. I too am a descendant of a Crusader. Please allow me to join the liberation army."
"Of course, with pleasure! Prince Leif will probably be happy as well when he hears the news.”
"I just have one request. Arion… No, Prince Arion. I don't want you to fight him. His way of thinking is completely different from the empire's."
"Even if you ask, I can't stop that from happening, though I don't want to fight Prince Arion, either. If only he'd made you the mediator of a ceasefire. Nothing would be better than that."
The liberation army met General Hannibal near Kapathogia Castle. He'd just woken up, and had left the battlefield to return to the castle and order all the soldiers there to deploy.
The moment he saw his son, he was surprised. But when he heard everything from Coirpre, he approached Seliph, and said, "I'd like to thank you for saving my son."
"General Hannibal, we are only fighting those who agree with the ideas of the empire. I've heard that you are also against the child hunts, and that King Travant is already dead. Why would we fight against each other any longer? Please end this battle. And, if possible, I want you to fight the empire with us. You are called "The Shield of Thracia." We are still young, so please be beside us to guide us."
"If you insist, then I have no choice but to accept. So long as you don’t mind fighting with an old man like me, then I will devote my strength to you. I'd also like you to add my son to your army. He probably told you this already, but I took him in and raised him. When I found him, he had a staff that seemed to have a long history. When he's old enough, we will learn the meaning of it. Seliph, I happily entrust him to you."
General Hannibal's remaining soldiers also joined them.
The liberation army, now even stronger, gathered in Luthecia Castle to capture Bishop Judah's Gruthia Castle.
At the same time, they received word that a large imperial cavalier unit had crossed the Miletos-Thracian border.
At the strategy meeting, Altena suggested that it would be the best course of action to settle that fight first.
"I know the terrain of that area very well. The road leading from the border to Luthecia Castle that the cavalier unit can take is a thin mountain path. How about Fee and I meet the enemies halfway, and reduce their numbers? If we swoop down to attack, then use that force to fly over the mountains, they won't be able to counterattack at all."
"That's a great idea, Lady Altena!" Hannibal agreed to the plan right away.
"Because the enemies are calvary, they'll attack by taking turns. If we reduce their numbers by even just a little bit, it will make things that much easier for the rest of the army."
When she’d joined the liberation army in Isaach, Fee was still just a trainee pegasus knight. However, after fighting in battle over the span of a year, she'd evolved into a seasoned falcon knight. She couldn't compete with Altena, who wielded a Holy Weapon, but her flying and combat skills certainly weren't inferior to Altena's.
The enemy cavaliers were worried by the two flying soldier's attacks. Because they didn't know when they would be attacked, their paranoia grew stronger and stronger without end. And even when they were attacked, they only had a split second to react, so there was no way for them to counterattack. No matter how well-trained they were, all they could do was take damage in a one-sided battle, causing their morale to drop. 
Once they were off the mountain road, the spirited imperial soldiers were no more. It wasn't just their numbers that had decreased. Their exhaustion and drop in morale was even greater.
The battle was as good as decided the moment they saw the main force of the liberation army spreading out and waiting for their arrival.
While the liberation army was marching towards Grutia Castle, Arion was in Thracia Castle, proposing a ceasefire over and over again. However, not a single soul agreed with him.
Several powerful iron ballistae were set up at Grutia Castle, however, the unit that was supposed to protect them was not there. 
The liberation army's calvary entered the edge of the ballistae's range, then charged at full speed ahead. Their goal was to move as quickly as possible and lower their chances of getting hit by the ballistae's bolts. 
Within the blink of an eye, they trampled the ballisticians, and captured Grutia Castle.
As if they had been waiting for that to happen, three dragon knight units flew from Thracia Castle and towards them all at once.
When Hannibal saw them, he turned pale. "That is the Three-Headed Dragon formation."
"What is that? This 'Three-Headed Dragon.'"
"Those units are each targeting Meath, Kapathogia, and Luthecia, a formation they call the 'Three-Headed Dragon.' They utilize it when an enemy is targeting Thracia and has gathered together too many of their troops in one place, and they wish to launch a counterattack all at once. Prince Arion practiced it many times."
 "I'll defend Meath!" Altena said. "Lana should have a Warp Staff. I want to get to Meath as soon as possible."
"Will you be okay on your own?"
"If we divide our numbers up too much, the main army will probably come attack us here. For now, I will protect Meath!"
"Let's do as Princess Altena says." Hannibal agreed. "I'll protect Kapathogia. I want those remaining to head for Luthecia and intercept the enemy unit headed there. When we do, that's where the real battle should begin. If we take out their commander, the subordinates will surely change course. In other words, they won't continue moving towards Luthecia. And if we defeat them entirely, they'll want the others to come reinforce them. Until then, Lady Altena and I will take care of those other enemies."
The fight went exactly as Hannibal had predicted. When the dragon knight unit headed for Luthecia saw Fee trying to intercept them, they turned towards Grutia Castle to fight the liberation army.
Once she'd lured the dragon knight unit a good distance away and defeated them, Fee and several cavaliers turned towards Kapathogia to provide reinforcements there.
Hannibal wielded a flame sword and fought the oncoming dragon knights. Though he suffered several wounds, he did not lose even the slightest bit of energy. He was able to hold out until reinforcements came, just as he'd promised.  
The day had come for Arion and his dragon knight unit to fight.
This was his response to Altena's final letter:
"As a warrior of Thracia, I cannot consider a ceasefire after you've killed this many of my soldiers. You too should know that very well. Now, I wait for the day of our final battle. From the beginning, I have thought not about whether we will win or lose, but that, as a warrior, my acts are not an embarrassment. Still, do not hold back. Tell Lord Seliph to come at us with everything he’s got."
Seliph said in response, "Thank you. Tomorrow, the last battle will finally begin. It may be difficult for you to fight, so you should stay on the rear line."
Altena did as Seliph suggested, and did not go out to the front line, instead flying high in the sky from the rear.
Even though the liberation army was fighting against the once great Thracian Dragon Knights, their numbers had already been so greatly reduced that the battle proceeded to go in the liberation army's favor.
Then, she saw a single dragon flying towards her.
"It's Big Brother." She realized it in an instant. "He's going to try to fight me."
Though she had Gáe Bolg, she knew that she was no match for Arion and Gungnir. At best, the fight would end in a tie.
'I will die by his hand.'
A sweet memory filled her heart.
When she'd stood up to Travant, she'd pictured her ideals in her mind, but never thought things would end up like this. For a moment, she worried that it was all her fault.
'What will become of Thracia now?'
She had no memory of Leonster. Thracia was her one and only home.
'Perhaps dying by his hand is the greatest end for me.’
She raised Gáe Bolg and yelled, "Let's do this, Brother!"
The two dragons flew towards each other in a straight line, with their opponent on their right side, as if they were in a jousting match.
As the distance between them shrank, Altena could see clearly the face of the man she loved. She could also see the sparkling tip of Gungnir, aiming straight for her.
'Watch my final attack!'
When they crossed paths, she thrust Gáe Bolg forward.
She felt resistance ripple through her arm.
What about the attack aimed for her? Where was the blow from her beloved that was supposed to lead her to a sweet death?
She was in a state of total shock, but her eyes moved and laid upon her beloved's dragon, hurtling towards the ground.
His dragon fell into a forest, and she lost sight of them.
She burst into tears.
The battle was already over, but Altena did not return to land. She continued to fly through the skies, thinking of Arion.
No matter how many tears fell, they did not cease, continuing to stream down her face.
But, eventually, the time came and her tears to dry up.
And it was then that she understood the reason why her beloved did not strike her with Gungnir.
'Brother, you ordered me to live, right? I understand. I will live. I will fulfill my duty as the inheritor to Gáe Bolg. If that is what you wish, then that is what I will do. But, my life is terrible. All of my dreams have been crushed… The moment you were gone, I knew for sure. That for a long, long time, deep within the bottom of my heart, I've wanted you to hold me in your arms. Why did you give me that dream? And then go so nobly all by yourself…'
Altena soon landed at Thracia Castle.
Her tear stains had already vanished.
In their place was nothing but the face of Lance Knight Njörun's descendant.
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riathenowheregirl · 5 years
Gold Dust Women: My Favorite Witchy Singers
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Okay, before you burn me alive with “Where’s this certain artist?!” or “Why is this certain artist not here?!” or “Who even uses Tumblr these days?”, uhmmm me bish?? It’s my safe zone. Okay, the last question was a joke. 
Can I just say that the amazing women on this list are artists I listen to all the time. They’re my favorites, so chill (I’m open for suggestions tho). This is not Rolling Stone or Billboard magazine, it’s just ya girl’s good ol’ tumblr blog. Also, I’m not saying that all of them are literal w i t c h e s, it’s just that they portray the same aesthetic through their art and music. 
Alright, now that’s settled, let’s start.
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Do I even need to explain this? Stevie is undoubtedly the Etheral Queen of them all, the Pioneer, the O.G. Supreme whose lyrical soul and spellbinding voice echoes from the distant past to the inevitable future. Everything about her oozes with witchcraft and magic starting from her iconic top hat, to her millions of intricately made shawls, down to her platform boots. Only Stevie Nicks could pull off such Not-of-this-Era outfits and she has been doing it CONSISTENTLY. She’s in a timeline of her OWN. If you listen to her music, you would notice that every song of hers is poetry, like she’s telling a story or conjuring the unknown. She’s every witchy woman’s icon and that’s a fact.
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Stevie is an untouchable yet gracious legend, we’ll always be a part of her sisterhood until the day of earth’s decay. Forever the Queen of Rock N’ Roll. 
Current Favorite Stevie Lyrics:  “ You can fly swinging from your trapeze, scaring all the people...but you'll never scare me.”  |   “Once in a million years a lady like her rises. Oh no, Rhiannon, you cry, but she's gone and your life knows no answer.”
Notice how I used the word “current”? Because it always changes depending on the state my life. Here’s a more detailed post on why I love her.   
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“Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy, I've come home, I'm so cold! Let me in through your window!”
The eccentric beauty, Kate Bush made a genius, artistic move by writing a song about the book, Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Brontë in the 1800′s. Mind you, she was only 18 when she wrote and was the first song written by a female artist that landed on top the charts. Her voice is almost as distinctive as Stevie Nicks. While Stevie’s more nasal, commanding, wailing rock n’ roll goddess, Kate’s voice was high-pitched, alarming, ghostly, queer, and fairy-like. Everything about her is Performance Art. This is a woman who is not afraid to express herself.
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For starters, you might think her music is strange and weird. Trust me, I felt the same way when I first heard her songs. But then, it began to grow on me leaving floral patterns on its path. 
Favorite Kate Bush Lyrics:  “Do you want to feel how it feels? Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me? Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making? You, it's you and me.”
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This one is as obvious as Stevie Nicks. Florence Welch from the band, Florence + the Machine, is a poetess, a screaming banshee, and a full-pledged Sister of the Moon. She even started a witch coven during middle school. From her red carpet looks to her everyday outfits on Instagram, Florence vibrates powerful witch energy. Not to mention she has a song called “Which Witch” and that haunting music video for Big God with levitating women. Flo is not a woman to trifle with, I’ll tell you that. 
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Photos courtesy of @lillieeiger
In all her songs, Florence will bind you with magic and it’ll leave you breathless. If Stevie’s songs are poetry, hers are spells you could sing out loud. Also, if you haven’t seen her house tour, go check it now! 
Favorite Florence Welch Lyrics: “'Cause I am done with my graceless heart so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart.”  |  “And in a moment of joy and fury I threw myself in the balcony like my grandmother so many years before me.”
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Remember when Lana used witchcraft to hex Donald Trump? It was all over the news and Twitter went wild. She was later quoted saying, “I really do believe that words are one of the last forms of magic and I’m a bit of a mystic at heart.” Oh, and she also did a collab with Stevie. 
We. Stan. Forever.
There was even a time that I MEMORIZED the monologue in the music video for Ride. ALL OF IT, HUNNY. 
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Lana’s hypnotizing vocals together with her sixties baby doll dresses and Priscilla Presley hair is enough to convince me that she’s not of this era. She has a deep understanding of the beauty of past generation and the looming sadness and nostalgia that comes with it. Whenever I listen to her music, I imagine myself as a rockstar’s muse who is involved with the mafia but then I decided to leave him while taking his gun and convertible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite Lana Del Rey Lyrics: “Well, my boyfriend's in the band. He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed. I've got feathers in my hair, I get down to Beat poetry. And my jazz collection's rare, I can play most anything.”
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David Bowie didn’t call her the “future of music” for nothing. Just two albums under her belt, Lorde already proved that she will one day become a legend herself. Her music narrates an unparalleled interpretation of the anguish and fleeting charm of our youth. She knows what we’re feeling because she’s been there herself and is on the road to healing just like us. 
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I think the message she’s trying to say is that we’re constantly losing grip on our innocence, and that life is often wicked so we need to accept that, grit our teeth, get on with it, and make art. She can also see color when she hears music. 
In my opinion, Lorde is one of the greatest artists of my generation. 
Favorite Lorde Lyrics: “The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy till all of the tricks don't work anymore, and then they are bored of me.”  |   “That slow burn wait while it gets dark, bruising the sun, I feel grown up with you in your car. I know it's dumb.” 
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Honestly, FKA Twigs is literally art in living form, a celestial angel that nobody can easily decipher. This woman has more talent in her fingertips than I could ever have in a lifetime. She somehow reminds me of a young Kate Bush; fearless, experimental, with an intoxicating voice. She never stops reinventing herself and it’s beautiful.
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In FKA Twigs’ world, there are no limits, just endless galaxies. She pours her whole being in all of her songs and it shows. She’s not for the faint of heart, let me tell you that. 
Favorite FKA Twigs Lyrics:  “And I don't want to have to share our love. I try but I get overwhelmed. All wrapped in cellophane, the feelings that we had.” 
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I say this all the time, but I cannot write without Skott’s music blasting on my earphones. She grew up in a “forest commune run by outcast folk musicians” and was not exposed to contemporary music until her teen years. You would notice it in her songs. 
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It’s hard to explain why, but listen to Skott’s music when there’s thunder and rain outside, then you’ll know why this woman is witchy. I kind of want her to be more popular and known, but then again, I also want to keep her to myself. Scratch that, LISTEN TO SKOTT’S MUSIC NOW. 
Start with Glitter & Gloss. 
Favorite Skott Lyrics: “Like an empty canvas, hear me cry. Like a masterpiece, I'm in your eyes. Now your colors are in front of me, we're a picture-perfect oddity.”
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I fell in love with this sister duo when I first heard their song, Emmylou, while browsing YouTube. It’s one of those moments of instant magic. Klara and Johanna Söderberg are a coven of their own. I would describe their music as “Woodland Folk laced with runes and wild flowers”. 
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Their voices compliment each other so much that it reminded me of Simon & Garfunkel (they even performed their own version of America in front of Paul Simon!!!). First Aid Kit has this Woodstock seventies vibe, and you know me, I live for that sh*t. 
Favorite First Aid Kit Lyrics: “ When I run through the deep dark forest long, after this begun, where the sun would set, the trees were dead and the rivers were none. And I hope for a trace to lead me back home from this place, but there was no sound there was only me, and my disgrace.”
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Zola Jesus’ music deserves to be played with an orchestra inside an abandoned castle in Transylvania while it gently rains and you’re wearing a white nightgown as you roam its empty halls. Is that too much?
 Not at all. 
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Like Skott, I listen to Zola whenever I’m having writer’s block. If I ever finish my book, I’m gonna have to thank them. 
Favorite Zola Jesus Lyrics: “I'm on my bed, my bed of stones, but in the end of the night we'll rest our bones, so don't you worry. Just rest your head cause in the end of the night we'll be together again.”
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Photo Credits to Harper Smith
I LOVE ZELLA DAY’S MUSIC OH MY GOODNESS. My favorite songs of her are Sweet Ophelia, Hypnotic, Man on the Moon, and Hunnie Pie. ESPECIALLY HUNNIE PIE. I cry whenever I hear that song. It’s just so pure, calming, and beautiful. 
Her music belong in the psychedelic era. 
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People labeled her as the “happier version of Lana Del Rey” but I think she’s in a league of her own. She deserves more recognition, honestly! 
Favorite Zella Day Lyrics: “The older we get there's an ocean of people in places we've chosen and you know how mama keeps saying “we've gotta stop the games we're playing””. 
Hope you guys approve of my list! I really like sharing stuff that I love! Feel free to message me for more suggestions, I’d really appreciate to know more witchy artists out there. We’re all in a huge coven of sisterhood. 
Thanks for reading!
Ria  🌙
Please follow my blog!!! THANK YOU  🔮
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crvmsdecorum · 4 years
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“If there is no pizza then I’m not going.” 
( zoey deutch, 24 , female, she/her,  ) Did anyone else just see ALESSIA FAUST ? I hear for the FAUST family they can be a bit IMPULSIVE & CRUEL. But I also heard they can be LOYAL & ADVENTUROUS. If you dare, I hear they frequent OLLIE’S in their spare time when they aren’t being a SOLDIER / BOUNCER AT EDEN’S. Tread carefully or else you might be next on their list !
trigger warnings;; mentions of abortion, suicide. 
T h e B a s i c s
Full Name: Alessia Vivienne Faust Nickname(s): Alice, Wild Child, Spitfire, Brat.  Preferred Name(s): None.  Age: 24 Birthday: October 30th Birth Place: Paris, France Current Residence: Chicago, Illinois Zodiac: Scorpio  Nationality: Italian Ethnicity: French, Italian Occupation: Soldier / Bouncer at Eden’s Tattoos: Has the family tattoo on her right upper shoulder and added various flowers around it, a tattoo around her neck, tattoo on her upper right thigh, collarbone tattoo in Italian,  Piercings: Triple earlobe piercings (both ears) w/ one cartilage piercing, industrial piercing on right ear. 
P e r s o n a l
Status: Single as a fucking pringle.  Positive Traits: Protective, Friendly, Selfless, Blunt.  Negative Traits: Reckless, Impulsive, Sarcastic, Grumpy.  Sexual Orientation: Straight
F a m i l y
Father: Matthew Faust (deceased) Mother: Lucille LeRoux (deceased) Siblings: Oliver, Lucian, Darcy, Effie, Hana, Cassidy, Andrew, Caleb. Others: Blair. 
P l a y l i s t
do it like a dude by jessie j • no glory by skan (ft. mime & drama b) • fight back by neffex • what’s up danger by black caviar (ft. blackway) • rumors by neffex • don’t call me angel ariana grande (ft. miley cyrus & lana del rey) • now you by gjan 
B a c k g r o u n d
Meet Alessia Vivienne Faust ; Her name literally means Defender of Life. She is currently 24 years old and a bouncer at Eden’s. 
She was born on October 30 and is the result of a rather short affair between Matthew Faust and infamous French ballerina dancer Lucille LeRoux. 
Regardless of how short it was their actions resulted in Alessia. When Lucille first learned of her pregnancy she was beyond frightened and more overly worried of what it would do to her career. 
She instantly thought about aborting the baby and on the day of the operation Lucille was confronted by Matthew himself. Feeling ambushed by his appearance the woman came clean in telling the Italian her unborn child is his. Outraged by her actions he kept a calm look and simply made a deal with Lucille: carry the child to full term and then hand the baby over to him. All expenses will be paid for the woman’s troubles plus more. Without a second thought to it the ballerina accepted this. 
The entire pregnancy was long to Lucille and came quick to growing tired of it, especially watching the other dancers from the sidelines, but she stayed throughout the pregnancy for the money. It was a lot and Lucille couldn’t pass it up. 
Soon enough the time came and Lucille gave birth and no one was by her side (Matthew was on a plane). At first she refused to look at her daughter and just allowed her newborn to be laid in her crib. The French finally gazed upon her daughter when the newborn couldn’t stop crying and no nurse was coming to her aide to sooth the infant – and you know what? Lucille fell in love. 
When Matthew arrived to the hospital to take what was rightfully his the Italian came to see the hospital room empty. No Lucille, no newborn daughter. This was the result of how Lucille ended up with a hit on her from the Italian mafia. 
She used the money he had given her prior to the birth and ran away. Lucille created a new identity for herself and moved to London. There she thrived as an artist who resided in a old fire station. The place was big enough just for her and little Alessia. Plus, the art work they would create together. 
As you all very well know all good things come to an end and Lucille’s actions quickly caught up to her. It was Halloween and Alessia had just turned five years old and was dressed as a ballerina - a nod to her mother’s former profession. She had went trick or treating with her next door neighbor and their kids, the night went off perfectly until Alessia came home. 
The ballerina child found her mother lying in the bathtub filled with water and her wrists slit so deep with a ‘suicide’ note on the sink. It was a nightmare that she forever will remember unlike most of that night. One moment she stood over the corpse and the next Alessia was in the police station an hour later covered in a mixture of water and blood. The next she remembered was a police officer wrapping a blanket around her with exciting news. “We have dialed your father and he is on his way to get you.” is what the office said. Never before had anyone spoke to Alessia about her father other than Lucille and all she would say about him is he was a charismatic business man. 
Little did Alessia know is the officer who informed her of this was on the payroll of the Italian mafia and was the very same man who murdered Lucille, but yet he didn’t act like a cold hearted killer at least not to the child. The last thing Alessia remembered of that night was meeting Matthew Faust for the first time and ditched the ballerina costume. 
Over the next few years Alessia quickly changed or more so showed more of her brute personality Lucille always kept in check. She acted out at school, but mainly against those who were bullies or she deemed they deserved it. 
The bastard daughter doted on her father constantly and loved him even more when she felt a rage against her mother for ending her life early. There was nights where Alessia expressed her thoughts of the anger she felt to Matthew. “Wasn’t I enough?”, “How could she? I - I thought she loved me.” Then the truth came to light of Lucille’s true reaction to learning of her pregnancy and how she wished to end it before Matthew told her a little white lie and said Lucille had a change of heart. He twisted the words around to make Lucille more of the bad guy and it worked like a charm. 
The anger she felt Alessia turned it into drive of what her mother is missing out on from her actions. While she caused a lot of fights in school and protected those who cannot protect themselves, Alessia somehow managed to excel in school and managed to graduate in the top ten percent. 
By the end of the summer Alessia moved to New York and attended private college institute for a business degree. She wanted to be useful to the Italian mafia when needed and what better way then getting this degree? 
Though there was something missing from Alessia’s life -- ADVENTURE. She still attended school, yes, but when not in school she would pull off some of the craziest stunts that involved parkour among many other daring things. All everyone knows is she has scars on her to prove it. 
And after almost four years in school, half way to achieving her Bachelor’s degree Alessia up and left. The need to see the world and for all it’s glory finally caught up to her and she set out to see. Of course she remained loyal to her family and often helped them out while living in Italy for a while. 
With nears stirring in Chicago of what is going on, Alessia decided she can get her fill of action back home and left Italy. 
Personality;; Alessia is an impulsive woman and is always put’s her family before herself. She does have a soft caring side though it is hardly shown to those outside the Italians. Alessia has very powerful protective instincts. She cannot stand to sit back and see people get hurt, always trying to do something to help whenever possible, even if for a complete and total stranger. She is extraordinarily devoted to helping innocent people and protecting the Fausts. Now without being said, Alessia is very sarcastic and a sharp tongue at times. She is always ready for a comeback when someone say something to her in a negative manner of the sorts. 
Wanted Connections;; Former flames, enemies, old school mates, friends, etc. I am honestly down for anything.
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naldoreth · 4 years
So, top three songs that remind you of Elin & Legolas? ❤️
Thanks for the ask! I love it. So, first of all, a bit of explanation as to wtf Elin & Legolas is for those of you who don’t know. I’m writing a very lengthy, very slowburn fic Legolas x human OFC - yes, it’s got everything, it’s got “girl falls in Middle Earth”, it’s got “Tenth Walker”, it’s got dwarven culture and slowbuild and a lot of mutual pinning. So for this fic I have a Spotify playlist with, as of today, 40 songs on it that remind me of Elin and her relationship with Legolas, her journey through Middle Earth and her searching for home. But now, to the question in case: my top three songs for these two lovebirds. I have considered things carefully and, right now -this could change in the future as I expand the playlist- these are my fave songs, and I’ll explain WHY cause we’re here for the rant. 1. Young and beautiful - Lana del Rey Will you still love me When I’m no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me When I’ve got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will I know that you will Will you still love me when I’m no longer beautiful? Dear lord, when I get to heaven Please let me bring my man When he comes tell me that you’ll let him in Father tell me if you can All that grace, all that body All that face, makes me wanna party He’s my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds So, I know this one is the most obvious for an elven/human couple, but it just fits so well. I can totally see Elin asking herself these same questions, having so many doubts about engaging in a relationship with Legolas ‘cause she knows she is gonna age and die in front of his eyes and he will remain young, beautiful… and heartbroken. The verse where she’s addressing God I think is specially heartbreaking, because in Tolkien legendarium elven and human souls don’t go to the same place. Elin and Legolas will never have the comfort of knowing that they will see each other again. In case you don’t know, the elvish fëa, their soul, goes to the Halls of Mandos when an elf dies and it rests there until the soul is healed and ready to be reborn. Then the elf will be born again (the canon differs between being reborn as a child that will gain their memories with time or just come back as the elf as they were before). Elves really don’t die unless they choose not to leave the Hall of Mandos or, in rare cases such as Arwen or Luthien, trade their inmortality completely. But it’s different with humans. Humans in Middle Earth die just as we do, and nobody knows where do their souls go or if they go somewhere. That is something only Eru Illúvatar knows and not even Mandos or any of the Valar have any clue. That is the Gift of Men. And Legolas and Elin are very aware of this. They know that the brief time of Elin’s life is ALL they have, and it breaks my heart just imagining Elin praying to Eru to let her be with him one more time, after her death. ‘Cause she forsook her time and her home to save Middle Earth and be with him, and she knows that she’ll die and that will leave a hole in Legolas’ heart taht will never heal. (I’ve made myself really sad writing this and I HAVE to add that since mortal people on Valinor do die, there will come a day when Legolas will also lose Gimli and I’m note sure that the poor thing will be able to recover. I can totally see Legolas choosing to die in Valinor and just staying in the Halls of Mandos, never returning to his hröa, his body, until the Dagor Dagorath, the Battle of all Battles. Imma gonna cry for a bit now, brb). 2. Home – Phillip Phillips Hold on, to me as we go As we roll down this unfamiliar road And although this wave is stringing us along Just know you're not alone 'Cause I'm going to make this place your home This second song is more about the theme of the whole fic than just their relationship, but I see it as Legolas talking to Elin. Elin comes from our world, but she doesn’t really leave anything behind – anything but her uncle and her job. She’s always lived in the same house, even after her parents passed away, and she’s always been kind of a loner. She’s got friends, sure, but she kind of lives her life just passing by, not really taking risks or doing the things she really longs for. She loves her home, but when she was younger she dreamt of living in the city. She just never left when her parents died, cause the house was all she had left from them. She loves to travel and dreamt of seeing the whole world, but then she was an orphan and had to manage college and work at the same time, so she chose to study from home. She just accepted what life threw at her and never tried to fight her fate. She complied, and was contented. But then she was pushed into Middle Earth, on a journey she didn’t want to take, and everything changed for her. She had no home. She had no way of knowing if she could ever go back to her world. Where does she really fit in Middle Earth? Where does she really fit in her life? Her disappearence barely had any effect on her time. Where is home for her? So, throughout the story she will struggle with these questions, this searching for belonging, and to her surprise she will find it in Legolas. His hand will be the hand showing her home, and he will try his best to make her feel like she belongs. Cause she does. 3. Stand by you – Rachel Platten. Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating And love, if your wings are broken We can brave through those emotions too 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you Oh, truth, I guess truth is what you believe in And faith, I think faith is helping to reason No, no, no, love, if your wings are broken Borrow mine so yours can open too 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you This last song kind of comprises the themes I’ve talked about in the others: death and belonging. It can be seen from both points of view, though I usually imagine is Elin who sings it (maybe ‘cause the singer is a woman). The War of the Ring is the hell they have to brave through and leaves them tired, broken and hurt – but they’re are gonna be there for each other, even when they know that, at the end of everything, Heaven is not something they can reach. They will power through the war, fight alongside one another, be each other wings and hands and eyes and, when it all ends, that’s all they will have left. Each other. Elin knows there’s no Valinor for her. Legolas knows it too. But their love will be their Heaven, if nothing else can be. They will stand by each other through hell, through heaven, through life and through death. If you're still reading after this long AF post and would like to check the playlist, here's a link! And, in case the fic caught someone's attention, here it is. This looong post talks about things that hasn't happened yet - but it's a Tenth Walker Legolas x OFC fic, so you could see them coming! Also, the fic is written in Spanish, sorry folks! Although I'm not completely against the idea of translating it to English someday, if there's demand.
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hadesglance · 5 years
All hail the new queen... - 13 (Hades Original Story)
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten Part Eleven  Part Twelve
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You stopped you bike in the lot outside of a large park. You were crazy to even try this but thinking back to that night over and over again. How you held Hades and he slept so soundly in your arms. The rest of the week you had checked his room, and every night he was racked with nightmares…you had to try for Hades’ sake even if it was crazy.
You swallowed down your anxiety and strode across the park to a quiet area away from the playgrounds and groups of teenagers that hung around. You took a deep breath in looking up to the sky seeing clear blue skies, “Alright…I know you can hear me…so please show up.”
You waited for a moment not hearing, seeing, or feeling anything. You felt your temper rise slightly, “Really!? You really want to make me beg for it, ‘cause you will be sorely disappointed, I don’t beg!”
Still nothing as you clenched your fist at your sides, “ZEUS! So, help me…I found a way into the Underworld…I WILL FIND A WAY TO YOU AND-”
“There’s t need to shout.” You heard the smug voice from behind you. He smirked as he crossed his arms a distant rumble sounded making his presence further known, “What can I do for you? Hades not giving you the satisfaction you need?”
“Can it, Pornstach, this isn’t even remotely about that.” You stepped toward him.
“‘Pornstach?’” He quirked an eyebrow quickly, “I’m assuming that’s an insult?”
“You would be correct…” You stopped in front of him with a huff, your irritation only rising.
“I’ll have you know…Hera, loves it.” He smiled confidently.
You smirked leaning toward him as you crossed your arms, “Hera, is being kind and lying to you.”
He blinked several times before looking away unable to find a way to dispute your statement, “What do you want?”
“You remember how you said you owed me?” He nodded as you took in g a deep breath, “Well…I want to cash in.”
“Alright…what is it? Pass a test…get you money…” He began to list off normal common wants and needs.
“I want you to let Hades miss the Titanomachy celebration.” You watched him freeze instantly, “I know it’s a lot to ask…”
“Ask? It’s something I can’t allow.” Zeus told you quickly, “I’m sorry, Y/N, ask for something else. Anything else.”
“Why can’t you? You know what it’s doing to him don’t you?” You watched this big giant ego of a man just deflate slightly as you pushed the subject, “Zeus, he hasn’t slept in days…and when he does get rest it’s just light. He can’t keep doing it, even if he is a god…it’s too much.”
“I know what’s happening and I’m aware of my brother’s unrest.” Zeus told you as he turned away.
You didn’t let him escape stepping in front of him, “Then let him stay home.”
“I can’t.” When you began to protest again Zeus raised a finger, “It’s his year. He’s the one who leads the ceremony, one of the original seven always does. It’s been half a century since the last one, so I can’t stop it and it wouldn’t be fair to pass the responsibility to one of my other siblings so late.”
You shook your head frowning, “I’m just so worried for him. He’s trying to hide it so much, but I can see how it’s bothers him. He’s anxious and afraid…”
Zeus nodded slowly before letting out a sigh, “Hades was the first son. Cronus had great plans for him and for it he made him suffer the most and the longest. Hades has… a lot to be anxious and afraid of.”
It surprised to you hear how accepting Zeus was. You did not figure him to be so accepting of one’s flaws, even his brothers, “You won’t tell me what happened, will you?”
“No.” He smiled shaking his head, “No, I can’t do that. It’s not my story to tell.”
“So I’ve heard.” You sighed looking away from him, “Zeus…please reconsider…”
“I would if I could…believe me I’ve changed the circumstances of this celebration many times and if it wasn’t happening in a week…I might have been able to do something, but it’s set in stone now.” He sighed, “It used to be every year…then every five…ten…now we’re at fifty years in between. It’s Hades’ turn and he will do what he must…next year it will be Poseidon, after that Hera, then Demeter…Hestia…Chiron and then myself…We owe to everyone to tell our story.”
“…how you saved the day?” You hugged yourself as you smelled rain on the air.
“No.” He shook his head smiling, “How we saved ourselves. You mortals chose a hero…I may have helped get my siblings out, but I’m far from the hero…a long time of ago I wouldn’t have said that and would have agreed with all of you. I have grown up since then.”
You looked at him, “So what? It’s all a show? The whole sex sex sex persona?”
“Again…A long time ago…” He cringed a little, “Look…I’ve made mistakes. Big ones. I have since paid for them over and over, again and again. I’m on decent terms with most of my children and I love my wife. I might flirt and be an asshole, but I do care a great deal about our world…this world…”
“Wow.” You smiled a little, “That gives me a little hope for this sad universe.”
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t be so dramatic.”
You chuckled a little, “You’re a god, let’s be real, your life is nothing but drama.”
“Eh, well…you’re not wrong.” He shrugged with a smile before letting out a long sigh, “I’m sorry I can’t do this for you.”
You stared at him as his eyes drifted upwards a slow smile curling up on his lips, “…whatever just popped into your head…no….no I don’t want it…”
“Consider it a gift…I’ll still owe you, of course.” Zeus smirked leaning down close to your ear and whispered, “This will be for my brother.”
“Zeus!” You called after him when he disappeared, another roll of thunder rippled across the sky. You didn’t like the sound of this ‘gift’, “Shit…”
Hades walked through the halls of the manor looking for you. You weren’t in your room or the library. The dining room was empty, and none of the shades had seen you in hours. He sighed entering his office and shutting his eyes reaching out to Charon at gate.
The Ferryman appeared before him. His mortal form suited him nicely, if all security guards looked as intimidating as Charon the world might have been a less scary place, “Sir? Can I help you with something?”
“Did Y/N go somewhere today?” Hades asked him leaning against his desk, “I can’t find her here.”
“She did take off earlier, she said she had an errand to run. That was about 9.” Charon told him.
“Errand? On a Friday…she doesn’t have school…Did she say when she would return?” Hades crossed his arms staring at him.
“No, sir.” An eyebrow shot up above the aviator glasses, “Is there something wrong?”
A loud rumble shook the house making them both look up as silence filled the house. A moment later heavy rain could be heard hitting against the roof.
“Just a feeling.” Hades whispered.
“Sir, I feel it’s important to remind you that she took Lana.” Charon put his arms behind his back.
“Lana?” Hades squinted at him confused for a moment before he stood up straight, “Oh…oh…thank you Charon, that will be all.”
Charon left as he pulled out his phone swiping up dialing your number quickly. It rang over and over until it went to voice mail. He silently cursed redialing as he felt a strange sensation fill his gut. Again, you didn’t answer.
He stared at his phone for a moment before putting it down on the desk. He had promised himself to trust you. To let you go about your life as normally as possible, but he couldn’t shake this strange feeling that something was amiss.
He shut his eyes reaching out across the distances of the city. Searching for his connection through the many souls. Each glowed a different hue depicting who they were and what line they came from. He went far from the manor through the rain, until he found you.
His eyes snapped open as he stood under an overpass. You were on the other side kneeling next to you bike cars whizzing past you. You were soaked and looked miserable as you checked it over.
When it was finally clear to pass, he ran over to you, “Y/N?”
Your head snapped up to him surprised, “Hades?”
“What are you doing? What happened?” He asked you quickly watching you stand up wiping your hands on your jeans.
“I broke down, just as it started to rain. I had to push her under here.” You sighed pulling out your phone, “And my battery conveniently died.”
The way you said everything insinuated there was more to the situation, “Are you okay?”
You looked back up to him smiling a little before you nodded, “Yeah, just wet and cold.”
Relief spread through him quickly. He began to take off his jacket, “We should get you warm then, and out of this rain.”
“Hades, you don’t-”
“I want to.” He interrupted you as he moved in putting his jacket around your shoulders. You stared up at him when he got so close. He wished you wouldn’t, the temptation was just too great.
His hand found its way to your face fingers tracing over your cheek as his thumb absently ran over your lower lip. Realizing what he’d done, he stepped away clearing his throat, “I’m sorry…”
You pulled his jacket closer around you, “I…it’s okay.”
“We should get you home.” He told you holding out his hand to you.
“I’m not going to leave Lana here.” You told him giving him a side eye.
“You’re going to get sick. You’re soaked to the bone.” He protested, “I’ll have Charon come retrieve it, if it makes you feel better…but really you are going to catch a cold.”
“I’ve got a very nice jacket now.” You smiled at him tucking your head further into the coat almost like a turtle, “Besides…I don’t think Zeus is going to just let us go.”
“Zeus?” Hades squinted at you, “What does he have to do with this?”
“He claimed it was a gift for you…whatever that means.” You shivered a little, “But by all means, whisk us away if you can.”
“…” Hades stared at you for a moment longer letting his hand swipe over his mouth, “That explains why you’re stuck in the rain, my brother is…irritating, but it does not explain everything else.”
You froze looking at him before looking away, “I just…please know I just wanted to help you.”
“Help me?” He was becoming more confused.
“You told me he and Hera owed me a favor…” You wouldn’t look at him which made him nervous, “S-so I asked him to let you out of the Titanomachy celebration.”
“You-you what?” His eyes got wide, “Why would you do that?”
You stared at him as a few cars whipped by before you answered, “Because I care about you…and I care that this hurts you…I just-I thought maybe…”
You cared about him. He had to take a step back at the impossible words, “…you shouldn’t worry yourself. I’ve managed before I will again.”
“It’s not who I am, Hades…” You stepped toward him gaining his attention smiling at him sincerely, “I can’t just shut off caring about someone, especially you.”
He stared back down into your eyes before reaching out taking your hand. He thought of home, his office, the way he wished to hold you once he got there…but when he opened his eyes he was not in his familiar surroundings. Instead he was on a beach with you.
He growled, “Zeus! You cannot bar me from my own realm!”
“Aidoneus?” You both turned soaked to a woman holding towels. Her tan skin and dark hair matched the region they were in. She smiled brightly at you both, “Your brother called ahead and booked a room for you. This a very strange place to check in though, but we’re happy to accommodate newlyweds.”
Hades tensed looking over to your flushed face before he sighed taking the towels, “Well…we desired to see the ocean first…I apologize for the inconvenience.”
“Not at all sir, just unusual.” She smiled more reaching into her pocket pulling out a key card, “Your luggage is already in your room, please take your time, and enjoy your stay.”
The woman left leaving you both alone on the beach. Hades sighed handing a towel to you, “I’m sorry…”
“No…it’s my fault. If I hadn’t tried to be helpful…” You took the towel holding it to your chest, “Hades, I didn’t mean for any of this…I just wanted you to get some rest and now…”
“And now…we are going to abuse this as much as possible.” Hades interrupted you putting a smile on his face, “If I’m barred from my own realm, I suppose I’ll get some rest, won’t I? Your request seems to have not gone on deaf ears.”
You perked up a little at the notion, “I guess so…First we should probably figure out where we are?”
Hades turned looking out at the ocean squinting for a moment, “If I had a guess, I’d say the Bay of Kotor.”
“…and that’s…where?” You smiled as you stepped up next to him.
He turned his head to you with a smile, “Montenegro.”
Your eyes got wide as your mouth dropped open, “Wow…twice in three months across the world. The only two people in my family that can say that are my brother and Pappoús.”
“Your grandfather traveled backed to Greece then?” He asked you.
“Yes. He came to America first…you know the story I’m sure…prepare, get a job, a house…then he went back for Gigi, and then my great uncle and his family…and then for my other great uncle… Soon the whole family was here trying for a better life.” You smiled staring out at the ocean for a while before you spoke again, “I always wondered what it would have been like if they hadn’t left Greece.”
Hades stared at you for a moment before extending his hand to you, “I could show you…if you wanted.”
“Show me?” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
He shrugged smirking a little, “Sort of…fate and I work together closely…because of that we can see things normally we wouldn’t. If you wanted, I could grasp some strings and show you what could have been.”
The offer was tempting. He could see you considering it, curiosity coursing through your beautiful eyes. Finally, you looked away shaking your head, “No…I wouldn’t change anything and knowing wouldn’t do me any good.”
“You wouldn’t change anything? Truly?” He cocked his head a little.
You looked back up to him eyes twinkling, “Of course not…If things were different, I probably wouldn’t be standing here with you…in this amazing place…”
I love you…
He spoke it aloud in his head as he reached over taking your hand in his. You squeezed his hand making his heart race as he smiled at you, “We should get you dried off.”
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sexandwistfulness · 4 years
1/1/20, part i (or, torch ginger flower gins and tonic)
It is minutes away from the end of the decade and I am livid. For some reason, since we got to this party, the DJ has refused to play a single song from the 2010s.
Daft Punk's One More Time. Britney Spears' Toxic. Rihanna's SOS. "This is decade erasure," I announce with fury.
My companions tonight in Kuala Lumpur are three bi boys drinking torch ginger flower gins and tonic. For the benefit of the reader, let us know them by their apparel: there's Bomber Jacket and Marxist Tee and Ralph Lauren Polo, all relatively new friends.
They didn't know each other before tonight, but I think I've done a fine job bringing them together. They instantly vibe.
Bomber Jacket matches my anger. "Where's Lanaaaaaaa?" he calls out. "Blue Jeans was 2011. If I were spinning I'd just play all of Ultraviolence. That was 2014. Iconic."
An acquaintance of Marxist Tee's and mine suddenly pops out of nowhere, escaping her boyfriend to knock her vodka soda to our gins and tonic in celebration.
"Oh my God! You're in town," she notes with delight. Then she looks at, around, and behind me. "Is —— here too?", meaning Gallatin Girl, Gemini Girl, Guarded and Goal-Oriented Girl, the frizzy-haired workaholic who collects novelty earrings and Azerbaijani rugs, who would always tell me to buy her a rug whenever I noticed the work of any weaver. I never got the chance to.
She notices, just a beat too late, the way I fix a smile and my bi boys all wince and surround me in a protective circle. "Oh, no," I airily admit. "We're not together anymore."
The acquaintance rapidly disappears and everyone scrambles to find a new conversation topic, even as I assure everyone that I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm on to bigger and better things, I'm over it, so on, so forth.
What's Love by Fat Joe featuring Ashanti and Ja Rule comes up. "Absolutely not a fucking 2010s song," I shake my head. "Everything about Fat Joe, Ashanti, or Ja Rule screams 2001." God, I feel fucking old.
Ralph Lauren Polo finishes his G&T and decides to go for a beer instead. He's the most buttoned-up among us: he has his London School of Economics degree, dropped a great job at an oil company to work as an aviation regulator. He mentions no men or women heavy on his mind. His life is throwing his hands up in frustration upon reading the news. He gravitates to me, a former journalist, thinking I have insight and contacts and insider information. I don't think I have any, but sometimes I make something up to amuse myself.
It is 11:50pm on December 31, 2019, and Usher's Yeah comes up. What is going on? This DJ is acting like the 2010s were a musical wasteland. No, sir. We have just ten minutes to rail against this stunningly tone-deaf send-off to the last decade by naming the first highlights that come to us.
Marxist Tee: "The entire fucking work of Kendrick Lamar, bitch."
Bomber Jacket: "Shake It Off. Someone Like You. Shape of You, Stay With Me. Somebody That I Used To Know!"
Ralph Lauren Polo: "Uhhh... Despacito?"
"The entire fucking work of Lorde, our lord and savior." "Havana!" "How about... Old Town Road?" "Take Me To Church!" "Fuck it, the DJ can even play Blurred Lines if he wants as long as he plays something else from the last ten years too."
Marxist Tee brings up a podcast he listened to earlier today which centered on the fact that people often blurred the 00s and 10s together because these were decades that didn't have names — or awkward ones. Noughts. Teens. "At least we're entering the Twenties now." "Great, like I want more depression."
I spent most of the decade working news. These were momentous times. But they were not, by any means, particularly happy ones.
Bomber Jacket is still listing his top pop singles from the teens, although really all he's doing is alternating between Lana Del Rey, Ariana Grande, and Taylor Swift. "Cola! 22! Thank U, Next! God Is A Woman! Blank Space! Summertime Sadness! 7 Rings!"
On that final note I launch impromptu into the melody from 7 Rings, the melody from The Sound of Music:
"Drone strikes and ISIS, "And Brexit for Britain. "Wish Game of Thrones season eight wasn't written. "Planet is dying, and Trump needs no mention— "These are just some of the Terrible Teens."
"Fuck off," Marxist Tee laughs, almost spitting his drink. "That's the worst thing I've heard."
Someone is letting out fireworks five minutes early. Everyone cheers at first until they check their phones and realizes that it's not time yet. The premature hugs are accepted nonetheless.
Everyone has their phone out: Stories, Snaps, clips to clog up their camera roll. I start to tap out an email just after midnight, and my friends notice. "Excuse me," someone, I think Bomber Jacket, says. "Are you writing an email? And it's not for work? Sir, this is the year 2020."
You wouldn't get it, I smile back at him.
For the next two hours the DJ continues to refuse to play any song released between 2010 and 2019. In fact, he literally plays Toxic again, which admittedly does not go unappreciated by my friends, but remains to me practically a crime against humanity.
As the DJ wraps up, Marxist Tee finds an aux cable from someone and shoves our criminal music man aside to plug in Kanye's Monster. A cheer erupts, and everyone knows all the words to Nicki Minaj's verse.
Finally spent, we take the twenty minute walk to my car. Walking with mild dread down a busy, familiar street, I turn behind and look up to see Gallatin Girl's condo building, her unit twenty-one stories up, the only balcony with dangling plants jutting out through the railing — I should know, I was the one who moved those plants there from her previous apartment in the building next door, I was the one who watered them and faced them towards the sun.
And I stop to think about the carpets from Azerbaijan, my Muji pajamas, my back-issue Monocles and Bon Appetits, the terrible amateur watercolors I'd leave for her to find which she'd either quietly trash or put up on the bedroom wall, my toothbrush last seen sitting in the toothbrush holder in the bathroom, my Tide pens in the bedside drawer on my side of the bed, the bottles of white wine in the fridge she wouldn't drink unless she didn't have anything else to drink, all the flotsam and jetsam of the life I briefly shared with her. It was just months ago, but it feels like a whole different lifetime. It was just months ago, but a whole decade has passed. I take one last good look. I turn away, and I remember that it is January 1, 2020.
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emotionsofthesoul · 5 years
Chapter 18 _ Desde el 2012
“Chicas! Look what I have!” Renata said as she opened the door to the loft holding an envelope at 7am.
She didn’t hear anything and assumed the girls were asleep so she walked towards their room. As she opened the door she saw them cuddling in their sleep. 
She walked up to the bed. “Chulas wake up, I have good news and I brought breakfast…Cozmic breakfast.”
Seeing neither girl move even a muscle she decided to do the next reasonable thing, she went and opened the curtains to let the bright sunlight come in. That did the trick.
“Renata…” Valentina said groggily beginning to sit up and remembering she and the girl next to her were very much naked and began covering herself up. “Wey! What are you doing here? Get out!”
“Oh god! That I had not expected… uhhh, I’ll be in the kitchen. Bye!” Renata said laughing and quickly exiting the room.
Once the girls were alone again they turned to each other and giggled at being awoken by none other than Renata.
“Good morning beautiful.” Valentina leaned into Juliana and kissed her jawline.
“Hi.” Juliana whispered back leaning down to kiss Valentina’s head.
Valentina began to draw circles on Juliana’s arm. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know, I feel weird but like a good weird.” Juliana felt her face began to turn red at the memory of what they shared last night.
“This might sound cheesy but that was the best night of my entire life. I’d never experienced anything like that and I’m glad it was with you. I’ve never felt like this for anyone and this all feels really new…” Valentina said snuggling into Juliana’s neck as Juliana leaned her head on Vals.
Juliana sighed contently. “I know exactly what you mean. You’re my first at everything and like I’ve told you before this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt. You are the most important person in my life.”
They sat content in each other’s presence until they were reminded of the woman waiting for them in the living room.
“We should probably get dressed and go to Renata, no?” Juliana said as she ran her fingers through Valentina’s long brown locks.
“We probably should but I really don’t want to. Can we just like take the day off from life and just be? I don’t have class today anyway.” Valentina said looking up at Juliana’s brown eyes.
Juliana laughed before continuing, “As tempting as that sounds, she’s here for a reason…and we should go see what that is.”
“Why do you have to be the voice of reason? Just stay here in bed with me. She’ll get the idea and leave. Come on…” Valentina said running her fingers up and down Juliana’s arm very slowly with a certain look in her eyes.
“Stop that! Your seduction eyes are not gonna persuade me to stay.” Juliana said giggling because she knew it could in fact work.
Valentina bit her lip and she let out a sly chuckle.
“No, I think it is working…and I think you don’t want me to stop.” Valentina said with a smirk.
“I really don’t… but your sister in law is waiting for us and we need to go. Now.” Juliana said mustering all the will to get out of bed as Valentina tried to pull her back by the hand.
“No, get up.” Juliana said going over to Valentina’s drawer to get some sweat pants and a t-shirt.
“No, I think I like the view from here thank you very much.” Valentina said with a smirk.
Juliana blushed as she threw a pair of sweatpants at Valentina’s face and laughed. “Quiet! Change! Hurry up!”
Once both girls were changed and had brushed their teeth they walked out of the room hand in hand towards Renata who was watching tv on the couch.
“About time ladies…food is on the table. Bring it here to the couch, we have to talk.” Renata said skipping through the channels not bothering to look back at the two girls who were suddenly very red.
Valentina took the bag with the food to the center table while Juliana took the drinks. Both girls sat on either side of Renata each with their drink in hand.
“Eat. I’m not here to yell at you guys relax. I’m here to spend the day with my girls.” Renata said letting out a laugh setting her hands down on the knee of either girl.
“Okay so what’s in the envelope?” Valentina said as she took a sip of her smoothie Renata brought them from Cozmic Café.
Renata grabbed the envelope from the table and decided to stand up and turn around to face the girls.
“This is for Juliana. I wanted to be the one to personally give this to you that’s why no one has called you, babe. I want to officially welcome you to RIC Design Institute.” Renata said extending the envelope towards Juliana with a huge grin on her face.
Juliana was speechless but she jumped up from the couch and gave Renata a huge hug that Valentina eventually joined in on. The three were very excited over the news.
“See I told you, you had nothing to worry about!” Valentina told Juliana and turning to Renata, “Natty she had been freaking out for weeks before the presentation and then she was so disappointed when the month ended and she didn’t get the call.”
Juliana rolled her eyes at Valentina while playfully shoving her onto the couch. “Thank you so much for this opportunity Renata, I promise I won’t disappoint you. Thank you!”
Renata gave Juliana a squeeze before letting her go from the hug. “Hey, no, you earned this. I had nothing to do with it. It was all you, hun. I’m excited to see your success.”
The girls spent the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon together. Renata decided to give Juliana the day off and take her day as well so they could celebrate both the great news of the acceptance package and Valentina’s successful evening at the gallery show.
When the evening came around Valentina and Juliana went grocery shopping in the south side of town. Juliana had taken Valentina to a Mexican supermarket that had delicious tamales and fresh fruits and vegetables. The store usually had Mexican music playing throughout the building and live mariachi at the restaurant to the right of the entrance. Unexpectedly this evening the music was not the typical latin music.
Juliana grinned from ear to ear excited to hear Camila Cabello playing throughout the store.
At the sight of her girlfriend so excited about the music Valentina grinned and began singing along to In The Dark, surprising Juliana in the process.
“I had no idea you actually knew Camila’s music? I thought you didn’t like it?” Juliana said with a slight giggle.
Valentina did a small dance as she pushed the shopping cart. “I never said I didn’t like it, I just found it funny that YOU like her. You seemed so badass with your cool car and your cool outfits, I didn’t expect you to be a fan of her music.” Valentina said as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Since 012 baby! Hold on okay so what is your favorite Camila song?” Juliana said standing in front of the cart as she stopped it with her hands.
“Easy, All These Years” Valentina answered.
Juliana gently pushed the cart towards Valentina in excitement. “Babygirl! Same! How do you feel about consequences?”
They spent the rest of their grocery trip talking about Camila and the 5H era as Valentina let Juliana fangirl, something she found adorable about the girl.
When they arrived home they put their groceries away as Lana Del Rey played softly in the background through the speakers placed around the loft. Once they were finished they took their tamales to the living room to eat as they sat down to watch Anastasia, enjoying their day off together.
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
BakuDeku: No Quirks AU Part IV
Click here for Part I, Part II, and Part III!
3 Series. 56 Works.
The Dragon Mark by multi_bnha ( M | 2,737+ | 2/? )
“Momma?” “Yes dear?” Inko asked. “Why do I have this mark?” Confused, Inko looked at her son. What is this little boy talking about? She checked all over his body and didn’t see any kind of mark on him. “What mark are you talking about sweetie? I don’t see anything on you.” “This one right here,” he says while lightly tracing above his elbow. Looking over his body again, she didn’t see anything different on him. “Are you sure there’s a mark on you Izuku?” Inko questioned one more time. “Yes momma, don’t you believe me?” Izuku said as tears started to form around his eyes. ‘Oh no, I didn’t mean to make him upset,’ Inko thought to herself. Pulling him in a hug she said,"Of course I believe you, don’t ever think that.” Sniffling he looked up at her, “Then how come you can’t see it? Is something wrong with me?” Feeling more guilty over what she said before she tried to reassure him that he’s normal and nothing seems to be wrong with him, even if she can’t visibly see it. As she’s comforting him, his tears slowly started to fall, but he made no sound and stayed in his mother’s embrace until he fell asleep.
you said you'd keep me honest (but i won't call you on it) by arifail ( T | 10,738 | 1/1 )
Deku wasn't Katsuki's problem so there really wasn't any good reason for him to be standing outside the nerd's door, hollering loud enough to wake the dead.
Or for Deku to be opening the door looking like the dead Katsuki had woken up.
Bakugou & His Plus One by wishingcomet ( T | 1,802+ | 1/? )
"So how did you guys get together?" "Spite." "Kacchan! That's not true!" Izuku sputters out. "What the hell do you mean, 'not true'? That's literally what happened!" Bakugou scowls at him. "No... It's not like that... Hmm, yeah ok." Izuku shrugs helplessly and nods in agreement, "It was spite."
After a couple of busy months, the Bakusquad decide to meet up again. Kirishima and Mina are about to have their wedding soon, and Bakugou hasn't filled out the wedding RSVP. The rest of the Bakusquad have already assumed that he doesn't have a plus one (which is correct), but Bakugou disputes their statements claiming that he has a date and a boyfriend. Now, he has to go find someone to convince them to play the part.
Hold by Eggs_in_a_cloud ( T | 2,202+ | 1/3 )
“Hi, how are you doing today?”
The blond’s look falters for a moment and he stares at Izuku for a second, warily, before he eventually grits his teeth and answers.
“Fuckin’ peachy. I want to take out these books.”
Tumblr Prompt:
‘I’m a librarian and i see you have a bunch of books about depression and suicide in your hand, hey buddy, want to talk to someone? I’m here if you need me’ AU
i've given up on you (and my skin and my bones) by MsFluorescent ( T | 2,028 | 1/1 )
katsuki is the lead singer of pop punk band scarlet knife ㅡ handsome and popular, with an ego to match.
but bakugou katsuki is a lonely man with a penchant for cigarettes and a heart that won't ever mend.
[Major Character Death]
Sweater Weather - KatsuDeku by EngelDreamer ( T | 608 | 1/1 )
Resta immobile, Katsuki, trattiene appena il fiato e fa vagare gli occhi alla ricerca dei familiari tratti del suo ragazzo, ma trema un poco, però, quando non lo vede, temendo che la notizia del suo ritorno fosse solo un’amara menzogna. Poi davanti a lui compaiono un viso paffuto pieno di lentiggini, riccioli scuri coperti da un cappello di lana, occhi acquosi ed un sorriso luminoso e Katsuki torna a respirare.
Series Part 3 of Sweater Weather
Pocket Watches and Dragon Kings by dazeful ( T | 3,977+ | 2/? )
Midoriya Izuku is tired of being treated like a child, but also hating the strain of adult responsibilities. When his temper finally explodes, the boy calls out to the Dragon King to take his little sister away. Now he will do anything to get her back.
Didn't Really Ask For This by ErrorTryAgain ( Not Rated | 35,272+ | 9/? )
Izuku Iida was a normal college student until he found out that his kind, strong, and honest brother, Tenya Iida is going out with a married woman, and not just any woman, it's Ochako Uraraka, one of Asia's most popular young actress. The problem is, as I said she's married, to Katsuki Bakugou, the young CEO of one of the largest and still growing trading company in Asia. Izuku felt bad for his brother, he couldn't bring himself to scold him nor tear them apart, this is his first time falling in love after all, so he decided to keep an eye on the husband so that they wouldn't get caught. He just didn't expect the consequences in doing that.
Greco - Roman by Eerei ( Not Rated | 6,712+ | 3/? )
After the attack on Corinthus by the ruthless Roman army, Greek Izuku Midoriya is forced away from everything he has ever known. Left wondering whether his mother is safe in Athenae or not, Izuku is suddenly caught up in the life of an Alpha General whose skills and features seem nearly god-like.
Say, why does the statue of Mars look so familiar? - Katsuki has found the one the Parcae have prophesized about. So, disguised as a Roman General, the alpha will drag the useless omega to the Mons Capitolinus before Jupiter to put an end to the possible destruction of the Olympians. However, there seems to be just one problem.
Why can't he hurt this greenhaired freckled nerd?
Izuku's Notebook by velvetcoke ( M | 2,242+ | 1/? )
It was almost like a dream.
Izuku Midoriya -- another twenty-two year old man with an impossible dream, big heart and low budget is granted with the shock of his life. After many attempts of trying to fulfill his dream as a successful fashion designer, his resume is finally accepted by a fashion company. And not just any company. Eraserhead; one of the world’s widest known brands. He is flown to interstate to begin his work. His first task is unexpected. To deliver a gown to a woman in the famous Hīrōparesu. Things begin to get complicated once he is insisted that he must replace the woman’s attendance at a prestigious ball.
There he meets a prince. He is everything he expected a prince not to be. Little did he know that he would soon become closer to him than he had ever thought…
[Series] Tickets Straight To Hell by Tokiji ( E | 30,378+ | 2 Works | WIP )
System of Love by themasterchef ( E | 4,493 | 1/1 )
Based off the Black Mirror episode "Hang the DJ". Midoriya and Bakugo live in a world where a system determines all your relationships to help find you your true love. After being paired up for 12 hours, Midoriya and Bakugo must go their separate ways, but will they really be able to let each other go? What happens when they are reunited? And the most important question of all; what lengths will they go to for love?
Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by oyasumi_yue ( M | 2,728+ | 2/? )
Katsuki finds solace through an enigmatic stranger at a quaint bookstore his feet lead him to. Bewitched by their encounter, Katsuki desires more of the lovely stranger he met.
Roommates by KyliePaghan ( M | 11,139+ | 4/? )
Izuku is a journalist, and student, who managed to get a stalker because of his journalism. After his roommate abruptly moved out, he posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate just to keep the stalker at bay.
Izuku is now a journalist, and student, with a roommate that claims to be a demon. Really, he shouldn't have thought a Craigslist ad would be a good idea.
Idea taken from Reddit/nosleep with permission. All credit for the idea goes to the original poster. Edit to author's note! If my link still doesn't work, the link for the story is in the comments!
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Stalking]
The Lion and Rabbit by GreyDayMoon ( E | 4,149+ | 2/? )
The slave gladiator Bakugou Katsuki was fearsome in the pits for his brutality and efficiency. His skill draws the eyes of a certain green eyed noble and Katsuki finds himself being pushed into a new life as the protector of the freckled man who will be caught in the middle of a war between kingdoms.
Series Part 5 of AU's I'm Thinking of Expanding On Later
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Let's Not Make It Complicated by thegaylogic ( T | 7,590 | 1/1 )
labels are so overrated, let's not make it complicated.
why don't we just go get naked, let's not make it complicated.
Series Part 1 of 'Cause This Is All We Know
The Larkspur Strip Mall by Snows_Symphony ( T | 2,349+ | 2/? )
Katsuki and his BakuSquad™ run Porto's Pizza Place, a sweet little restaurant in a run-down strip mall. All is well and dandy until one day, their crappy landlord puts a Domino's right next to them. But can it be all bad? Because the cute green-haired manager of the new store seems pretty good to Katsuki
Or, Let's shove my ships into events based off of my life (no joke)
Not Another High School AU by MellowWrites ( T | 24,932+ | 3/? )
Izuku has been in love with the same guy for years, and no amount of bullying or warnings from friends will get him over this near obsession. Meanwhile, his best friend has been crushing on the girl of his dreams since middle school, and unluckily for Eijirou, she's dating an asshole.
The same asshole who Izuku is pining after.
[Underage | Homophobia]
whispers of love and scarring words by presageflower ( T | 9,923+ | 3/? )
Katsuki is Izuku's childhood friend and number one bully. Katsuki is able to sway everyone with his explosive force, while Izuku is weak, small and trips over his words more often than he would like to. He is, in many ways, the perfect target for Katsuki.
But Katsuki's actions have consequences and he is forced to face his own flaws, while Izuku constantly battles with his own.
Mind Games by BlueFlameSakura ( M | 7,626+ | 3/? )
Bakugou Katsuki had been questioning the safety of the little town he lived in for a while now. How will he react now that he finds out first hand what forces are actually at play?
Especially when he has accidentally caught the eye of someone that spells a lot of trouble. Someone with a selfish desire to keep Katsuki to himself.
Green Roses and Smoke Tattoos by aekths ( M | 12,629+ | 8/20 )
bakugou katsuki is a tattoo artist. midoriya izuku is a florist that works just a couple buildings down. when bakugou starts ordering flowers for his shops, he starts to get closer to the midoriya family, izuku especially. izuku isn't exactly sure how to handle his fiery and unpredictable new customer.
What Am I? by FadedNobody ( T | 6,959+ | 1/? )
After crawling onto land over five years ago Katsuki discovered that life as a human could be pretty damn great. So when he finds himself training some nerdy green eyed loser at the surf shop why does his world suddenly stand still? +++ Izuku's stuck in life and as door after door of opportunity closes before him he turns to the only thing he has left. Surfing the blue waves of his home town. So where did this blonde asshole come from and why does he insist he's a local?
Hand Speak by pissunicorn ( E | 30,350+ | 12/12 )
“You think you’re some hotshot, huh? You’re not going to even apologize, aren’t you?” Bakugou folded his arms, waiting for him to get on his knees with grief, but he turned around and picked something up from the counter inside. “Hey! Hey are you serious? I’m talking to you!” Bakugou had no qualms about barging into his house uninvited. “I said I’m talking to you! Are you Deaf-”
He's not here (At least not yet) by Pheonixtan707 ( Not Rated | 2,228 | 1/1 )
Prequel to my first fic, 'He's right here'. Going back to the past, what happened to Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku? Captured by human scientists, experimented on and later separated, how will they cope with it? And how will they escape
Headline: CEO Izuku Midoriya In Hot Water After Falling for One of His Employees by Matsumoto223 ( Not Rated | 2,989+ | 2/? )
AU where everyone is Quirkless. Fem Bakugo works for Izuku, the CEO of a large Japanese company.
Izuku's worked his whole life to be CEO and is just missing one thing....someone to love! Bakugo and Izuku's first encounter is less than stellar, but Izuku knows he has feelings for her. Can he find a way to make it work or does he risk his career in the process?
What Makes the World Go Around by NightshadeDawn ( Not Rated | 735 | 1/1 )
"Merry Christmas Little Shits 2018 - Day 1"
Bakugou's flight get cancelled. Well, it'll be a shitty Christmas- or... not?
Series Part 48 of That happened... Part 7 of Merry Christmas Little Shits
Porn to be a Star by SecretKiwi ( E | 12,653+ | 2/? )
Izuku needs a job, and maybe he finds more than a steady flow of income along the way.
Follow Izuku's journey through the pornography industry where he makes some cash, makes some friends and makes himself really fucking uncomfortable every day.
[Series] where does the good go by ivegotacaseofyou  ( G/M | 5,236+ | 2 Works | WIP )
Playing Cards by honeyfever ( T | 1,534+ | 1/? )
Crazy Rich Asians AU where Katsuki is both Crazy and Rich, and Izuku doesn’t know how to deal with slightly overbearing parents, being thrust headfirst into Japan’s high life, and people who are rich rich.
[Series] Life at Age 30 by Infuzion ( T/E | 24,147+ | 4 Works | WIP )
[ Attempted Rape/Non-Con | Homophobia | Bullying]
[Abandoned] breathe ( E | 2,336 | 1/3 )
For most, the zombie apocalypse was something they had started out with. For others, they were born in it. Izuku Midoriya was the unlucky one out of many to be born inside of one.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death | Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con]
Kacchan's in the kitchen! by Hiimtyler ( Not Rated | 352 | 1/1 )
Why are making pancakes so fucking hard!?
My heart on fire by ChestnutPatronus14 ( T | 1,310 | 1/1 )
After a devastating season, Izuku is beginning to question if his injury wasn't actually a sign for him to stop ice skating all together. Bakugo convinces him otherwise.
Part of the BKDK Secret Santa 2018
Brand New Colony by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) ( M | 9,263+ | 2/? )
200 years ago the first child with animal characteristics was born. Now, over 20% of earth’s population is accounted for by “hybrids,” or humans with varying degrees of animal characteristics.
Midoriya knows what life’s like for a hybrid. He’s grown up with the stares, the comments, the weight of proving everyone wrong. At least, he thinks he knows hybrids. Until he meets a mysterious Alpha wolf under less than desirable circumstances. Suddenly Izuku is drawn into Katsuki Bakugo’s gravity and he doesn’t want to leave.
Unfortunately, Izuku needs to to make a choice. Does Izuku choose his human side, his animal side...or Katsuki?
Series Part 4 of A/B/Ohhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
dream a little dream of me by dekustyle ( T | 3,764+ | 1/? )
It’s there again — the blinking light.
Little by little, Katsuki notices the light getting bigger and bigger until he can finally catch a glimpse of a bouncing green curly hair from the other side of the light.
Is that shit like a portal or something?
or an au in which whenever people dream, they are transported to a parallel universe called 'chimera'. katsuki calls bullshit, but he's proven wrong when the usual thick black canvas of his dream is gradually broken down by a blinking light
A trois, bon ménage ? by Nafarik ( M | 8,561+ | 3/? )
Cela faisait déjà quelques années qu'Ochako avait recueilli Izuku chez elle et le petit lapin nain hybride avait fini par devenir sa petite oasis de paix, toujours là pour lui faire des câlins après une journée difficile. Pourtant son quotidien allait changer après sa rencontre avec ce loup blond secouru lui aussi d'une organisation illégale. Bien ou non le changement ? Elle allait bientôt le découvrir.
Realism Gives Itself Away by WhenJoshIsJoseph ( T | 6,826 | 1/1 )
Katsuki's mentor, All Might, is retiring, and he wants a piece of art commissioned - a crucial gift. He finally finds the right artist...but the person is anonymous. Izuku gets commissioned by some lawyer he doesn't know, and he doesn't usually take commissions, but the offer is just too tempting... Neither knows it's the other. ___ MERRY CHRISTMAS, SO HOE, I'M SO SORRY IF THIS AIN'T GREAT BUT I ADORE YOUUUU Also, VGC, you're a legend, thanks for organising this <3
Drive Thru Please by tokyo10 ( G | 1,117 | 1/1 )
it all started with Katsuki cutting Izuku off
Hotter than Hell by artistic18 ( T | 2,409 | 1/? )
Katsuki hasn't seen his childhood friend in over 10 years. They've kept in contact, but it's nothing like seeing each other face to face.
So if Katsuki seems flustered upon seeing him again, that's only because the airport needs to work on the shitty cooling system.
So Numb by Dnote147 ( M | 10,622+ | 4/? )
Just have to get through today.
That's what crosses my mind on a daily basis; almost like a mantra.
Just get through today.
Sometimes, it would almost sound like a melody, playing on a constant loop. If it weren't for the underlying motive for this internal repetition, I would almost find it hilarious.
Keyword: Almost.
[Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con | Bullying | Self Harm | Suicide Attempt | Addiction | Panic Attacks | PTSD]
Happy New Years, Nerd by BelleM ( E | 3,869 | 1/1 )
Katsuki is dragged to a New Years party, spots Izuku and wants to fuck him.
Series Part 1 of My Lucky New Year
Flower Boy by devilmanz ( E | 3,821+ | 4/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a YouTuber with over ten million subscribers.
Katsuki Bakugou is a song writer and YouTuber with twenty million subscribers.
Lets just say rumors spread.
[Past Addiction]
At the Mountain's Edge by Anzul ( M | 12,642+ | 2/? )
Muromachi Japan, 1465. Soulmates - once nothing but a flightful fancy among the Heian nobility - have become the political currency of the century. Blessed with telepathic communication and the ability to sense each other regardless of their geographical distance once a bond has been established, they are an invaluable commodity to any warrior hoping to amass power in the wake of the Ashikaga's weakening rule.
Bakugou Katsuki is no exception. But no matter what matchmaking house his family visits, they all tell him the same thing: that at the end of his red string, there waits no one. Katsuki is destined to walk his path alone.
Now forced to become a candidate for political marriage, Katsuki must learn the traditional arts and proper courtship etiquette to attract more suitors. Izuku, the adopted protégé and matchmaking master of the Midoriya House, is hired to be his tutor. Izuku himself is not only without a soulmate, but Bondless - someone without a red string at all, but capable of seeing everyone else's.
[Or: An alternate soulmate x historical AU where everybody has soulmates except Katsuki and Izuku.]
Play The Field by lalazee ( E | 10,246 | 1/1 )
Baseball and feelings, feelings and baseball. Turns out, Bakugou and Deku are both good and bad at the same things. They try to work on it.
Desert Prince by ghoulz ( E | 6,534+ | 2/? )
Bakugou Katsuki is an Alpha. Midoriya Izuku is an Omega. Don't act like you don't know where this is going. Oh yeah and Bakugou's a prince in some dystopian land or something.
Becoming a dog-sitter to date a cutie by Heartbeat_in_japanese ( G | 1,133 | 1/1 )
{This fic doesn’t have a description! -Jay}
Can't Sleep Love by Fuyuzashi ( M | 5,841+ | 1/? )
Katsuki fell head over heels over a certain green eyed, freckle covered, honey skinned stranger in a night club. Later he found himself acting like a main character of a Netflix's cheesy romance series. He never knew he could do such dumb things just because of a tingly feeling in his chest caused by the hot stranger.
[ based on Can't sleep Love, a song by Pentatonix ]
Fine again by scarlettx9000 ( M | 3,063+ | 1/? )
Izuku and Katsuki become estranged after Izuku and his mother pack up and move cities without a word back in middle school only to be reunited in an 'and they were roomates' self indulgant fic
A Burrow for You and I by GreyLiliy ( E | 4,400+ | 2/? )
Katsuki and Izuku grew up together as neighbors, a human and a hybrid that most would call the best of friends. But after an unexpected step forward in their relationship, Izuku backed away and put distance between them—too much distance.
When Izuku arrives back home after a year of absence, he makes sure Katsuki is the first to see the fruits of his labor.
Series Part 2 of Hybrids x My Hero Academia
Cross-dressing and Relationships want to suffocate Izuku Midoriya by ErrorTryAgain ( Not Rated | 4,699+ | 2/? )
Let's make this short. Denki wanted to get Kyouka back from Katsuki, and in order to do so, he got his cousin, Izuku, to cross-dress and pretend as his girlfriend, then seduce Katsuki.
That itself is hard, so just imagine how much more difficult it is to seduce a guy who's trying (forcing) you to admit that you're another guy, and that you're... Deku?
give me love by gray98 ( T | 3,301+ | 1/33 )
midoriya izuku was looking for a new start, a way out from his old life of nightmares and haunted memories. he was sick of the stares, and he needed an escape. who knew that escape would come from a new cityscape and a brash blond with anger issues.
[Suicide Attempt]
i want to scream but i can't by lordyuuri ( T | 1,504 | 1/1 )
Reunions aren't always happy nor always welcomed. 
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wendyeve24 · 5 years
QUEEN OF ROSES- Prologue- Queen: A Night at the Wedding Hotel
Author’s note: This is my first ever fanfic posting on tumblr, so please be gentle uwu
Warnings: Smut and lots of it! This is an au that has elements based on real events (but that occurs later on in the series. Keep in mind this is the prologue.) The story is set in 1977 and progresses through the rest of the years in the other parts. Also the “oc’s” in this fic (Marina, Elizabeth, Dove, Taylor) are real celebrities. The series is pretty long. As a side note: I am in no way erasing Freddie’s bisexuality/homosexuality with this fic. This is purely for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it, I worked long and hard on this series and debated even releasing it. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.
PS: I’m sorry if it comes out as a big wall of text, I don’t know how to edit fics on tumblr.
It was 1977 and the band Queen had to take a short break from their News Of The World Tour. A rather important event for all four members of the band came up. Coincidentally an all female English rock group that was just as famous as Queen at that time had to take a break from touring as well... The Roses they were called were on hiatus, the female rock group was getting married... to the members of Queen... all on the same exact day. The priest wasn’t as pleased about seeing the four couples at the altar all tying the knot. The weddings were in Staffordshire, England and were private affairs. The equally as flamboyant front-woman for The Roses, Marina had a long flowing wedding dress on that poofed out at the bottom with ruffles. She locked arms with Freddie Mercury, her soon to be husband. His neck length black hair combed and his satin white suit with the purple innings adorning his slim form. Freddie had met Marina at a pub with the rest of Queen after a gig and it was love at first sight. She was just as flamboyant on stage as he was and just as shy and quiet off stage like him. They were a match made in Heaven. Freddie had told her about his previous relationship with a woman... and his sexuality. Marina wasn’t surprised... no straight man she knew would willingly dress up in women’s clothes unless it was for a good reason. Marina accepted him nonetheless and his being open with her only made her fall for him more. The proposal was at the flat that the members of Queen shared. Marina had come over to share a new song with Freddie and ended up not only getting praise for her song but a marriage proposal with a huge wedding ring. Marina and Freddie were all smiles in the small Staffordshire Church that Saturday morning. Their relationship had been nothing but fluffy feelings and happiness with a bit of flair mixed in. Roger Taylor and Dove’s relationship had been a different story though. The two of them were so much alike it was scary. Both were blonde, pretty and promiscuous. Roger unfortunately was more promiscuous than his soon to be wife. Roger’s ex girlfriend applauded Dove for taming the wild blonde drummer and having him settle down. Roger was a known player, and had different chicks on his arm almost every night. After meeting Dove at the pub (who had played hard to get from the beginning) Roger knew he had to have her. Thus, began their complex relationship with Roger being fed up with Dove sometimes and vice versa. Roger soon tried to straighten up and fly right when he realized what a catch the female drummer was and soon proposed to her outside of a studio in the Fall of 1976. She had looked down at him in shock for the longest time when it happened, prompting a snarky comment from him on how his knee was getting numb and that he couldn’t stay down in that position forever. He was answered with an “Oh shut up Roger!” and a resounding “yes” to his proposal. She was currently leaning against Roger as the vows were being read. Brian and Elizabeth aka Lana, took some time to get to know each other better before tying the knot. It turned out that they were both serious nerds when it came to the cosmos and subjects related to it. They were both evenly matched on the intelligence scale and both played well on the guitar. Lana read more books than Brian though, but he didn’t mind... that only made him love her more. He had proposed under the night sky under the stars in a field near the flat Queen shared. A cool night breeze blew as they laid in the grass looking at the stars. Brian felt sick before he proposed... he was so nervous about it he didn’t think she would say yes after he got down on one knee after getting her attention by tapping her shoulder, her brown-auburn hair blowing gently before she smiled at him with tears almost flowing out of her eyes in pure joy at the sight of him asking for her hand in marriage. She nodded and hugged him, before he put the ring on her finger. John and Taylor were both quiet as they stood next to the other three couples at the altar... but then again when were they not quiet? Taylor was the bassist of The Roses and was the youngest member. She was in her early 20s. Taylor was usually quiet like John was but the difference between them was that Taylor was really funny. She could make a whole room laugh without trying. John immediately liked her when he met her at the same pub the rest of the guys met their ladies at. He proposed to her in the studio after a recording session. She said yes and hugged him only for Freddie to stop their celebration to get his camera to capture the moment. All four couples were ecstatic to be getting married.
“You all may kiss your brides.” The priest said as he watched four veils get lifted and the couples kissing. Freddie dipped Marina and kissed her deeply. The priest hadn’t the slightest idea on how the woman could kiss a man with teeth like those. Roger and Dove almost looked as if they were starting their wedding night by the looks of it, their kiss was deep and passionate while Roger snaked his hand to the back of her head to pull her into the kiss. The priest shook his head in disgust at Roger and Dove. This was a church for goodness sake, he could at least have a bit more class. Brian and Lana were both blushing during their kiss, the priest found that to be quite adorable but he was still confused as to why Brian insisted on looking like a poodle with his hairstyle. The priest rolled his eyes as he looked at John and Taylor. They had grabbed each other’s faces during their kiss. The priest frowned, what the bloody hell was wrong with kids these days? The couples had finally come up for air and walked back down the aisle in a row as their families cheered them on. Freddie’s mother started to cry, for she was so happy for her son. Everyone went outside to the limousines that were parked at the front of the church and the guests threw rice for the happy couples as they got into their own limos. Everyone was off to the reception. “Ugh my feet are already killing me.” Marina said as she took her heels off in the limo. “Well, the first duty I’ll do as your husband is rub your aching feet darling.” Freddie said with a smirk as Marina kissed his cheek and put her feet in his lap. “Thank you dear.” She replied with a giggle. In the next limo, Roger and Dove were heavily making out. Dove pulled away momentarily to catch her breath. Roger leaned back in for another round of lip locking and Dove put a finger to his lips. “Let’s save the rest for the wedding night and honeymoon, yeah?” She said breathlessly. “Yeah you’re right. I don’t know how much longer I can wait though. I want to see you... all of you.” He said softly as he started trailing kisses along her neck. “Rog! Stop it! Please... I wanna wait until tonight.” She whimpered out. “Fine. I’m still gonna kiss you though.” “Of course, Mr. Taylor.” She said as she turned her face back towards him and smiled before he continued their make out session. Brian and Lana were all smiles in their limo. “Gosh Bri, I love my name now, Elizabeth May. It has a ring to it.” “It sure does. But I do like Mrs. May better though.” “I like it too. So, how much wedding cake are you going to eat?” “Not much, but enough... that is if the rest of the guys don’t get to it first.” Brian teased. “Oh I’m sure they won’t. The girls will probably tear the cake apart though, Marina, Taylor and Dove have huge sweet tooths.” “Really? Well if the cake gets eaten then I’m sure there’s gonna be lots of wedding cookies.” “Those sound delicious! Sweetheart can we stop talking about food? I’m getting hungry.” “Anything you say princess.” “Oh shush.” Lana said as she kissed him, he smiled and kissed back. John and Taylor were in their limo laughing it up at a joke she had just told. “There’s so much rice in my shoes.” Taylor said as she shook her shoe a bit to get the rice out. “Here let me help.” John said with a slight smile as he helped her get the rice out of her shoes. “You know, rice throwing means fertility within a marriage. Just because I’m kicking rice out of my shoes doesn’t mean we won’t have children, John.” She joked. “Haha! I know. Um... Taylor?” “Yes?” “I know we were both extremely busy and couldn’t really speak on it at the time... but, how many children do you want?” He asked nervously as he handed her shoe back to her. She blinked in deep thought and smiled at him, caressing his face after she put her shoe back on. “However many you want. If you want a whole village we can have a village. The sky is the limit after all. I’ve always wanted kids of my own one day and now since we’re married... it’s only natural to talk about these things.” She said as she looked at him lovingly. “Yeah... it is. I don’t want a village though, I don’t want to put you through all of that... but I do want a lot of kids.” John said with a smile. “We can talk more about it on our honeymoon, how about that?” Taylor offered. “That sounds great.” He said as he kissed her.
The couples and their guests soon arrived at the reception which was held at a garden in Staffordshire that was a couple of miles away. The hotel that Freddie had chosen for himself and his wife was down the street from the garden. Though the guys had chosen their own hotels none of them realized that they had all accidentally chosen the same hotel for their wedding nights. But they would soon find out.
“Congrats to all four of you dashing couples! Now, let’s have the first dance!” Tim Staffel said as he took the mic. He was a member of Smile before it was called Queen. After he left the band, Freddie and John replaced him. He was still good friends with Brian though. “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t make ‘I’m In Love With My Car’ the song for the first dance.” Roger complained as he walked to the middle of the garden with Dove and the other couples. “We’re not having our first dance as husband and wife to your car song Roger!” Dove answered as she rolled her eyes. “It’s a bloody good song!” Tim Staffel and his band played a slower, more romantic version of ‘Doing Alright’ as the first song. Freddie held Marina close as they danced. She heard him humming in her ear as they danced. “You’re not even singing and you sound good.” Marina whispered to him. “Oh I always sound good, darling... actually I sound bloody great.” He whispered back. “Freddie Mercury, you are quite the character.” “And you are as well my darling. I love you, Mrs. Mercury.” “And I love you, Mr. Mercury.” “I thought you usually didn’t dance?” Lana asked her husband teasingly. “I don’t. But this is a happy occasion so... why not?” Brian grinned as he dipped Lana. Lana laughed after he dipped her and held onto him as they did an awkward two step due to how tall Brian was. “Dancing with you is like dancing on a cloud.” Taylor said softly into John’s ear. “Really? Well dancing with you is like dancing in the air.” John replied with a smile. “This song is so slow... but I have to say I’m enjoying it.” Roger said. “Good to know you’re enjoying something today.” Dove whispered. “Oh shut up, I’m enjoying you aren’t I? Even if it doesn’t seem like I’m enjoying you for whatever reason... there’s always tonight for me to enjoy you.” Roger said huskily into her ear. “Oh piss off Mr. Taylor.” Dove answered teasingly. The song ended and soon the families danced with the couples. After the first few dances, and a couple of funny and embarrassing stories had been passed around along with a huge quantity of alcohol, it was time to eat. “Oh mum made the spicy sausages! Try some everyone! Don’t be shy! There’s salad, pasta and pizza for Lana and Brian though.” Freddie called as he sipped some champagne and sat down with his wife to eat. “Oh for fucks sake! We’re not rabbits Fred!” Brian called out from the other end of the table. “Oh you both will be rabbits, just you wait until tonight!” Marina called back, which made the table erupt with laughter. Lana blushed and Brian rolled his eyes. “Real mature Marina!” Dove teased after eating a slice of pizza. “Says the one who insisted on fighting me over the bouquet at my sister’s wedding!” Taylor said teasingly. “Oh come off it!” Dove said as she sipped her champagne. “Really, everyone she’s not that mature at all... I mean she married Roger of all people!” Freddie announced. “What the bloody hell are you saying Fred? I’m one of the most mature men you know!” Roger answered before stuffing some sausage in his mouth. “How do you call hiding in a cupboard for hours just to get your song about having sex with your car on the album mature in any way?” John asked. “It’s a strong song and like I told Brian, the whole song is a bloody metaphor!” Roger yelled. “That song made me want to bash my head on my piano for goodness sake!” Freddie said. “You’ve done that before, Fred! You were so drunk one time we had to change your own clothes for you and then when you got on stage you couldn’t halfway sing Bohemian Rhapsody correctly and then you bashed your head on the piano. You’re lucky you didn’t get brain damage you wanker.” Brian said as he pointed at Freddie. “I had a little too much to drink that day... sorry darling.” Freddie said with a slight smirk and a shrug. “Can we eat cake now?” Lana asked in order to change the subject. “Oh sure why not! Oh Miami darling! The cake please!” Freddie called out to Queen’s manager on the far side of the room who was drinking the last bit of his champagne. “Of course Fred.” He brought the cake over and watched as Freddie got a knife preparing to cut the cake. “To new memories with your significant others, I wish you all -myself and Marina included- a very wonderful, blissful lasting marriage full of love, trust, happiness and lots and lots of good sex... and if you’re feeling especially cheeky lots and lots of babies! Now, my darlings I shall cut this beautiful confection and then in the words of Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake!” Freddie said cheerfully with a huge smile on his face as he started to cut the cake. “Just serve the damn cake already!” Lana yelled impatiently. “Patience my darlings.” Freddie said. The cake was soon cut and everyone had a slice of cake. Freddie and Marina started to feed each other. A bit of frosting got onto Marina’s lips and Freddie cheekily licked it off. In the back near the garden entrance, Paul Prenter stood there watching Freddie and Marina. He growled out of frustration and sulked. He then left in a huff and decided to go and party it up at a gay bar instead. Miami stood in the corner, watching Paul leave. “Good riddance.” He muttered under his breath as he sipped some more champagne he had gotten and went back to the party to mingle with the other wedding guests. It was nighttime now, and the drinking, eating and dancing was starting to slow down. “Brian, it’s getting late now.” Lana said as she hugged him. “Is it now? Well Mrs. May, where would you like to go at this hour?” He asked with a slight smirk. “Take me to the hotel, my tall and strong man.” Lana said in a low voice. Brian groaned in slight arousal as he heard her speak. He loved it when she spoke in a low voice. “Of course my lady.” He said with a bow as he picked her up and carried her bridal style. “Well goodnight everyone! We’re going to head to the hotel.” Brian announced. “We are too!” Roger said with Dove in his arms. “We’re right behind you.” John replied as he carried Taylor. “So are we darling.” Freddie said. Everyone said goodnight to each other and the men immediately went to the limos, put their significant others in and told the driver to step on it.
“I wonder why they’re still behind us?” Roger asked Dove as he looked out of the window of the limo before getting out after it stopped in front of the hotel. “Oi! Aren’t you blokes at the wrong hotel!?” He yelled. “Darling you must be drunk, I booked this hotel months ago.” Freddie replied as he emerged from his limo with Marina in tow. “Same here.” Brian replied. “So did I.” John added. “Fuck! This is just great! Please tell me you all didn’t get rooms next to me?” Roger complained. But, unfortunately Roger spoke too soon. After the elevator ride up to their rooms he discovered that they were all rooming next to each other for their wedding nights. What kind of sick joke was this?
{CAUTION: Smut ahead. If you are below 18 please DO NOT proceed!}
“Well this is great. We get a chance to hear Roger and his bird go at it tonight while we consummate our marriage, darling.” Freddie said bitterly. He was none too pleased about the arrangements. “Freddie... honey, it’s alright. You know... we could be even louder than them. They’re not going to ruin our night. We can’t let them.” Marina said with a determined look on her face. “Oh darling... I love this side of you so much. Let’s make some music together, my sweet.” Freddie said as he kissed her. She started to work his suit jacket off of him and he unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants and shoes, leaving himself in his white man thong. “Oh my god! Fred! You wear thongs!?” “Yes for tonight... or I might wear them more than you think I do... that’s for you to find out.” He said cheekily with a wink as he laid down on the bed. Marina tapped his leg with her hand as she pointed at her dress. “Get me out of this death trap before you get too comfortable.” She teased. He helped her out of the dress and looked at her body as the dress slipped off of her. She wore white lingerie that fit around her curves. Freddie had never seen a more beautiful curvier woman than her. “Baby you’re beautiful.” He said as he gently led her back to the bed and pulled her down on top of him and kissed her deeply. She straddled him and ran her hand up his hairy chest. The kiss was soon broken as they looked each other in the eyes. “I wanna get down tonight... so make sure you don’t tease me.” Freddie said, a dominant look appearing in his eyes as he ran his thumb along her lower lip. She nodded wordlessly before he got on top and took her bra off. “Your tits are wonderful.” He said with a smirk as he took a nipple into his mouth and heard Marina moan. While Freddie got down and ready, Roger and Dove were strangely enough not doing much. “Roger! Please, I need you!” Dove begged. “I’ve wanted to do this all day and now since we’re finally here... I don’t feel like it and you do!? Fuck me...” Roger said as he sat on the edge of the bed. “I want you to but you’re not in the mood.” “Shit... you know, it might be because we’re next door to our bandmates!” He said, obviously annoyed. “Look, how about we start and if you’re still not feeling up to it... then we’ll stop.” Dove offered. “Alright. Sit in my lap.” He said. Dove did as she was told and Roger started to kiss her neck, her perfume was intoxicating and the scent of it was starting to drive him wild. “Dove your perfume... what’s it called?” “Love potion. Why?” Then without warning, Roger almost tore her dress open and jumped on her, going mad on her neck and kneading her clothed breasts. “Oh Rog! Roger!” She cried out in surprise and arousal. “They’re already loud... just like I expected.” Brian muttered to himself. Lana went to change in the bathroom and came out in lingerie. “Hello Mr. May.” Lana said seductively as she emerged from the bathroom. Brian’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw her. “Oh dear Jesus... Mrs. May. You look absolutely ravishing.” He said. He was completely breathless when he saw her. “I’m glad you think so, honey.” She replied as she laid down on her back on the bed next to him. “Please rock my world Brian.” She pleaded softly as she looked up at him lovingly. “Of course baby... of course I will.” He leaned down and kissed her deeply as he worked his pants and shirt off. “You’re nervous aren’t you?” John asked Taylor as she hugged her arms up to her chest shortly after John carried her over the threshold. “Yeah... I’m kinda nervous.” She said as she looked at him. “Come here. There’s nothing to be nervous about. I’ll go slow with everything and I’ll be gentle... unless you don’t want to do anything tonight?” “I want to! I... really want to. It’s just... the girls always talked about sex and honestly they kinda made me fear it since I’m still a virgin. Marina always said it hurts the first time... is that true?” Taylor looked at her newlywed husband. “I heard it does for women but I also heard that the more you do it, the less it hurts.” John answered. “Lana told me that too. John I’m scared...” Taylor trailed off with her sentence a bit. “Honey, there’s nothing to be afraid of with this. Look, you said you want a village of kids? Well this is one way on how to make that dream a reality. We’re not making babies tonight but instead we’ll be making love. Taylor, I need you to trust me on this.” Taylor blushed and nodded at what he had to say. “I trust you John.” She answered as she walked over to him and kissed him. During the kiss John loosened the back of her dress. After the kiss was broken, Taylor dropped her dress, revealing her white underwear to him. “You’re beautiful.” John said with a huge grin. “Thank you. So... what should we do first?” “Get on the bed, I’ll take the lead.” John replied as Taylor crawled onto the hotel room bed. John stripped down, only in his boxers now. He got on the bed and looked at Taylor. “Turn around so I can take your bra off.” He said softly. “Okay...” Taylor turned her back to him and he unclasped her bra. She slid it down and John finally saw her breasts. “A-Are they big enough? I know I don’t have the biggest-“ “They’re beautiful.” John said as he looked at her with nothing but pure love in his eyes. “May I?” He asked gently. “Yes.” Taylor nodded before gasping at the sudden feeling of his tongue on her nipples.
“Oh! Fred! Gosh yes! Ooh you told me not to tease you but here you are teasing me! Freddie I want more...” Marina whimpered as she looked at him. “I know what you want darling but I want to have a bit of fun... I won’t give it to you just yet though. Come over here and blow me before I reward you for being such a good girl.” Freddie dirty talked. Marina squealed in delight at what he had said. She was getting tired of the breast play. His thong slipped off easily and he was definitely at attention. “So fucking huge... how in the world is that gonna fit in me?” Marina said before she started licking it. “Mmm, It’ll fit dear... don’t worry. Ah... such a naughty girl.” Freddie said, his eyes closed along with a groan emitting from his throat as he threw his head back and completely welcomed the feeling of his new wife sucking him off. Meanwhile, Roger and Dove were getting steamier by the second. “Roger! What has gotten into you!? You’re like an animal! Oh Rog! Please!” Dove cried out as Roger’s head went between her legs. “Spread them.” He commanded. “I am spreading them!” “Go wider!” “This is as wide as they can go! If I spread them anymore I’ll break!” “Good. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson about teasing me.” He said darkly. “What the bloody hell? What has gotten into you- Ah!” He spread her legs apart for her and went to town on her bare pussy. “Roger! Oh my god!” He shoved a finger into her and thrust it in and out of her. “Oh Roggie! Please!” Dove screamed out. Roger smirked as he heard his pet name fall from her lips. “Please what, love?” He teased as he looked up at her. “Stop teasing me! I need you inside of me right now... make our consummation official.” She whimpered breathlessly. “I thought you’d never say it... alright... let me go get the rubbers.” Roger said as he removed his fingers from her wet flower and sucked on them as he went to the drawer to look for condoms. “Brian... everything about you is... long.” Lana said as she stared at the guitarist’s birthday suit. He was well endowed but it wasn’t just big it was long... Lana wondered how in the world did he manage to fit that into his pants everyday. “Uh... thank you? I don’t know if that’s a compliment or...” “It’s a compliment Bri. I’m just trying to figure out how you’re gonna fit in me.” Lana said. “We’ll just have to try.” He replied. Lana was almost completely bare herself except for her panties. “Are you going to take those off or am I gonna be the only one in here naked?” Brian asked as he crossed his arms around his bare chest. “Oh right.” She replied as she took a deep breath and took her panties off, revealing all of herself to him. “You’re a goddess.” He said as he drank in the sight of his wife in the nude. “Thank you... So, what are we going to do first?” Lana asked. “Well... I’m going to do this.” Brian got on top of her and kissed his way down from her stomach to her wet lower lips. “Please Brian... don’t tease.” Lana whimpered. “I have to get you ready though, my love.” He replied as he sat up straight and rubbed her with his skilled fingers as he looked at her lovingly, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Stop being so cheeky.” She said with a giggle before moaning loudly as he thrust two fingers into her. “Ah! Brian!” She cried out with a slight blush of embarrassment adorning her face. While Brian relished in Lana’s embarrassment, John and Taylor were busy trying to please each other. “That’s it! Like that... Taylor! Your mouth... it’s perfect. It’s all too perfect! Let up baby.” He said breathlessly as he leaned back against the headboard and brought her face to his where their lips met. “Did I do good honey?” She asked, her eyes lighting up after the kiss. “You did beautifully.” “What’s next? You already pleased me... and I pleased you... and... oh... that’s next.” “Yes it is. We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.” John said as he looked at her. “I want to but... it’s the pain I’m afraid of.” “It’ll be alright. Look, if it hurts that much when I enter you... tell me and I’ll pull out. Okay?” He said with a serious look on his face. “Okay.” She said as she nodded. John had found a condom and put it on himself. Taylor laid down, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and worry. John positioned himself at her entrance. “Are you ready? Grab my hand if it hurts.” He said as she nodded and gasped at the sudden but brand new and foreign feeling of being filled for the first time.
“Oh my gosh! Fred!” Marina moaned loudly as she felt him finally fill her. He pulled her up into his lap and spanked her teasingly. “You alright my darling? Do you need a minute?” He asked. “No I’m fine dear. We can start.” She replied as she slowly brought herself on and off of his girthy length. “Oh Marina... we’ve only just begun and it feels so good.” Freddie groaned out as he slipped his hands under her bottom to bring her down harder on him. “Mmm it does, and you’re already hitting all the good spots.” She said with a whimper. “Darling... I might cum soon...” “Freddie dear, we just fucking started! Hold it in! Can you hold it in!? I want us to get there together...” “I’ll try darling. And don’t forget who’s in charge here.” He said in a low voice as he got on top of her and spanked her as he thrust in and out of her oh so deliciously, causing her to squeal and moan loudly. In the next room over, Roger had already entered Dove. “Is this what you wanted your Roggie to give you love?” He teased as he started to move after getting permission to do so. Dove was too overwhelmed by pleasure to answer and nodded briskly before a high pitched moan left her mouth. “Use your words, love.” He said as he panted a bit at the wonderful feeling he was experiencing right now with his wife. “Yes! Roger yes! Please move faster. I’m fucking begging you, move faster!” She cried out, desperate for more pleasure but at a faster pace. “You want me to make love to you faster? Such a dirty bird...” He teased. “Please... Roger... I need it...” “Hm? Need what?” He teased a bit further. “Give it to me faster! I need you to break me you bloody wanker!” She screamed. “Good... you used your words... such a good girl. Your wish is my command Mrs. Taylor.” Roger said as he leaned down and kissed her deeply as he sped up and thrusted harder causing the headboard to bang against the wall. Brian was thrusting into Lana at a reasonable pace and groaned when he heard the headboard banging from the other room next door to theirs and screams of debauchery. Brian was about to knock on the wall to tell them to shut up before Elizabeth stopped him. “Don’t let it... mmm... ruin this sweetheart.” Lana said as she looked up at him and caressed his face before he leaned down and kissed her, her hands suddenly in his curly poodle like hair. “Oh I’m definitely not.” Brian said softly as he leaned down more and kissed her neck, his groans and moans resounding in her ear. “Oh Brian! Ooh keep going!” “Of course my love!” He moaned as he kept at his reasonable pace. John was still waiting for Taylor to adjust to him. “I think I’m ready.” She said slowly. “Alright. If you want me to stop, please tell me.” He said. She nodded and smiled at him before moaning in unison with him as he started to move. “Ooh... J-John... it feels so good.” Taylor moaned out softly. “Don’t hide your moans... I like hearing them.” John said with a smile before he started to hit a certain spot in Taylor causing her to only increase the volume of her moans. “Oh John! Oh my gosh! Again! Right there please!” Taylor moaned out. John hit her spot again and sucked on her neck as he did it, both of them moaned loudly at the pleasure.
“Freddie! I’m about to-“ “Cum? I was gonna do that about five minutes ago darling...” He said breathlessly. “Oh shut up darling! Cum with me before I-!” “Yes! I’m about to- Marina! God yes!” Freddie moaned out loudly as he came undone. Marina wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back as she met her own end. After they had finally met their ends, Freddie disposed of the condom and laid down next to his wife and grabbed her hand, kissing it as he looked at her. “I love you so much.” He said quietly. “I love you too Fred. Now, if you don’t mind... Mrs. Mercury would like to get her beauty sleep.” Marina said softly as she kissed him and turned out the light. “Oh? Well what if Mr. Mercury wants to wake Mrs. Mercury up in a few hours for a round two?” Freddie teased. “You’re so cheeky Freddie... but you’d better keep your hands above the blanket or Mrs. Mercury will kick you out of bed.” “Ah fuck off.” He said teasingly. “Goodnight Fred.” “Goodnight Mari.” Meanwhile, next door... “Roger! Please let me cum... I’m begging you!” “Not until you say it, Dove!” “No!” “Say it!” Dove couldn’t take this torture anymore. “I’m In Love With My Car was a wonderful song and you’re a genius Roggie!” She finally screamed as he thrust into her. “Now was that so hard to say?” He asked teasingly. “I said it so let’s cum already you wanker!” “Of course my love.” He hit her spot in the last few thrusts before they both came hard. A bit of Roger’s falsetto peeked out when he had his orgasm. Dove cried out hoarsely as she dug her nails into his back. He gathered up the strength to pull out and get rid of the condom before curling up in bed next to her. “So, how did you like it?” He asked as he brushed a strand of sweat drenched blonde hair from her just as sweaty forehead. “I hate you so much.” She muttered. “If you really hated me you wouldn’t have married me.” Roger said with a smirk. “Oh shut up! Go to sleep.” She said as she turned over, only to feel him hug her in bed from behind and hold her close. “Goodnight lovie.” He said softly into her ear before he kissed her and turned the light off. “Brian! Right there!” “There? That spot there?” He asked teasingly as he repeatedly hit the one spot in her he knew would make her a mess. “Oh yes! Brian! I’m going to-!” “Me too!” Brian came into the condom and felt Lana tighten around him as she came. “Oh my gosh! Brian... that was amazing.” Lana said with a huge smile on her face. “Yeah it sure was. Wow! I need some sleep after that one.” Brian joked before chuckling nervously at the thought of what they had just done. He threw the rubber away and turned the light off and got back under the blankets with Lana. “I don’t know why but now I’m embarrassed about what we just did.” Brian said quietly in the dark. “Bri... honey, it’s natural you and I both know that. And why’re you embarrassed? You’ve had sex before.” “I know that and I have but it’s just different... that was our first time as a married couple. I hope I gave you what you’ve probably dreamed about for a long time.” “Bri... you didn’t disappoint me. Actually you exceeded my expectations and sent me to the moon and back, and for that I thank you Mr. May. I love you Brian.” Lana said softly as she curled up and snuggled against him. He grinned and ran a hand through her hair as she leaned against his chest. “Thank you sweetheart, I love you too.” He said before they drifted off to sleep. John and Taylor were the last couple out of the band members to consummate their marriage that night. “John! M-my stomach feels funny!” Taylor cried out as her husband continued thrusting. “Baby that’s good... you’re about to have an orgasm. Relax and let it go.” John panted out as he kept going. Taylor threw her head back, her toes curling as she cried out and let it go. John took his last few thrusts and emptied his seed into the rubber. He disposed of it and collapsed next to Taylor. “John that was... exhilarating. I loved it.” She said. “I’m so glad you loved it baby.” “John... can we do it again?” She said with a smile on her face. John was still trying to catch his breath before turning the light off and looking at Taylor in the dark. “You wanna do it again!? We can but... we need sleep first. We were at it for hours.” He said as his breathing got back to normal. “Okay. Goodnight honey.” “Goodnight.” They kissed and fell asleep against each other almost immediately.
Needless to say, Queen had found the loves of their lives.
Prologue... END
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Interview Time: Main Cast
1. Hi! What's your name?
Ashley: Ashley Gabena Ketchum~
Grey: Grey Ichiro Ketchum. 
Alex: Uh, I’m Alex Manya Morgan.
Salvia: Hello~ I’m Salvia Miyamoto Jameson
Daichi: I’m the great Daichi Hikaru Maple.
2. Do you know why you were named that?
Ashley: Dad said it’s because he was told to by a legendary Pokemon. My middle name is my mom’s maiden name. And Ketchum is the family last name~
Grey: Dad didn’t want to name me Silver Jr. So he picked Grey because of my eye color. My middle name means ‘firstborn son’, and I’m the first one that was born.
Alex: I don’t know why my parents named me Alex. But I’m glad they did cause it’s a gender-neutral name. Meanwhile, my middle name means rebellious women. I think it fits me. 
Salvia: Dad named me after the flowers at their wedding, which were Salvias and they could be red or blue like either of their hair colors. Miyamoto is the name of granny from my mom’s side, she wanted some reminder of her mom.
Daichi: Daichi means grand or impressive first son, which I think fits me perfectly cause I’m mom’s first son and I will be grand and impressive. Hikaru, my middle name, means shining brilliance. Again, it fits me so well.
3. Your age?
Ashley: I’m eleven~
Grey: I’m sixteen.
Alex: I’m fourteen.
Salvia: I’m twelve~
Daichi: And I am fifteen~
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Ashley: I can understand Pokemon like my dad~ And I can cheer people up by singing, I don’t know anything else. (She doesn’t know she has Psychic abilities yet)
Grey: I can run really fast if that counts.
Alex: I guess being able to be mistaken for a boy and a girl...Despite the fact, I’m neither!!
Salvia: I don’t think so. I’m pretty normal.
Daichi: I don’t think so either. 5. What's your eye color?
Ashley: It’s blue, like my mom’s~
Grey: It’s gray, I think it’s from my dad.
Alex: My eyes are purple.
Salvia: I have blue eyes like Ashley~ Twins~
Daichi: I also have blue eyes. 6. How about hair color?
Ashley: Raven black, like my dad’s~
Grey: I think my dad said my hair color is crimson red, that or scarlet red. Or just plain red.
Alex: My hair is black.
Salvia: Blue~ Like my dad’s~
Daichi: It’s green...like my dad’s hair... 7. Have any family members?
Ashley: Yeah~ My mom, my dad, my twin brother and sister, my uncle Silver, my aunt Ciara, my cousins Grey and Katri, my granny Delia, my grandpa Red, lots of family members~
Grey: My dad, my mom, my little sister, my uncle, my aunt, my cousin, my grandparents. It’s a pretty big family.
Alex: My mom, my dad, and my older brother. I only really like my brother.
Salvia: Yup~ My mom, my dad, my grandparents and...I think that’s actually it.
Daichi: My mom, my dad...my stepdad...my half-sister...my grandpa Norman, my grandma Caroline, my uncle Max and some others.
8. Fav color?
Ashley: Orange and yellow~
Grey: Black, gray and white.
Alex: Purple, black, white, pink and blue.
Salvia: Blue~
Daichi: Green and brown.
9. Fav food and drink?
Ashley: Macarons and Moomoo milk~ Best combo~
Grey: Ramen and green tea. Mostly if said ramen was spicy.
Alex: I guess leek and potato soup, my brother made it for me when we moved to Kalos. It was really good. As for the drink, I guess water.
Salvia: I love rice balls and dangos~ Both are so yummy~ I also like green tea with honey~
Daichi: My mom makes the best curry~ That’s my favorite food~ Oh, and soda pop~
10. Who's your crush?
Ashley: I really like my friend Chetari~ I’d say she’s my crush~
Grey: I have a girlfriend, her name is Tina.
Alex: Monica’s my crush, I kind of hope she likes me back.
Salvia: I don’t have a crush per say, but I do think Apollo is attractive. *blushing* I would like to get to know him better~
Daichi: I like Sable, she’s really friendly.
11. If you have one, did you kiss yet?
Ashley: *giggles* I kissed her cheek~ She got really red and it was adorable~
Grey: Me and Tina kiss all the time. *small smile* I like her kisses.
Alex: *blushes heavily* N-N-No... I want to though...
Salvia: *blushing* O-Oh my, k-kissing... Th-That seems a b-bit bold...
Daichi: I mean...I kissed the back of her hand but...not on the cheek or lips... *blushes*
12. Your hobbies?
Ashley: Oh, dancing, singing, gardening, sewing, baking, and parkouring~
Grey: I took into skateboarding and roller skating back when I was in Kalos. I’m still pretty good.
Alex: I take martial arts, karate, tae kwon do, basically any kind of fighting I can do. I also like to cook, I’ll say that much. Oh, there’s also the piano. I hate playing it but for some reason, I still play it.
Salvia: I love dancing with Ashley~ I also learned how to knit when I was maybe seven and I love knitting~
Daichi: Well aside from being a coordinator, I like to take pictures of whatever I see. I also took an interest in gymnastics and I play the trumpet. I also like to plant berries for my Pokeblock.
13. Who are your friends?
Ashley: I have lots of friends~ My best friend being Salvia~ I’m also friends with Lillie, Lana, Mallow, Tina, Monica, Chetari, Moon and Penelope~ Oh, another best friend is Takako~
Grey: I guess Daichi, Gladion, and Kiawe are pretty good friends of mine. 
Alex: I see Ashley as a really good friend, I guess the same could be said for Salvia and Daichi. 
Salvia: Oh~ Ashley’s my best friend~ I’m also friends with Penelope, Lillie, Lana, Chetari and Mallow~
Daichi: I’m Grey’s best friend, of course. I’m also pretty close to Sophocles. We have fun playing video games together.  14. Fav weather?
Ashley: Sunny~ That’s the best kind of weather~ 
Grey: I guess cloudy, mostly dark clouds. Cause that means it’ll rain and I like rain.
Alex: Snow! I like the sun and all, but I’ve lived in Snowpoint city and Snowbelle city for all my life. Snow is what I always remember.
Salvia: Like Ashley, I love sunny weather~ It’s so much fun to play in~
Daichi: I like partly cloudy, not too sunny and not too cloudy. It’s perfect. 15. What season do you prefer?
Ashley: Spring~ Everything is coming back from the cold and the flowers are pretty to look at~
Grey: I like Fall. All the colors they have are really great to look at.
Salvia: Summer~ Summer~ Summer~
Daichi: I’d say Spring, that’s when I can go back to gardening. 16. Your biggest fears?
Ashley: Rhyhorns...I hate Rhyhorns...
Grey: Watching Katri and Ashley die and I can’t stop them from dying...
Alex: Not being accepted by my close friends...
Salvia: The rumors of my parents being true...
Daichi: My dad dying and me being unable to say goodbye... 17. Any persons you don't like?
Ashley: I don’t like Dusk, she’s really mean to me when I want to be friends.
Grey: I don’t like grandma Grace when Ashley was little she tried to show her how to ride a Rhyhorn. She kept getting bucked off and me, Salvia, Daichi, and Ashley told her to stop and how it was enough but she kept going until she got her arm broken. I also hate that girl Sheryl.
Alex: I don’t like my parents, they tried to force me to be a cis boy.
Salvia: My dad’s old fiancee! Sure she gave me my Vileplume but she only did it to try and get me to like her! She’s mean! 
Daichi: I don’t like Harley...Sure he makes my mom happy and all but still... 18. Do you like cute things/persons?
Ashley: Of course I do~
Grey: I guess my sister and my cousin count, so yeah.
Alex: Totally, what isn’t there to like about cute things?
Salvia: Oh yes~ All the way yes~
Daichi: I find a lot of Bug types cute, yeah. 19. A compliment you get to hear often?
Ashley: That I’m really good at dancing and how I’m a lot like my parents.
Grey: That I’m a good battler just like my dad.
Alex: Someone once said ‘Don’t stick to gender stereotypes, fight society you genderfluid warrior’. I guess that would count.
Salvia: That I create amazing displays with the most unlikely Pokemon type~ And they said Poison-types were ugly, ha!
Daichi: That I’m really good at gardening and coordinating.
20. Name your worst habits.
Ashley: I guess my energy and my bottomless stomach can be a bit of an issue...
Grey: People say I glare a little too much which makes me look intimidating.
Alex: It’s not my fault I get angry when people think I’m a boy or a girl.
Salvia: I am very submissive...I’m honestly glad my friends don’t take advantage of that.
Daichi: I’ll admit, I do have a lot of arrogance. My friends are working on having me break out of that. 21. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Ashley: My parents and my aunt of course~
Grey: My dad, obviously.
Alex: Drew! He was the reason why I got interested in Pokemon coordinating in the first place!
Salvia: My mom and Mrs. Ketchum for sure~
Daichi: My dad! He’s awesome! 22. Do you go to school?
Ashley: Yup~ I go to school~
Grey: We all do actually.
Alex: I was nervous at first but it’s not so bad.
Salvia: I like going to our school in Alola~
Daichi: It’s fun actually, I like it there. 23. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?
Ashley: I guess so, with Chetari~
Grey: That would be nice if me and Tina are still together.
Alex: If Monica wants to date me yeah.
Salvia: *blushing* I would like that, with Apollo.
Daichi: Yes, with Sable. 24. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
Ashley: Maybe like one or two.
Grey: Too many to count...
Alex: Not really but I’m glad I don’t have any.
Salvia: I think one boy gave me flowers.
Daichi: I have a fan club. 25. What do you usually wear?
Ashley: I mostly wear dresses that are yellow or orange and an orange headband, I don’t wear hats often~
Grey: A black and white striped T-shirt and gray shorts, as well as black tennis shoes. It’s pretty basic.
Alex: Like Grey a striped T-shirt only it’s black and purple, I’ll either have a white skirt or a pair of black shorts, sometimes I’ll wear shorts under my skirt. I also have a white scarf, striped socks, and black sneakers. I also wear pink and blue bandages around my fists.
Salvia: Normally it’s a blue dress, white tights, and blue Mary Jane shoes. I also never go anywhere without my blue ribbons.
Daichi: I wear a green shirt and brown shorts and green sneakers. I also have a brown jacket that looks like my dad’s, he gave it to me before he left. 26. What class are you? (low class, middle class, high class)
Ashley: I’d say, high class, mom’s the Kalos Queen and dad has a lot of jobs.
Grey: High class, my dad’s a champion and my mom’s an actress. So high class.
Alex: I think middle class.
Salvia: Upper middle class since my parents work for Ashley’s parents.
Daichi: I’d say middle class or lower high class, it’s hard to tell.
27. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Ashley: I’d say the ocean~ It’s fun saying hi to all the Water types~
Grey: Ocean for sure. Sharpedo can enjoy a swim.
Alex: I’d go with a lake, I’m not that good at swimming.
Salvia: I’ll say a lake too, it’s more controlled.
Daichi: I’d say both have their good points, so both.
28. What's your type?
Ashley: Psychic types because they can be great companions when you need them~
Grey: Dark-types because they can be crafty and sneak away with little to no detection.
Alex: Fighting-types because their fighting styles are amazing and different.
Salvia: Poison-types because I find them so cute and they are not ugly!
Daichi: Bug types because all of them have so much beauty inside and out. It kind of annoys me that Mrs. Misty fears them when she doesn’t know them.  29. Camping or indoors?
Ashley: Both~ I love camping and sleeping indoors~
Grey: I’m with Ashley on this, both are fun.
Alex: I’d say camping, more time to train and improve my fighting stances.
Salvia: Indoors, I got lost while camping once.
Daichi: Camping, I could find more berries to plant and more Bug types to play with.
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