#I like yall to know I have the aggressive urge to pet him
npcdragonboi · 2 years
Have been watching Rendiggtydog to get through the remaining days of 2022. What a good boy 🫶💕
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Look out for Rendoggy drawings from me, he is my comfort doggy now
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
HC/ y/n is mad at Erik cause he did something dumb and he’s trying to make it up to her “kiss me like you mean it “
Shame [Prelude] // Communication [Part II] //  In The Cut [Side Story]
A/N: So I have an inkling who might’ve asked this question *cough @wakanda-inspired cough* but I hope this turned out the way you were hoping anon!
I wanted to get something out for Valentines Day while I’m working on other stuff, and this isn’t part of it but don’t forget to check out the With Love, From Wakanda Fic Fest that @purple-apricots and @hoopshoney are hosting.  @wawakanda-btch posted the first one I’ve seen so far and and I’m super excited about it.
Anyway, I know some peeps do celebrate Valentines Day and some don’t, but I just wanted to dedicate this fic out to all of yall.  I know I write Erik in super cheesy n corny ways sometimes, but we all deserve to have people in our life who will take the time to learn us authentically.  Romantic or otherwise.  Hope yall like it!
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
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You sigh, crossing your arms as you lazily trail out in front of the rest of the group, feet moving slowly as you put one foot in front of the other and attempt to walk in a straight line, if for no other purpose than for your own personal enjoyment.  You were pretty through with the night, but you didn’t want to rush along anyone and risk dampening the fun mood, so you tried occupying yourself as best you could to keep from sending out the wrong vibrations.
You feel the presence come up next to you before it makes itself known, but you ignore it, choosing to feign ignorance instead of acknowledging it with your usual situational awareness.
The presence lingers for a moment, waiting for you to notice it, but when you don’t it inches a little closer, nudging its shoulder against yours with a light tap, the spot where it touches you feeling tingly.
“So, how’d you like the movie?” He asks you, and you glance up at him, seeing his eyes lit up and full of interest.
“It was ok.” You answer flatly, shrugging your shoulders, and those eyebrows of his hike up, not expecting your nonchalance.  
It was an honest answer.  The movie was just OK. Even though it wasn’t just the movie you were expecting more out of tonight.
You divert your attention back down to your feet, indulging again in your own little game of ‘Walk the Plank’. The presence next to you grows quiet again, and you know he’s observing you, trying to figure out what’s going through that head of yours.  
It doesn’t phase you, already knowing that whatever emotions you had you didn’t wear them on your face.
Luckily, you were hard to read like that.
This was the second time-
*Correction*, the third time that the both of you had hung out this week with your friends, and you were starting to get the feeling that maybe there was something happening between the two of you.  
At least, that’s what you thought… up until tonight.
“Everything okay?”
You can hear the hint of worry hiding somewhere behind his words, and part of you wants to just drop it and chalk your mood up to being tired or something.
You nod your head, shrugging your shoulders again, eyes focused somewhere on the floor.
Don’t be petty. Don’t be petty. Don’t be petty.
You lift your head and look him in the eyes, smiling.  
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
He returns the smile, visibly relaxing now, diverting his own eyes to the floor now as he chews on his lip.
You quirk an eyebrow, watching him, and open up your mouth again.
“So where’s your friend at?”
The sound that comes out of his mouth is something between a choke and a snort, and he brings a fist up to his mouth to clear his throat before looking back your way.
The smile is still plastered on your face, but not an evil one, just…friendly.  Weirdly friendly.
You can see his eyes squint a little as he quickly studies your face, trying to figure you out, but there’s nothing to see except what appears to be your innocent smile.
“You, you mean Clarissa?” His voice almost cracks at the end as he points a thumb back in the direction of your friend group, referring to it’s newest blonde member, but you don’t even bother to look.
You know who she is.
“Oh? Is that her name?” The charade you’re putting on sounds so real you almost believe it yourself for a second, and you have to drag your attention back to the conversation at hand to keep from verbally patting yourself on the back.
“Clarissa?” You repeat (for clarification, of course), and the name sounds harsh and abrasive in your mouth, but that doesn’t keep you from saying it with perfect pronunciation.
“Yeah, yeah no she’s back there chillin, I guess.” It’s his turn to shrug now, and he almost acts as if he didn’t spend the entire movie sitting right next to her. While you were all the way on the other side.
Out of the group, you and Erik were the only single people, and while you usually hated it when your friends’ boyfriends tried to set you up, you liked Erik.
He’d just happened to be back in town the same week his boy had made plans, so it wasn’t like he was there for you.He was just… there too.
But you’d clicked instantly.
The whole night you and Erik had been hanging together, picking right up where you’d left off from the other night.
Then Clarissa showed up.
Your voice keeps its same curious tone, and you press on.  Not to make him uncomfortable or anything, but just to…understand better.  After all, it’s not like the two of you were dating or anything, you were just friends.
Friends were allowed to be curious, right?
Maybe the feeling you thought you had between the two of you was wrong.
“Oh, OK.” You say, and silence falls between the two of you again for a moment as you reach the double door exit of the movie theater.  He opens the right side, holding it for you, and you brush past his chest a little as you walk out.  
You can feel the solid muscle resting underneath his sweatshirt and smell the scent of his body wash, and before you can let yourself get distracted by it you accidentally blurt out your next sentence more aggressively than you wanted to.
“Umm, you can go hang out with her if you want, you know.  You don’t have to be up here with me.” You word vomit, and you squeeze your eyes shut, mentally face palming.  
So much for trying to be subtle.
“What?” He walks out behind you, letting the doors shut, but you don’t stop walking, not wanting to have to look him in the face.
Your feet unwittingly stop in their tracks after a few steps and you blow out a sigh, your body betraying your urge to flee. “I mean…”
You scratch at the back of your head, gathering up all your courage to deal with the dumbass situation you’ve just put yourself in.
“…don’t feel obligated to be up here with me.  If you wanna go be with her that’s okay-”
“Be with her? Who said I wanted to be with her?” He interrupts you, and you open your eyes to see he’s standing in front of you now, eyebrows scrunched in confusion and what looks like frustration.
Shit. You so didn’t mean for it to go this way.
“Nobody! I’m just, I’m just saying that if you wanted to you could-”
“Y/n.”  He stops you again, but this time when you look up at him his face is oddly calm, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth barely hidden by his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
You don’t say anything at first, but when he raises his eyebrows at you as if to repeat himself, a small ‘yeah’ escapes your lips.
“…Are you …jealous?”  You can hear the teasing lilt in his voice, and your face deadpans, your feet working again as you stomp past him.
Jealous? You? Please.  You’d sooner watch the original ‘Birth of a Nation’ than ever let anything that girl says or does intimidate you.  You knew your self worth, and you’d rather die alone than let any man think you’d waste your time competing for his attention.
You can hear his boisterous laughter behind you, and you quicken your pace, but you don’t get very far before you feel his arm wrap around your waist and pull you back, feeling the deep rumbling emanating from his chest.
“Alright alright ma, damn, I was just joking.  Where you think you going anyway? We all drove together.”  He wraps his other arm around you to keep you in place, emphasizing his words.
“I got Lyft, I’m good.” You sniff back, and he kisses his teeth, dragging you both backwards until the back of his knees hit the edge of one of the patio tables, and he lifts the both of you onto it to sit, you on his lap.
You sit there stubbornly for a few moments, and when he realizes you’re not going to speak he rolls his eyes, breaking the silence.
“So you gon tell me wassup, or what? Why you acting like this, babygirl?”  His voice is soft but stern, and you stir a little in his arms at the pet name.
“I’m not acting like anything,” you try and disagree, but your words sound distant and clouded in your ears, losing some of their bite.
He sighs patiently behind you, leaning forward to tighten his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You can feel him looking at you, and you turn your head away, staring through a hole in the grated table to the ground.  
“… I’m trying, okay? Just… give me a second.” Your voice is just above a whisper, but he still hears what you say.
“I know,” he presses a kiss into your shoulder through you sweater, and he lays his head there.  “Take your time.”
You take a few beats to gather your thoughts, mulling them over in your mind a few times to make sure you’ll be able to say it right.
When you’re finally ready, you turn around a little to sit sideways in his lap, still facing away from him as you rest your head on his chest.
Taking a deep breath, you finally let it all out.
“Look…all I’m saying is if you’re interested in other people, that’s okay.  It’s not like we’re together or anything, all we did was share one kiss.  You’re free to do whatever you want and so am I, there’s no commitment here.”
A dry laugh that comes out as a sniff blows out through your nose, those shoulders of yours shrugging again as you try and crack a joke.
“It’s not like you live in California.”
Your last sentence hangs in the air for a bit, and when Erik doesn’t say anything, your heart starts skipping beats.  
Shit, was he offended?  You didn’t mean to offend him.  All you were trying to do was be honest…and keep your heart safe.
“Erik?” You wait a second for his response, but when it doesn’t come you turn your head to look at him.
His eyes are downcast, and a small smile plays on his lips.
“Do you think I just go around kissing strangers, Y/N?”
The question catches you off guard, and when he lifts his head to look at you, you don’t know what to say.
“Do I seem like the type of person who would kiss random people just for the hell of it?”
Well, it didn’t seem like he was the type.
“Then why would I kiss you and go be interested in someone else? You are the person I’m interested in, Y/N.  It’s you.”
You want to say something back to him, but when you open your mouth, an emotion you can’t place starts creeping up your throat, paralyzing you.
“Listen… that… ‘thing’ at the movies… trust me, ya boy not interested.  I was trying to get back over to you but ol’ girl couldn’t take a hint.  Figured I’d just be polite and let her sit next to me during the movie.  It’s not like it’s her I’ll be calling anyway when I get back home tonight.”
He flashes that knee weakening smile at you, his golds peeking out, and you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest.
“So what you tryna say? You got hoes now?”  You joke, and he fake groans in annoyance before grabbing you up in a gentle headlock, pressing kisses to your temple as you squeal and struggle.
“You so annoying, I swear,” he grumbles, and after you calm down he releases you and cups your chin in his fingers, angling your face towards his.
“Gimme kiss,” he mumbles, and you lean up a little, pressing your lips flat against his for a soft lazy smooch.
“Mmmm,” he moans against your lips .“Mm Mm.”  He detaches from you.  
“Nah,” his full lips poke out in a pout. “Kiss me like you mean it.”
Blushing, you smooth your hand against the back of his head and pull him into you, lips parting to accept his full, juicy ones between yours, both your tongues poking out to taste each other.
He sighs in contentment into your mouth, and his hands latch onto your soft waist as he takes over the kiss, letting his tongue roll against yours.
Leaning into him you wrap your arms around his neck, breaking the rough kiss to give him gentle teasing pecks that make him whine from the back of his throat.
“Fuck, you’re making me miss you already,” He whispers into your skin, nudging his face down into the crook of your neck and taking a huge inhale.  
It sends sparks across your skin, and when he groans hungrily at your scent you can feel the vibration in your whole body, making you clench in different places.
You both get lost in euphoria until a loud voice from a ways away grabs your attention.
“Uhh… y’all ready to go?” You rise out of your blissed state as you pull away from Erik, looking around dazedly to find the source.
You spot Rashad, Erik’s friend, looking curiously at you two from his spot across the patio, and the rest of your group behind him snickering childishly, including Clarissa.
“Yeah bro we comin!” Erik yells back, all his attention still on you.
“Well meet you there,” he mutters, not really caring if his friend heard or not, and he buries his face into your neck, growling and fake munching on your skin as your laughter fills the air.
Warnings: CollegeBoi!Erik, Softboi!Erik, Fluff,
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