#I like to think the matrix did a piss poor job at fixing his chest which is why he changes designs between t mainline and mtmte.
rodismancave · 6 months
The Matrix’ rebuild of his body wasn’t entirely perfect.
There were parts missing when he had first woken up— pieces that he was sure weren’t missing before, internal mechanisms that felt lighter and wrong. As if the Matrix, or whatever it was that had truly saved him, had taken bits of him to fix the worst of the damages caused by Megatron’s fusion canon. Recycling parts it deemed unnecessary, to protect itself, to mold itself onto Rodimus’ chest, right above his spark.
Still, despite this, he bears only nearly invisible scars. The most visible is the one that connects from the right side of his chest to the middle of his back, something you can only see if he stretches far enough that you can take a peek underneath the bulk of his chest plate, or trail fingers underneath his spoiler.
Because even though the story of how Rodimus came in possession of the Matrix is known, he simply didn’t tell every detail. The simple reality of almost dying (or, dying and being brought back, however you’d like to put it) is something Rodimus considers to be a catastrophic failure, and deep down he knows nobody besides witnesses and Ratchet himself would ever believe he’d survived such a deadly wound.
Any other potential marks are covered neatly and professionally by paint. The only story his plating has to tell, the only one he wants it to tell, is that of burning fire and falling ash.
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