#I like to think drakkens the worry wart of the relationship and Shego is the jealous one
razzmatazs · 3 years
A/N: - Wrote this cuz I can’t sleep but I am tired so if it sucks or makes no sense I apologize ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
- this takes place when Dahlia is younger. Pre-brother. It’s just a short thing
“I’m not defending her…”, Drakken raised his hands in surrender, Shego’s glare only deepened. “ I just think it was a bit excessive to-”
“She was throwing herself at you when Dahlia and I were right there. The audacity alone-”
“I really don’t think she was, darling! She was our server. It’s her job to be friendly.”
Shego rolled her eyes. “ Of course you can’t see it. You never do. You’re incapable of it. Sure they’re flirting with a brick wall but it’s still annoying. Especially when you don’t notice- which is always- because you don’t shut it down.” She was pouting slightly now, leaning towards him.
Her husband, to his credit, seemed to be replaying the events of this afternoon in his head, searching for what she saw. “I don’t know. I was thinking about what flavour of ice cream I wanted.” He turned and gave her an almost accusing look, “ And if you want me to pay proper attention to strangers you really shouldn’t be so distracting.”
Shego smirked. They’d had similar conversations before, in which Drakken confessed how little control he has over his Shego-tunnel-vision. He had made a habit of committing her every detail to memory, over and over, at every outing, in every lighting.
He pulled her down to lie next to him on their bed. He wrapped one arm under her and she instantly buried her face into his neck, causing some of her hair to smack onto his face. He choked out a lock of hair that flew into his mouth. She laughed and locked their legs together. “Okay, okay. I promise not to get us banned from any more restaurants.”
“ Or amusement parks?” He felt her nod. “Or tailor shops?”
“His hands were wandering!” She sighed, then in a more playful tone, “ but fine. As long as you swear to never remarry if I die first.”
He knew she was flirting, but the mere thought made him hold her closer. This made her chuckle against him. “Hah ha, you love me~” she teased.
Drakken scoffed as if offended, “Puh lease. I’d just hate to do the work of finding your replacement. Not many can fill those gigantic boots of yours.”
“Ugh! As if you could find someone who could interpret your whining.”
“Oooo. Very high and mighty from someone whose snores could be used as emergency alerts.”
“ As if you sleep anyways. Good luck finding someone to hold your hand throughout every ‘emotional’ scene in the Snowman Hank specials.”
They continued this back and forth for a while. They had stopped feeling any offence to this sort of teasing ages ago. They knew how much one adored the other. Every snarky retort was proof of how deeply they knew each other. In their own way, without having to say the words, they told each other the same thing: ‘there’s no replacement for you’.
The only one who did not understand this however, was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and eyes like daggers. “ Mami that’s a lie!” Dahlia furrowed her brows. “You ALWAYS say how much you loooovvvvve daddy’s singing. Even when it hurts our ears!” She stomped towards them now, turning her glare onto her father. “And daddy! If you think mami has too many things then why do you buy so many presents for me AND her. It’s your own fault!” With a bit too much authority for someone who still needed assistance climbing onto their bed she said, “Apologize. One and two.”
Her parents pulled her into a soft hug. “ Okay okay honey. We’re sorry. But mama and I were just playing. We promise.”
“Well it’s a un-nice game.” She insisted, relaxing into their embrace.
Shego pressed a kiss to Dahlia’s forehead. “How is it we made such a sweetie pie. Eh, Drew?”
They stayed like that for a moment longer. Then Shego and Drakken jolted upright at the sound of the smoke alarm coming from downstairs.
Dahlia’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered why she had gone to her parents' room. “I hurt my knee on the steps!” She yelled after them as they sprinted to put out the fire. “But I only made one tiny flame! But it jumped so I lost it.”
“Whelp, looks like our curtains found it.” Drakken whispered to Shego as they got out the fire extinguishers.
“I told you to put your anti-fire potion thing on everything in the house!”
“I did! But the curtains were supposed to come already fire proofed.”
When the fire was put out, Shego took a step back and admired the ruined curtains. “Dahl’s flames aren’t regular fires.” She lit her own hand and smirked, “ they’re much cooler.”
“ Indeed they are.”
“Ya know, they’re not even entirely like mine. They’re.. her own.”
“One of a kind.” He agreed.
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