#I like to compare Dragonball to The Beatles
shinygoku · 7 months
Dragonball is my favourite series. While I got into it later than most, the paving had already been set by things I had been exposed to when younger, like Mario, Pokémon and Mega Man. I say with conviction that these were all heavily influenced by Toriyama's work, so it's only natural I would be impressed by the OG
But it's not just them, and it ain't just Dragonball that made such waves. Where would Videogames be without Dragon Quest's quirky designs making a strong impression?! And this is just two of the things he did, I ain't even touched on Dr Slump!
I had ideas for a longer post, in truth, but writing this still feels like retreading thousands and thousands of other testimonials. But in a way, ain't that the proof of his impact? That so many people come out to talk about his work with such respect and admiration, and undying love for Son Gokū.
Toriyama's contrarianism and forgetfulness about his own series and characters irks me, but I owe him far more. Even when he coulda drunk more respect women juice, he still gave us Bulma, who manages to be one'a the most iconic and balanced girl characters in Boys Comics hahaa. But yeah, getting into DB was something I have no regrets over [even though I'm fussy about The Version lol] and it's brought so much joy, direct and indirect 🧡
Son Gokū feels like he collectively belongs to all cultures, anyone can see him and at least think "Oh yeah, that guy...", but far, far more will see him and smile! What a fantastic character from an amazing series, by a legendary artist. Rest in Peace, Toriyama.
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