#I like to believe Dorcas was the one Slytherin amongst Gryffindors once she started dating Marlene
Dorcas felt someone grabbing her, fingers almost nailing her arm.
"Where do you think you're going?" Nick hissed.
Once, Dorcas had felt protected by Nick Mulciber. Once, she had trusted him. Once, he told her he was always going to have her back.
Dorcas had lived blindly all her live. She had been somewhat comfortable amongst rich, fame and luxuries. She had been surrounded by people who only cared about superficial stuff and what others thought of them. Only forced to believe that live was what her mother and step brother said.
But Dorcas felt stupid now. Her crystal had been broken. Finally.
"You don't belong with them Dorki, you belong with us" Nick prompted.
Dorcas turned to look at the group of Gryffindors. They were ready to protest against Homophobia and bigotry. They were full of live, decorated in colors, with determination. It was so much better amongst them. They respected each other. They didn't talk shit about each other. They weren't superficial at all. Even if rich blokes like Black and Potter were there.
Dorcas stared at Marlene McKinnon. Her Marlene. It had been because of her that Dorcas had opened her eyes. The wild side of McKinnon had taught her to live, to speak up, to fight for what she believed in.
Dorcas had fallen in love with that girl and all of her chaotic world. It was nothing about what was expected. Nothing about following the rules or about what was considered wrong or right. Only what was on one's heart. Bravery.
For a second, as both girls stared into each other's eyes, Dorcas felt like the rest disappeared.
She would follow Marlene McKinnon anywhere. It was thanks to her that Dorcas could finally be herself.
Dorcas pulled away from her step brother's grab.
"Not anymore, Nick" she spat defiantly. Something she had never dared to do before "Not anymore"
Of course Nick and the rest of the Slytherin gang, her so called friends, were shocked to see Dorcas's reaction.
She ignored them as she walked towards the other group. The Gryffindors grinned at her, welcoming her. Dorcas kissed Marlene in front of everyone. She could feel the stares. The judgment. She didn't care.
Marlene granted her a beautiful smile. And that was enough.
"Ready?" she asked.
Dorcas smirked "Let's shut up some bigots"
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