#I like the idea of a reverse tanjiro situation for reader
stubz · 2 years
...family, am I right?
was in the mood to read some wholesome/interesting drabbles and one-shots of demon reader interacting with the characters and sadly found less than I was hoping for...so yeah! here's some ideas and stuff for my pleasure and maybe yours too!!
Idea #1 - The trio is called to a village and are very surprised when they find out that their job isn't to kill the demon...but to save it? Y/N, who is a demon and a beloved member of a small village becomes tired of eating nearby travellers and causing so much trouble for the village and starve themselves. Refusing to kill any more innocent people just so that they can live.
The villagers, who love Y/N very much, have no idea how to help them without feeding them human flesh. In a desperate attempt to save them, they call the demon slayer corps pretending that they are in danger only to "capture" Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, demanding that they figure out a way to save Y/N without them killing anyone.
Idea #2 - While travelling back to the Butterfly Estate, Zenitsu hears screams coming from off the road into the forest. Of course, he freaks out and of course, Tanjiro insists that they go check it out and of course, they do...of course. They follow the screams and when the screaming stops they follow the scent Tanjiro picks which smells like 5 people and one demon.
They reach the destination and instead of seeing your standard human and demon interaction; biting faces off, screams of horror and pain, fighting/running for your lives, etc. they see something...surreal. The screams are coming from the people, from the young man being held high in the air by the demon, but they aren't screams caused by pain or horror but screams caused by fear and excitement?
"Y/N I swear to god if you drop me I will put wisteria flowers all over your room!" the adolescent yelped as the demon tossed him a little over their head.
"And I swore that if you ate my food I would throw you into the sun!" they cackled, a cackle not of the malice of a killer but of an elder sibling putting their younger brother back in their place. 5 humans, all alive, and a demon are having what looks like a family picnic under a large willow tree.
Tanjiro sniffed the air and could smell the said food, it smelled homemade, something with a parent's loving touch...it reminded him of his mother's cooking and made him aware of the fact that they missed lunch.
Zenitsu heard a laugh, a soft chuckle one makes when amused and content, and turned to see what looked like the eldest sibling laughing with their partner. Both of their breathing sounded relaxed and at ease...he hopes one day he and Nezuko will be like that.
Inosuke sensed a look of caution and malice on him not from the demon but from the greying man under the tree, looking at him with the same look a mother bear gives a predator when it ventures too close to its cubs.
A family of 6 is having a picnic in the shade of a willow tree while 4 strangers look at them, 3 with shocked eyes and one with sleepy eyes because it's nap time.
Idea #3 - "...are you sure this is the right house Tanjiro? We've been waiting for over 10 minutes and still nothing." whined Zenitsu
"Well, it should be. There are wisteria flowers all over the garden, there's even a painting of one on the garden wall." the boy mused, hoping that they weren't just standing in front of some stranger's house in the middle of the night because of a mistake.
While the two thought about what they should do Inosuke came up with a much simpler solution
"HEY! ANSWER THE DOOR ALREADY!! IT'S LATE AND I'M HUNGRY!" the boar boy screamed while banging on the gate. Immediately a light turned on in the house and less than a minute later the gate bursted open revealing a very dishevelled-looking individual holding a lamp.
"...who the hell do you think you are," they snarled "to bang on my gate, at god knows what hour in the night, and demand that I let you all in and feed you...again in the middle of the night! And what is all this, you some kind of pig boy?"
Tanjiro was quietly thinking of how to apologize. Zenitsu was quietly cursing Inosuke. Inosuke was quietly plotting his attack...until he was just acting it out. An eye-twitch was the only warning his friends got before he tackled the young homeowner to the ground.
the entire scuffle lasted about 5 minutes, would have been 1 minute but after pulling Inosuke off the stranger they then had to pull them off of him, something about an eye-for-an-eye. Thus having to keep the battle-crazed boar boy away from the insulted and tired homeowner, something that is a 4 person job. Lucklily for them, the homeowner's family showed up and helped restrain them...concerningly they also restrained Inosuke with very little trouble
Also concerningly they smell like demons...and look like demons...and don't like the fact that 3 demon slayers just pummeled their child/sibling to the ground in the middle of the night...well then
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