#I like my Jesus allegory with at least 1 to 3 guns
maz737 · 4 months
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Prayer for deliverance
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monkey-network · 6 years
Good Stuff ~ Stray Thoughts: School Raze {MLP}
*sigh* Well, it’s the end of season 8 *loading gun shells* had some bad episodes here and there but it wasn’t that bad. But now, it’ll be a bit sad that I gotta say goodbye for now... *cocks shotgun* Roll it.
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That’s Close enough
PART 1 (Tartarus’ Door)
Derpy! Aww, it’s a wonderful thing that you’re the first pony we get to see. Man I can’t see this going wrong in any-- *sees Cozy Glow*....I think I’m gonna hurl.
Ooh, I like the new rainbow haired background pony. Having some muted colors for her mane with a nice pink for the body. Easy, yet unique pony design I’ve seen in a bit
“Friendship Assistant“ Short for “Pastor’s kiss ass”
Silver Stream likes crosswords? That... doesn’t feel out of place for her
Wait, how do you keep saddle bags on as a pegasus? Wouldn’t they be blocking their... ability to fly?
Rainbow’s loyalty is as bold as how she dresses in style
One look into Cloudsdale and I’m seeing fake news. Storm clouds can’t survive in altitudes higher than the regular clouds. We gotta drain the swamp in the Rainbow factory
Glim Glam being the rock as usual. Though it begs the question, if you’re standing on something and you don’t have wings, will you still fall?
Not scared to immediately being proven wrong. That’s the warrior’s way
And why is Yona falling to her death the scene before the intro? Not COOL, show! 
Also, it’s a wonder, right? A character’s gonna die? Turn on the happy music.
How Ocellus was able to catch the admittedly heavy yak is something else
Man, characters can get over trauma pretty easy
OH NO, magical erectile dysfunction
Nothing to worry about? One (best yak) nearly became a pancake, Twilight, you taking this pretty easily.
I agree with Glimmy’s memeface, that was uncalled for, Twily
Snap, Ms. Glimmer
Yeesh, Rarity, you did that to yourself
Tirek? My my, best villain making a return?
That was gross. Thank you, Spike.
Why do potions need magic? It’s juice mixing.
3 DAYS?!
Wait, why do the others wanna go? Why not-- nevermind, it’s safe
Friends, pack your bags. We’re going to hell!
Surviving Discord’s shit is a bar you really gotta cross to challenge anything
Cozy, go dry yourself off
I smell a sabotage, and I’m glad the student 6 pick up on the child’s bullshit
That was casually speciest, Cozy
YONAAAAA! Standing up for her fellow dragon! Though, I gotta agree with Gallus. Who protests with homework?!
Cozy, I had enough of your shit
Huh, they’re already regretting the trip to hell. Wimps
So is the school an all day school? There’s a night school, so what?
Head Mare? More like Head Ass
Wow, ponies can be a-holes
Uhhh, Darla, why’d you leave the villainy open?
That was certainly a convenient yet useless artifact
Ah good, Pinkie was gonna sacrifice herself for the greater good
Okay, I want a book cataloging these animals of Tartarus
OH NO, racist allegory pony is back!
Cerberus!! Oh, I always wanted one.
TIREK! Good seeing ya
Oh, you didn’t think of this, did you ponies?
Come on, I’ve seen Kiwi farms eavesdrop better
Actually, nature would’ve killed off ponies if the other animals had their way
They’re college students, racist allegory pony, what the fuck would they want with magic?
Glad you’re standing for your fellow pony, Sandbar,
We got a “What in Tarnation?” folks. Giddyup
Wait, what revenge? You literally have no part in this.
Also, Pen pals with a demon. I think there’s an anime for that.
Cozy Glow was pen pals with Tirek? Gasp.
My god, Glim Glam! Wait, would that mean she’s gonna die in that orb or absorb the magic of that orb?
What realm? Why not just absorb the magic? You’ll practically have the infinity stones’ power in your hooves
Also, I like the 3D scene they did here. That is the best scene of this show period
“Friendship is Power“ Well... I mean-- you’re not THAT wrong.
For a future Empress of Friendship, you sure picked the right tape for making that crown, you cheeky ass clod
TO BE CONTINUED (after a commercial break)
Part 2 (Infinpony Crisis)
I just love when all shit is about to go down, then HAPPY INTRO TIME
Come on, Spike, this is no time for semantics
So that was the plan? Draining the magic to give Tirek some company? There’s GOT to be more to this plan.
Good job, Rainbow, you did them proud
Twilight, I know it’s not gonna work, but I am intrigued
We need to build a wall around Equestria, and make the dragons pay for it
Well you have a point, racist allegory pony, Twilight has caught the idiot flu over this season
JESUS CHRIST, it’s the hands of the damned!
You just now remembered your other friends, Sandbar?
Nice hostage room. Oh yeah, have ya’ll tried the window?
Also, have I mentioned Yona being the best? (MANY TIMES) Well it’s true. I’m glad she has undoubted trust in her friends
Okay, you get a brownie point for that line, Mayo pony
Also, nice crowbar
Also, 3rd best moment from Yona. Though I do not ship her and Sandbar. Gross.
Honestly, racist allegory pony is the most annoying part of this story
Alright, Cozy. I’ll cut ya some slack for shutting him down like that.
Oh no, they’re gonna throw him in the hot box
I’m glad ponies are easily impressionable enough to agree to chain bondage
This little girl has a fucking skull. What?
So... let me get this straight Cozy, you cotton candy headed nut, your plan is to run the school to get more friends. More friends equaling more power over Equestria, I suppose by having influence over the public for being such a kiss ass? When there is a goddamn castle right next to the school with everything a pony might want, need, in taking over the world. In addition to dropping all magic to another realm to keep the mane six in hell with Tirek, because you can’t think of owning the magic yourself?
Holy shit, this is the most unnecessarily convoluted plan in the history of the show. I thought Starlight did worse, but no.
Gloating wouldn’t ease that L of yours, racist allegory pony
Yona, never change. You are a highlight of this episode
Also, consider yourself redeemed, racist allegory pony
Good job, Tirek. You now have prison mates.
Wow, who knew Pinkie was more of a villain than a literal demon?
Okay, that was funny. You get another point, Cozy
*shudders* Finals.
Wait, how did you get all those pony down there, Darla?
Open the door, get on the floor, pony up on the dinosaur
How would they know it was the third day?
Tell her off, Gallus! Second best character
As much as this is quite a climax, I am not liking those ghost hands
The tree of EHARMONY, back at it again with the deus ex machina!
Okay, so Yona is honesty, Silver’s laughter, Smolder’s loyalty, Gallus is generosity, Sandbar’s kindness, and Ocellus is magic? Makes a bit of sense.
And that’s why Yona is best. She’s everything Applejack isn’t
Everybody duck, it’s explosion time
By the tools of Equestria... WE HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRR!
Pretty lights
Haha, and Tirek failed
Come on, Glim Glam, nothing wrong with a Yak hug
Ah, Cozy *rubs hands* you survived.
Alright, real talk.... Cozy, you fucking clod. Not only were you never convincing, not only was your plan remarkably crazier than Starlight’s of all ponies, not only was your motive behind this the 3rd dumbest I’ve ever heard from this series, but my god, you have failed to realize that what you tried to do was never gonna work in any fashion soon as the public thought for themselves. At least Starlight had her magic and charm to fool her town before the jig was up, YOU relied on sheer ignorance to hopefully get whatever it was you wanted. *chuckles* You make Frank Underwood look like a saint, you curly headed nutcase.
And you think you were gonna make friends somewhere else after you literally threatened to wipe away all magic? Bravo, show, you made me chortle harder than I imagined.
“Oh no, my tiny wings can’t outrun the law”
Well you say that, Neighsay, but Twilight really isn’t suitable for running a school. I think the season proved that pretty well.
It’s only been one semest- fuck off, show, it should’ve been well over a semester!
Though this might mean more student 6, which means more Yona. I’m down with that!! *BANG BANG*
What does he think friendship is, a currency? Who wrote this?
Thank you, CMC, you did your part
“Oh my god, they put a child in hell?“ Well, she did try to erase magic, as well as send 7 characters to their potential deaths and trap 7 more characters in the same hell. Compared to the other villains we’ve had, she genuinely pulled worse. So really, I’m indifferent about it, especially when I don’t... like her or care about her.
But she’ll be back?! *deep groan* I guess with Yona being around, there has to be an equivalent exchange somewhat. Plus we don’t know her origins so I guess it’s reasonable. Bad way to end the season, show.
But you know what? This was all fun. Won’t deny that.
So, woof, moral of the story? Well, just because you have friends, doesn’t mean you’ll have power because of it. The same way having followers, subscribers, whatever, doesn’t mean you're a permanent influence over them. Real friends give you power, power that you can use for the good of yourself as well as others. Your real friends give you the wholeness that you might’ve never been able to discover yourself, whether it be with wisdom or with laughter. “The more the merrier” is not a wrong idea to have, but quality should come before quantity, if that make sense.
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MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is Strengthening Your Pact
~See Ya Next Season~
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