#I lack half-arsing-it strategies with which to approach study if I don’t get the topic
divinekangaroo · 2 months
Literally *hurting* again on how hard my brain has to work on this assignment oh god
Seriously it’s like suddenly doing a 12 hour kayak after months of no exercise at all
specifically kayaking, too, because unlike other exercise where you *feel* your limit during, if you have good technique and rhythm you don’t feel the impact of the kayaking until you stop, and then it’s like, ohhhh what did I do why did I do itt
On the one hand, I think: if it feels this bad now I absolutely *have* to keep studying professionally at high level all my life because clearly my brain is not getting the exercise it needs!!!
on the other, I think: oh man this hurts in ways that there aren’t even words to describe the sensation I don’t know if I can take this for another 9 units over 3-8 years
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