#I know you're racist but are you racist enough to sacrifice a cute baby in the family??
drumlincountry · 4 months
Dangling the threat of ME NOT HAVING CHILDREN over my relatives heads to make them vote for left wing candidates in the European & local elections.
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glendaisys · 3 years
Do you hate Sylvie Brett for dating Matt Casey? I know it was pretty rough when Gabby left Fire but even if you're still upset about the sudden departure, it shouldn't be an excuse for you to criticize or slut-shame Sylvie for her storyline with Matt. I'm not a Brettsey fan but I've seen a lot of this backlash within the Fire fandom and personally, I find it problematic and a tad disrespectful.
I mean, to be fair, I hated Brett before it was cool but yeah, I do. I don't like Matt so much at the moment either, but Brett actively made the choices that led her to this, having witnessed the majority of Matt and Gabby's relationship. She met them while they were engaged, held Gabby's hand when that first engagement fell apart because of their careers, watched them lose a baby, watched them try to adopt a child-- held their son at their wedding, watched them have to sacrifice the family they'd built for that child's best interest, watched Gabby stand outside of a burning building while the love of her life told her that she was his miracle as he nearly burned to death, watched them try to have a baby and was the only person that had any idea of their fertility struggles. On that last call when Brett told Gabby that her problems didn't matter because she had problems too, she had enough insight to put the pieces together. She could have figured out that Gabby was struggling because she found out that she couldn't get pregnant yet she didn't even try to help her friend, she threw a tantrum instead. So no, I don't like Brett. And I do hate her for going after her best friend's ex-husband because she should know better. She should be self aware enough to understand that they aren't together for lack of love, but because they went through too much. That's what makes this situation as bad as it is because Brett watched all of their struggles and still chose to go after Matt. It's not funny or cute or poetic that Brett once told Gabby that she envied her relationship with Matt and that Gabby told her that someday she'd "find her Casey" (while going through a breakup with Gabby's brother, might I add) only for Brett to go after Gabby's Casey. After everything they'd been through. It's trash. It is. I don't think it's slut shaming to call Brett out on that because frankly, she deserves the backlash for what she's done. And honestly, what's problematic in this situation is that the majority of people shipping this ship are just outright racist, whether that's because they're Matt stans who have always hated the idea that Matt's most important relationship was with a woman of color or because Gabby was a lead and a woman of color. Gabby is held to a higher standard than any other character in the Fire fandom and it's because she's not only a woman, but a woman of color. The show itself has compared Gabby and Severide who both act and react similarly, yet Gabby's the one that's labeled as ab*sive, toxic, called a kidnapper for fostering a child, "not strong just because she had a miscarriage", a b*tch, overhyped, and the slew of racial slurs used against her as well.
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