#I know you don't necessarily need music theory knowledge to make music digitally but I hope the little bit that I have helps
golden--flowers · 2 years
Marina's Ebb & Flow demo is so cute, it made me emotional the first time listening to it while reading the logs. And it made me super emotional reading the dialogue and chat logs while watching an Octo Expansion playthrough, and just thinking. Being lost and confused in a strange and dangerous place and not knowing why or very much about yourself, but then you meet some people and one of them is someone you admire so much even if you don't remember it? And they tell you you're going to be okay and they're going to help you??? That's So Much and it made me feel a lot and also cry a bit. And the mem cakes and Eight's poetry????? Most of them are fun and cute, and then there's the one about guarded, futilely-hidden affection, and the one about Eight's old dear friend that I literally thought was a centuries old classic at first seeing it out of context. It's such a neat way of portraying characterization, and just, Oh my goodness Eight, Your Poetry... Anyways Octo Expansion is my favourite game-that-I've-never-played
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