#I know you COULD also have tension with shumako over Makoto wanting to be a cop
magioftheseas · 2 years
Hottest of takes: the only het ship with Joker with any amount of potential at pathos is shuharu because you have Haru’s extremely complicated relationship with her father (with her still wanting his love and putting him on a pedestal after his death despite how he treated her as an expendable pawn at best) and Joker’s also complicated relationship with his own parents (with them seemingly throwing him away for being a liability, although you can argue they were probably pressured to do so, and Joker by all accounts not fucking wanting ANYTHING to do with them anymore).
Every other Joker hetship is whatever. If you like them because they cute or you like their friendship, then have fun.
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spyder-m · 5 years
Love Games
ao3 / ff.net 
Summary:  On a particularly grueling trip through Mementos, the Phantom Thieves play a few rounds of "Never Have I Ever" to fend off boredom. In doing so, they learn more about their leader and advisor than they had anticipated. Shumako.
Ann's eyes carefully scanned the bleak expanse that was Mementos, low-level shadows scurrying away from the blare of headlights.
Blue irises strained as they adjusted to the darkness of the subway, not wanting the target to disappear from her sight.
"I spy with my little eye… something that's brown and grey-"
"Railroad tracks," Futaba answered, not even bothering to look up from her laptop.
"Wow, Oracle. You got it on the first try! How did you know?"
"Are you for real?!" Ryuji exclaimed; the outburst startling a quietly sketching Yusuke beside him. "There's only like three things down here you coulda possibly been lookin' at. Urgh! This game sucks!
Delving this far into the depths made for a long and arduous trip.
Though Morgana's bus form was fairly spacious, with the seven of them packed in together; and a lack of proper air-conditioning; it was becoming a little stifling.
Some of the more fiery members of the group were beginning to get on each other's nerves.
Beyond the occasional pit-stop to stretch their legs, fighting off shadows and scouring out the different nooks of Mementos for treasures or potential targets, served as their only reprieve.
Even Makoto couldn't find too much of a distraction in the drive. Each level was beginning to look eerily similar, and Futaba's persona could usually map out a clear path through to the next exit. Save for swerving to avoid the odd shadow, it didn't require much concentration. Her muscles were already settling unconsciously into a rhythm.
Still, she had been able to find comfort in the silent form of Joker beside her. It was remarkable how well he could read her and ease the tension she felt with a gentle smile or supporting touch of his hand. The calm washing over her like a healing spell.
He was measured in the affectionate gestures, not wanting to attract the attention of their passengers; currently seeking out other ways to pass the time.
"Alright, fine. Let's hear you suggest something then, Skull." Ann huffed, her eyes narrowing as she folded her arms.
Blinking, the blond scratched his head in thought; not having expected her to turn to him for a suggestion.
"Well, uh... there's that game Westerners always play in movies." He offered. "Y'know, the one where they hold up their fingers and say something they've never done before."
"Isn't that a drinking game?" Makoto's glare lifted, catching the others in the rear-view mirror. "I'll remind you we're all underage and in a car."
"It don't have to be." Ryuji waved his arms, not wanting to incur the wrath of the team's advisor. "Come on! It'll be fun!"
Despite some initial skepticism, the crew supposed that Ryuji's suggestion might not actually be such a bad idea.
The founding members of the Phantom Thieves had been together for several months now and felt pretty tightly knit. The exposure to one another's pasts, their most guarded secrets and inner selves only helped to shift their relationship towards something much more intimate.
Still, between time in the Metaverse, strategy meetings, studying for exams, and part-time jobs, they didn't get many opportunities to spend time together as friends.
They were still a lot of things they didn't know about each other as people.
Haru was their newest member and didn't seem to have many friends outside of their immediate circle. Futaba was still coming out of her shell and sharing secrets among friends could help to continue building her social skills. Yusuke… Well, Yusuke was an enigma. For as long as they'd known him, there was still a lot they hadn't quite figured out.
Even Makoto; though having acclimated well with the team and into her advisory role; was still striving to more learn about her peers.
These were the kind of games kids their age would normally play at parties; a luxury their unique extra-curricular activities as the Phantom Thieves often deprived them of.
It could be a great opportunity for them to get to know each other better.
"Ooo, I'll start!" Futaba called, her hand shooting up. "Never have I ever… gone on a trip to Hawaii!"
"Wha- Oracle! That's not fair!"
"Mwehehehe…" The youngest member cackled. "Well, I had to get one up on you guys. Never underestimate the original Medjed."
"Well, alright. That's one finger down for... Everyone except Oracle. Alright, Noir. It's your turn."
"Oh. Well, let me see." Haru pondered. "Never have I ever... Tried the 6,000 yen Dark Ivory coffee at the Wilton Hotel."
The engine rumbled amidst the dip in conversation, the teens looking between one another with blank expressions.
"Uh, Noir?" Ann eventually broke the silence. "Clearly none of us have done that before. Now you have to lower a finger. You're supposed try to try and get us out."
"Oh, I could never do that. You're all my friends."
"But that's the point of the game!" Ryuji's voice rose again. "You're gonna lose at this rate!"
"Moving on." Ren interrupted, his lips sliding into a smirk. "Never have I ever eaten so much fatty tuna that I made myself sick."
"What?!" The Mona-bus vibrated as an indignant mewl reverberated throughout. "Why are you singling me out, Joker? I'm not playing. I don't even have fingers!"
"We can keep track. That's one down for Mona."
"Hmph. Fine, but I'm going next."
"Whatever. Do your worst."
"Never have I ever… called a Maid Service before."
"You damn cat!" Ryuji exclaimed, thumping the side of the car. "I thought we agreed to keep quiet about that."
"You called a Maid Service?" Ann side-eyed Ryuji, a shudder crawling up the base of his spine.
"Well, uh…" Anxious, Ryuji glance darted around the inside of the car, desperate for a lifeline. "Hey! I- I'm not the only one who's guilty here. Right, leader?"
Swallowing, Ren begrudgingly lowered a finger.
"A maid's services? Hmm, how fascinating. I wonder if they would be willing to serve as the model for my next piece?"
"Dude, it's 5,000 yen a visit. Like you'd be able to afford that."
"Also, I thought you agreed; no more nude paintings!"
"Anyway! Uh… Panther; you're up next."
"Oh, me? Hm, well... Never have I ever… dated before."
To the surprise of no one in the group, Ryuji, Yusuke, and Futaba each kept the fingers up, while Haru lowered a finger. However, given the circumstances surrounding her and her fiancé, the Thieves were happy not to ask for any more details. What piqued their curiosity more so, was when Makoto and Ren both each lowered a finger.
"Wait… What?!"
"Dude! You mean you were out scorin' hotties and didn't think to tell me?!"
"Well, Joker has had an entire life outside of Tokyo that we are not privy to…"
"Plus, his charm stats are like… maxed out."
"Right. Still, I really wasn't expecting that from you, Queen."
"W- well, there is someone… That I'm seeing."
The car jolted, almost swerving off of the tracks and into the station's wall, as Ann pulled herself over the front seat.
"Panther, please! Stay in your seat."
"Oops. Sorry!" Ann flushed, returning to her spot in the middle row. "I just can't believe you'd keep something like that from me."
"W- well, we both agreed to keep things... discreet."
"Perhaps we should move on from this topic for the time being," Yusuke suggested. "It seems to be getting Panther rather excited."
"Right." Joker nodded. "Well, Queen; it's your turn."
Makoto paused, one hand slipping from the steering wheel to touch her chin.
There was much she had not experienced before finding the Phantom Thieves, things that many would see as a normal part of life for a typical, Japanese teenager. If she were being tactical, there were likely several answers she could give that would get most of the others out.
Still, recently she had been fortunate to gain friends who brought more of simple pleasures into her life. In particular, it was thanks to the young man seated across from her that she had been able to broaden her horizons.
Though, thinking on it; as she caught Joker in her peripheral vision; Makoto realised, with a flush, there were still things she wished to learn.
"Never have I ever... kissed someone before."
"Woah, woah, wait a minute." Ryuji interjected. "You're with a guy but you haven't even swapped spit yet?"
"Skull." Ann sighed, her nose wrinkling at the boy's crude description.
"N- no, it's fine, really." Makoto countered, lifting her hands from the wheel briefly. "It's all still very new to me. I think he's just been holding back on my account. I just wish there was a way I could let him know that I want it as much as I think he does."
"Aw, don't worry, Queen!" Futaba encouraged. "I'm sure he'll come to his senses."
"Yeah! Any guy would be lucky to be with you."
"Anyway, looks like Joker and Noir are the only ones who lowered their fingers. No surprises there."
"Actually," Joker cleared his throat, and raised his hand, showing that his total was still at seven.
"Okay, now I'm confused."
"What else is new?"
A pained meow rang from the car as Ryuji's bat struck the inside wall.
Makoto flushed as she felt Joker's gaze cover her; the stark white of his mask accentuating his eyes, drawing her to them. She bit her lip, readjusting her grip on the steering wheel.
"I suppose you could say I was... holding back."
"I- is that, so?" Makoto answered, trying to keep her eyes focused ahead, away from Ren's longing stare.
She had hoped that in keeping her answers curt and concentrating on the road ahead the conversation would shift, the rest of the Thieves carrying on with their game. Yet, their interest had seemingly turned towards their leader, as he watched her with a fond smile.
"Queen, pull over here." Joker instructed abruptly; his tone sharp.
Makoto slowed the vehicle to stop, suspecting that Joker had spotted a target.
She immediately ripped off her seatbelt and moved to open the door, more than willing to steer the focus away from their conversation.
However, at the flash of red covering her own gloved hand and ceasing her movement, she turned, catching Joker's mask with a puzzled expression.
Having readied herself for battle, Makoto's normally sharp reflexes had been prepared to react the moment something grasped at her. Though, her guard slipped as Joker's fingers caught her the jaw.
Their masks clinked together as he pulled her face towards his own; the breath that ripped involuntarily from her throat was caught by the soft pressure of his lips.
Her first kiss.
The scent of coffee still lingered on his breath, likely remnants from his breakfast at Leblanc. The bitter taste warmed her chest, striking and familiar.
Now unimpeded by her seatbelt, Makoto fell deeper into Ren's embrace, her hands lifting to catch in the thick clumps of his hair.
It was surprisingly soft.
Spurred on by the sensation of Makoto kissing back, Ren trailed his hands down to the swell of her hips, appreciating how her suit clung to them. Makoto's eyes bulged in surprise as she was pulled into Joker's lap, though she didn't break from his lips, her arms surrounding him.
With that daring gesture, it struck her that she was sharing her first kiss not with Ren, but Joker; an experience distinct from what she had anticipated. It hadn't been a shy, chaste caress that had caught her; a moment their relationship had steadily being building towards; but something bolder, more extravagant.
The gesture, in a sense, reflected how they had entered each other's lives, how they had awoken to their true selves in the Metaverse; abruptly and explosively. How everything strange and otherworldly suddenly began to make sense, as if it had been there, waiting, all along.
There was something captivating about the suave, cocky persona Ren assumed in the Metaverse. Seeing those soft, shy smiles of his break into confident grins; his dark, mysterious eyes, shining and proud. The way he remained strong and collected for the rest of his team, even during their most tense battles.
That he was forward enough to make the first move; where in the real world he may have hesitated; closing the distance between them like this, his lips flickering into a familiar smirk as they caressed against her own.
It was... sexy.
The magic dissipated as Makoto became conscious of the eyes boring into her, sliding up her spine like cold digits as she recalled, abruptly, that they weren't alone. Gasping, Makoto slipped from Joker's arms, glancing mortified, towards their friends.
Ann's hands had lifted to cover her mouth, barely containing the bright smile lighting her features. There was a sheen in her wide, starry eyes. Haru had moved up beside her, hands similarly cradled together.
"Oh, how romantic."
With a smirk, Futaba had, reflexively, pulled out her smartphone; a pout settling across her features when she remembered the camera function was useless in the Metaverse.
Beside her, Yusuke was rifling through the back of the car, eventually producing a canvas and a selection of brushes, frantically setting them up.
"You two, hold your positions! I must capture this!"
"Inari!? When did you bring that with you? And also, why?"
Ryuji watched on in curious silence, his brow furrowed as he scratched the back of his head.
"Huh? Skull? What's up?"
"So, like... Do they have to drop a finger now, or what?"
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spyder-m · 6 years
Shumako Week, Day Five: Off the Rails
@shumakoweek​ Day Five: Nerves
Summary: It's their first date at Dome Town. Makoto can't help but feel a little bit out of her depth. 
A/N: Was at a Black Queen concert on Friday night and have fallen a bit behind. Had an awesome time, though, so it was worth it. I'm not entirely happy with how this come out, but I guess I can always come back to it later. Should hopefully have my submission for Day 6 up in the next few hours also. 
Makoto wrung the Dome Town pamphlet between her hands, the pages already worn and crinkled. She concentrated on the sound of the paper crumbling and unfurling, hoping it would drown out the flashing, dissonant cries of speeding roller-coasters and their passengers.
Normally, she would have taken the time to diligently study such a text, wanting to carefully plan out the best use of their time for the day. After Eiko had claimed she would flunk a test on love, she wanted to ensure she was prepared for her first date.
Unfortunately, today, her mind was elsewhere.
This was ridiculous.
Makoto didn't get nervous.
While most her age were rattled simply taking exams, Makoto routinely studied and took pop quizzes always making sure she was fully prepared. Public speaking was dreaded by the majority, often a fear thought of as worse than death. Yet, as Shujin's Council President, she made announcements and MC'd events in front of her entire student body. The practice was routine to her.
Alongside her friends, she had fought down vicious manifestations of humanities darkest desires. Any fear she’d initially felt at the hands of Kaneshiro and her first foray into the Metaverse, melted away into anger as he threatened her sister, and she awoke Johanna.  
So, how could something as simple as spending time being alone with another person, a prospect most wouldn’t blink an eye at, possibly make her feel so nervous?
Even if this was unfamiliar territory to her, there was simply no reason for it.
She hadn't been bothered when they'd gone to the movies together, or during their trip to the arcade. They had even spent the past few weeks posing as boyfriend and girlfriend, so Makoto already had several "dates" under her belt. This should have been a cinch.
She supposed it was the night Ren confessed to her in Crossroads that everything changed.
Makoto jumped at the approaching voice, as Ren jogged up from behind her, his hand raised.
Somehow, he looked particularly, effortlessly handsome today. His button-up shirt hung on his lean frame, hair in its usual tousled state. Though she knew he didn't actually require corrective lenses, Makoto was glad that Ren wore glasses. They really brought out his eyes.
"O-oh, Ren." She greeted. "It's good to see you."
"You too. Shall we go?"
"Y- yes. Let's."
Throngs of people ambled through the amusement park queuing for rides, stopping at stands to buy snacks.
It was difficult for Makoto to disguise her disappointment. For all her fixation on picking the perfect spot for their date, she had managed to overlook an obvious issue. Dome Town would of course be busy on a weekend.
Brushing up against strangers, trying to manoeuvre their way through the crowd. Folding in on themselves trying to occupy as little space as possible. It wasn’t exactly the most romantic environment.
The open air, at least, offered a slightly less claustrophobic atmosphere.
Still, if Ren had been at all phased, he did well to hide it. Even insisting on holding her hand as he navigated through the crowd; not wanting to get separated. While she appreciated the gesture, Makoto was conscious of the thin sheen of sweat coating her palms.
It was still Summer. Perhaps she could chalk it up to the heat.
Lines trailed across large sections of the park, leaving a significant wait for any of the main attractions. While Ren seemed to be content waiting in silence, Makoto worried that perhaps it might be boring.
She fidgeted, trying to think of interesting topic for conversation. But the usual ice-breakers didn’t hold much weight. They were already friends and spent a lot of time together, be it at school or as part of their group. There wasn't much she could ask about that she didn't already know.
So, they remained in silence, Makoto stealing a glance in his direction every so often. Her lips would part, a word half-forming occasionally, but nothing of note ever surfaced.
She hoped that maybe she could blame the uncomfortable churning in her stomach on the ride they were about to get on.  
For Makoto, the rush of blood brought on by the rollercoaster shocked wasn't as exhilarating as riding Johanna, or as enjoyable. There was too much out of her control and it did little to quell the sinking feeling in her chest.
Perhaps that was what made her so anxious.
Studying was easy if you had the discipline. The necessary tools were usually given to you in advance, you merely had to learn them. Fighting shadows didn't unnerve her. She was confident in her skills and could rely upon her teammates. Granted, some of their stronger foes had been a different story.
But this... This was different.
With the ride over, the couple took a moment collect themselves. Finding an empty bench in the shade, Makoto sat down, happy to have a stable surface to rest against.
Ren slumped beside her, his legs still quivering slightly.
"Hey, you holding up okay?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, Ren."
"It's just... You've been pretty quiet. Which I know might seem rich, coming from me."
She tried to smile at his quip, but it felt awkward. His attempt to lighten the mood only drawing attention to the tension in the air.
She could still sense his eyes boring into her, studying, as if relying on his Third Eye to unveil something hidden.
Yet, if he noticed anything, he didn’t pressure her.
"Hey, I think I'm going to get some pancakes. You want any?"
Makoto nodded. It wasn't normally the kind of treat she'd indulge in, being one to watch her nutritional intake. But Ren had offered, and the time he'd spend queuing for the vendor seemed like an opportune time for Makoto to gather her thoughts.
Ren strolled alongside her at a leisurely place, hands in his pockets. It was later in the day, and the atmosphere of the park was beginning to settle. Many of the families had grown tired and returned home.
The sun had passed over them, a blip on the horizon, a cool breeze rolling through.
The ambiance was honestly quite relaxing.
It seemed like an opportune moment for Makoto. The kind of romantic setting she'd only read about or seen portrayed in cheesy, blockbuster movies.
It could be her chance to drop a hint about forgetting to bring a jacket, to move closer towards Ren and bask in the warmth of his body.
The kind of thing that couples did.
Yet for as often as the thought arose, she would brush it off. With how closely they had moved against one another amidst the earlier crowd, to bridge the gap between them now should have been simple. Yet each time she would linger a moment too long.
Pace slowing, Makoto’s eyes carried over Ren, taking in his relaxed posture.
Grasping deep within herself, Makoto harnessed the words she felt could best express every stab of hesitance, frustration and unease she felt.
"How can you be so calm about this?"
Ren stopped at the sound of her voice reverberating from behind him. Confused, he glanced over his shoulder, conscious that she had stopped at some point.
"About what?"
"Well," Makoto gestured between the two of them, unsure of how to articulate herself. "This."
"Well... I- I like being with you."
The words trickled from his throat so easily, a part of Makoto suspecting that Ren knew how on edge she felt and was deliberately trying to rattle her. The shock struck her more abruptly than any dip on the rollercoaster's track, enough to distract her from the flutter of delight those words evoked in her.
"Now you're just teasing me." She muttered.
"No, really!" Ren protested, perhaps too loudly, reminded of the time he'd upset her with a light-hearted but perhaps poorly timed robot impression. He cringed as some passersby glanced in their direction before lowering his voice.
"Think about how little time we get to spend together without having to worry about infiltration strategies, or Mementos Requests... That's not even taking into account your Student Council duties, or prepping for entrance exams."
His voice was earnest as he continued, soft and intimate.
"You deserve a little time to relax, Makoto. If being here makes you uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else. I don't mind. I'll do whatever makes you happy, Makoto.
It was a sentiment that she shared, wanting nothing more than to make Ren happy. She wanted everything to work out and for this day to be memorable. Yet, somehow where the idea brought her tension, Ren found contentment.  
If she were to worry too much, the moment would pass before she had the chance to savour it. They couldn't become memories if she didn't get to experience them the first time around.
"Well, when you put it like that."
"Trust me, this is easy. Just have fun."
His arm slipped around her, the proximity and warmth of his body a comfort. Smiling, Makoto moved closer into this embrace, suddenly finding the space less daunting.
"Hey, how about we go on the Ferris Wheel? I feel like I've had enough rollercoasters for today."
"You read my mind."
With the sun setting, it would make for perfect ending to their date. A memory they could both cherish.
It was true, there were a lot of things out of her control.
But sometimes the stars would align perfectly.
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