#I know this post is about forever but I’m so hype for Baghera and bbh
the-crimson · 9 months
(Characters not ccs)
Gosh I really hope Forever learns about bbh’s “friend” if not today then soon because we all know Forever’s plan the feds thwarted of building a world eater to strip the server to bedrock. Im just so fascinated by the two extremes these two characters could reach.
Forever’s wrath was indiscriminate and wild. He didn’t have a target other than creating such destruction in general that it would scare the feds into giving their children back but we saw how that went - the feds either didn’t give him a chance or rolled back the damage he did.
Bbh’s wrath is so much quieter and laser focused, maybe on the wrong thing but it is focused none the less. Bbh started small by simply kidnapping one of the workers and psychologically torturing it for a week before expanding into actual physical torture.
There is something so much worse about premeditated cruelty then taking your rage out on the world in a burst of uncontrollable rage. Based on the dream/memory Forever shared with us, it looked like he lost control and went mad in his rage/grief. He even admitted recently that he’d rather willingly take the happy pills then feel that way again.
Bbh has never lost control. What we are seeing now has always been inside of him deep below the surface, it’s always been a part of him. He’s always been capable of this. The only reason he feels any kind of guilt is because he knows the people he loves wouldn’t approve but he himself clearly enjoys this.
I want Forever and Baghera to realize this side of their friend. I want them to realize this isn’t some stage of grief but that they are seeing a side of him that he’s hidden for so long. Bbh is cruel. He is malicious and merciless and kind and all of the things they know him to be.
(Also the fact he wants to make the islanders suffer to fuel their anger at the federation. He’s directly targeting their friends and pretty much caused the deaths of almost everyone on the island already)
“This isn’t you Bad.”
It always has been.
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