#I know they change it backk later i think. I just need to get over it
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regigigaz · 8 months ago
Watchign the pokemon anime for thr first timr rn. I had no idea it started so off the hdits . Ash ketchum nation
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theweasleysredhair · 5 years ago
The Way You Look At Her [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 3674
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Maybe there really is a fine line between hate and love.
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: Guess who’s backk! And with a cheesy, probably all-over-the-place Sirius fic. Enjoy!
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It was nearing 4pm; The Three Broomsticks was as busy as you’d ever seen it. But then, it was a Hogsmeade weekend and cold outside - of course everyone would want cover from the snow. You pulled your half full butterbeer to you and hoped no one would remember it was your turn to battle your way through the swarms of Hogwarts students and Hogsmeade residents just to get to the bar to buy more drinks.
A pretty bar maid passed by the table you were sat at, taking the empty glasses that had piled up in the middle, leaning forward to grab the last glass before weaving back through the people standing and laughing around.
“I just can’t believe that in a few months time, we’ll be leaving Hogwarts for good!” Lily said, shaking her head and frowning a bit. You glanced over at your red-headed best friend and nodded, “I know, it’s gonna be so sad knowing we’re not going back in September.” If you were being truly honest, none of you knew if you’d actually even be alive come September, due to the impending war and rise of Voldemort and his death eaters.
Sat beside Lily, James wrapped his arm around her shoulders. You’d never known them to be so happy, and you were so glad they had found each other. There were a few bumps in the road, but the couple had finally gotten together a few months back and had been the cutest couple at Hogwarts.
Which should make you happy. In fact, this whole afternoon would’ve been amazing, if not for the man sat two seats away from you, between Remus and Marlene.
He sat there, wearing his worn leather jacket, fingers curled around his butterbeer glass as he smirked at something James said, looking like a goddamn snack. Arsehole.
You scowled, looking down at your drink. Sirius Black was the bane of your existence, a plague in your otherwise half-decent world. A handsome, god-like plague, but a plague all the same.
“Another round?” You heard him announce as he looked around the table. “We better get going soon actually,” Remus noted, checking the time, “We’re due to head back to school soon.”
“C’mon, live a little, Moony! We all know we could just sneak back whenever we want. Let’s have another and wait for the snow to pass,” Sirius said as he stood up. Remus grumbled something inaudible under his breath, before replying, “Fine, suit yourself.”
Sirius smirked, looking around at everyone - all seven of you (James, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and yourself) - before standing up, “I’ll be right back.”
You watched his retreating figure, glaring holes into the back of his head as he leant casually against the bar.
Merlin, you hated him.
“We all know that’s a lie.”
Your head whipped over to the source of the voice, your eyes fixating on James as you narrowed them slightly, “What’s a lie?”
“That you hate our Pads, we all know you don’t,” he shrugged matter-of-factly. You hadn’t realised you’d said anything out loud but...
“I do. He’s arrogant, he’s conceited, not to mention the most annoying and loathsome toad I have ever had the displeasure to come across in my life.”
“Now now, L/n! No need to be so feisty,” Sirius drawled.
You fought the need to roll your eyes. He passed around the butterbeers, everyone thanking him before you realised he’d missed you out.
“Think you bought one less than we need, Sirius,” Marlene said, looking over at him. He glanced at her before staring over at you. “Whoops, my bad, guess you’ll have to go without, L/n,” he said, feigning an apology.
You glared at him, clenching your fists under the table, before smiling sweetly and replying sarcastically, “No no, it’s fine, we all know how hard it can be to count to eight.”
Sirius sat, looking at you for a moment, tongue darting out across his bottom lip, before scoffing at you and shaking his head. He then shot you a cheeky smile as he pushed his own glass towards you, nodding towards it. He then turned away, starting up a conversation with Remus, Marlene and Dorcas instead.
You were silent, reluctantly taking the drink and running your finger around the rim of the glass.
James tried to hide his smirk by taking a sip of his butterbeer, before answering, “Just tell him.” Raising an eyebrow, feigning your confusion, you tap your fingers on the table next to your glass, “Tell him what?”
“That you like him.”
You nearly choked on air, “Well, you know, I would, but I don’t like him, so yeah I’m not gonna do that. But thanks for your suggestion.”
“You’re the one who always complains about him being with other girls. In fact, you can’t seem to stop talking about him, ergo, you like him!” James continued, Lily humming in agreement next to him.
You glanced over at the boy in question to find him deep in conversation - thankfully he wasn’t hearing what James was saying.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, “Look Potter, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, but I will spell it out in plain English so then maybe you’ll understand. I... do not... like... Sirius... Black. In a platonic or non-platonic way. I merely put up with him as I am quite fond of our friendship, though right now I am unsure as to why. Just as I am unsure as to why you’re friends with that asshat in the first place.”
James laughs, shaking his head, “You’re just saying that because you know deep down I’m right. If it’s any consolation, he likes you too.”
“Highly debatable,” you replied, pushing your glass away from you.
Monday mornings were the worst. Particularly this morning. You stumbled from your dorm room and into your common room, trying to do your tie on the move. You were already late, which meant that you’d have to miss out on breakfast, which means you’d have to sit through Slughorn droning on about potions whilst your stomach rumbled.
You grumbled to yourself as you shoved your bag onto your shoulder and ran towards your potions classroom. You’d be late regardless, but better to be five minutes late than half an hour.
“You’re late, Ms L/n. 10 points from Y/h,” Slughorn states as you enter the classroom in a hurry. You cheeks turn red as you realise everyone is staring at you. “Sorry Professor,” you ducked your head down, taking your usual seat next to Lily.
“As I was saying, today we will be starting a project where you will choose a potion and create it outside of classroom hours. You will be finding the ingredients and preparing the potions yourself, and you will be working in pairs for this-“ you looked over at Lily who grinned back at you, “- assigned by myself.”
There were hushed murmurs across the class at the revelation, getting louder as Slughorn read out names. Your heart beat faster. Please don’t put me with Black, please don’t put me with Black, please don’t-
“L/n and Black...”
You groaned, your head dropping to the table as you muttered out a string of curses.
“Why hello there L/n!”
”Oh for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, siting up and tilting your head back in annoyance, “Could this day actually get any worse?!” “Tsk tsk, language,” Sirius chastised with a smirk, leaning towards you and thoroughly enjoying the fact that you were less than impressed with the general goings on in your life at this moment in time.
He was so close to you that all it would take was you to turn your head and you’d be practically kissing him.
Stop thinking about kissing him! ____________________
You were sat in the library, waiting for Sirius to show up - that is, if he was actually going to show - flipping through a book on advanced potions and making notes on your favourites. You’d agreed to meet here as you had a free afternoon, however he was late - something you’d foreseen happening anyway but it didn’t make it any less annoying.
You’d been there a couple of hours before the library door finally swung open and Sirius strolled in, shirt untucked, collar up and him redoing up his buttons.
“Busy day?” You asked him sarcastically as you looked up at him, eyeing the lipstick stain on his neck. Your heart clenched, but you refused to think about why this was. He chose to ignore you, “I lost track of time.” “Clearly,” you commented, raising your eyebrows.
He scoffed, pulling his collar down, “Let’s just get this work done. What potion are we doing?”
“The Calming Draught. It’s one the easiest to collect the ingredients for, but just complicated enough to earn a high grade on,” you explained, looking back down at your textbook.
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Sirius commenter as he sat down across from you. “Yes well I’ve been here for nearly three hours now, whilst you were off with some girl in a broom cupboard somewhere,” you offered him a sarcastic smile.
“Stop being so jealous L/n, it’s not a good colour on you,” he teased, offering you a lazy smirk, “Besides, you could be one of those girls in the broom cupboard if that’s what you want.”
You pushed your potions textbook over to him and gestured at him to read it. Looking at his handsome face, his chiselled jawline and the way he ran his tongue across his bottom lip as he started reading, you couldn’t blame the girls. In fact, you weren’t entirely sure you’d be able to say no yourself.
Over your dead body would you ever admit that to him.
“I can assure you that is the last place I’d ever want to be,” you lied.
About a week later, you were sat with Lily eating dinner when you noticed Sirius entering the Great Hall.
Lily noticed the change in your demeanour and tilted her head to one side, silently asking if you were okay. You gave her a nod and a fake smile, one you were glad she didn’t look too much into.
The black haired boy sat beside his friends at the end of the table you were sat on; you could hear them laughing and joking around. Allowing yourself a glance over as you took a sip of your drink, you saw Sirius was already looking your way, so you quickly turned back to Lily.
You were so focused on not staring in his direction that you didn’t notice that he’d moved to sit beside you, until you felt an arm brush against your own. You looked up at him, your heart jolting as you tried to keep a blush from forming.
“Sirius, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked carefully. “Can’t a guy sit next to one of his friends now?” He asked with a smile, grabbing some food and putting it onto his plate. You barely noticed Lily sliding down the bench towards James as you turned fully towards him, “I feel like you want something.
“I want a lot of things. Right now though, all I was gonna ask is if you got all the ingredients for that potion or if you need me to get anything.”
“Oh! I um... I managed to get everything already, I just need to start actually preparing it. I’m planning on using one of the potions classrooms after dinner, you’re welcome to join me.”
Sirius followed you into the empty potions classroom, watching as you brought out your textbook from your bag.
“Would you mind grabbing a cauldron from the cupboard please?” You asked as you set out the ingredients.
The black haired boy opened the cupboard at the back and grabbed a cauldron out for you, placing it on your table.
“I’ve got all the ingredients here, including lavender, peppermint and crocodile heart. It says if we do this correctly, the potion should be a blue colour,” you explained to him, turning and nearly jumping out of your skin when you realised how close he was standing behind you.
“Just let me know what you need me to do L/n and I’ll do it,” Sirius said, the corner of his mouth lifting up into a small smirk. You nodded, getting started on the potion.
You were just about to add the peppermint when you glanced over at Sirius, who was sat at the table, resting his chin on his hands and staring at you with an odd look in his eye.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” You said nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear and looking away from his gaze.
”Like what? ‘M not looking at you in any kind of way,” he shrugged innocently.
You raised an eyebrow at him before shaking your head and letting out a soft laugh, “Never mind.”
The morning after, you, Lily, James, Remus and Sirius were eating breakfast.
“Anyone got any plans for the summer?” Remus asked as he flipped through the morning newspaper.
“Well, I’m going to spend it with my Lilyflower here,” James spoke dreamily as he leant his head onto her shoulder. She raked her hand through his head before saying casually, “We’re thinking of getting married.”
Sirius choked on his pumpkin juice and Remus leant over to pat his back, “You’re getting married?!”
“We’re thinking about it. What with the war rising and all, we don’t want to wait in case heaven forbid something happens to us,” Lily explained. “We know we want to spend the rest of our lives together, so why not make it official,” James added.
“You’ll need a wedding dress! Oh there’s been some really lovely designs come out recently, we’ll have to take a look once we get back home,” You grinned at Lily.
“I want something simple I reckon, nothing extravagant, maybe a bit of lace,” she mused.
“That would suit you so well. There’s so many pretty designs, I saw a few when I was shopping with my cousin for hers - I think I’d want one of the ball gown ones, or maybe a mermaid cut.”
“That’s if you can trick some poor sod into marrying you,” Sirius muttered, though it was loud enough for the table to hear and you knew he knew it.
“You’re insufferable,” you scowled, “Why are you being such a git?” This earned a half-assed shrug from him. If Sirius was honest with himself, he didn’t really know why he was himself, all he knew was that as soon as he said it, he regretted it.
That, and he realised he kinda wanted to be that poor sod he spoke about.
“One thing for sure, I don’t think I ever went to get married,” he covered smoothly.
“Oh?” Lily asked, subconsciously running her hand through James’ hair, “You don’t?”
You looked up at him in curiosity too.
“Nah. It’s... it’s not for me. I couldn’t stick to one girl,” he shook his head. He was lying, he just didn’t want to admit the girl he would settle down with probably wouldn’t settle down with him.
“Oh right... I forgot who we were talking to,” you said, shaking your head. “What do you mean?” Sirius asked with a frown.
“Sirius Black: a new girl every night, no strings, no feelings. Never taking anything further. Leave them before they leave you right?”
That hurt him. Somehow, despite everything he’d been through with his parents, you sharing that you thought about him like that hurt more. He glared down at his plate. “Yeah, I’d prefer that than being like you. At least I know I’m wanted,” Sirius retaliated, not thinking about what he was saying until the words had left his mouth. He froze - why did he say that?
You gave a fake smile, and let out a humourless laugh, “I don’t have to deal with this.” Standing up, you grab your a few bits of food and bid goodbye to James, Lily and Remus - “I’ll see you guys in class.” - before heading out of the Great Hall.
“Y/n, wait!” Lily jumped up, running after you.
“Padfoot...” Remus shook his head at him. Sirius clenched his jaw, “What.” Sighing, James took a bite of his toast, “Just, sometimes you don’t know you’ve got a good thing when you’ve got it.”
“What are you talking about,” Sirius frowned. James nodded in the direction you had just ran off in. “Y/n?” Sirius said in surprise.
���I see the way you look at her Pads.”
Sirius scoffed, shaking his head.
”You look at her like she holds all the answers to the universe, like she’s your moon and stars, like you can’t bear to be without her. You like her. You do, don’t lie to me Pads, I can see right through you.”
Sighing, Sirius looked down at his drink, “So what if I do, she doesn’t like me like that.”
“You don’t see it, do you?” Remus let out a small smile as he turned the page of his newspaper. “See what?”
“You’re fucking oblivious mate.”
“I don’t know why I let him get to me,” You shook your head as you stood outside the bar. “It’s because you care about him,” Lily said gently, squeezing your shoulder gently.
“Yeah? Well I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care about him, or his stupid face or his stupid suits or his stupid... jawline,” you sighed.
“I... I think I love him, Lily. I didn’t think I did before, but I’ve realised I do. And he’s an asshole. An utter and complete asshole and I... I fancy the fucking pants off of him. And I didn’t even realise. He came into the library after clearly being with someone the other week, his shirt and shirt a mess and-and I got annoyed. I thought it was just because he as a person annoys me but I’ve realised... well it’s because I wanted to be her. Whoever she was.”
Lily wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into a hug. “I think I’m just going to go to my dorm and skip class,” you whispered, hugging her back, “You head back to James and enjoy the rest of the day, okay?”
You pulled away, smiling encouragingly at Lily, who looked reluctant to let you go.
“I’ll come to check on you later,,” she finally said helplessly.
”I’m counting on it.”
“She likes you,” James said bluntly, shaking his head at his best friend. “What are you talking about?”
“She likes you. And you sleeping with other girls all the time hurts her,” James said as Lily rejoined the table.
“What? No it doesn’t,” Sirius shook his head, though he didn’t sound certain.
“Are you sure about that?” Lily asked. “Of course I’m sure, why would she care who I sleep with?”
”Why would anyone?” Lily posed the question pointedly. Sirius shrugged, staring down at his drink.
“For Merlin’s sake, she likes you Pads. Fuck, for someone so smart you sure can be stupid,” Remus said.
“Y/n doesn’t like me. Don’t be ridiculous,” Sirius shook his head. He paused for a moment as the news sunk in, “Y/n likes me?”
At the nods from Lily and James, Sirius jumped up and ran out of the hall.
He sprinted towards your common room, dashing around a corner as he saw a glimpse of your h/c hair.
“Y/n! Y/n wait!”
“Y/n!” you heard your name being called out. You turned around to see Sirius chasing after you.
“What could you possibly want now? You’ve been nothing but a dick to me! I thought maybe we’d become friends through bloody working together but clearly I was wrong! So what is it? What do you want?”
“I want to tell you I’ve decided that maybe I might want to get married some day.”
“What? Why would I need to know that?”
“Because I’ve found someone I want to marry.”
Your heart clenched - that hurt more than you expected.
“I thought you ‘couldn’t stick to one girl’,” you pointed out bitterly, raising an eyebrow in surprise. He gave a small shrug, “Yeah well, maybe I’ve decided I want to.” “Why the change of mind?”
“Someone changed it for me,” he smiled.
You nodded, swallowing as you tried to keep the smile from falling off your face, “Why are you telling me this?”
He leaned forward and it was only then that you realised how close he was to you. Your breath caught in your throat as you found yourself getting lost in the darkness of his eyes. He leant down slowly, nudging his nose against yours as he brushed his lips across your own gently. You smiled sadly, pulling away from him slowly, patting him on his chest.
“I er... I should go...” you said softly, moving out of his arms and trying to walk away. Sirius’ heart clenched, “Wait!”
He followed you down the hallway, reaching out to grab your waist and pull you back to him, “Why are you running away?”
“I’m panicking!” You looked into his grey eyes and tried to step back, but he held you close.
“Why?” He whispered, as if his voice would break if he spoke any louder.
“Because you’re Sirius Black, you-you sleep with girls and leave them soon after. I-I don’t want to be just another one of them,” you stuttered softly, closing your eyes and tilting your head down.
You felt him brush his fingers under your chin and slowing move your head up to face his as your eyes opened to meet his. He leant forward, his lips just about brushing yours again, “You’re not just another one of them sweetheart.”
“Then what am I?”
Sirius let out a breathy laugh and shook his head fondly. “You’re mine,” he murmured, before his lips were on yours.
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years ago
Got a Ride? (Ohmtoonz) ((High School AU))
“Are you sure you can give me a ride? I mean, its no trouble for me to walk home.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! I didn’t get this car just for it to look sexy!” Luke smirked. “I got it to drive around. And for it to look sexy.”
Ryan laughed.
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profxisajerk · 8 years ago
Maximoffs Disassembled
So, this occurred during a session of IC CAH last night. I wanted to post it because I really enjoyed writing Charles’ reactions to this situation - I feel like I don’t write Charles being compassionate and helpful very often, and I thought I pulled it off pretty well. Although there is one line where Charles outright lies in order to make himself look better - see if you can spot it.
Wanda - @scarlxtisms?
Tommy - @odoktor​
Billy - @apprcnticesuprcmc​
CubedCutie - @unparalleledpower​
Rahne - @wolfrahne​
Pietro - @dad-neto​
Vision - @visixnaryx​
<Charles Xavier> -parks his wheelchair next to her- Wanda . . . is there something wrong? More than your children being reckless?
<Wanda> They don't like me, Charles. I wouldn't too if what I did to them happened to me.
<Charles Xavier> They do. They were just being young. Young men are fickle by nature. I should know - I was one once, as hard as that may be to believe. -smiles slightly at his own joke-
<Wanda> Charles, you do have an idea how much I love them. All I want is to make this work.
<Charles Xavier> And you will.
<Wanda> How?
<Charles Xavier> No one could blame you for what happened. You didn't even know that they existed - in their current incarnation - until they were teenagers.
<Charles Xavier> And you couldn't have known.
<Wanda> -sighs- I missed their golden years
<Charles Xavier> They're young, and so are you. There'll be more golden years.
<Wanda> Let's go back in, Charles.
<Charles Xavier> All right. Ladies first.
<CubedCutie> Vision, you should, uh, maybe try to get your kids in line . . .
<Tommy> Uhuhh . . . spent a while being a disappointment anyway.
<Tommy> -returns to sipping juice- Anyway. No big deal
<CubedCutie> Guys, can’t you two try to get along? There must be something you two have in common . . .
<Tommy> Our looks and soul?
<CubedCutie> Okay, but maybe you two should try to act like beings . . . Not two toddlers who can’t get along. Your mom loves you and does what she can for you. Brother, maybe you should tell them how much you care . . .
<CubedCutie> I mean, I know we don’t see eye to eye, but we at least act civil, right?
<Tommy> I don’t do feelings. I think I get it.
<Tommy> -crosses his arms and leans back-
<CubedCutie> *starts drinking again* So, boys, are we going to apologize to your mother and father?
<CubedCutie> Or am I going to have to keep threatening to send Thanos to you?
<Tommy> -eyes Billy at the comment-
<Vision> Well -  we should not have expected the adjustment of being brothers to have settled easily.
<Wanda> -walks inside, and immediately sits on the couch-
<Tommy> Granted, I’m not use to family life at all
<Charles Xavier> -follows, his expression serene-
<Tommy> I don’t really talk about it . . .
<Vision> Understandable. It was too much to expect you to fall into this family without some <Wanda> You should. I'm here now, I'm your mother.
<Wanda> You'll never forgive me, I know . . . but I'm trying.
<Tommy> Being my mom doesn’t make me wanna talk about it
<Charles Xavier> Life is never that simple. People need time to adjust. ALL of you need time to adjust.
<CubedCutie> *watches from afar* Yeah, time heals things . . .
<CubedCutie> Maybe not fast, but it does.
<Tommy> It hurts things.
<CubedCutie> What do you mean, Tommy?
<Wanda> I can't turn back time again, Tommy! I wish I could . . .
<CubedCutie> Hey, the past shapes what we become - without it, well, we couldn't move forward.
<Wanda> You can. Past didn't change the essence of me.
<Tommy> Shapes us in ways that won’t change, yeah. And it’s not always good.
<Rahne> It does both. Just depends on what you do with it. An' Wanda's been doin' a damn good job with what cards she's been dealt in this life.
<Charles Xavier> All of you have.
<CubedCutie> Hey, I was used as a weapon for years, and I am not that anymore. I let that shape how I am now. I know that’s not what I am. I become who I want to be. Try and think -  who do you wish to be?
<Tommy> You’re being really quiet, William
<CubedCutie> As a mortal once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world . . . I think that’s right.”
<William Kaplan> Yeah . . . I know. I -  This is all my fault.
<Charles Xavier> This is NOT your fault. This isn't anyone's fault.
<CubedCutie> No, it’s not - It’s no one’s. Ok?
<Tommy> ---!!
<William Kaplan> Yes . . . Yes it is. I should have known better. I . . . I'm supposed to---
<Wanda> Billy. Come here.
<Tommy> -looks away. Oh No-
<CubedCutie> *hugs William* It’s ok, we can all work through this.
<Wanda> Tommy, you too.
<William Kaplan> I-- [tears up] I didn't mean to make everyone so upset---
<Vision> -just stays far away because never helpful-
<Wanda> Sunshine, no. Don't cry
<Wanda> Just come here. Let me hold you.
<Tommy> -kill bill sirens play in his head-
<William Kaplan> I just w-wanted us to be a f-family and... And now--- You're all talking about how it isn't working and---
<CubedCutie> William - it’s ok, you didn't mean it. Don’t worry, things like this happen - Vision, come help - You’re their father.
<Wanda> We're trying. I know I am.
<CubedCutie> William, I think you are good for this family . . . And I think that it’s just going to take some time . . . Being a family isn't easy . . .
<Tommy> -just gonna tiptoe out the window. he’s gonna take a breather-
<William Kaplan> N-no I'm just making things harder for everyone.
<Wanda> Billy. Come to Mama.
<CubedCutie> *sighs* No. William, you aren't. I don’t mind you . . . Living is hard and living with others, even harder. But we truly care about you.
Pietro came in and Wanda told him to hold her, so he did. She started crying and told him he's all she has left.
<Tommy> I don’t even remember why we fought. Probably that stupid . . . but gosh, aren’t I? I guess it’s natural, baby bro. You’re my perfect twin.
<Tommy> - ruffles his hair- I didn't want to make you cry.
<William Kaplan> It's not your fault. I was worried that I'd upset you. You're worth more to me than any stupid fight.
<Tommy> -he laughs- No one has told me that . . . Means a load more than you think . . . I hope nothing makes me lose you . . .  Again. I  . . . love you . . .
<William Kaplan> I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to, Tommy. You're stuck with me because I love you, too.
<Tommy> That’s good! I’ll hold it against you. Now let’s cruise back in. Walking this time.
<William Kaplan> Yeah, walking would be best. I'm kinda still a little dizzy from the drinking earlier and speeding around doesn't help.
<Tommy> I knew you’d get buzzed - he laughs as he walks to the door- I’m all fine. I wish I knew what hammered felt like.
<William Kaplan> It's not that bad. I can still walk . . . Kinda. [follows him] Maybe we can work on something strong enough for you eventually . . . Trust me, it's not as fun as it seems, though.
<Tommy> Maybe that Asgard stuff . . .
<Charles Xavier> -re enters, quietly-
<Wanda> I only have you now.
<Vision> -wellok-
<Vision> -phases away forever-
<Pietro> -scowls- What'd the little idiot say?
<CubedCutie> No, Vision! DON’T!
<Wanda> -you should be there for your wife dork-
<Charles Xavier> Be kind to the young man, Pietro.
<CubedCutie> Come on. I still care about you, and you shouldn't just leave when the pressure is too much.
<Wanda> I want to disappear. I really do.
<CubedCutie> Why, Wanda? Don't . . .
<Wanda> It's for the best. -sighs-
<CubedCutie> No, it’s not . . .
<Pietro> Wanda, please! Is there anything I can do?!
<Wanda> Take care of my twins. I'll be back sooner or later.
<CubedCutie> Wanda, no . . .
<Pietro> You know I can't leave you. Not like this.
<Pietro> -squeezes her tighter-
<Charles Xavier> Where are you going, Wanda? -frowns-
<Wanda> Come with me, then. -holds- you'll make me feel better.
<Wanda> I don't know, Charles. I don't know.
<Pietro> Of course! -will say anything to stay by her side, guess the boys gotta fend for themselves-
<Charles Xavier> You can't run away from your problems, Wanda.
<Wanda> But I can try, Charles.
<Rahne> I tried runnin' from mine. Came back t'bite me in the arse.
<Tommy> -he opens the door- We’re bACKK!
<Tommy> Aww sweet, it’s Uncle Pete!
<Charles Xavier> Or you could face your problems. Take care of your children.
<Tommy> Oh . . .
<Pietro> -scowls at nephews-
<Tommy> . . . Evening to you too . . .
<William Kaplan> [peers around tommy] What's going on?
<Tommy> I don’t feel like knowing . . .This feels like Genosha all over again
<Charles Xavier> Let's not take this out of proportion.
<Pietro> -snaps at Tommy- You don't understand Genosha.
<Tommy> We’re talking about a different time period.
<Tommy> The time you lifted Billy and ran off with him
<Tommy> Was it called Genosha? Uh
<William Kaplan> No, we visited Genosha, first. You're thinking of Wundagore, I think.
<Tommy> Transia! Yes. My bad my bad
<wanda> Let's go, Pietro.
<William Kaplan> Wait, Mom . . . Where are you going?
<Vision> Are you truly leaving, Wanda?
<wanda> I am. What's there for me here?
<Vision> Your family.
<Tommy> oH snap
<Pietro> -sets Wanda back on her feet-
<Vision> Or would you rather run away again rather than find a solution?
<wanda> You and William can come visit me and Pietro.
<Tommy> Well . . .
<William Kaplan> [nudges past tommy to stand in front of her] Wait . . . Don't go.
<Pietro> -defensively- She needs some time away.
<Charles Xavier> Does she, Pietro?
<Vision> She always chooses to have "time away".
<Tommy> She always runs off
<Vision> Every time there is something wrong.
<Tommy> She cried ‘cause we had a teenage boy fight.
<Tommy> And now she’s being dramatic. I’m not trying to be rough, but honest.
<Tommy> We already made up.
<wanda> You can't judge me. You're the one that runs away from your problems.
<William Kaplan> Mom, please . . .
<Tommy> Maybe I learned it from someone?
<wanda> You don't care about me, Thomas
<Charles Xavier> Wanda!
<Charles Xavier> Please. Don't say things you'll regret.
<wanda> Don't make me stop caring about you.
<Tommy> Everyone stops caring about me.
<wanda> You push them away.
<Tommy> Just like you.
<William Kaplan> No, that's not true, guys . . .
<Pietro> -stunned, then defensive again- She just needs someone to listen to her.
<wanda> You always are saying how has life treated you. You and all of the world. I didn't have a happy childhood either.
<wanda> But I don't hate my father for what he did.
<wanda> He had his reasons.
<Pietro> -grumbles- Oh, Father had selfish, immoral reasons.   
<Tommy> What? I never even TALK about it
<Tommy> So stop asking like I use my past.
<wanda> I'm not asking.
<wanda> I'm telling you.
<wanda> Wake up and smell the coffee.
<Tommy> I meant acting
<William Kaplan> Guys, you both have reasons to be upset . . .
<wanda> I did too.
<William Kaplan> But there is no reason to be turning on one another like this . . .
<Rahne> *shakes her head lightly*
<wanda> I created life because that's what I wanted! I had a selfish dream to be a mother . . . sorry for being selfish.
<Charles Xavier> Magneto had his reasons. But that doesn't absolve him.
<wanda> I had mine too. And here I am, condemned for being selfish.
<Tommy> You’re no help. I’d rather have Billy console me.
<Pietro> -stays silent during this conversation about children and selfishness, feeling condemned himself-
<Tommy> We had a fight, you started to bitch. I wasn’t even saying anything bad to you. Only Billy. But for a kid who raised himself, of course I’m not fucking adjusting quick.
<Charles Xavier> Wanda . . . listen to me. You told me earlier you were afraid that you'd abandoned your children when they needed you most.
<Charles Xavier> Don't make that fear come true.
<wanda> I am tired of him silently judging me for what I did.
<Tommy> Stop it! Stop assuming!
<Tommy> I looked for you. Just like Billy!
<Charles Xavier> -sharply- He's your SON!
<wanda> I am assuming because you don't fucking talk to me!
<wanda> I've tried and tried, and tried and tried - !
<Tommy> FINE
<Tommy> STOP GUILT TRIpping me! I’m not meant for this! Just like how I couldn’t live with Billy’s family! FINE
<wanda> I'm not guilt tripping you.
<wanda> Stop assuming I am
<William Kaplan> Tommy, you belong here as much as any of us.
<Pietro> -uncharacteristically quietly anxious-
<Tommy> I know what guilt tripping is
<Tommy> "Oh, I’m SELFISH!! YOU HATE ME,” putting words in my mouth and making me feel bad!
<wanda> I know what accusation looks are.
<Tommy> I know what a dramatic lady is
<wanda> Do whatever you want, Thomas.
<Pietro> -quietly- Wanda, please don't ignore your children. Believe me, you'll regret it.
<Rahne> Be grateful ya have a mother who cares! That ya HAVE a family that doesn't want'a condemn you to hell at e'ery chance they get!
<wanda> I'm done. -walks away-
<Vision> This is no solution.
<Pietro> -dashes after Wanda and grips her arm- Wanda, believe me. You don't really want to cut off your children.
<wanda> Like Dad did?
<Pietro> Father's a monster. I just know I couldn't live without Luna.
<Charles Xavier> Tommy . . . Billy . . . I'm so sorry this is happening to you two. I hope you know that neither of you deserves this.
<Tommy> She’s getting mad . . . for all the times I never talked about my feelings
<Tommy> I haven’t even told Billy my feelings.
<Tommy> I’m aggravated . . .
<Tommy> Or my past. Someone shouldn't stick you up for being closed off for safety.
<Charles Xavier> She's not really angry at you. She's angry because of things that happened before you even came into her life, and it's not fair of her to take it out on you.
<Tommy> But she doesn’t get mad at Billy.
<Tommy> Just me
<wanda> Charles, stop.
<wanda> You're not an angel.
<Tommy> He’s better at talking
<Tommy> I want to listen
<wanda> Well, listen to him. You never listen to me
<Charles Xavier> Wanda, this is beneath you. You sound like your father right now.
<Pietro> -snaps- Stay out of this, Xavier.
<Charles Xavier> -gives Pietro that 'i love you, but I'm Very Disappointed In You' look-
<Pietro> -snaps at Xavier- As if you know what it's like to be a parent.
<Charles Xavier> -raises his eyebrows faintly at Pietro, but otherwise doesn't rise to it-
<William Kaplan> Mom, that's not fair.
<Vision> Wanda, you are accusing him of things he has not done.
<Vision> You expect too much of him too quickly.
<wanda> I expect much of everyone. I give too much to be pushed away by my mistakes. You know it, Vision. Didn't you push me away?
<Tommy> You're literally blaming everyone
<Tommy> It’s in the past. Be civil. Rational.
<wanda> I'm tired of blaming me.
<wanda> No one knows what it’s like to wish and lose
<wanda> No one knows what it’s like to be looking for something that was ripped from you.
<Tommy> Dad’s right. What do you want from me?
<wanda> Nothing, Thomas. I don't want anything from you anymore.
<Pietro> -frowns at Wanda-
<Tommy> Uh-huh . . . That’s a first.
<Tommy> If you say so.
<Pietro> -folds his arms over his chest, irritated-
<wanda> If you buy a lottery ticket to win money day after day and you never win, you'll end up letting go.
<Tommy> Fancy way of disowning me
<Tommy> After you provoked me so much.
<wanda> I'm not disowning you.
<wanda> Stop putting words in my mouth.
<Tommy> Then say them clearly
<Vision> You are choosing to run away, however.
<Vision> It is nearly the same.
<Charles Xavier> -heads out into the kitchen-
<wanda> -just looks at Vision-
<Pietro> -gestures broadly- She's only asking for a break.
<Tommy> If she says so . . . Let her have it
<Tommy> I just try and fit in.
<Tommy> I don’t want anyone mad at me.
<Tommy> I am just . . . no good . . . at this.
<Charles Xavier> -there's a crash as if someone dropped and shattered something. Charles sticks his head out of the kitchen, apologetic- I'm sorry, I appear to have broken a glass.
<Charles Xavier> Tommy, do you think you could help me sweep it up?
<Pietro> -rolls his eyes-
<William Kaplan> [pulls tommy towards the kitchen] Yeah, we should help, come on.
<Tommy> Yeah, sure. On my way -comes over after finding the broom and dust pan-
<Charles Xavier> Thank you so much, boys.
<Charles Xavier> -shuts the door to the kitchen behind the two of them once they get in-
<Tommy> No problem, Professor. It’s all good . -entering and motions the broom- Now, is this just about the glass?
<Charles Xavier> To be honest, Tommy, I didn't see any point in you having to stand there and listen to that. I can't talk Wanda out of saying and doing whatever she wants. But I thought at least I could offer you an out.
<Tommy> Yah . . . I try to fit in. Me and my dad are on good terms after meeting. Me and Billy? Excellent ones. But me and my mom . . . always seem to bump heads.
<Charles Xavier> -shakes his head- I had the same problem with my father. My brother was the apple of his eye . . . and I always got blamed for not living up to him. But you see, it wasn't my fault, or my brothers.
<Charles Xavier> It was his.
<Tommy> Uh-huh . . . I can relate to you, then. But then aren’t you comparing her to your dad?
<Charles Xavier> Yes.
<Charles Xavier> My father had his own reasons for acting the way he did. But he was still in the wrong. And he still hurt me and my brother.
<Tommy> Really? I don’t blame her . . . for what hurt her. But I’m just too insecure to be open. I barely knew her and she expected too much. She thinks I don’t want her, but she made me feel really bad.
<Charles Xavier> You didn't do anything wrong.
<Tommy> I had parents before her in this life. They were no good. And her introducing herself like one puts me on edge. -he sighed-
<Tommy> I don’t know, but she’s turning my uncle against me
<Tommy> I wonder what my dad thinks.
<Charles Xavier> I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have two sets of parents hurt you.
<Tommy> You . . . You’re more understanding. She makes it a suffering game . . . Because she had more life trouble,  I should be able to open up quicker
<Charles Xavier> -quietly- I wouldn't be surprised if her father did the same to her.
<Tommy> It’s messed up. Grandpa really hurt them both. I just don’t understand why she’s mad at me and not Billy too. Not that she should be.
<Tommy> It makes me feel like I keep doing something differently. Wrong.
<Charles Xavier> Pain makes people irrational. That's all. It has nothing to do with you.
<Tommy> I’m really awful at talking about my, uh . . . feelings. But . . . you’re right. I just don’t think I can make it up to her. Or her to me. I feel too out in the open after it all. But that’s exactly what she shamed me for.
<Charles Xavier> You don't need to try to put things back together right now. You need time to heal.
<Tommy> -he does a very out of place laugh derived from how nervous he was- Yeah I.. I’ll keep it in mind. You’re uh . . . Real good at this . . . talking thing
<Charles Xavier> -laughs- It comes of being a teacher. You learn as much as your students do.
<Pietro> -glances at Wanda-
<Pietro> Wanda, you know I'll go wherever you want to go.
<Vision> Best not encourage her to leave her children.
<Vision> -casually floats outside-
<wanda> Let's go, Pietro. There won't follow us now. -she holds his hand, and disappears
<Pietro> -disappears with Wanda-
<wanda> Thanks for doing this with me, Pietro. I love you so much.
<Pietro> -glances around, startled- I know what it's like to have a child taken from me, and then to be rejected by the same child.
<Pietro> I love you too, Wanda. I just don't want to see you in pain.
<wanda> He was so happy when he was a baby. He was my sun and stars. He was happy and . . . I deserve it.
<Pietro> You deserve to raise your children.
<wanda> They're not mine. I'm like the horrible mother that gave their children I'm adoption because she can't raise them.
<Pietro> -frowns- No, you're nothing like our father. And there's nothing wrong with their adoptive families. You can still provide extra care to them!
<wanda> You know what I want. I want to wake up to the times where he was a toddler and tugged on my skirt to ask for a drink.
<Pietro> -sighs and gestures frantically- Ialwaysbelievedyouwouldmakeagoodmother,Wanda. AllIcansayisthatIwouldneverlivewithmyselfifIgaveuponLuna!
<wanda> -leans and kisses his cheek- You didn't. Crystal did.
<Pietro> Iknowhowyoufeel,butyou'llbemissingoutonsomuchmore...!
<wanda> He had the cutest cheeks, remember? He was always fighting for me with William. I was a good mother back then. Until I left him with those people.
<Pietro> -shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair- Idon'tknow. ItfeelslikeCrystalwastheonethatdidn't.
<wanda> You can leave whenever you want. I'll stay here until I die. I won't come back.
<Pietro> -startled- Where is 'here'?
<wanda> No idea. -shrugs-
<Pietro> And what about the Avengers?
<wanda> They'll figure out what to do
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